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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 2

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e I ;1M OUcasBIM(UdflS Mm eWarike.. ~Té W eoT Mud -Not Sew R.o.ule DeinandsMade by VI S. men@ Porbmouth, N. E#, despatch: Just at 1h. moment when an optimistlc feeing « te the outceme of the peace nego- tiious wasi '*the, ascendant, and wlith oubstantial cause, advices recciv- ed by the. Ruasian plenipotentiaries have eàM a cloud over those who had tu=iite hope for a happy culmina- tien of the Portsmouth conference. #m zru eu iUm mi mac i15m rtAdasin11 e !rà~ch Warships Enter it- the nature etfinstructions or cm- TUNND BOTR 1LANMS dated Aug.' 8, repor ts tat 4he Unsu forces operaýting tt, .aptysd letui Mandarin Mod advaaced Aug. ô towards miles South of Tauliu. T .Jepaue as sumed the offenive a"d tufrnid - bath flanka, compelling) the. Russianh to re- treat te the nàorthward- Tii. Japanes 'follewed in pureWit, and, *apfl encoun- tered part of the Rnsdaï force, which b"a halted in the. NaonTîn Gorg, but after a hot f usilade they returned to the south. The Russians in the~ Hailun- eheng distriet, the general gays, ocupied the village -of Yulangtse after a% skirmish. lIONORS TilE [R[NCI -IELt mouth liarbor. ma" dm te M. de Witte and Baron'1II Roset for their guidanee in the cou- .. , duet of the ezchauges. Tbey were 4told r#ayed M&sesuuse Passiog Nd- that the. nactivity ôf Oyama's ai-miessosflghp bad revived hope in Russie,, sud the prevzI.nce cif a. sanguine feelinfg throughout the lempire hsd brought Banquets for the Officers-Good mmny petîtions tu the Eniperor mefrheMn Sîcholas praying that pence terrarmefiteM whloh wouid bi huniliating te Russia ehonld net be ace,-pted. I gý, M 14<-Mbtheb Tiiese disquiet.ing words came to- i review the Frenchi fleet %weighed anchor yard the close cf a day, when the jandc entered PIortsmouth hanbor. Witli hopes of ail parties to the conference1 the exception of the. vist of an Ameri- hsd been raised to a marked degree, for theii.ttsession of- the pleni: cari squadron tu-o years ago, t his is the potentiarieu iras reniarkable for its folily foreign.-fleet t.hst bas ever entered VTCÉ AIIMIR A display cf cordality andi expression of Gre-at Iritain's mott jealously guardcd 0f the Freh fleet, now vii good-will. The Russian entourage , if naval a*enai. conldn-aby dprese. fr te pomiie As thbe Frenchmen passed in Nelson's ef a succensfii! outconie of thie ex-' changes haci been h-eld out. It is now j flag4aip, the Victory, nrom the Peak of N [ - IU - I declared that the. advices f rotu -t. E%.hic--i th tri-color wa.s fiyiag, saiuted 1N E M HURC Petersburg muât neceqssrily cause t hi, lient In tiirn, wliule banda niasscd on Czar'. envoya to reject at once any lier dock played the Marseillaise, The termsg demandeci by the Japanese lFrenchinen replied tu tue saintes cf the Delegates of Tw'enty-four wbleh might b. construeci by the werld Victory:, as a stigmua on Russian pride. The JA soon as tbe abipa were docked the to M7eet in New y( sudden 'change in the situatiàl ha-' civil and militai-y officies paid formai borne its fi-st fruit in a more detc'r- calis on t2iem, which -et-e later re- New York, Aug. l4.