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Whitby Keystone, 19 Oct 1905, p. 1

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Il Il f xtion wag, lit Markhams ,Wb@ *Toms. port PdrrJ4 &. Downey., Port PdTreY se qnTu da y tWhift~y ut Torone,,'j 'iC. A. (001 v York, le lq trr, Mo il P'atoni aud luve i aind Matt2hew Saturday( r. ùg4d7,Pi~ Ml for ueveral L'fr ofotma mpher at -thse tive Co., had 'r un absence .uk'e and û0j [ilon atteniled i4y lest. The grand 'stiq ®rtuerly of the Coilegeo from .Miso flunt Inity UnlverM Stazff of theo work s hors, m"ng the past a lor the comwnu m he, returned VQES UN DER.j pany ha@ gorie li one lo thse i Saddlery et.g are f ixaI . OOMO. The. he Wtèuterîk' 1tlii. bauk panym warew vmd cemed to if thil 4pwd b froin, the 11- ÏO capital ehainiof F ( leale Ii~e S to bc - ftpw ..s M1r. Fishor mon ivas ap.. t'or, with' à 1drew,theOof.- 9 e wmTI Sale oNF"hure. utIon Sa«iïeof New Foraitue. un. Wal. Tir£,, vlgsod wtouw, Intea<iq 10o o ot pf,&mulness, end wIl lf bY public SUClloflj at lis 1Nalpture Waxelious, Brooket,. WOdnood&Y, Oot 25 ) tb b iol, of b. p-to4ate furnIture. !0Itlgof Parior DI&ed flroom sets MDIung room furaiture. stù everàtbing contained ln a firs4f Scm furnlture store. Saie at one «>'clok lu th. ai ternoon. Termes RMýLWAY TIME TABLE. LU a..4 8.07p.. " ff" 1.5 a. 4 I&I9p.m. sa .08 p.m. DIEa7F- -M8.66m 1%0meI.,aan. train do« Dot go ve om dy .gNorthi 9.07&M-a.m s oolngScL .6u. d 4.16 pa. 18i.40 P.m £*vdWldtb7for 0 »bat Io1. a. M.sd sp.. Boum«, prreto?. 1S4±;U for 1rouglasuat 10 a..m. J. A. Hoipro- -MAILsARI. a- rm W. "d 19, 4.45 &m. Prose West 3L45 o.u Iro. Brougham LU P.81, MAILS CLO&SE. For Wftb ZZ &.M. For OéaW Op. y" &.M. W. sMd .4LU p... WnL > pm. W" &W 00pan. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PFIY8ICIANvl SURGEON AND 1 ACCOUCHEUR.c Onduate of UnIeruity of Toronto. &Md Liostst@ .1 goyal Caoflea ci uicas, Ednbergb <T»x TaiRcz," ro T Pae4t. MEAL $,CUtW for aie NWoteouic ank, N W-fc Pplle wée. Mcoy to KLan. OEicà omt Pont. SUce. 'Wbitbv, Ont._ _ DOW & mIDVS - Esyrsten.s4a.OC±V, t.Mn1eLa. Offic oppoite Fot Office, Withy. O 3. e. Dw,E.A. T. A. MCOOIIYEAYLM B. edme tmo"tmysouth01 Rlote!, wbulb, BaIM*, Co=ty Cromx Âttoru.y, and ,opurl souii. WbftbT. t ycKý4, %q.erne. yron S... Wtby. - CIWRCH DIRECTRY. cumfort. s FiniCuia Ilams. -. To lhe EdItor o ot tis eeoa. [leàr LQr,-Tbilkiug tist penbape mauy of pour couders woddbo l l- torested in kno's>g bow.lb. "four Bngam Bron. are prosperhag lu theur e,.angellatic tour. 1I hougbîit wouI<! vaSte a fev lie.. Up brother and 1 Ileft CanadMieu wednsay reveniug. tkpt. 279à. aud tisaIt ilght vs mp tiret u1ght in a Pullman steeper. il vas a bol nigisl, and la prepariug for a ulgbt's test nîp problem w" smsse'btg libe