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Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 6

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p te Niai the? a L . wre -bave 0aIýe te u Is, uI reh»li 'faitbwse muot keep otinieli'es ln hî un. leJe h lfte &bd caies itgs b>' Uis'wVocd suil p9werr qsine* tie devIla iseve"yweref andtall t.s oslnýbawaîeh îe us (rolil Ueseundity Âot5Qo&) 'vas m wupoo«, l-tvfaor- ei.& Xl Vdais. rici, mii b#t ul, 'l't tey qiirp frils, 4.foros aiooc4 Th* other'. mid, To, do bicster's vlii vas t'or hnoIRi AMl oft waen'Lokmnutoilet bis liii drÇv And, bell aWeet Couverae vith hlm, viii. on Tho botsana *ions, or wvheý et close* da Tht shadow ef gray 0f tisa poor olcve long-stretched S$*tors hlm EUt vbIsn clon* ha vrought vith Datn op- proseed, Deors bis #ou i tere *houe thesetairetftrst; "ITues hblurs te rny bar e&rthly lord èie due, Tho utght to Tous, rtit Lord. à* help me te ho tria.' Ripe fruit, and tae iatgcvyha -hîhI tu omt, Who. vithosst deubt. Gave thanksaend tisought t ici sahe abuis- lng drougisi. ]But, ah. thse fruit, mure bitter vas tha" Tef. vithout one vi'y facet.hs atst IfSU; And. vondering mxnsshi hl bumater Of -aukht mci vils. Der cone iemocstrcae One day, slow pcclng tiioug'a tbt bli*nSAsg &lare, lUIiilord di-rev muar hlm. la his band b. barn, Tise *lave icok.d up, acdal nld nla ii Ioda face. On bld the btlues.bal loft uo tracne.. "Master. tho Otisu gAven sudet tbltp tW me, 8tratige vould it ho, Couil1i oct taiseons bitter taste trou the&" Tise Word 1tellsvetily on bis mils te r, For gratitude to every heart-is leàr. And ui wling jet, s'en detper cpclagsta move, Of tbat aveet love, 1,11 cul hlm fret, hiel gratItude te prove. Ah, migbt wvobarn a leacon (rom that *lae; We, tôe. a knd cnd lovlng Master have-, With sea.ty- thankà. ve &te.f ci itsbeat But apaie no teci, '* If 1'OCis lips eue bitter taste coreneuai. 1<11eve crt, en4clov ip do Hievii, Tet fer hic children lie provideti atIllA; ii.ovaY aweetc Thou giceut us, good Lord, 'Tic Ili reward. "lAt 0aUghttrem Tlsy kinI isand ebouli Abe aNueivel. Stand to Your Helmn N'o slîip drifts into harbor. Thse ocecu -O cfif. hU a.,mn>'a hidden curont, many a sudden atorm; and he who weouId Kin port at lait muet stand ta hia hein, %vhîIle bis ship drive& on ths-ousgh oppos- lug ICUrentâansd againet contrary wlnds. Th e edscf the. Voyage arc very ceai; the salier salls on a sec that m strews mrlth wrecks. lire -driftc a battareit hulk which was lonce a, gallaut shipi but nov, isl an d compaés. bt he la * drlvoei on by wind andi waves a le terribletO aoe re in whoco -cruel rocks, anti savago breakeres&ha chah net es. cape. Thera flotte thte pars and cor. dage let aSrichly-laden bcrk-too ruebl> latitu-vIjcishap eunk loto- the deptis in tise'very msocf ber cour". la tib ebIs sng drfts except- ta lia sboret etf destruction 0,cundfew asis c0Oa mb OPort phiei have net, balttW ;o~Iuan etis tera .moy'bie inthea Voyage o!lilfe but nover Weatber Ïe - lan tisat tiseisand mcy itav tise elm