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Whitby Keystone, 19 Oct 1905, p. 2

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VeW"te ta the. Latter City ~o~York in' hargîe of a, ý.àtiîuql:c Police off ber leut-nit,sau a iib e4venturer, whq wus bengwa4t- M f or esIeIous aI "dexpoetantlur h iup)idj.jri naang traiand, efflp.4. A Iady ci lýoàdbu, EDglmSd; Who bas 1M iAi theý-dite *for a fw weku, la*- euger t 0se. t"e gentleman, he having, Itl; i alleged, gt away early in Sep- '~titnUor*it' weIry to the value of aend *l, lin cash belgaging to 'i ç eccused 13 Edwin CUive, aliaa J. Jtanw, alias A. Gilbert.. Chiel Car- ?cntet ut the ctty detective force sue- Leeded in tracking him down throughj rnauny towkps in the United States,un titiiatimt3re wai reached. Lait Mon- day the man wau taken in cailing for lab mil at the Post Office. The story et the. swlîîdlo e is the offect thati 'oite in london,- in June lant, Clive e i,,ta e qtainted wîth- a youag lady who, ju rèply to a newepaper advertiaement, Inserted by hlm, cxprease4 a degire for a theatiei career. Representing hUe - beif ne a titeatrical manager and play- ivriglit, Clive got on f riendly terins wiLh the fanily, and visited et the home, uand after infoi-ming thein thât ili the fourteeu years lu wÂhlie .l ,'I iii the States !je lad buit up.1lij h omai4uminctis> lie propot'dasuï:. 'tii lte Inothelt, %vlio %'at4ia , TLro. re aftcî Clive left for N'e% v Yolkwiti t5, fvowed iliteutioti of gcttanà.,tii2îîu-,s i COnd(itioni, Pending the tarll. i l u ,î llitenidcd britie andiîd t sn i atI. î. Ila Avgust the ~in (wli Uas Mis. Aniljoe veIl nCattcrarîuh'> . n il tu die desire of tlie acctrie<1, r,!iI out. and as iMl Nct ev ut .taiQ. wcere bookced, titi' jarty cita4 it, %% nt. of Montrealnti et of ~inîthte enteîpIriÏilg Clive,- Il;tciiing Iî c't% on Septenmber (il, thîcy net e în Li, b At- artluér, iiu i oii«-4 -g:ged for ti iiim thle %%estt 21 î, ;ý, Pt ' > i Majesity'l .~"' ie et' I;2. widow w .tr' suput Lulint.ld it'elt liae e .14 t.d, suthat CliieJ might have it put t' rî:if kp'îjr in the safe nt Mis hutel. Then camp tie ohi tale of a nkaitg Ilwidegroôrniti i thecIlîortuing, attil nicsh ut toi- a h41ie' nt, the Ittel *The.pris5o;er\ IIIS ( <1lV to 3nr'iîr' tiIS mcrtmlg, hbtt bY nrtiea îîr * dde lie evadeïd tite oùrtj.nif Elie officer it charge nAl eiped.--ci i - wtt%'i 1t tu rave! ta C'mu.'cln îv. itll- cuit g~ng throutlait*ni"ial ",rNtr.tdi. la ýcharge of Marsthal tîeof Italti-' jilqre. whlo tbiok ýpart l in iitarremt un Monîitt.- Thte uîisoiittr atskei bulm PerinItted to go tô titi'. tnilét raetirI r, < ~Marsitnfl neernp. îtied 1di, iPr 1 '~ Dagnt It %vlten tht' prk-nm'r std't aihut i wih e îaik r!,Ii~ pptar- citipncRe In CONQ VUESTATE. Loudon, Oet. 6-. 