Mr. ilooliganu. ,fur 1 ceut'!s't oxderstan'! boy as lRow vas going to gel bis clotises off w bitle wuva bittlag on thon, but 1 fousul tiat the taiEcafetthe eveaalng vW" «87 couiparedtub tisat of l.bft Dcxl ora- lut Il wu« 8 oceloci Tburuap anoroiug vise. wc steamitd ,mot Chicago. tise s&-eaited 'lindrl sud we .1<111 .pproiitiatcly sdI! "dlrty" cIpy of tise vet, for aller savisote do> 'i travel arounI tise bubinceui por- tion o et i. Iconciuded lUm, outy el- evatinglpart was tlie ocofSIOnaI "uPky-aîralier." tcer(ssinly tiseamout tiesdy tising wus a Coud "streot scraper!' Perb*ps Il vas onâg coutl of belug vearled vus tise trave' ttiaI i du t sec thec beauties of tltegrcat nietropolls. and biad 1 taken a J.1umt out Michgan avenue or toward thse great uulveruity Our itoprebaloub womiid have beeu difer'. ont.- Tise peuple, howveer. muna- ed very nceunmc4ating. We lfrit t<> amen e Le ndlng'c» tiese mreet en- raged> 10 vite seal lne heur. over anityp 1dirt.ct us wilctiay vo ohonid tae. o resais Moodys -n utltute. Tisey boti lookes. as If tise> were 'euttre utrunnrs10 neb a pîlace. " Bowe procouade'! lere=ai it oursselvet, and! alter ri'!ing oni a borne cur. ciabie tsar sud- eleetrisi car. we '-eied IL- W, lounI! lt to be a fine institutioni, nol go- tuci in appoarauce as iuncisaracler. One couki not but el tisai île spiitj of lhe <reat evaupulst $mltiiilie'! and vas breatised la 1>' sudrois; of aîudeuits tidylng t<erse. -W.e - utaiued &s,Sy aud nigit, sud roeov. s'! à beartyvlos. Friday murutug we tlokstise Santa Fe huas for, Kanau City'. and »sou, werofiiuêtbrouih b. c 0Outit st auo mls. au hour. ootr'y liaI vas as levet as thse pirp.ries-au'! overod wlis indiau corni. *A Ixar un tbe eye coul..! su Il wssborn.uooemm un t Il v. nere> t i IsssppI river. Tison for thse first ln,. se ss fleld o0f failtviieal, vilis leonged t10 iowu faratera. Oh reaela gMS*. mourl stals vo atrisck le c«I fRids again. uitl 1 Wou sremlmded of lb. iIeolrti se ho cîraygd loito a le1d sund Il watt e bot itiat, tise cura popped tu tue e d and th# mule. Ihiolamig il 'rams Ouove la>' âowu and ftrois tdeastis. O9 eour» your r«ers ue.besesy -. 11550 1551. If'i' v.wer bot *eu tluually r"ag epbouL tise voodor-4 lui tis atishasIs fi. Slb lbeao& At ulit %vs rau lnito KA2aail Clty Tise moment 1Isagld trou %b. train 1 vas grab bty a a« vbo, provs! bb.easy iscoousr. vu bai cone tu mua.s s. Tiemoeau WB a estrai liaIt a msn ,0OT0~ER 19, 1905 lifflLtrIou thbe atreet lmPS oishi mt peutras tbi'o"b LIen. Tiser vme smovrai huudrd dOllarSwortb M. lIwlis etneatsi it atler the f resue up le tise tsilhb*stroetme h. u st 10wS*Ut~lulngthe' tre.. Tley cofubi ta= s se0é, wat va* re- .qulrtt t be, *ffoo btbtus vumsb tise issues en er acluom thoogit luntrlmmen' amW- i-aggeltter wbso