Y, ILL* c- Munstaoghter Case. reteTrýQ ,repart:-,stroug local teb- binluhis taver notwitatanadlng, Clia-. SGov hbben convîclel by twelve of hi* Iellow-citizens ef the, ansulaughter of litti.Tommy Mil1, la Dumîner levnaiip,j -Ou tà be nibt et Augusl 24 luit. Thatf y"b efeeling r*au bi n tho prsotra' Ãýier vua videnced by the exupitaiLs wiIh vhlcb ýCouus&el anud J'utge urge thic jtiry le disMa cutalde prejudices anl tiieIr vm personail feelings, sud te ar-1 rive at a decboà un uapon tbc incrits of tthe MW-find lb.e.pisocar gui!!>', but with a #troug recomunýndatîon -le tnercy." - W itha tiis verdict te jury wao Lad benn trying Gev nt thc AtABsc ere returnt-a ato court tliais i ernen a1ler deiiber- * - atîug lu priva te for tee Rheurs and s - Tbercenau no demonstration oet an> bind; iudeed crcryoîae cho bail llstexael impartiall> te theieovidence could bave corne tu, ne otiter conclual9n ttan tluat a decsion adverse te te prisezier wais itiovitable. Aithougla mention bad belen miade b>' omof a the wituesses of a abat sali-Le lÈaîe been fired f rom bbLb, it! bomeateail, tber.iras ne doubl u inte md ef auyoue tual this -shot waà pure- Il> mythical, and that the bullet wlaî--h launclaed the deceased boy into etermaîy, came tram the rifle iunt3owv'apoesisuu on lte nigtteof tRie tragedy. Thi. nirning'aa procee-dumî.ga were mark eti by tomie brilliant eratorical cfforýà (ais the part of boti t te pruacua.ing ad delunîdng couiauci. Mr. 1). M D enaams- toun, who bas defe'vded Gow wiit-osa- sazairate ablity tram beginaamng te m--, nde a nmuât eloqîxeni. and cunvincîaag adaires whan the -pratcctitags apteil tils morniaîg. He remindeil the jury of thae doubts inl te camp. -Tiac crown ,1r.tcutor,' lie said, ";a bis Opa-ln:g sLatenieant, calte-I j ~~Uport you Le da yeur dut>' La your ., lau! to yeur aoustry. i join %TtriLI:a uICtant cîsît, but 1i wouall îenind a-oua « oeeater puiî--yotmarae toc de YOur dut>' te yelir oal, ta yaaar country mîai te the t saalr t thé' bar, or 3-uaur oatitgasaveLbat voit shil bavte h-nat Chiargea- ndta a tl l -Iveuna- aka'. u -cording Lu the e-ldeuic ee l:10P vuai et the tru t, d-i. a s traig adi drca.s. "l'ia ea-l i-' Lebar li. "Pal!l pta roli as M-en, hl,;; tug he-f,.-inqa- ,a-' liavinig tle i' a ofpaa -tNli ii~ hi. dent t. j-t iL r'otlieba sud ain - bora -tiait lu i d-att go<s nivq- IVUS it- fltt tîiflang w i: îte af-.tv 'f tRhe-Public wilacxatie 4)gt. a illy îu a t01i4 nia go Theac rosac-itirig cotansel finanUy riger- otitilyd.