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Whitby Keystone, 3 Aug 1905, p. 5

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attie .r (0 SOMMER THINOiS ýents. an Stock Dd a slip- >Slutely 4 SHBURN NOW 1H I":DEMANO AT ROSS BROS. e... s Hoes, ythiiig - When you hear of sometbing new and particu- larly nice in wash fabrics, cornrglit here and we will show you the goods. This season lias. been prolifie of novelties in liglit weights and ligît colors. There are many of these goods you wil not know about uùless you corne in and see thedi- audwhen you see them you will recognize a need for sorne of them, and now you are perfectly safe in buying sorne of this light, cool, gauzy goods, as the hot wea- I$ ther is here to- stay for sorne time. fering -the following for July. 7BY &n, Mpany of ftIVI defeatel ,iy 8-1. i -the Chippé6. ~auday. Osaaby a iht Pnrkr, To.. E>ID. .ocbt. 7- lWe arof Furitivities-white India Silk Blouses, ini sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, at $2.00 each. White lawn Blouses, sizes 32 to 40, ail this season's goods, qnality unquestioned $1.00 each. Ladies' black India Silk Blouses, sizeos32, 34, 36, 38, at $3.00 each. Ladies' colored India SiIk Blouses, in navy blue, receda, green, light brown and creama, ini sizes 34, 36, 38, at $3.50 each. Til âthe aboie goods we offer the widest ralforý coi*e. Aise a cemplete rngme of LaciedReay-to-wear Shirt ait Suits at U20% $3.00, $3.50, and White.' Pique Skirta at $1.00, $1.250 81.50 each. Your size is here in the style yen like. Ecooy eni~ts to this stgoe asd satisfcton awats ou îiýÏsat .80w .400. .125~ Feumisi 1702 boesust~1704 -'Tm liait Buig, Brook Brt 4 Dru EpieWJ.* IL v*Ontario. I. T« grrSTO te iudependeut la PoUlieS. SUdj wMi adv*cat. wbat U believuete bla luthe bea.t hi- tereslof tbe eommîn ' 1 1%è SusoiptiML . laoehndred ce' -fOr Ofty.two Issei, wIi.OU lasd Iivance-41.£t 'heu CiuulÂsAtlagmmutsabouM mclitb 10 Of- Sms met Iter tban ?ua.dai noon. toIe inur-8 tion l tu mcuirîat Isue. AmetWa.t.d inu&U .1 Im of u et hCouflti. C. A. GOoDFELLOW, MSitrsumd Naiager. Experience ca Oood Teacher. The acddewt to the.steamer Ar- gyle on 8Uiurday laibt. which occur- rod during a derate fog. le a most re- grettable eue, but one which mlgbt happen to a.ny boat and any crew. lu tact similuir acekion-té, have oc-' curred times 'rîthout number In the past. It msesnow, Chat expert as thie captain aud crmw of the Ar- gyle maf be, notwi,4aidiug the assurance of our f riend ,Mr. A. W. Jackson W~ tho eGatrdry. they are not aIways noietute <ll exactly wherc they are in a fog. W%,e kjne w at the timo that Mr. Jackàon, ln bis letter in a reply tu an lteoe ln this paper. 'ras Ietthmig off a fittie bot air for etcet - but w-e did not anti- cipate that a proof of the. tact woul so on be given. 15 stands to reason that. while marînons may have a gemerai ;lea as to their- lo- cat;on lu a densoe rug. or where tboy ought to hé, they cannet know wbc- ther <bey are Psexsc niy u heir course or au in the case of the. Argyio on Saturday a few bundreil Yards-of f the. cOulre. The accuent Las proven that fog borna are absulattly esaautialI i. 5 the. safet.y of bout maid passengers. andl <bat the utmost ekill wmli not always aiail uhen osb ang thick sud heavy. The. geueral manager of the. -com-. pany. Baw0 Judgo Morson, one of the