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Whitby Keystone, 19 Oct 1905, p. 3

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fir lit.C er fureli g -,- 10 b l- r.,eà aie ok~ 17 25rm0 10 a1 00Eà 3() 1> ) 50' 0 l) 1, 7'ir oul j: 1 i i i ~~TV*~' itrv. a tii- tt -> Wil>i irmd i» fIMIonu ;', gr hf liens aire t remit- 11ni. con ho rade - rge. and lui-sieea "r gonds s. Valuea ry trade r pact, of not b. iii t'ide eon. tIhe iwa to last ion coma.- *epelc by f ili large. m Ise cOn-ý -la tràde through. -ode. gef. sale lint~ tliil col- gd dm. I~e Of oUr teau tii! lookasaund, devoutlY boplng that the Englisb servants ba-ve ~tt hard the unis xclamation, but b. ot fe ndeed lie draws ikéi to him and kcisses ber ln rêtur, n, d If lis eyes are not molit, it la because b. la not giv:emx to wecping. But somnebody cisc in mure senstive-- le h ad a d s ould rs-bove any "OldfleU's" eyez are auspiciously trans bol! I say that, for Mfr. Bell to his earan ud he tan~ find no çwor&da brespond' greeting. And hon' nell you adds, .looking ç I. to te sic "'Wberéýem uys H41l, tbougb lie lion "Q? -erf Saya Jeaune, eux!- ýuSU *uid afousiItlbocks like a mr ;o me. Hal, you baven't Iccu feucing vitb any cf thc voung atudeuti. "Na-no," says ia4, Iaughilng lgltly;, 'I laed a tumble-came a cropper off a iorse. It's a mer. nothing." And,,Witl luèlghtened cober, lie ha~t .vugaI on-how aoul le ýpasaage. Wee yau hI? " Y "Na," ays Jeanne, îaugbing not a bit. «'Oh, I dare s;ay!-tell fiat ta your Taudmotler," sais Hla, incredulously. She waa dreadfully il!, I kuow-wasn't le, Vanee" *'Na," sas-s Vane. «Yau forget ber Lraînin;;i the Nancy Dell." "Fis;hing about the bav isn'l croaaing [le Clianuel," as lai. *"And hon' are ~o le ss, a&arin- [n bis direct "You don't lok quite the thincg," aya Hl. "Tired, eh!" m h i-nos," responds ev:tne, amniling. 'Comared wmth flie bronzed ceunIe- nnce whIch you are accustomai toteeC wheucier you <look = pyur glana,xnuy the lantstagea of onUMptiona. Have1 you Stain iyourgelf wltlî Ianut luicCj and do you Wear 'Ver 1beleds 0on4 your boot?1 Laughing and chafing, they go up l the W)al, flned with srant», sud'li- une of tle rwceptian roonia. Jeanne lhad no eyes asa yet for auiy thîs8 but 1liatal fi"ureand liancisome face, or. abe mouid f ini plcufy to cal! forth adini-a tion i the apeciaus roonu aud its magnificeni buiateful mand charactcristic npkiinezia., Ipdeed, fliere 18 hardyl ime Vo 0k around before fIe tseunicfDwheela an- nouaices tle arrivaI of the aller' car- riages, and cite and 'oane hsvî te go intd tIc hall toe sccee th Ic ueta Tley are net too absorbed la notice, sam kud are the expressions et deligli muid admiration %luich are expressai. ýýIîy Jove! his mueast atnicl tle Gem- Mns," says Lard Vane. '"It'a a Medi- mbval parudiSe."- 'ay ta a Beir G-fsd a ' mPly epy Itinifor ail" hi& t - uble,» ay.a Viîne, smlltiug. *"Ha ed -carte blan nchmd lhadonc jîîsi a ho like&d Herr Graff," and lihe turpeci ote . polta major dama wbo stood )v«'ecly meapeet' fui, "we are admiring your tai- p The maJor.domo boys a;lMostte, Vue gcound. "ilan -ba oë t seen tU qtkier-Out- ment*,* a aya t rutth *11lnue ultit lis appruvatLl ' Ien flie i-aroua- 141cm' uumideés ou* tforward; ley have .rayla î te o! titi matWttbe ad ino'lttri i'qiam te ladies go up;tha. stà.i&ààx Mn ai Jeanne Iço190". îl mssvebai ter. 1 - -ýý " " ,;ýý r, " Wai I for me lualte al, ai, ae maya, aud ,Iai paca, .11ý "Doat lbeau iait ,1*I Dvne Y ss-Y o: a putue reuaicr* 11= e ' titi g ntlmngo , up tse «r a$lrq I ,tae ets.