0iî~to i. :ClroiicIo, Klngç Léopolt i le -î'rAlV mk.n »tklîgverttres to'vitranti- po,, j l.iotàbiltis wltlî thé vicw te prneitî2, thelt mmédiate auniextion (if r Conga Frce State by :Iegiuili. Tepro- posai wIi hobcengin eerod anVite pttriot le grotund that GrentBritiain liîg ku ytrtollaggraitdire.îîîent et the G,îttr'o qtate'à exPende, 'but thé' rail renson les cyltFdu undcy.4 it tlié ;wtou1 9cýDWý4esrv *"ddstv1 Pow Tmu ori BPL-Su..ilI- e got au auaverj te questbo Mes Cammntar.-I.Zecbr[a' Ision tiret oeils two olive "tise" b. te4 v,woh lidhownza Z acls eibis alter via- iig lieobserestbat the ,brucee et tii,. s tous "catme -ageinY Waked me-The iss re tbe'ibanuela1s uivhcl s su Prephet lied lept citer the tirst Sein caatiaiw 'flo*' ocon f al4i>4dtt iè 8¶W. et viont$ and ho 's uoW &ousodIO h.be bI .m "s adu tbMi btbý, laýretéd tartiter. 2. Beiold a andi- purpose..for hti. two lvtisI stifk-Tbis wes go doubt snlar vo h. a tanti bda lb!u etc.Piwly uduyTkrWl Iurl. seva.braehed csndlestlk . o uusthe0 È2o ofrt &e, iu u Zr temple, aithougli the.boul, itepes sud babel.-4., F à -Cd teciolu4adPSt Wy the two olive trees were peculiar te. Ibis transition periodset i. ««'shstr vi .The. eaudi«eik vas, 1 A type bas snt get rmern ta guide -eb aI eaàcb er Leieri 44 of thse Jewlsh nation, God'as enp- Anttypcal o "t. siolaeda e" TueEd~e ueI bsne pie te shed! light ta the Gentie1ýIf ivs. xiv) are the twtold supports 0ft ke iuggt aI ho Swlsr cette.. thse were willing to carry out Ccdfà' -'bé, thé civil'p>d rweret. ' y ted apaei. Pose îey could nfot faitL,2.A type oai rubiabel) aud thi.e eealstlcti ~ i i seâa the Obîta hrh R ,2) (1)w{ 5veriu- ta JewI4 , i.bigliprical), ei bsUl e oAflto,'wAà w materiltwas precious and costy tshow- jtemple clvii <'ta4 I>y, titt iii, niailtP>' Fb. tu ,bis lied lu s stae. ipata lng thse préeclouuesi %f the cburcK..e) ta "the Lord Of' ifie Wélf L1,* a tùpot', aw*kéalug if any om . came-lu, Ils seven lampa in one denote lte gaity he %hl ie'b. alliet! l 15.day ltaI Le sets of (God'a peopie. (4) There vas a"eon- I2p bs hie Iiin lJerosalent <cha&pte, 0tl ahm, but et omol laping lata: star't supply of. oh, s0 e h.loly friirit 9;Dsg t';Re.x,1)-urlpsOp- supes hchurcli with lte grec.oi J Zcrubbabci and Jeshuqa ypiied Chrs as ",Il*',ant*ning ho -crmostadysm . Cc.(5) Tii. candlestiek vas ual lte Ianointed v i te Ioy Pirit withôut b.f antI' v u .uddsuly taken- wUi. a ligbt but beld thse ligit; it la ùie vork J tictstretoD be tii. King anticih rlî t bmorhgp .oeas et baud to-at- ot the Christian to ho14 up tbe,,,ýrue ofetrl b.hurc% ancd te, bUiIdý j1iuniaste lod reead tbe frute o- ligise, wih a cChrist. Ail of gé!-i sud sauetify lte s»pirtuel teple. roin npt; ijlwtmin a feiteiniîùtes "Pure in doctrine an& practise, aÎin- e thie Union jtcfl seta-c oifiçcsii bis front loss of bilocd. destructibe-the truc ideai of,,the mvstcr.'ous >)ersos, bot (lansd mnt, . Vadswsntiad nibc cbrh"Abowi-The fountglu of sup- flh' i exheustuble fice t rcel d-l. rema",s law»on ho ii. itiandtak- piy cf cil tote i 'ape "Titis*1tihe rires!d a t erried.