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Whitby Keystone, 28 Sep 1905, p. 8

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FOR POUM i,4 have made au oxtr& >ttoobtain thebest and st. Épio'es in themarket I' have them 'now in ion'ai maire good Mes $la"d suces with 4~e teste. that 1 médical hetl Wbihy CunlyTown Happeningsj 14ot le the changes or advertise- *Mn Lth) 'soulie. ý-kv epkilof Influenza prevalu nl towii and dstrict. A, great eau> are aIl lieff. ýVlannut.tte. one yerd wlde, oi ~,per, yard-at W. 0. WalterVl. Ladlîea' -Wtnter (Coati, tâtrietty t 11 oua Jiros'. -82.50 toi*U -MIf. 4. K. Thumpson bais resiovel lie Contenta of bis shop. to 'ltaresip beco. on Iroen tret, hot bd wuil lort1: 1'emôve te pew prlacu seon Wàrren *b" aba4! li lO ftr&=* ;tble - 1cm dpQwsý< a44l'gote ,bave rtetpd a Do.-AM O cmstnrequtpb b*Ipe acosoaiufrbis hors«s 91Ie ointi athieuo sports 0f hé, WU on TFkay, sept. t, at2- em., il b.. Ëxblblon grounds. 1rbers -ëb eýmfable 'rWary suiopg ,the jupilo, Op4 kmen conteste wItlIlbeky e's Wbte Befftbbn Coata. 65-0 At W. G Waltems'. sav. lIbb Stochinga, .8 $10 at W.(L Wabtema>. r i tbe tblsg for ~oIr plmte, or for wrapp. l.A. large -«*uatty atý 0 100 tforteaoenats. raryatternoon lant the 1efocts 0for o WI Il. vere BOWilby auotion, M mii, bslt g b. am>ettosaberi rsuer. st tem taBen p or*. but tbey voe *lé moet bdeow tu &ti.vc if bar 14-Dot toe sbrtulat iW. O] layton. u .h ei For., daspdt." ,âs lmnI or M fdla*m lioter t su. elspt. N m vittnmg». tmig bard-for 7ycand mI aving ii SAârDIDES, andt bebas Dow tn"oiOn a. r1el te tbebOmieiaffl. 1 W Ar tber char n libn* harte orftii wabia"5abO l GOrge'5absence. George . wUl doubtleuu be "au «SOIau pRssand ceut a Vue ewath during blé rtwît te Cblla.» Fanl proitactiona lu idr«e. gOÏ1. and Pd""eu aloy as the>x go. Dow on our ceenters andl abelvea lid lu- menue ,aautîue. Â perfeet -Par- anomsfor, tyla e era aSt the Cash* There ý-are fourteen teacbers41i- trnâniiag at the Model S&Obi bere r Uit term. tbe grcat aJoitl 4of whum, are fesialcat. Tb. enau .aare I--Miscus Crawforth. whtby; Court- lea,, Courtieeu rt.; Edwa'liu; Flap* ci., Drocklu;oit. .lcallCGffll man. ;-mcDoakd. Droagbsim; 11921 l3nt.Wbtby; vauvaibeuborg, Brouglitu; phcrriltle rookilài C ane. ObhaWra. The. place of reukidflo o ftOme of the uto<kfltu OouLd ot 1w 1 oatu, peu jackets. andl roady -ma*i suite at .,rO.ptiofaul1w prie« at' W. 0. Waltei'u'. La Of« im Coef. The. band Cavet. udr laut open air concert on flaturday sigit SAu", andl atrwaid marchedl tôtheit bal te the. utlrring sirainu of their r.- gimeol5.l. -John PeeL. The. bas have gîtes fInS> fine concrts tuas ~aoeo»on ad the cttuens a my fors avalte a fîrat clasa conperu. la the neifuture, Whitb It 1% bopel w>ilt be weli 41tendbd, and for wht@b Uabagei' A.lin bas rromuicsd soea fine talent. Mfr.andl 1ru.. .Tin bave, moted tuto tbe roouw lover Mr. Stopbe-. gotiluitelegrap'lioffice, n Mm E, Armstronîg bas moved loto ti.bosse lacatedb> 1Mr. Till. ?bI umoto bai% beesn ual b> tue. retera to twn 0f 1fr. Epiett. wbo au-tabe poasesiaOfl 0f biseus nbousebeuide the. -liway ttuck. Ladli! Ceotat. YOS lu't d y Ikind at tii. storetby4h aot DlI St greate a togahs ever. . Jîore 4d e tWt~rthan stmubremi. 50 te $2.aï, the , Store. lion Ume.e.Apka 1fr. Johan fflguo o ffa~le. tbe elior a estful appt.»,SatiN. day. 