-rotiried the ation ofi lie aIe- fonceo lit briaglua 11P ant the trial Ihe lart tiant the ladend oy's fallacrliuit serve-aa gentenice i1h tRac 1nitentlar>' thit! v-.as ago. Hili, senior, vas vu-iiblv rLf(a'tta vitîte Mr. MeredIithi aas inakin; pathtiec *r-eecstu to da'.td 11v. .hitie treets@ charge te thej-ury oca-upied M .5minuie. liC, gnLiaa i and impartial-raavilaw oetbte cause, tam! eclthasîtid- aIR atronug ponts an býth Ai&4,. TIe trendi af bis charge %seead t batthat ltetheer>' ni thte prescai-îa Cion, te thte efTect tbat Il %vas a batltt troni Gev'. rifle that killea the boy>, fi was the correct one.. j -TERER ONTIIS !% JAIL. Cbartles Gov&s Sentence for KllItng thie Lad 1111. eerboro' degp.ate?.-:'At 2!AS tti& al. temoonat - bRe .-isrRi ere Clarles 40w, Who WA yt-itlny coU wea maanatlIaughter fuir Uic eho QU oe04 >lm)ad 1111labU1Dutasaca%âia41i1 t Zil-*isa 1- rqad4 atscjatcaaa-tte tarse mutis' lpprsonwnet lu tË*eq utnt>'Jaiî, Jus-ý - troîtg rcfomusieildatiuiata atery wiîcht wËc6à upameti the -jury&s verdict. 4~iasGear, you ver, yt Muya> lqufid 'gult>' apen evitoe ýWi1"1c culs! eave ne- iloub lalethse. -soici1 -et t ifle.i -doe t it mic - the. JurY verdict'eah nt à e on. tlae d5. Ilt suiel aretbtttéio ota atk asoti b> .0ireees eon your utr,'lTe - ,. -heir rcemnuadapDto M ecay veabsolvel yrnu t tn sau>' ntailon ci do1Cý ! «y,of hbi per- s lu boug, Obervisw lter e- alybloldngt,>bave q iteQdtd j'ear tili 6taU4 nltLlof rg** zà - w-b bo n o -Dcittb eaYoma.ts t eare. k Itlà iimm55art L-at situla Ri r t 'tfi-os eidaI, te beau-e vîlliut cloainrg it or oapen-. ln4,!te oee thtey wanted'io rob. epolire bave thi, a' utar in hanna!, aua nrevurd et- $50 is ëffered for iîîer'r mation thut willb brùag aboiataltbee - mont Of thce fteîider*., -USEFUL WAIALL001i. Suecesul Test b>' Frçuch Mlitary Total, Fraoue, t.Od.T 4ualq bauudy dirigiblc bailoon, constructeil uin- dee tRhe patltae tt X~r uuftde ia. first succesiul aSceut te-'1a>y vîth moe ~ eciicf engià neWrtst a24& b ofireua, Who ade an extensive reccu- nassance of the niitary defences train Toatito.Yaney en the ticruisu froutier. T1e balloon ;earnda-d about 655 yards, aaigovr Pi-art Vendrevible and tha' defensave .-orks ln the Hasye forc'st. On rosciing thie barraeks at Blandann the balloon t-arned baock and went d;recely te Toul, where it desmeeuded iu the mid-t ot a crouati '4 nthuaaiaatic engineer off'- cers and soldiers. 'nLe dist.ance rover--I vWa abou:t thir:>' mi-es At a rate et ?à - imiles aur heur. The officers miade inapsition. cf thae fort,% andti tck photographs eofî%hem, thus establixhing thie anrts of the. di- rigitl. bollon for mar purposes. PIAYS FOR iN~CES Invocation At Openîn- et U ,.Zsus r - ', )~fl 8r a~ &' )I ~ " ~#4tfl ~1LiT «e ~vj~t.kt~ ~ 14F/4 WaaaniaOt. Mc-114 the mu-oea- lien opening the Baukera' Goaaeution te dia>' Ilev. >r. Tuait S. Umtîludeplor- cd aIl lapses fraja the hib tandards ef honer ninzaag ILote nataging thte finan- ciii IntercaLa eftheicocentxr>'and praved liat conscoassn. niht be quickened i ad villa ostr-e:gthen.'IAbthamnen Mnay properlyrsecustc e t'rutaf e th e optis M .A toul-eireCrrai*îtott eomiucaahd1Â- t ia ffezixmo lien, and alLer moitie discussion agreed le b>' a irtaaa4ip-l vote. Tuie>'ratità e Ibat KILL SUIIIR(RS. te auscation t-rors sud suait rispcct- f uilyurgezitapo;l Cngrem Lhe p fii$e soeamensure '.teutntesuad .neûutaO IE W&ÂSTfTC AVCT lie uipbuild.