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Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 7

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test ta bie Outarto, uasuot., urgng mte repeal et tri 1iafi assossnontav Ne-York Mail Wagon stuckL ~lgslosN. ~,sept. 23,.- op et ' u~prwsng h I 40- %Il T"1 E i t- t'l; v thl, it'* tk îet r>nu, lu lote that iL nnihinlmovar tre are nt as eaurdl* Md ouses;j 1t.. thait ývabir s4,cr. 4 bae a lt loie p. ne de out and bilea knosed i.,q Iiesusy , Ie Ifrma, *nnm a ndeffort$ huvilag beeoted Sthre International ofileors to arrive a, es tire anoUes ai J. Ia. Bartt &Pd l'bal tiAs Oi.Î"¶di Ë h. ato tl ïà 1".ua i m ade Cannot S«e Why ChinetseSho uId be ExcIuâde demd rOthier Poeiaieri AdïittidtotiSae. WIu Pavor tue -Chinese asAgiftt the GoVernm LWb.UU, tulaUnjust »î9seimntjon. V*-e ep 2 5,~-.Ytewý onUn Mmlod tbue =e Sttem00an 1a afet th e ttalu 6fPm Ifyl>.W4o.ha4 beenInkt4for-,*Iiatlî 'bolaodupo i.~ *dntu befoe cobg he, Sd no a _jbnota s.ntg s lb ChIi.s LIr. gl,'Iag-hu.decision ù4eDite eclsinLi, r testatut. b"siasudO-ur ;wu reently appoiutea , ote . boehat"s have beau opesi substsatlalt -to éf te? bertln~ tan ~eabois, OoirssI oter elios o f Ibmroftbj& iiourt, a*-, cé* > ý : pou«toýeu"trm t2mwe.a -te 1tii. de, »I erun4eât, beaus. eh.Ini t in ann.- shut onteàe Chijust dscimn nese tbit thi.e Xcluganilai vet pus.- tIû hve mi fetlulyta a&. Wern ¶ht as vefi admit fiat morn tue uetbi lla My reuru Iem poatii.statuts I050Wtbat 1,a siiUne4 ef. On eu nuelgs tors.Theom,~.e u U u l.e a f oigfr ...A.... ..i....... q e l"outeeioo a u<us. Ii ~IeeecuInli Y! AMUDY5, aAmlq.A~w~o~i '~~' o cu et Princeton IuniWority, -bo j eaR for iielp, a lewishot srUg . ud -""Ya Late;, o a* MaildWav lurterdininlua big touving rI Late an Dietri CarCrahedInt a M il ago oeP~ ~ llRt1f0MW15Jbeau f fl rdat the lever tod. Sb1 Uù.r«ng »#yg. oi m . ar eto inpgfr tvatrled toavoid etriknR5Aew whe <à.. HurtI.19019 Iv1mda0a - aa Pt bar ýbe, ~~;tr oad, unmindfal1 Now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~nï ontSp.28-unft5. ~lnSure, vrnuugtevhee t;ÏIlna aoition lu the' ýd he toots of ' é horn, vircu the-,, atreugth and courtesy of four iiugeele. l'he strilke.brea king driver sud a police- yisq lMCfogrsdJ~Skdesrec*tlgai oo~u phut, ts ~tb t ~I ~mian by uhoin hé us aSeompaiLd q ei »~ ,vs~urned mplebty*e wlh M" rovMg^,to&tire atrect.pBotb veïo se7 Yestdalafternooah.oem àaitvo ezubeuseath the ireakage. matr Bktodhâavenusae ad Pe ral ty.e " rely injured. Thre. motornian iras or. 01 -a vuakàffa ide hesrt, 10M, L bail afine record 'as a lcîdwoSf Chtind ~ ~ ~ tb restseeptdatnl. wuk obe and n ~ irsthought oi it, as ho had puff hle Unilted Blutes. lic erved- ftfrthe 'Grnd "il dpùt lu nght RobedCaadi Bak&tirrougir mauy imilar and barder at- Bougli itiders iu the Spanisir-tu The tr9ulabga 4 Nelrgw i 8 dYork' Sept. 2.