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Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 2

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T ~IIRDERHOCi. k 1» I ~ he Man Who Married Wives Makes La Remarkable.Career of TI and-Wife Murdei A Chicago despate: John Roch, vii. was ta he executed at noon, slept veli &Il nigbt and vhee lho awoko tisis maris- seg vas apparently Wn eheerul mood. Ro talked ta, Guard Jas. Oumuslng who as. 'la the. room, with hlm, and wisiied hlm "1good mareing." Cumminga immediste- ly summoned Jailor O'Neil, wis6 came ut once to the rooni au& mid: "Good ing V$ *"I fee f ine,"sa-id focii. 4I had a good night and was not dis- tunbed. I aie feeling fine." locli then gave bis order for breakfast, and while waiting its arrivai was given several [papers ta rend. "Look here, 0'Neil," ho cilled out. "See whït one of tiie pap- ers saya about mue." He then rend ta IONel Uthe article wvhicii said that he had igiven up.ail hope and was in a state of colla pse. "That thiùg asyi that I h ave lost hoii," reliirked Iovh, "but I have note 1 wiii keep niy neri'. to the' last%»" Tiie att-orncys for Hlocl were about early to-day seeking to prevent the. exeeution by legal meas. The f irt thing attempt- ed was to secure a writ of supersedeas f rom Justice of the Supreme Court. The justice re! nsd to grant it. -A Short Respite, tie a pttion vafilc Aetho fexUue tna e Ciuit byHei'la tmUnistsed ingte fer oeai IntHerves tternsurek ing or Tipetiiretion adth tto ave lUe. Te. endcav.riig tbe Seut Mac Mein r vilain o!tie «to reect l mnt e! titi. ontt urte udvti&me mroes o! l Stav. ouad ih« u Atr fiinm 01 peitem ti.ateroy vet tetise Y.deral biing thetor-y ly, t Ite ssit ui sldngta p ta tis ly lntnlcour t %bulV dto tvy t e t a atayi our.ction pudinag stio Mt Fadsi ourmt. eè ctab h Atea acreltso . lgi~pI~I Jsuales Wbftiaau a»n eneed that h e cîtia» vould b. e iabe4 uutill appllatoa passod upoc, hy sme jage laum tiier- ai louet te dOlay tbe eaxffltlif jeoessary subil Spnie Isat bOw' msmella tise .om. susteuce proVîdiq . for thebal"mon -~,. German Le gation Ha, Doublcd ts Sentries on Account of Ant1-Foreign Placards. Chinese*Boycott u" r*jÇlt .Cin ~e rtU. .,Philippine andAItrIige LmotIr4u eb. 26-The correspêndeBtit 'ejas Jnsqr cfor. pVqrjl »a , at tkeTuuhune st Pekin aya t _kte t q< , 4»J. g nervous over the posîbUty:dtrouble I a ped «u Fe.24.IThe Prealdent of thO Chlueea iign, ,nd' ns ptbIjh Y'aOige Board appreelates the b1billlty lemltOusdunt:S V of lm I Thé yhineuerieeog. e M.eertan 4aéso ut a ant-dynstierisïg. ti. G rma ood terms with ail foreigners, -and ba legation tonlbt douibled its sebtries on no hostile feelings towardtheêm. ý .icount Ml the poating of snti.forcigÙ Chines. merchanta have the best iféi Flacards le Tien-Tain. iwrd oren »erehaut&' The nmajorit CRIMEEBOYCOTtr. f4n oai g;e1liI~tbi interlor, Iwho writ- they r el4ete p»T ag sg xplaina the *by aCd with. no aigus ! aa16 1 gamu -,m the. Whoreforeof !IL. Therumors of autiforei$ Ji$T Pekin, Féb. 20.-Wu Ting 'Flpng, for- miot weil founded. Sensible inen advis mer Chiineme Minster to the. United boycottera and agitators t. b. reason, Mtates, when lnterviewed for the firet aile, and only to bpyctt gooda, aIN4 tie to-day on the eisting situation le not to treat persans unkindlY, but t4 China, spoke In suppore !h oyot res nt .bfr Wu Ting Fang is nov living qcuietlyin e k4D4.Ydlaturbkeet u Mrral4ml Pékin, devoting bis turne to oodifying th are eow ariigfo te byct, u Java o! China, anu O! -tii numerous re- there in no sigpa of an otra giI *.drm hurlerai v. Rneakinir of the r- forcigeera. S @ont conditions, Wu TUi Flnqaid:- "China la at a criais sud in pa3ssng %throush a transition stage. Her atateïn méïfaniad people Leed that China needa re- *frm, but tiiere are great diferencea o! ,opinion regarding tue meano. T>rs 'are 4Mveral lasses o! reforma. Tiiere -are thomo wbo apeak foreign languages and -obô hava been abroad, aud vho have had u7plnces on both aides of the. question. 