~mqem uiCorropondeuts AJfo4 oli4a. tl*geIllesi l'. Vaiicaorsayli. This Issue ws Aâ @stl>r Pefarred tb la tht cl ompkt«]R.our -erbOf lte Vindî- tiuwni *b4s now reovoere.1tlgffttetlY Cator unider the pressit manage-. o Qr0tura ~ber itoweaI oyaon. ment. At the oututet we had hop", ,)<llhi.~ j- ~ ltat by thi, tinae and tbrougb our 11ev. J. il.,bu-riand bas rettare4 jusîrUSeRiLallty titis Wked world -tou 4 on î4lès-holiday, and oota p. woukl bave beeu tran.formed into l~ et-I thù imipit of lte 1rembyterlau 'iardse. Lating lite milléniumi. ahýioce iaalz Sunday atterco9n. but tte Contract 'viii Dot be coin- An ilu meai, lteé Brooklil boys who fflote for .me tlime yct. War, fam». a",e stients cit lte Whltby Colk'g- 1Dm and peèttionehaveboao- laie Infttute. cairied off te buit lscd. buL tho rJle f drawback to or lte fieui 'prise ait lte i anatual etc# .ai biî'saYzduns la that so many gainem hm!d ln.it Friday. Mur. Fraink ntgte2t ta> renew titeir subiiorlptiont, -ettL, Jr., eutered ln six eventil The peuple oi King street weî qonu won thon> vil, Mr. Lou Sebert have lsnffered great Inconvenience aise Look firôt jplace lta the. four for years 9p p, çQu t rbawalksl,J iN'Vainl whîoh Le wau entered. uue,ý but It Nnialned for lte t<>wa4 ètna- of hi,. lorlzeii being tbe Langevin cili b reach thie liggt Ibis week. on cul). whleh h9. bat4 1mw %vontlWPe aà t men were oient 10 cC>ittoulv î,îîw.thug rmaktalng il lent wLy lte aid talk ln front big ow1 iiti Nld attîr Webley Réd of thecDaliining faetory, -atter whilb niari-n it ?iuîhom the a'roud pogeassor thcy 1pa,-rtiy exc:ivatwIi for nmw gra-- oTtvolrots. oune the hiu.ndred, yards., alithic wanis.Then the whô,le mens ,id i hf-atiter the relay' race. %,AIi hai§ been lut t ln an impasu1birt con& are revelvliimg hcartY congratula- ditioîî nil Ibiès <eek. Somne lanterni. tloîu iwerm î,lacemli' ee la enabie the Mr. and Mri. Irv'ing, f rom New people to i4eet'hie dangcr, but' îaey izeislaitii who are naaklng a touri were oniy lighted once. sround the wurid, ivere guetu of; îerty îLcthangiie, a aa91n Mr. and mrm. A. Kctrhen faut week. agent for eninrgiug ipîclures, gave 'hE nglltii eburula servies are be-'Countiihic Jevcî.s a buutY time fore ing cortlnued I theýMagolo Hall, hait ai, houir RaturdaY nilbt. He %vamS -,Thechiurcit repairu wii not bu comi- qldtrnk u..d nolmy, and reslsted air- Pý i)l(tt'< for utoine iînie yi't. re h t IL took ttwe( or thr%4e to con- hlra. W. Morrimoil, who haut Ns'îî quer him. $5 nud çostrà was bis glulte 111 for sever:ii %t eeks, lug conllu(- portion.N Vrîêbly 1butter.'11 Attention lm ,îgli; .ilr.'cted ho the - 1 CI~c; atî,n,mnl nueting tf tii.' Bible .soriety Pair. lu hritind. of C3Iuinhus. lias whlch wiîli be leld li thlie Mtids, 'tî the ciniploy oft he tln rhurchou <tthe ' .vî':1iiî.g f ut sin(ftY. Millat. Octulwr ttî. Tht ui'Idrebti vill e Nlsm Lily Kilglit, ot Drtooklii. loi gIveit by 1t.'v. .1. Il. Borianti. * muawilng lier heildays with ler 11ev. Dr. Ctîriuîchali, o<'f int'te, c W1ýnMise, Bnlsdoil. lSîiîmrnLundent o! htte Mîs4iotis, lN On Fridny a i .