ti t0obt th )et au 2 the matk ~t~ve lam now You can make Pickles and sauces Pmat spices-s.pices; preserve taste. Io ti ~lsobuj bi ci~gp 110 o . Eugs'a& IP'la.S otaI& voy tra wihere. Ctioig.but routes end ocd UCIilnes,, Su Steptesuson Woro ad traveln. -1 I :et lrs's that boy.vbo la gala; 10 barn the prlntlng st T1%0 Koyatose 011nS offoe prsttY nuarly Urne ho vwa s sowlng uP. iod PLÂNs OUT. TLZ«>ERB ÂSKED FOR Illaùs are out for the . OUtomcof (t he builfdings roquirei by the. Key- ka tone Ssgar Co. The main* biiô Ing la ta be of cernen t a fie sorieu iiigh and MO foot long. Tbero are aliwo to be beet ah.d.. of'.fice, s-osi1e hne.cooper #hop, machine @bop. lime iliu,. cal ibeds, etc. Tendeni have been #Awd for, and ueveral ýJe s W ILIS bave been airctdy tiveil. Itla Dru~gst Oti c a au ue coutracté art lot. Mledical Hall BOARD 0F 'bRADE MEET. Stock St. Wlstby. Tise Witb>r Coud of 'brade met on Thureday evenlnlesaendl dis. cusued the question ot lie submie. j alan of thebe rp-lav resp$oUngtho- _______________________ IFarmers' Cc'operative liarvesting ________________________Machine Ce. The. gentlemen pressaI v hlrehed eut tic propesltloo froua Coun T wfl -Sererai utandqiaste. and smre nov IlIgisi wu* tirown sponts be mallor. Happenings Unilke Mou st tngeo0f a aimihkr kind. tise iuevit.abio resolution vas not fnrthcn;oehi. 10W this e.iubM inas Borkhoid.r wii recelve at tihe CoIlege neret Tuemday aftuprnuon, October 17. Miss Tina Raien, Port Whltby, was a winner in- the Newsuzzlte competitlon lait week., bei la a rnyutery. but il la n0 reponis cd. f 1 * PRESENTATION TO MSLAlHR. On Thurisia> even; c f lasI vee% ru obea f Ali lat' hureis gatb- ersd Iu ii hescilx*room te shov la The affily<of 1Ur. John Grills.bave «O5DDUanginear appre» reînaved to Blackwatcr, visere iMr. claîlon of the 'falit services 0f Grill ha@beenengaed a seci las D. Lavior ast orglast of tie Grils bs ben egagd as secionchurcli for a 'criod c et veral years. tfotman on thseCi3.T.R. for some 5Tisa er. v OMY ub«.Pe month. ý ,ý J gent. andla whort program vas ren- tir. and Mtrâ. E. 1Èdmund Starr-ar-dered. Thon liasLavler vas pro-. rived la town thia week, une ln fu- se ntad vîi a purseo f goi4 san lare will remlde lucre. The vorn of 1evidonce -of thseeCOUgretwitl's sP- adding modiern lzprovewents ta preclation. 'Lelrtuments w.ro tiseir borne iubeing put forward a a eveci durinthi.e venlng A À I." rapidi>y as possible. au thhy hope enjoyable timo vas hpent. gotvlti- ta gel settlecl betf'r&coid veatisor. @&s gthu ie regret.and surrov at Tii. mail train Lami. on Worlneu- partIn; wttb XMssLawler, viovwU dal moraiu vas dctalnod for an rc"'1s inToronto viti ber arnthir. hour ai Picering owing, ta the. tire THE MAXWELL 18 TH& MACHINE. df oneofa thse wvise e<the tender truck breablo;. The englue waa de. i.J. *-Wltlcex* son of H. 'W. WUeoi. who muid hie buflas le raliled. but no daina;. vas dons. ASDd, Asnbl.ad bae id '. W. R. Tîfflin.dtlnai ot upea. I tore lan lian., about.