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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 7

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/. forà article'l u nral a Offer. Wili)-' dver- Bof 4., enh.ont. .)ALE C;MT OR5. 1 ihorse-powe. - -r!Cz. D RO HE CRLA' egorde P O-.0..Meuxt- on the arket. ýt. for tigente.Writ invillle. Ont. 1APIIY carma freux û.00 a y'ear. lot us qua '. o. Our fit" i rplaiw- rite for it prinzcipal. 08ont. i ne amilton and Pletan af andS Toronto 7.30 adys "nd Saturdaye itreal and Internue- 1078 LINIq. IREAL UNE AND KINGSTG:'I. rt dally, exoept son- y Rechesteir, Thou- .avreuce. -Montreai. Tadousc, aguu te R. R. agents or Western Pussugur said tc learned n3ueer iu thse M! whicls you are 4d simple question rere cro:aIng the. nl your nam n d ang doowu op the ion the lef t, a.nd gte- pes the cxx- lutif f between the ,or vhethcr and 11l, and whethier or cab-and onixubus, Lnd whiehi of them it nva-%"-London DESPOI!ENT? wfeas? liave the Où roprratioa? .Là Nature& coreo-. ght, givm.- n wor~i e CireulatIon pet- on builder for aun-, Fraye: 1ove Mr Trutai. e ýaulertisers -te ut Seflig below n objecta of geod tlie-confidcnce o! mients, oiten re. dence, mucli U k te psy ten pr tÈsý -To Ire force- ust 'be ti.uthfui. that pay in t4se RLOR any surlies. imited O OoQmemntar . LJ eoena' me en-Aler the eveate re- £oed to in chaçter 37,'.where Jeremàsh ,M& u dlived rou the dumungo. hep)i- .W Î 1et<ý-&om. ef Jteema.'» eneonies Vbq;er.e iug b lite. Al .tbeouIpt .-4'ey had free aeceesato hi= fn th.e ourt of the 1prson. 2. Iàte for a, prey- A. proverbWI lezpresion. To, make eue' ua" vith i ie like a ve)uables poil or prey thateime carrnes off; the. irowne3a o! thee oa, mand thé, joy ki t et, are âuoiuded in th idea. 1Re, sba]Icarry off h6Id le U à h ie g aved by bis going over te the ObiÏdesans Rad Jeremiah Mt -had a divine comiison lie might sUy have beexi accused of treaâon, but Iving one whieh suade-the resuit of the aieg certain h.e cted humnanely a» inter- prêter of God's viii under the. theocraey a.dvieing @urrender.ý'-J., F. & B. Sure- ly ho given-This was a testimnixy that ho conste.ntly bore; aie bad the authorfty o God for it. Re knew it wa» truesand he neyer waverd or equivocated.' 4. The princes said-Mheir ressens were plaiin enough, but the proef was wanting. Seeketh... .the hurt-An unjust insinua- *tien, for no man had done more for thîs pel thanhlid Jeremia..'Ris preo.ch- ing was caiculated tu, arouse them te a @mm of their sinas and cause t.heni te turn te G-ed. "One of the eocomn.et ways of injuring ot.hers às tç misunderat4nd aild misinterpret t.heir motives, ex Jeremiah's motives weye maligned beeause it wu. possible for him te have doue wbat he dîd witÀh bad motives Il. Jeremia.h in the dungeon (vs. 5, 6). 5. King is not he-Zedeiah vwas a weak king. He hli a conviction that Jere- miah was a prophet of the Lord, and yet h. dared not oppose hi9S tatesmen. but yelded te their will without a question. An innocent man Was t.hus aacnfîeèd te their rmalice. 6. Tlwn took they Jeremiah-"Jere- una.h wa.s theitutt of ridicule and s-oru. Hie vas put, in the stocks,'vas publicly whipped, w"s misrepresebted a.s an en- umy, wu uinprisoned --several ýtimes, but he kept right. on.