ottareboiderra, have been reported as saying that fog borna at thé bar- bore sand a1ou3g the shores are ueces- mry-. w'mci tact. rqawoon sd ex- porience cesflro. ,Manager flaiett bas astated that tire drIli and 1if4boat dmiiiarc practlsed weekIy on the Augyle. Tii. ,Toronto 8a ~sé Itin ,onifortlal 'to h. intorimei that ther. la ait t patient lk nuce and pnelaratlou for* aedentt that ar, neyer oxpeùted to -happet,. These Grflla ud rclesa1s probabir take #pise -(nthé - desd 'rtehbeof tii. ulbt,wibi lou 'rettablé, S' tiiora a&» msy who'wroui lt pi theim wlth li utset, a"d camers tien" dWhwlivoluliko to <etipw tures et tiieg erormanom-s. lutý amuug héa wlO bsuwbt tbe Wr frontthboe,..are 1ev '-Who bave, ee bauafortuate eno*gli-ta, 6tüà9 1-0 a c>rawonudergolug d4wL : Wby boid, tkia woftk b. doup le a. Ga iar Ise OC t tbeulbt, wibo tb "elg tet -t pvbUW * ould vt eu e Cwpr,1w so* ( people. 'wo bae Comm it4~oguedt llteboato ou its tbb4iop 1 --- i as 11erew 0 ooiSnlotth eua tios? .Nool~ alam*ad w~pi~o.4 .prihg. goose. zIibg et- tc bocoune .DumnagMlte. TÙe wàIîon peems t he t raea k e fe'nW oii tht; wr.sýtside-, 0ftefrn severaj tiràeê.as two utakes- Weto broken, Off bbharp where tha WNbéels s trUck. ,Then - th"boy;,wus Cbrow» off e ths Ibb "tt~h~ whelaiiltîkâ&_ÎelIo'y on ;-' the The mg~ther at the busàe bear&dtile rattieet <lý ue- W ; on anti- ruahe back into the, Ian. gto a.. the-canse. There mini szw what tutrned. ber fae pale and tuade ner heurt ac-he-ber boy lying on the. ground with blood ooztng from the. woüunù -hie hh.a&i Mns. Corner imnieffiately râan acroas the fields; to a mieighborl's lo aummon help, aud Mr. Causiab Spencer was found, %vho huarrioti to the seene of tho ateoideni. anil carried the boy to the home. Mr. Speucer thuugbt lie deteeted & f lu -ter of the heurt when he reauhed 'the boy, but on reaubing thé house death bail aurety enîqnL-3 The amedent touk place about 10.30 O'cit.ck. " Dr Mioorti-. of Brooktin,' wiqs SO at the fiome. anfd euw the rcmain%, pronouucîug the youth deul.. The blow to the. n.ther. in the ab,4ence or the tath,'r, xsras & terrible one, and] completeiy prostrated ber, for some dayn ber lite beg de- r-pairod of. She ls uowv, howvever, improving. When 31r. Corner returned. it wast a sud memsage tinat greeted hMn andl * sad 8ight that his oyes balielil. When ho 'rent away his boy 'ras full of 111. andi bcltb; aow he lay cokl and stillila hii. Isat ion; uleep. Tihe tuners! was heM ion Fridsy atternoon to Groveslde uc-,metery. A i'ery large concoure of peuple at.. teuded and tbu*b evidefteed their sym.. pathy for the deepýIy bereaved tan> ily. Rev. LE. Tonkinpaator of the Methodist charch, conducted the funerai service. The, psul bearers 'rere - - Cecil Crosaiman, Arthur IMe- Braen. Ru-'±.'elI Heard. Russell. Jouet, Walter Rotera and ROY Wa.gner mdhooluata and playmates of de- Orvis Corner hail reschod the. age or 12 yoars, 10 m,,.rtias aud 20 days, and 'rab the hhird of a a mIîty ofsix chiltiren. ie 'as imot A large boy for bla age, but h. wuus briglit, man. nerly, obodient and iIndustrions. At sehool b. hsmd pas&"d 1m<o the Jun- ior MI chuse. The deail boy and the taml17 dos# 'rere luseparable companlo" ne.d a, very grea-èt àtathut exiEtd bs. -tween thon>. Orvis bail traais d»ICI to haul him about lInoPoMit 19 Ïmmm. mer sud a bled lu wluter, sud l littie carnage or .led orvl uadol many a trip te lCiaa VIlgeo messaglefor 'th#$ tamily. -ACte boy'@ demtb the dot, ubOw MOny endoubted signa OC sOrrow,. 