JEU.. i Tbi' e~am.thej* -mkIgdan .To Maki ~~istbat -1WiU -rely jeu- la tjiras 'o aiclear cooked fruit .juIci be sdwt ugar tb the Jellying Bs. Thh 0ro î oO!atug.altos la due te ho .ultaueC 0;d et~sor its rotative, pectin acid Xsayfrt,-sb as peachio, cberriee,~PMI iPe graom, do fot ontaln'1,suffictéat pecto te thicken tb6 jule whet coid, and are 4bersIom , 'ettez, combisd i," ether fruit Up w111bitIlabounds. Thus, tb chéerries ar sdded cruto p«ehea, aples or plumaQ fldto ipégraesapples or qutucea. ,1ruil 'Vbih ovirripe or wben gathasaed «Wta rait *ould dtpib.ued for lolly, as fita uapIt t *0 vatery, and to Jack thé essential pecto4e, Peollo acid la a gelatînous substance solublî tu Julces of fruit HIeatedti u comblnatiot mlbsgar, It congoals whon cool. If the boil) ut 48u eontInuod tea long, the mixture los its gelatlnous proportiesansd beom es a thl#ci< Wrrupr or Irosy maso whieb neyer asale vwil: tup h.eJ4lyiug point. P?Ã" orpbtain tt.. Juiesof fruit. add t It ai nWLttw ator un possible tg cook It ulow1y; the JutC* vill coll.ct--beely. Large fruil gkot4ld boe deaued and eut- into amailipieeem' au juiCy fruits abouti! b. tboroughly masb. ad, thon, eookod ln their own u juinuntil Soft. The leua vater used, snd the shartei the ttine during whicb the fruit la hoated, <00 bMter vlin be th. fi-avor of the product Affu the fruit lu cooked wltb thé sugar ____ ubui lb rougb a double- thîchuosa of I*esonl@th or of coarse *fla.nnel whlch tu haif not n sd hait vool, form a cornucopia, Wblob la $ben susptuded by tonneS of a loop. The julcesthat trains vithout lay preusure iak.u the clearest 4elly, but to avold any Vaste a second grade may be made for Imme- dEige use or cookîng; purposes, oià t of the $Uiee that eau b. zqueezed through the cloth. - K Ia]dng Jelly. .W. The samI general mie applos to tbe §Dakin£ of ait ucliet. bleasure the jule &dto eahcintlutsow'-froua tliee-qarteru t&e n lt f granula±ed augar. For be4< M Iuta, do Dlot make Jelly of more tItan fto Pinta of Julce et a time, because when 9ein amall quantities, the jellylng point la réachod more qulckly, tbua produclng a ihtâr colored, clearer aud 'butter flavored 13011Y. For the saine reason, evaporate lte Vaite fromin I for ton minute or more ýIeor* adding -the au gar, by bolIng ln au ?n graite or porcélain saucepan. Add mb- ugar gradually, sklrn thoroughly ad pu9tinue the bottin untîl a teaapouf al dz'oPp on a cold saucer viii jelly slightly. It -JelylY lh bosaougar la preferrsd. e- ducs th.éuIce by bolllng It et loaua twouty- minutes, thon add tbree-fourths Iha moasure et gu - Treitment of JeUly. When the. jellylng poinut la 10 eobMl8lt. Muhesshould lmmedlately ho lakn mu! the' etoye. While Il Io cooling, fMI1Somn glasses vith bot valer -aud arrange cssveclently aaar asquareý-of cboesecloth. a etrlaer and a pibcber of wator, wrlng il dry, pet I. over the atraluer aud pour the boilkng botliiquMl tbrougb'into the glassee. Thisla t a trainiug là oftten ltted, but It ali80 MnatoelaliY ln wamovlns .very particle of the scmm. and lzb tiras producîn; a jelly of unuisual olsarnu aud sparkle, that itla luol! vorth the addl- thouai lakor. Il tbe jelly -does flot seemu par- feetly tirua wbea cold, cover It wilîlas quIlo nettîng or wlndow gla3sssud lot Ih stand la the bot sun for saventl daya. To Keep JeUy. When th. juiIy lis cold, cover It vlta meited Paraffine, or 'w 1h circular pleces of papsi dipped lu alcohol or brandy, thon put on the lin envers, or geai uecurely vitb circu- Jar pioce or paper eut larger than the gla-s-- es. Iustead of letting paper ono may uae ordicary wrapDing pape; cutting two covem'a for esch glass. Ilruah the covera on *ach aie vth aDything 10 f111 tho pore, preferabiy parafine. Label escla gla3s with the name et the jelly, and the date. Keop lu a cool, dark aud dr!y place, groupiug ail of one klnd tui aý closad box. Currant jelly. lu maltîng currant :eUy, equal proportions of etansd white fruit yiold a llgaiter.