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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 4

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~' f'~-.\ «7 L I Lettçrs from Our C~ Oriof Ipdis.na, formeri.y or 0reenwoo. [s vlstjng friendâ hero. Mii Erthi llknsn.of Ltud- sale visitinE &t J. W. Hogieou this T. C. Hubbard soid a horse f0" SL25 t a. Toronto man htut week. During a, sovere tbuadom«»r. whieh p&Maed ovrthlabilioealtY On sundayl, the bai-n of Mr. AodrlW Fuilerdown was strucg lsyi gtng sud burned te the grouud. AhUithe seaBon'i hal, andi about. haif thse grain crop %vas deotroyelt. li. FnL ierdown was in the building at the. time andi encoeëed laIiigetting h ie TOWN ~î ~ stock au ont ezeept oee I alAl the TOWN ;LIR.lmpieiiefti, oP) bUggI, une cattOl', hAmong . uianV v1lNitors over the etc.. were burodt. Loue about 8. boilday wvere Mfr. Neli lcOregor and 000; insu re nce el1iO. $auuilyro! Toronto, at bis father's. .Mr. Wm. Keinpthorne. Miss Edith, KïNSALE. ICemptiorneo!fToronto, and) Mr. MisB.IDae.oWtbyba goliitpn. of Saukation,. aIlMr. Chas. b MinatheasguDest o!ofi- ot irs. Fmptborne'5. entegeto r n r. bit. Eduel Harris wtth hies parents, . WRlodd for thse past week. Mr. nd Uâ.*Tos. Harrs.. r. ant) lra. )1sIau ad famiiy. andi lir ani ira Tos.lirri. . HoIly and daugister, alil o! Mr-. John MoGregoi. son andi M daugter atMr.Waltr beUrgora. eston. have ten vïitting with lMr. daui6tMry U mf.tILre sMergO..a andMrs. IIugh Mowbray.. Miy My erptore pet lrs. R. R. Mowbrzly ban returnedi lew dayu at Tor onto and Niagara,1 f rom a trip to Prince Edwa.rd CJo.1 .p>OBomj)8liie<2 ty ber brother. Mri. wbere she ha aibueeu vising uid 6. T. flmpthorue, who has since re- f rieids. i turned to Saskatoon. aller visiting The young fry of the neigiborbood 1 htqr parents qcre for sorne lime, are having a tery .giddy cirne just Mi-. Harv~ey ilarli% visitedt 1' Scarboro Juaictton î'ecentiy.i noir. Partiet, are aili the go. Master' Miss Jackson, Toronmto, ilu holiday.. Ciarenc.e Rieharduou started the i ýigwlth ber f rIend,. lila Kempiý bil z'oiing. andi bas been folowved1 A garden par..,. wiii beied l the byMia1.d netingerS-1 earfutrein heIntreto f L. ayacheol dis. Tien Mastewir nar uuea tettr1t !A. Herb. Pilkey did the lhouore of, thei laondle Sunday huoi.daOn ony. Wuerwowl lira. Whitney. Oshawa. ispen t SuIn abenx t. df odrwowl la wtr brsite' M" Wltrl. tiomie of our ueighborr) have douei Or ODptae o etegor. . fsorne threshing. Poor repctrts of W. n-e uIe~1 o nte ie 'i"lthe grain yiç*dc are the order of tie frovemellt inAtt <4 scher i mae day. Pesaecaaly oatki. Some o! our Atheoi tadiin fueea.ml neighbors to the south do not lu- Volces. - .-.î. I tqud 10 threah soine of theirfitelds - l>XUSIM for oats. kbyiug taI it woutd net Mise LnaDatz, i brigeis-vi-,pay to do $0. fttist and wet, wea- Lou Dae~ U brtge Isvis4cher have 'toue the worat. A great iting at Mr. Ww. ïdwafdo'. 