-seott. oig reoomeof, J. Aniderson & Son. em1bie m-of Christ, tbrouat inbointhse FRACTICAL APPLICATION&. Relative .s bave heenapprised 4!t tMý Spirit la givcn.t"--)tnteenat. Seve» IOur lassa inlutihe vision of thsee au- deate andd ére e-xpectedti o a5 lamps-There vas on.j anc iampsa>nd'. dt ýrL and the olive. treeâ, tymtying charge oftiie, tuerai, wbieb Wiii-ta&-b dcnoting tee =ty cf Cad's Peopie;' but Christ and! his people filiid wîiti. e plae toepmorrow afternoon ta Moiunt it lied various branches and Iinnps1' de- spr~ View -aemetery. nteg thaueir iwas lict ý ise - 'heSpri-o-Gr (I Pet. 1V. frýphard wa24 Tears of , lie- teng tieir w s ien, hesynibôl of 14). *A caiiltictick ail et gok>t" (v. 2). ontruictet! 'ubè-cuômî' !um Pexpos te. caaeeue.-Jano. Senj tàAeipie tjypaiiie ure andi h"ebeen a sufferer-feror pipes-a-tee IL.V.Euch iamp has! 5vcl 'Christ andi I.rrae.heTise aeu golde.n a yeft. The Board! of iUesihb erder-, pupts cennected ii thte b li candlestieks cf John's vision were t.he et! his remtera a mentit mo to the' 3. Tvo olive treî-s--TÉe Ocli usaalY seven churches wîrth tise Sou cf maî i nlIolation Bospîtal,_ tiiçre beling no bîîrncd in the lanhlîs was olive 01l, Pftas- thseaiuidst (Ilev. 1, 12, 13 1 Wood la lte other place la ,viich ta cars for him. ed f rom lteéf ruit of the olive tîce. The t y~ape 01Chist's humanity and! goit! cf . ________ olive trees. one on enchis ide of' the. his divinaty. As lite div-ine One ho is " lampstand. cpress thé 411=otrea cf *ti thea iittcf thc o rnt. If partakers qet ER1UUEER pi%. The bowi cof cili wuld ao be ex- itise divinè nature («2 Pet. 1- 4), we tooa IUUL muJ IF liausteti unieua a ontioIus.PPlY flowr-,a re *'a Icf geid '-pure,, precious and in- cd inte lb. Tise trees r'preent -on itex- destructible. isaustible Âotintain eonnected witli, the IL "lise Spirit of lite- (Rom. vi.2. N A I M L O v'ty nature of te reittor. S. S. limes. !'Ili& a i-en lamnps thereôei (v. 2). Ile N R - A IT N "Tise supply of powrer d,»s net corne 'Nwho1e nianiber of lte people of Goi.lthe- throetgish umain nîinistrations, but direct- 'hureh l is e, ggregaziou etfa&l claurcis- 1v'frun ut."4. Wisat are 'thette- es an deaclt singleeclintch thcge ta- ( Fa-mtihe Hamtilton Time.)> "ven isniret men île net alvays un- tien cf individuai believers. We alitait Wih a balflet ivounil bebinil ber rigit det-stanul divint e tshintws." Illà soete:ase ilitte. (ltrikt ithle ligit of lit-'-,crniadeclfsuft aele timen vise to nsk quogtionq. i., o, ruy'(JIolie viii. 1121. -The4iMe vas te ll qht', adkrhe tffdi e Lord-If ire would iereiveAinstruetion I (John iL 4>. Christ la 'te ligisî;n ae zmout, ber top igermcnts deranXed. and a we muet lhe rcudy te ncknowiedge *et-r are *lights." Otan life àluruiligit., hale hurait tltrqu.lirdeledc ignorance.' « , II. "l'le Spirit of gruce» éÉ1drgteea 1!. Tie Interpretittion (vs. 6-44).' 