-Twenty-four rei- unined intention on the par- of thet' urued by the French cf ficers. Ports- ]lusmeian emissaries to reist thl' pa - nuouth i rlirty dcrtd n gious denominatians, contai.'i1ng 18.000,- ment cf a eaib indemnity- cheering crowds . greet -the. vîsitors on 000 commnunicant.s, have eacËh appointeci It May bc tl'at the prpgpnt feein> o! î.very banid. The preselice of a ter- frolu five te fifty delegateat m n appi-ehension over the future of th ei pedo-boat destroyer flying the Gernian tItis city on 'Nov. 15 to t-ake part in an excI8aîgeS Will Wear away uinder die tijg between the .columna of ahips at th ne r *xtremoly FatitfaIctorv cont4itiobn-- th t cosnusion of the king's review caused itrcucicn~ec nfdnto. marked tlîc firet div'q prntc't-i..: er~ cMnient. It was iearned, however, that The meeting -wil i be lin l Carnegie are likely to be cotiinued at i !î!z---h. ad corne from Kie. to tow back Ern- H-ill for a week. the ouject bcing the f cd- crient meêtitîgi% if unexpeettd dît lieui pèror Wiiaro'mcht etowich had eration ci the. Protetstaut 'forces in tics do r.ot arilse. -1-I hien undergoin e.-epgtrs nt Portsiinouth. A -a rsietRoivctýl! x it was agreed that In the oral cnfer- l'he Prencli officer% %were baîîquetted, A&c.PeietRoe~ a crics auy en iy îiglht seak thel tUis evening at the naval barrac a. -k presaed bis synipat>hy wçityethe niio-enent fougue which lie preferred to use, but 1 Speehees were made by the Prince cf and it is expected t.hat on. or morie nuem- *hat the writteîî exehanges qnd, the 1 Wales, Admirai Cailiard snd Adirai bers of bis Cabinet will 1>. able te talc. tresty o! peace, àJfoee wre concluded,'i -Sm*'à John Fisher.. Toasts to President Tat l the diecuissions of the conference. thould l bin.lathe English language.fo1 Loubet aud thé Prince of WaLles i'eri e eixty speaker on the programme and M. do W-itte é8spvially p leaded 'or ntlius"icaly bonired. - 1be prefflng csfrmers include fiVe biswh< PFreueh,' altbough b4 speaks it h1idifer- lýoftdoni, Aug. IO.-The. v1sit Of the , eps of the plroe tan't Plûppja1 ir ently. Hie doc~s net know Enl4a Frenich squadron te Portsmouth, EflW' six bishop& of the Metirn4ist Episçopal wMie itir. Takahira. who does, h as land,,and tii. eveuts eonnected with teis Churii, a. bishlop -cf the IRefornîed 1piseo littie acquaintance with French. .If a viAit,; are ieceliifg iiitisuRl attention. pal Church. a bishop cf thte 3Mouavion treaty la -mcde thero *il] b. copies il, 'Le-day the. French naval e!! icers wl body, representatives cf the Preshyt-er- Japanese sud Russian. but wher i-e ast London as t-be guesta of the. City. ian. Congregationai, Llaiptiat aud othier qusetUons uf interpretation anise the Tlwe' will be banqueted at the Guildhall, denominatîins, twe Unitcd "States- Su- Yrench version is to b. follo-wçd. lu whei-e cc-vers will b. laid for S0M. The! preme Court Justices, -two .udges et the, conversation necessary to the an- dccofitiuus threugliout the. citT are---- rangement cf thus deta.ii Baron Ko-f even more elaborate thàn on ti e