-îjila, lssp't41 w1~iken B&M Osfef I enusd t110&e séowoms »e btrr ,UMbkh4m I rjolcln b4" VBIkeU » Xe I sum e F tt. Sd t"llautst er 4ý,I UtOk:lu Iâ Ti lg eý a Ilmot -sûre 1>ve 5401 boy befor4e ,enl? aad -ie wbistiesotly teasslst re- me*vm Obr aySe ~ses -&4odLuet, undV ort, L1 bl-i-$ hook handm wt1 '4Welli, be's dîsnge, If yôelîke," ,oe Ital. CMl. bis jaldy-dardy waiya have 'ae an d , eye Ws , oo4 e~ to is old ulme ?rhàp 3 u.ne bah" r dauthtt ]t of-t outlofi miteWh«,Iflece tan t4~ have wlh Lord Loue?" sye. Bell, vitb a l it l e ÃŽ ÃŽ i o u s fro *ic 'I ' ' 'f Iont loeow; tbey seem to have hMt fl ý;wele,,TMbet. w s full of I, and he stuek close. as",wwaxto her lireciybe cae in.* I sbould tblnk ie- 4dbSdýout YatbC? a good 'sotft - nIhp o," mays Bell, ialmoat grimly Ibrý hm. «Anybow," says Hal, rlsing anid stretèb- Iug his long limba, "théeeoixght to be Penty a1 funSomngon wltb ail tillalot; «.ome ýof 'cm u;tbaire smego in tbem. XIOd'N gnt, I 1flIc the looks of hire- iMd w atiUre did tbey ssy the dlnner »Ut BeU is apparently, too lbat l, hbought ta answer the weighty question, *Bd gai amuses hlrntlf by going aronnd h bail, with bis bands In bis peeketa, enng tIc arinor and anien modem weapons of warfarewbich "rerrnged by the huudred on the dark keatnut paneling. -tP.renty Bell gos, tIen there omea ý.1 t step on te stairs, and Jeanne, 1 Mýiidown, folds ber'lauds over Hal's ata good boy lt la t& nait for ze," ab@ays, linking ber arm W bis. tBaven't I been quick t ~'Bal turas and eyes ber from bead té foot. - -, 1 <To b. eontintied.> SUFFERINQ WOMEN, FInd ileait" suad Strenirth tui Dr. «I eousider Dr. -WlaMI«nWPink Pilis a niait marveblatue aedicine," aya Ma. Louis Tucett, - M6 Papineau atret, Itontrea- "Thay- restored me ta health and atrength, wh en 1Iw ua namostlulp*- le"s condition, abi4 aimait iespaJred of recvery. Miy tloubIl began a ton' yeara tige, n'hc I pasacithraugh a sevrea III nasa, fmom which, I did nai regan My aceustomed beaulu suad afrength, Ihougli I Wd the very bust aofcre'iad tmet-J ment. I seenici la gran' viaker enery 'day. I n'as pale and emacit& aib4uie appetite, coula - 181741>' go bout and1 faunaimy 11e ie s). a ýbudan. Il tu=- .das thougit y blooi bad Vumuici Vo water, and my Mes eemed completel>' Ïhattarci. AlIA 'he ic I n'as- uzuder nuedical trealme,but 'iiînDo apparet lenctlOnQe daY, a friand 'sIc ele ýsec me brougbit- me some Dr. Wili&ma' I'uk Nili, muid asked me te tale thent, I did sol, ani fr a Coupla Of n'anU-a! found My inppotWlpmproving, sud took a-i asigu tuai the pillls5erc bIlp in" me, an i. I gpl ano her upply- I u a fai weeka more tIc change lu MY ap.- pearance muid ondition n'as maWmvlleus, @Mnd frieîda wh ô Oroppadinluite mute m landlY Iboughtl" nas île lama esen.n 1t n'as ual muchtlanger unVil Tiwsam-n plefcly crii tact fle bel 1eriaI lad donc for yalra befkirp. ,Isun, lte.