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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 5

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~' t MMI 'SOMMER THINOSI. Stock a-~ ship-- utely BURN ngry thîùi A. gt'l[Ilb..' -bld, 3'ou onl'y One thl wllle r reecloni andi til y face L; - i ny-I 10) é(y to- tii-at you tlie ri1p- the brgç.e I v e h dtý& nîze per- l[ber con niy hlii- Bie fair. Pr or n% 00oned ta Slas ymi- cd ho4 ear of ar the the b2pda e wnd lori3e and ne front. st , ay, P~ri nces nf, -*'Back hit Hea- loves -In t rrîd be.. slep with bout hlm, jo0bý, at ren meet - iwager, has a fuir de r.sleep bmank rol anfd see ywo ln, NOW 1HdEMN e e RGSS BROS. When you hýar of something new and 'particu- larly nice in wasvh fabrics, corne riglit here and we wil1 show you the goocls. Thtis season lias been prolifty of noveftie3 in light weights and liglit colors. There are many of these goods you will not know about unless you corne in and see thern-and when you see them you will recognize a need for some of them, and now you are perfectly safe in buying some of thîs liglit, cool, gauîzy godâ, &u the bot weâ- ther is here to stay for Some time. We are of- fering thé following fer July. Festivities-white India Silk Blouses, ini sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, at $200 each. White lawn Blouses, sizes 32 to 40t ail this season's goods, quality unquestioned $1,00 each. Ladies' black India Silk Blouses, sizes 32,34, :36, 38, at $3.00 each. Ladies' colored India Silk Blouses, in navy blue, receda, green, liglit brown and cream, in sizes 34, 36> 38, at $3.50 each. In\&ll tàle obove . goods we offer .thie widest ran e for choice. glo a complete Ladies' Rteady-to-wear Shirt Waist $2.509 $3.00e $3.50, and White Pique $1.0O, $1.25t $1.50, each. range of Suits at Skirté at Your size is hère'in the style you like. Eornoy p oints to thisstore, anud satisfaction awaits you always at Ross ýBros. Ca8h Storse Q Feumbi 1792 mise bo.p.ut.i1794 n Capital Why take -any riulu 5 at tht. s,aàon.- When thé hmrv<ia la ýail gat hered th*jn, the-, umbe Siq if the prosperity of the nér- opelle proisporitîy for tisle s'iole 000~ APgrsivei Toe ti I 51Wc@uirfPAPR Totos HeUBsU1dhmg. Brook Bf rèd, Whsboy, O rhio. .1Otulo oesy"TsKeyaoaeo t e TIEMKmiwm f bwmndt in Poltflcs.andui The tgt 006!rul1 h e zdred effte f'-r ttty-w* suewbeu pffl la &doe-4LQM2*whri Tb. &dvm gRat«. are ,easuable and .iru be cq1atMlon &Msatlon. Ulycuhwbbtb hr. a V"Me o u1 elMreset' tbl of- k." not ater th"s T*Wudy foon, te tuanetue tion iu the . funet hue. Agt" WmdStu .au parte$o!1tthe Couuty. C. À. OOODFELLOW9 Talks of Land and Waler. The fassitude of August'us sttry days briuga a deîslr totaracate th1e duties wielh grlud th-e -uteady months away. and eu the writer yilded to the catîl of nature's rest- ing planes tua pend a few days where lmpld waters flow. Hund- reda of miles have (lad away as we have traveile -by train, b>' bicycle. by carrnage. by steamboat. mince leaving -Whitby ten daya ago. Sanie of the fineut. farming cuntre lu the protinob bas beonPa"ëd throngh. aud &onie co? the roughegi. Tilc oun- try everywheze iau îooked borely « tbe çvruçt i çwýr4l1 ir nexcellent oatsansd ba.ric-y have been the prin-. cipal epring &raina-the former lJre. dominatlng. ILt é, wonderful to oee the vast a.wount of aats now grown. Thia crop bas been a payiug one the past 7rear ur su. Thf, yiellisuns unually heavy. anit the price le good. Barlcy, wliivi was drujpped f ruai the let of crops fur butmo years.' has agabo come netta avur. and 0on every farum aneor numrei[eiib ay 