ortheeyo the compas#.. WVbco tisere a euet perl of!dorm,thore aya .bc mot poril. of belb "-'îarîcti ay fros e . i;ht course b>'an unnoticiedl Curmnt. xeë, bien,'thte e'. u4son tis Wise 119411upon lthe'ruddr. TbiW?'tbqgilr susvcyof Wivlsg At lie deslfred baveu., To lot go tisa - hel and te al]OW lthe acLiptoidrifthb.' forie lthe wiIAIa mmd tiseWavas, 111>' at le b. lb.eacliest, tlisp- Most natural, evea lise ioit anjoyable, thllg. te do, bu £voyage -wbilsla conduce on tisat sullcii phibpltl-sure, soouer or lon, b eô u1 on tisaecuel rocks, oui tht treacherous senie, or in tise davouclng Thc Gool Siiepheri. 'Wstabeautîtul oomfortlng gospel nrthe surface off ies ~sdue &-tour N#I Twm eee r LAbIr al Viiq tluoe toi mnbW village----....... ps o* rtp taloen a. Tbey took VA t fmi 4eV Yt u& a $oc*% q Ogin iuaul latlisesc. but .. )et ah tb fo17oest. The. toitAe sud tba t ~ i* e onIrL M flende fer oevbrtn r ad buei abu tii ape fi~ec qnivk v r. na. ~ou tu IAnbiS"d à' ~ - ~Q 84t cml~4 1b nse-Itbus ctnghofi i a"tb miax r ts. e'bouse t inshe olite 0NAI o iMi W5i tbe CoUle baS 9Icppe.ael Tbree dca aile- Aparemts, the Maisier bgiuiig. a te »Y,10JOIAbyomm hees B o mt Vot 01 the Pha"s;iid îfiaiuomc for th* musiÉeet fbctin. Ilo mepnyad greetiyde- vIE rear $ta bond 500 tee Lthe tsair suarn- = la tubit ompoay et toth O udS',LIt hebruce tentures. IfMarnas lieus*ré *ct~it .tisa. tates tub vWon9ntorew 1tfi5. out, cevor leforéa uistel a.hehti M iet ecfiaity, luqutry VAS fmat by the5 vorld.i fcmliY. boet au dr oi resiltoce aang019 Tb pl" Conteoîame soctructiots C I tbé Uinse t liama lls lhvy II0fWWU 1111 £ h&otel More thatvlce tf lu isof t» #106 Wh$*e. 4«0109" theçs tac fst thLt the aolt hatrorth wbli etande et thie foot Of We0 i ppoed et befid h5orne. Yery dsl1beratoIr Sevety-.cecoi ctret. Ius romoOPmCll7 Aand e rtetir unduci thette tut viylbe ona a.4 ont-halltîme. gveter tbaui on th U e it hi mhmmun bi rOttcAd fat eftih. 4aonta. the lorgnât &at« b1 n re . t.v a casbet MIs for ncrly bougelabthewI4.& overy saile. hvitwl! bave IWCMomodatAon for 2.4M0 5t5I 0f ocore lis ction crose s t*te i ~~Tiera viii b,. Soo hnlred cile rooflm wuflb io" b tod eore bs Vts làat sa. Ii cve.ry ulte of parlor. bed- vbub,.u -.,et* vert offoed ite go vt It nid ibath, tiiere viii be a rWemrtoi, Tuas. . Iabion or cooling roomà us lii11.ries. Tuem bt 1.0 la th Auto.i 1bu taucits in ail bedrocuis, Vb3ii viii mm y taditAut. - run tee vater. Steani beat. .eCtrlc 1lI'1t. j tcnd bot adl ovter viii b.e «eryviieLe Strie %peni lvareambeecinf 4011=1012 Tii. ort7.-eecond flo0w yul comprice A, 412- cà" l»irit esteroenle rAgAly laiaud l ng u nd c bcll-room. A root gardtovii bt by~~~~~~~~~ fulceiis tlaalboi tBf u eture Anla ini vether. Itlu crpee by ffa pise. t a e b____ « eéte give over the baemeust to> e Turkisb bath bagit sochoSi«w 'I --dW " e- e.tahlsmeot' viiia evinafpool 7S. teeS casuel ta rues vb.ehbrrbv*aectod Of gcule-long ciià te tactide. .mobilest Thés traqct Valvtecociii. Intel- 111 have mot the aiightest Ides vbo Il