- fore, ery liapp3u -tp nmkce Inova lthil slhUjDg n'owmsthe fact ltaI they eau fini.1 ae halb tlmigb the- *sq of Dr, Wil' FARRWINGTIME Tbthtte4atlgofànyso s c agly dmeto bad (ecdnrj c=mi«g Tbes0 owi'd asfe wusolbkep free and open to prevent fcerdadlttretP outo bryed CIyIe4ac toc. Food TI~s neas orean bc=te piga, as a hea1hy appie troc glvc more Md better fruit tatdsuud trt Fror Yaun piga 1? mnakes more boue m=di musle en ubicb to put flesb, &nd notbing bett« for sUarling and keeping Ruats grawing. Iti Ingredients are absolutely harmiess anid pureand if you am nflt satÃŽsfied with rendits your money cheerfully refunded by the dealer.. CARGOLINE ANTISEPTIC MAKK$ TAC PIS AND PENS OLEAN. TRY HERCULtS POULTRY F000. Starving-The _chiikena shouli le th. ai mand lifting lb. loe'r brick along starvei 24 leurs before kiluing, te pro- t 1dtebhefI. mon uposition. Leve tle veut foadin thte crop and Intestines de- chickens li the abaper for aI leait six compasing and spoiing tb. flaror oi the Pscling-fl--fec bel gtbomougbly cool- lirds. Sevrr.l leurs miter the last feei ai, ltee lekaus sbôuld le lsuedi mie allen'th leehickena wbat -utatort tey wlsh sliPPing c&ses.Ticheiclceus muat e Vo drink. They eitould then liane a cern- colci and dry on te skias before pack- ing., Unise île>'are actlif iclaly cooled pleie'tast uuàtll tb-ey -are killai. tite>" a6uild noV b. packed for 20 hours Klling-(a) For clckens going Iito al ter killng. Thie slipplng cases uised izamediate consumptioui an the local mar- by fthe Departmcnb of Agriculture are lot~~~~~~ ~~~ àbwl i uIcnoln odao rade vording to lthie i tie ebirds. Eacl case boîda 1M.Pull description la asIetli nec. WthIe Ic). hni otdconiaisuci lu Bulletin 4o. 7. t1m 1ie,"ken'â lets aud nwings bU cîme firm for Ibose bavlng only a llmItea nm- graP. IPlace the iral linger of tlb migbt ber af cbuckus, lte ordinary munil pnckc- baud ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n ou i) iî ieethcndail aseste lie ohtaned ai the groô.ry- ha" n tré- igh sie, Q-LUO, nAk ndstore, n'll 1le touai tairly mtsfactor>'. thc ramaiiug lingera ou thbm lai t aide. I To aseertaiu lhe pu-ce par pound at Urap the, sadin lu e île 1 ofkhet-VI hicl chickena nia>' be mclii b>' draun, tad heib bmfork cof the 1ingers bebiaipuhic ienelbt dla I tIi. baud ulere h Joins the no.> Tbt ai muto ~oel.!uaVl - talle of equivaleut, v&aus for t1. ditter. bmc&o Vet e ebicke ien718Ust1'>1>ý ot sellhng pricsabas been calculated-: tbc legs agaluat the lef t. hp, sudthie Equal prices per pound <lu cents> for bead noir tbe right WIgh or khuce. Bond fattîni cchns sld by live weigitt te baad lmekward*s as tir -as pomblel-biu weight -or drannweight. sud st the »me lime almet thc neck, LIre welght, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13*. thIe li*i*& about i '~lues t ram the 1 .e Ïmek. -Raid ltb. *4â -firulfafLter bh~Dmann negt, il, 12.8, 1M-7,1lo,,18.4, toc ing md mlan' t. cthiekeW#ad on1*bang 22, M. .- 1 dowu, mc ibattle. lo"c au clieci in TII. table glne thc seller a faim Idem the. neck; lise emdIo alaeled teteý a 'hoi*ubPaa telb. laNo amços body -iMpy by tlie tkof tue kënèek ba etu I t1Ào! eüisof klfllf& (b) Ohieana t a moh. 