-1He was like an eha tree, wh>se b'anche yleld Ito every breeze, but which ne storm, noet even.'One that upheaves rocks fromi their W e an cause te move one hair's breadth fromi it. place in t.he ground.-Peloubet. The dungeon-UÂtera.lIy, 'the cistern2" It w«a Dot a subterrafflan- prison as that in Jonathan'g house (c-apetÎ xxxvù*. 15), but a pit or eisterxi, hitad ac been full of water, but wau emptied of it during tue siege se that onyire emained. Such eipty caterna W =eefe used es prisons (Zech. ix.. 11); the deptai forbade "ap of ecape.-J., F. & B. 6unk in the mire-They evidently expected that Le qeoud idt(1injthat placî. 0 I. Jeremiah's friend (vsa. 7 .9). 7. Ibedmelch-"Tbe servant of the king." Re probably was keeper o! the royal -bar- ln, and 00 lîad private acQess te the ing. "Already even ai. thils eanly cimpe, Cod wished te show what geod reasuli there Was for calling the (3entiles te salvation. An Etniopian stranger mares the prophet, whom bis own coun- trymu, the Jews, tried te destroy. Se thie (entiles believed iîn Christ whom1 thie Jews crucified, and Ethiopians vere among the earliest. converts" <Acta h.L 10, 41; viii. 27-&9)'. Sitting in the gate The bites of cities wers the places whcre justice vas administered. 8. went: forth-The servant went imniedately Q/' ture wau stirrýd. irtyme-.NtmOe Iy Vo draw up Jereirua, but tg er -Ebed-rneletth iftUn princes ea ýop- pese bita. Tais klngwas 4.t#snle4hat lie should b. rescuéd by force if uncus- aum. ,B~bedheleà vu reward Lor ais f aitai, love and eufg exn*blt etil ut a time when lie igat weIll fear thie vrith of the pr$noe ti> *h1à1 evs'.h king was eb gd té& -kL 11-13. Ebd.unleê -tô tb S 8 the kix.g had C ras~d u zeued ýjeu eMiahI,11. et domûinIto W, 1 Ët~@ tori clothes sud vwOTt-QUtat rm-â 4 ûnsýructeiM JexMniah tW $4», ti OIR 4 taie repes, £114 placé, t.hèm 4~ pits, so as eut te saufI'et, 14 ropes when h. vas di ï_ ' Jeremiah was thuis ueossater- but remained li the court Îcith &. - That Godmauy Uéu «m ba a benl tbat rifflsloue tie vitues eof Cbris"enty. The PQOu«Ity-,« "à courage as .àremiuth ,ahwed cuouu ly a. IdemoùîtlUteg baiyd TtrGoes Ii ils always more ¶.o thie <eut Cairfatta than bis ovu peronal comfort. Jere m1ahts lie-work vas mot hindered by JUS imprio M s Cod met hilanthp so01 nd u d d m there (Y. 17). vithinprison W!.lls. 4.- Thit .ve may have wuiak~vt 'Ojiers. Taiat 'we Might P.aqm thizing CQed, Jesus came to e a s le- intg Savior. "« that he-hmeeUlt bath suffered being tenxpted 1h,à e i.to suceer tem Ulsý ar~ e pted." fUeu .IL 18). "VW A c"iot dd geod *6à Mhiftm ve, ai. a ceet te ourselves, and our owua a. flietions are the pnice vo psy for Or ability-4-o sympathize. Re who wouid be a helpermust firet aie a sufferYUee vwhc'wonld aie a savior mustetâmi.e and eemshow bave been upen-a cross; and we cannot Lave thie highest bappi- nees o! lîfe in succoing others withot tanting taie cup which Jeans dranai and seubmitting to the baptism wherewitai Le vas baptized."