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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 1

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s jj V&WlleXTEY I RSDÂ, ÂGUST 17,,905 c I t * i * * * * * * * * Furniture Cheap SIELLING -OFF SELLINO OFF, At and under cost. Stock k must ho soki. Some Great Bargainse Cail and geL. some. ýWM. -TILL & SON. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Golng West 6.29&.u Golng Eaxt 8.45 &.M. Il 8.29 &.M. t 8 .07 p.ix. :1" Lob P.m. 4# té 19 p.un. 4 ' 8.06 p.un. SUndaY " 9.58 . oth 8.29 am-. traindom. sot go wtMqiiday imorning. W1iITIY STATION. Oohng North 5.07 a. <iGSouth 5.086 s. 4.16 pa.. 12t I.40 p.. " " 0.4 p.lu. 64 "640Moa.M STAGES. Leaý% à Wbit.by for Ohawa at10. &.m. "ad4 p.m. Hoilden, propultbO. tAAvO. for Brougham £8 10 a..u. J. A. floyt pro. pintor. MCALS AARRI. Vrou W. a"d&M.4 .Prou Weit 8.465&-M SWest I930 L. , aI£Eut90 a.tn Prom lBrougham 8.30 p.m, For NPitIi 748 &-m- Wm un.<>m-u For Oshswa 8.30 p W. imd E. so8 p.m:. WSt 9.00 pa.ZD PROFESSIONAL CARDS. orp. aduum PHYSIýOIAN, SURGEON AND 04nocCoUCH0EtTR&» ïi;u2ý Taï: 4t t~uhIy o Tru Lfera. p-'puy ~.mooe>' to Lama. JE) ~0 CO. toak ttirn- 11IIaor" iprou- Stown, Itobin ton, ic1e-p resl- aand D. accomiit. superin- uibber Ca.o - 225 feet If on thé he high or Creck-. wlil be wil) be ovP4 ma- iXpeot te Y for oc- «_« Terus. suwÏng = A Fatal Accident ai the ewer House. Air. Qeerge lordan lecfro0tcd WkAuleing IolusIs utr<s. 2200 VOltS Offt cfty 1K1ll.ça- fmployec of the Town. - - - ~ I Death corne wlth iigbtuilusg rapk<L. .aIl. Ousorething us wrong uvlr.- ity to Mr. Geocrge Jordan, st the and au Mr. CIatwPrtby suiv the -power bouse at the lake on Wedues- flamef.s treaming f rum hie fIngers, day night &bout 11-80 o'clock. The lie se-ized hlm and pulled im nf rom work off lkhting the town bas beeu the. ,wltehboard. Cafring hlM --te performeti lu two vhif ts, divideti q- heopen wludow. but hc Iumedlutely paily between Mr. Jordan and Mr. vipire~d lu bisa arroi. Wm. Clatwortby. Last night at Il À couple of yachtsmen trom TO. p.m. Mr. Clatwarthy *veut down to ronto were lu the building at ,the 'the power houwatut»reiieve 1fr. Jol ime, sud' hciped ta si.,cure mediCai dan. who d been- on duty *luoe help trom towic( Dr. Warre1 a W& thîce o'clack yesterday aficrnoou. gsoon on thee bpat, but nrououiDed Ufr. Clatworth.y has mlot bocu en- lifIe extiut gaged ln lb. plant vcry long, and The body *a removed to Niehoi. %ç.a under instructions tram hie tel- son & Boldon*b,,undtrtakig roofli low wurkmiu. Tùe l1ht6 Wl te here an Inquetiras hekd to-day. not burutng pruperty last nlghtà andT! he deceuad, wvho %ç" una:I Mr. Jordait was explaifnhng the m e wivc ith hWbie iter ln the claiausin ta 1Mr. Clatwortby. and giv- bouste formeriy occupled by Mr. Wor- Ing tim i nstructibons as ta how to f 01k at the bay. and came here from bwitch 0oit1the rv<retIlgluts wbeu iParry Sound) a nuniber 0f jearn ago. iàc.ce.api.y. To dJo thit. two Cap..i Guing luto partnOibhp %%thttMea. .. lier bars, ctlled arc plugiar Inl-' ,,V.£ûwtri. now of ;1rz'ckv1t1e, they bertet) ln the st4chtbcnlhrd. T bey botsght cle icud tecti lilît lkiIt bave lumuuted handles. and rubber aid a.nductcd ~ic buosùe" ti11lbl giheds to keep t%'Le hand& f rom coin- was taken Over by thto twi lait lîîg in contact witlh 1e metaliparte. yesr. He was a etteadi, lndustrionq la explalulng tu hts assistant. 