Uc:- etmtUWU~L.O := WàvuΫ«c8t0 ist lnbce t.dAuie cuferprIce vlth Mr. Ad- alanel t e Sciel110 mabiu«7. Âi.iitt c»..Iai Mr. Merrci t yeaterday aftennoii. Ut sfool tu an atm thlb. çoSat tfobuona -1 bave been «oployy lThui0 lueMY Pr(F- ofe mhto a v5A010. eux~ b. CbUPIverf=eniomai ccpcaty for f itecn Ycsr, alb. pl.esatr -for the publie te cxtsrnne1thetla the. ulmmnviii viiosn fbave bait enT auto foo tt fnleWMX 1i1M tOuiiet llnuAIn thia letelundortakhg. Zi un- tarinatumg the public. deratani that htb.bsas OeJates. bt!1 bave n~ eresi bard thoir masnie.. Mt ovua125 feet frontase on West Tblrty-seooai etret. bt- tween Slxtb aed Sevecti av01eue.»d ibe- gînains 1-.3 fert ventet 0f Bventisavenue, vitici rue. tirough-a Tblrty-fusird stveet. c distance .<W501) feet i have beau bu fths [>Im wondadjacent hlin sbave becs bougit.tu cfeas. log the frontage. but Ti'bavenod"finit» cad- hall 'STbehe v.PcT tc l>h to I, ti he fIebtA- oet unil nort evodifflous buildigin the - ~ worl, IfAra cres crut hilaIdeus.bar, 05- Service r«IiouedAi*epation tAd&, b, it b&fs Diamond Hal's redent ssdt e anarm .w e delrs, cc scalA uerciicnts. remnoval te much lre1 6do bt know hou' 'uai lAioSl pre-. ptnfllsu means increased perty bac becil boizght. sald Mr. Merrtt 611 bava been toit ttut Mr. AMats' holdim,.s opport=sties for sesving the, -bae e. is. me-1 buining. Floringu have nucatei that tht Zutat nd West and bcd 0of rock bogàîctlonu cab bu ba« St a everywharu.tii.parfected depthor0 f 5 adt al fu eaeb. e oue.-, Mail Os der Systesu of ttD 86 tsioliiit7. When ac er&5c Isii tht Denenon'c d. ovever. au element of a.ptuditure theDomnio'a arist ndretura cutffs An. tisse AMa stuctural Jcwelry store ruts aon end problems te b. overcoIme wvhlebmake * for to ~barricri. of distance." » tifoor v oct mretics a fourti fleer. Mr. Merriti mgailbst Mr. Adaims vos de- sruorteethng a bote! se cforte. btih You can order witl u h st 16 atci dCOdisage Au uu40r- assured satisfaction from tacklsgo efor e. be AsIoaerasad.b. be- ils ilIustrated catalogue of lwvm tbt t«woimr 40 «»""sto he tul. M Dianion'cs, Jewolry, P .rov- rtauiSi"cdM.Mr Watchcs, Silver, Cul rlt. »A furnabai bb lhe PmanutaRal Glass, Sîatîoncry, el4. l xnla .twj tIvea, a" Mh lege te flulais tispbot4a $orthet ot@imo4I cf Tari tsr Lt hua jeeYa IE 820#50eesbMe.5leue leose OHT. h b.more~ ihsbn'ore mmve tlaL A U bflM te u .as tK bey. lie TAUeSbuli cal lt Par% RMvbuonding es #Aie»0 l . et t volt.w T4e hotuS «P my vhié g am 9t01*1g6 wviib*. oDre tbt iIlet bîi- ~~~ eor t trou , clAtle terct, i tilla t 'nbcre viii b. uotbtancei.RIfo a etb. e- T!M.AI ?8 D» LY CZM m& cl1 auD«la tvor, ot00 w.TT Iblis reini ftbt ic b"tsiffist lie o rt ia ws TudbePASIoky Fpur of AI) tht40e.ter1s te isbl. i vAode Mr =p l. WoaalMIIy. ait-war boesbetveeu lé ie sPsug *WIS etatea Wh *n ýextead-t"fren ?bMs-Wrs Tht ways o!1 f. ef thl ue -l0w or t Tly'f«rhMcl msel.etete ess aa co* bloodouckcr, are Ds; fully usdcrslood, callie ran outai ma- a.nd the klithng of isese rmbls, la par- **at t. b. Uclaireobedmut Ito ll 'luinout aseseA4"» ewu toi i s vas app&tlUY ruli dowc la ft> pt rîlg.la ome case lus partletular %ka Mink hâait ead th. raisht cerogsace- aryswaop assnotb sagi km, tea dan« bhatwflos. Whunqovr bldrassaM tiseWvasinthe foot o! îmcvr "" ba__ bAuerà- la m-i uer ti ..i lu 1,ncsy tISAti.