11e aeen. Of apring whenkt 1 have nat .eeu au ear:- whilo a f ew 3 RPara ago spring wheet waa. Pintifua1y SowDla tue countie. of (Jrey sund Slmcoe. now it la dIfficuit to flnd a f ield, Pol wheat in grotl o considerably, andi &Oo e pa. Qaint to the, bug which infestodtia ôcrop. Atn cultL vntion wam dlbecotlaued for yeara. The. bug wan lurgely exterminated by this procese, and nuw t armera way again growv thtis crop. whlch they flke ta une La £lâuh attenta; hoge and cattie By the. time this is lanprint lbar. cr4 :hioughout the territory travert»eit wii be weil nigh cmltd 1rslgl o undeqr woy, wauy [anrea aig to thresh to get barn rooni. The yvieI4. af grain lié saliI-tu ho pretty, good. In fruits, tiff èrent ..ections vary considerably., Itaopberriet. red, and black,. are a gjud erop; cherriesin' 8mie ccti..ue guod, otheru varie" light. 1Black nherrierà, whli l ipen lter thati redtarcsicnluncme sections affectehi by b1ht. -lan oln*o Tise town of mldiand le nerog something o? a îransfôrmaiioanui its streetio tile eum;uer. -Ainextê.i; .-dve Sstem of ,E,*ers Asabelag tlaid. and a large weck of oernent ,wahka inDow in cour6o of eonist"4q tiol. . The Pettypicte S~iexatoae co.. of -Amhleritburg, "bas the contraot, and a mobt exelleac- lob they are iùatin;. 'l'h. Paree t un ,o..ru. deatial »trents e ibcbig laid Outalde the line of trecub, ae 1l1 Whftby, and iq 8,1X foot in width. The contraet prîco lai. 12 en t,> per foaot. The con- pauy ha. a concrete mxer ai. workr, andi tharoughî'y duel IL ,erfcvrm ite wark. I wau îtold that the corpom. ation hati a man on the job to Bec that the requisite Aprwtloé of cernent wats ua.ad.NutL hat be wo.s overeeing the tîtrcrg, but as aise of the workerp, eniÇlJy!d, by thei cuyupany. but u:hîbig the Louvr's initerests. Tho f own aaahurites are evlfentiy plJanning for tlic.f%àLu.ze tmporz-inýe encd permhlftflt bet.uty af the' town in thum Iayhbg sucb wilo sud subt stantiai paeemente. M41and bas no doubt a grut fitture bofôr. 1*. and the citlzexid bave cume tO resUt.z The ÇQrani1 Trn i;â1iWbl Q,Çk. Mr now building -a zi..on buri:het et£- vatai uit Dolluniowa, ju8t outsido tse corporation of Midiund. TÊ~e struc- ture is ta bc 01 ateeil and wlll ho the finest eleçator on the Qeorgian Be&y. A Suroma Paridlae. To prov.. that Cacada'n tourint trude in devek>)pîng une ha. but ta note the raptff growth o f Millanâ. famnous summer rebort, 1oeY Hart bor. Wthu-u the 'vriter firatsa-w it @lx yeui â ço tIivrt Wie but Que houee. the Victorup Houmie. for the accommodatioa of'tou",Laté. ToidsY tbere are thice Iargc aununer batela -sud one &Mailer hanse; ail of whiCh are now filiet to Lbhtr tamit. Thor are alseo wverui .c.re of cottages. barne of theni plain andi lne'LpeUSlves ethers- ver> cSufortable suid haut. gmre. "bu adaiun Wti hse. tiser. are now rnaDy tente dattia; lu ndê. here sud.there. It t8 utlCq/sy ta obtain psesmion of 'an Islandi ia wi Chi tohe ti the Georgiain Bay. Then. Ile adi.au pute betweea, the -Ontarto aniS fl. covue MIDîno tYrr.wnu1.s l tgowbikçb bs 'P0 -altrtotô grant patents for thece lu a .*W Istances d«48 d0 have been ob4tasinet andi tie çati tivel pniin; ucoeehvehdtgi(5 possessIon surveyed lito lots, whloh are being muid at tunc'y prices, malay wem of them brhigi;#10û,' Tb,,ere.x"a r. soume delightful s-potts f or village. t Tisose Who effltio gt tpatettfor1 awis au 11Isiaad eisctoil May gm rea e p.e.. - ,tit or lea l for a. perlod -of I ar . P? la ettisor way ýail tii. detrÀ b -la lande in losey Heýrbes,,a0' bolit * lottet. it te ate W hasard thse pre.. CD" dl«pi ntbo*làmV lve .pe - usoe Rloae ne rMjýýwiU -bea veritabl. -fulryland, g. oty rlelng out o te .'wrter -la tleeanld*t of verdur it 1h il a baekgrumd i-u1 ternat rw0o ch 50~tio û r T .