6. "-1). %'even several pipes ta lte làmýs' od f omnw t otuinl y boy# wtirde..Unto Zerubbaîe«i.-thl vWson (v. 2, mai rg.1. Tise perfection ef divine io.-eaêttsttb o l.tusti vms le inspire tîhe pe.ite çonfi- grace. lit ciy gif t of Qed lu îy grace le yelicrday s{t'cuieee. ,l$ras partly dence in their icitilers as divinelv sus. thlrotagit fi itis'Epit.ii. 8). Tise seven Iecsvcrcd vite Icaves and thorn brusit, tained, and the leaders witjt coift4enee pipes toecaci of lte caveral lampe uttisait!n appnrentiy an attempILdbc lai their divine apppintmentt t -thé ot-k rapreisentIlte perfection of th ne _p- t ee aadto jeta ahl te the t-ne gource of lion of Our spirit with tiseBIoly SWtirt, matie to but-n tliis côver'mg.. atzength and success. ?erubbabei feit by the faithisof God. the perfect divinie Evcrytbing epoints to daliberate mur- uneq:îal t s i great task. Re bail to grece receieil dtirougit faits (Act xiii.-der-. Tic vomun vas accu., lu eompany- Makebr4k-8witoutstriv.How coti d2-À). 011 tr;ifies is ï th Si-udt etf(Goa. Evy- hé Au aniâhie tglipriest .Ifshus make a&elMYchil i le itidivelt by tbo Spirit, (j Cor. amn nMnaynennlc gi-est ntion OutI of!tliaiiqfeeblA folki andi vi. 19)- Sot erery chît! le 'filled a-ah Iveen 10 and 1l oieL, and il l e 1> 1xuiid-a;g1c n stemplt01e o t ftilpovw, the' Spirit" (Epit. V. i$). pso!bieyvaîketi front tii.city. ,The. rrt 6 intta .lt ollaenttttn' IV. '-Te Spirit eof. -snppiimti*n Nat lnaigî-4fty iai etb zecit. xii. 10). "Two olive trme» vX)sot ierltebdvsfatdla tiscir 'àrmeg, 'for tlie'.- ait naine. çor "Tîvo noiuted cne' (v. 14). Z.erulba- 'vr7 oi- lue!Y On., and thbe bu&h Arouni brpcwer-Attonity from - tîtere. 'tut it l.I lteiprince,'and Josua. lte pt-eùlàl4qtlte thhlk. There aré -titieket by niy spiit-The providence. nutiir nifo r it .> 1 nippeti a-itchs of >bushnot free.Ti i fices of(liriet, tIirotgi' ile ie G nias;- , it'y, power, andi energy cf the Most !iligh. ister to bis p"ole. hTisalampe are at etswr4 se»%tnx âear' No accular crn,. ne huéain prudence, n; stîpplil fi-oms living O'et. TIi.source Netfrs corr, e«M of Jais,%Iành&lt t e'arthiy p oric h e ute ut tn, em. »f!âil- oui- life =rd grai- thletieliving -bouse andimë is uysnc~t &one and prtei flit eîds.cr'.aerrj;ti taM ofniXeefChrieb'-ehave quite a long disittaiof, And~, frisai aiea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~; Dg-pee tino yeurl' ai'oflered tanurseif torOur sin*, tiý Clarke. Zerutbabcl need ncal b. iq.i e ai tl.ni iitie ppueartuces, *re !oritIe*tlydicueelsg-' bearlened hemus eat bis wealne-t ,, eree "r livl e btoinîci-cettoWt- vucii veybey vouldi go. Ai fer as Man' vekaca leno, ebstaele,for <3.d4 b î_peuple. (Hai. 7-2) aisp bt¶5ts etac ils tailgist viiiperfet. atrenglit O 0f V. "Tise $Piillo! -Gr(od eRm. 64,9). o* î'~ n it aab. o e %weakDeead-J., F. and Iý AÎs hhtet$&ui. - l srusythet-as.