lb. te"v« rmpffo u ii tre va beci mi. Roblson"x »W nov asthe tine 10o trtîutre., but « OMM omes efe bmote gt t0 do*.the vore~ Tii. parUt, trec* .b. M~i& reqirsI! at. tention, or tlsey wsM nons le reu. MId. Jaekson aisiIf tbe bFiases Committee ba! ibte tutu tise que> ttou of tIi. coul ai rta« tfor lb. Co-operative 1oue my. fne vas toM by a Party tf*tt b. oart coula! le doue for 1f.niumto per isundred viit lir. lf.uwt saLd MO 1h. bad beeui pajling 4 cents, an* be tbomgbt it was Dot 100 machs. 1ôw Ofte.dtise carter baI! btu ab atnp for Oul.Y a 1iev sendred p<do ýwblob d14 Dot. psr bRui. and t Vas oolW vsn encaoulots, vefe b^~ uf bmt the carter could! a,%ersg up a£ lr prieS. TW e ayor salI! UImt, vilethe pries aagit le whaiL isbul prvald. yel If tbey couic! gedot us WVn 46 fOr & cesute, Il AS q do<jc' et t. Councli 10 gel Lt doïi. Màr. Jackson umiUUOhIbavlag the. cartlsdoms bW- dW wOrb Tis e ('moia Îltiec ad>usrec À pllgt Im lgtaiief 1w b. fis*T A picier upt of gralu. w&qeisll Thse notmass d! lb. ia l *4s mot consdè4oàeff wIW p 3Wer treaw . et -b. e v oompany 'Phood clown 10 tise botl., "Close' th. l.r.n*.iop.te liaIinut< i% a rusklg bu,'inegmbaI! bsn' don... t tise eummaudi t.eclome, the, crowd. line! upifor thlsat fee drink. A, mpm wlth. au uqmeuabiethiret aboute! I4Osss mate," but ne, ont tley veut, liag veut thse door au'! lb.heldon. Bouse bar vas jckw. e&. ve içpe &ne gray forever., W. Conrae,,4 bis noble sîsupie te the temperdues men &Bd voues M Camaa setIl p. Rt viiil e noment of e v*itatlon sud exaltation, vio eshbou e mated rom I tovu to towvq, *mlfrom 'city b ,ci ly ovr e 1.Dominion. -j Permit»Me.ir'. llsomgb YoD.,b earnestly request bustuiness an su traveliers Who' bave tetuperauco sympathies &1"14- ta pâtrouie the. Seldos Rouas, si! i sela sir -fris.'! malte <ffl tiidi perpoue. Tihe mollo oi ths nauagpe«iest uIbe bout table la th* "a-wrd etm lo, ii-eds." Wou't yoýu ieop lien te Win out? Twoceteat B*Ides. The tvo cedieut brkdgm cSorrats. er larte oulvrtfs. undér ilwuctlu *#~on tise Iowla'lino lelvesu Dar* IUglton sud aftWitby are nov by tise onola af tisecouatlew or Ontaiand siI rbant, and thi.ex.. pense il borne lu e"!aam, bn y lis -Ivo PoouutlesDr. Kl»iansd A_ tario, sud Mi. E. . his*i' s"J. «4 -tramg for Du5or»M. art le erbi cit.ý e'! vus . egUurationh snd super-. ilNi!on of tie fsouk. Ti. b te 4as aardel t. Bleba é& Dre f OsbawbWo 414 Lim' veuf Mir-is ?b.e earebemi vers deulWmedbyr. Wonks. Toronti. Naci bride su. slits of 31 cLla biyard> of mlii sc- met. Tho* teai weufor ea*it Uncb 0914itwo d vMi st*ntt at, ~44 No. 2t I I CROCKERY. portsio, re crate upon crate of it. Nowhere to, store we ait it ont of the way of the làrge im- )n of groceries due alxnost any time.