oce- mura, fo1llwingî,the licence given as toa jessieu of-tiie visitaef lforeigu, rulers ta the language of thi. orsi pirocedure, bondon. cotne eui ir R FA l D 'ho eprovincial fpapers meojus..unzvum..riu. s l -nt laie ench b4 us tseeret.nry, %whlle Mieekth uisial.l tereîoil de 'Witt, as~e 1~o~s~sn nte entente cordiàle, suany o! them N V even printing tir edtiorialiun tbe &ëe See o ~asonible Demanda. Jrni ague te .Ipauese, ParliÈament, irbe - olari-îre 1 I Mr J (.Mitaipot.a 1ine OG1IWSFST- 1~Store Raided by foughs here to-dsy,-Iab's uijteted a ovel fltc'y - tb.4scusiou t- eaceterns.jle KvMle t e ble i n Four faysMNine rdC-tii reue ' a ht h JapAnese Mwould IRus agreenment, and expece sthat tiei.natter -Meptîreal, Aug. iL-Tii. AIIatiturbiner NwYrkcu. z- x~uto-day be'dc.lded by the- generai opinion of, Výrgin" au l eerluuenting with United joined lun'the strake opcrAttônb cfi ùe lbc reasonable 4%mÏrlva swlioui ho States ýua'ls on ber present trip frein Kesher, bread bakers, who are tiroseeut- bas miet, as followav: -Eugau. u tands f t.e utdo&ali previ. f lg -a bu-ed fmnîiue intê-lb&wqlai- 'Ilre a. onitMn sbds I$ ist c ods, - b# l etMovifle at 2 p. nm. ftonrof etwiYork s«d Bî-oilyn. -- Itu-- on the. question of what aeretoniut .' rlaîsdpsid .1d-aae a'. fti radwr a terma. I came to tluis country a cupe lca e , at Piarýad gmd mi .;l flavto ti redw j a et znonths ago. In tht tiî. 1-hav. e, Ie t §M5p. m. on Taday. The 1by vemen trom the. peddiers 'Who at,ý met a nknb.r. of -Seustors and ;repre- Idistance betweeIu Mo$ul1. ad-1e11le temptwdtae sdithemi. *ud thrown jute, acutativea iii Congresa, balikers and -attbý ta&teru onU-affc. te*tmta en, tii.,gutt, viiehre tthe md cauuid - by other pensons ef, promi-nence aud stand- I the eU4urse la.1,760 knoti, and, Al. rentraina instant ly -rilnedt t. e o-- - lg Wi Sani jt'rauclsce, Chicago, St. îowUu@ -troar'dfr4eel I» Louis, New York,_ ansd elsëwlvhee IJ ý erW rthe Vfrgiuuluu'bu meade 8uf bAve imade it-,& pôlt' te aik 'etesch th*4 ta iw litour dayainule lious, Tb. atrikeraattenuptid to loaste the. eue whit. he t.hought lmoutd *u* -sraOI.cfaou oviuen hop -vIil.iiIba ititis readt L iee it able, terma lor Japon te ùem*ndsu ad f ~b5ai- CCutin t. -h wvasmore pientiful to-day- ths ua nng 1 ha,,made, a Tmut of à"*& %~ e ~$.,the rTnuvcirda.ftI.rI Plsipa reaite!eah a~,y~t4AQn ctW ,1ý onkiiau ope lare -.aid toe hui, spiid 'l'me et but~~~ thtte-.wtasotunuimîltw iMVlaue b i fl,'ýhkT. *( IW1N îT0 M mmu~If. I II AL CÂILLÂRD, isiting Pertrmouth, Eng. Religious Denominatffifs crk in Novembýer. St.ate courts, a United States Senator, a CongTe&nunan, a Governor, a Mayor and several colege preiside;îts and profeissrs, edA$ors a nd minis.. Arnong the itneg to e b.