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Whitby Keystone, 21 Sep 1905, p. 5

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à, ~- Q r mBURN -. omit" thcreta» rd, a viic." ïvsional toIý- liwre cx'. ntiiti otee h 1o1U wanda 1yte cre tr. Baroly ot te ûau'ol -Lniver U On1 à s-tute, dr ach senber'on- -no tuse fmeta" 1'a bernê e- e. 1-altrau au hey& ai& desta On.0&, 's :ud theaaiaX COMF*T 2Oth CENT'URY OOIIN mie essetials of stylo, fit and finish are as perlect as human hands eau make i every bit of -icothing that we offer. Ouri stock is so immense and varied fhat there is no reason why you can't pick Qont just what you.t want at just the pric.e you want to pay. 'The s3cope of prices, $6.00, $6.50, $7.00, $7.50, $8.60, $10.00, $11.00, $12.50, $13.00 a suit, and the variety of çxclusive patterts Make our large clothing section the great supply centre fertue iiajorty o-f thebeSt drerwed MOn and most careful 'bnuer6 ii this Couty. We make a thor-« oughly good suit Lu order for $15.00. A large variety of tristable fabrics to select fro'm. Yon will lie pleased with' our smart fittiug clothe.çr at the Cash Store Roros. 1of Pr. vCh» by.Liver Pîilla ii woe e lo t mendod the 7aIs oxss my-oldt rc ed entfirely lbitc îy na lu bpyhos p or tihe benei tatic), us'u s ver I>iU. hmeeom ble u~ flam4y t a tm. a box, a# is & (o., Toro orn Foubd.d 1792 Iuseu'pu~'atsd 17~ 6WUL f tbecomigityof - - The -"» faXShmscouuyo1'M vu" imen a. o trtb.m ýuuudë,Y o. to IMsum..S là elb ' .. . 1 . -.A. OOOIWBLLOWI, A Foolisb %pnosifion. The foilowlng va. recelved this- '*wk from the Ontarlo Departmeflt of Àgrlculture: la conneation with the inovemetl( that ls'on foot to -elinina.te nndew eirable teatureîs, sncb au gaum of chance snd the &aie of lquor, li connoction with :the Aroiua Exhibitionàs 0f the Pinm.)Ir. H. Cowan, Prov. Supt. of Agricultural BSocleties bhs reeived jetteras oug- gestlng that au effort ahould be mnade tu close the bars of &Ul batels wlthl,. f l'e u4ed of tue p .ILIJwbere* un eihibition ta belus heId où% tflo <lay of the. exhibition. àdro.id#!u of tbls &xiasure point out t4at mc.ot of the uoilearable feàLures con- iiiued of are condnctcd i oîee- tion witb the ex liJbitlons ,wbicb boid borne races, an~d that lu the case of a large proportion cf these societies the- greater part of the purses for the horne races are subscribeti by the botel keeperàt. It le alto con- teuded tbat a certali clasa Of Peo- pie, go to an ?.eibition ' wath 'the intentlia of havlng a. bigla oid timne. .aà mm+ifmapunir- a that the loca contabls Iroutkùut jthe P It l, b as eouaeà,Ithtlm hari tha~ w en tue de t ee hent stable lna arreatlng the &ba~isttheý Offltabes have pulettl warDe% the a&rÈers. andi enab»O theiéu to e. cap e., An effort WUI ho uade this year to. deteott ccnatable.j a thug work, andi whert oonvlotlons cmi hé securet, tbe io feidert wMllbu ero. cuatea with the utuaosl vIgorý. The Toronto World say,". it ta time tii Legilatiwe of - Oul4urio pasosti a la.w .rêienting innicipal oncilorai froni votIng 4YP'ubIli franchise tcprvt oûaai Our ides la tbat ail these ftlanobias shouli after pauôing ti z %'4onnciI andi after fuilest dclinuratt~o andi proper UtuaIins ailowocl forpro. testa to be entered. lie subuittê for the approlval of tii taxpa>ers andi citimsepn t Liheannual aniilpa.I 014 octlona, and Jif aneartier; speolai vote li. dosireti. lu ordur tb -get pub> lic approval, t o ught te b. At lthe cost of the private oorporation Beek.. ing the fra.nohis." The Goverament has cbosin Thurm.. day, October -26, as' ThankNgving A Reaissncela Bible Soudyo bSUe arud o s h dY o TiheBible ha. probably been ntil acenes arounti oteis the dayla the exhliition, particularly lu the Tiitiooaleedlar là1oto erening, are often of the mos4 dia- th Importanue whicb tbIm&. niaorty gnaîuIng nature. It 1s coutendkx of people attacia to it. thiiuot eg. that if the botels were clouet on led boiok tu Iii@ oip!>e the day of the emhibItion, zai great boni., awong thi grsat ntMiuaq biow wouid bho atruck for thé puri. wheh forma ts -baùIkb»on0fourt flcatiwi of the agrionibital 1te.<'utb7 hv oswtobaop It la. probable that bhe matter wîîl of It ;- and yet lu fewl oniea- barq be disonsseti ut thc next conventionth oowatoe*6ml asI of th£oOn tarlu' Association of Fairs re" iexcept at raru inte«'V&agabi ant EhliboIb.any- aside froua tiiose requirýad t1 The aboys sut#-»stiOu tO "close rend lbt n preparation for- Sunda>i bhe bars of ail boteas Within flive S@lool tetlng. 