-paaer. bal n' aiticis gave forth I itatgbin la hent, ' spîrt, sl tl.a, Lrd-' v.oe, but).la'tOi My7 les aletirunfail sud uutèue«d.& yt a mlgh ahd mental. pavrarw u. " humain agenelce, noths e wk Iu wih auttklrent for' thé vroief (;o&. Netu"~ ~ sA .A*V lie vms engagea! of restarleg the. mater. hIumiRn:aîmi m'cal eoportloa ýlai ]l temple eut!- ettiug lte godnc$ndle- ~diîiduai le*t-utg eau. ta e l.pac tx0 ofuitcu.rest.l i %lick la île plece ageai, asdt!0 se $r. i e -sprit et1(ld. Reuel, a-Naf ewl -fIw t el 108 tise way, fibt for te JevIelec'htrcli noreds beaven1.y'pua-e. Te and tuait fer tise ChristU&ii u , VIié . "Tit», tpiil t o Pm'*" ot.t1E'..b snt<Jn1s taI cnzdlestick synîholset!d e.,.O,1> Zrihbl. hh Iefns t-o chiinlutbe Ï-ranniishstldbeL acctiý- '1V (v. 0). Eseitpratia. oft 004 îb m OOI'r.ee o etaM.teatCisi a plîshat! not hy 'hliue ourcés, but by tcheek on -e bo.k ulli at 4r151104 tdendC4*a 4,wW î*># b SL t.JtIIS'<ClUà'é B.Vour Owu By ;to-day a p l ' l - IGO bu~e*I «at 4-0 u Try lt-Yoý*1bJ*-delighecl atti itaFine Plaver. Havings8trengthaaU'ter *oId at2tu rie. pet l. a 110049 aluig at p a 8,2 aton. otbav 1>ii BrillaitCovumeut Kake ?lsdg. ta cct. t» *.71& the lte t' - Fra=ce?1 uchet- 4 , -- ê 6 - AT YOKOa-&MA. London, Oct, 10--,Ticre buta ed o, 'o.slm~ uhtI.<,I~î 1- uji <o daýi -dteday cianflrrnticu hère, u0r ta 'O.'oi5 'uilt. - *5~igors, 1 'Yraâwj0 et heparuis miles stalen4 t ,tw--------ii 1 &A 10-hie neutre O! tla aval an"i iiliPeu». hcî as âgé Waqie ~1tiIi 4~ FOnttbeVl~t îry gUiStante Orcat Uritain WOu4 Ha>',Pc o------CO liS luin arm Trul leruai~ae~npepareti téeve Franee l itfi Stac. pet ton-------5 i 1 - UuU~e-lsî tiugiiafbee ft t if au altack on tiat pavrby ri'elioa.......5161 1"18 ou' acouaIet li. Meub$c4APPIc. per bhl------ O 7 Jetu on- la-Jap.aof ,Allianc ,. Egea. pet dossu----------en O f Yoabei'a, 61.16.-Tii.- fqg*qielL. o, bue ,tberetbecuaty dsae Itttrdatry---------------..03 , 1 'aquetireaftwet ilvecaa uater i , the Fo'edpet î -tien.'00 ai J r on n-.Delcas. nitud *t'urccapr . 0---------O3 > le !ViWdmul5honir h -uit! have British support lin Case Ducks. par lb........1 000 'Ký1«rfe-eever*,nýwsb-qi noet, I Celer>r hïôgh ' i- oea l Wf leielly vclceed, b! YVtce-A41ettç 14qil seuly tmain aininig tise position'lie ha! potesc a'bg....... 5 elr.per domo..... 3O0, 35 'mst'.-Admirai YNoeld ut '1300cf- h l tb reference tb Gernuany'S n- eiaë .,per hag ............i GO iâ fes u! e adt!at irudedtflrtïe in.lu droce. ltbe (jerlci Vee, lu4rlsrs6...- 'J7GO S QG '-dot paty iveaisytisemusiipaity.pt emmadsinforatinîon fi-cm Pi-suce Do.. torequarteri .. .....GO 5c 4t<Do.. metil1ua, ccasa-se. 0 petautil l M. le1eusentisaithe-est U- Mutto. Der e-ct.--------' vblboiie vre ntertlud iy ace tla ontifight for France, sud piweeiçc- jVerai. per cvi----------- 050 ingsu tte e iugiiag et .reîiin. Yý-t -le riat glarantecalthe tus Cr Lam-ab. sping........S O 10 GO Dngand fireors e. tilepl and! t teti al5 la-f ftetn e~1rte --Oitreeiy as ppepiagl4 e "~d aei~,anieable, imcreiaulittr eits t40ri-P-tcfpetit e tai-mors 'Iiuai oa, Oct W-ic-4airl eht' respett te, tie atatreiteatt t î alt..a n........