1ma ny filds of oatai are aimnont doWn Miss G. lcot. 0ahawv.. Le speuding fiat, on the grousai. nrékmng it veryj a few daya wîth beico usin. Miss idifficiiit to eut theru. May Dingman. Miases Li4cy andi Roua Prosselr. OJEENSVOUD. Gilen Major, vià;lteel f riends iu BaisamRn 1ev. Watboaa prea--bed ln i e on Pridiay.,te e Mr. Norman Philtp, Toronto". risit- thodist churcil uit Mttniay. ed at J. W î'hilp's receîîtiy. Mr'. L. Lettgett waa lild off duty1 Wo are pleamed- to state Mfr. Bir- luat week a eojpie ut duys on siC- kett jeIm iproving aftçr his. recent iii- ceunI o! Iline'1.. veu». ~~Misaca Ewmà and May Ii et i 9 Look out lot~ tht> annuai gart)eî have returneri iuaxa fer their v ai- party te b. hetti ou the lawni 1 o!ftration. J Mir. W. Ward oit Tueqpay, Auguat Mr. Eti. Olee&on bas t-adeI horses 1 20>. 4 chiuce jirograin wiil be giroen wittiN'et. S~hirle>,. o! Pickering. 1 by Mfr. Bort lIarvey, Tor'onto, air lMr. R. Wilson andtitrai, ef Bal-1 u.otîted by iocal' talent. A prize o! @mi, vitilted ttre ou $unday.1 88 wIll be giv%;i i football If tha'ee eoine [romn nere atteu'Ic4 the cir- or mnore reu.muu conilputc. and 85$If ciles &t OshawaVfDu n .dtirday. ouly two teaàim. compote. ie! reah- Mont of the. fazniera are througli vient statid oit thse gruidî. Every- cutting tlieîr graîin beoty corne und) have.. à gouci lime. Mr. and) lrom. Uraharn Tohusten at- *i...Iii h.u..h .ut fl.ro.klin on Sun- Màr. anti Mr0. Hubteii. Of %Myrtie. illiefit Monday wth biamuel andti li. J- ~ '"ir. Brodie, ef Markham, w" i ler. tbis wbck rmsttng ber bnit, i'octors V.J. andt) Iauîmi. Large cugiegaticmo greetedth le ]uRy.Mr. Putwan in tise Baptint Mr. aa.xwctl, o! the S.jvereigr. Bank. Trho blate. l iea5iwgie bis titQ at iuninqton tkesch. CiIncpalo!ofnurt )à.aa!cajhool for lise pmat lit eaeas.bureài4gned-te ac. - cep a nmBear poition l is e Il'ic- $erang publiC aiocil1. By -leaving Çlgreiuont, -ho aot only PULsa iigit- or many. bùt Iickaalnig Co llage wil umhool educatiuml whwh ho couuid not isecure liera except ut-anuci greate.r émit. It Io with deftlrLtisat wo part viih ihm, hdM».Fumer- 0han-y fegg. or tise post Print. îlmg Go,, anqi Arthur W.. MclDoaid. of Lin4%aay. tere Ili tewn oùi Tlwns. day t6 ,wàtneê-sf be bail-gaine. V. ,. Wcodto o, f W itbYo bas wrlttim tise towna counoli statlflg 4;ýatif, they. wouid î.laoe biliard Ir . Meonki at'a.figure tisaI vWAs net smprehilitve. -il. wocilome here and a h1 mmti&LêtvioîaiLy etfCaOÏL 4vo çC'ops muaNy 410t 00880 up te tise large âvsrage uo! last paran sd the y-ar prevlome buit tbi. ylid wil Ibolarge., usrtha l utll ret. i'oum tie ipipIty .01 Rattl a nsd Myrtie iladtcote tisaIthe arop vill Smo ýabua$iamt .- P[antiaresare st!iLa. atout s 'gond as lu ise sapnLu.and tiseroots are lm *W0¶. it: la mot rot dean se lwa t prospet tthercaraie of liui¶t tetisa potato Cr bt I 1to-ilaq e absndant 9U Il iavé t o is bd fe t - no. . trio titori t 1 tfi the toleis. IMls o oltabr bunrnoI, &s dho aLuIM bal4t; <Dti5se mak. Ho WU lit 11* bultding atoig co', sud wvas u.. q«r,4usumnc.os fur sa tinte. When ho «ovre -ltsmenstal pow5éB ho tSlP&W- atbiýI«v ýo il a, anti madie wur&t j 01d1rt0W avtse»livet day. lira. lic!eu- e. of .sburp. speul a tow days- wltis ler par'ent@, Mi-. andi ire. J"s. Tueker. Mr-. and) lira. Abe Law andl daugis- ter, @peut a fewu ayo ut Ueo. Laws reoetliy. Q~uito a nonubtr attend.