-celored produet tbhlared currauts alone. Sîsmmîung, tbem la ont essential. Quard a"ns over- çookiug, Ri currints. balin; rlch lu peetiç acid, rearh the jolkylng point quickor thon mict,çtl'er fruits. Blscicberry jelly lueupeclally etteomedfo bteacstl-loxatIve .propertles. jFor grapo jeily, green grape-i or those jubit beginain; to.l turu are bout. W1ld grapes gathared juil as tbey begià te turu also make a Jeily of excellent flavor. Cullivatod gm'peu. Vl fully ripe, are deIlè4at la petie actif. andi intsas cooked with *pýjIesor<1 pluma matte a >rua rptlthan -Ajeily. S Aple 3.uIy. le ý rIîý, à pe"tisacid,ad the . lii esse fltort, vl-tlavérd pi Cb r or f ?sTo ast e IOve4 tot I& st ~~qf theemrnl idiosynrmoe et iQ «,ý aà tbel serve 1<teiaL go4 mi ~:b ~oIews, tte end ort itinýaciois Wjn iy. If yott anttofltaoe hlm and swsy im.t7* yur wiUL,veli' iý ut elï1y a inatter QI course that thr-hldmtt ' mbbi" npIacepracla mana always enta off the end of bis cigar with mucii cane, miwmyu sds tuat It aniokes evenly, alws.ys bas matches and lialwaya conscôua of bis expensivec» icyvment, He nay have other attrihutes, to b. sure, than that of painstaking- and sometimes paineauslng - came, bnt it'a harder tb sec ibeni througb bita snmoke. He's apt te ho a tiresone stick- lot for the convoxtionaiities. but lie may be a ,petty good fellow, too. Offliv if he's selfish,'bis selfisbness is of a most mean and unattractive sort. You see, 1 don't profess te have the Relence dôwn finme, yet, but sncb mules as I've givenaire reliable." LvrsY-Z"<Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Puwder dusted in th. bath, softens -the water and disinfecta, 38 Danger Signais for Raliz&U. The existence on a high speed trak of a faing Point. without di-stant signal iprotection -stands ont as a great elemnent o! danger in au otherwisc excelent road- way. The thouglit 0f it must beê horcid iniigbtmarc to any. of ficer who la respon- sibile for it, and who reada lnteligently bhe records of the *past. A lunatic'may caoily derail a train by ohher mcmii, but from axay teasonable publie stand- point it la iutolerable tUatatn>' ailroad Company' ruuuing trains at higb spccd -should givle - the lunaicsuch an easy way of carymng out bis desigus. On. van readily imagine a mnd se disordered that a facting point switch would hé a distinct temptation to womk destruction. But, human traiuwrekrs maide, tba existence o! tie datugerous awitch la nov made kiowu te aUl the wernd; sud thé liabillty o!famie sud innocent cm- pioyees to egect th11eir duty an oonnec- tion With suehIa mwitch is &IO onv to ail the wrl v many ollior such ewitches exist- on Iliat rnd? 'With men of' the beet grade, witb a country freï froni foge, and vith a Ivo mile vie-w for th bbcengineinan, the liabilit>' te diasten from neglibènt misplaemient of a uwitÀch is, indced, rmrote; but vien on. ne- flects for a moment on thie loy ceet o! distant Edgnals and on the. horrible ne- suite o! a single derailmeatp occurning perbapa once iu twenty or fifty yeans, lb. satisfaction found in tlat word "ne- moee" tuims te ashes lu ene menth. flac fat rua ,of 1M5 wuasmde vitli all the svitches spiked 9r attended by pea wat-chzucu. What vms dore -to safeguard the apecial trins run Ihliyar à lAont reported.Buti vialougit te hé doue, te:: saeurd a&U trains la se plain as to eraelyned atating-bave a distant signal for every f seing poimt.