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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 3

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== j- Iat Bok and Re- s blst annual 01oI Ontario, r4~ Hal titis s bnattendu- erwerth se- dem eftLhe iregates hy ors Fuiford, ngrsed ad- 'te the Grand wn of Brock- t - îtrodu'ced -yolard; P. 'eGrand ut ro. Derby- ah Order wa1s Idge su andm- ,eliîtf ft the- and thbe or- Icaning - lite - Ath. lins, OtfQUI!, îppropriàiL0 liL wag- made ieing tender- jon through ýhe aftemn'on idresa. iluttemrotiî, âie establ"l- tieUiOw9 in ýts are 1aS pies efthLb al intercotirse loeO, mmu- la thes it-i Iewhen. u.l- are now gem- u re r -aUd'tha Grana Lodge la' i.gradual- los hiereto- enions. 'The 1 yntin l,.i43 -biy P. (G,-. >_uxtàide work- rcFommcnds on makiug IL 'sq to adôpt a Ihôti of lodges third-degree ý3r upon the ýrîble te mem-. asseul. Satis- -.ie" Relief Au- Upwas jicii M - next yonr. k, for which 4, the Grand Relief Aisoe- ekeb ' uper-, Iodge in de- Ahare equaily~ Ihe year ton, !bekah lodgeu ,Secretary. j- mdelosued-for $137,580. The -a Wit$304.04 dinate lodges éo un admis- a, yho accept- le Oddtfello'u's intactor,' con. h an recenti,' 4u findividuAis ped financiai rere $6,594.3, î_ Ieaving i zie tril andi ,ad 1Its b.- ten ber, forme Fd heràseU ndà, a.Uglitly dam.- Poo$: e e .Are tii Uts RICII, CLEÂR COLOR. FRRSII FRAGRANCE end DIELICIOUS F.AYQR _Pave niageI o el os f frkends- r oa royt - 40C and 5Oc. At &Uailvo grocers.- LOE IAÀTITL Poor Clarence 1 1 met him, melaii-' she ist coufronting one of the Ferndale choly and desperate, at Rouen, whence &'black titi," or, knowing iL, undoratande he had gene, as he confessed to me ater hew te cope with it?1 adeal of coaxlng, to forget "«the only AlIIUI Mzâi Flemint. Tully, So ithall, Wil- girl, 1 rive you mi, word, Lucelle, 1 OVO? ..î, sy of them, would know botter how ioved !' Poor Fta 1 he is very much to mneet thi» terrible, hard-faced, pas- altered-for the better, I think; but ho sionate man than the s4iht, loving girl is stili heartbroken, and, they telli me, %rho faces bim, sbrinking and pating Inourna "Jeanne" in bis sleep, and car- with ûMim. Thug the stand ana lok at ries a loek of hier haîr. ThOre, Vane, for- e* hother, the fury blazing ini Vane's give me; you see 1 can't belp -teasing heart liq wbite heat, ren4ering him blind y ou,, now, and, fnankly, I cannot for the to reae 'a or- justice-ren ,dering him in- life of nme, belp îiningwhen 1 tlîink of sefisiie to love itself.- y o-U. You, th first marq uis in this At last lie turne, closes the door and and-the astute and worldly-wise Feru- sek dale-niaking love in disguise to a aim- «Jene," hoe says, and how differently pie country girl, who was net me simple ",b& une aves his lips, that came as not te knew the marquis underneath which he was wont almost to sing, or so the artist, and te secure ber prize. tit seemed to-Jeanne, "Joanne, you have T['ey tell me you have chosen in direct deoeived me! " contradiction to your avowed tastos; It ils