-A Now York t-s eor.A aremhvvew~ ftewd ole t rlu v wago, Iadedto iretopsvug dM U Stafeu day. tte bqug satfo e us o- a ,wagon, l«de -tecthetoiiiwsal"vfor aOermanyyb. ecmesuddeuiy vorse sud ,dîed siey, î" ,servime ln tb. Phillppiusd Sixti avenue ésuid ventured a sharp tutu i7 lHemryF. Hardy, iho, for tii. las itâ ,lth y"Smomo.it s noce. vaswtlt 1h.Anirloan troons Wbc clte rner viiere street repaire ltad .rteen ycars bas beeau the luxuate of 'l U.t fallu", i. 5514te have,,berna the. rv;iiBoxe rulsinCia l Germa prisons, cause of death. rru lef a of stip f art, .turne tO,ýHardy in teaire broughat baok to mrve Deveased vas a voit kuain bicycle hubases rsonu Staten riuland. tickY rnud by recent rains. Anvau unexpired tean Of -tirelve year. in the rider in the. east »ud his heart troubles& frAer cplye l pac o astriker, Cliton prison, frorn mmci hee osped ae51sebv ee paae y oNKI HONKI NUL fUE, w» o tbq n & 0U aqd spmrMrIM 19. H.de la e tdh oe 01 ti'. bigmarly athietl6 sltalnnienta. K. vs wu aÎ &pollce maný,1He Ue tiebohses In oet clever batik thieves ever kuovu inAabout twenty-two yemrs of ugo sud ha b>' e or# tht country. Alter bis escape ho Is'ai-lioen emplOyed lu thee OMs autoimile 01"ksTaugiilte 750<at Vs!! of Auto te thre trap and thre vieels %uuir ta ther i eed te have robbed t-vo CAnadisa faetory ln St. Catharines beors bMa re- gara. bubs. 4i crowvdgatiere4 and broko bsnks of 87,000, and ias uext heard of nioval ta tis city. pneolsud' N. J, Sept. 2.-Net lug. three repos lu thirîrefforts ta irelp tire lnGermany living tire ie clanu Aiurt- flhs relatives, irbo-lire lunBt. Cathr- moafariner cf Clondela, ucar blir, 'hôrts. ta millionaire,* asire vws called, ut a Aamemre commuuicated witb tis, o;r u ý a: utomobile horn, dropped fiMs hees poicma ln fashionable betel iu Fraukfort-on-Main. morung as ta tire disposition of tire soine.-machine near hi. property. Hiecar- Tho trepolceanmda happy A Beden-Baden bauker rocognized hlm as remains. ried' Af home and put Ît ta a prsueleal theught. Hie seut-a, iossanger te Lu 'a man uho irad stoen tram lio. bank -use. He taugit. thae biekens ta ru -*1-. ampitheatre, aud-aokqd for tire Ber- cash te the amount cf $24»00. He wam DPLOSRIEKs A. trm iio iehm"rne"a au vices of tire porformlng eephauts. Four at once inpriaened by the. Germas ti 7 me, ln6tead of caliing 'Cirick, chi 1 k. vere hurried ta tii.eatne tu charge oif authorities and bis tiaue As now Oxpir- Retation Agalust tmesl icih"A ir I aboe a.Ti their keepers. Tliey ivera barucsmcd te log. gïs ebesi l ick. nteodfsindwy I tira sida cf the wagon And jerked t eut. SAuce Hardy lias learned thiaIha would LiqUOr »eslorsXade-NIbn Strlngeut. f fovs took te tire innovation, sud wbun- of the mud vîtir utmt came, îhie the lie brought *back he lhas urittfn letters Philadelpia, Sept. 25-By a-dolddu il dtiosh e tirait olin croid chered.