ýIi l st while F. exîeteid Io prench li the '"'b-L <ircen, of Cre'uîwood, was drlIîng Iteriaaî iiîti'ch îîext .ý,jndV~y ittîî'r- lutit outhis %%.,&y honte frotta tht vii. 31oo11 lDr. Cariaaichiiu'l î.sa :forîmer ifll gtis bora.. beca uie frilteuellat joauttoî utfthe crhurcli i-r.'t, ni 'at sotame branchus ot a truc thaîý wère cu0lumitti. 1, > anig alongL.miu' t'e rond by 1the Large mîti b ra Wtu-uL1n t il )(-l J. t ()'fi. titismet.agîoas. The anni- 'te fair acil iîiîby. uîîîd ail,' eîîmitu. ilin iLs friglht kieked i'e<lte hoine 1rettv Weillanîlstsei(I. It "waftktiblt4aard. and lna amDontent rlgand .'ertaulay nucit mort, ln.o'hssîlng juil were deposlited In the dltch. The lthai hant beéti tieti' ct' oniehinies. tiorge suceedeti la frevlng itutî, SIteu'. J. L. Surtecî's auufi lU"'. W. îî:td deptwrto-d for borne. Fortuate- -Adanis. two New Jert-ey aiiîalters, 1>' PMr. Gireen eçcn1wd wlthont Injaary, cunitluited lte sei'ulceâ lu te Metiîo- ta dld lte itors.', but lthe wagon. was Oinut clturch let suliday, and wii 1 soniwbal badiy t.ed up. ;uzeach again ln tiosciturcli next isîEnma Comnor and i ls Moore Suniday, On the 8$uudcîy 1foîiwng were viâ1lu f rimais ln Whitîby on ' lev. C,...O.Jonnoton uvilgîta hi.s £4nuadaY ast- kt-ture, "R~evit t llff(,rtrLt peeor Pars. (Rleu.)MeOregor, wito basbeemn xlsi my(>tuaam ou.'!," ln cunneotion qendtg a coopte o1u,'elrs wlit xv'ibtLie aimuail harvust. home din- frienits ln Piekerloig, left titis week î ho loin 1Ur. MtZIregar lna Princeton, Ma's, St. Manning . Who lias been N. i. 'nitia iîr dautgiatea' ln Scarboro ail 11ev. J. E. Mor<' nti . L. Chapî- inaîmer, haw returnod toblher homie man iwore la Brookilit last Slonday bert. 4h.. leiiiaow aucit better tliaa nigit attendIng a xaeettng of lte &;he uvaw recently. ceueuutlve of &. U, andl C. E., wheu COLUMBU~. arraîngeaients wel'e completeti fo coauluctln lte fan camptaigia. 1fr Taus Aant. ormr!' o Is on w'ednesday W. E. Vanstone. - P11o, iaiTlIti[LChia adLe ~,Ilas.tîrotitl Il$ local auîisaiw, 'mesura. lobçrls and .]&ro. L. iliciardson. Rbnte olry~Pthj.sîe Mr. Tlhomas Sutherlandl lias 5i't'1'r wrlt againsit Dr. 3as. Mocre4 of îc1 kié;relations with .1. tF. l'huwrlghit, 1rakî o nsae aae w 111ke litn a job lh iai'1( Ikîrg Iri statomenîts niade ln a lé'ter Pai. ?Jrumaa Gu ic t .. .tod î rceilhd by a local ('onuervatiu'e,. lal (or Torolo, wlieret' lu' iii .s' xv nl'twn i cutai c'uîîegi'. tîces C E I 'P1LES. SMÇ. rcd. rflirtioam has boîîgiîî iwenty ycarand ve.nnot imgine 4b -eitu~lbik farta Jolnlng bis owý%n au> gretter dntresa. Dr..