a simple thing to say, but said dark eyes, dark hair, haun't shet Oh, aR Veron Vane, Mfarquis of Ferndale, Vane!1 and once-"naught but th. gold utters it, it soundai Jeanne's ears as and aqzure bine, were dreamed eofi your the accusation againat a criminal befere divinity." Weil, inay yu happy b., a itemn, unyielding- 'udge. dear Van.!1 It laeasy 7for a man to be She looks at hlm fr a moment ques- happy, for ho can so .easily torgot.. For tioninglython ber cysa drop. us oorwmen, well1, the best wo cau )MtcIL~ ber with keen agony of hopfo is te ho allowed te glance. ome- fe..r and hope- the fear lest Lady Lu- timue ot your happinois. Lot me do so, celle should be rigbt, the hope that Vane; 1 want to know your wife, and to Jeanne wll meet hlm with a denial and mako lier love me, not hàlf-heartedlyn' m îit q.etion--wntching ber as if b)ut altogether and fer always. 5h. càn hîîi'life d'pn'e.un teasr lr do that, 1 dare Bay, being a woman. fam s depended upo the ne e h e ud bleanwilc, dear Vane, spare ber, froen oopdabiiehm, ho na ostat d your kissep, one fer me!1 Lucelle.. i rYe ,"andeixiothersa a goin.al h P. S.-IR the 'way. do flot forffet that more teribeor ays a e oie, ilte I coaxed C iarence's secret from lum, that s 1m, oreerilsv e ie m& Are d yen- it inugt be a secret stili. I'm bore at sfie onhv dciedm.Ar u Leigh Qourt a week before my ime; you sanems bre';brfaea know my oid restlessnes ând uudden Jean aie__ ee;br ae impulses! BeAides, I had exhaus Led i NCÇp aie and ber Lips quivering. Paris. Adie--no-aui re%-oir! *I"'-l do not understand. Oh Vernon, Wordb>'wor, h redi n-fot nîywhat liaisîaîîlene-d?*" and ïhe clasps ber Wor bywor, b reds n-nt oly.hancls in timid entreut>'. retiding but hIearing. as it 'were. te very "o ontudrtadT erpni voice, aeoft, insinuating, antd Ianguiido.,0f , are woman enougli te know the the' fashionable beauty. Word bv word ienn fale p it arome and stung him. l1iAfuée cnt ,Jeanîne of art si ebdÉr e w1hite at tinxeq. and- u teurq -crirn.isn. Jon t.t si ohdsrc e Every tâtint struck him home in Ibi$ -as' indeed hiebâti, to the heart. beart and rankled. At last lit- raiséd "VrilorsemnhldIk l. hjs îoan, am. crshin bernocenc'o, yen know how te decelve witb ice:îtoil notein ii hi.hands, exlai< . theacutest of your @ex. You kno "It ~ ~ ~ ~ mrnn afi! ah~If helouU ie pn toe valueof tat tut 'before- the wors ae lf î lis Rb c verd sim on be i s tmuek h1>5. the denion of doubt was in lis but h Lb di nlirlpsrc ear: 119 iL a le?" How dd he oo dumb by the intense bitternes of Ide did she bed façe nd fiashing oye.. wvht"n >he heard the news of bis identity '6re yen saetiie(dt" ho repeats. "To1n With the MarqUis cf Ferndale? île re j. 6i'nye<l yeurv wo xxei înhrs noin that she dd ifot look sur- [lave. paae o rtyuhv o Lr~;troluhled mand agit.ated. perhnpe, your gaMuer-re You sait15fîedt" 'FhePrt-then-11I>out Claronce Fit z- "Tell nme," sho ays, and ber voice jaril:eS? Ilow often t,*aoy iàî to be at fsôtindsstrained and unnatural, "tell me .the1"ak--low fte the wee, tgeteriwlut 