- te the Sa uperintendent of Prsnsvote the Soverign Grand Lodge, 1.I. f m all.dbeeronys ta gdoy Dr corn.a on avenue electrie car crashed into a ima.T h~ e at e d te rean u O ',tt eun acie ol a ro bu Park iront scorching bytée eerala, Tre lt* "s oI f itîthe dinTi arm Aubisautomobile, tooting hi. bora. large Malwagon a muenhÉtetad cd tea st&I eîo~ .v t ~amtuce tepnrsicf fi ntr ai rtree- ~~' those engmge ieUo-ril---crd set out atfter tire luto, sputrout on -only did tbey dcide tfiat neoue should c IT ]'reoltinTe asusd ut auto of- h. allowed te jeu the order wvir e ytr aUa iaihnI, uti ~~~fret sucir legllation as wilfii uuetr uggiAriA bsnsbtAtwud- is rau, and kept on runniug uitil leonstructien of a centre asIe on ail neir creed tirat ne ouae au romain a zuembfer seveutemen lirenx and,i t< roesteru v<na m~~'<" casd aise tfiit coavenlenota ihe pro-_ oi tr. L O.0. 0. ir X osénafe osv.te deat inAn the-higrmTire lA YJI~,U~~J L ided 'for tie men ondutnlathus business since e tinolrat riîng test, finding tbey irtOb0ig fb@1edt" n i~~~gr repqreheteilsà&dreadfulý,'<sIforconvention ut Atlantic City. bc om.Tefarmine,fou te tir. tottOmf Mihe Puiblic bo.lthia re- Tis ieans tirat-a nunnber of lîquart wireezugnlsrt-)l<ie rediy A nt Mlu t ,i.llotisn vus 'md 'callflg for action mn ubo are nov ancabersof thirider tire kîteiren door sudiras dlseo'rci-a Ddeges rotet Aaias ViIL t a n tire part O e i tiroritie$. -,-- il) cither be compoiled ta -resIgu fronit tt thev mIll ne ouer rcspond t. -l'bTh curie Of cenâUMPtloU WAB Xld te tire lodgea l wt ie hi tbey arec qunect- thre "auto" hem. n ~ .be flot 5afficîcntly ovideut te-,the 0ev- cd or else retire from any counection mn çrnicnt, uhuse attention was',,OW ta mAtthtie liquor businàess. CIýLCIN Y I IL luanoter reoluten v iei ntus!id' Tire parade tis afternoon iras a brilli- ASC -LUGN SY E. cku. Bslk>ng Respecimg the Sk'.out twe cat&cs of Vre propagëUou Of mut anut. tire.bciug 5,000 men lai Peiotc ie no n tli a the diseuse. Ilieso.were tire jldrA- hue. Iu addition tta (*inu>' AnOns Of esetofLb UilOn#fhew -CtJsres hght. - unate sale of hounieholti goodi, sand as- pat-riarcnhe ,%Liitant, tire, ire lin- tgMU- pecialiy bedding, f roin tlj~e lamnnies oidreds of aubordinate lodgesinlU ne,t fonsuniptu-em, sud te tlc'tgn elt ses ma c f tirean itdcarated- <bats A to-la daysdà G ofC 1i loe u dseanne bhù& becnipreseiit witoi- recetion and mitinry bal vs ol ut1onai ùdnef a ýPrévutionof the Spread o o-""r 'ed Meller, ef tire Catrage sudW o ut odeqte diifcAnt b. evenlug. - okr'-il~N.4 h -sumpiîon 1 Mr. 1illiam i.'ergusen, a repreienîni. p wô rndeapateîn: Th ire li eLli9blu. teofmitn CL.AIMANTS TO LM&S. .