-boughtbe- fore the chureh and nation bv the eon- feee are religinils edîuimtion., the »o cial order. e%,anizcliF.stion. home and fo>r- ei,-n iniqg. w, t !o!loNelip of faith, the national life and Christian prog -s.Be- ,4ces 4leclauring faithiniiithi e rential unitv of thec Protestant clNurches. eeveral qp2krq wîll reiu'.irme the~ praetIcal g. ki~sof pregè-nt endorsation, move- titents in cities. rural distrlet4. State1is4 forelga land%, and int.er-denomlnnationial work. Denc»nina3iuai ralliee, a plat- form meeting ,,devoted to y ouag ro<ê% mevaint.sd a -rezeeption t;ýelee ,utes at the lAea1dorf the balf -doren denot unionq in this city, 'm more paipuar feature The chairman of the' ete liq Dr. Wmu. Henty .delphia; the secretar lord, of New York. 0AVES IN, and Womnen in tho,,Mud., IflIMF van *".Ifre= hum a w"èkagobu4 , canm back te-day te fitalier )uhusbwaand a oritical' Condition at 'the .General Ilfty4IrstSession Opçned at B0"- HiSptta, h. h uigbeam-edepodt vie becuse et lier laek otf idelity, e.nd--shoti himself in the leftbrat near- the h > unst peter, comI ttinq l > the oôio d -d Address of Gim WlMasteranud Re- verument la th %e iStar: 1erwnl-Iof Grade" tay Miime R-ack %5 l 4)e Quiers! -ls- pitai, abot. See hlm at once. -MeI:in - Then ie went to lits boardlng bibuse!lite Welcn - lTe Tdp and tamneso ïnear sending-bis body te thbe morgue instead 0f to the. iimpitasi IUv tlè h e lslmd. that thé. doctors regsrd4 Ms eeafe asJ alnkost miraculous. ge'will lukty re- A flrockvMle reiort; Th Glat axnual covèr. session of tiie (raiÏ4 Loge of Ontarto, 1. 0. 0. F., opened. In Victoria HaU tuis f ornig7, with- 500.delegates -lin-attend- MAUD, SHEPS ance." Grand Muster, Butterworth oc- GONN! AGAIN.'u Wright and Kyle, and. an engossd ad- Graned aSépa oný,dreue of welcome preeted to the Grand Grantd a Sparain lp"J, froiiiMaster on -bêhebaf e , towiu ef Brock- Major S&i(Bj'Lville. The following were intreduced te the Grind Lodge; Judge McDonald,. - - Chairman of Publie Library -fBoard; P. The Queton of Natioouity Was au D. D- G-. M. Mallr 0' dS. awrof district; Bro. Sort(, Noble Grad c Issue. f.Brock Lodg%ï BrocIvîlle; Bre. Deriy- - 'sbire, Noble Grand of St. Lawrence - -Lodge, Brockvile.- Sister'Rya, of the. Rebekah Order was SMIR MSCe EPOSM W urng tUn introduced te the Grand Ledge and ad- MmeanO ae dressed the. delegates on behaif uf the of C8SeIhome- for aged Oddfellows and the. or- 16 FLAVOR Pour Clar choly and d lie had gone, a deal of cE gil, I give 3 loved !-" Fi altered-for la stii bear muurns "Jel riès a lock o gi-e me; Yi y ou, now, a] hlfe-of ime, h y ou. You, land-the ai dale--akin pie country- as not to Ici the artist, à They teft- contradictia dark!eyça, È Vale ! ýand and azure bl divhnity." dear Varie: happy? for, 1 Use pour wc hope for.la t -Vanel I-waî make ber- 1 'but altogett do thatý 'i .' M e*=whlk, ý yourkis, It mut be Leiglr Qourt *know MDy C impulses! t Paris. « -Adi wor. by i- reading but voice, - Sfth, it ar ose a Uc ,white et tii Every ta& 'keart :anid- the Sein. to-day prouounced a , ju-;iReceivinig credentials and cailing te cia! sepanatien in the case cf Maj'.Ir 1r n Menp J.WimseofQue- John Mcflrid<u, who wasà prominent bfc, vas lutrodued with ' approprilte member of the Irish Brigade cf fthe BOer honorsansd au - adjotiruuient was made army iu the South Afnican War, and until 9 P.m-, tiie delegates being tender-. bis wîfe, formeriy Mauci Goune. thie werll_ ed a complilMetarY excrsion tbrough te Thosand Island -in the aftern->on known Irishi agitiitor, wluo bas betin cll by the. local lodge. cd the "Irish, Joan of rc"Mrs.Mc- Grand a atees .Adresa. Bride netains thie eustody Of theu- tchili!»