)m Our Coresnondents X.1Ã"rnisn Bailey ghot a bullet XbtlM!ufh on.e t -hum fîngera. while elanlng a Sun receiâtly. The bone '~wa a broken. ýbut the wound lu heal- lut niey Dow. e'r W J fiokie of Toronto. -was bore on Thuraday of lait week ar- mauglog for the,. sale of the farm Iproperty belonglug ta the estate of ;f -B, Bickie, whlcbh l now adçertlsed loi the 2Sh of this rnontb. Mrs. F. Blair had a veryl suecess-, lrui sale of her bousciiolcl effects last Whkursday ut tcrnoon. Mfr. Jeter Goodmnan, of Hamnilton, *W# in town on Tuesday. Mrs. Somerville bas mored Into ~the upper part or Mr. Plrlngte's lbou se. H il1ev. c. Àdta ns wait taken violenti>' * il when ait iCedro a iut Thursday tvening. and was brougbt bomne on a couch. Itl'vasaun att8ck Of l1- Kammation f rom wblch ho guffpred. *whCh was oon ciI'kedl. Mr. DPn- yeg, 0f Witby conducted the morn- à ng vervrcmlu the Mithodist eiiureh, and Mr. Adaains v:u able to heopt Ment ait the evening service, whicla was devoted to the iutert-ss of the »I3le .4-oclty.1 The airnual jaublie meetinig Of the Bible Society Iras hfrd ln the Met b- odist church laid !sunday eveniniz. Irhe otiier ehurcli surI luesl'aud Ibee vnitb#ragAn. rh(e attendance waS ,uuch les than It would bavoboomi. because of thbe raln that was faluins about thâe tlmo that manyr would have been etartlng (rom home. Bey. J. H. Borland,ga-.e the È&dreu. tak- ing the. Bible as i teit., Bems J. B. Andenson and Chas. Adatnealaim took part ln the service. The bust- nebig meeting of the Socety viii ho j heid aL a luter date.t The annual reunlon of the Wo- mis' Foreign Mimlonary Soç4ety of thel-resbterian churcb wil ho hel4i au usuai on the eve7ning'of Thanksgivlng i)aY. i4upper wil ho serv-ed, andi a lecture gîren b>' Rer. If .MePbergoo. of Chalmer 0 Chu rrb. Toron to. The- musical part of the programime wlibQ fur- nisho-I by soine lady rocaliste f rom The barrel business ln etili hoing ruihe4l. Mr. irdwnrdé says hecould dispoKeeof t.LiO ler day at; i.s hopu bore and] at Whitby, were lbc able to nianke up that inun>. He already ha@ ail the coiert i.Lwork that ho cati f lsd room for. Mr. Proué4k. Jr.. hasï renteà th ie Maiw farus. Mei,îras. Jeoscph ande James Grills. havt' airs'ed hogxne tram Manitoba, and Cive a favorable report. Mr. Frank ltichardôon, who has been clerkIiig for Mr. IH. E. Hoar. ý,lMOW MIeeOl 17i i ber fult sud nid.. 1fr. J. W. Rolm. En. Mr. W. XIJ Cook hmsai thd miafor- tune o truaia forAs Ptoug lite bis Meurs. ElJah Coupianti and W. J. Mooro -are among thowe whd wi plow at thse plowlng match, wblcb wii hé held ti aMr. Fraold Bîown's premises on 9ct. -l9th, et >fyrtie. Miss Lihilan Hoar lu clerklng once more nttithe corner store. Rer. 1. H. Bortand preached the Bible Soc;ety sermon at theé Meth- odittchurch, Jiroola, lajt suoday, evenlng. Mns. John Sadien haa a chilti frozu tihe Home. A nuashen froua- here attended an.. uheraar>' services at the Methodist ehuruh, Baookuin, lisi. eek. Mr. A-. C. Cumnier attendedth ie rmn. ai deanery meetingin Whltby. MNir. Shepherd returneti home on Fnhiiay af ter viulting ber son. Levi, in Burlketon.i A nusuber cf1 the eblidrep of !the villlage have heu Indu lgtng'lu vacci- nation, andi are now sonry for' t. The asphai t sidewalks are nov completeti. and are recehlimnu> favorable commentr.. If they stand, the certi or thse wînter trusits more wifiibho laid next set;on. s erry' sorlous, she la Dow re- portd t. 