~ rAmtodsuslu u MI ~ias intt-11 dtethépitfrn, tbh,ýTradessand Labor Congrea etn flhisst ytuetegreea.'Cnad, iRîreutevat 1h-s jlyCm;,e àey, %Viiblue à moreuuakedby ore itetin nn bait maoie tha -grateot pregresi i < - SrAt e ldo Y~ guiiîy d cntered a plea ai . t anon înycountry oîncvdntrtr fd a--piny After Estate. I5 ;a , wAA Sea eu tbe pr6vious days. Tn k x tsyae -Pic 5.k, 31. I#~'tg j.aeulrJunnLeî.~, Içadntaly ro oret iralVaaas IteratInalLaresnaemetiC.Husng ofaye i U§atirîr e ~for the. otherdeendatsvert te-st&~ sverautteredagainat tire arrange- '. gîe, i r u&itte4 u rostui u. s boia #leie lIuut"t~ M~~ .@P39~~ fîis mient -maide ly tire leeption CojuniiUce îgros., unleFtzealC'! Ssh àtira ce-téntir part 0 16toral Sakirksi 'e<mttw for_ thie ielegatkns te riait oeaof tino bn-Iicve4 oe çalviçe diOf 1.in tgrowtln >' t - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o i utiennma %vs mn-support 0t the uni-' tio e asuioiyno tr P'OJIOt > tit ap br*werle&, Il mas tbeught heucatin-the ion label. la«mhlton, andti Borîls ý of Manitoba aud Saxkat w%4'rn, np t digu4ty,ot a Labor Parliaienît toa pend peieiaultncsdsieopod hebre, uith rpv. Jouas Taylor, ~ euooitotk iev If tsa t boer'f-ier thiank. for %vîat had beau doue. tr c Tin t 'w s hown ithat retA i elwd iwt r.soîulcj anut. tra disbilitv of ta i~'aital, UDioua; î9l, servants&etftthe coupauy recpieêbI leadfndns = OU ndn ah renbiityof he cn at tire-,inn0ung p ta 1870. mand it iras dccided ta bua ietrcaiAus,hoAra debarred frein re- ssins is rvugpbi riatiung, a mplelt prlntéd ,fa, froc dist*ilbu Dgl < in ç~a 9 fsickness or acci otrmcialiteu ttre 0us, et, tien,z sèttlng fbrti tirer Itory ~ ta *stm e deint MI otastreng proteat tram Catharlies unionista deslrs to luaugpr- daim sud auirovmng the. qîantity-. Beoroetary Draper, miro is eue of fn th .dfnn-is~t.tgt rmsdthere la yctt 0beb. dstrbnnted am Ioeeeul spoakersfcii.en grte" es a pi, .- treth'ee eTýt#J îh«- ~ 5~Mte, %$î ý ~ vas net ginyg t esoaginmêt te rello- y»hgisS .Lad-a s j 1ùIolq, b. sald, bI>ub-tilait tAnne th laiton tce1 4#etion mbe s 'up "ltira Pettinster-, < i, prpose pulrîd the et ondltn4 QoCdoIg ud <scout Atsar- M-Apthorat aau tm ~nt. 0llacul «rUaeof Grain! Éporks Generj it quarly' "liemotion %vurus ijte7*f W' îa toidro ltet'r pyl uîrmor fe'mitc n Coznttittler. - wii e t ost l lt .> t" wr, v e fr, Dle L ~4rmy- sa»pot«Ihi-i, Wt,5D- *aro. ý,f-xum-îb ta m~ uport laciaules . l t- -drtî ff iO&lCrg tentaj-S élI- tiien la vas about Dra WUI4 uppot tir -rcsoliou1, as el$, iy I)rudtleuîng 'twro of tisoso otleâî'1 v>' Taylr1et (grand FYen.s, e ~tnough4 thon, euitld ta furtiire n~- %ive .devicesu, wii ees'gelt trkta ahotet v ater fou p~ration. But W140 lle lae vy they 4 workm r'Iêcal~sd îtug, A et sir t4aIier balanS -snd feUl t~ns4 u aiothoi- _beY Were ambl#uouty'vorded esr4 uasm a nb - 4f.