$huof tRrUp~t~o 1t.T otio JnntOU , . nus; ag bout 014 TIi..es and01 oers intis te Wilnalpeg' TrIbusse. rtc. lewis l$Uhawv,:whbu hmgenem Vînulpec and 'otuet the staff t o SlTibun., toia tise ollbwlng ry ot Mr. 000. ffai,. a -to1mr. Itby ýboy WIKQ>ule10utblotrl M e .rlng f roinaun operatI9n for ap. rit ts; - - \ýWbeat, red .... do w ....... Beana..o . ............. Pe ................ Rye.. ..â..... 1#904 ." 0sf... .................. Alulke,o............Mes » B90 " o...:....... 4 00 te, S9 RdN ......... ........)Oteo0< RedNo. 2 .......... 4 M 5, à» TimothySi........... tO 10<>Q Flour,'perowt .. ...... 82 75 te -83. 0 CheppedFeeti, cwt .... 0 G0 1t0,'125 CenimeM ................ 200 to 2(3ab Umua, per ton .........00 O t20 00,L Shorts, p.: ton........... 20 -qG te 25 00> I&EAt,,,POULTRTr AND PROI»ICE. 009 40"#Q95 00te02 0ý80 te 0 W, 014U040ô o Beaf, by quarter per owt- CatSis, live w*Iht, but. Muttoa, per lb ........ Lasmb#. escl........... e, lave veight ... Hogs light fat .... 8 Help, hesvy fat.... Reg, dresaed per 10b% DXeks, perelb ......... Geese, drecsed per lb.'i Turkeys. dressed, per1 Butter, rolli!........ ... Lard ...« ....... ...... Eggu, per dozen....... Aptaee, pr bag.i ..... onorn Prbus ..... BHay. put ton ........ Straàw, per Io..... TaIbow, redered, per lb -Woel, unwaaled .. ...... L4amb Blimu.tie .oit I9igstrw% W",Teo~, s..M *raterw1 have a measuie -of ftyn2. patbr for -the Doukhoborà in tbelr debim to dli&pensae wlth unneces.ary apparel.' though few would care to go to the extreme or that of the people, with the big; name favor. Ail k1nds of specu1latuod have been haznrded as 'ro the outcome of the Peave cuutercîicc bz!twoen the Jâj4. an etm and 1< ubîan &iev-pten taries. NoýLhIn-g but guesses, however, have been Possible, ah not the fainteat hi-t bas. leaktid Out ab toe1the nature of the delntudb of Japn. Keystone Sugar Comupany. A. meejdimg oSthe ucw kdlrncc"Lor,.o the M&gr COniPanY IA IlhOlU 10 To& ronto on TueI.day Janut awhich 1b tofllng of ficer& werce etede and ýtII Compan' w-ab <ully organtzWl, vis.: Pre*idett JohL FPlètt; Vlet- Presldent- W. W. lCeghley; Secre- tary-Trêewiurer, lion flidhard ilar- court; Mnnoog jDirectura Janm Powler. , teure. Ja&. ltutiedge and Andrew M. Ituo,lvil 4rector,, ai- tended train Whitby. A eaU of 23- per cent. oit U1L suba&trîbed eapltail was madle. to ha paid lu 30 dls.. [t le expected tbst iArk on the taec.i tory wiIt smon be btarted, andi that the rounjlatton wïill b. colupleted be.. fore frost cesie. Major 'Neil ,1l Duey with tht fsrre *mseung con. traets for-the acweaige. A, STORV UP <IORGE EAU. &00Wro5 0 00 te '4 0O00to 6 000 te -S SCo to 5 0 00 e 0-10 te -0 011ito - 0 9 teO0 0 12 teo0 o000 to 0 ýo 12 go O 1 00 t1e'i 090 t0 2 20010 30 00> 100 S76 75 00 lai, DIS )14 25 9 0 iGto 196& 0104 te 02 00140 o 00 ahlp above ieferrc.d tus #pple bayer* are not la evhdmnot thla - yr.Lait s5a5O tly bouglt orcharsr. tu l DaSYSM dil Dot- gatse tbet andt, stthe (arez n~t t» to par rbfr.tetruîf,. 4si za-W11 semwo9 lW the «r £Otbo."M Tpam or otmr tb. lUg*ive U» o w>êe ~ vIit sqI t the th* F 'Sittinis of teoWDso ors WMay SI Q. Ma$odoiusfô, Wa$ Iby Clerk,~~~ p.~ *,P 2, Maoh , ns May 8, Juiss-7j July , 6B ept 7, OL5, OURÂVA 15l . Mlot1& at1Ly il, No. T, Ja. 1, 1900. pou I"v J. W. -uim, g4Port hsIdp~C16rk, ai12 Iarok I$ mà J* 14 km.i 5,N.U1% J u413 Càuiwou~ - ILoG.Slhosumgfr ~uav~~ai'q oIr. . & oe, 2u Il

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