'They favor sensible snd use! .1 re- #rma, but net too radical ao as ta uiake China lirat able ta stand upon her owa 'feet. Tii. number o! these sensible r.- formera are fcw. I amn on.etf iion. ~I'e rullng classe.s alIu nov that smre- 4hlng ebould be dans, but they are nt 'heu vwits' end ta kuow who:t-to do. The. 1*Ird cla&* la compoaed of young studenti. wbo are too rash. Thcy need training OLnd experience. Finaneial reforma hauld 1é' carrled out ln theê fit place, but vithout forsigu adrîe and capital iL 'would b. impoaauiblp to do no undçr pre- sent conditions. «I vas worklng out a meeme, whlch #te héabandoned hecause it vas ne-' ceesary ta euhl on f orçign advice. The. novw coinage la a stop.gap. On@ twing 'upen whieh the majorlty o! Chinesa are ge0eed i. that China bas been deprived o! imany rights by concessions and ter- ritorial grants, sud by the. way ber peo- ple have been treated by foreignera lu China anu*d foreign countiries. Msny Chie. eae wbo bave gone abrosad to Arnerica, Australia and tbe Philippines write home complaini[ig o! arbitrary discriminations inade againat the Chinese, wbich dare net hé attempted agactý other foreige- ATTEM PIED.MU RUe. -PARMER SHOT TRIÇE NY A MAN - PICKED UP ON ROAD. 'Io Hîighwaymae Made a Cowardly At- tack Prom Beilnd the, Victi-Jats. Morrîsou'8 Exciting Adntiuie am thse - Bay Shore Road, Near Oweu SOU»d -Did Rqot Lsow Wboro Siiots Came Prom. Owen Sound despatchi: Tii. Eut Bay Shur" road, cîse of ltise prettiest drives ln aummner and tuie mot blemk suid unin- vlting liniinter, rien. tho uerth vin4s sveep la- from the Georgiail Bay, sup- ies a senisationi to-dti that la startilig ite details anilw ii ssiigiit ecully bave been a murder. 'Yestemdiay James Mernison, a.-Wei knowvn -fumer oi con- oemalon A, sydenhaîn, drore ta taire wtth la ioad of hogp. ils left Loy» for tisa home about 6 o'clock. IVien about tismee mailes do'wc the shone a young man visa 'wao valklng aiong the oad vas ijsrlted ta get lu and fbave a ride. Thse yaung !ellcow clkubed ln behicd tiie seat, aud 'Whou IL vas auggested tbat be get orez sud <t with Èii, driver lie said he vas quitçà comlfortable. iiessng the village o! Lèithi, Morrison reaclsod'Lii. gats of a -neWhlbor zsamcd V.Itch, sud ber. tiie report of a mot rang eut aud s. buliet atruek Mornisan a glaaclng hiow lnthe. baek o! the hesd. 'hoe course of tii. bullet vas uprard, à"d after inflicticg. a scalp 'round It Csed tbmugh tii. top of b14 bat. I*ur- g rudtomard Lb. young follow, i MTorrso ad w visa as ebootiug, andi -th pl as Usat IL Must be-tamean tbe 4wâ. scarcely hall the r- apsed vheu suother bullat atrm XéMeon t the brkige o! tibe nase,, pas- b«rthrughtiie ye,'and, vithout poe. ,11tM%0 » eanf . . 3 flom 1d a t lm - i.osçio anes , & d rd u*bot ~&Mtrs ly 11.tns.melqrmnsn. iaIr.e %l sté, and -Inhl*iedaied, omutldU, tlsluk-, Ir gthsat t hoe iootig f oho ISqOiC0iiono-tue roade, toit ttse yauq 46lwto-et ouf and go over toa aai ibor'a hou»an udz1011*5 lute e gsi Coula rýot Save Ber Subiecta FromD niPaoTeVb 24:-GeneTal WiI- lialns Shmfter, who comînanded the Un-, it4d Status arm in Cuba during the. Spanioh-Âmerieaifl War, paSsed-thoUÇILI here yesterday en route f rom aà hunt rni Mex100 to bis Caifornia h oule. Discuss-ý in tISCine.. situation and theosi- bifitieé o! Interveiniofl by the ljnktesd. Stat-es he aaid: "If there was an upris- aulficeezt forces in Lii f ield to make a Phili ppn but t bey would inot b . avail- ablef or a clmsh, with the Chines.