-dtise gar" den partiem Lias wtvk, ene aI C.. J. $tev-en.mon'u.'Klnûae. anti-anether at Mri. A rmqerô u g s. LccustOIh. Mn. Clia@.LLaigett viiltet aI lit. Dati Crawford -, ïnckering, on Sua- lilas Tonkin. of, To O*de.l. Is- itlng tin th ie parentro. schoal PIa"ls again neil liondayr.1 Mr-. J. . Disney %as là Whitby un Satturulayaf ternoun. Tise.in smone taiS cf losing on. o! oui- farmers ai-uutidlier". lin. -and- lis. -,lame6 Macle, o! Flekierin;, Suadaved uder tise par- ental roof. Abnltlycur& "Thons le Do remette 10 In y pie. ion, thstan ac st more =omtti tutu ir. -ChaeW. Syrup of!nL ud anti Turpoatn. Lt curie. wUy snoe f croup, abâbinbsU. la orne alght. W. gave Ulm a dose whSCU bit wua blCx in fthé, feuo vits hektng Il Lraye him instant rWà ead ces.¶-Ur. Wuu. MoQ4et-u Wright As,., To ronta. Ont. town on suaday. llas ,EthelQOurdeu rturneO homme on Satuu'day, 'aCtter * nîga weeka at lmao.Meoa W. 0. Hama vas àa rookUe libt wook at-tebding thé Qi-auiléotige of Ibe 10.0-. agns. Wuu. 9$p4>rk la at ErockvlI st promeut vistit triade"'ed Cor tise bienft cf tem SUsai. lIev. J.. L Urs lait on 2usa for a two we.iss vl lb Westoen Ontar4o and ti -tii Ste&. « Xi..Svys WWis, of Port WbItby, siitti l-is t»" Luhl obis lest W. V.l anti JO*iM Jlbawson vere la Itoro«to on Tued.y ad«ee tweatu- aia tu Iatand Us Toronto ploye* 1e Ou oe.a.r SasIth -.0.1and 000»a t>r thegol box. isMbm SCattielé Tise Royal .iTunplrt;ba4 arruta 4"1wu< alfor tii. imembers- o .--e * .d tisuir rM&tie &tg.AD ohrlevited gusta, i'bwaa"tc bav om h»M at lMr. xB-Mours.m TUOouJay evtig. The'extra*r41u 'arytata d f sltt tday pottunet, foetu*stop ta *IL W r r q»eiwd to stI*that tua oâ1 va lt la rerd -th"at.lr.,. v i. Us. boque*t ot a tua1eJ*t US~E OULMBANsTOK Olp Economical and satisfactory. Per tin 25 cents. We. have secured the agen.cy for the Columblan Stock Food Co.'las Speclalties, and have jUst received a ship- ment of their gooda. 8atisfaotopy wesults are abslutely guaranteed. W. A. Hôllidaýy & Ço. pr lhe iiSt- Traomain' atiht from, >lnKk, 1.4th chaptew' and- 24th verse. The 1iscourod wu lai "ho forin or n nedi UIOn on the- b- âtituion f t he Loid'S ISupI'ri Os- 00 manm' prestic Were. Commun!- Cato rh. Icature of the e"';ra- ment ander Chri'?tiaD disPensa4loa. lis continuance under typeaLi foib the Lamnb- of (d that ta.keth aWay the gluncri the warld, referred to the. Scriptural mode Of efpre6810g- that a PymloI atando fer hLs original, or a sigu the. thin *>IL signifies. the. breati not l(h. 4y, not the reai preseue. R-eathen tiationfi. in their ignorance of bible terms. oeil Christ- ;ans cannibala. The. doctrine of tranuubtitutIOn, the baplb of that wbmch ib mlteading by the Roman church, the broken brea&i reprêsenta the Lamnb 01of d, until He shahl corne &gaiun. 5.o be talkefl in thank. fui remietbrance or the great i-e- demption - a true thank offerlng- drtnklig Of thO Cul,' tYPIýal Of thse rediemtng* blood. 4Hir; death. Our lif e. In thse evulling thse - subjeot was "Peetoe Seekiug Peac'e,." 