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Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 1

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~1 t 4 1o oe" >inso".t . Mcî te oowi 1l mexuLlU Illy appré.. ber« of t th- ep. chormq 00,1 ; dlii- Solo. "The *.kolo, Mime s ýNMsrgarct' r Anxiliary. lul repaut tbe -ijvent t(ciidentý9 roi' (,,Illi - Lput -ilfCeUnwafltO %ehk'h Ae -by 'lier 4ae- 4%. . M. i 1 1 l s i ~ ~ lg L L - ý(l 1100,)~ Ci)ili Ly fir ils firtîe'r, an adnni- lie t, e.e l $~j7.50 :r$7, sand s A WHIEYONTAR1O9 THUY MEILWAYTIMB TAUL& Pno m Ss w. LU p.y est f~tm eUat &une p 4w si.M. Lu , Y.liUp.m, F ** "14 PMU. W" Sa' .» , amv.WI h, w W. 0". &M P.M. PFM AlCLOSE. ore Rlaisun PRYSICIU SURGEON AND Ium* tUmlvevmfty et Tesete. SMdL.eUS *5.g«a14oDq. et PbyMdwcia, EdIabg. ~T»u Tmaàcu," Bvamow i edw er145unib.Wesl.em ,Notev Publie. ye emvt. Lm on" sU. e"t lMst OM IaIds. ffiitmw. cli. 4MoLm s. eepAe m oe ffie, Wbliw. 084. B.E Ol. T . VA, LL B. Ealaei Ui.Mocyleon w 0m sur 7,55. t.su.diaueti .otb eflBorad Hotel, Whitby, John LFSUSalmlp ne c'apd B&rrister, County Crown Attorney,an Cuaiy Solicitor. Offie-South wing et Court Houme, Whitbv. DENTAL Deuie. fict<vr .. ergneona. TGIA I.*C...NO. 4, The TeffAc, ByMOa M%, Whtbl- open B8aurda7 evening. CHURCU DIREC1'ORY. 1. 0-E. OMAE1AAM.- P3An5iTVIO.il a. u. "W 7 P. m- una .t,.-. bgorab c: w tserve. DO. RO8iYPASOR gsbbil Srvlcs~ 7.80 .. i. et p u.Sa eOlt a W= , eIi* j EuVt P. A . uO Te. .8 M 0" U el.amp5.Suk a 1y thei in- t lig o p. laind, humr, i butan 1. urmnng. mie I. m.1 r 11- b 'ICEToe (I-rylî19013, In îlrmer. îatnieVn tiof 1, farmerfo uit ie Winthue af. wreof ne- un or hi- LloydUf~eCG. oron M~eunOtUTTU0o n - onkWtr agu tii. lest Issmeof vour valuable paper 1 nuld ilb the repfot owWD oS- cil pyuedlmgs erat i mskang statemnentu, wbtcb1 wlsb to cor. Cognclllor A.. M. Ros cbages-me with tate clmmacle llabtheva> wPilcb cempefl thlie town t ba a uw and vvon expezalve, atreot sprlnblST. 1I Liu>th1e Charge. Tue.. dore bavebienlut for thbppast fit tfl eye r Wmortest tw teta bave boss vitMM'ddurlnthat time, *id 111e towa wus Dot oompeleq to b«> a »weq1apmblr eftier. ?bq tinàt M»n to valtrstreeti. lu Wbltby vas Mr. )ie*oban, and ho furohbusi bis owja cart, vblch wMMa Ici t vheelo mae bornc cart. Ifr. L. Sébl-ýI' mas lihe neit ma; ho buught a nov four wheelei aprincler tra ou.3e. Cralg, of .Oshawa. Mr. J. T. McGeary came next; houed the Sebert sprinkler. 1 vas the. noxi one to aprlankle the itrees, and 1 made a nov oue is uit. lar toi the. ebert iprînkier. 