- The~ danger, if there is any i. to the Ameri-1 cana sltucted far tnand. If they were,- attaoed it wouid hé all over before the United States couid get troopu to thé' Io far as.tiie naval forces are con- oerued It le différent. The. navy li wdl .quipped. At Manils aIong. the eoast. of Japau and. Chinsan ait otheV conveguezt points în the Orient, the United States basahips whLich oeuid be brought to hear on~ Cbhi* ad eaough to meet ail pot. sille née&d." "Do you belicre that China has a grie?- ac. againat the United States," tiie Gen- eral was asked. "Grievances? Of courpe she bas," ho dee'lared. "For years the Chines. bave heen subjeted ta eveUy possible indig- nlty by our officiais.- I bas beau scand- abous, Theodore RboseVelt, recognizes it and bas issued Instructions whàc ought to hrieg about morne improveniènt.", clear. 7%Teélleacinnot. <rom the cont- dition ef tue votie, et a description s! tiie mac tisat vili give them a vIns. County Crovu Attorney Armnstrong Isu ta.ken the. anatteir up. but tihe time tht clapeed before tiie information resthsd, tii. police autiiorities leaves IL difficuit to do anytbingf tovard locating the Dn.. Moio'a injuries viii nef prove fatal unlesa blossd paisouing sets lu. Hét wwl, isowever, lot. thi.e Mght of one eye. 1Io eyant bas- atlrred 'Up the wviolo nelghbonhaad, sud is the firat to have as- curred iu that section. CATILE EMDARGO. BML INTIRODUCED -FOR REMOVAZ OF "x 0Oq CAMÂDIAN BOVINE Second Readg Was Sei fer April Casla embrn Suppot :Measre-EIvery no"e Tu-t It Pâsm Rouse!tComumons., 1- E I I Loudou, Feb. 2.-A hi» vwas lntmoduc. ed An the fHouse of Commns t- aîing et the reniaera !tii. embargo on -tise importation o! Camsdiai cattie. nue second ruadlug vas iet for April etii. Tii.supporteraet!he ie ugSure las. cludel se«Mal Camadian aneuiber. Tue la e«Mryhope e! the. bll pasalu; Use Ile! fCaons, but it il eareu t-bat itwlbe deetlu ýtie Houe o! lu the soss etotLords to-di. liche o! DeymsUare -povoked -a1 ou thse tissai qise«stlin olai 'he anouceltut; ho 0shmb-s wouome t" In** atof tb.ir <b.mýê p"poai 1 *e th V ie4der. 'iaDuke a4ed Ibot usal» uol susIiat, but vouilnet, a-ý husdeahIWb*bW" wolvel IILII Former Frelga 8ecetsyluo toilaI thsa fsliey of Mr. iabtr Tard <bm bin tsaf6rms? CkS th I I Voua min- Sai4I to Hav e Been a Comparilon of the Dead and NoliSan Franeisco.,% ýwSth o! bondâybelogiUgtoUa@aIi Va - Xiso *daê ',Ma lt o.) I. years."K i.e iduywely hbis arreat wv it e6 emplsba.d.MotlY." oladme,F 2Zfx ari Cou4nor, wdio claiins t aovdni that bier brother, Janbu ona thy miner o!f rniao wainuder- e4a.189,0cIaimstiih tlwna h tineofAdadeatb vas bulIeed to have hdproperty vâlued -et betweeu *50,0 and 0l,000,O.V stlannvent 4O CUou foi'gold lÉ '14 anumde s fort=' à f- terwurda he "=a a aing opwa-tor NADA'S FRUIT. I~P~RPCOPLAIN OP APPL SIUPRIS. Lend psckets to-day U t&ï lcal dèteétiresbeev baI tbey bave ljocated-the murderer of John ed from Us e ity in Im8, t. tk&t t thshobdy M tau unknowu =anu waa fou.d 12oating la Stowe' Lae, sd waýutied aa pauper. A f ev moIýbtia aot -was disovered that the body f ouudln tiie lake wu. that of Stinson, and &s00 th&t hlm deposit box, witi a~ loçai trust eom- pany, vas empty, aithough itiLwas knowM.5 toë havecontaieed a large smfn ! iey and other valuahies at teiire o! its PortIana, Marne, With 'the neya that de- teetives have 'been ut wotklc erretig *ut tbe înystary je connection 