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Whitby Keystone, 17 Aug 1905, p. 8

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17. 1905 %bsolut@ly Pure FRESH OROtTND lIELLEBORE CHURGIIS BUG FINISH Kilts potato bugs and ail leaf eating insects, preventes blight. Re-ady for use. No mixing. Ji Es WILLIS Druggist Optician Medical Hall Gtrock .5. Wiitby. ~County Town Tho Jackusn bordware store Da n.gain copened fur tùutuei!8I. Ilev. Dr. THart, preacbel on1 uflafty iii thie Methodist church. Bowman~- ville, [rom tiie woI'ch, "Mark the Perfect Man. etc."1 Collector Rogerq lb out a! ter poili tax. and it l44110w up to the bach- elors of thib town- turpay fuor the pavements they have lielped te wea.r out dnring the past year. I"- For Sale. SoeIeted luuip thrcshing coal. and htirdwood ,Iabs% losig und cut. Ap.. ply at Oke'a lumnber yard. 'he-_prupnbed îniltary central camp ground u t Petawawa. menT Pembrolke, la te Ibe usiu this f ail for the training o! A. and i8. iatterles, IR.C.A.. and ot noverai of the. militla ba;.torieu. I t Io hhwn to be well adapted to the liurpose it wlll pro.. bably be chosen as a central camp and manonevring ground for the whole-Càunadian force. The body ot Norman Bill1, bell boy at the Queee Botel, Oeihawa, who -feu offt theSfit-camer rgyle two weelks ego, was found on S'irrday by John Gibson. out Nen~castie, who was wuIlking alung the @bore at that point. Try PrinZIWiï Hardw.tre Store for coud valu.. Eh-ery m an uwew it te himself a.nd falily te ma*ter a trade or prufes. sien. Rend-the - display advertitte- ment oft-the .!% xMorê.* Sehoolii od Teiegraphy,, in thi. Isse, and learu how ,eàît*ly a yuan~t man or lady ms4y learii telegrapby and >be assur- ed a position. me. Qsorge K. Diompson Ohot on mbembere' matcb wVitb th - Royal OrenadieswIào ti.ltprise- a beauttual ec-of oid milver spoons.' Xisc corb %~as lb. the lowemt bu ever -01 ado lIntii., match. This la o. eounteilfor by the. tact that h. bas not, benu hootin; for a mcople or' yeffi',, sd alsou thât a. very crooked *W1IdWU h lowlng at the tac ai IL tSkDg> tw 0" Or ifeliuh<t W 10. ente tbe fine ipoLits etfLthetart. lao s hot *galiust -211of hua o14 coin.. Ïades of "aý Comupany. SuAit bdy '%izute4 te Isarn - th* prlàtlng. Âpply Le Editor ey- 2~'ihl I#pecor C telu. 6ott 0o1 th*t. tsv, acom»Maued I>y Dr. A. IU,,SbatUoewortlt rl sra uper. iutendeit .ê fîUse Ontarto sair Co*#' Blinlu .uaklg *£ unât1g trip ov.w bis district tu, ses iow tbc bt er md. M.u e ben leIunmtlo. 1 ______ 4 Ou Muda sigita tes$Io raib and *lad 61MI148 opomed us4Mog the flabetou t aad oootlu 4Li &W Love, sols ti lusida -Mr. amny- o!tiseo Dormiuo. au aspeunsbis r»atloo ut hle aan I;s Zwlsto . Ml'.vi' aub - be.» pwi '~ ~ * **ii* ~ * * *i~. A~IBUT . SLE - 0OP themao irtuvthe awni eod il. yute., lm$ mm f Catrt Owilig tue baridsien ibclag cm.. ploycd at dIftrént places on Bat. urday. there wu nu vj u air-con-, cert. but the pregr&n for nest saturd&y cvening wt.s b. the sme as was inteiided for lauL Week1 as March #A ]Royal Ccnhpanien" ,. .