-Railroad Gazette. HEART DISEASEËRELIEVED Mi30 »MffiTES,-Dr. Agiew' Cure for the. Heurt givu perfcOt refleflu >11 case ef Orgsoic or SyniPathetieliaset Di"e"@ssin 3o minutes,ad Dpcdlll'efféeta&acure. l le &peýreasremedy for PAlpltat1on hôrt- Dsgs o et ne sotiteninp SÃeis,?*auntl Lett side, andi ail symptbome et a Dkwsm"d Heant. Oua do» ecmvincm.-O - Oielu of Modemrncuis. For tse oniglu o! .moitMra circs one. must go -back tt lie Eglbki lina et t smeteenta, egieab uien> is tuenli cealuneUnl- teAnei county taa o! thé epremst <lay>' lt iaemors lu' thé nm$lws of iW* stock ex. hihitiopa, 'the ealy -Eà glub tair, w»s aprlbut Ua Tsesê th;al'-.gterlg, sl vr, ideth*, S T a PACIK cOASVr -»ý s1" IuM ~ ~ ~ 4 p tute a~ i à OM4-410 1Ll SoeLlar fradise S~O1T A EOWfl, Ouiar iot the Fr;t Soverigato le RingOscr t byne me"us.the firat 92=n aa Lan Ringto e, -dieU'rene4. A Danlsh bistorian- recaUa the tufast in- 1809 Gustax IV. o! Sweden was compeil- ed %to -abdicate, &Md before hlm Erik~ XIV. and King Sigimund. The sanie fate aise overtook the relgning queens Christina and Ulrîke Leonore- Daniah history, recorda bbc dethroaement o! only oua King-Khristiaa Min lu?.22,As regards King Oscar, the. opinion- prevails an Sweden that hc anbicipated bis lise of Norway aud even desired kt It ar. gued tirat, beiug an apostie o! peace, and knowing thhfc the union bebveen Norw.ty apd Swedeu was -bound to be disaolved, he was auxious that the criais' should occur -daimiug bis reign, as bis sucesor might regard it as a cause for wan. ANOTllE¶ Y9J ] g ON TIHE FRMRiE Telis o!f Diabetes Cure4 by Dodd's Klduey Plls. W. 0. Bartieman ColuId Get No ReliefTiM Re Tried tie. Great Canadien Eldus>' Remnedy. Wapella, Aia,, N. W. T., Aug.!- (Speial)-This thiving tevu funnui..e eue of the mosl remankable cure$ o! Riduey Dieuse tbat lias'mn rbeen re- Porled on the Prairies. Mr. WnL G. Bamtlemau, a well-kugwu farier, la the man eured sud lie makes tLe tolo'wing atatement: 11I had Ridney Trouble sud it dene!- opet injte Diabetes. I vent te tihe doo- ton but his tmeatmeul v Nao!fnm use whatever te Me. 1 began to takI Ddd's Rida.>' Pille ina December, 1902 I1 ook them, al winter sud summer vihlle I vras unable te work ni>' farm. '1- teok tvelve boxes la ail and in Auguet I vas aile ho vork. "Nov I amn quite strong. I worketi ail winter without pains ia my bacir or ;Vpare o!fru> body. Dodd's 4iue>' acured me." If lbe Kidriey.Discase lm lon Stand ing it may take lime to cureL But Dodd's Kidie>' Pilla ,iUdo h. A ASOLEM »ANLXC The>' bave a m*guankiai o! d&"o condueted on th. esasof ceuni>' I« lages ina Russie. Tii. daiers st~ spart, a kmiol o! YCUÈng m=n -;kre,a -kuet o! maidens ci,eei " m»Xb>' it- self sud silent as a crevd o! mules. A piper breakes îato a.tuus;î a youth pull ýof1;f hie cansd challenge sl grl viti a brave sud a boy. If th girl ta wiflimi the vaves hem adkeftclef laInoken of &maet The.youth' advancet,ltekS S corner tof tiheandkenhcief u i bu d a"d leadabishlm aalround, anti round. No WOrd is £o en , DeOl g heard. 5111! viîL su ad nlch vii braiea the.girl, mores eaxiï*b- beY self, going round -and round sud eye allowing ber panifier t om& W h~ a"d TiMM p g. dnouIngon fer hourq lu smd k.