1I bave' donc."' tuer lark-low oltenpthe wertothe At tbis simple prayer, uttcred sa pa' iniz wlàen 1he, Vase, had met hlm Lin the thoticnîl, , nost men'. hearts wouid have villg l iilitonge bY,ôý 4 -, melted, Most, tan,§ tngêt would have Dh~lt àWt4r dou' taired b,' the re_ been turned a4elde, but in tbe bitternes e a îixjt£do iilecrmtanees Pf bisii dippôintment, in I &qW& whihchwere retfderè4 sificsut b,' be ot-01hb.sewnii iser, ,Van. knows Do- lty teeurs4 dletter,ars ~vrbI hl..b 'ndl merlteplale If it "«Cre truc, then'b. bad been foui' :I vi i, h.sys, "but yen kBow! you ed andMecèiMved by a 41n'p eqUntry girl. 4'Ve' 5011 your seul '10r the.worthlems Vesait IL à b ru- a-o Je a - le yu bav batar -you "4Do you net 4.ny I? *S7 iê3"il d.a.d e by tiev'~ oh tae. yQu do net a I.1. quivura witlna"ies A, "flsvé"the, iemau*udA5 - ieë;p5 "X.q ~i," ~q uey, ,ieienty h UJd net-d re ontmsg <alue 017»U wer, tlabso when yei salitiy >!"lbE îiadow and toieitwt tenciedtt Uinictbr vas ne 'otber tba u x_ .~w o, Why sbouid Ia er.te w wheà onIedrnI .euae hrnkbeçk -with 1 lok 'of to t you'ofër trrorOR'ber face,. tithogbuivea the uikuewn, strug- wS " ie ss o-lgtvr tbuyou leved tlà aqu« ' J.snne'scolor Comtea"d goes, "Stp"'h. 75 nabs ot,,a UAU 1lliulI2 3 dSIfZI5 '~%ir S tel, udana mne olaing. «Yo Hrthe on osaf eaallionqis ez Bmicey,,you,.urn te ss UiirfllÈ, t4 thl lll. b~1ae lot speurhbities. Pro "'The niarquandh Iuhe e ,piite ilhàs îYû Î1n , a ,' » th > rl butg havewoed an v base' hWave m n y ýter tra n quhe, andii ~ >ae'yousrcely .hr ew lea rcgttadtonliuretsnd? iwrd !j e mamt;7. e , ls "'WOThis hut. hav iterte been fre. f r served tôtisesand a~ itijame3 qt u 01 ie hdwsanai;viiWit yeunmt h tteiueta [boret gm worikuy et rsrvant wgisg,' aMiZ «The aenti. en reeail siiceuld u b evi o hm IV; "tao tuiie ommtrwu ahape, HeaPn Onyourweddiutnng the d iod eouh uti yarke îldthemvalut eauote ber. tracteso s bol s ofbyhoodi eyou svone reiatàIa r dm;W yua- t 4 wor er? Â mt;e bar? ooile e! lo Tis huebsiÎý e refo serLnk forw greeat a pria. I have lesthe boh tofberandalhiM ueif. th L-tew tht u~tee bave Sanie thier Of ton To . e ernt 'us in an one "ton ignobleetailhtlsudconside he KtP C&£mblWRtN WtII. erd-uel the spnme n± Mmu.e. f .va Me. e yuTebide tIpn k y<>fà ucs and'h ik, th , hw yOU tiot n ýethr m n sg e em a cc- weld fandlbif ye thad lared ht -elnldose et Babyl'sOwnTab.intes. h -ti tiLe yn ad ariedfo wa bt a51S'R Iedicin, e i r Te-ntilfomasfetbom- dele .and 1tDot u womndeou ha Iso aml fegnteAl1 ov w&s simpLoeo aneme usa' ltlofci during tsh beL mm- tknk owgre a ri 1 avmlir rn1,entht hr, Iti m' se toube Tho t lavthinth e ga eth e i».gii ifLb.' orne on upti,' I-a a u atien, I dovt etofahildat stn e, ynta eiin frbt.ate uls cae ugnoestnd tat.dI 'tei yu, hon, e U iL lway de ,Îodad a umeatthe disappointruent mt be. Iofad doha , siegurnedfe anse fo nhv kttnuete t my g><>à yor chldrn t evep r bstage -lif, . a omet wen h1 concied birty ov ad ivi R optlue ure ailà t~hthiyuc L wthink xtny gras' "'?htweirnr almntas. Lis J. J.auMoFar- wIth