*; Year lnten».uî of thse ..4R.., v a iiage. *ani tbok bis famli> ttI Cl- tovu on Tuosia>, coulerring vlUi fornle, viore k.ocoali botter*du* the, voter and 1gb t cornisiaoners cate bis ehkuren, ha.. ecured lthe as to con tract for waleî and llgbt ageno> for Su theru CaMlornl.e for for tse 'une of tbe comp&ry4 ilhe laxwell automobtlsi, and bas -Tise-Keystoaet. u olubbod wltli ail opened IaP &a saleSroret -1lisHast thse Toronto dailyand veohi> Nlâth St.. Lob Âege.e4-. oe imea nowspers.,-and wltb farta and vel slatise buosiness040 64car, *on other journal% stbrougbous thle cousu. accuit of 11. suaplem chaalun. try. Tbe Farmîng Wonid and Thsj Tie Los Augeles EXaMUslnerOf!»"t. E.evtone rnaks a gciod pair, and tihe 29 .contalnid ai) eeloal eaMgrav. price Io but lise aven dollar for a lu; -of Mr. Wullooî attala ilw.s11 year. If automble. IRea«4r0 ut Tise -K wa.tsd. atone viso know ..4W, vir Farnîlisa ofbuys and girls Io b. interesteci lu beernu; cfIls iov -oa Co Ctton Mill ai Kingston..I estorprlse. -guarant.. sieady vor lis tb ati- or and ail vorire oi-,r 14 yoarscof ag.Wiil adrance and arrange ail moyin; expeasca If -éesr.Ap. -- pi.Tb* Dominion CottonaMlles Co,. Kin:goton. Ont. 115.i>iti loosa la pov preparet (o remit,. pupils lw piano lmutie- lion et ier borne..ecd,pne tshot, Whitbr.-f CPT. Bt1zDg&OD. 'Wod raoled ovaon Wdiua 0f tise dos liat s51. CtbanIred of oqpt. Hume, a s aea S %r*$ldet 4~ýýtY 4 Ot~#7ad caPtai 1cf tise boat l~y at iet Ur. nom g u al vlmlIci 1e*. ur, relhod. lieatta eas 111< on 'bondaY mossing. tO0VEtttWEÂTIIER. For,* osabler* tîm* sp4teW.4 t Iorui; of! blivm tî ~* poSSible Oelobsu veatisor CIlCKEN Pi4n AVOR. A large- lead of Witby p _pople drovo la Brooklin te t* ditur &" lma b Brooin.Aooru. oea. A ornaitloa»d Ire to Piu*etfrg, ie 'arn. OVealng ta a %beuer asos Oert la lie MeuodsI obuuub.j Tý ehicien Pie, 0as sasaiw»vaCOU«silo &s vers a&Ulie visais; *lot hp soa ciii vas of a- ilgîas. \it.,i >M 0 . Croula> and Ur. Comm dà ku- ersI addresme; U l arumar male Qpartette, f ot« san ; Ur.& W. L"U, e Um oi. a" " numbes lestrs eNus spm»$ til.. but, lac.btho! ue» ta meelpis aaomute lto ei Lou MME~R'b A W1éý -the ea valt, Aflersop sqt tosUr.Lat. intL eÉ,à me o *50W -flIWL., Tus eui. vow ' li.s higlesl Wadu *t the Toroote Erp à 1bititla UeDuue ii bititea l ii nutra migiatvied beW riidpf To . slArir l tei.eri , 1m a, 0gsilWo glas boI au hes tb mloAgent c« tt. tIr.. Oi hib on 49lP Who bueo viole d s a .am soUud boues toila> carrym &bout vth OIa thaubtul boarts thatt b.> ossaped deasth lait v.c by a mir* A10.. it. illabd seurod lii J. F. lristaeam eqginse tu drive a corn-cuttlng umhlo inevtli vht. to fll llos for the faraerac01 lb. cornmunltyr. Ife vas At the faim of lir. Oshorue on the. Icng»ton Itood lst voek and ville tbore a terrible* aoeldsat ocoarred. it vas lest about the. boer-of moon, and by smre mmacothe val vas lai. iowed to gel loy.wbehou ddnl.y the bolier exfpioded iti a terrIfie orr filin; the.air alibclcuds of suoke and steau. There vers mieuri Pmo> pi. about. arndlfor uoigme mti$br euhi noe arop tthat bis fellow migi' bha»ebeen iUflelor' Injuro&i Bappil>. iovevcr. DoOn00Vas near enough at thb. moment ta bq burt, ami vison th i MIe.cleared ava" Il W"s round liaI boyond tie wrook- ingol tb. engisno dama;. ba ru'. satd l 2&S~r Tiese athorities Ã"! tis*10.140. a *v'er mindfisulof te tise laferet 0f bpuis of the Collage ial liv procure for liens rare ltlat treets te b'lgbteo tbh ear> g rilp ofstudy. t ti5yb4qamusba.li literai-y entritwi umot 115 qpe tanst from alan, c'Iluas e I& Ibis cas., «au cpponhualty-c baaint ;aegreat Bibit sehlr 9e pond teWod ofGétLAtst Dr. EMore JRarrio4, cof rmtç4. v -Rmcr to gi-vs a uenlgoi o! Iola onbilblie hopfic; thIt. eu .b Iaaobeen engaged, ailois iraI tise merlusivas givrnn o F~ ony eîlng tao, befote a mont approiMg Ie asos. mT& shistutavu ont la forSc IL a oidipi Rumba of cllions of the lovn wurelà M eoncert baIL 'be thomue of -- tl pIsU 10tic lasi, o 15 "tI 4:bur»bi. lb. ody utait cul - bmela 4âvw4 lattomtr anit batqrorlit maI Wu#, vuetrofto tory.