- B< true though you lose by ItL Jere-, mniah alwayý told the truth wbatere thie coneeq uiùnes te himmeif. ,When 1k lting sent te consuit hi=o secretly his ans- ver vas bold and clear (Jer. m=vii. 17). Neyer had he been more dermnite and con- cise There was ne equivocation or quai. ification. Re forget- that he was a pri- soner speaking te a king and ouly re- membered that he vas a prophet speak- iug for God. ,,Jeremiah was ene of thoee vho "out of weakness were made atrong" <Heb. xi. 34). Riswas a VlitlS, timiti, sbrinking nature. 'SuiferÎ %inwsterb to him. Ie piteously pleaded for the king's help "lest he die." Yet how stror.g Le becanie under the power of God. Rie was flot "afraid <if their face,%" and «"ot disxuayed" (1- 8-17). -Rie "spake ail" that vas commande4.. 1?beough * weak an anzing naturally, yeu -mal be strng ndsteady epiritually. Ifyei ask Ged sud trust hlm aiviii da fer you vhat he did for thie prophet-make' Irou a "1defenced eity, an iren pilla, a, brazen waill" (1. 18). Jeremiah put the kingdom of Goi1 firet aud self-intevest.atteÏiNvard. Re cllivered God's-message, then pIeaded hie ovri cause. 'e would net soitén a word of thie trutai for any pertons! advantage., Abrahamu put Qed tirst vaien lie vent eut net kunowing whither lie vent," aria "Sc jourueyed intaie land. ef prmse., as in a strange country» (Usai.xi. 8, 9). He put Qed firet when aie ,,bouncl Iae bis son on the alt4 upon taie %V.ood and stretched forth liii bau-d te slay his son%~ (Gexi. xxii. 9, Io). Abbie C. Morrow. À GUXNTRIUMPH. Loan to morcco's S"tan a PolitcaI .dvautage. B3erlin, Aug. 14.-The German bans psiticipating in a iGan o! 82,500,000 to the Sultan of Mo 'rocco, accerding te a x'eport cireu.aatted On taie Bourse( to. ~ta, arç .~lneso~& comuaniV j lleichroed4r & Co6mpâtny, the tSon- to Gosellscbsft and tais Berliner Bau. dols Geaellscheft. The Joan la regarat- ed es having e-5Plitical as weil as fi.- nancial value fer ierwanyo as it will increase the intetss orc the empire ini Morocco. Paris, Aug. Io.-The atatement that Gerinan baUkers haVe advanced ape« Ferai lban o! $2,500,000 to the 8urita o!Mrocco, llug o ofre* comng atter asurances tait the #ta- SWw Warmd Off Orne bnp.. Power. Rowvt 11y3 Dheu tsw of Mou-in deliv.e& an sddress betere theh 041 tauqua .Asembly. WLen lie appesred 4in thie plattomn le vas greeteby ten tM sa.ud people sud vas given an ov&UiOD. Presideut Roseveoit -speke, xi part Ua foilova: "To-day I1vîsh .te epeali te 'yOen o eue feature ef our national foreig PO$ xcy sud ý ne-ufeatr !"u mt~. demstcpois. "Te Monroe doetrine la net sarte!' international lav. But it la taie -f undémeuti d feature of Our ta- tirs fereigu peicy se f ar as the. western hemisphere ixconerued, sudI i buMOrN An" more been meetieng vith rocognitiexi sbioad. Tais reason vby it la meeting with tbis recognition te because w. haVe not oilowed it te becoxe fossiFmzd. Lt ia out ef the question te dlaim a, right àÜd 7et aurai taie iesponsiility fer -exes- ciigthat right. Whsu vs announce a polcy s &&-staie Monroe doctrine,- WO thereby commit ounseives te accePting thie consequences of the pelicy, and these consequeuces item time to t=ée alter- U.t us look for a, moment at what taie Monroe Doctrine realy la. ut f orbida the territorial inerese of u-Amerioe. povea-e on American soil. It's purpose àe partly te ascure t"isnaon agaiuit seeing great miltarypowers obtain xiew aud