1Mr. Cotte>' then gdt the eoutract, and 1 but hlm a strort spriuàkier out o! a wagon hhad aut ltItme;6,thon tii. vork roturuci to My bands, sud I bave perforrned It outIl tus yeur. Why CounolloR osaushimiud make the above msleadina statemamt -I leuve that for bîmatif to expliutr Conuilîlor Mltcbel* also sasi the dd carl was pLayed ou t. I take ex. ceptlon to that un the groomS, that an expendlture etlus tbian4men Iol- lare woalimaIe t ail r4ghagate. a@ also raye loal ballions could not hi' expected ho manufactureacb a cart as< they rrciposed to purchae. Local buliders saved thetilova $70 o;r $M0 on a hose ree) as per A. W. jscksO'nn u ltoment. Alun> local buder. have bulit lu the towni far more expipmvf veblcics than atreet sprinkler@. CSnlilîlor Mtehell's lad of Judgnment c3izbc4 unite sa>' whst h. dli. Councillor A. W. Jacknon sai that certain rentriticiêu hua been lm- lmposod, That le 0uC of the reasoUS wtty I -cotItid ho %aabmit a tender for this year's trPi'l waterlng. The. fo.] lowlng arc the e 1C cndtions of 0on- tract for oitreet waterlngt for thlbs year. Judge foW yoursel- lut. mQprnklisig of atreets tecoin- mepee whcn the. Chaizinan Of! Flue aid Water orders. 2nd. Carlt tsLgart co*ratiouiî not laler ttiin 7f .4-. Srd. T"i. soeosutailteutierer mueit furstlsh suret>' for thec omaPletion Of 4th, in t h'e rent e!t the vork not being satisfaaitow3 t4ithe. tire and .watei' commit tee, tthe- cl"trsu, tc. ter due malIec tÛ Ure soutractor. shail huve the potwer tu fifl otmac snom sumo as h- u> ito.le Igthe tilatm re e itr*iW IvO kq t o isrt POU40 80shAt' Il#thsiI u ball cor £*0000I5S9lor a . .W.' Evans, pumpuaker,.lead- or of the 84-th ReSimentaf Ban9ý ob<or master. of the Baptistt âebh, and ani ail rounnd god elluwi 49d a par- r>w euape from denl.h b> gtupoison- Ing et ?ueaday orening of ti. we k lfr. Evans uns a gasolane te l bis pump shop, andi d pier..to avoI4 scarig torses eaterini t thé Ya&s the. Ror4lJMotel bg L. the INI troi» the englue, ho turaed tis e-,X. baut Pipe dowD oeilar,or ratber 11 meath tbe fluor of bis workt»Op, wbero tiier. was ouly a foot oir .6 f spaoe betwoen the ground auI tipi, f lSi, aununotloedthie gai workeil up throeugbLthe floor. Ont Sa'Ur 0( lagt weeb 1Mr. Evans bad been rüb- ning hls englue, aniBda n o ou.ý day, aud ea~cb cveangliho reacbQd, boum sick and unable to eat bis sut'- per. on 4Tuesa-y 1b6 ran bis ongin for mogne hours, sand whmn hé retuka. ed bomne wias la an almnoot eollaP*sfln* condition. on enftcring bis bOUoi* ttw fumes f roiva coti il h sLve ut- W~ted hlin so muth t1hit he gasped for breathanud ,ftuggered outaldo agalli, and a littie later becoiff un- .confciouiq for à few moments, and hbaa to vbe iqtrred ià. A4 oco was ut once etflAlaI, and the flaut tg are Mr. Evant,' lite begiQ-, O nearly gosie.was ho that lt vas w1th the3 atmos.t difficulty that be cli get -brun th-hls lnibs ec-ilue Iîwmb. bis slght and barlng lailed, and- his puise vas camont îndsiig'lsh- able. For sorne boersm the strugglo to% throw off Lh Poion contnu0d, whlle ever>'!effor2t W.18»iMadeto as- it respiration and stîmulate the flagglng heurt. Finailly, the danger point was paat, and 1Mr. Erauas restedl falrly weil for the remainder of the nlght, and la now alinost recovered.' But it "was a,,Cloibc bhave. on 8ondai