'Ibo appi e muieE 1» mokas la oiremems4. aivsW*#f t1 -Ittntb plllaaaket Waflsty. T i fruit ln 04 want, s iomuS'o ta#e easby te f di4a bamhe4 M.Iairrett. the. appte pader., uliovMilt tii.Kyute»Ae abuautUiu lw tgins W etosmandqeu.mitg 1484 týluche. la etoeurauae o tý W&a aOwan, v"I ub»apoippe, ai$ W"am oithe oebard etM'8ra ~e WIy Ldm s' fiui qsiaty b k1 çorast Ovelr% 4 oue c e t W, I taà â' Xi 0 Kys hel anal lb. Km toroaltP uii~ ba oC f bis geifree. F.amines of buya uI aloi 04ta vori la Cottes miiiat Kingut0à. >Goal wageu palSwhite learuIing. 1lii gurantese adyv ot t w-fatà- er and ail vorkeru Over 14 Yearu *1 g.wliiI adrance andaarrangé bi movlng expesma If neceuuaty. -Ap- ply TW .DouilsoS nCotten MIII. Ce.# Kingaton. ont. .sfft fMe akhuds.s Pwpeif v asCube ýSi Tii. property cf the ats A. 16 nieteirdsolu, on Centre Street mortb, Whicb bau becs os the mnarket- sinSc lats1 sprhIg. liai bren purchasei byi 1fr. ~ O E.G 11,ofOshawa. vbo has- taben posoussni, und Move* la oèsI Wflle4uy. The property aon»ý stitta cftfive actes of grounal a goe* otne-roo.ed cottage, gool stable, or*' CbArd andigarse. et.-altogs*Oi a msat 4.trbls property. 'b. pamoetc" price wab 1$0I.Mm)I. 8Bitta bas been a carnagse painter la the: employ of the. >lLabln Carrnage Co«. Omba' abut his bealuli suf fer. mi by close costlueunt. and uni physilans ordemed a Ckiae.'z1Mr. $MBa la a lover of peuttry. and. lu aise au ekipert breeder et tii. saune. goe han. nov sois.2M0 bardaand l 1 la bis Intention ta go lo t le but-, ne»s of ratslog p@oltVy for fliaitet on aunextensive soâle. Mr. BSOls ba au excellent wffe andl famIy activenmnibrs 0of the, Obava Rap' tînt eob..as ande» -ow beesp unembers, of the Wbitby ebereb, bar. 'lug bues ,trandaedet aft SuaIs.!. The. fauiy - wiUf ho a reai 'aequisi.- tien te *WhItbj,a.d It tbey niai lie abonslautty Frospreti la the -wiasb Sptclaiba.ilu for fair, wOÉ&. 1kM'. bkVY &Dit ail vool sooba, pela fon 2ze a t W. a. W*afes. 'Y s daily, A fuit range o~FlÂnnelettes, foi.w Dres Goos, uitigsand ail, Vol Ii@ Furiniti already l-aies-oc' ipai Lade'Ka£14 1veý 1ad 11.25 P&~pIrL Gur4oeet'lot 0-toSSe. pperyad., Woo Blakea,$8.28 ps« pairan~d upwardm FMWxiMzitle# Bmké <Q.Y Au~d Whtt.>, 94per an d uwr Meule Frech Na"Wool Undoees ailu ".M4 ilem Mena Fa. nsei~25EWtpStpair-ti avrs Men' Qz~Woxfr* 5e.to ïôe petpai. Meule Woking gbîrts, 504. and uputdu Mo'.HeVY .WooI undetvsar, foni50-e- te 0'. =6 petgme Msos flLingeof Floor 011 Olo1h;aH aiwdthsý te select frem. And re wM s T# 168 o ea uc tu ibnnoum vile *bd Wbltby tira have Ltbeaidt% ets. -1' 'Tbe Toronto New& cf ôMay w-! taina i n *pavng lOving the tour blogbaua brotiiersviseOs 00 a "Yr celt boe m ssmltlworb May Iarm lob ed a -postion. .3 .3 'Ur, Karp vati la town tble Mvr. Roseo t alouod 2e 1fr. F-Wooulrcff# fMaII 1fr. c. >4 ojd bas been vL wltb Xm a OQÇ »avr. Pnr e r ',Mefa si qpst ex Ur;.13. ,I. Wl*Wnleg,*. n To - ~ ~ M 1f. Mjr bu as ln Tc for, a .1ev dayu rentty. SBQMLANID-At Toronto s ier 94th,. te Rev. asnd SELLIN SELLIN At-,and underi -Some Grea w Caland g M.TILL RAILWAY TINI Sa .U5M. tin don T0 Lvu ftor Brugbau sti1 *A= Am -kmW Umm.sss. la tise Towawkps or Widtby. Tii. naddks1 bas racu utmetow tê.#et jet m"ws b île Auo(cws. at Lb. Royai Wbtbr, -os Ratuisia.>. Sépt.-ý lmat 2 osioek p.u#, the. acMes vsow tu tbe I 0 0 q. solfies. g e 19 1 .1 9

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