-ng of tliasAmerîi-n- oer-x.'rmCSS disait mairi-ae. aa-dthaat lb. ship < suli- ual>' maenre.s.hciýI arceved the e.on- -- sidernti-le"cf' r4cýuag-.s savo.a! I Ah I-tnry e, tnc s-cotch sytes eto iss eleu RaIl, ef CiwclaatiWould banking wut preaeited b>' 'lIr., Ibatct Put au End te Lifes of Perno ~ ~<~ ua Uuen opelesal>' Injured or inlu th TRime Frea Diseuse GERM4,*iî CAMP RUSITED. j riladelpbîia.' Oct, 10-is l-Ic Qificers snd Soldicri Killeti b>'y oîîen- laMIL.of Cincinnati. fer heursg3'esterday toI A~si lu. t-ail>'eîenvored te have thie Ament- ix Oot lai A d.h t ran Iimuaâne Associatiou -place lte seal an-wangencv 98-0:11cape .1il% >a tay, of Il. enaoraiciieiat on a Psopoxitlon te t huit ai tella.êrin lfrm 1- iuagt -n giVa i. at Anat'na!, bythtRa ise eofanaetheflex. t-- Gai-itr CamIIP t .1hur2q-iim, t,-. Iw-on %%Vaa.rî!i anaad Sanwikif t, *South- vm! t Atrbea. a fta'r sevea-e iil tain". lu farmer vee kiilv-d i te Gur!-î:mn suds, sud eaiat mets Wn-us-s eliusly i-euanted. ý Thelia.1ttrictts. îtift ateti, aaufred ne lmasesandtcapiaîrcI al the stc-k anal the stores.Seu-enialGermaus vere! caîptarel by lte 1totteutots. but were allowcd te velur after lte>' bsd be tiisarmtad. heariuff te rien. s'on Trotiia, 'G.overnor oet <ernîa:aiSoutb-west Africa. andt crmandd- et -ti&. trc*s, a RelIai froua Chtel - MaLrengo. staiUng tRial bbc Ibottentnl t-ie la -a pbiition to talc. th., off amir. &0anA oula i ht te t bitter Cod. - 'Iis gsMon et- Nkaus- Rsvp belt sgtrt>ngthaeased oy -»-Oê-omen.s abattetyl Warrants Agcinit Fi"e Abmihaib L WhoRa are as dÃŽreè. ter eftopublie eA(ely doring lte tem ef linatrSaumuel . ifri.hn4e. amati lotir otters.' ebargîag tteati-with cmi- s1p1rAc-i- o OewAt aundI de-rautthie cil> ln otIonloa rth -thet, xecutlon ,'cui carrylat; eut oi s <entrect fee lb. ereelion et Ai onialilpor htphai1 Ofa~alie-r ati t etassid -art Jetit W. Ileuderton andi - lient>' E£4 Ilstis.- the coatnacting Iiras et lua4eso C~o. Plip Jdbnso6 a afortatr ait> si-cittect -anti hrotitcr-ilew of et ael %V.