~Feun*ezso-st tohiey uld u0tb.gorteft j iittcdý w)tach liadti icu n îàud i>ý-tîso feetttv two e t r eý, PW& Tstu.s OfgetthungdwftAnd 4d 8èerot* a per destrend the >bgaew ri n oâe ï o pt A t - Im Wr 'lt*n'l er cdorsé ilbous <Ms uniosn ueg sl tlà,ônà bàfidOwlug t.Smtherte b ,,Iabala SL&EGRTER 0F OUUANS. 1ÇaU~.s a. TheiAead: Ephrairn MC gne-of thre milk-trin, of',Ha 'u Uarlsbrg~qhut,,fireman 1of papu nstraclerk, Readiug;_ Thomna; Mt-ý ion, d oaductor of -thr ,'psy traipoLtî.- tIre anmd one coach, *as, golng evst imce-l lgay for tho men àlo'g tii,. diviion Thée corebiuatlon traine composedofe1 gIù, eopmbhoti ooaoh adthwo ýAss gr àiidýý s. Seon4g eaut The o le- a barp. one andIo. Mnked ,by a-beav Stered about thé ûsca~ 88C059 ~eIGL PLDE mim vhe omi tu agel CIsud naoirtaeak hp cîeire(ta -W« te nuit irestii vs- iMuo4Ibtlô t "Qvae4s. navaqu ai thre siovel. VXIcuà TENT >LOWX Di TcususCanghtWheu it1 KilIel, azy -RJUaI sadPerçans -more envelopeit l etrain of U aevere ma Iù th ,recieidinjuries froluiei su'àd bundr6iI-ofotbo,,s suffeai sda inIjuies Owd h a hsuleit-eff i safetyr. - '!Dom nion, îb ise A eeTus Cou- Déminion at Cauad#ut'coe et the Jln 'Ed*ard VU.- claaà,-mckle Asaboqt lt JoAn tire Aiantio 1Ihet, braiste#rf Iroun ber nîoorlugs 14, 1ort'saoutiibr bar yesterda y 'and.ddeuleaidin ago irefore beiitg sotie& le hugo ve si ai 15,000 tous dleeýwiot, vas au- cirored lu thstreani, sud eming te tus istreugtir-cf tihe tide Ui cotéenUiesd- ,4ç4 - rbor aa eiuu a l siet n Wpsv;ted. Sb âo MZ n aî . gubot'A.nt, viiese wqt lis. bsttieship'a -bo da, a vtrytinou 'os taahe. Lesvïug the. pub9at e btei drifted on t~ip iat.Y' ht, tÈat was. close 'b.', sd se eàu tel3'vrecked tire lîttis. caft Uli onu* dis 'and gputle, mouxM obomidit ai to be jtaken of f by th* e omlulos beuts,-.Tlbé Émt anebor ir55 st ohoelot go.; . tore lu eould -heMDm" 'h haed,-u 1strit- "aiy .1 juIw~il ---t .4 un usi 4 f4 n fi -r-- n - - I 4' 4--- f-J c 04. crot te Itwes.*8 apoople-0 ir, AC4 s worl4 art >1, a tà. 17 sIC04% lui b. Sur- NOu- la, us ul4 be the : hoir SN G votei te te donti beeni go u à 1 4 WIIT-UNNSAYS.- z812oW VOIT! Oô? non STLI DAIL? BTla. S~&CEflRSïx. Doai, et. t&-Yie cândiun fik erfu cùlew IgIau sopeit- bertfoi tugse epth«o oguiypoted ta t to l wh*reabputs oet thêVgfiant, sMd bave fine ilsten fwrl<e. tire tireêtuler' ap pa.I pii, &,cmaos bas afoot I a 70 7Ofilhig tugs.The ispeediiet-,Of the' lug'-A. plaeed At t -hesit ot thea olunis ln tir.diroation lu1 ;wbîhthe - igilant la knowu ta be. WhÎeu tie «er o~la uigbffl tiie leader, starts, cfotf'u11pood for MmerIlmn mtors, li second tug- sots ber aud ioDais sult,audM s0 on aI! &ous tire line. - It A beIlevmd thïÉt aImtoattelie, -Ïousud dollara' worth 'eaifi lu tak« u lutoe 4.Bi ,, taby cacbtee very. aýy <et aa Wlates*rs.

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