1 Peter., 8rd etiapter, lUth and litil verses. Long lit e andi prospcrity depend on waiking in theighl. of Cliritan influienoes, doitg guod aud refrain- ing f rom evil. and seeking righteous- ne«a. teek peare. restore . peaoe, parsîle it. trupltlflg in God» love and constant ,,rotec.tgofl, knowing that the eyeà4 of the Lord are upon, tle rigisteous and Ille ears to thyli- prayers. The Dean ciosed with words of thanirfulnetib Sor -,the xrem vivat of Interest in the church. and stated titt in the flteen yeare thar ho had knowni it. lie liad flot. seen suci a ejiagregatiun as was tien rreent, and with eariient counsel and encouragem>ent, urged Ithem i. go forward foî'miing p1aurà for pre. sent'and future intereste. standing firnily by eacis other for the wel- tare of the chusrciî andthe iinterest of Chriot- their interest. Botb ser- vices were fuily iLpj.rEeated by thse congregatioa, uio feit that It'was indoed gocni to be there. We congçratuiite >liâû Laura }7ran- cia andi Mr. L. .ýebert on having succmufuily p4%~edth ie recent de- partmental ecaminationis for 2nd clans certiric.a*'.e. Miga Jeeuie 8mith, who la so clottely assoclateti with hirooklin that 1L îb fair te speak 0of her las a Brookîli girl. le almu~ to be congra Lalateti(ou havlng t.ecured the, fir-it section of the lI tcie.! certi- ficate, standing. The unrisigitiy beusof sand) and gravel thâttlite laie n orur front titreet for thr-e weeks are the oc- cauion o! sumo comment as to why tht. materil a w.udcpoaaited In sneh a place no loLg a tawn< belore the builing of the tuîdeva1k was to be started. School re-cspenç on Montlay DeXt, 2lgit inst. Cau sotu ci our reau- ers entighten ais ab to why the riur-ý ai &choola n re calied teiréstume thelr work tefore s%,hoo1u o! a 115e cloasdo ln the tuwom and cities ? The Townsh4p Cuuct' rooui, wblcb Io aise used as tlié Public Library. ha. been fuliy ljimed and iilven a cdean Up At t>a maich iane.«d of. Thse on t crop la tus ect ,of ,rhleh tiser. lsa avery,,SMlrea'IWWg. tille year. le ca gneo.t hooi>uet la mon y cass beluoacopee e. ure. Up ta> two weeks before eut- ting It gaieiplendld pronise. but thse extrema hcu q'.andi dampues coi biuet) ruined ail the~ bright proispSCtis In two or tiscee day%. Thougis tii. app.> crop 'lier. jq not au largo as last year,_ It le-- of Ta, V#OerS!AIUrJ. DES * aely wa cailed> B*1d4 uvcoeeuied? bla saVlugth* ailt Al'5l1fe a It was takeil te ltp Thomas SWein, proPiîstol' «, tie Trejuperafle Hotel le BIn.katock. lu tie local Optuu oLewastIP, OfCart- wright, wau brought heloe polile Magisitrats florsey on- Tuenday of thw îroek for selliiig tiquer te Thoq. MIL1 O! POittYpl0. Who was a pro- mÀinent wituess lu a trial here a-few days ago. when Jas;. (allagisor. -of Burkceton, wa 0 f inet $100 and Costa., Bill1 la hls evitience admItted havingw obtalned likuar at Blackoktock pi-e- vions to rece"i>g it f rei Gallagiser, and) it wau un the .8trength o! thi, sUtmnt tbat thse charge was bruitagainst Swatil by D. F. WNraish.lcense inspectur. Swain pieaded gulitv to the charge, and wau finied 8-W and $11.20cornte, or cneInapector Gordon. of Toronto, was here In consultation wlth thse local license iuspector. and it la un- derototi tat nu effort wiil - be sgpared to pros;ectite every infraction of the LiceniO .