$8GO$80 Urot4 a y o4ý q ldq-Cecountry ag-ced. ta senti 100.000 teen. 1 Du. o-.......... fes s ili-tieai qittirn nw- t Yokoetiiai4, ana-lIa jLke uutbet of lrr-ehâien luan *t- 'T'imth>'. macifue ahi- tt s nffaluproe s iiîe ai-rive 't Ieelo- ' tlack on 'Koirh Orm-uy. Naofy in 1o0.,:unhuile.-------- 60 175 ' frockviile.-To-day 4T§7 boxes acre regis- caltraIe f rom 'Yokohat(na, andti a u Paris geems tu doubl litaI if a"r i.iI aiat eedi301torei; isalance white. oul bld. 'ed et lthe railroca t 'atioub n»! obakqa îeutbeta-ea lthe Frenaai ilthe icefor cotai-ai; nuesolil oo bourd. tEhe ýBtiah .edeeiral asetis prt! -ait. Irvôlted .snd 11W1'IIvies' la heu la Uitain nlaiI.T-a hr oeotrd 70 t!re4 lImpertai cariages ast! vere trive"n as a- i n Fraitae. ' 97o sel atI L 1-14ë. 950 et Il;, balance îÎlte titrougli thse sreett, iitet!'by thieuhads Tihe Tises in an editorial, article on lc for totai-ad; noce sold ou board. Of Peepleî io -Mlbiya -Park, a-bei-e Ith ~~4e b y xitse-tieopnon h1a jLondou,. ont.-Six faciaries effe-eS. 8M5 Mayo ofTokio aveý agrae-le aIt %-àdaY'smar-ket. 145 et wlslch vae t~ ~ ~~~~~g MaoîfTokgr," ac ety lin ciase tiere kad beéau at t.ot ag5re'sumt whita.hauc ire-Noslsmd.t!-, bofoi9 f the duat1nguiGt! yisiitork 'dhaýeeîed 1a*alils tFide. rby -'Germg Wjdt ant 0c NazI ý emie (IcI. D Thte c-ales ver. detotatedt! uI tiagî alelgIè ve nnt.»t 'v aao JCornwall. Ont-To-dat- M5 boxes vara t ani flirer ta n e Tébi viic recallet! supported! Frange wilh. tie iearîy aSp- sboantieïl. l» sales aaieomadie. o1'. the Jaapem î --et, valet-the ati0kl naalà' te g- lug wJu leiuss avera ptue ct 'prru c lte naion" Tsa talit n ta- Eeru Tovueipe Datrmeu.s Excthanga i le lu iteRussaisa-et'. ts-dtierusot 'a proaiite aniÏ0 utotf 'The lt bell baèrs to-day 5' -craamenteeoffered 1565 idaey bcugtsï ieliii-l union 'Zlack tMarttheu-a strita,%asbec» n madte On I-b6»àw--butter- 12 tactaisfed4t.kaa erecbeMt4.1-Nao Cheesa sold, asev«erywher-in évidence. 'lita feol- tl thi 846. of lite Ciannel t-t, Itetl 1, ;.0:.~oaiee bub' ln~~~~~~~ odresO tie aIfvassliast long "Y neat ianutb-IetoetI frttaigcw ove - tixi halclpeely. diuapucaret!. sud isad alias. (oosaxrvafive opInionici-c' is btaI satn-day. bee lplcedRt' ue ebueYantg&oo. lte atVory i t- ubstantlal foundetion 'TaraneFutzakt ltusigî. . ~ ~ ~ l le nypauthaiaut emmlcsin rm Thea-marktlwvasquiet- tio-daY. vila reipte I~ ~ 'Ieparlnet-day lneltideti -lire- -thelit.Biait ('eerment. Furtbhrtmore, it fat. Apples sakti,7-,U se. ~Grattas, - ~ -ok~$ enln'.jiu-jtuaniMchîg.j g>e~If M. L »Pceas eeviii ir cim baple, im buaiet. 15 4la 8Me. ;do.-, t ay bnepae!oniuu (i-iutugbe recived 'WcXlt'Trîli eou-ti, 0 lk>Se' Itasiara,, silbasket.