ue i oenc ea onedtath&or- oeo aÈ, w alt. d rent h or.eut Uc psno n ate oluen BhadbowTelto1, nd Lb1 Scmptou difl Accusat th peacnha. searcell o- ud hl. Nw eaudn oh a,e ut m meerin te wmove wu impepenn Vaget sroths, rgiv maudoe te tublesm Ia swlîn-be bisof Lour ied h iftreyComonu Li d l ckt -las atâon, I oubt not; Yeildeaa ge arc, .n Thiets rathuertandresus Ing tellbeautif n the e odrugneist, ot eIvirobes, vitest-ds peehlo.wathin h, byaei a 25 cents bo watnd Te tha mdisapg'hte amis ahite a.d nr WdoIiam Mdiu Ci, BrontekrIe, atcase for aet lrath, hstof y foturnee* eey tgef tie, he m omet_______________d .0-.1 "DetI d.en veriause te i nk ua p on; Dr n ar, aw - ti ai wha4 apenyr indierand ye b.d s-et; '1HZ SlmtXRsALA.. noe ait eiolente of a ould in te-tr A PcvHinth cof n-wte Sergve blite Didt yeou -r Io out'heward te titismeo-nTbes ndte tepl ofet n- on b a e k eripsred rom i a ue succesa e sod e p e s u ch eid- ce o ousyo o uld stipad ith sof&&I g eve getade. hoo u, ad yomu fiseboodh bso ovr ur trettýî- freuitle.nd ri, sim u nt mien Wh tarndsu tin o yrcls t.at xiny ifou-ontyor dreugigstjr ey tc seve I cith'ad st-at eeLi d hte tik o faeeplayo a l a sudcent@easbxplv tub tInhe v woui b.coudnedb,'o pasin wod haWhilliamtedine Cot, ar ble amip ferrotten? oYenrdeeeivod yurs.vt iv rgrl.Uis n Yei yo eived paurself. She wbuo IVr'. fn ioaluq uc-1:.bL wtmakaced irl wbom tn ou ad sengt Tsaaid, SUoul tubLjui.e onn outMt-be earoe t la tcfahe1lu th o tk h pane vngrthuhbl loved bac e n th--& ld foreer adn- onsidez-.d nIJon Revmto Servete' bwer lace stanLb are hivon fvgtbesadma a' mertdale, tl~ hmî tIpaed uoinat o boer haer of a aad holtirs Lii. ehilait taofityourywoan's inrutith et u the ean o oab Fhrucit y suhu ygulse ud nnngsonidy haîLtrl- -ovrl.lreiu.e ie.lds dor e el aern rei bi,îoig ie t frbee<and vehI eand n tding Jo raneod h eOr ied ulthlat ie n -e a-ulydandt~~'va tooln-Clarne i tyui that " 4hl- eao aieefrntlqueito: erve. Jo ann tat. ud 1indaniebe voi..t drny coIp generaflyoit naed front ceMand tiznl tme trck yalouhau laued- gtaa, ansome z4siral raMuth, e ow paoldb1aznond y aPsw 1 Olu Inwhleh th Iurdnts aie êpoed andforottn? ou deeives 7 L oursoif. uttcoe or grlui . tabeaitntqd fo ioved w eu iannu.oee, the nubats en -ter iidtoise$i. ba . .i 'fo fis vifet h. 4?edgr hm 1gagpaig nt a&,s wfilthe *Iad., o iftàemv.g whith ery ple u brt fa eye lte ae;teplc Iea ;ý.>tàw p. u M.by "N.î tue mgvilage; notet guirlw' , W5 tii efr ilgerator us itti f0 *0117"anal gai.oîite ndpealt, lend hs ilt 4de-.0 a 4oora4at *nad.Ity d cei an ea u fLite l at Jefe uot.1, tue win opt frhIh6 rut' belac. enti., lovtheag, onesoitfed-' wo*edl, ij9ableé ando*et& have i ne beor e o ve clda e hmuk o os M 3it!,, 1j. dins fth a Jeane And la psIna rh Ûat Ol __ te erdul, rindtq evn au 0 DI.i ffe umbook- llet arne u IL It b.leved thatthLe operatbu e.l t rtfuèa - te big Jul,' vbcat cerner ut Wlnulpeg, Germany'cubnt gland to lomoheavil,'. -W. bepc -the b.