34.Mn. n a.nd ivas wcel hàk.d bY PéOffla Jardan' pleku.d upi these pluge and % j11h whum ho camje j1 voutaý3., AI- with a finger of ecCtiband)praject- iway« oblicig andsud iiig ta ès- ing cvr thle shîcids un the imatai ulair, îthe meeanisnaofthIle inarlîin. bars. ho Wiutrated how tîey ehoiîld ery tinder ies <are, be ili be greaté. lbo piaced inithtimr rowpective places. yiy meved Ib7 vibiturb tuth le îower ne bad no Intention of switu-hing On1 hou*eý, and ad.h bus nàauy >~friend4l the arc llgbtis. put accidentu.ily cnd atmocriat.es; town. whc. deeply touchod the swltcbiboa.rd wltu eaci eg t he accktent that lbas eut bar. forming a short cîrçuàt, and aibout'a useful ldé. ai d.,pr>vvd' the L22,00 vol ts of eiec-trlci%',v sho t throug iàtomli nof oue (Pt i ternu'<t vaituedi ec. his body. He lnâtautly turned audI ploy es Mrlfianilssy Stili ln the WiIds. IWhere Gi le uow thorels lots lV tue imôple loile, ani' theres lots Iv pet- pil a thrylu* tu catch up ià4 -it. Roal hifaloofîn' cuoappleti who go«s about wud bleti shlrtui an' astlff col- lors aholdin' tbeir begs tut the at- motphere whin at borne, lits thtS- sute c.loupe ao uthe .uminer rosante au" huilera. An' the. purty ladies as ireàn* fhraints twolos as long au yen aria that ehwapes 1the :014> walh lIV thé, Cil> as clame s a new Whit tlear' con csie t 1 go in aswlmmlu' wld shirts abovo, thein knays, "' wld waisits as 10w ast the. iowesî. BedasO ifs a tarbie lot IV peepuna whist doos nothin' fer a long tolme ln 1the sommer. -Me fnînd -Paz ubed 10 5"y auswhat lhe wanit lay ispaelhioss fer six long Iwakee Iu the moii'h IV August, ýau* ait bie cry vas'wa.Lher! watber' It remoinds nue fluaI1the hot nanti iv August aI ilonue sanes lii bg ail IV six wakes long, but whln wa, la a bolidayin" the meuth seens :11 lue Oniy about fue wake long. ïven the pruceleri wo a" 1"ery wan lknaws doos acthîn' aucii ailtii. ear. lavesl thoir job la Auguet au* tiirys fil la" lme simple Io; Jsint s If thein, wilojob wassut es simple as cd The. bard wurk&u' min &% ýwhat- nuaakea the.breaktast f ocul wilciwe fills- p un Kt ttl Cost af lthe figt male lu thed. amres bor~e. $ompeepi ,bas a suspicion lua IbleeMin cf feu luikes%0 visit tbeft oa*Wdut &W tomber restons. No* wIu&1 WmOUhI t be!.er swous Yu tblab? ut bu. funolued fugelbreakfsaê100McI n'LO , JWiduo e MOfflâby -th. mille 4' ~ ~ De flue. teber aiMs., alwu thiie oibav f Imtteiit 7 la k le 1s o- a t si, "»" ' t " &, About the Baude iEditor Ke>atoitc: Dean Sr,-Delieî lug thore han been a lot of mîûeu83n~a.mos gthe majority ort ho okîlenb ofutIbla te" în regard t10hlbad.1. take lthe liberty of explaluntn a fe-At iattens eoueenning tbus popolin onguanipu.. lion, amiIcIuaa.y.oput thiago lelm* suluab wà"tlet thfle gence,&lpu:' lie a momo.sOta th1e tt'otubi etl'ask -a number ut bandsmen la town about lii. mat.. ltt audti leani the. foowlmagtaets;. lu lte tinetplace 6aum4m ,peoplu sIca. agino bClat a band bts &a ýmw Mealci lugs Instltutluîu. Fe t roua t; flute pnices -îbey gel for tbulr masc in I hardi> mmet the bot lme, sud ,other expenuscoauuecmcwitii ungae. usent sud in wany cases he imeu play for a day fur lé" ttu -flue> eara nt tm <Utier«nt o=cpatIolns, sud Of t 'ngîte their têrelonai gratis 10 Institutions tu fuwsu - Th, fown gave $100> to*ards lii. instfmnmottnad ti le oltlmen. madie up the, balance sud ftbeyare now the. proponty ut th1e tw, anud are wortti abust b$M0. 