*U<a"lis.tour dtrt"s te I Wi -,1. TIi.%veath 0t bie body Tii. vonkuausblp o«tll ber;&8?im wa to! tsebody . 4. T" varti o!Imbcd>. "0 se lstrom.o &iJ aultbe a 47 .xlaof 0! lsmat. aslb blyc «Mi iirsaigi vualtb 0!tise bodW" WSb ties wb bot *t lam bombare. i New-â - ite G» Kewi ad i*rod rligdiy alin.4Fneets g09à , for ladies'ad gontl meu's woualmfrady in étock ledis' od.itou200 b31.25 .aCb tedio' Oasmor. ow 25., 80P., Uns 40tt , 4& "ad 50c. perps Ld1&W:KU Glovop,$1Imad *1.25 per pair. Wrappsre#o. fhmot10. to 5 etrd." GM yF"lau.froua 10&.1*40. per yard Wool Blaak*, P.25 Mrpair .adupwirds. Flanolote Easaets(Grey A" Whito> 90e. per pair and upwards..- "le'.Fr.neh MaltsW ool IndSrwea, al i..ad prico. .]dn'@ Bbek CosianorsSoz,2U .pot pansd upward Mo.' Mu Deou., 2s5.- per pair and upwards. Mon'.amIr8«Soxfroua 1k tb50.per pair. mm.'@ Woeiung hitbe500. Md upwad& Men~ H.vy oolUudorwoar, froua 50. b *3.25 pot garmont. Also a fu!rnge pf foor 011 Cloths, ail widths, 1* select froua. Andre M. Rosse -~. .w.1% ondeuu rjg -Colgman efteof &fbey taxes*gltie ta leiti. ebto linehu~ifà ~ ~.1et. e liai 0f 4e '%t.vee. AMd k. te lustale; eigbt tuu- *am InlaPlkerla; vnige.oil aeplasla aftrnel.., lu ho an rbau Ibli oheol, la tact bis busias* as s vhiepre d istens. W#. oovewlîg trom Uxbridgs te the jLabo. Misl obbtug trado c> latt.eo *id Ur. Dovavei beiloeu ho oau- twcngs fa'brl AUlthe .buildigsla In tse vllage Ilv» eap om trou rorot& Pftvà tmîsir ho'had beeniiiPieklu vilage v ob à .' Bei, &M eai for aaeetaelesv. l".&;,tt *mat ~ Loi ii F# E. LUKE, OM Boys ANO CIR ~so! cu'belp on tieLSvy [CruN Ror. Barber. of s(outl!IIN Rer 5 ofLawreOeSotars., lii. -:sîes4of! m..W". 'bau vas tise gucat-ô! lira. aL Dol Uri. W.4.7. Ada&o!.Po*tJ mie s tovan b los O la in town, tii. gue«.t olýlu mi"issolie Garrett. of t spent Sonday wîtb-lia L4 ;j fielow. Iliu«m NBUO.O, of New yorx towv iting, ber motbor. I G. Wiae Mesra.J. F. udWinl-I'axt llaGelrtrude Paxuon v*érè routo on FrIda> lait. Elliot. o!, PîoksrintcCole;.. VI Ur C E. Ravin,& on Saýtuý mi" Pa4isS>o!orbkïvlw iaitodin" eaBcnboIwîirm ripai et thse O.LeC., oVr.dj MIra 1erry, notas nt the of Refuge. bau boss lii11for <laya vîtsa bad attacsof la office cf tbel Co.OiurAthr. C0 resumneilber dutieu. art«ot au i of nme weeks. Uri. and Mir*. W. J.. Lube i jand lra. Jas. -Mlte&uuon a firth IbI ar vis. a geaIn 0.LC. .and'lit yealm sdltor Colgl. asi t tbb cofuge Bo*ur4éay Ili Uo40e. la Inow atteudl; es l y fil1y. Toronto. basr boon la tb1 e tdoing 1 tvao monthu-on- business for t pan>y. Withlâta.,Doaiie hi. n te tovn oh FPrWla,ýlsti OSAAINtUSTRY G0EB"l -Acother bonusood ceor)ny lb Caiadian Marnes ai S CompanyL 110.4off I.. At-, <ýÇ -and Ka. laluiltien are eatloà ~es.omot - vIsle the nuesz At. tii, mOdait immof -*0 Sal Auetic store, lut bis Pnrnl -Whitby ,ç Wedn Parior 0 m ounges .>Mattraui -Pictures, ad e]ver* ciass furnÉ ocina I - Cash. RUI sai The 5.29 arn OolniIoeh -1 &.1 '. ab IRouldeu,_p c om ti vos05'07 s»d ils i i .19 '-f-i ~8 * e k *f ~ '4 4 - , a a 0 , 1 . ) 0 4 0 1- lý mý