- do" net yet M>Pür.? Il.! Is. weâ tounsled. There viilb 'bO l ling 1te dO se. tlie sympaîly i,'th thes-vhoetrso euapiracies 'agant 'Ob ub«Mnt anor wt gamble *hith tue teedahtuffu o01t eu=- TeJapfii.i"p.i.W.nvcys have i.' &torim tl y'1'York réporters. Il 1h.,' hope ta met' ti a wd right, tbc "Vii b. kcpt ,bus,'; New~c York papcr'hnger are trying te- Orranzêau a separate body, vuLl the objeet ef rcatorigg old s-calea under wbleb th'W mlade $50 a vek. iWbo ouida't be a paper-ilanger?1 Pcnhap-S Liese people -wbo sa,' lte,' suspect that Jobn Bull ha beblnd Japan in ber demande for indemnit,' mn,'- net bo fat wrong. If anybody else inter- 1em, Britain i. b,' troat,' beund toste lier ptucky Iiittl al,' thougb._ The Tanner' Combine hai put Up 'Lbe prie ef bides <'ewing te the »vu lu Maaolaurha." Well, that lu aimoit as goed an excue eh If iLtaid " the -in- ««»ase as beýauieof t.e p t% li -the M.n Or Lb. Peary raid on te Pele. It vil bit the. conumer Juet as bar. Chaunce.y 3L Depw in a directein se'ventY-two- ditferent companies, nt ceuntlng the Equitàýblefront whicli lie retired& Iu Most et these S. mut be enly a uJ.beplng pater, au ne min ouid gIve attention te snùcb aamrety of In- teresta.1 It ba» been declded' tiat under , he present 8uaday lawl fariner.stae net ProbIbffl from laborlng eu Snnda,'. This la ImmateriaL The\tarmner.bas a certain amount o! neeesary vork te doe.v.ry Sunda, ansd-f ov thbre are viteo, çrs te do more on that day. Iowa bas 46000 mor eno tban vont, and the spinaters are said te > Iaf-,tUe 'tuek ou thentelves! eaw 6I ichool ma'ams ef New Englndý,wvho 4 4 per cent. short of materla for b banda, thini- t etspcncilng Lhcir iteliday Purin hi l tt.Pn ovines ta p inuin* canoe ai r6vbotai he' larÈe tupou- tie ofthee acidnts veree i.rosrdt part ot thceccupantgs o! tbe host& Fu~ teman, accidents-ceur .lmply becanas people . rsi4t Imstanding.up or -chang. ing sests vbie ou t-hoevter. periqw .meday a boat or a c=ôos vil! b built wblc vii neteapihoe vhen a4 perse. dom. citber .otthte bove'wethungs. Meuvitile bevar. o lb. e -4r. W. do net týhinik that Xle WDem se& wit out 0objections b i aMs4 te Lb. praceua ned ofae'sla b &tteàiPt, te cQ.., it would probàbi>'b., rcaistedvtalLb oc rqtrtj ceuM -brlng to beiar.'l: BojLlc6o usi, ,eloeed ses , ynaýtre-aimeta -' much goeas teMdtrsu. 1 channel b,' v*iicit L cpens lute thbe Norl Sus inn. betwecn Denmùkouthe veut sud~~~~~~~k tatsuiri't 6-Sen on t "ds tteit u oedte . cIc21u~ tu la about M00miles lIong a:e ront 7 BL te 2w w ide, asud, inclusive t of Quiüt et- ,of about 160,M0 qaemle.IiLi thîrteentit entury leiimârk 'undarto* te ex;iIudO t ar4icrtOn osez vm s"la or te mt. troa en t hé pKYMnet of a teil, butilu thé. feDewi <'og È. tube HaSeatie Lage diEtI4&4Ltook a penage, abjetedDcniar tmporsu. IL. 0" scedae' 00it =liefow ever, -1om tbrWcmturelen ak%"Ih dues% nov %bOhlbe. ,It la not to be..u If, pos.d "ht GWet Britalu vWi n aân"Mta the I&e&wtéu.n nd qpoM #he à re te et an. t vit the fs ù 1 a t I&l liuulj tiat if t, de r a à' oýtbersvu'd attampta th lai w -ltthe ub . 8«1 he o b. imyae~b

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