-Tiie report 0f R. B- ButteiW th The suit for divorce instituted by mm o rand master, refers ta the i.Bt4luh- MeBnide was on the gneunds ef drunk- meut of asioelationfi o1 Oddf.llow inii ,ene aa nfdeit. ilreGrUppi ap- lag etres, whese objecta, are -us enneatand nfideity. therepriciples-o th p.ared for tiié petitioner aud Maitre order au te bring inte mutu linterceura Labori for the. respoudent. -soewaly as w.» as in tii.de w e- Maitre Cruppi vebenetly protestedbersOf t.0ordr -r"es tl eeot against tue statemneut made by>'AI-,. les whose h6=0em. '. is eaeW e.U- MeBride, tiiat his wife vas net anlsbh- dér flue MWv as' al ledges are uuovç om- weman, and resci ber îartiu certificate, PeUed te 'bor1d their treasurer sud7 the sbowiug that aube vas bora iu Ineland twê sierear . i ?0i iéth <rUii Lodge in 1860. Her father s'as then au Officer 1%0 returns for tue yeam, 19?-II" 3n a garnison towu lu Ii-elanx. Gelng 1904 shOw th*t. tii.-1i.0-. 0.P- ta gradel- atili furthuer back. -cunsel proired 'bat ]y overce itig' tbýyerb loe-rt- his client's aucestors bad ilways lived fore sustin eci ttro6ug suspensions. Tii. -in Ineland. and that le ehS' tijl ri. icras ii umbriptliye a1, sided iu tihe vcountry, and w»asat pi-e- 7uete te assitacegi-e b'P9G11 sent eolîecting alithe. necesmary evidense Blackeby £xd, M& stagflfo!outÎlde WOrk' te nef ute te calnniny Ile tben seh- c rs.. LTe Granct Master -recoimmrena ed hie. elient's lite f roui ber infatey, thaf5 thé, proposed rosolntloùl n'tkIng, 1t'- siiowiug -ier living the. lite o-f Irishi peis legal for -Sttee- nd bedies to-ade6pt a- sauts sud qvmpatiiwzng witli their sUt. 1ev autiielsting the- insttlttl6l-Oui f bodges feringe, sud lier strugglc ferrfthe Inde- upen fthe'etitien -. cf efive tflldijdegne' pendeulce of Ireland,- mebea uued-tdlSr-spu<h At titstime. couns!el alned, .fs he appliéation ci 209persona Zigil o'ment. dût uet frnow MoRride. .who -waes then brit ' iiteon 0deri - paaM 3 _..Sai-' !.nter -Là.gluten b l te it--tl rkBi mhiationl *c' 1 Beforo tîe 'tud of the van lic left. fue, wiii b. MOri ,Transvaal sud eanle te Prs*ct% virete le of thbe contçeane. Met Miss Maud Gonne., TiieY deliven- -executive cominnt-. eise etre ueie i mr Robent, cf le and tien maried. "Soou,»-ad y- Dr. L.1 " MAit1re Crupple <My. client repitPted&e! - ~~baving, t.ttened ber Me.ta She wfla ____________tiie Mauwbe bail given ber 1is naire aud %wbom. ale liad plaèed 'on a pedestal, -sbutsu Incorribfle 4runkwrcl-and 3-ke aitne Ciuppi seeusM 1McBride - o! ,dnknncus sud violent lasnguage, aaan - lli-erste-inuan, -suio -uss anly lIJ LI Re ;pabl. of making roug tm saeltP, delWred u- A u* e- nt-ef- Take B - by -bis wlfr but-: 4. - ove dictutei ft har masterý theii. Kosbý iten Aves, lsud, se uiuuor, tii. strikers s*"y .tii Ja eonuuittee te lPhi!zidlpIuia ,iprt-atiel t» Newr York.- if ton stret -ean$y to-4ay, w4u.i I youg rougis 41tcejlered fIa s'as c eu~Ks. s4t rusii i&scrsiedt th":ewIt lito the - tret#. 1 wy 't e lue Iqueriterli4 tesed_'fT polic endûaf r $ 6-m 1 1

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