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Whitby Keystone, 12 Oct 1905, p. 3

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4 ~4~4 pute t on "a14n, leot 14Shussie niedt..- ,l tulOb* u a* $udoniu aise iumpm ut>. isuîTispaiaeemssstbe or o me 1hu co-i,' AI h. a»Y&."It ltamuidt onelse. f3*W bt.'1 iýwby tue ehadow un lt.ecSn- log sid..'tise dalui u t " 'ogtisere.. Ie>' will lie expaolnc r;a atlitmliesh 2at b*mne." ,pith sa& liess ab*4, .Wle mnd tband lady nhom u t tis e -ek .a m tiiuIU, *tb bita .1 @l aui».? - h-- { a- ie" 0.mafý rot e4w ".And Ueml otên t ie vllaéha""Plmda"er, aS*,mi omis*,« ena 'miel? I "gjt W* mn G hud etegays lralcobssine «IaI I ,SamM ,A Mar~uuee-b.ek oeotluulu. s Bt.. Wi~' Pink Pk 1h - a Pl 1 set7' m, wbat a fine view tbey wil water, £Bd, once more bendinp over ths have at Der Xrone. Yes, her.- they stili figure, se batises thse bniglt chest Dme!" nut heaL - i.mnrmur runa lw ls k, After w* minute prtwo, Hni**tir% ssaee ù iseches.which iestantl3y, as if rms itéd, te, 7. 4t webumanand iwntcbing btrats ýtteo slb s , fo L erni ýà ahËnor fImtise belf rY. k around bis neck, amid laye bis bSd en, Thse littli fat landlord aitDer ýKrqae Yber lapcornes out on thse sters?, àad,.looking ýU fronu wbîch triiles a t.in stresi 'n tb a complacentsMlle, asI- ifébevert bloca, whseb niak-es ber eisndder and Mf he proprittor cf tise eomilng sbho* Frornn a.s ahe wipes it away with ber wet han c1- thse windews people lean outasif tbqy se stlJiîéf; 80 8 n stise face'eaxi te precipitate tisenselves on 'the Aon e~s~.Âft~ 44 Ù1I sS 1QiêcnPuE~tsi¶heboy waà beads beiow; even thse two stableent excten esthe cdelusion; and stand upvight without the &aiofethe g~ IIE4*~~ ~for, vitus.*uncnsd eus nievemeat, mis teposta. IIIOIRSTAWAD ST LOIS, 904bends fem*aÏrd and # Wééses thse hnsm The eleud ef duitgrowm ulrger, tie g 10>GBS" AW RD T. OUL. 104 eadte er oso, ad, toopin< ehl-mm epostillons ï5tlcL lov hoa, laye lips o i ckss t h lattér- of orsest liot tié net once or fýlabove tise mnrmur of tse erowd, sud sud- ut Ïwitàoaagho sweet, womanly el ieegoes op a -h: Pt e ~tt densess.. an sd tise clear sopmmn> oci!e 1~YIh AIt is ber sott, warm kisses tisat tise women. Aii * ahlm, and Hla, as lie opens bis eyes t Wlitis a grandiose smacking o! tiseir E UM R'14 tisq moment, la under tielse ok,,h long wbipm, tise pootilions urge their Js% JJJ $~ s2~ep;t UR boisiibid1aaeg meste amgalop, amd tii. et minute ~tg~ i~ bsulylie ee~ tise sandmonetravelling isariî«Î ___________________________________ eclose-to hi%, and, ralsig binio -lord the. marquis mUles oer tise atones ** '* taellie ê gas..5. t n ldy obeying an eider, tise pou- riemu aeied d, an slagret- Arnile, b tppliertaimtrda br mragela amfuason lberEnglims baya, perfeetly matcised, usd7 l ùd yuhave taken niy sdvice!" elshe a deep risw? , whet elrus tiseaineit momentffl ga$ n o oon; and ln t flot beau- leaves lier lape à&& pale as bis, and stands "On tisebll," tmis eys, murmmnin *'"wmId nanetuacre ivsit dU g-.