<iaea f at'îi tuil ie n out. olittient gaie ie rehietf romth ie UrMa. Fred. Powerut hos iîru msjy f lreapnîplcationa, andi lise ,ii4w en,- 49ing bita rondi work.- îeyfreed me 4d thit. horri l& i.- '- r. Wlfluuîin J. TlrnkI's diction ui 's .-ale.3.S.MeLArn ir \ftrât stock anti luileieta -.wlil aa'dl Cuntrcieor.. Tlvfrtoà n.Ont. j u Titsaay twxt, Ort. - '-I r, Itrînîloctî~le hî - no- Deniand for Farms.~ tîter !rui t iert. attenmid tc ,Tite>auctummt maie -orf fa rna lal$bew fêir MW m woik.oS a turdaorafleritooti at I.lt,#Oyat, lo IYkî' to lien. f ton,. tuu, -nas i couftj la'1mcilt a,4wat' mre.W'utde iftanai n ttisihe "at Lot'f theapI nltrvtiaa îuwnitao'i~ia.i. alliit a. 'es rh~m4otia*la h1>' Lu4ci10 *Iongly iltuo'al theneo*toe.nh Irrnshave bei'» .A1v4tiutut moral. bt~ %neîub>' ,rvte J t'e ' h» *dorf il> <l' r (ainlies.path ae count>', and Iw1i thv lqau.mi Ibswl rl Ail report orea bloial.> ne ,lIp M UeIIIIt lw tpe, fir taimr uloél >are fmot MY' -,Meb ~4a~aiî 'us»*119 Vlultîng itthaeren itbouabt t» Iti 4" t, te à lo, hie uWU*on. -at I i, b1lut the Me .,tt m ~W"OtTtni 'e tuaiI-me.t' t'>1 à ý. in urtay ibl, '-, titiii» A id anc w l m .si. e o u rse l t m«à « » o ~ frt.b li e&"lot ~~~i, ~ ~ h t , ~ s1Md U'r" . ili When luîlonslng *0 thé lamé eestat1e, WA' wltMrjîwn at 4d.lt gus rs tat eold lue ousu ut, of the crowd. Mr'. Joh. Drlght: oftered, $00D forý tbe 1-74, AcresCOuiPrlslng the Jamesa Pitîatid asIte laut Nblt by.l The. 'place la rented at a prie wblchý pays four per v ent. on 8,OOQ. It,- vauldn't be soid at the offer made, The Jeu, Tbompsoa estate fari of' 180 acese, bal( »m lie north of Dun- dae aUtMet, Wigtuy; 4#dwithin the Ceorporatluj g WfP. "t UQ > »t IIQQD bld] on il. S-ome lime later If was agnlu offerel. lMr. W. 0l. %atson Ida&i an offi>r aof.O0 but as the price expecte~d wauld probably 'be double that tiiswas alzO pjifr Titis sale IhatibeeU widely'adver- tised 1>7 posteré and by advertie- ment- in county pajperoi. but only' a cornparatlveiY umail crowd was pre- sent. The attcodance- la the offie af lthe Royal, witete lthe sale mwas> bcld. dld not at auY tir m eceed 40 persons.,anti motit of temn werc there tbrougb cnrlosity. The. prolwrt les, il îvas announe- mu>. would b. sold by pt'lvate sale. The foliowlng .i t rom lthe Weekiy S~u£ -11 th tite .ventieut," tualt L Hl. Fatr. b:.rkks. theu auctloneer, 'slrnIlar'lando' NOMd ni) tb$105 au acre."t -Wber.dld te drop ltu value»ý oc- c7r'" Mr Fairbanks ivas asked. *'.but'~.'was ltte repiy. "*That; bes ihthtc utodus ho 1the West be- 1 lot tIteiS 1t<.wlth thte cont or eiot-l tmgeqai~~good buildng? 