~.) ~ tt~ ~ de p Inted. fot Vi- tbew the. hurt, e by et Test proo- 1f. ît"elf ' brinti duil the end o, -tbey hatI m1s lr t .b6fals Ur, iidéd, bave j, andi that the a.bCV0 bhe purp0e The sanWi 'ontpepê ten4Od, tO ln il 1 good arg hIe develop fandt 1, i4ld 'thé -et otf turn-, Ig IIim n ba. lit 111P -auJ rie- wlthqC' got as mucli tioverej and he'~tr li andc rua.it avl Qha a! fect* - thlaMt he rlgbt. ttn jdeaff tholda hl 0 tVithout mo. WHITBY', r7 l C k ILWAY TiMB eTADLB. fta5 >M, Ip.. de. »t go Su miy " 1.40p. imd4A ribby foi (ishausa 10. sb..m&"4. 0«,lut plfrtot LMSf«i Rouacu 5110 LU,. 3. SuaIt, pio. MAMLSAIWN Wr..w. nd', 548 u. rouWM 8.48 s.u ~XAZIL CL. IL. y«ýbbbLuPM PROFESSORAL CARDS. PHYSICL4 SUREGEON ÀAND ACCOUJCHEUR. Otuuat ofUn.eilt1ofTorecto. aMd Lîcottat Tai TERIcaC,» BYmrOST. 'Ph ou* 4t., ______ MEAL Mlloter for the Western 1Ba.k, Notr uIe *te- 'Monoe 1 Lu. Office soit=Wo l fc Dow oGllIlvray PÀtan.ut, olittor%. @e. Monoe LOUE. 10 It PestOffice, Whitby. Ont. 1I2WB.A.ý T. A. M.%cGILLIVBAY, LL B. Jaune.RutIluef Eanlsoi, Rc.inney ta Loan on esU8 Terni. 09.mx.ltuly month of Royal BotI, Whitby,1 9o , E.Ferowelig K.oq, Barziatew, County Crown Attorney, and Oounly 8oWMitor. Offie-South wing ,of Court Bouse. Whitbv. DENTAL ýW. Adae SOUTIR ONTARIO FARMERS INU. 4TITUTE. The 'Sout-h Ontario FarmersO lu. StItuto meetiogi at WftItby ou 8at.- urtiay were of nmore thu uai a-ý térest. Two mont à ucee.ful farun- ors Save valut*tie atdreme's at the, à ftou-oon a.nd evenlng wmeetilngg. At nilght the. Woman'u Insti tlte jolnet bande, Yiuuu (Gras living s practical dorneatn eonçmy demonutratlon In the ai ternooce, andi au atire«sat night. Refreuhmuentu wr. sor'ot at isix o'clock ln the.counel è6hamber, to whieh aou -ini at.tUsanoe were lnvltmd. Th#» Couoty Ct>uncli were lnvited, and wtre prebent ain a body, Warden Henry fornialiy expreiiseeg thanks for the supper of wIich tbey 1 partook. The Bacon Hog. Mfr. W. C. JShcarer ,a North Oxford dalry fariner, wrho baaw madie a maî-kcd guùcess wîtbmLhe bat-on hog, «pokue on tha i. iubject wth the mark of anthorily. There were Maur cf bis t; ;tt-.njee'tts, ewpocisaly aloag tho lineso ot urueding hogç, whlcb It would have beî. weit hati cvery? farier In 'South Ontario, wbo lu le- terested in the' ladwi'ry o! hog rabs-, lng, bref.n prei;ent -andi nadie a care- lui note of for future refettoce. "Tbe bacon bog," sald M3r. Shearer, "l10 tihe chie! (opic that le being d1peuageed at F.irmerir Inoeiltu te nmeings- just now.il have been on a tour o! meetin gè covcrlng Prince Edward, ' the Feterboros. Northuam-. L'.rlands. a.nd Southi Ontario. and everyihere thïi; aw t1îre stbject ln whlch !arîn'rb ar'e ut u terested. lEverywhere, <ce, I find 'prodcers i say they duà not Intendto r increas tbelr output until they are better satis! led as -40 the uutlook. If packers want to regain the con. fiýdeucç cf protiace r, tht» wil haire 40t dbcrlilprate la prices bêtween different qlî>t!êt o! bopu offereti, anti they wciald Èf'Wd t euh - more. repre.eîitaLi.'a ut prutincera ro tîito Uiinie, witb a îlew cf agmi.lng CHURCU DIRECTORY. - uton uut unv eatmrar.îery prbceé- - -.