-art wiaIscr hdi foldéd, and.*bu hmlus -u. "Dnet usd*>-do'ml. . wth eaectuu cupiîty Al ee.ar lok- Uound for tise tirst time, nieelly don-n. ohs, I anmoa-m o glad!min-ýdohéWbent fer a moment on tihe tall, hmndsime bit seycm corne 'back te lber face ai- ru ~~e pai onebwm e nte cry asentl.y, sUlil holdinsg hlm ti xu~û~wise, îtl a quiet mmii. snd îaatntî. tie a d it e e 4oier lUMeis erigbred ar, bonds fomward -to, ueply- "é,very fine," h. y, careely awlîgulfi tzdîg tbemn. Oeteescaping througis ber fi te tise hndlord's '<elcome te Forbaebs noiigthe view. "ery fine!' Then liai awskmm te ituation, and feU On HnVm aface u.nd noused hi.ineffec mlr,»wt isalera l ' ndt e ei tle, do you .sethat" she breaks the silence wth tie insane e- £11Y- iriit; hn, wth oe aco, a e "Wka *Ne are al l Forbach s0 prondmak Witis difficulty h. stoed uprightt, with- cb hegae. to tise face at bims -of thse castie! It is grend, is It net?"' "You horse bas got four white feet.Y reluctance, aise, if the. tmutismuât bbum um*e epcflamrto J1Yes," ay a la, tbowing a mwft "Yes," ehe says, arousing W"th a agli; told, and tiien, Hal-like, laugbed. rsOil( glâ , Dû at the noble ' le. "do you tlsink heie laprttyr "«That wa.s a cropper!" he said, wIi $TO be otui. "tOur poor little villn ok nathl Olcy-o talys xrney~tise water fnom bis face and head. "SeCrve- iiï cooiparls)on," she aya, iwitli a ammli.. stys l icîjointedly. mnu rt for riding down bill et a Sport for Lion Hanr. fordon't think 80," saïs HUal. "Stand Then lie boldo tise esu-upa"d taises Jop. Yoidi't fMU, did you 1" b.lkemc'Bmeous stil you brute!" i aU>~hmtiyfo ahmbad u.brl-i iX5 Y8,. - mount4i ins e- b e f course. the samde, wakes up hle owa herse, anid *'I? No-no! It wua enly yen wiso.l dly in Yellewstoee Park o! Ilat-o tiat "Re i lu eed t Carie," stys ts îtmhe crewu ie neeburt," se repiied, îwlftly wateàing; -isey tixiatenteexiconfder ~hskf~~seed Bl " imr îkfl ii iU ieopnees 8i mi e .k and etier wild, awmsaJs tiat livel C-silo cornebore.ruah. y u n tl i at sn biss. 'i pectecl b. woÛld tai! at ber feet again- i. rr oeuetgm rsre lîcven no~~ 575and rendeu-s hies dimb iad stupid. Ha% Y" S'eail rigit," saieliai, beerlly him, in the village after e vat amount lie dne&med that ahe aidît i c 1 btraLlier sb.Iy. "It den't matter,, < anrnsbs e secegi héo of& o!tcuble.liee si the primo stud of For- aI tisOn.» ttisat tise Governmnent, tismeugh Premident bace!. 1wish yen could have menAtie 1lg molH lbcut ir @I Dohne t'"-à, ., OUOl' dt animal thcy f ià ýt offered me. Stand at lier. qlàe il but a cild-s.orehteen D« tmat-r. 1 .e Johneands5mec offne onaU gvsu" atms.Utl o ehi ntto' o1i 0 huit. Your