1d There are rOue niéme lgogtc the WottO'!lit3Who oould 1* adÃpUng tbemseivea to lte changed omdftIçqg 0f gtlUI*redo qulle aswel i Ou.tarlo as the, eau hope 10 do -là 111 Wst n i otul.o they WOua have g5utlumn, nlsca 4a' *85adeomîortu whioh lte West "'I' 'Ot kôbe tb offer la a getieiatloni at Watt." Totonto Grocers Vlctlmlzed. T'heToronto star of a ?oOent date coutalued the a'uîowîng graphie, stOrY.o! how a Young man Igt labo" several Torontc, wbolesale Paling himmeif cou fas a son( or te. la -e John Mtllrir, of Brougham, le rhgg township. and au employa O! Mechin & Poucher. generai' mer.- citants, af ltat Village, a rouesmatn worked a very clever oonfldenc*, gante on a number of F ronti streoti whOleuaie tea merchante anid groo- erg a Couple of weeks ago. ne gave large OrdeMa and then on the Strength o!fthem asketi farthltoan o! a 'smail mm r ofmiey. aaylng1 11ha tatI liet îîa bit of a spreeanad* itad run, out of cauit. Re securoal amounts ranging front $. lu #25. At lte bela-Gaine Tea Company, 55Front streel east, ho gave' IUg. Co.- POLISIjHINE For polihing G oId, Silver,, Diii Frames andGlass, aise lin, Brass,* Copper and. Nickel. Umbua.u,,perfeotly harmnlss. Mt werks like maugi. 0' 'Visit Fipst IFOP sale by me Ce LAWLER, Whitby -Mau mes g.îr..ant lholater thg liae>' ordeat'for itetween $400and $500 mar'kL tit 'heUnitedi iStatest, lte fwortit o! tea. j chie! rtlinnAiciut fa *u.?rm ln titis seC- "Hie knew te 'tea .business front lion m'o u li that itlme.was eul Off.- tp b liOttOnt." sai Mr. %Wlte# lte Lan ti iehli ihlad sold f remi>'up 10 manager. "Hi. conversation show- îîaut i me ait 690 10 $100 dropiiehi d hlm 10 be very famillar wlth the l.o'e. Ti> rt ahIa tci (¶11-haitlttiQ5ât ant once. andi Il Br'ougham ilocalit>'. and ha> 1011 ltbe> bad nover teard af any sncb hu bixs P*.r i:euavri'd iice then. This Plenl5' of lIme 10 inake up bis orde'. fello ea .Mle' adiiifo e tlroîtli'. caubetimany cases of uer- Ho tai lteé apiaarance of oneL mal sire any te&. atpresent. We1put loiso hirdbsti7la tie cotant>'. Sont. rmO>verint froui a tear, but lie waathe matter lnilte bands or he i.dq. wh~~~~~~~~~ Ui iitrtdtrisa 14ri rettY slick one, nevertiteess. The tectire-department but ttey ido ucta. wil on obligation t10 pay off dealt o! his ailegeil poor aId faliier, itot soom-' 10 bave btmm abI6 tla#je cett au, iîgatcAes, foundti iaI lite de-.fwtich oceurreul two years agOï. tilanyt4lng." j%-rectton lu value, lotI thona mtrlp-'seemeil ta ho bothiering bis, and te The swindier la 4esrit< -a poil bare." dà upliajcd a reccit f or a $lOOtoinat-, short, atotmiaout i.ft But lIlta> sevs-nileprcem. 