mtl'rntlg, Mr. Chau.. Letherdu le, nigbt O'erator lIn thle telephone oîflie was, uyercome by en- capiug gas f rom the mloustove In the off ice. He' found bi4 way to a d*Stor*@. whvre bu was sgircn treat- ruent, andi tben bac -etarnt>d to thfe orftim iut later tva.so .0 ek -Utaï he -.had to go ho lits lotel, where ho was ln a rer>' bai condion £or somne ime, being delirlous at Inter- vole during tihe day. H1e 3A 50w alý mot hiimiîf unai1n. W. C».. Uteiary Socle"v 'nhe Llterary Socety meot In thei .tseu&bWyliait on Friij atternoon. Fe.28t4, und anlaîrlti id Aonce ltstettei ho a wel-ehoutii proi. gramMe rendered bS the boyso OfUth - The flrsst aumber on the i rogranu KSWê 0F BREAKFAST YOODS Jamb. Or~~e M~k 2k wOT5CET ~ EMU ~o, P lai nr-~ BIAINS Ib~hus~~L.a..m& 711ese oponsare good onu when pmted at store of A. T. Lawler1 Whltby.1 A.T. LAWL -Ie Owownersaa bre living h> rýeturva tcé, bard auni stei"dy but- L aont1 cf,'ronto six or elgiat mlelu n y m i ion . a m i o a ili i fin i t iree, Sdtea-acro lotoi thsa: nru up. 'teownere of thon lotst aere ne M08te q b. eli Off. blnite îodtivat.&a. Do better than tbuât of t4~ buudrei.acn "fa-rai Lty'maless av>'ebt berel>' lieds aud clotes Wl~ ho lire upon ýt. la Itlûo evin.thielethbut w, have uot beËltuueme tebutune of the laig thut vm, posesame obami dibe0? It- Iqppoars te b. mouti>' -a 4tmUtîeauoft ttng to u!arket. The Iitiwb culîlvalos ten mces ton mnl>s ava>' bas nothtas le do with tIitriasport*tlon probleinliaI #cefouidsihebman wbvitu a buni- dWr t«« ceuoe humidred umile.away. Mawith tlh.*eu..ert faFan at- tends ô he b.tapioetatioa of l#i O*ri riroducts. fi» ows Dnothttgt et freiglit îrtes on- nallwaYs. car .11*tage, aIX0szhlar difflcalttes, The josithat pies- bis lac4 baul b"s eria » 0 aaarket, aïd hb. litas fou mldpebl vesu »wmobis aces - and t*hwbo 00e000te -ptoduot of bits ftnrovu.If Rt ne ho h.e esalsa atrad* direct vith cOu.. sumer% amideliver rot und ee telies et their doort. Mueu bang bims prooS treuIl hothe. table, vblcn the mae en. huadred M140 a ae>'can- net do, and the lttez ýLa ooupelaid ic grow bay and cati, poeu uad 1e rIe>', acreon o e, knoving tluet the"e lu -mghty utIle protit luin t And jet vbm'*l!tty lles-l vbat'a s hunited mls-Dtb ý4 tbth any snob ilatc. abMld b. a ope-- beia -bat-r u 0 g trest t sud vglabi« e- a s otv mrb"et In condition te maIt lte ouuara u&t a cesl ut carriage tuaI wllMaie st Proftabb tt tee «mrt lah ér mot' a Cotemptqm iiS seglof oop- 14*ebalty os"Ime>pait @ù!sous. the wiffe lbbteemilt.îns fto t» te tei demana olieU ItM~tls4-IM Irni ofevr tiu.. Wz ; pTý s c s 4 a s 4 z s z .4 z E' Dring It te mi" ilote, mat - Orange Mmml for2~ Phone 47 W. bave the, foUolng Varietios,.-- Greon Mamrws. Forly Fold, ad mony othurs, traw 2* W fSoeuàr ylour ednowu. Âmerican Yellow Corn for F.di a u.'l otl. ~ulokly aad ary. Our-" r. w ite udblueî4ly iouo t that rc, RUMMMffl9w

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