foreliead se eut-te, Jh udHie o! eertdgi stili, iwill youe. -1give you my word 1 mat Utl owli hmne teult inble.dig» an sd hanter. at Meeker, Col., a contrant the reatat toube taget 'ofi lier age, but now mue seenis a duld, have lied thelgraachsldtroubletho, gent im"Oh, tha-t's notisinç," mid Hal. M slnte eleau theise oeut, of Yélloatoae akong -len 1 wanted to go, and 150w- %elis letliuselas hummel!. asmis bmushed tiheur frem is m %le.PrkJolie Go!!is thse guide wbo >we= mtald auliI . befone Hai's vision arise the wr~inkl.d "Served nme riglit ifl t lied beecworsel faine tka g Peaident Roosevelt éôn bis *'Ut'us get lowvn," aya the prineess n vemd;ouuee; àfae jft oê,uni8tipt o« gerona ta rwie thm oit ti o nua. . hair and whlite moustache, and the visionj worst o! IL. Let me'help yen te meùnt.» ado - Thia i taerihémnred-liotThiuniuabmacu- rtN"ot yet-not yet," mise says, .srnest- Thse womk etfisantiug liens laIn lp tIc.ndlc ad gca~,moastrous, horrible, uniseard-ef, oeji*ly. Let us 'walk." * -atone Pajk wili, it in ostimated,tas ý-.aî drops trom teoddeln geeiai! Wliy mould ahe do it? 'I wiii waik. but, Yenu salil B04»" lisevon ra sons, and Ie tise eatm ~m1pler to disnouat. Sdelvwtout os ti "aieIaY",'n." tsee a dptnd-fer lion huatersi SudWetha liguîtt1tkucets'onbis crhen,'ms ae -man ,-lot da lgh oucbegon isn rme gtse- ays, wlth a toiicliof rsous gravity: LShe faltors a momlent, thon shows lm Colorado,- Wyoming auid otiser ettle ~"-- hait-kirt ledi ue wy, iai "Your iter marrled the mamqxsl-19 to put lber up is tise addle, ani, with bhi states, vhosr. stockmenamare suf!engn In-lier hlie-silialedd tomwy,?" lbride-on bis are ,ho vwalkm stowly b'g tlscafentc.prdtr si "Oh, ve t o m ny aesFlril"mi e ms ro uses hiniseîf te rfpîy. lier aide. Tâssit hmm, no doubthobeat l.Cougarsare -mid to e month'e W' 'ishe wileftit anywhîere for nme for houre, o«'Ins lideon r lons.. V' ; ndcc- ghitI e e , eemouts , -t O if 1 wantodlier ta." ~~~dnt1.Oat ere lgo. ~owt e itse nor xuneut&Iz&u '"d l'Ul. tie auy brute uîî here," says".*o't.mucis eider tbau Joanne. Ys u 1h. i Q'aecldeetally, no doubt, bhan munài ies-aote'ate> akt Ual ssd o dtouc Ui bidetoa te Inj, prebapo,, nine y-eprî" -î touches iera; but t canmut altegMo&ms e n~tmln- aet 'iser.," enys the princess, extending "No 'mmre?" aising lier -eyes with s oft, b. as e"nWth"ti eiss r. aa, 4 bouustY to tise.Gof f lismtheri. lu bier tisly hisal, clotlied ini itswhite glo"<, srrs."tdas le et? creep ameund ead h eM~ors. révUilroem-ve a beunty of 15on eush anxd lets It drop upon lier iap as m&hosite - e qdrttnIa4 fte Sede o Ibrà,e i noamo Reunnd» ie ~ LIevirwfroc t-le "ly ago," fmue any. 'l did net tbink itbey go dOwui t" . Vaul -he B0i8 'ek ea !tsevss iib1d*ee - -lif,"susa 1.1; vlirei he.rauktow,-Idid not kxsov Exgliclu ladies aianried Y0îtls Who 1 l oraaJ>-> ud 04b w Mts *nig u tt,"a ie ii ia ngli .