-Durhaa leader of lte l:Ml Ieputia lcai errawlsalln. sud Jane. », PlaRek' a.,,eîsîn et Darbamiansd a former iu- *pýi4ar et(lte aie nuatma-pal, Tkje wvanu!. ero Aveorstb-. ,b of ta:ra e >ayor W'rç ta-sel oente *Mt4é( =s ecuiing a perled e c01 i eli. IsîIn D. John t s k 01o $a Or v !vig oniaiaug deatb tlarbs froa tilaciiet'. - taRie thil up ast part et W4 er.she grpapeîl>' portrmyed thie torture of tRie- engiacer iu a wreek pinneil anderneatb thie poudena>us enle wvie tRie faies were aallyreanhi lut.glie Saad tRit aie asked- fer juil tRie sm nie are>' tiit ÃŽIs exteuideitto'n veunticilanimal vibieut quastion, a, qutek ecut lehein sufferia. "I would bau-e s a nwrciaüuls ath b> i'nitestbecti emtel ouI set oOrly te rw"iej limas ettraiunurveckuo, bt t topersont "de' Iug et diabotea, onsuamplioti. euum *b3' drephobus or lckatardli$* naît, "For ltaé pat tare ears Ih&* à tlaieq' tarnieda a riaf t eRloroim elê WMQ arien-ring bu, ts-lam for -s emergene>' , a a rui ei ie îts su e- tiirougl terua 1pe- wbiehwis rueut b>' thei.Chanpa,* IVIII&ý 0 silImï,et Albany, W'- 01 etaIeorpo>la anIÇof het iibsciel>' eonffrud Ita 1t1 veela -s eretitssud -vw cabej'ý S" iasbaveo em -dr'-bslvlbei ida le p outtf i t lasi>," ne lêdeaet uil an*tletees " auffetigat traek reks -bat boels M ested by> un Islliaqoqflbi ite I -sevôring t. baie tls* "aIruoew paulet e'nym *tntTb.%%a the ondietr,a à 's«Malt et»s opit4uw aai tber s.1exil De 'l da t ltis tRe lavot tisoraujy- otites e-outry vii c e i.t. e re tiBia har Cam htbv linïl ef the Grand Trcak Pacifie IRatway. enougb of t Luit inSlathe biseuits teK kili 2m0pope -ut lbe Suca -t 4 êp.try, bu t4 med vio l te & p o rtn *iiê ,sand i 4ke&:about n oon, ndtber huabaud diet à fewv ýours Inter. gadn #T~ela n o Othb -meznbr4 * <azwty. wha e late in arisint, *s bqd',the poi cevkcti=of etS t »tarmae Painter I--at Os >atiiy qua aotilo gaiust Edivard ijîlent o be kloq4 lniquiu Ng. 40 ofttes thtRe St.CatRiarnesUI dé agîtu wbzieulat »Oeosbor. apslsibren ebargeal ith 0e enflaeouspbg te aarOe.t t'à . cia>' rois crrying on thic &40 -pamIer; Eplyt TIE TVes.r 1 admission feu.BW l*aWey b. vas &bUeai pby«* s-a voroUotithle mit rsat1 3eI MURDI&RQClAR&. RITISWlSAILORS NW IN TOKIO Be 1kado EctertaneAdnmai N3 v X* hefl a. mut Btt ?isr~.EA ~ j. >4 * Rtumulo te 1 NiubbrbOd Ceminutl.ffl rceive.J Vie-Admiioi Sir Ge:ar4 Cbatham, v4.. deaatcb: Att,17 ea cuadr ofthe Dritiah aqcad long ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Der !utrig scfiU5i ow VA t okob&ma, aud bis saff is probable tRia( dandy -MC-Duffalktgea CQt&iui5là Urne Phoenix hio ! .-b to bave murdereid tio o'ld mls'à Wilo odysd'ueae b.has Holton, ootrenk)T o uly; 1. t, P~Gua Du.rzofehet lb.BgU b will be captuie4 and-bireeg¶t te Jutios *ý»7 d I or mmsdlttuY utudmwi witiin a f ew daisI. <t~1bu hl~a" ii.ed fig , 16 . eq beeu sctivelyRIbtwon'k Upol 110 le th w « aiidl*mà lsuiladoul.A h, in Silêrauba.qius.t>yb.d In-ebuo for the pafit : men l th b Iiii fnuuly. tbé;depadoeaent . 'at Tro ",sd 13>.ugava, the tW stat -ena" vluia Dteciv R &ot l opretOd Cabinet .oUkli sre Malise pfesent. shori t!