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Whitby Keystone, 12 Oct 1905, p. 4

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BROOKLI>.4. ir.Li en.ut orcirium I~., vrigsilg wlth ber brother, Ifr. Itobta Mdr. tiourloy, of Torortto. la v" Itiig ut Mfr. Frank Qecott*.. Mruu. T. F. flofliay and Mili-Bok- tlday bave returned f roui thir .vieil to 4t. 1Paul. Mlitu. Mrs. B, 1Tetcecn and daught4rs, Iroju Phila<ielpiPii, are vmlstng at Mdr. A. Ketehena. Mir. 0. t5ebert ha» been enjoyling 'fewv holkiys 'tt Norwclod thie .Icibflt. J,. N. and A. E~. bMnnnng, of Toron tu, were lui town for a bhort i iit liiet week. ,Tbv autruai public wetng ln con- llictioin with-the lirouktiloDrancisof ilise Bible *Society wili ba e lin bei MütoisIt ehurci> on Sunday even-i Ing tttî%tI Thr other regular ehurols mervicer4 hav îe beeti carceulied for that, Avvening. asad thlure udxquld be a very largti attendanfce ut the Bible àSo- )rk4y meueting ln wiich alil aré In- txeri>s41E'<l 1ev. J. i-I. Borland. puet- tor o. t he I rethy ti-nu n ïchu rch. le Io give thse principal uddress.' The ) .j i Letersfr~m~Ur Cre Tueuda.v -afteriaouI FrOruu a o!clok vo> 5 I±o the Woman'e Aumilary crs. jobnIm cburch. About tblrty ment- bers avalled themaiel-ves of the op- portunîty of meeting Uin Fox, and a very enjryu.bIc time was amut. The regular quarteriy estry meet- ing of St. John's church w" beld on. Monday eveuins.g. Mr. Evrp lu the chair. The regular businceim was tranaiacted. and the charcli' enters on the wlter'u work with a sub- stantial balance on hand. Mre. J. Beaumont Hopkins~. of Mon- treal, aund1fre. W. J. Soacb. of Bow- mani 11e. are rit»itlng their brother. Mfr. E. IR. Blow. lire. A. F'. Wallace, of Toronto, spent Sunday %~ith her aixat. lire. t' c *1 'J i ( E Donnelly. Mise Vina licCourt and bher cousin. bliêi.FIlseor Toronto. epent ad few days wlth Captain -and lire. Me- Court this week. 1Mis@ Bertha Atkinson -ie pendîng a few dayàe In' Brooklin. lire. Dolby andi eona ,of Lindsay, vîsiteti ber .areaîta?.1Mr. aind Mir". Tiios. i'erry, laet xrcs'l. KINSALE. vinluxiug will lw led b.> the %unitaàd' The farinera. arounsi thhe villiy Cboisr othes.several chua chio..art'Lakbng advautage of the flue The Methodimt IlanuettHIouae f em- weather b.> gettiusg lu ciover, roots, Ill.ttl wasie very wsuy most 141c etc.. for the vînter. lx..sf .l. The atteuu<duuce tt the Ajple îackers e eei to We the t«>. $ulldauy usrvîce %vum large. esp)ediai- roir of Lth eghboritbood. we are [y lia the eveniumg.îvheuî the' churclu ,,,fl i to cî bc horeaJ.> for a ua %ivc roded lti 'very corsier. on doven or mort- mnsait any moment. rrucs.liy evellîiug. tii.- irnuu chlck- However, Il tôo, wiii moon bd a leu leie il lilner w'aie sur'. cd bu ian li~-tetiing of the hast for tLiIs year. nensü ucoaOrusu, aind itev. (1. 