'w!th,6tlswons death. iNow thé. news bas beertyesivcd thst yestirda-y airs. Fra.nk ýW. Swer, ci Boston, a niece o! &8insafl, rfda ber mother'., Mrs. SarahiComr., ot Portlaud, Maine, with the nova tat dl-, The "Up" train w entarily at thé littl ford, froin whence a some village and û A eouple, of com whose large, ucatly piied gn a hand-trui of theplatforrn, lu amusing descriptior loud and f requentlj' A gentleman, col foot in a large dai &ud fro, smoking j sharply into the t] the fin~e up ta a fi station. The looss wrapi ceai hie air of disti watched se _eagerly light eteely blue, b burned brava, mwu his hair an& moust "Pive minute. lx glancinat the ec the. booldng office, o! the. tva porter about. 'IL often la, air. oftea ta wait at B, borough passeegeri aiter thie." "Look mter MY waitîeg room. My tain Lisle-I1!ll be and viii net forge . "Thanlç ye, air. rigit euougb.» "Two-fifteen, an' claimed Captains 1 his cigar ax the, en out of tiie dim disl thie edge-of the PIaW ly Into tiie carriai In a first clama lay Bat alone. L the door.. 'lBeg pardon, si gur."This ia fheries pleuty o! "OAilriçit. i k vIiipermnit me to ber Comipany. Wl' bis de«Îtilkereî--c 1 <Qb, Captai» 1 Wîtbh aasvltblul] "ddion't .ram inu 1 ea.ad Laij id ~ressiiig îoDe coi" - "i1 n.rigbt air," bk" 'i hope yU i àloï. But àas 1 bu after that tel bâ cap, abbowIfg ssh' welt. o»n keing a wi.mt elul«S SUSPENDED IMlM. CA ALLEGE» LUNqATIC LOCIEJ) UP FOR 13RITISX TREZ DAYS. -I Lockup sa-Impreper Place te Cou- fine au 'lunei Persn- AflegUoa 1and M urdered M any That Constable Rai No Aluthority- , Àst. Catharinea dopatds: Repreaeita Ii Lst Fight for Life. tions iiaving ice maes to C.ounty JudgO fin Carman regalungthe. arresat sad con- ni fiemni_______ ku f ý vs,,J. his Prince of ]Bigamiose'or-Newton Barr, an--alit ged l e, is Honor made au order suspendln auii Mof fatt frosti.ofceo ilaece»- rers li the States* stable for thirty daýete la order tuat lu.ii-ih qutrles mght be made. Ti he dgea are W, e, wiio died early lu 1903. ler relatives thtthe oekup la mot a. preper plae, lm have elalrned tlîat ah. was poiso»ed. la wbic) to keep avy persan, mcki leses s December 10, 1004, Ilach insrried Mmnnee luth. ondition ln whlch Barr thsse1 Marie Welcher, a widov o! 1his city, the vas, sund tbat Bay wsas c onflued Inthe ri oein for viiose murder he vas con- lackup witont any authority for three dem»ed. Dec 20 tiie voman becume ill, daya. It la aftted that Mof!att shol di ad on January 12th she died, the cause have taken hlm. hooe a Magistrate' O of deatu beleg stated 'a the. physi's'visaeouîd send lhlm tojail, vhere ho ti ertlficato ae nephrltis. lire day. later would hé poperly cared for. It i lan e C Hoeh maffied Mrs. Enilie Fiseber, s ais- ek«pgd- tutt.Ioupi Mrto " ter of Mms.Weler-Iloch. lie obtained ,LrtothIegaly e cauin y byitew, 1 laerot d dg&apy earedloubJanu- $750 tram Tiiradt sape. d o uad, being lu tii. basemeut of t1he town i amy 1Otii, Tels r.H reported hall, la net a fit place for Imprlsonlng te, the police thbe disappeamance o! ber fa,îy'persan. An order bas been maslo al heusbaud. Suspicion va. arouued by ber that the use o! the celle b. 4iscontiued bh toryasd the body o! Mra. Weleker- until the place bas b..» pro 1 u.2S Hoeh' was exbunîed and 7.6 grains o! ar- s pected ad approved. Chie MIo!fattI senie, vers found iu the stomach. m iade a statenient to Judge Ourman, Seamch vas mde fbr Ilocli ad bC vwu hlch, ta a certain extent, vas oati.