'exporteipd c U o rwig or~~~~~~~ p-utgt.cloroiagjuamu dl'd _ma____ loy aîicklig ln thecmntu. YCul île large I 1eries st île aides cf the neek, jut BI .BYV'S SLeEP blwtheç tare. Tis ambe done b>' tu-. u la ln Itwn ureing lite knife m-aigestlroat lui of île I& hg tcouipé of qpîik tanna up mu, id mw itlM An infant lo d1%turloo I .w V hcn bl"4n« - treoly drivietlte p6e Va ally jtIhe, - al9 nl4 l bId 1ii-t'an iangle wlh t11w bird's bill stoumolor bevelm. -f your 11141. o»s intao'e lb.ad pazt ofthe roet- ç4Vte jer Oý ndr net , gir, ii in j fioub.Be laIboaga îe iuite, oi - eo mtdilne of any i iîn~ tnsf.um ud15 entaqmde ! ii.b;ma%1.l -m i èP*4es îm rnu. dsssA.aut st nonei nxany guallohâvere tan Ir ith ahd iare. h lîcosniptimore a spiritsv; it litzie ovetr 10 2~n per capita. kUcie Sani W41nt.u cu-ba, Rnu> if uwili net ha liurd for him te fixaI excuse for eeiiug it. 'llie Cubuan,4 appear tbehunt- aibIe to -gve-is )tiutseiues, and it mîglît, bic butter for the iWIand iif w-evre o er=t-J f ren iVshiiigton. j ~las -oIafonArmy intends te seau O i 'le b~iudiîvd mtarrn'd mclfa u'iîîBâht- ian tzCa=ada îh>is telltIw placed Upon fr=~i, =ing otitthbei' famnilles iw the apu'l?.g. Tiey wilîl bc weizoÙue ù% long- as lthey say on the Iarm, -Itla lfiguritiouf- tuat John D;' Rocke- taller. las given away ia beikefactions $5 1,2-é2,6 60. Bumt us ie maltes about $4OOO,000 a ycar he le lanmo.danger of dying pour, mand any day le Caùi Ievy un hîuuanuty for .& fev muillons. Thte.Kaiser and bis goci a Iai-i lave ia eId baý tloy Oi not r#.eive P- scnt&s. . of ny it cîin thet'4nty-tlfIth Contrbutiou$a0cf nuoay are:, te b.e &- purposceà* ïce ec asert "I- WiJI be be able te iestrôy h ftd uatôm a ! s gip,'eollec ojn 'ciilh oeoAStout? 8urelY le-will O-acrve to, Uvn u hsry.- Rarëy-perbaps never-has ForbaCh thec Alal cst Ona, u a acdd --on such a beautifui face as that n'bieht ih cý'"rfUil alacrtY,ceptilu kinck>t tbem with a pleasant, grateful one intance -0 tcit soieaIgess 'a ~ le " ile. Invitations huti been given rigt sadn 'nL et, it in not ita supreine benuty Ici t; the castle n'as almost as large as aw nhicl-Jtâches the hearto a the womcn; emall town, and thic list, a lengtby one, l t4lkbfg It lover, as they do, xnorning,> h4A been placed in Jean's hantlshefore b noonan ni glit, for nmonthe, for years the formai invitations were issued. after'ward, thcy ai i agree that if was She,,Ipoked if through lspgidly and not f4tîogether tiie beauty of thc mar- t istiÃŽgdy enough untilî àb a meto-l&od chions that witched theni;-but notre- Lane's nane; then, witbout iooking Up, thi ~ trange about her, a certain subtile lhe said: t îid~ youthful purity ln the girlish *'.as Lord Làne been askcd?" face, Aind an-indefinable air of ad wist- "L'îarezrwe? Yes, 1 think so," said Vane. fuinéhe."I thougif lie çças* goini t7 o àrway," Even as cghe beans forwnrtl and takes saiti Jeanne. the bouquet of flowers wiich al tiny -le 511id soinething about ît, but 1I81 mnite bas toddled up to tie coqrriage tE) dou'). suppoe bc m-il objcct to aubsfitute iver, they note 1). It is'there be- Gray"tr yoVnd, benfIath the smile; a certain wist- Jeanne looked ulp for the firsft'timc. fui, xâsatisficd look seemn te givec au There waq a fain)., a î-ery fairât toucl of tl added softness to tlhe deep cycas, and a caler qn lber face. pensive carve ta the mobile iiioith. ..Wb lîahuld hoe mbtUute 'ltr'ie Ah prse orward te hear hier %peak. Raid. -His pîrty is niade up, I belicve.'5 lîcy 'are. onîy a few words- thtch ervrtaîonorn"ooiaN- may-la(kmîaa wih astrng nglshgent Abbey, Jeanne geatedby tIe open accent, ail too cPf t for the deep, gut- >indow wfth fthe lit in hber hand. Vans teral 1aingîuage, lut lwaring Ilium, ()11Pi1standingléie bleler coUrteO1ylS, itelliflg l-wornal turne aside. wvith ber eyca full and attentive. of tiarg, and murîitlrs-.As 81)0 8j)Ok, b lkeaid tW1 Pe win-I "Iteor clildi" .