(Oly you wai,'.the iL ta- înu, mke hlmway ini tii.worid', and tfii Zuis ter. are xvemy sesere il enlo'wstoouPrade, :îbjtit" ir ,v' wi1111et, Q ays al "ut.îaao oiIl;r",N vsoW\b.msà" is Xu tsatie limattks cofditons belsg £alibhti -Tell'i iieaiC t, ,t a cil iit 1h- ie ,-ueI'i ni ad -a.id w4arnlny, 1 cousît. - -tic, Owtàg te hUtimtue sam*eib eagcrsie-- -t)I~Joe -mmv peysers. TiseGoffI botieça bave 'Oh ,lhei'e'q uotluin- tateI" M~~ilai, *j msli elp. s~ ieçjp-,~ ,>m~tadfma looia st.h~ ~Aîlitî' tîroffile aMle Tt irîée (4, "I ansin -eare golng lin Fbhîîe yr acs l -the 'titId ge- 1reru1V t ihe Ck-w. in,. Ikc- '> i acY onch à fn 't& Fe0Or' some reasoz the iiuntalaIlies a ilîkge ais tihe Conis!. laiaahttle 11isu , a jyyth.- of erIUe pîumnuet umillquiwst l k t Netù, VlitLL fr a C.140 i!e woarc pK>O1', yoar - a1mrry-nuikIIin" a eumlo>u. lr,* othéêr asial, and -euairv, vbeus hi gflan ie b!O '10--îoîg" hc ,.aysvsiiLldismnay.,r»TKol rod Oewnow !t er rn esge ra In hi e ,F.0*7 Selooku' urouifssd qui(,.-.y. I"Wîre'. tti aie the viit'ep «mirst of b a fomt¶ bam 'Poo~ ste fl~' I ToSt. PeterFhurg." se ailisires l aIn ~~' ateva a resait of tiie raviuei of! munW lie cods and cîaspuI& long legs witis owvowe. " w uinsg- frein Bu4en-D*aes The ise t- .flot- fi- licid% . - ne-%t mont l." ltsmso tido sqie hidda b>aj, d ae nteru ee boz Ye.Js4ixne i-. heLb.nly .mell-the liaI nearly falil.out of tise maMe. 'en- ot uh4le-cappa;«d, C1hekéd Vilkm etseesti' lewaPb * oly we'M41shi nduu-iuual-in tie farnlly. "on-t rtnanïa ieiee.4mlitons, laaghinas~tdt4uxuuga»d tînt~PiI~ Bt t, 1is wjUt are peor!" Sue lookuaarouzîd at him, athUtt e t. i, ail ttu 1 Il ,0, eu;ont"a~ 'P" 'th ie repeata, la a vémy Ion-litetupzzedlch s fhl alp 1 . AtSIY Cf1AI> ~ "I wlls.---&"lmbl!e4notin had r1nm*daUdoI 44fb i - __1 tesvb e ucso rassa.suo1- lats ïoutinx ie u 'ewthm tos muidcoafetioa s ohm ait -iisa, fornIW 'Be ssuii>' olbeot ne tee, but ,ne ýýkl*th be a n" ofabout- 30 --aniY dàctor ni ti1ys iat oi-M - e IÛg o$Miscr it-ýthetce fraSt e pïùwionsWholue imthe'.is urlous - - bieo<L -tusia foolisis nMate <ex tixae seicpzs «-ub ua e and moncy te try to, curte scnitiam 4M hâtai, no Dot.iM'i gtew lrUl5,gt w*itis liniments, ponitices orumitbng nàz- hce ohwma ucaîxnr7 cilsc thet oxily goees sklu-deep. Rubbung ieFt!iees ite tise sý" Iyclii> sel thse paie- .iVd5 n ue iinaei e tlta fut poison to circlaW.more frecly.