1 £onl the 8týntia M oooleholar expeoted ,b f 40àeyè zulles of the. place where an exi- ervtilug lie needet I lu hlm lemmon IesS* bition la belng hel" 1l oue Of the jt nt requeiatly dim nét owa most abatird PrOl>SODS fWê b& IlU8ýs. itiPgb - ttI a Iil ga 004MP e'ver heard. Thealrgiumuutnt l f-,;KtSE ranut o t bo do away wtî iptas racIng at %bati att .:e ~u ebane ha. tuhepiaca, *1* 8le1.bas faits, coss é ýt 8 bas Oi htels " d boitaprlatd iln modeurn 1lltaWIorz . ,ba.t tbh lI erot8 iii not sub anid !1tmwondeiiful charaàtw a.- a tcribe tO#atdi ,thé putse.'gIvon for eoIIàn of uniue t «àt ê b races, and therefori i t. lthe m cwI o=auff el -ii. md"atlo' gii0. bave to bhé tbon4@dO. Obthe té O ritlIi hoti"bel*S sbsoibatatiip#t * ~IIIOW solut of *w. 0 'hi*- hote>»e*etslaali 1b t the k tb ',lot of fait faits, sud *0 ho 0# A&lU.' rq t ,tou, gtr« nd oh*rt* *,tb Jegsun. Ton. tboesand potuonu.av-. nually pure theue courses tu study clubs or by theauscivee. In tbilà nii» ber mre peruons troua everv rank ln lte.- froua every -religions denouaina- bloc, and froni evcry p'art of f thel worid. 1'enha p& ou r forefathers would have beon ahocked at the couabina- tlon of Bible .Ludy wjth goc1a.ii. ,tereou4*O. but the tesmaîts lnia nterest andi profitable discu.saion are cer- tainly more than gratfylng. The sooner we reach.the place wbere w~e can discusa reiffious %nattera with .eandor,'and wIth the intelllgjao. based on readilng andi study.. whicb we bring te otber arfaira of 'Ilfe, tihe sooner we shait have alarger proportion of intelligent -andi usful Christian aotlyI:y. The Bible la above .&1 thingo a book the stndy- of whicb enifiates the necessary vtrtffs of oniuon senise andti h I The _elemcnt of Intense andi living 1nteett whlc'h oow attendu the study of the Bible muet bave, an lu- fiuesefun onunr nafflonal politisa and bau«neab wali dîan upon -our nalstreiiglon Lottheisol4 a. wel a. onng -Info~r lthé,emlve conoernlng the opportunittes effet. eti by the Inatltutq of Saoreti Liter. àature of the- lUniversity of Chîcago. Yog but,,Boid Thief. LîteJ!3P.8Dliulny, wboe large .darn sys.andI prettly postîti Moth mate sciau tvàpretïslon on Jtg Morgan, wvokinow be a wveloome.- siglit . Io6bu anby constablo. Wuo the l4 ax releaad freinMias landustrIai Soblool, on parole tbred weeka ago, bicause -of hW.good -con. tinot, ho was gires a oituation'W Connty Coa*PtabIe O'Donneilt0 Monday nîgit, the Otba, James 'dits appearetiwith IWO' shotgnsovated by hia employer. and -a--iors. with Wuggyand hiruess. ovned , y orna Whetd~........ $0 75ýt-A. ( ' .. .... 0740W ................ ...-0 60to 0nc ' . ..o......... 0o()-to Awý .......l 5Oetg lsi1.2............... 4 00tg B No. Io........ ....... 00-tg Noi.i............. 0 te Tîoh N ............4-0o0t Fiuropr.3..... ..... 8 sO to1 Rhed.I.....w......010o0t .cRred, o...2............42500 tg Branhy pedou00 tgo Flr, prwt........... 2o75otg Choperelb ......... . 0 otg CImuea.0..........23O00to Bran, pgt, ton.........U0OU0te ShOutse ft .......... 0 Cotol Hef bq.,cre perewt $6 2o5 oto Mýnit P«lb ........ o O tg Lami.>eacb-..........3 Ot Buoga, tn e ...e....t...... o le to ..... ......f .......... 0 00 g otoge, e a ........oCoîc- AaEe, irepet 1 00h. 7OOtg Chilcespe bm.... ...O010 tg Hae ern......pe..l..... O 9 *to Butr . pr o .......... 2()àtg Eggs, pe t ze.........O0 i P<oo, wO0OU4to Lamb Sk.............. . o- 20to pelle.......#. 99.....0025 to o76, 0, 09 o500 40o O5 1 5 250 200 2500 560 1 0 15 7 O 1 020 15w 1 00 .11 w 400 6059 OOtNTY 0F NÂI,î5 WarnrnA . O. Medonel, Whtby OI.rk, Iua . 9,Feb. 2, March 2,Apil N .TD.,Jin. ote .e ç O.fIn10, Lb.-3,Mac3,Aprul a May4I e7, jîly ,sept. 7, 83.5 Nov.8,DmilJan.iloti1%%. 1BKOUOEÂNM. Qluehon, Geseuood, ole.k, ia.il, Mth , tMay 0,7Iy109 8.p1.l, Nov. 91, an. -14 19m. Nmay J. W. 3umbwc., POrtý Peuy,014a.18Mac8,Iy9 Ju~ 1,lep. O-Nor. 10, Iam. 13 1905. brige Oleïk, Iae .12t Match 1, y 19, J ,Y 4 Sept. 15, Nor. 24, Ji. 12e OaNNovoN~O raimfth ogàjng ton-OU CIrSIIabh6 Ml the PrIM. tory', *me fae * 'Illico Il' càpital ieflntsyp. ho Imrtatlitg li bbe hiticss we 'due -bu a tem. It i. 'a Me Nothing j i I .1 Dar. - ,

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