*1do-w and stroked bI us*eetbugt But-thei next moment the marquis îullv. t gives the word, the postili.onswoack tilîir Ilid you net wish hlm tb Mwh RIand the loii dcli forwnrd amid? be askedi" lie said; 4l put bisa Zpclîcer, vlîich he acknowledges aedwbrtie1thutYn dY witi a bau' ad esile, and t4he, giri-like, gt nare own ee u>eIlul tyn a litfarotnd in fhe cardiage, ~tO oeie ~ne. by turnity a igth ouueJeanne looked rixedly at ber liai; if anmud gent ly wvn i oqc. okduli aewudhv It is a litt le tlîing ta do, if coats she bad oketibsfcwul av ler neonmûre tlan a mille and a bon', buti given lier no lîlut ns ta bis tlsoughts. It If jus). sttles--'fc-teches," le the expres- i 'a asips siv aaici- a te t aive Anerîcan wrd-the g-catipeople i hit Rasif. *1hâen bjcin of Forbiach, îad uins everv heurt i "! li ii. b îien bjcin for îîîy pooir Lady Jeanne. why should 1 have? 1-ethlm be asked. *'Ilow handi.ottie Ie le, th(%e nuarqiil' '"I"aIlimenusi, tif i-o ieh h." , ; e WIrt priacly'grac-e aiy Ithe firls i nd ecitin % ~pef~ml ciorup, and: dtakea out ier pencil. and, written -Shie S an ft;ngel, paî>t .\epreion!" somethtî;g nt the- bottoin of the lisqt.» murnur thecmn. "011, beautiful in- 'I have atideti Lady Ltiiecles name,» deed 1. * he caRit, quietly, but with a dagh of 118%(ly [11Pic oarqil li' carringe dis- f'lor in bier fllte; "ut ias torgo.tcfl, ap- apîeared -down thce treet than thi-ca Pare1ltlY ý1 other carr'kWte-s dasi into it. Tlîcy de 11 don't think she will care zmucb for not lî>ît a). tlicKrone, bhat tie crowd ' eranv-tlie castle stands in an Out.of' clieci, tlîouglî not ao lustily as bef orej il hewa 1 place; t" fau raei Badleu to and io'Ia glimpRt of isir ladies sud îbe ay." grand gecntleillenl. Oe fatl laithe flîtird ."- fi ~r' i-c if site dof* nI came tq co-t.22attracts neîrkedi ttoîl n l nJgo," sai Jeanne, "UnIegs.you wiali b. evea . sight îîurinur utîadmiraîtiomn. ta be Ii). out, 1 wîll aek ber."S la, [a its wny, ia fait .a face a% thâ f e -l"1have ne wish luinthe iuatter," hlie - the g*%- i înirelioiiîabtit it excites itu plicol, caîmly; *plea"e yourself lu cvery ot.iîiî,andI ne tears are sliîed an it WiY." flasi ie4 1wîst- witlî a coid, lanrguid smille, p 'sfikîgcfyu msmn, 1).i ýi- .dy Lucelle. *nid Jeanne, riingr. "Vou sçfpu ta gel 1t ea reejîtien." she soy%, loonklng on tageilier, andSÏIme is-aun cid friei. over Iît b-r ojppos.ite nieigibor ivith hai-a î Vane bit hi* moustache'eud'tund. as el-- yelidn.-. Vwiîîi.4 ec-idk.ntly a Ling if nbout to cpeak, but Joanne ma-i-ci lin 1!i- Un.'"'iernikg the- rcÃ"Oii, and he hcld thei doot' t ..,ronice Lane looke aroxînd inti witlî a openu fur lier in silence. po:e stair af imnpatiecite. 1I t .ynaLe a feaýful roW," le aya, Tt n'as ilwaya thui ,hele Ptfam Irr àhy. "Bllindeti by the dus)., coe oni pride nad fIa-: hauglfy rFnde temper rP,-'iired to be deaienedte - inake the mi, %rere formidable bsrrimc. e>rý complete. %N1raVs it ail about ? An%.