FOR. » KLKi W. bave 'tiade au 1extra effort~ to obtain the béat aýd' purest spices in the market and have them 'now in Istock. yoi nickle'i can inake good bs and sauaces iih pure spices-spiGOs that preserve taste.I J Et E WILLIS I Druggist Opticlan Medical Hall Brook St. hitby. County Town Happenings One hunodred dtean newspiapere foi 10c. A large supply at this ofIee [#hi oui r WllI correspondents pieaue n""0t the editor when in neci! of a r. suppj; or paper and envel&pesv. M~r. J. B. Dowv Is having a. cenent wal klrild [romi the s1dewalk on Col- borne strect to hlé; rc..idenoe. 1 Ladiers' and geattemen'.. naturali wool, ulshrtnkable shirts and draw- Just the gooci.. for fail vear. :A. M. Bolss.1;1 The roof o[ the Tabernaçie le réd. some repaire Ibisik.- A cernent walk Io aiso being laid te connect the steps at the nortb. entl of the churcb to the isidewalk. The Ontario County Plowing Club wIll hôid their annual plowing match on Thureday, O0rt. 19. Ladles' wrappecette wraîpperi1f rom $1 upwarde at A. M. Rosa'. Mre. G. B. Hogarth will re*leve on the afternoons of Tueudey and ,Weduemday, Sepit. 2,6 and 27. Mise Edltli IRobé; to receive J>uJils tion at ber home, ,Whltby. ln piano instruo Coiborme streel I A cernent oîidewalk ia belng laid on, Euclid sirect. Thise work wâà be- gun sonie morthm ago. but wae .l- Iowed to stand titi1 better-arrange.t mentg were uade for laying the walk. the pavements previously laid not belng satiilactory. The Farmlng World. a splenidid semiinontbly magazlne. 60c. a yeair, and the Keysitune. $1 a Yea r, both for eni.y $1 to newv subiecribsru. Tti baiaice or this year frce. For Sait. Soeeted louip thrcsbing mat.i and b&rdwood siabu, lotit s1nd eut. - p. ply at 0k.'. iumber Yard- Smart boy wanted tW "ruthe printing. Âpply to Edior Ky.. D. ery man' powew It't o hliselfja*b lamily to marter a tr'Ad or prè6f.s. sïon. Ree4 the dISPIAy advrl.c ment of the six ' '.ohol « Tebegrapby. in'this IteIe, and ban how ea@!iy a 3ong mam Ãor lody xnay learn teegraphy ad bW assr. ad a tposition. For llgbtug tires -1001 ame chear aut 1 coutil. Keystnn offle. For sl The mUllnerY Obpleingt the I Powell'& on et.£,O888 MaU to ne their aubotmont of bats for fait. mrs. rsy5iIII 4 ibmm. - lm * gt~. AIL r esteel tO ams, 4eaUi.t. w. c. ('n Thur#Mda; aterno0 beIç WSSft h4ld lu't e à ncbvy al' or 1h reprganist!Gu of the W. 51 ing officers vresict4: Hon. preslent, Judge l 'iui, Preskient , 19 . augartu. Sec. Treas., F. Ausïtin. Repesetpivei- 1orm IV. . sebert; Form . . Cara~ei, Form IB. F. Sctt:; Fcrn f. nie al As complete a range of greyflané. els as la te, lie found, con ie sen tA. M. Roas', Thone who want to take ~b Weekly Globe or Weekly Mail und! empire con procuire elther j clubbing wlth the Key»ttne muet, mure heaply than Iy subsrlblng atone. The prlcc of the Keyston and either of the two weekiles namo edwii ho the ftwarkabiy t0«. one -or $1.60. The blance of tht. year ti. glven free ln each case to thon w lic aubtecrlbe now. This rate, âp» pile@ to renewal sub6erîb3e sas weil to tckiew ones. 'I .FanwII Socia. Thie members end frienils of -the 3aptigt Churi hWlinl.bol! a social lu à a ctmurch on Friday evenIng 'of Ma éweek to take the opportunlty ef saylng goed bye te thetr pautor. on Monday Doit' for -the waat. i&. Blugham eau,. te Whtbr au poster oft Utie chewch lau:Mari'19»M. bas beau paetor *Incesthut date, &Bd oniy teates now ta jota thls brothars tu evangelstic work lu the western' Sgtabes. Mr. BlInghani lt. mucta bie.. lot-cilby the congregion a-hidi ia hau serve!, andI lu oit popular with the townspeople geuiraily. 