<1I~55 roerIao j 'e1 lyaTruliful Verdict '1i6etet oitaisk, th ~erpoïar'~ A cergyMamý vho bai acceptel an Invita- of th*n .1ilert5eg,»,» oadsy cur- flots40. offciete et Sunînu' cervicow u A netghboringtoua, entrusted bis new crUrte oent bfot air, rugixu trom 212 to witi tht pSlrfocnae et buis .ovn s- IhWSSaIk.~I j ~ jOn retunînhome ha askc-i iitl W in 'the exidziuug action of suds ar esrrentsab hXs o etut'àern la~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~«I leunt), cdae&#ts at a tht poomet ont i evup ,heard.' o tainahl p~r~no&u i ta of tea latis eguN,,çlmE*r5 Iater ln lie day tht clenrua, meeting bis curais. as i lm ou' h. Sot on. Rivais ut Gusua rPaptm "Oh, venu' vll." vas the. repli. *"I ldn'i auostn Qib.)bave lime to prepere anMuiDSg o I pret- At th# p>reccut tubethese s. etthe Davy edi «0is0tYour unuce serimons." cf flue un#" sttute on dctw lan'Aawtio va- Il 1- - teon cuoy the leadersiin lu PnenT vbicl ii DTer«= MiTSÂT vs tbey von la 1 reparul irisAs. To-day ho 1 AT TY we target practice of thed Norti AflantIe fieet i, . 'o5 Mcms Pindapple Tableta are mm5- b*gIÉj. 1 s" thet allors are ldetornihned te10 aaut.ToaSmtf v«U iow, f 'th" Ia, andvec grattr$kilt b bos ustloaDvr.m. »»intiail isthtar rivaIs$cOb tl. Ail-, a ý"i uIciitel iifs-ri I Ut t40n', whit uetii.hsaMmt tietChiivos-' M20«,.t t iraI ualmg Ibava beet *1suuirely sal horsvi *I 1 W10 beaf '1v«r«7libir vcslel e tm , ns fadAeselq-i huart la gunnery. Tus u a allfitveic the oaieic<ntsTaatcl lu can zc« fr to bave ýdlitiùctly -bcneficie c roc men< ust lâ,to, snd ecm<i vec lfmtsUt.'na uPSt b.'Dt'Oa V ufferdi'tr tIMM luteuasl.," s eta to-day ar 'ceçn oal10sono Aie 'sonS Ovr -la, aleeanl gusac _9à r imsoayb. mt t ai10ble Walter, W. ERdïoeoek buc be¶a p-' ~eIt4 ualat lrelorOStise Oryttai or ie ;IHteisau rnlaourgc,,tba P4 Colû. -so a fallnt ltrà auatoî for oèreàit'o aqtear tperltn" row- en bai.i Suave uervdar. at1uMS .'l. Work.:; u:re r Le , -e p&s thé @'l'y ate i ut u£rhi lis ceot t&Mnp or 2 for f#1, suds ix ui t4s TONt sud ltas ametbês,7t$i upru4whssb 'Ofrcier d*pI**ed Th*b blra1help ei u -!"0 1e -4ocf thse <seat ailinaln tats oftheliseg. iJ'bc aystt4river at dul ic bIla poiInt-tittke a loop aud b>' puit gsaO tats*,l t)roug 1,0*et ti river ýb ul- la dh e "d7 forytieanda qiurz ýteî me& i là uAàtftiOgito zaine g __n tm lise river be or olJI, 'Ordbiry thé__ ut~ putug tise l ssipesttt, but at 800 test 1cos =u~ upen d and 250 feet fri tise low- 1reM ci.'d lot vter vWà:ssttuakýI,'hegtieat advr h tint vas trom 05I te 105 dqree., luerme'strelgt emgs -hesvork po e.d to .133 do,'use le , ret athle botcet ioAI. DiX)fferent li mkm-ie A% A thet' Seat toue« w-' - FOR oSALE eIe to the ~v.!IU'ac uIei love and marriago nmade clear. W'Lit tteî.uI