- Tien low wnas Jeanne teo that 1),:,y wuld tIilnk we were a kind of lori the miuent thc dOoar ld clOaed upoal n.. s-or'a shên' 1" berlue tell te paeing e-om mubt~ î.î4y Lucelle smies lronleally. iiîg lus moustache, muttefIig; --Yaouwouldn'f object fa flicdust or "'oas smein l arxiestWoid it ba -3t ti bouUîîig. îy deur Clarence, if it wag l-> cIt biouft.l'bey are, afways togetlert ot your accous).. Don'). le cytîlcal. It le --on landi and mca, inoriig, noiaan sd v-- y îreone t lu eîlied te ride aiglît. IIf lier hclaiIgli, itIsa on tî. venty ifles tnt-h me, but vou's-c ad it î arch Gi o is; île neyer fus te ÉreetI %itiry Mrlc hniag*, a.nd your turan vi;i hltnuwith a-sùile Uè ,ad Ie-n'pll, lewould às.*'a corne aguiîi." ho atone if b. dii net n'arm'under sucb - Wbat do you xnoan?1" le ail,, but bis kind treifatment. Titi mmattenut esls& -face flusaliad fie locIs ;deiva. woéi&rai e,2butJ Titi oouafcss sîîulles~ wlpc out titblsc Ib.flhb ,"Tueduel lias beert thlck'ail Iis n'eck, A" d on'was hi te kÈaov tht b. cou but It bami't quito-bllnded mec, my <tsar hauteur dicd out of Jeanaes face as&M ào ge~"mI ays. aaende lb glié,M an #0lt piacecmm <>2y dear Clarence#' 'opens lii lps ta the uRa, nistfulevee la i weIl Pi'otoietmand thluks botercit ad1,tod I ,V, <"hM«'bmsoli back n'ltb a#,*0 aiÏMwal' Iwb' lheothe Ait able appr*ohes îeathe Jaiî5wltbout ber.. ut qbergo nill U&, loaks.'tlougluillY around ber. Thé UItote b ad boatiivenitbe dmr mwaonici te e lcoxn eti lb. vulleemiJanneweéd pet k aée d LW , - 'Ig ammea lh d ud la h. pla t hé=af- elau% Mana t ti,'h*t.doell s0", hall-prend sud whoUy meur'méolooIlc Vâa Ven nié M t- p omant O!t wio,peapli aMY, Ila orÃŽ*tirlatl01th#b.LessiIAW.. nuit t b. Kealga 5'*tm.. ouI1B f Fcmndule. And noW'as tiey mp-.waohm d là»he Ail eeImmbagl4wltl ber buut'j ain'lhwnabteat» ou» of to ber îàce, 41most hldng IVt ise w hie Is cneati atIm l ook Wleery mark«Id. iulttul b agmR. V lus. abees1 Asa &I~ter of tact, abile l nduclenq ,¶ w atlg tsale id ri eh. bela"s it Uf, hat tupois4 <E A NDTiL t Prepring Chickens I .-for MIarketi I iII ,,,.,f$444-$I 11 $ $*$ IlliI5 w'\I t, I jÉ N *.- - i-h reitiînl -Acdu lmt 17 : eeeta zo3> bat j -ý tli uux si p'q , :4) th*73 t.rso, î.Utý t 11 '4 a bh utr 4 lem tu lhave .1 reniuscosus. A-Xew York man is said to have sold bis wife for $5,000. Perhalps it*s t joke. Let us hope . sa; the old girls mxay be stepping too high. ] T he U nited Sta.tes fleef Tru t %: ., sw ave. bee fined $2.5,000. Thev'il pay- it, of course, and they will niaIe it up)te times over by charging the pitlbUc l:igher 'prices for meats. It is repbrted tliat thie -Leio mu:id Clark Exposition ati Porti-aui. 0dego, will close witliout tleLt, and tazt over $100,000 wil l emain. for the soklc~ That indicates guod mnagciic:t. '..'ree Columibia Sù.nîe i~ e'eni suspended for Gne year for haiziing aan othiers have been i prinianded. 'Ihlat %viil tend to discourage a bi-t4îl andi di:s- honorable practice that is a [Jo). ji;Pu uuîlversits' life. Canadians consumetd beer to îhe quai- tity of five.gallor.s per caîpita ist yo'ar. As a very'large number of people draisk us.

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