'bo out eofdangerf -iHer, dà ugbter. Urs. W. A. - etmmer, et AlexUdrlà 4 19 Wwith :ber at proMt The -members sud adiierents of- Ptteoring and PBnoam congrega.. tions vi b. pleased to knom~ that they w'111 soon baveS a bettled mini. ter. At theii.uectlng of thse Owen Sound Presbytery on TuOsday. the Rev. F. C. Harper. B.D.. decideti to aecept the. oeil wblcb was sustaas ed by the Presbytery. The. Indue- tion "I take plage durlag the tiret -week lu Xovembnr. MYRTLE. Tho dUfferent gangs of apple pack- oers are clearing the orchaqJeln l Ur. Perey Seurrab palti his frienda aflying vîsit iast woek. Nearly &Ul the farmers have fies lshedti tiioslng.ý The. cold weather and the falilag baves mabo one thinK 0of tbe gocu) old wlnter tinie. Mis Iouie Dearburu andi two <frientis apent Sunday tpt Mr. G. A. tMas abel Williams. of Prince Albert, la vlaitlng hen cousin. Mies Ina. Brown. 1fr.. Dake la vlitlng at 1fr. I. Hoilway'sg. jMn. T. ff. Wilson le around these jparts wlth hsIs teaus of mulemA He Lloyd ,Mfg. Co- Toronto POLISU INE A% Liul Ib"& fim -m-dforume For polisbing Gold, Silver, Sult Frames -and Mlass' elso lin, Brass, Copper and Nickel, Iimquafled, pwkotly ImausmI.... 'No sur.,m od st wrks l1k. masse. -~ i Fme sele by Me- C. LAWLER, Whltby and aU Ladi.. Oroo.rse e'whr. lu now advertislng 'Pain King." wss ths- home erthtie isto lins. (Col.), On Saturti Mr. W. J. Dickson in vladtingi at Relti, andi wai a mt b>' tbe late John s smash upc Mn. Jas. »ickson'u 1-'. Rice. It vas oUe of, the beout lunviich tsev Ldeague *as sot iargeiy attenetd coustructetI dwellitzgà lu towrn. 3e.. reduceti to ap o *n Suusday.evealng owlng to the itig sun far fnom the tire litait thse bri- nunnlng at a rae. *igaide le la no Way LOaStable for aa it va» Mr. Chao. Lulielà sxnocbebtter. tise de'lu ga etttng to wonk oÃ"n thec cuplisug bro Ail are gla t fte Mse.1. .queich f Ire. Cititens; gatheret Inl large up. Thq wi out &gain. - utusers. andi were isorry to se. su>' wene soi MWs MletH bar, bMei M. Wilicxon à ui a handiome reà ,idence become, «i the rond. andi Mr. Harvey Bum spoat Sanda>' the rictuofti s te Ber>' oemcn t. cars vas$fir at Mr. Wm. Hoar'.. LadIes,' Det*Mi Woo, rsansd d'-aver&, a I4s.are to 'Ic eountiat Mr. Fr#ax Coupo* nd istiie visitsd ps nd L am Mr.onja e os dun nddsj.Nwa Mn. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ê P-e0sa at l~epe oi ie.Hand La=i. Six SMixset 250. ~, wm JI W &'uIwalu tii, ot>' Lanterna, "Cold BÃŽ.et," beet make, at. 50c. on business04 I1foo4",> Moas. ahse Rm t ad LIPffp sud Lantera u uers, Glisses, Wicd piu"I roeoneti trow the olti sod VWA= bu$ng Coal 011, get theo bet. ( lookiug yuL Tise' brough: soms 'e SUPMiort» ail othes. 25e. Dpglon. _w. Boit Travle andi mAster boos la qve oavlîo IWlefu' et w"x Bert ne wJ 'E Mrs. Iaao Uâtoli. wvhs bu"e O K l f*w'sv.ll, r.tmuti tober homme at lay, evoutng, Octkber 0, ocourred ti 1Blackwnter, ren empty f latears %vers - iplinters. The train vas agooti raite of speeti, and- nearlng Biaékwater, a. ,ke and c0Lused tii ple ,reMklg crew f rom Llnd >on on the spot andi clear* LWhaf. reined of tihe e. to. 60C. ,ach. - kur -iet. ne rac ladies' StYlish Jackets, regulsr $10 On sale, L.adies' Raju Coatts. louar $3 On -a-, Ir.7 1 $I2t8 SIMou' Ovroots -Ladiesa' Best Dresa Skfrts. 'Reglki $6 On sale sa DrésssGouds. on Regular 1ùco. Bgir$10 »d, On 1ge* *725 fta Jaoloe~s~ ies' Clotho diWrent OUI y Fau eIwt -,ailwool. yard O i I Wht vis Fi e e- Goodubye, Whitby. NA _ TBIGSALE A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR B1ATIGAIN HUNTERS This B'igSale will continue tli November lOth, As ;we-are golng to lbave town, we wOuld like to. sou the whole stock. Oui' ,stock 19-wll Ã611,e withj ail klnds of the lateet'goode., Oui prIcesae marked, down lowerthan what you oxpeot. It AIl be a suprise, for ail. We cannotmninaloi linos and b"gný' but remember eVeryarticle ls roducede A eau a t opuitrewllpro4vewhat we say. We wlll just mention a few lines, whatw aresure yc>u wlll need for ti optgssu ready-n e