0O.iFratik MowLray ham decidesi to .lîohaumtib,, of Toronuto, gave him lec- takù a courue hn the Sehool o! Prai- ture "8tvvei difter'ert peuplle of -ivhom tical science. Toronto,. uihlch start- 3011 lii Ott," whdi ws iglsly ap- 11-eCited by .111 audutiace tisait tgalus .oiul1ilt.tcly filled tht'e dîfice. The uro- <'u'ede'.'.',rP iunnouncesi to bo $110. CLAÀ ItEOT Mri. Fred (ientL.L lm vit.tisig faelundè Mr. Thoas. $te-vceoul uad vifu vir- Itd Akilbul'flouo i Nunduuy lact. Mr,.1.ohu Adaîr lai ,uso.itig frouai the, soith tend to the luor tkl isndIra to oue ti! Mr. Voroytiî' hutiseli. Souib ai nuunber attcnsd.'d Iarkhan' faaIud report au goucl îliua li. j p 'f -~-~1- 41 'i t' iii 't t e f el laid londay. Bit; genial cousi- ti-nance will be missesi ln our burgh. We whsh hlm euceeaa. Ousr uei neIghulr-Long andiBell. ou bbc FothergllT'anti James tarins. n't wlth qutea mrlou, accident on Stundasy. Wile ont drirlng their horde became frightene.d while going down 8t»veuni e'ideroad, sîpsel thse buggy. imamhlng IL and tlrov- li;g out hotb*mçn. Mfr. Bell suetain- il a severe pu'in. utnd irM. Long ia hut is eliQuider badiy bruleesi. Ai- though no bone. ivere broken, botb nwn wil l b'laid aufou' nome ttme. for isi. aekufy .ýuIte au few otheracrenh4auýcetaIsrmni Iron s itt etruf sêeuredlrîzew. T.. î'<e1al ccaull emn I giralsutnscnîtured theseelîver cup for ouîr churcls On Sîndày Irons »aun. the best geaailtuuii'm driver It trik.' chasi).L. ehowîug Daînuel Lo h iave huit Iro tedo L -a fbx(x purpoçe in lite f ruin. youutlu. Mir. H. Bryumu and famniY, @peut SouDe rery goosi tlioughs for botb 13nY o! t o wn. cr 1stc yoiang ami -oit ivere brougbf. out. Wiun.imcontesladjA cro sok A aumber trous here took lu Whlt- op . onteslodet by Fair, andi report bavlug bail aj Tho' BapttIsb, of this place Intend good t'me, Aîthhugh thc exhîbîts holdinsg $bir anulversary andi tea were not no lairge as lormeriy, the on te 2)tbans SUL ~ ..ok mowing wae good. antI parties wbo on te taîls' nidr, é.. Skshowod seememi Lu beati Liiedtb li Appisi li!ckerti are husîy arons hemerslo juil nov. -Tlwy loaded &o car on We are hoping tise fine veathser coatinues until atter our Thanku- Mouciay. vig eviesa e -er. hich are Ther& ýare bwo or tlruw Dow vicsrceaeo &w hounâ euuder repairo aind Insurovu- tu bc heldti s yeàr ait Ureesývood. nnts-tr. John uregg'w AIt the A pitel tilsl laex eIJetb4I. porth'e lusLb.aodiCMnr. sga dM.booiuui. Thev nnwt one week**gs> n..1. DIIKIuaY llu In'ickerinug thie i lIr thiv moitah, riz. 00%. !luth#, on- weêk, account o! Thaiu.kgirtang Day he*nd - r» Muee. -ilo- br o e ela 'vek latet'.- Air. WitIb. ko!fliirkhuiîn Ioasi, jchan. Kee'iur wax uWîpoint..d' nht lias »Sen renewlng old ar41ial'itaicf2s 1ontbie bY> the town conlaot around hère. -He liah.baien a wIth lis odiugh.aicumect une, WittICoateg, for sieral-4ays. iiu u uwuysgi. -bl Thi adis' &xllaryo! ii. o'.ther e le nothiug to commen t lutue îrnlnU P'uwhgo»1sîonary0OittY thuaith tiiouneli treat.d ailth. the,. Preshbytteian churcli -wý.11 iloitIaJsfceuto erd1r ther .nîîîsltiink !!elsî metin luti andtewceutla erv oesn t lu ii.chûoilouiTharuIai evnhig, e.