&et, whether ln thie liceutiet or local option portions o! the district. Su> far D. F. W%%alsh, thse newly appointet) inspecter, ha@ secureti a convictiom ln ever> case brought before i-'ohce Magitrate Horfiey.1 Lacrosse. Onie next Saturday-Tecurnsehs at Brantford; st. LaLbariues ut To.. roukto. Tecumaeits beat Brantford by 6to 4 at tise Toronto Ilanîd on $attîr. t)dy. Tise MarkiaM Economiat bas the foUinig very uniair account of tise game witi Witb3« on Civic HoI. day: 4' Marki.m et îî'th a rougis ne. ceptiuu nt Wbttby on Monday.It wa4 tise return matois. and iitby wans bonnd tu WIR. and'à-to Liat end) mode sure, importlng about liai! o! tise Oshawa C L. A. teana. lunadi- tiou the referet. 1Mr. Stewart, o! l-a hilli> wab Ignorant o! th.ei-nIes o! tie gamne, andtilet estrytising go. Tao tcensaquenc'e was a rougis gari. and noeri aurkha.m îlayeré %were Umet) up. After tie wbiutis %vas blown Cor a ,jouit I1idey - Wlon, whome batik w« staimned,. recetret a. deliberate aidais, wh'i eut bis beai) opel, aii.l oti ,ated four sIitcises, 'I Ith a eompetoflt nefetea hi. match wc>uid have beau a clmosea. 'Mark. isa~In ir short two of. thele best piîty c'a." In detence o!ut fefeee Stewart. we mity say tisat the-EcMOiiost'O te.. porter. lu awaY tùfi. Mr. Stewatt was i-Athei- hatudicpped wlth a badl> apràinbd koce wh!cbhohenM cmaed tiln a gamne a couituet o weeka r1go. andi whioh kOPI hilà freM inuoV. img ast tise-%buid aU6s iça as4ho çets., .cally du&. butho dId WOlU Uidor' the ercmùi«t*»894 ditu il asintCis&bout thse #ânse ni IUs mules na.mùy o! the Ms.nkh4m pilay. er$ 0nth ,wogoï Lise> broght wti tient. It waa a meough Sam&e but '%a.tbIl& a tr tilu tri -rougi t; amuI juat hemt we mijht Mention lbtisI vîttus habst rnefel kglieh l, acrusse busiimeas. soute et the men -wlw J)bV,04 witli Marbig ta gaîtis Whlthy on 0v* Hoilidaiy W tbu# ba.ln la r>ugher<ramnes this *sualntel'. JuavewAbtens t rotim R alipoiM and tise ?<orth Wjsst'-Ward 1la»d s nIMa U s oîàdopIai torioos at. tise ÎLt ette £"und#. Orb# bit, ~W«Os coaCheti SI> tomn.e or t"oldet Play;- orsm pand IAM e* #cy gSM RAM%- .,Oo ne Ie tili bsa4f for 50 0 NI '~UMN ROI Whaf Are You Kicking At ?. I noliced hat ou were angry thiai moruiug, ngry ad nviouA. grumb.- iiasg about the tougi lot wbtcb you say han always bepu your. !Den't do ta, >uoee only one nids o! tie pictu re. Ail tisaa"bat are worth while >eu may potsseus. .. m. a f reedoni oquai to that of tie kiig, andi ail thingu unpleaant you may, face wtth tie rent of us. Perhapm $ou art éapcaîdi'g no iueh tite worrytng oer the whcti you have not. t1i-at yeu hanve no eye te apprecinte that whtcb ,you have. Look pt tisat dake cIowît thetre; no man eau waailil ln se liat you carnot boa-r uic musto o! the rip- pie, or fel lise coolu s o! 1h. brei- , that sweeps acroes i I. Neither auyone say b lte main O"Reliev 1 pi-a> Tbee, o! Thy excewsive bl* Pr the.ri.des Dot recognie per- onage, but isineià un. Nelther can th. great une suy. *Il holti ny boi- day thisi week and liait. Be fai, 0 moon ! l. For il -thse moon wtii be wet It witllie wet whetiscr or o, andi tie gi-ca une wil be deouied o just 'mci dsu.ppoltmeutsas you aud 1 have o!tton ex xtrieuc d. * No oe oan 1eay I-hudt)he eir- ef tie word, nu 6ue ceau hear the birde oinn la tise traes or tise bands pay lu the park. - or - lie wtnd wiite uul-"s 1 amn wling. -Why, no. Itl fon mlf of us' No anse au tay ,"icknest hait I We have seea tic dotor'. hre and cantiage at thse browu stdne front. DiaIlion -eau lie -gratest- -say, r »)wth, yen mut- n t mçross my threnhold."1 Kings bore