>t oul' t theCOUP l'hoiempe-rbis pleoed the Shila unhiai;:tuj% pl" a'.lcc pelaca ai lbe idiapofeAdnmaiNeel At te Iëbîtlle of eoimsad bis Party'. have ~ ~ a beei b> le d Th cal>'to-dr.Y is atmla fUod ivith bavd espt en ae bsthIe laCIA U ri"lsb saora and marica, ensued ia peranu und vealyar Juvtl aight oeing. A' p:p..... u wSiboa lin fo i a etb ca as dilii- PtaW Ye.teydtrs pt'mm. e e ath genti>' 1tm" edup the adcs»ýLL7 ada 1 Joie, gams, etc., vas repeattly now ready io *avt1- I Tho t tor! of *tho 1nC.âIi»p.5&n"CONÇGREATIONÂAL JUMLE FIUD et McD ufC, esnbeauent. triai. eboiotiOD, i and decth ..utatee 2ja- aee .MaOul>' *06,000 la Nov Rquirel to pmn.td reprieveanI fhfl uonatrine b ms «r .aaarnaan&du »C.; . i ey -~ T<ie~to d ba: The Torente Dis- Stý ofe Ie ure. trct Coiigregationsi As4okot o t On the nigbt o et tjc naro, Wi10son1 1"t 4Utoui the le"su.-e roim efZion Reiesn, -Au ol4 kadclor ef 70 yevs4, Cuuqregt1m&! curb. repartes!te have hoarded messis -. 1eV. .w 'w,,l.peeFn ofi o! oney,,vas Mttace*$biélot Ib>',t ite ffel a, b.hs aM himn 21se priucî.p&speakers vere ai& tRima' ibt bimney tRiO> risfihé Roy.,J$LU «s of i, etEamilt.; R11e thie but aid secured sui:tus , RgI l' %W>, tb4nri.Obimne soo dîe lubisbun, iiMi<thur tia em.a, abilas fund, and Rà v. J. B. lu a -bush ef 100'ýaerea WNbleý 4 1"" O.fl. t&tewd1sg tfut eninuaowilis kAtter the depature 'of timrue T rOa e h eo u.vasti, t t- -er"o eravled - e&ý$cb ' ' ' -bê uaIu * atd b> rie go TRoas Mara-isa e*à b.3m0 Vards L tlariloh.là mw1 ,te osti- distant, gaspingi> toRd tbis £i.>t7, sudbus. lopet tisI. .Ithivt debt on t. expire& C@argthnlazr=ie oread , e An. inymitigautioWvanlnmttod ihRi o*» $ tbe resu;t tRial Uçifg u«va cuma of et b.O^ub4sQuse"uaaIt *8, tbe mxurder . ,udTqdd <>44k sud Beni. sn*1W ttI', a bauM=d.l ofu, u cuthi Ixel eubas t, el 1Oq rleader, mysteriqtsl sre.It wu .ke u at IiIs iývoern.e *a tes la, à t&iitour littii N e w t er R s d a ,l f1O c s ' ' a m , o l o t u t s d i . p h o t o - ~ ~ "'--~ t raphs eft4lb elurgiesa&pitst .f Quiek And* OaiIC u f ected t ict . Iatbom 440 eue aa Itial RefOore e Justice lRose la B">cloalazg seteb i!beeiId'd~ tombr, autRe lot* Mr. JuatietLouaI conregatienal Chure llu canada _On ri for tb4Croviland the zuaDu.l l b erte e sas MD M.4ser deteuadlig Quick. Tne evi.- ?yIbiS Ide»" iee asO! icamtntabut ver>'______ 1oolwltknehlc"atr. audwoutte ,bov tRiat the. deed vas done b>' MfDff,' LUFT-8»! T IECE *bii.qu4k - - 4laRi lgRt otau, meiMaRbon, vbo, lvas zaies' . naaonh eev. 1I..6tb'be tb#oatïpa Tii. ýJUIry, lho"ver, diaregarding the' >Xw York. OctÃL Mu*& ~.a dirctions,.et thi e uIleocm1,sdyse<a i.bl'e 1on tRi. evidm"se, found Ke4mihon guul>'t .. etmlit y vitRi MO~Duft la te Qopa>,iuusofO 5W JT %déro amiLultw, QuicR, CRllanaiCtt w tumiiede ,the e . Thévet ofJudWgeB Ise sevidene- Ãœ ty5T1l sad z elevue liedîcal -0e!'