- finally discored iu New York, whre fatoy, aisud l ouer stted tîsat if bis laudlady, Mrs. Kittbemly, reported1 tho village couecil would place thé lock- I that she belieed ber boar4em ta hé HocIS up iu a condition atisfatory to hlmself because be bad propoaed marmiage ta hbem sud fie county crowu attony tbe s- on the. day o!f is arrivai sn ber houa., eW vould hé removed in». a !ew He vas arested sud later brught t'aa t Hocsaf ter bcing placed ln jail bere ~ &dmitted that b. had been rnarmled Udr-b tee» tiesbut alaysdenied tatbeo BRITiiSn AIACKEI) c tiadca se -h et fan 'fhe w vs Hie vas placed au trial on April lUth sud ATRI on May 2Otii, tiie jury" retured a ver-. FUTRER IMPORTS OF DISÂSER tW dit finding hue guilty of murder ad!-NORTHRN NIGERIA. fixing tii. punuluht eat dcath. On Jâne 3rd sentence was passd on hlm, the. 23I P orc..!f 74»6«1 IHave COVIIM» Pot- Governor Dunu grsnted hlm a reprieve -Mo!Skt To is os until July 28th. Wlitiiu eue boumetofthé time set for bis execution, Rc uI aos, Brîtisb -*Vest Uricas. Feib.22.- given a secnd'respite unti1 Aug 25tb I A fo of rebeilana flanaticalu repart- uluer. tuladate arriv~d o& Verertisè edtg have rnvaded aud, overruli&apor- Supreme Court o!MoSa.gatd ine o> otesNgra ru superaidias te permit Of hece'isr- t ortbt bv dhoea Fmeseb tit» of bis aeeh-the. court.-De M h pà jotnar ti, r nier, lMhilnglive tse court banded dowa' a deelsion»*10=-m. ?r.a fflem anad eapturln#twoi and ing tii veit luthe iower court, *ail t. hbave or rwhelused, a But b,4dtaëls- fig the date o! execution for Feb. M3. montevisose casuattea are not gIve».q Tieat effort usada . ok .er uob.6.Nodtaile o! tii.i a- uew trialmddOù ÈFcs.£stw*bels ire lted lOssf 'aBrtishioes~a Goernsor Daudthse Boardi et par" ooti orieuNigeria,, b" been dons ".fond to lîterferela 1dm bebaif. roceied bere. Tise (COW OficeA% c eosivd a despate k , tebar* a UTE o UDE tact tisat thae fficers bave-, be lt-~ ed. Owlu a iettIVaêfor i 'Auberta Xa9W* StUsuge Býtey Ac.ta tIgrphIl.theae o b ie, 3l a lselleved ber. intti a*!ýte ý en «Ws i$ 0049M' tU té".eIs*10 "Mie FraniiP&cklg-guit at le S lut at Cheem Nkers 'Try ta capture thse Yonrksbr. Trala. gthe. auqaed aMi fo!Mr. Fluber' ruit Inspecter., lt l thdgufat fraud- lent paokluof a&"lus atmconiues e~ jac ~oocat gezt ait meoe, quotesa oriof Bnclmwi ader »a8ea$ng U-t tisef!raudir psjn- reted la ti epaklng o! Canadia »sl ave crested a.dsep feeuugM .uupisl. s ootb' paoked thse duâJer lu qutlon &prepâridîotataie-rou 200 to 30M bar.- el., p«erveek. The. sane aetagg.s at <Jai- [Ma ulseo-umakeruet alter tise Yorit- dàirse , qwbere the people &te partia * a iSrteular brasid aetoese ýthat ,rumbles. Hie -tisa auX 'that it would b botter A! U,mbuter voie ex- r rted lu «mii pokgesla lae" of ulk. Yorkshifre ananufact4srarso! ýmaugles iud clothes vrugems Wamt - inapit 22 ta 26 1-2lIhmbail3-4 ta 6 1-2 itche. b diamter. SEVENTY HOUES ON DU".I Iravery o! Mms Pattersoi la cona.ctioa Wlth Valencia Dissater.. Vauou'ver, -B. C.s cb. 26.-Public st- aention bu' ,been drawu ta another bero. ine o! the. Valencia wrek. Virnt Oftlnrt Ferrist, ! b. IrlneeàsMay, vbo vfas on board tii. Salvor,-testltled' butors'tii Cknad"a Court o! inquiry, and paid a glo*izsg tribut.te tiith.-seul and i513 daunted fortitude o! l1ia. Patersan, tii. telograph operator at Cape.Bealte. 8he., altiiouglxIna a dtçat& condtîiauL tayed- st ber pa o eryavnycueu tiv. houra. IMr.,Y C. E. Lugtnaspeelal sminuelfor ýtbhO Caadia, goveramqut,, a.ked thé. coumlainera« to ba. pela note of tbl"osnan's -bra-ver-y eha ber iiqroie amprlce ighb hsuitably se. eagim& n~ e added that ber labomrs :not eo-nflned to Us. telegraph -.ffioe, but nomw ~gR >. 4 w i WNIqING Ofr NOCIf -7?--=.e 21 , 'l ý 51 ýâ ' 16 1 1 F 1 L-11ýý Considers XerrittOU Ch 1

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