mausoleum. Pinces W hso ha s i an e f -,t*ty natid, B ack sorrow ?AM Wu sheud nver forget tisatHe- ven Plays DoI' .a'vultea. .Tiserai ara tuspiany fine loves ln a cottage ait tie.are la a mumion, ad thse #lIV7'aceça rttkthie wh:>le wonld refturiàksu sread . tore Fou lik but 'oae e.;pt. - ne Who ait# on bis doorttep witb is youngfters rompng about hism, a nd -W ho tisem to ,f s terigo J 04,< at fair Ply. and iWhsos.ch0 n me1 htin a gae e, i sa l Waler, JUSt à$ 11119 pleau re a nd ba n a fir keene apptite -di & ununder slee-P tisan my >a an wboo buni roîll la a f1 an s- a o ys, ar«, 'eau., When larly- i we wil light of thei you c them:t »and ni of th.ù ther j feing ac ainw BRoolîLIN Whitby Localse Where Il Whtby 7 ItluI becowIng a matter o! Iiport- ance. uîmeWhïtb.v hai. turnedt hlIe corner fi-rn the lrouaieocvue limeta thnough whicii tue Oeunty town h)an papsed ound i. nov-aovanciug aloug the higli roati to pnoipenlty, Iodu- termine where it le aI. lu other words, what lW the ex&ct pîlace on tie rnap for Whitby? To ;deLer- îagine WPIt matter tie Doifinion Gov.. ernant ai-o taking tise transit fi- gures by meaub J! au elaborate set, o! asgtronomifl inmt'rints lmutai- ti lu a ternpoi'ar'y buusdiug lunthe' i-car o!- tise arwories of the ll4th regilLent. Mir. F X McDiarmid, e! Otqawa.. 1" tii e eatleman la charge cf lis officialtnlveori&atio into the uiereabouté o! Wtuîby. Tise obý- seri'atiùub are made at ughit. Tic !k-ed starsu are tise basis o! the cal- cula tion. lieunteti upon a columu' o! portaddcernent lu a telescoape ha ring deivite levellng andi other apparalus attacreti. anud the w bote ln telegi-aphio communication with lte national capital. itlàt! a part- e! lie geodetie burvey o! Caua5ia. TIcs. Traviiiag. E. Stephtenson, Wiitby, ha@ ticket- et) tin weak- MIs S. Pringie to Gravenhurst. Mr. A. McI.màrîsey te Pals)ey. W. C. Ruttaàn Le Bulfaio. MiesaJonu.andi Miss Mowbray 10 Alexandnia Bay, N.Y. Mr. A. Doane to WWaumpeg, Mian. Mrt. W. C. Lo» it t u Lewlston. Aibert Moffatt te atrathroy. Ur. C. W. Ptai Ln ta (lait. Ur. aad bIii. DLixon. son and dau- gbiter. to Ptii Utemases ioigam anid Olyen te AI-1 exandrîn i#> NY >liarq V"ilo pe'nte New Yrk.rý lme Thouipson tu lPont aop>e lra. Dr. Gune tu 'brg lira. Geo. Robb aund sun te Wood-, stock. Mnr. J. W. Fi-oser te, Klng. Um issSlver tu Newc-jatie. Mis Monroe ce o t rt Mises HoslI tu Wexaogra Bay.: 20) chers lto Toronto.- Laast weebb tise Key-atoie reported thse gaie o! lise fine atonýe proîsertir o! m.' W» litt on Brook streett 10 Urn. Chas. Toi), but Do otfraent, W&* made 0# tise important, fact tisaI, theo aunont of 1he pureha».. 200 vau t Cpon wbat huit1-be» aunsmC rw tiepieby Ltuetwo pantCtie tMIe tae«wtl *~ar î the tb. etultasstO. I t KLVstotwo' UO'aUi15i'tP estate Iu Ibis coantry tint Whitby aiff ords. Another Inatance ut the ghrewd laveaitor re:oùgoî:ing tis W_ lbe purchase this week ut the Powell r' -"Idence op' Dixdau etreet we.st by lit. E. Starr. The con- ikeration ia. spla to be $1,900. Ai- most equalty as; favorable comment le possible ln regard 10 thto transter as tie onie wtàicb baq evolket) the Keys'tae's reniarbe upon reai enta te trans-fers lu Whitby. A8HBURN

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