ý .d 1 viso Reidlivcseul soutmeme t doa&t-lugkmf«o, ibuUs Tli" dtspolU -n M hon.t be ee uted 3 »e. 1tb;W, wMd reW 4 by . aitjoa_ Qofe i, i To be Used b>' Prince snd Prnce»' of Walets la 1[tlïl London, Oct. 16-Ri xpress pub- lisbes the followiug: A maguificcat trait fer tbgiuoe'of lb. 2Pýînce and Prin- ceaa et Wýaleas whue'travelling in India > ets been coustructed aet the LilleaRi works et the East Indian Railway Cona- pan>'. The most lntcresting carniages are the Lwo royal saloon carrnages, wliich are identical in arrangement' Each con-' *ius' a day and nigi ; partaient, a bathroom, a conapartment for a'persoual servant, aud a luggage roona. The in- ternal decorationeomnsisfet- Iighly> pfbe ood, the pane!. being etf figur- edSpauish mabegan>', bird'a oye zaple, sycmore rosewood and teak. No paint bas been usaI, and lthe naturil colorueto the different vooda have been carefually nouldlng, the royal arms appcaving on artistic green Axminister. Thie turniture et thie -Prine'. day apartmnent la upbolstered, lu dark greit auorecco, thie royal arme bclxag efnblaz- omed on tbc chair backs and in thal et t4rn Princesa pale gre>' tigured satin bas been used. The aigRt apmra inlubGth saloon& are equlppd 'wlth 'fu*aiture et pÃlisbed' ;eo 4 lý keeplsgwftb thie panels, LThe beaeda are et Cuban mabogauy, a n- lqld vitih bird'.eYe iaple and rosewood Mnouldlg lhe royal arms appearlng on dlamond slinped panels nt the hend and ýVINIO TALKED TOO NUCI. DAPtilft Clergyman ia England Zealous, B ut Net Discreet. Lenudon, c..R. A .J. vining, represenlativ of tthie laptist College at jirandon, urbo nas ber u inthe liattretta et Canian missions, endeaverlng -,te secîtro finaucial assistance for Cana. dian~apist vor i bai en .booked for a nvuber--of leotareg on Canada dur- ing th. cemng ctenn but in an ad- dress btte. the Bapuin Union on- mn- doy bo là reported au bavlng In,, cm- Phatie language descnibed thé action et thé Roman -Catholics as inu-ading tfie Canadian Nortiavest.. During lthe courseetflais remaarks la. mudtiat Sir Wllfid Laurier, in hi&' capacit>' et Premier, et Canaïda, vAS a traiter' andl a Jeait on accunt ef theo taver ho vas sbowing tRac- Roman Cathi-, olles. Mr. Preston, Rîavlng rnlied the reports-etf Rer. -Mr. Vinlng'a -speech as blIng correct, potitied bim that all:ar-. rangements madie wlth i Rm i e.-lectures bal beei cazeelled, urant tIls services could net 11e made au-ailablc for, Ibisà pur,- pose, b- b hedeartniittduriiîgtRie couling >'car. Mur w 18LuS 5 niL lhth'I. ofovlng froin, Kobea Aing thé. Russian retugees fren' 6agbslien ttuiparaly 'qusrel IuM'%êb. à 'imau to att m- bitI 1