>'- and Measure, aMd tboepnlof meiitla tclr"elein"' torw to thé-lad%. mer rsvslsy basneyer SPOke,ýAM suw c- -4htle wms rnema,MWvs>' et P4t#ý tls lw halultlndhipwîtihoue v'hohên i ones ta teat Be may te an IdedE ,r*MrA*- tive saI;pe Iiegdqu4mrsnlot an Ag rlcaa*-en- orsi, buit -*Ireuï lea Mbl »-i rving sa- factoniy vithitheé. Rusian. or the ;affl- sus. &S a UUatattlon, mii Of the Slu Pres vra as p~t»1 .at i,,jl4. aaie*t'er iass aor YreéébIfthsy d amot thay vouid b. ussîses. At leut tiaresoZ Above a&ILute var corr"npodet muet posseslu marke4 degree that famiiiarlty vtth avenats andi affaire -which yl commanti the confidenceof thoas lu power about hlm.L Ris influence oten extends beyoad bis prim- ary mission of réporblngad abilys imte thé field of international diplom.acy. For-,lu-- atance, turing the SBoxer rebeillioraln China,' eneoftheb Associstod Pness correap:ondepts vas sougbt put sud consuited by the coin- mander of eu* pover repmosentod- lu the al- lied expedition as tb las proper attitude bt- yard thes m9llaz4y eprnentatlve o! aliother power, vbese actions ver. cauulng grave conera ln-ha-,delcate bout, NOMESFOR NATURALIT& Fer -tiirty yeara fis uof many varie- ties havebeen keptminaqluaml by Mr. F. Davis, of London, -and bis observmti6ne have -convineed him, eontnary te com-. mon belle!, tirat i hla.. leep, though only in darkneaa. ArUiicsl lgt. awakens themn. Ie findsalase that fiéhes have ther play or sports, lUe other creatures. Enece has been coliected reoently which eows that the. bIne. t fs from tra.&frmca* te the s ores of tii. North Sea, a distance of 1,goO mies, iu lesu liai a day and s night, and, makng, it, moreover,- la on. uninterrupted *. Iht Thue storks, which spend thaîrsmne lu Âustria-Hungary aud their -vantera lin India sad Central &frima, are; mise maryellous, travellens, and malte their journ.ys Ivici a year lnu mbrokatn flight each time. From BudA Pest ila'Hungary, to Luaore, iu ludia, la 2,4W0 nailea n aaa gir -line, and the atoikomadeithe Jour. ney in 24 hours, thus travelling - t ltas __ m ia miles an heur fùr the whole distance.The stonits vlaich ipend. the summer ia CIe-mtral Lhirep and wlnter ln Central Afzicm travel witi the saine rapidlty. That those vite do net knuw malaria te ho a result o! musquito hitês are very inuela behiad 4h. tue essio*n by' the. Sankirt maausept on te-nera n e- eatly-'bmu»~t te light ln- Ce3loa- Tua document 1,40 Yeats .1I, uarnertee 67 kinds of zauoqultoeo4 -the -bites tif vblch prçduc fei;er. Tue Avenube te8ce Maray a mmnWho sebl"or -manufae- tures %e article w1h. hmigittb. po'ar ied .by publicity bé*Itates te tiake- theé ol 'lalmed ton fi. 7or mmcli du.' bitas pemione tbe expenleace o!thers la th. lest guide. A glance at ths an- nouacem«etso! -the sgular -advertlsesr,- Inithe daity papenevi m 01hmo tii. fortunes that senathe psmIs bo kssneslave miup. Pý liven tiiemoat suoeau ere begînnera once. 'Th anus vwblcli they tollowed lu ops01MU SUt ýWho vent te finit ,a nket ýfor ai realUy reritortous produet. ana p -at~ uasusmg'lis ecntdiscovr by" Cnookühak,, of London, that musla ila vallîale remtr lu. he treatment ot i,'qà ioid féez and aise acta s a atm' lant andmidîîifr the brai», a local phYýý. ulear ennctd ithé ieUnvemt ô penMaylvanla in ladhncl to- attnibue the vorld-vide sand long-cndurlng pp= Iarity plllU»k &as>-e-& mto the at eatablud b>'-the London entlast. It la tmue that te -produce an>' precîà býe te create £a cent, yet the. faimiteatod6r1 probably camres morne aubtie suggestion o! mà ental strengthezaing and -elevation, Indeed, the. doctor queted believes tbat Mn npefumea other tlf n~C-'Mud es;:iaiytU sewith S" alcohoie base carry shight invigoration, eltiier mental or 'pbyzk~al, or both, even viacu oulinl- balcd tirongh the nostrils. ookshainks demonÈtrationa with niusk do net, appear te bave bren esr.