- The aal e h ffl no U*50 tW VS<k 0 9dhi onue cure, and tise oull cure for riieumna J csaca et eiture lte,,, mnptir. ',W5 tsis t tedrive the. une acld ont cf 15111kuioW 5hât 4hi t is r hbl1- yor bbopd with Dm. Wiliams' Pink Pillo- ~ iguauIcIuO si Iuey acul>'. tmakene - bod, sud the ar imaNd c -w btise Fuion or te. nen bleodmn-eps eut' tIsepeluenow us ssu A w~-le1 me4tc lu oosemaitise s4fad ehuooaa cti.auumm, curs tise -rieumatiïmand minaket tish e und tie BUOue4batfO5d Ecfil. ferrIlu- éffeeel bettes' 1nýMY èntisr wayu. a" à u emiosth isaufase et ýth MMs, Josephs Perron, Les ISbouiemeuits. m-mthitie esor secfl41b»amt it,1 Q"e, aya: urau!tred troMm rieumia- #, -bw a vlage 4evct t tisenufactura tiamin L a cbreale foresfor ueisi>' tiri- Mo 4si»MW et sno* sUnues. go%,-iboat ty-flve years.IspeuMèt asiutsimono> e ialUbt poSu #a"-eoe 1isstlueu IU liniments mnd medlcine, '. ut vltet prcuaoe6, t s.e ia t i marM es, ,Iai4 4until ij bepa thq %ime e! Dr. WiI'- tooam 0"ddm Dot ne" te o MMIttitsf li"m nik PUIla.Sosuet4ies In-as me o ma lte b. eeo.Iola et uté vice aiff! 1 cenld isardly'mov&. Tise treulée t nUM tla m&hgm" umpir'- Ïeexned thibe growung unrie, snd fiaally eaen verse tiuma m is.Pmldlll ru4- secmed te efftet us>' iearti as 1 uied te té enin.recwé ubHOlu ItusiPlace n-er* h ave paî»iesnithe regîcu et tise isart, Atisi ute I a reaki beter be Arets aid sountieU a uatbcnlag sensation. ti'c rngLe S acis- pu% or théise amnS Iren- me weak>sand uffered »m ucisplanit siesSelta perfosusth& W50U5 551- less, sud thmon eeday a 11111e ~Uepa mtiaiOf pcpu5aUOn e4 sa se 5*4s«oh & let, telllng- ofDr. Wlllianea'Pin Plls, love, and Usptu la"tion, <ouas a flcetins fel n11 mb es' bands, snd .j lepued tisat c'é. 10 SIOU VW thé9"eeO7uat Of- they would cure nbeunsatinn. lseut fo <' 'CoeMiwts, Iww et théparuu miS 1. ulv sdt bottse. Theetru_ Mg futocar liI a Wom omit.lg loue tey vere iselping me ie ro- si1uiieehruot hie w4hI ffeted myheant, soon dis- la the cactuis iooaW, visr, i515 0the appaîdsudgrdsaly tise pains le!t Povrf' 1pmos15uOGWuwor use and I eOuld go abo.Ut ýn-th more fr6l- or 4M tise f£W wb.elmet vlicse sOSla t dom tisa I1ssd one for lye.ss. tîllinladimueter. O0*>'one et, tisonle need o taise tii pis Occaimauy, as I :ow U10»17 aul t0 ponwan.""" lha t00 day kun-w It lalie .to keep ,ns>'-blood l luImm j sx " e1ta cm maI eueor lyso! 80e4 cond$tioa. th ur I::ete b Uentebpo*M u Wt l becausoie Ir. WniUauss'Plali ot servàse. Hecb of Uiime meghmnes us an uxsse ,5snamea. lUtise powter usai cure sncb troubles. as rissumiimp nsie- a e.wseUy of M ishovetta Thse engtne mu1i4 idleition, kidue>' troubles, baek- are tllSby an auSanatieqeunbj aehes, lseadaebea. aüid " lse euraI. 'i * ià caha" mdûen ths erkoft four. gis ersiuels, id ise-s.eli almotaTise -oegla* wa., -olienons alose oc- gia, 'rysiew'4-and hdu>' a a fleci& - o of et130 b> ' 140 feet. tisat barenteh.lixes -ot se unany n-o- Ti.. 011. msr= te. uumboe, vusau- mom ad uowniagw »Qitýo 1y theO toiuc ee. u p o c 30:us geaula. pilla.eSu do Ibis, aid theée al- IL P- eacb. 1'resm teW tomof etoei va-1a ie lis7t mli n", r. #üWilasin' èds ame co»sumd ,hlan-latin for &Il oposes, mnd frenla t.o tela um*. Piis Pilla for PaOU Peeple on tise wrsP- 'A . uaeet M etom ns esrclsi la mvau pem-ïaronsd ýeçrybox, 801,4 b>' ail mmd- isiiualn0<.Amano th*a eMobla e ted tua. -deiler* r et aby maltg50 culentsbflb"alove' arcI h*ee a box or *Ws o -tx 4bxe wnltlng > la ts qmmea ai tes Thsé Dr.