~.Nick Brown March ~e'yCarnivol" ...... Sereamade *'Lcve's & ,nincl"... .... ....... ...... ...Ra.thbun Rag Time Two Steli 'The Coloreut ...... .......... ... Henry %MIMiey Waltz by W. H. Thomas. jTwo Step "«MY Yankea Irish Girl"... ....... ... ... ....M orse Plumbing and tiutith*àng arelead. ing lires ar Pringlc's Hardware Store. A Sunday Nuisince. Eunday- &tews ete be the favorite day for thei G.T.Ri. to haut ceaI on theo]Port Perry diviîion et thciX Une. Frelght tralflc waslilgit al wcek, but enrtj uot Sunday worning tour engines began tu wurk on this lino aud continncd ail day. r.huntittg. and pullîng ccal c&trs Up the grade t rom Whitby. It seemé; it takes 4 ergines te get 12 cars o! ceai over the grade nt Ht.gh Point, and during church services -thc wbtatlrug and rnorting o! thebC fcur englues could be heard ail over, the tewn. Cern- plaints 'verc madea las tyear lnu mre of the nortb7,ero vUI1ates about tuis dîn Oit Runday. iaîtid surely it ean be arranged tliat the trî.ne could I)&flf through towuî during churcb or. rer -l. gtoe. 1.c. rLe OxUr Phenson0. oppo>site P13st oUrrie.Whit- by. for fli .lîltiAu i.nI l tiAk. eý. . ,ee StephcrarF..n befoire travet- ling anywhemr'f Richard Harrie. Oshawva, formerly of Wlîitbly, w aN tvtmtted to the gen. eral ho'.pital tn MTorozito on mondayv afternoen, buffcring f rom severel b- juries te hi.es,ýt ne. 'hé wam walk- t ng home [roui work in Osahawa on Friday evenlDg, wheii he wae aa- cested by twe mOL' whe dcmandtd hie meney. Upon asburlugtem that ho had ne mcney. Harris was seir.ed. and after beinir severoly >beaten. wa.s thrown over a tence. Ho wav' fuun-1 unco*iicetuus soîne heure later, and *taken home, but as ho did pt reèover rapilt, ho wam take eTorun Luoer t reattuent. lt i.'I0nc on igi auttaority that the 'Domiuion Government is serieusily cýunzderlug thc advtme.bil-, Ity of dit;sisg of the. Intercolonlal Railway. The. Goverument. itlal furtiier le&rne& han seveMoi o! fers under consideration for the rail. Ci'op report. Tiie Aultuat bulletin-ofthte Ontarlo )Bureau of lndtibtrleu le ýeagerly Aooked forward Io1>7 the. farmeri. of Outarlo, ,and tlîis year'sç bulletin tn. we belleve, the ment satifactory ln the history of ;)utarlo agricu:' ture. Therc la not one weak une me far nsef11Mdcrops are encerocut. Even corn. whlch dtd very badty at the beglnuing, 00w promises a tai r average. .1t Is lu fruit enly that there la a faliIng off lnt production. On Wëdpeglây àniung at ast. John's it-I. C. urb,.tdie marriago W" 1-solem led -by Ttèv. F-Vïtter ,0MIIyut Mr. JamuB Normy.le aud Mlmn Negi. Sreen, of 'neaw. i aister lo!t ti.bride. .'sindtbe ý' groom Wahl 1siste1- byItii. brether, Mr. brIde, -whe bas beEn ftslding in 0mb- é*wa, for a numwub t years19.e weil aid f&VYloPblr knowS -in Wbltby, and' la Il1e diulghter et XML sud bMas. Ag- dl'êw Eften, of thls town.,-The Key- stofle exte' ndu Lungratulationis te the YoungE Couple Tic Usuai Ssccass of the W.CI, the usul l 1UCCeel,36Ofhe WCI The uta! and pupuid tte~ï legflate InstItuté arc tu e b.cCngrat.. ula.ted on the g cbult 1et the Depart- mental Examigat.Lona. Ont of a to-. tal of .24 tertificatr wrltten for. 18 were obtalned, Leing 75 Per cenit. Considerlng the tact that oet ibse writing througlieut ttbp Province last year, les. than 50 per cent. were mccespful, -this ochol stands among the iuoqtL ucoceusful one. From thebe remsultgi we mec that the n eoewsary reàuolsmen t of the work at Easter hais uL