îact lui -7. e m4 vto 1 Oet. lthil. 1e.A -GeggIai,. or liefagol pon.leba .vfsil1g. A good lprognuu me wlill, botb 4f chki edclaili ,atba alo' ho îîronle& Mltnq ' tu ou>and weIl uudersmauds the dutieo!'- unsoat fS p'elovk. il-u'cotlie- th posiiIonî. lie. .The lotet espwet othe t"Dm granolîthie wiaut haInfuuat of,."tbi *l .1.Fîici"u ehouserje, ueaiing osuuingt aetory vw" tu b*Uid itcor., a *upIwr atteucletith« anntout- wahbe o! laxi year I144. at o!! - a~êï~Ie6 u Brokil o11p goday I Imni e orbis Insice%. I mn a~~4 ine i front eor Itri h W'< in- have to bW luanefl5i and akbrffl~ wml have to e I it ob"r the niid- 01, ofthe Ouawa lion..,Penhaps ft ti the Intention te oIoox-the looP. or to make s'Me criescbUtd or 8me- thing upeqli-Vunlcator. PRIZE UST WHITDY FAIR. machine. éut up and draped utsker-iss Âmnes. ChlidrenuaWork. lient Madle Ariron - W.1 Crochet Work-W. Ilcarce, IM Pair. Knltted uatta-W. Peai Fine Arts. ?,earceaý a~ aurk. Amateur 011 Paintlng&s-lanulaape Dr marine copy-F. Chenovetii. lils Annes. Original Flowers or Fruit- L'. I>ercy. M. Aunes. Stîl i Le - lise Annes. Portrait-T. Perey. Collection Amatenr 011 Puctingo - i»s Aoues. Amateur Water Colora -lauducape copy - F. Chenovetlh, is E. Frazer. Original. Ehoveru or FruIt-lie Frazer. Stîl i Le- Mis@ Frazser. Animais or Bîrds - MlIse Fraizer. 1'ortruib-MitwFras- Pr. Coli. Amnateur Waiter Colors- F. L'henovetb, E. Frazer.- Crayon Dra vîng-M. Anes. Peneîl Drav- ing-M. Annes;. Ièn aind I nbSketch -Mlie Aunes. T. P*1ercy. Freehand lrovlng by chid undel' 14-Illes E. Wiklnfion, D. Ilmidon. Mibecleti uo. Toma to as--rs C. Yonng. O. Huxlon- cauuedi Iluws-3hi's. W. lainnlng. D. Hetidoti. Canned Peare -A. Iiitou. lre. A. Waciker. Ca+a net' liuubprrltrà-ira. J. W. Batew, man, lire. Andereon. Cauned Straw- berrie@ - lire. 'U. Young. 1Ers. J. IBurk. Canuesi Cherrieis - Mmr U. You ng. B. Burk. Canned Goo@eher'. rie-li. Hauîcock, lire. J. Bnrk. L'aisned lied Ca rran bs-Mil. Ilancock. 1frb U. Yong. Cainnesi Peachesi- 3. W. Babeinan, Mns. Hancock. Betit collectiou o! canned teu-Mm. W0. iaunîung, 14 Dfurk. i-reuuerved Citron1 -M.r% B. Burk. J. Burk. Preservedi Quine-llrs. W. H. Fr.,nrh, lir*. J. Tlîîk. l>reserred Black Currants- Mire Hancock, Mru. Anderson. -liRed Currutnt Jeiiy-Mrs. Anîderson, Mr#. J. liateman. Crah Appt. Jeiiy-Mi's. Vanvaiibeuiiurg, D .Rdcdon. Apple Jelly-Mnum. C. Young, lirafBatp- A. iiasiop. Collection -of >ely-Mts., 13. iurnr.. Mrs. lsblop. Oranlge Mar- moiide-MU. J Bur, Mi.. Rslop. iùiahery Vhcga--lflS . 'lbc _ar<).-Of . O.Heddon. furrant Wlsu W. Murten ,W. Il. Stevenson. giliu barÜ- Wlne-Mis M. 3lotbermillIW M. Aune#. Eldrberry Wlnc-Mm . Young, Mms.Vahvalkeflbureg 1cf ed Outouîs.