-WilhMke' Medila.00-. Brook- l,,uustmg, Ivé llt prmett" tirse upa, ýa vite, Oit, --- - vcsMo 10ai est tise -aMtamtMa- am~ ppig Wys Oir cmnsxm gf'fl ~. £usnska Due àm Reuunealeta h Fou al e ci ' 5 W M;Uintedun le sivr visit.afoot;t mstbecrreutonV dsIeS -avsepant ta bing the ptient oni a horue, estieor jacisor- 4., nmoît 'x -- sy., "u n-uut isai a.nie.At tiept roistsi-t- tnomhst lireti uu OU Iplueàked a rose in its freshnless ' At daw of c an early- morxi, In' the full bIusb of its beauty It seemed ns OfliIezx-eii boni;' At eve I sought for its fragrance- I souglit, but -I -eek lin vain; The fleetiag joy of its presence - Sh&U. never arise again. 1 Phxcked a heart hi its fresbness . At da.wnof arosy day, 1 thOxgkt that neyer for -ever Its f ragrance would pass away; At eve 1 sought for its t.hilling- I sought, but the search ri vain; For Eden's rapture shall neyer Shai never return again. Why Love thse Bible? Surely net becaume I arn required, for thiat would b. only an cutward reason that coula not wtn sny heart.- Not bsaune it was let- down from heaven, for it grew upon earth; non be- cause every word in it cornes -straiglît fron God, ler many of its words breathe out the. spirit of rmy -ellow-men, mre of. ther n lame trial, dpubt, perplexity, and smornfe them stili lacking the light -and love of Christ. But because it glows with tiser light and love of Christ; because it show& me Him who walked t.hé earth 'and hung upon. the cross that ne lmight save sncb mul um 1;because it bringa me %vIit île revealed of thee Uing GOod and FAtiser whom to know la 1fi eternai. liecause it sxhaies ýme, Inspire# me anud alsa nie upward. Iii. tise book o1 faiLli and bu1îc and lovei of comfcrt, holinese and. power, of salvation Ani eternal lite; it la my trucst visible gukýe-to thse right- knowledee and cxperieac ofo! odilkthe trilc estimatiiig of myself amid my lite, and thse spirit in which 1i nay bye, worth- ily with mna. 1ieeause out o!- it i1xnay lgather, ami. bavye patiered, a I1ittl book moat pre- cdouse, a lBie from within thse lUbIe, whioh I1 bind te asy hart and carry ini my nie'sîory and live %witis in Ilght and darkness, à treasute o! thee strongcst and sweetest wvords for thse sul that. ivere ever L-nown. -Willialm wo lrie . lot Tour isbt shine., "Lot our Uglît iMia This tie text', but tthee mormon. IL %e"Lt yoîsr lEgisI uine." - liei tord? t ust w bt l tetusated -baliser msasto is o 1111. Boni Mihtuay le e Ittto ue-Ient oi lith n-ble.'MiA tilie!of iss i c - 1- --'-j -i ---7 Me, lai - - 1~ ls uiti ý:. Î r,

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