ulitated againc.t the progrets ef the ocheoi1. The echool's aucceGe tuie year bas flot been attalned on aceount 01 tailures ini former yeare. but follows simi- lar resulte of the. past. Mise Lueiia E. Mcknimond, IL. E., daughter of the 11ev. Thomas me'. Ammond. MlperannuaLed *Methodij.t mniolter of Marriaburg. tins been up- ij.cintcd ' te the positiO of t1eucher ci elecu tien IiL tpe Alberta. Coilege at Edmonton. Miss Mckmnîond grnduated in elouuion lasi. year irom the Ontaria Lo.evlCelle g e. and ince thtn bbc han met w It b mnuch success, and has been teaching that subjeet in Lb. college. besides taking Up pobttgZaduate work. She je aIt4o a grn.duate of the Morrisburg Coilcgiate Imbtitu Le. ia.vlng secured a senior teusviog certiticate la that Inatltution. Misi -.MMrOuDC.Who lutta, wil13"umucholi RUecc lu muusi- whece t-Ibe wa~e er re&dy to tendi hor Pnâ biftyty gotten up ln e&d .f hurches. etc. hir. W. il. Warner, wbo tDao ben alek for soin. titue. is very low at present.1 Nfews 0pqf the (Chum«ches Ail Saints" Cburch. liTe rector exchanged pulpits with, Mr. Earp, uf St. Johu's church- in the morning. and lu thie afternmooii preached at Pickértng. The Baptist Ciarci. Rev. J. M. Smith. of Rodney. occu- pied thie pulpit. wôrning and evenlng, la.st Sunday, and preacbed excclt- lent sermous. He htiklndly cou-. gented teovcupi tic Pulpit agala next Sunday durtng Rev. Mr. Bing- bbim'is vacatiou. M'. Dilngbam lp e.xpeetedl hume car.y u.exrt week. Personal Menion Mr.Cas. ZtC0ag b vltâlttng la toivu. lfr. Fre] Davey, uf Pittaburg, le vieritlng hI. parentws Mia. A. B. Oibbard la vaiting ber parents on Scugog Islaind. 1fr. W.. Dryden. of Brooklilu. wa. CONSISTING 0F Ladie's White Skfrts Ladie's Night Gowns Ail will be süld Muslins at 205/ off. .3 4 .3 Ladie's Corset Covers Ladie's Drawers. at 20% off our regular prices. Also fine range We have a few genuine Remuants in Colored Drese Goods andi Prints- which we will also clear at 20% off our already low price. Balance of -fine Straw Ilats at hall price. If interested in any of these goods don't fait -to see them. Andrfw M.s QÃ"g.gs c.. __ %LP %LP ~ %IP ~ZP %L %LP ~ %ZP -* Zp ~ ~Zp ' .Lp * ~ZP ' %L p%~pp ~ * ..A~. ~p. ~?~N 'r 'r <p 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r <T' 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r 'r Hous@ Wanted House wanted to rouit for Ootober lot with stable prefered not -more than 7 minutes from P.O. Apply at KEysTOz;z DON'T LOSE THE OPPORTUNITY ]Busnmsu men knov w. glie the bst Stenogmaphic a n d-sinainees Trabnq thoswliy w" «Mot .upIy lb. dma~ on us to Onk* Wlp. 1u7,.lt 1006, ve reclvd 17 snb latonjo couM enter At &*y tirn. aiO. ur baued- DOmIjnion Business Coliee Oenfederation LAt. BIdR, Torouto R.-O. NIMMO, Principal.: I. PAQUEE THE ýROYAL DARDER SHOP adjwiu t he Royal Rote), WhIiby.ý hEp.seaen laMIthse 1.adlg elty ta Canada. I ý TELERAP8IERS j The -Economical Mutual, Fire Insurance Ce., 0F IBERLIN.* Thne Whitby District Agency lately- held by W. J. H. Richardson, bau been traisfed H. B. WILLIN>>G- General Insurance AgentOf Whitbyý,, To whom ail Communications, May be addressec White v E' E' E' E E' c. c. E' (B E'. E' E E E E lkb ýw LlA- 70- ,oods

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