partly te soeur. teoOur felew te- jnblis, souLai of! us, the- ehunte te deve- a long their- owniues withciut being oppressed or conquered 'by. uou-America.n "I do net vaut te .ee any foreign power take poseosion permanentlyor temporarily of the castom-heuses of an Amer-kan republie in order to eut oreS iLs obligations, and the. alterntive may at any tizue ae that ve ahaâ bae torced te, do se oursevea. . "uInthe lutereet etfjutice. Lt le as ne- eesary toeexrcise taie, police power a&l 1P show chaztty 4n4 heipwu generosity.ý Bunt omstin m eeiu now aie dont towar tho lu view. That somethinïi for instance, tlir ation Las sl.rca4d:ydoue as regarde Cuba, -andla*5 w trying to do as regarýds Saunte Dom~ingo. I"Saute Do«mingo bas _no-w made an a:. pelte us te )ielp it, aud net only every prineipbe o!f admbut e ebry generouf instinct witiain us ad us raedt tie appeal. The threatened, danger came î* tliemin lutaie hape of foreigu itrm 1 tien. Thse poin uers cf Sauteo i»' mln a dreckieasly incurred 8ebts, a telitenkl dixordrs e1e>ad tô ý'téprovide -meAni et ryns thae deits. The patience of!-ber odnereditors had been tboreughiy exhs.usted, aad&at taie iasi.0eue oreigeI nation vas on thie point of interventioui and wtmônk p*re.veýsdrm neiva by taie xwýffict a sgsau<e ofthivGoÎ,1~ erument th" t IL vuld itse1te atrive te hpSateo W to lu beubor of neei "Âccrdl~ tis exeeutive depsrtinent Of, GrGover >neiag4ated"ýa trtaty udr ~ ieh -we-.are te try te Iieelp thie D)omiafflpeople te sUsaigliten. o0" tbeir In regard te effetive suprvisioa s4d regm 'oin o! grea t cnpo a'dolng su lnte-r-Sité.k hoas , P"8 t ôxs Celutea direct frdm coutrlth world.'- ~~kPr1bBy iNi-;ro as'dcu~ot tIse fi~~eW tee pr.duclog only t. t~ad Pà.~k~t~ 40c. SOc. Black. flhx~ or Orna, tlighest TII! 0ZRÇb KOS JAPANS, P[C[ 1RM S A Portsmnoutai, N. B.>,report: Witi taie J&paxiese peace ternis =der conskders-~ tien by the Exuperor at St. Petersburg anud taie Russinu pienipoentiaiies avait. ing Lb. word of Hie Majest1 belone Cern- pleting the draft et their respctnee, an enforWe pause ha.corn taie pr&oee- ia of the peace coilerence The tally- Les aud automobiles whiel r'eport.ed at. thse entranoeof taie Wentworth Bote) at taie usual býOUthis morniug ver. set bacis to tieir quarters. The boat vas sveltering. Baron Ko. ummransd ai5 colleagus ruxuslned iu their rooma. They bave figurativel'y folded their arm, and await taie Russlan response. M. Witte vas at worai eariy and, vit> bis isecretaries vas bUay de- eipiseing telegrmas from St. Peterabun- before 8 eclock-. &Uth ae titrends are in aile harde. lne controls and directs svsrything, _çn the Russian eide. 1 -is ceagueý Baxon Rosen. accoMP".ied bY M. Pokolitofi, vent into ?ortemout.h 1n an automobile te do apme sho(ppino. GERMÂN DIPLOXA e fTlnk Peace WlflBe thie ifluit ttaie bBezilu cablez Taie Foreign Office ,without giving judgment ou taie equit abienm sof the Japaszse pus. eten]à a exclusively obtaiued and sumsarlied 'h taie A»sOcîfiatd'Piss believes tlat the negotiaticus vil continue untilun agre.. ment uS msahed. Tae -Foreign Offic, l8 convinced tait taie desire- of 'botU .pev- e :s or peaee. la strong ehi*uk l u ad te mutual-surrn4ders euls~4 qicki âzog. tbe# di ,I*M&tie agexices. Tbey ax-e-as -tise &sseciat Pr,. erndmt hcEmbiasles'Mor- sdrdetme. The 'pnevaiilng vie'w le tht iis ýsnt beêex-pec.ed te acept lâa-bWttliàt tey are noV anuIMPjS. .2w-frs- dma suad tisat nego' eion »aay begb4 on. the bssi$ of tuee dée2ra- tiens to e'Ieut4xxistely concIuded - cn'S'oese tlslng quit. dit fernt' ' Taiepublications of thse Pease edff- i tins pîMsuod né sjpreeIable -efft, 0on thse Uýcses îabess vaýwSý an, iapoui- j I tien te trade iu Ruuaa securities untia bomethngfuxther la kuowu. TR!E RvuSREPLY To théejapanene Wrlttft by Witte Dmi- ing the1ise Igt, A Portsmnouth, X. il.. report: . *Wtt- te tais rnornlug explainetto tue,ÂAuâ. vciated P rese correqyondeçnt tisat lie ha& urtitten taie reply duinug thse nigatin l R-ussian sd that thêe Seretaries vers nIov engaged lu translatiug- it ir.to Frends ana Englisis.ITie revised docu- ment le said, would robably vbe ready hY 4,o'dkck tlixm "ansd à tmigait h. possible te, deliver it te thie japan.e pleuipotentiaries at 5 oeki but lu ox- der toecover xxxexpected ecutingencies ho lad notitled BatQn Komnn .that it wvould b.- ready te-mrnrow mo~rùnxg. -, Mr. Witte took, occ«aion te deny tii- curont report'tisai the asaer hlad been dictatdCinSt. Petersburg., Tu*bhtaeTerme ExcessiveBut Bray A St Petersburg eshie: TheseJpanee' temeve. uevuearly rWsm -81n enyt erY fev o!ie higiset otflèlls, vis osefelguarêed tbeur kitowiedÎ. Tie evpsd ofleses uinne et tse trni thiong Li-e.&se elatd Pisý e rtMies fro, or.et, amde 'os ud eo gtbe*sff!tsevr ions deiartÙmeýut tisem teris vere 1 rsgarded merely .as e& baM ale 'il to a«imasudla etier quart.ex-tsla iSeth- Ldement nilgait etili h. posimtble if certaix festures, ýâ*h a93 taie rin *ukbixnent o! tise interued ~ Wrgiu ui" imtto of usian. al po@wer, Inuthe far ietî ?boe as* e eatureq te, the, Steet ~skttp'-4y. Receipta vern ilght, anS Drboëi genaer ily i tbng4 Tue au druS~~~~~~U bsh.tot ài'a4eper- bunhet 4bout it wèRs tluyvre dls»sh 01. Newso"ldat$9toB.v«etton o DÎessd ligs are frwlth sales at PS te t075 h. Jatte r r1h wlts Do. ed.. 0 85..........055 sombubel 0 te O1 .SiSto- tU IonSu..... .100te _ .e tnt e, 'gsPer one.. .. .......100 1te 10 Buttet , alry .......0 te'0 Doe.*, e3ery .....03te ô Chiena, lest rYar'.. lb . . lteO IS Fova, etlb.........1tte ý0 0e Turkeys, -pu .....03teo Potatôoj1, per bushel. ...0 to 0 M' Qabeqeper doseu .. .. ...00 Wta Olai -Cblerra per doien......O040 te O 5se- De, reurers. 8'00 tea 6à& Do.. sle omreas .. 70; th - 7 è> Mutton. per *t.....70to S OS -Veal, per eut......80te 90 8luIambeeah.....t50 te Thie Cheese Nmarkets. 4ayk 400 uhite sud" 1-16Wlôed-cheoe e Ofee;ne ýsales; b1>JOSI-ZI >te1 -tc. Taie ntrtnsket wlll 1e on1, g..th.é eoinvait-At the Corugrali Cheee Boarp te-a4&Y0Mboxes whtte an4 -40t eloftdwerO board w .» bx vr oftut . Board th eex ilpa weetUn boxesi vas" -ubàte adUt cOlerp; àu zl *o 10%COi. 8uy- M ao, 187 ai ant 1 colo crerI bue¶ t < s. . ol CreS, bals .Vhite; 9_»04 xe"aId -on boerê a4t lbi.1 t-pe prié« tg, *ca 4tu,66thee Klx ttj Inr t OUVIrno Lp« ctêc tehdaea-PitL P wm bUta i iýL"ar& q301ufl- -about, at*iiis ¶1ii iun~te rizv %. l*à WVVWyv~ nie!,, <,o~sUy LOr 3001- uple, $

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