'vere stas* e h ai boîîgiîl 10put on -bis Ielgbt liehes a.a hoîgi t elgtest tau 1sigh. 'Vaiucs wre Infiated grave. Wlusn ie asked for lte mon.' ln lb. nighborboodC!15 ona thons." sakt J. D. Howden. w awsW 1e>' Ideemed it Wise 1ta gir, hlm a 1rmae umbe"god' ooin. n the agrlenitnrai tlelory o!f te Pro-1 11111e, sol wlshlng 10 attend, Ékod bho a beart otoh alu - bAnd v'in" ufor bal! a century. "lonai fcu#toanet'. IHecarrled hie bleuf 10hait'. Tb@mla liS iadn't a brqgu., comptetition, oýviüla . part t the bm j*h, esento!refnsing titis tiret1*11ho vn U1ju. liewor crowdlng tapon lte sii uf hoew fouý I profériot *qvg yI Il as -batal>' serge nmit, & alit colored: shirt, vAt whom 1h. Western ou îlot bad mot vorîl wbiil t4kig ltit mu0. lh. A 1um.4veollr. a ' yel opellmi, ent price.. p te loo hob.gaI a bIgger one:j I bail tirst brown feit bat. higm a lerel. "ad tras 1ellIng cailldla one cfrta>' a>erks. wbo 1to . ide ~amla as o ek titeu aI figures whib ould not me -tbat lte 10011 w"4qIit4 mate If loi, lise aud. Companlo - wboimnsi ylekt 4 pier oet. If tel farine wel'e the teilow was conià eeteil with the -grorTlS&or d ompn' a'cntn'd.Tu.'dey Itla i.dfficuittu lt ileftili>. > eal rces adl Job'W oa gel laes ait a oale 'n'ilcb are equtli- - "W. were a lIttli susplelous &ai. ô mr w1I01OiIlO groomr. lThe a)Piento1 anu fi er ciéiDliuenatl.At tervardsltait ailu 14s43net rigbî" îasr m L -ies lihissî Ieient, however»., arîn lande ln, continuellUr. Whitei 'mmd -vraIe10t teir rders luefore' djsooveri« Lb tii FrolInce are .elliug away taelowir eeîn and i ouacher, -amkIne abut mros1taie bebai made. - - .~~___ ~ --~--~ -.. - --- It EbyL iais & Conip~n' -Iw'orluêbits oohusemrve to asu eveof 1he ti. yN n C n n watt sot grmilytty Imbu.vl bimat.f Ce Der t bueJug, muid ' us i A Mnasu Ibere va.aid laraja a prunt mbop, ..ad be totle w lie workvdi aadnt aecr cu l liuw h. vor»beIo fou &andanimodl. lbrresdroit. Prics ltait wvoto big#a.- nie flriy >'betlrre4 that lho lMdithe rîitî. To'meoîopet lloal tue jPria îsstg lai sigiti. Tro kla ewpemk4tlompl botutayi~~ ni to0811.11<primes lai two. Cai mait 'teior*d iwork" b bal men>' cat. tDut wbat «44 (bat to- hlm) lie w lte firt andl le vou ls betIe laie,.- goe »wtid etueh buetue la# b. *e"odaghaa., ZW4 ite&r lsÃŽab fnomm tb! »4a on . ktpm(Ortwo 7taîtsor o r', i'1 <À isr' hai~Uamfl ,o>i buit lt L.adluOo.svrwr. Solid Glsus Hand Lams, Six sizea at 25C. to 60e. oaci. lanterna, "Cold Bleit," bout mako,atCc Larnp and, LaziteruBurners, Olasa, e, -etC. Whou buying GCoal OU, got- theo bout. mOui,<Pn»olobrandi ,(UR dispia reà dy n â0Wwi theflaWlaud wi - partment, -Tor »the Winl be open ai let And calEdM lrb*à ç ga'wor,. ate- e e 5.j ne soeuri.., mn. moUd. e' * -'- i-I p - "i -' 1 ; 1 9 0 ý a 9 'and mal