- ~'-'rU ntîltbI th4le du4ê 1 g to noi:-beII.î'ý Prubytorian Churoh. tbey wîl regauie:eCOnfitdence tlaeyI PA8T1I.1tEV JON ABIAIAM. have lort." M.bbatb ervca-ii a. md 7 1. nm. Munday ('ost fiProducîng Hogu. -nThursday evoing et 9o'clock. ltecus fhz enrs - - ierrer deaIt withtbte costt cf pro.- Uethodist TabersaU*e jducIng bog%. "No (armer," ho. nid,- UEV. 7). O. CtOSSLEY, PABTOL "shea Id un.e to feeti cItiehogi 5.bbtbirv %. M. a0U n id 7P . . ftn-or bee! catile fur markiet until ,i» ay 5kboot st .I49p. m..Prayer Meetlngon Thon a amtgru.h nh- rm» for ttrU'1uY Ot4gor tcsitlnitg' thco*ot Ail aut' Ohuroh, Angloan ] of production I1 icci regniari>' b>' as<~oh-.uvv A. . I'VGR. wlghlngr, n a-etaire hog ln a butiob ITMM t S«Ve.h g sevn Moi1nl nd 1fPrd .t1 oemk »vcunryer. 7oalock. 8mdy 1î i~eiwLi'.at Adta'l M a p,. Wdn..dy v.uugn-PimQrmdset. wbnter Ivmt' m ne 40 tO 5C per lb., ta per$:. I lwa.ya I;eep nu. L .*n'.ohuu'ohAnsIIOShs. der1the 5eZ ark.A uéshabor 'of, >i~.U. ~ UBPWWDWT NCIAE4E mine, whau Iironed off - $,W worth R&b#MIêh Swsa-, i . n 74m. Matunday SoJ"iiols p. a. Mldwe.k or, 'Wummday0fheg a« it&r, st oe eof oe.r mdJ1.U. ' __________I ct' n.mttute uietÃnas iee Sa" m,, Batlet Ohuu'oh. ia~.. w7W U1Ift~flMl. STUDEIiT PAKfOIl. mis, U.O. msWo~MALI4T. h Lu. aRtummtshy. f -~ - lui*seoGni thou Mot et ont wCek'# t<e4wu 01fl#i heýgo. %lie had about CG Ib la i.Peu. at the' time, wcon h fom I31W4bs sbwithat t> coulo e igafe mmd b'the"r bog ea u O ht or pautmo-e ona 4rlu«O r. ekser was abk tu' do Ith i*i oi ttmoeu' ~it 1*: ju a qa>er1lo1> ifl Igul so&4 ff ed u1,. adtiva.nc-; 'thua tlo tîe e lx<i p'is'..nà uwng aplit ts*fae jê tura> lt,",ito 1&mm4 'i âirrowé, et,ý the -grain. -£eo If the> bartey- t4f en#' litie erflert tbu a O * the M f iawll heM I1, ttir uj w rü km* ocf hë&&e. The p*ôduet of!- thé crop la ground tage*her, q.nd I[[lu It makes exeiltrat fced.. This' mixà d with pqlitd Tellow lutermidls* mangels wil )ptotiea f1rst-cluswra4, tion for boas;. Car. of 80w andi Llttk ?P. In the ccux e of bisaddreua1r EMberer <Rosit wltb the liantillojg- bog'!. "oWhen, bc ual4de"- -w, 9 aibout to farrow it wlià pay the. o wm9,ý 'or to at aop 0&t uîght for the.pu poit>C, f talng Caro of lierý. litie pic aieItLu iomes frôein 4' mothe" uhoulti ho tpken ui«#by. bý eau' sud droppedloto a dybe aind -fept witu and dry. .If plelcii e4 up by the en' it wvlll mot o.uWI ne it wilJ f ifRt td by the let. W.ý PIov~ide -% bbeltcr bezicath a bar4ý temporarily plaedti u the, peu, uêo Iliat the Mlle1.felhomq cp naziIn l' there the firqt waek or no, and a.volê: the danger of beinc cmoufheti >ytIi. mothe- lylug duwiî upon thei. ronalder every little pig Icet as " $2 bIll burneti ulp.'Af ber It'et tbem throuch héb Irst week ail -rIlit't" thtre loi, littie feur of loue. Mr beut. rucews baha alwayR been wIth .plgor iakicti tor ten weel;m; at tue nd of this period 1 shut t>am, eut trgwn the> nother for baif a dajy, thesn 'let them have an driink. The. imaîttlim- 1 shut thora off fer a %vbùle 0êai wlthou.t Putklng, andti ti n lea4yo -thein for two days atvay froin ý4ý daru, aftpr' whrcXt ýtiy are'- gl'ýn their last drin1k. , ý4way -flut no tro4ble la wcehWand * danger f rônite euhlever. 