1hosa who .-uukl 1Me lu o b preseutat thi.. format farewcll to Mir. Big- hem are invite! to do ad.- Thera %vill be a short prugram ormutle and gpeeches. andl a eocta.i U. te.. gatber. A lew of our Mec. per paIr .tftt in astok. cati a"d cet before theiy arc ait gOe. Rois., 14 g a pair I~ LeW Pdkma sdo ar The auction sale beld -On Saturday tant of tbe bousebold furulture Of- Mmrs Bell on Kent strffet w«asDot very largely attende&. and blddlng vas corespondtngiy 'slow. Auction.. eer Fairbaniks dl14 hi. bpst to rua up the bide. but on mosr.ypn. thing of importance s6m, the ,pries vas very , mueh lover than abouti! bave been obtainsi!.lMrs. Bll daughters lert tfor Wtnlpeg on Tues. day of tht, waek. lr.W., Il. Warner vilI reside foi a time .wtth ralatitas l in oto Mir. W. B. WlilIn as #roe&4.tha Bell cottage on Kient strleet ,andt will stwortly ramoe. tlttbar, Wa9deu'W. L GuCbbu t Caig - ' ton, W-48 là , tuvu Ien 18atuim lt. Mir. Wv. R. Paxton bas beiee tort. tenatd in bIs reutoaiq fi'om the brancb 0ft i D IouissI@u »»k '.%<aana. tô t eOsawa %. br*ab. 130 la thu eUabbs to tire e4; 111< a" forth t&, Erop opsn.. -lt w*b1eob ab 'el E. the so". httin as tietu. nd MYrqBt to Ptror uon. -Ur.andletrsud ira.' 10wto MBut- à ltaiThoDpsoD 'teRombank. I --. j-arvis to Detroit. MICtU lins. J. Downs te Cobourg. Ur. Donald McKAy te 1flrolea. lr.J. Bell te Wiunlpeg- m.J. Walker te Chicago and re- lira. J. Worfolk to Grand RaPIds, liil., ud return. Ms otltt te Poztland. mailm. 28 otheris to local.1points. Pli~~~fo ~~umulaf ter.. Tha eetn'o~b~û LibprlAsoiaîu for Weduss- re.ele6ts& Tua potmst a ant1..' itmoppeit on conditiontbat four -1»e agalut Lienalm7m'ens ie v AuctionSale ai farn..w Sale »1.a nubmber et fim-cama lu tI&e Owugle 0of Whltbr u. Whltby uIt PýInekerim. strulotloas te of fer for saie. Wiltby. onBaew4eïBet. lac valtab -ilforma. vis. 2W0 cfser« Iwn a. tii. alokin* bottoub lare,. tomposeilo prt of 101 atid *Md o*tbulldmiêg,go4 I,*, Sbitins, oo an Flxuellette Blaukà tsDreas Goôds orýladies' ad gentleciWus- weer aIre4dy in stock. i s' Cas mereHoe, 5e., 30c., 35e, 40c., 45r. anid 50e., parpa. <Or.yFlarnlsfoois lom 10 o40c. _Poryard. WIl Bauk .2,3 Upur pâà à ard, upwards. FlMttt.elsabketo (Gwe7 md Wht4 90e ,per pair snd upwards. Mes'.Blaek CasmMre oS«q 25C.- pai ad upwardu. pergarmei t. Nb I. moue aVY WOOl Ugldam, from 50c. to $1.25pe amt. Abse &Ag (M\f oo 01lot.ho, ailwidths, to -select from. Andrew M.Rôs lu the waY om nOL. aPOON *est b"80a - Fait caused, sueb & uirrx labiw~r tu of the Uuîlteit States. They are At BewMunvDll. FrIday. Sept. 20. gjond. ehaln ligr oà - - B4muanilteFai thi yaa wWcent Feu niglt la thie Opera HOU»e. be-arecrd beakn, vathr ~ wlth M. A.Jameo s Eecnetar.on e? miting ktlu den grIeitgo.t before Saturday, ept. 8.-J>ea'1 ra é alai lire stltockezhIbItIon.. mIsa eusn ."BW"'nl ai.F1. Farmr. wntlu gon brsdhugdaySept ZBtt, t -vatie r. -Prim. itock a-lU finit It Leu. 1~.e )èr 1 ndgeu sar PBwoauvllla l elh iadt ail rooit fuir la tie par~tôO mstudMis. but -ithore la se mach ýtk.tomore udoiarcam>cs neu.spjgi JutipOr154 trou Engtapg'. cul Wi wiggpie..W. adtia r - ud zod mtmair.. twssiý attà $Our ai»fl9ià u at À L-1U s qgs5s. I 0 / 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ýýj 1 1