-W%. H. strvenâou.. liru. A. - B ioip. Picloket Cuecumbers-'W. HL st*vensoli. lrs. vauvaIkenba!'g. Plot. led CaulfluweI-lMrs. 0. Burk, lia Mainrocit. Mixot Pîokae&-Mia. C. Young. Uir$. 1. Burt -Muotard Pie kies--lir.. Iatemas, 'lis. A. Walhef. Icoilettoui! fPlb.set'.B. Two ioav'e* o! bosse madie white brest-Ml rHaîîcocit. lys, . Vouna Twelve Tes Ilhsoult.-Uts be:, > Hanecoi, thlo u't Coseettlu ory-MT5. RaO@OOk. Ur*. vaura *u- ý bars. êmy. 10' Ib». sittued M ey. 10 us. Couule. moror. Ibo. etraliti bdocley-V. MMy. hU $u. oti*l"eti oueY-C. lta*kay., I 1lb.. eornb toaey-'W.. ObL, $eh" ituldris'it ço"$tUP lux aptmimm e 04 it Ilovers Et" aBlair,.. am1 MJoi or. sis piuuesaaa ed Il ÀMD lori__lm%wb1' W" s I. e s Il P e' 1!h.seoll ervcelà 411 Smluts, oburoç h lait ,Kond yevenln Wall very mut* aippreclated by al whO &st Iu1. Te rector ,wuaasuiir e0 IWyt theBe'. 8A. LawrelSceO1ý Markharn. 11ev. Barber, oft Stont!- LloydMfg. CO*- *UhUI~fl*UflO*iefl 1sf ~-oro: trille. and Mr. 'Cumnier, tudenl'z- .. was by the Rer. Barber. and vat a ut egroet diecourse. The foi-- lowiaÈ day. IRural Dean Thîbot, 'of Oulava,' and Uer. Svott of Port Perry.-Jolned the other clergy for early communion. Durlng the day amont maecesasul menton waai held' Lqui P.hb . Pla 'forme. at the rectory. where al versen-> Wertalned to lunch. ST. JOHYS CICHURCH. r On S unday lant large congregations F rp is ig~ i,~ ieW Ita e n a s g&er for the Harvest 'Thanks- F r 't nn od ,S lv,,r itF me n l88,g,. Slving srricee. The preacher, 11ev. I. A. Ulcityre, B.A.. of St.t Paursas in r s, o p ran ik l chureh. Toronto. was forrneriy stu- as i ,8 ûs , o p ra é N c e dentl.hn.charge of St. John'ào. Many of hie oli f rlentib îvelcomed hlm back to the "httle etone church on' the __________ hil,"1 and were greatly helped i.y hi@ forcible sermons. Spectai music w rendered by the choir, aniX t.- the. mornlg service MEr. Earp gang the sacred son, "hepberd 0f Sônlu."k ma so The quarterly vetry meeting of ___________ St John's church vas 144 on Monday hast. Mr. Earp ocopiml the chair. The varlouo organisatloi; wereftound to be in a flourlobing confflttlon. The. Foga sae by elsurch in free f roui deht. andi the members lok forwird tu a succeas- ful wlinter's work. The veutry paon- M . LW E , W f b ed1 a vote ofl thankràtoU1r. Thompson - eC AL R n t' for hie klndnegsIn renovatîflg thie communilwi table, andl the gu!t of a and BaUlLead la rors OVOU9W hr. beautiful gulled toxt vas gratef ully ,,cknowW.xged 'from Mr. B. N. De Foc Wagner. of!'Wycliftfe.Collee. '.The Mecetlig conciuded wlLh prayer.