- il .h Atbleic exerciseL -'Prier ta tse ment truciia p1eilgeas Tse Malina %tuiery 10 ; dotartei- U 31to I.Osehsbst 4tmeneea-î "ut' tIhe progouaime IbeheIMpliese ' Si Paa eltt 0t34 oaos ba J '~ êlivreila spech -sf aeléotto. k.l 4ta c Tonaou.basket U 80 -lbe Selad- be as ahouai-cil antidcg!teh'..n lottas.imibet 0te 50e. uee we«-puea. te'r«ciîe an Adrloai a rVi 'TO OIIELR=SItT1, fWt.~ a$5 nos ag si 28 10 Io ha 05.Cadicuon,*nons, bi&St, lCran- snb bnlliaut lttltory'anti bitn g a ousît-y iahh-blu .tÏ *âà îangÙdtte Action t; si, 0 p Ià inniui u5a. I,,$ 0 .5 Oret._#..cg~d ht Tokiô a ~ . ~ ',~. Nev Ye -- ---5... ..9. j sna-We or ad'j4i~te1yte xreslthe êhth...---., ,.. se. iThisa sJ. ODenel<Dfenver, sud LeuL* . .. .sn N11,4e 1 weleo1»e,.b&dini'aifa ther Coienadeo tyuId* flie mu- zvet............ ults nlaglieas$, bet<1.00Brllisleyerai»P lhcty, to-day -aa A-Tarante Lire 8toçk. t l &sael-rnas i-rives o r" ncdîtey-LteutitlMelyer, e.akiit 1thstb, <M:a,44s~4. nlqt. for, sire. jestk éiluiaap ompel lihe offirers 4fthe Ytit*l Lite hto 1141, .el'5vri.as vA1 ce_ but nthe A dlimpnr altasqed by pil ed~Vre 1nitte restitutle ion'f tO wiihe,7 «epjo¶ »Y' -t~r 19 " f _bu rr -UmIttRthe mbeau dplib ta-ulgit 1;ne dbln*èr' a-bl air'15eou«tee a een na5 wpis teim-0 t st-rt!by isp -*é girls; 4.inhila- -ep lr. MÇrlpf <4 *lt olte Altorney- a "draie ianeê4 lJPit oalabt$ rlfuj i.U~ - aaaîus tAssaasw ' Thae&we s' follWed, yq aini4Iuiu1oUelNai ya- Uf I&cýý Wtw '1l&b.L......s.I 1 the>JàUX1 i.11otA et»li#grft h* W4J i-fkrpwt h ý "w'n ceyýon Tea le other tea. Sold only le scaled-les Rarcly-perhaps naver-! ea ucthebautiful facei ,ks& at themu ils aplia 2dtti e ile. Anti yet. il is net ils sur Vrbielouches the heurts ci talkiitg' it over, asthey t accu .-antd niglît, fer tuent aflei-aard, lhey all agree neot ltogeter lte beniuty chicuais that iritched t! i thiag'strange about Sur, a inti of youthfîî patrity i fae, iàid aneindefinable alt Evn as seleans forvi lte bouquet ef flerra malte .bas tedtiied up le Il giva li»r-,they note it I yoiid, beýanh lte siie; a fuli. èust!tified teck cecai added softues te tihe dccl PenI uve uiva thie mcli i7l prats fotrarti-to lu They arc- cnly a few art -anys-in Gainma, uithiia accent, all toc ft'for t toi-ai languatge, b Seat-i ;wonan lui-ns aside, wihh eoft iai-,anul mifrniura But' the next moment gives te word, lte posîllic andps ethtihicises dast aep chcer, ivhich lie' Vîlli a lw und imite, ant by lUrning hlaitaround fi a ntcly wuving lie lic It- ï. a- 11111e thieg t4 ber ne more lta amleý il juittl eir-"'fetclics," #ive Amerlau 'ord-thi -Of Pot-bac, ant, inls eo for my'ppoar lady Joanne 'ovhandsama he: la. MWbat priutcey gi-ace!"4w chorus. -and.;. "$ule la n ougul, peu appeareti dpwithVe ar othier-,carr-àMt dasb ixat Îlot 'at etlit é rinai- eheerý t-bough nce,1 and CeaÏk a5hpai'dt grand gentlemeneao - rnJslielit: minur -.e pwtae fol fail*e Pa" lta

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