'fi,buismen buave also boughtlt nmtaý fset cf thuovu Ia 'teamry. wwant tfI«t#i* tlem over au Lokn prepetv. if tekesa as g 4m ut wmowcy 14> Uam age a b»an id lnuom" the ressuu7 le l0w. It bas 10 c»Me fiom the anon tbSê .-u 1 uaoau> flw. garau ibml et . t 10 pay. tci Ileh wintr,, botr. 11;bfd notutV for anti repaIra to b&ndcuosuet., 1iso tnotruàmafs"t tut o(#*det. and te Pr"" cc" gotO - â "tooaiay ao b. (re f rom lsbees.ý 1»ii oreouSm t» tbh ius <>1 IWM.tî las otqrli* 10*> J'lm, urnoe tonahles fn-nit séu.awý 1*li- bauds of the ritleg %Vould have doue. A »Odt a o0f UiolISdifficult wouldb. 'ta builda band stand at the uoptown Park. ThieYuld be doue cheaply, sand seat. pla.eed under the, tree;_ thea tht baud eould con.- gregate any evetiDne of the %week s .d rencker oa prograni with fuir bet.. terreguii;than -they do at prt. The. boyi arc well sa.tisfied wlth sud aPp)reCcit the encouragement Riven thera ni thclr efforts to en--' tertain the public, aud my sole 011- jeot, In'vrltitig thbs lftter 1.9 f throw a litililght um rmatters per.. tainlngt t c affaire of this organ.. itâftionj andi uot t0 find fault ln any way whetever. but 1 woul very much Ilke 10 eme this band lhclped lu their lautluble derdi., bprodnce the ver> best elaa» Of music to an ap.. PreciatWve pubaIc. Tourés truly, A LUVER 0F MIlC* The Laie Urs. Gito. H. Ham. Our routiers wIill be eiucerely sorry to learu of thbcdeath or Mrs, Ham, 'n hlch Zbah plaz'a ai ontreal, on Saturday *dbt. tfter a ilIgering aud paInfuli lue..Mr& a. m a was a native of Whitby. betnjte1h. daugli- ter of -1he late John Blow, Enq., Mayor of Whltby. ihe and '1Mr. Ham ivere-marrlcd lu the-jear 1870, and for sowete lrie coutlnuued ta ne- tide ln 'Wlhltby suboequwi Ly nemor.. lng tu 0Mhtinnlpeg. where 1Mr. Hamo ecndueted tue WîinulpeC Tribune. H. 'nas afterwards appointed Itegts- tran of Selirk, sud. bater being of- fereda puvîtlau 1un the staff a01th, Canadiau Pacifie IJ.4Liwa'. lit a6 cepted If. asg the.y1' removed. to Montrent, %hpelê Ley have sduc. ne- tside*l. ludes ber hugIband, 1frs. Ham leavet ouc bon, Norman, on thte staff of the Hiallway Conuulssiouers ut Ottawa, aind ta daughterb, Mri. Beard and Ulie Bueîeyj also Ibre ileters ant ithrec bruthen.ao. neof wbiom i. aur reapecîed7 uwnsmane E R. Blow. emrMayor, ta moearn her Ioa. Many ati friends asserdbl-- tsi at the Junctioù Statlon on .Suu- day at an oêrlr hour, 'w'he-n le fu- neral took pluce tu et. Johu's. bay. church. Ttue opait-bearers were. J. B. Dow. Dr. Adame. JýUdg, 3,uth, A. M. Rom,. Julin ztanten, Tiiomns Âtkt;oôn. . The. ey&tofie extoade to Mr. ERam. Ilsç Aixco Bain, Mr.,Blow% and thue othitrmeuniert <iffithebe- reaed famlly hortfeit symputhy. XtLerrug ta L.be sud eveta To- NeW.pepe-,% and t-travelling Pub- Utc gmarlly lu addition~ te a wide cirelo f perouai frcude ii e r ~,tiko.» ngrtt f'thtl ,deMc of ara. lr ,,,wieof Mr, (George, . l**jn, 0f llla Vasan Mlwi wi ,M. *Phone 4 rling July andi Auguot oui»store 111 romain open on Tuesday andi lday evenlngs till 8.80, o'clock* If you cannot corne in the- day me, corne on these. evenige Liest Cash Px'ioe paid for Butter% and Egge. C. LAWL t7. WH] r- 1. lu deuigru=dmh.the fu bi NihIed'Slo tisio smav.Y«7 dap.l a rom in rich -and lm Trb.nwla u lilug o Inglev o o Piac o aP".oeYOIbave p.W-ý iu4oW am nu- lbes *6wolnio mm 1 lPil no#j ails1 1 tri -1 *1" cp 4; ~ - 4,- "t- No. 'Ir .1 t4ldence and Duindas mand hâtre uare, o ttuer. wlth bdea mldex. ood building id preicuse, I tber parti.

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