- Our method of buying Crockery direct fro.a Great Britain enabfrs us to seil at very low rates. Corne igànd es troua tshowie padfr ]Butter andEIggs. -me Co L<AWLE3 Phono 47, UIB loess! consldterabinu tti is ui- jbt IV peblt ilt wlaas. 01re« tir lbe deatis IV Mltber ,Fuiloui vWho wuz vortli tn taillions Iv doilIàuý Tt militons Oi mea tilmI 11f. an boy di b. make- Il. 1)1 aas. 41. made-it outI V pin&k pniliste paperu sem su u' l l legs tia intr jesse. tisp am Dedai CiI! is. tiil U», lin tisousanI! ysre til save uap m muach mouy e>' a t O CM SM coushteril 'tise quoestion Irv gois' toutt e epatasat mesilsis lsasse mow Ibat iather Futiord lae quIv., lb. wap. Tise noosp&pens .»FitMov assewaI 7.y blz sin Usam Isa'! IV meudimnIV pes oiz, aivertise Il eoujgis-use lots -iv printe sJetb tbs. cagti1. 1My shme la tui gît a bit IV nm ini.p or medlsen tis ia chape timako. au' Ibim ail SU tise papoelu ia.theworld tii advertis me reundy su tiihegrcaetealuig tri usfau tisat hes ever lin disbow-- crut or lautet 1iv oorse lise uooqaapers vili vaut psy. su' OR propoueu tli do Ibis Wid lit Mli, gise* U l tehws RV thisi4 bail lbe profit ou thse an.diuî4 that tbeli' pâ- per sele. This'Ml000o10410 hilu ail rieS anuls nYearg 0111 les&Me i show me hSels Ulit t'SM rte Roekmlot.Reepelle.r em isat nabe matlons ont lV meila' berosese 1 Uveor kuatmeu. ln me nolud's oxe tise lirmIV.. Riniis.'&£Co. la t i. biggS tl l iver w va0 an'tnd aroiin'tu me cisases vsoilsle OPer eau valbu IV Se psse. OR lues even gott île Dame lv tise grate sCodi' voibin' preparatton airead mvtn'beD 4IV eels promise aDot tui git tise 55155 R- vuse l gitîltiste tblN go «at01111, tllU peu tith amo. ilt W '.àimuu's Reiplul lien. -f-r IIarmem B bpewu." sud 011Vmrà&tstee ilt-to cure Ifezy tins>' or desi alimenUt tisat mouaiMau or vemnan elitisI In le llinbieI! vi!. Rne ol"esla tisat ail tis e evu vti vat law &in 10 l* &# s boytisb* lo eoumtles t lie nttai vii tbha. en' am nedsi. Iv 50i'5allai tise> aa 'ins e bofti 11 ~s arm fedel M** t ter. aw- tît acu. -me iottie. ab, 1ap os sgoam 1 mit t.* ba 21*' etl IV tbe i*. 51Vils tisaI brttedal uiPPasni l bud nsto e sSt» K~ b s il. tovM teCr letter son Iba moe*m*wo a s b a t 1 B » «He e t b . J te-s U ..ismv tU »P l e theate.- @ -<0IL* a' nxit iUpr le a pite&*w ' Pll itti* i Vviit > a» me f#r thluge aU OVei' CKAi l«,fi- wole me ovu mtitrx. '01 "*e* au i bim Irvfe'r Il 5111 b,8«9 hW gimen u*I «4«l uI a isvlaà a.'- I "Ofwmtith* j If you>re 1Ire.~ ai staaing of <oui pr~ersI lioldln<s lx Ietuesbovyouhovohesply, 1>' sud swsn pnafilsblp ycu I~ ~appIuess nid soulemat 1*-ooszlaml veuama1ftiu~Çà,k A patient <leaDerla tueremof 51 't yU l ViiS mimd * cf $00esis _ lb. l. '<'~ À4 b r e IL 1811MUUM0 HsM Q- i -J- &adé by the '-i Am 'l 'i U- ý,, 1~ 0~ . -J

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