ooir* true. Secd btrtli dats. and 10j~. ProtL Lavas, Z le" 13 te. Cunesonde P. o., iOut-- real. ýlýé'àlWith Qte Spade. Tise1Chia~~C n ,A4c4-te n*je maY lic isard, but tîsat etftthe man WilS bbc sisovel has ils ileviut'.uons., Sic W1.ilfrid Lauri -%vs in Fortwilliam, Ont., on Saturday lmat, and lue turnel [ISe--fitt sel of- the"'La' Snpcrior-a-àý tien eft lie GrandTi nk Pacifie Witýt ý' odî vel. wc shîotsl ike fû kate Ti#ie of tisut sot, and wiseth4r 'qe,-ýpa- ilptool lbuee ocked u1p ý4er* hsis day'a werk. Talki about thse geel timpsIn Cansidai Thinga nmuet Le tI»bonn.if thse Grand Trunk à eiU j2ufurîssh bols like that Il wIl~ed~*or thtee allen'labor lavas boiceel . A u*rivans freux rushhng ovdr @~Uelino. ?JDW ýYÃ"ZPPWILADELPHIA - À~f~ oaýbOve peluts,,taka direédt b1nc4 taircad. Five fla' e turce w'et cr ie, menbru, enriclithe bloodsdtoile Up the ~ ~tsca remedY. and nourishing heingr. Jtrov'sthe causeocf' thevough and thc whole syâtem is given new SttCi3-thandi vigor .** SC'OTT & .OWNE, hb s~.asd$r.po.411 bwugglo W» iqim. i ueessr7,to put blc enfle IL D'1 A.81=e icretae fom Oba SAg vir.b reccfved a etfc mathé tls*poIcy*hop$,ue, ixle=e Sghto u MlWI a abu beun a larg purcham r t reai asiat e salvafed Wall -sSbret da o, IMgf fX m ay b. beilevid, ca see» la fte0*0 wOpropona a chace t. recoup au 'Ilocces-pà- b. m. have actAlmel MUl The. friends i. pk for ai ayb "ts u ol cOimiuoei Ach 'Vter. ri1t t0 dsw 11D the plèandso cpitimoaflo fou fte hôtel baUdingbut bas. tiirougi hl% *aets.beun Oegottl&lonà for a iaager. "4t nue.r ltrdcUin» oth AiU ofrtebef in lthe ibotei tbe lm Who *MiUne 10 "tek "for A c lrvwi b. et brus. wh uasint e . me- beai.T#*ateucts Lutth. ?urlabbatta wi4 Aport"f0f r the iamnu nbath, DoUaiCI4oy Pilloa Ig (hfd Work ýAuoud Port Arthur. Nu. DIpk Sk ou»y &bd Wlb 8B ". 58 p4ortbw, ont.. sept. S(p- tht e ldIM 11 of U mon ud~ bu b4re ar. l ;zklath M e si ae use hat Inb5 tet5tiaTIlb. ladu In -thpe t*~t&t 4v enpews eyto a uamr&0.4 bis4 Ont truiekoWm e lu 51. klhem la tuaie),tk ixboMr. etW tbm Lea pils &ha" ,oud New York iv- thi Later an EI-ec Hur Now York, Sept'2 strengtis and .courtesy .P4nt1I, a ton batch cf liffld t Sixth .avenue, etceet would have rnIMS Grand Central depot Il The trouble begen s 'Wagon, loadedto tes -"Sixti avenue ànd venti *at thse corner where si loft a -soIt etrip of e etickyrnud Pi receut dlriver, employed in pi .w as en tht ýwagon ai91 '~by àa policeman. Reo w to the trap ad tise vi isb. A crowd gati --three roes in ti e f horses. Then the policemai thought. He sent a j ampitheatre, and agk'e vices of the performiu -. ert hurried -te tise seâ lsd rk'eepers. They v thé aide of the wagon i of bbhernud with utmi crewd -chieored. Enni>' in tise eve Jn son aVelnue eléctrie cw largo mail wagon et'Fil LABORCO Dde te >otA Close UBaIoig RoIM Prerentioa of ite lh~Trades mmidlLaber "ay vere marketi.by lx e, ée Mou daYB se2~salo,nehi4 lastail s-tic: vawu "M rem7 s»rI 'bits' mu' lýAes s * t.Iat it N. Om 1>1 0 9

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