8peakingefth<le dead yroutb usailli. borie gave the report«er0to uncler.: stand thait Orvia (.ouarner as a bk*o lad.a gtmoeanniboys- a wU~ baveil boY. -*1iiii ntn4êt deast b caiumel a igneaLt demIfou and sylpdathe Ini thlem-cmftitY. a ~h.iv àiisr.n1w iait -.hil U - 1U~I UA~ W ~ ZtK J..5KUU~ dsisoefloeoeaobbiiafa, 700 LEIBIO!BPITOUR~ Cornüe.. thon, andi with ur chti What et Oodls boun ty May IL aven ; Câatin Son' Jesns ail our care tnd closely walk wvith lm àidren be to TROS. WRÂ'y.1 A Flower Effeet in a Farm Home. "OAn objeCt-lZebg-n, ShUWing iiOW ach may be accomplirwht at a, conuylratively tritflng coot ln effort and moncY. iii thW' way ot beantlty.- ing the homo surummdings le' fur- isbged on. tii.tanm of M. Crawferth, on the. base Iitàa -betweeu Osbawe sud Whithy. Mr. Crawotenba lieuse stands some 60 yards bock f rom the road'ray vith a-%well-kept drlveway leading lu a straight Une trom tli. public theoonghtsxé. A itti. to«eaei à4de of tht driveway are orchards witii a nuat gra* lawn êu'tiudia froun thetrecb <o tii. gravel. ýA. strip of the graes, on the. eastý, aide of- theie atr&neo, tfty yardlul iength -sud ire foot iun '145h. 'rau plowed udr ene 'rot day ln léAt barvest, sud the sod 'ras later on rel worced duwn. à load sud, a hait et masure 'rao afterwards Bnp.. plie&d a!on top oet tua &gala 'roi, places! tan or twelve loade of b"'mo 1ban>, takon Irom Iti. site of an Ok barn. The. stnlp w'A.aworketd UP again thissmprng iugti a ouîlvatori, and at the. propor time. p-auted vlth, ftow«er ds. At-theonoter edge Ot the. &trip, uigalost the. backgrumd- of oeeof the orebards. there 'ras plantod a row o et« e.tpas.Wiie tes. oama up a notwork of,'rire 'ras stretchea alung for support. Tiie peau are nov ueanly i% fe, lu hoigh:, sud -a ma .. ef purpl. end- wbite bun. lu Iront ot tii. puas are nuaï urtms. a9ters, awrkpurg, and otiier brigit blooidg anu Tii.- wiole préents <fon m s Of varlagates! cier. atretohla; alunent troié the iloor ol the. bouse *te CIE WWtnet oulyte thte ,,:,",. ýti:bonwbolS!,but to evry passer by en <the Public road!., No. wliere lias a nierabematltul affect bein arodnued '(tbii s Itti. labo'.. iy............ BukWhe.t...... Qat.............. <. NO. 2........... Rod, No. i.eý.. ......... Red, No. 2 ............ Timothy Sd... PLOUE A"D >m Flour, per cwt......... Choppid Food, cwt ... Coimneal ............. Bran, per-ton ......... Shorts, per ton ........ ., 7<M1 50 >72 0 0t 0o'410, 850M0te $6,00 40050 ô5O 3 00loe &-0 4 50,to, 560- 90 toi1100 £Fm. 275 to P8 000to 2 go 9 oo 25, 0 0 25 00 NIÂT, PoTLT AN!> PIODUCL--ï Bofbý,quarer per cwt cat e, t wShtbut. MUttnper lb ......... Jiogu, ie wih Hops$lightfat . Hopa, huaVy fat .. P. K pr ... Doks, -peu........... eeedrsed per lb.... lard...:............. s Ra per b ...... 81w, per lmd.ï..... 325 t 87 50 0 00th 0 10' 30-"to 40S 0 00 tg: ô00 0 _W) te-,5 W- 00t'6,75 0 00, 1. 8S:oc 0 101O Io 0 leto iJ - 01 il tg 011 U0 014 0O1Oto D14 100 t 1.25 0 00 to24S» s800 tQ 0.» s'ObWa,3a0 -l >Oe 00 8iiepss~ 1 00 to 1-25- ?allovÀrned, peulb o 04 eS*0ê ttim....... ll.....e-, .à*10 W030- ýWazm . m O1eekjr#iz9 %POL %% se»t lu PM"T om 1 an abs mi we.

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