________________ SU14DAY AT THE TAB;ER2NACLE. lIr i rsiypeie toggrand and giorlous remîlte. The de. There are Indiations that a pub- rffeutativea 0f the om ay, Whi sermon Sunday mornlng oun the manda are. greut, and Utme, talent.sîlo meeting may be caled lu ihe near may b. ahie to Clve doms lnterooting surronder o! the bellever to Ood and ani ail the powers of man fshould, future-for the. purposB of dtuousslng aud Important I«aora«tI0oý to, th the Infînîte compenhation prouilsed y be at tii. dimisowdalo! tl*,x Master. the proposition to establish the p~er. ratlpayers. It inevident to those theSabou t 1.1. fuioerm Ti.Many very ptactical suggestions manent worka of tu, Formers' Ce- wiio proeées tb know thée opiu1i~ot j text was Mark 10. 28. 29. 1V v 'ats ere maske operative Company. It vas- thought the. ratepayers upon the mbJst~i' a mey ant ani tellilng preuiefl ta- THE BAPTI8T CRU 1111.. that thel!. migbt ho a meeting nome submlttiu5 "i.jerant OISb. tlon of tha, theme. an arpeal to Ti ogeainapolcdvr eveniug thîs week, but.arrangements law, that acampalgu @f tsmre kind l Christianu to recognie not only the mucb te excellent sermond cf tecut o .bthm.et r-lsureto b. neComl azI I ta~ great rlghts thutt te gse cne Rer. F. S. W4ton, Att pator nt [00 o br rsn oea ei .WlS arui ~[ upon us. but also, the Obedieuce tbat 'Weitmount. Motreal, who oooupleti it imupostes upon us.- the' ti.plt ou ýSuuday i.la*ý ý Mg' lI the eevenlng 1fr.,ICrossley 'wasM eston lbastaàiew ami very attraint* preachtig an aunuve*ai rown asIreway. estatiut old truthu,, and p i mp I d pio»heu'hansd lI roture 1h18 p ai .hli i.siîitci tetion ocd of that place. Ufr. Mfoore pvmthetl U. Westeu irl preach next Sun'.__________ foroiliy tom %eh . on the. great dua t Brantfor&l andi 'tihe nex<, vor ~utor ti. cuurb l tb *TW wlI e l Lodou HOuia roure Sofid Glaus Hand Lama. Six sipus ut 250 to600. escli. g.ll"s o! the.world. véus utii. to. Whlthy ut 'a future data. analbgY Of Nebemlahi greut vorli Latnte,' "CoId Blase'l be.&t make, st 50c. lu ~~~1T P tiii eumimadtee-and Lantern Burnr, Glaest , kp t.* pW., li e r.eIed tii. pmutiii5il H 'A t "D M) YORQUS, .u ics t. privilegesof the çhurch o! to4,". 'Ut. John SbMetoO4, tii. veU kuIowua W n buying Coul 0Où, get the beal., Our "'Pennolixie"' brabd_ Tbe. Lord #enyste every qule o! bIs bridge bilder,, of 101 Shr'wO@d sUpWror to ail othera. 250. Pa 'gaon. plfdren. "Go, vork- la unrvlneytrd.'4 Ottawii4 .tates »--r iiaYOe18s44 Dr. Jq~WttOit mal-le not «J muDhî hbOa«s - K141*'IMtPlilla for hi - th at afeoteti theseul of Xsbeîslah, on by exponr sd fli tbenabt- W A . I1 IiIïd C ol andi t*day uothisg 01Mai18 doter tethe tbilat uI'plif or undlOl#O leve Br QQ LK-A workr 10 the Lord'. vIerïrdutlà TY OÇ*#d 07 8»omWa the kls#4015 of titis uoitd be.ouiuu e M» sad. h bI)h.UI*Iandigurous, ...... thirlagdaGofo Chrit. Tiiere la a #te , r mtw»e elslitual jarasolomW7te W uit up. - ~ e - . e a a g-, ~-- e--- v n M VIS' Fir wQnderfi partmeg For -will be ç lef t a -j ,- 0 ' 1

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