1 utare thet dam for', theo fritday a.fter f*W. rowing,nod do net 1btI-Ug hem 'te rut) feced for a' weOi, glu s electing a Il tt1 fgor bree- Ing piurixowes@I1 lwayr1, beu sîokled en th it ei'ttea4o~ .e~hy do 1 dû 1his 7 o~*, the> tuttonger and mure, vg of e thie lîit. p!g% aowayu nfiits lor anti etp f1rot plaee ut the tio.i'mbreat.' lit yspt2akint of bic ltiaI, 1r Sti.artr c.ai ha.t bis peu -bitsdce. nient floof", but thcaÉ ievi~re bhia 4-ineh '<ope-lu 12.feet te A,- gutter, and ti t>floor* art alwayq drxy. Tbo-are eight pw-mtlut a ahae4 40 foet lu length, anti Rn 'front cf- eaoh peu, there lbu a largecv.,ntiow, al-lb wIndows upa149 . OIII.1W $un 10.lning, evý& -n, uwlnter> tbe Peu çafà warm aii 5 tchenf-aad bcSd tUi net fruo e ltAt 4at u> tie. A Pg *litnaturailt' a ee tênmma. Bt>crepnting t luêht %tg tdrolipluge, and t Lw'M IavOe -t dreppiti.. lucre cvr.? titue."e Dangr cfLasin; Our IIlaSql Britain. Who bastaon ctowa.y uearetr 41a1'iU#part -of tht 1attes: tourla r4=04varoewitfr ,ti.Mme a ý a- Ëa «D i of oI-telrnlatl* fr bJnl. viecd the ié , of Wîde>ba eltrur4 octbst icpontlg wnMid ý deptb ofaotthe uhs $k~W; a.o *i~d, here the wffld 4nLo * Otberwuie kliled -out,.toi * tIi. longtu AnPermanent pasture sud1 turn ln .heep. Auiôhr dlectve maa«)f exter- î ulILyatlen An, a dry meon, up to ~b@it !* idtdiecOf JulYi', anti then ~lgwlth reape l0 drille to be t. ,ý r:W a4.t"Urec Off bjr sh.ep. It a-posuiblê,toon by torough1y -cul-. ,tl%*atLng a hc.e crop, Ma, adry oa 'ion bsob 'as we ave,1Inui to have býhis >'muf, to &cet ria et0f the, wee«. mSu'otkn tu <e't.oy thisý or ~dbrWeede 1% the -vry botmtnaon ,Puttlg 1Our' laWlWmto condition PrOdn'eo CiroPS, An oid4lashion. summr fthe s, ultlr, te4 thor- 'ttat thicend fthef yearý two ,#!am1red and i tie tuneor water orp thon w1is be contalried ln one pOppoI with grain croc at th'é end Of tbo iérecunti heasoo a ter one>i crop fIiq blxeen tairem off, a tunuamerW faliowci- fit id, wlii show about 170 tons@ MOre-water than one > croplîsti tv 90*1on f -ln aueccà ,açjon Thet>a- ter froi thè ,.oil, aind aloo put*,. the~ ýeoù,rtn' the be6V t poWblo ooü'dltlon ____ 40 po go toi-svr Othe saine re.. .mls4,rega.rd:to conuervatîoa o! motu reea~n. In' azcagure. héo oh tla4fo laeOo~, The tigse and fli t Confii P<Otbe tt reaý,uier cfi. tuî Ietiél ,mentthLe uîaaual sss~ou W*2~i. ufor f t>mViv usnths M. C. LAWL Phone 470 Alsike, OloverTloty buyers of *il kinc% of Seeds, either olotnedc lua>l..We, bave the beet elseaning-muiile mai tory, or al eUUwpmEoot ilConeo»eotlon witl tbei. yaigade, andi th.4 surchalu. 'ri C~erkw-mi lnetruetedti tewrite the~ Stark TeAop1b>ne Co.in luaply to tholeo etter etf-Joue Euh hast, lu- termaiigthetuI îA~t tii'Connel, 4 1110 grauîtedtihta eu 'rTpboo. CoM a. fhl 'e er franchIise,, bomr Cethe prçsent Counseil wae nett In a peti. tA40M te deal wlth ubi,+ newp&nxý The Band. w«, guantd the - use of the muM aull fur tomtheir ccoeart M" The tfire snd l>gbt ,u 1.. aathovisft to adrartfce for tendons for '.itreet waterinrtg tor 'tt* ýWATCH- TRIS- SPACE NEXT WEEK- u 4 w -ift -T