- ried far enopgb to show wbetber the. al- fects o! it when used as a stimulant are as bmd as lintéeucae of moat other drugs. This question te net, hovever, o! inimediats importance, becansé,the offecet o! stimulation belng flceting andi transi- tory, the. doses,, o! ten repeated, muet be large te bhave the. deuircd resuli, and znusk la expenalve. AUl ual la useti hbre torned from China snd comta se!netblag 11k. U20 a pouUr4 As a prune a ponnd would ser-veaXlare sectimo e i.popu- tlon ofa City asbig asbIadelphia, but virai usad as a medicine the. doss, ad- ministereti e-er>' ivo houri, coet about $2 each. Noue o! the. infoior grades of muait, it le mid, are of su>' 'velue, as a- Stimulant.- Xakin the Pube W& Il sometimes pays to teks thesPubilo into one's confidence. It ianreprted that some emetern packed -preservea -on -sae in the. Nerthvest are IbeIIed wM the i followlng Ipg.. n e, eh ontenute oçt pcaeare Preevdwlhti e> ve> iest quadty o!foa-tar 8>'*"The. chances are-vo eâast;b customers Vert k la,"ao po ro. ?eid a"d oa1-tà r dyes toi h uaed in NEW VORICI Pt1ILADiLPt1 » la uNew- brk utwts l eiret ls itl mad biulu eo docks, saVMnUsa. CsWr uop-. log and "Ueleve trânsfer. Socuré y'u tickets tc> New Yà rk or Phladelphlaà 7mlehlk* Valley ulIitro4. a - blovdtab* « WA.N'I TO BELL AK SPEOT- fod enaud for artile -lu rural ri= p«Woffer. WIII adrer- e Zoe..paper. B~44, Forth, ont. fOR SALE TMlS OFFICE, ~ OURFORTNE TLD FROM THE CMA- ,\. dis to the grave; nu±tors of bu.ulnus. love, an4,errigo e wde clear; ,wbat.i crne tu9Ieud -b btbmansd igo. Pof real, Caa.* Great seuler M 0Per cent.for avens, Wr»t to-day. J. -M. Rowe, Dunnville, Ont A telegra.her earu-froin $W-000 to $1,80Q.00 a year. Do you? If not lot us quai- Ify you te do Bo. Our f&ee telegraph book «xplains everythmgs. Write for it to-day. B.W. SOIRS, '. Principal. DOMINION 89HOOL.w: IEILflRIPHI- ô Adelaldo3t. East Toronto. ont Hamilton- ~jMontreaI. Pan. on Tuuaiys, Tbursdys aid Saturdaym for Bar of fQuhne, Moutreal sad latarme-; diate ports. LOW RATES ABoVE UN=D. TORONTO-MONYIREAL uNE W1ý MURSTOBOwO ANm, KU4STMk t, Tesato at 8pm.dUyà oetSa- das.1rom JUlYI I L Mlobse . o Med W*AlRtda t LwreaoeMo&a. Queboo a"d Murra Daye TMdis,8ga Ag à teT n -e.e rSn "My good womaa," usldt. ls&M' t'fig oxi zmWas Oglvd6 -ao-n luèe 0 tn thé lL~a4sip qu111"on 1Ight aide au4 tii. osb oli Ue le~t,,,u the brougbaat was try$ug te Peu the ont- nlbus, you à amy the' plaitiftf be'tWetù thé, brolughsm and tu6ýe -Obw hét1er.ahùd wiienj u en e hlm st-all, ".d viether or, - ¶laaahé le s~ 11511 ~y frios4 o i - sAle Adolpi, à ~ Ansi La îlea À; t t Jermila i he Comeuntary-I # '.1-4). 1. Then -7oatôin CbaptÀ ~adivered fron etCr.-6-ome 'wbto vers eeekdmg, -hybad free citof the prisom -A ,proverbial- expri on&Pe vit li le U Fi> that one car U! the esoape, and *ià luded li the idi Un -lf e am hlé gai qwerto the Ohd à 6t 'bad a divine juty hav een m aieg certain lie aci - - mrtoeof Ge(d's vi au advlolng auren Iybo give'n-This - 11 et Gddforit. e ke neyer waverd4 4. T2ie Princes Sm pladn enougli, but .the lix tien, fur no Mun people then ?lad Mg vas calculate mseeof their sina e oGod. "One of ' - njuring othems à l zimntcrPret their .4ktivea wVe me roaNe f or- hlm dhdith bad moti 1.Jcrcmi-aiiin 5. King is nuthe- Iking. Hehd * -~ vas a propb * .dared flot opr their inalc&,v - .Then Vook niwitwathe tui -He 'vas put in, t gxty, Waeimpmcl -b. -kept night oci tree, wNihoe.brai bceee7 but vlnch &M'. to maya a. s"place -in Ve > s but -a -it iea,4 cd - w&ter, hbut wu W#~h enapzycSate: noe of escape.- =fe-They evide i acIte inthal I1f. Jeremuah's lbedmeiecb-1'ýTb ansd î& had, f i