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Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 3

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N.-.' f -. N.- j- - "'--r- Ail» PDead Man te invStigate thes tad- kcate $75,OO0 lngte Stinsou Jla ax n'ow clmoly . Mm ir s he e eI 'itàhi hefor Iorty *iaÎd4enly wealthY sue' said iu an ila ,Our detectÎvua are Sof that mran, and empishfeI *hortly."w b. 2)34fr.. Sarahr te have ovidenae ru gtinson, a weak- urisqcowa iurer. att tile nman .t tire L% beie-ftiite baVe ft iretwveefl$850,OO00W shing and invigorating.ý Liai pkets ouly. 40C Olt0 pet lb., At aitl grooerS. P7 ieivIr zeSTAWAi>t. LOUIS, l9Y., Y'? 4 'aliforiia ta 3buntJ nde a. fortune.. Af- a miniflg oper&tor s[RUII. RS COMPLÀIN or IMIPERS. ieg-Agent et Leeda rbeese Makers Try Yorkobire Trade. go.-NQtirthsteid- ,ity cf Mr. Fiîshet"s charged tlrat fraud- -pco atili conue&ui8 twerela'L gent et ;ortir Of t3ngima t the fraude patipe- e! 0Canadien appuis. feeling ef enaPtOloR» ýor tuie te be ce- ifief tiraitir, èfruit e d«eie in question 'rom 200) to 300 biar- uggesta Viat Uans- iget ai ter thre York- lie peeple are pLrtâd. inil of cheese that o suggeet.s ,that it mocre buter wers ex- cirages in place' of .icturers of mangles gers -want nmaple , izes ranrgng tromi -id 3-4 to 6 1-12 luches LUIS ON DUTY. tterscn in Coneection cia Disaster. lrcb. 26.-Public at- ewn te anôther hero- wreck. First OfiMe ess May. who vais on ttiedbefore thre Inquiry, and paid to -the zeal and uq- f Mfrs. Patterson, thre et cape Beale. Sie, atc condition, steyed try seventy consecu- S11. Lugrin, aspect'al Canadia Governmcnt, c'ncrs te take special m's bravcry, e tiat right bc suitably re- that lier labors. ene telegrapli office, but idistinguisli'ed service u3iaed survivors. ro te car of, such nept C oeu f tir. lIe Carpt. 0andin, tirs mnrd, said a uiiecil iade of IMrs. Pa:tter- THIE LAST'. Iri Dies WVithout lai- Mer Bêtrayer. 6<.-Ettie Langley, am wvioso condition ai lràs-rasulted ile t is dcad. When deatirý11 a NlacLeod enegeon ramineothe patient for rmI.- 1o ante-mertein ired. When lier lovet'- 1-uly refused te Bay a înerinîluate him, and klParv' doctor waa in- tinued to maintain ail- 'as inlhakcee by urgieg e dicd With Uic sereté unrovcailed. rThe af fair e excitement iu aud The girl and lier pee-- frein the United States reptatiin was good.' lice-have charge cf tir. t lu said tire evidenco iplacing roapon'sibiIiiy ?AJD COSTS.. zainai Suitor and Peu ch: It is rather anu ni, en a jndge gives judg~ litor and tlieca #y$.h cidc.nt occuirrotinlatire esterday, when an chai hure, auedl a shosmoker, ies for $2 50Tie former, of militsrry beots.,tie 'gererai and a pair of ird. Schneider ýcharge elleved excessive, se iho eboots, and 'beleveai ir Thé. Tire rouker olsS* ~ed cnly tirs lfierenci "? of -repaira 'ani 2.50, declded tirat. BehneIdew- bs1oots la fuit et e- a fo rectie is ~airus CHAPTER L The "up" train vas expected mein- entariiy at tire littie inaction at Gaies- tord, frein wheuce a lins brancired off te smre villages and tire county teva. .A couple cf commercial travelleri, wirose large, neatly &trapped cases vers piled on a band-truck, stood'at on. sud of the pl&tiormi, lu Conversation of au amnisig description, fer they laughedý Ioud and frequeutly. A gntleman, covered frein head te foot la a large dock ulster, walkdtO amd fre, smoking a cigar, sud pe.ring sharpiy jute .thre thick isit viicir bld therline up te a fewv yards beyond tire station. Tire loeswrap ire er 4141 ot Con- ceai bris air of diutinc-tion. Tire stirat weteired moe agerly fer tire train, vir llgbt Steely bIne, iisecioriug vas suni- burued browu, momevirat tee, dark for bisà bair snd moustache. "l,4iv. minutes behind time,"ire said, g t tire eock one tire 0cr Pf tire booking office, sud addressiug Oe 01 the. tvo porters vhe, vere vaiting about. >1IL ltften lu, sir. Yen ses they have olteft te valt at Brenton for thre Alten- borfflu paeeg&gs. IL'. express mter "Look asitar my luggage. It is la thre vsatraç rmm. My naine is on it --Cap- ta&in Lsle-I'll be back iby six-twcnty, ind vili mot forget yen." "4Tbauk je. sir. lil take cars cf it riglit ceugir." "Tvo.fifteeii, and here it tomn,"-, clslmed Captain Lisle, threwing awaY bris cigar as.tire engins ruahed screaimiug out eT tic dim distance, sud spproaciring tire «egof tire platferin ie peered sbarp- ly lt. the carrnages. In a first cîaseunPartment a Young lay at asie. Lisle proceedeti teo pen the. door.. 'Beg pardon, sir,' sald thre urbaus guerd. "'This in a ladies' cragm theres plenty of room le tire =11.~ "AIt rijirt. I kuci tire lady; sire Wii prmit me te teavel a fev, miles la ber Company. Will yen Dot?" raising bis deerstale'cap. "O0h, Captais IWes," sire ex"eclai 'vti amiit hmnsir- "Ysu, ef course. "iDon't cruin l eoveuenOr babie" said 14-i&le bside qwcklUy te tirs guar resslilg mcm. coin of tire ruslm li i 4&Urigit sir," significauLtlYs "JwnP A&irrili ile and tliey versOff. 641 hope yen vil forgiVe My Intru' aiea. But Us1I-lied ne chance et seoing ynatu trt telegraili cane. I tirougiri y« eal yte 5Tgetby sroute.' Hg unisaed big ulit a udr.moved bis cap$ sI.Wbq a g e clse ofep el ris; brvi hitMsd e&ratier go"d hrekWng rlunte f4e. HMs rInte es .tw moftez as tir.y tivit ou Ma es c o Dsae. Sire wu vertr loking ai. Iir«'"sgb esa sha et eclnlu latre corner oft1 cer~laSvasoved.t4y ahovethr.e ver sud Kt tbeii.meint patbitie, a"MIm abema; ber cyerovi ven mrny ubade darM iom btan ir liai, viel admr catira golden. ami detrgctors ted, boti Ibsievlg afair sirw c et OSues fr 'tira in lu. ude"d. tie cetrent bte bàr smsy luira ai* bar m=i-i 'brov Mmd iyelash*b, y tirosé vire nt ber for thlr< <lit ia 'lanbt, efin sefflu bS4 1 eau imagine tirat lir. Newbuirgb' ruile la cf thre iron red order," said Cap- tain Lisle.- "Nor do 1 suppose that you are to eekei a subject! I feur," - ie added, -gravcly, softly, 't'bat a terriblei reverse awaits her-and yen. The spee. ulatien an whieh abe iras inveated r *irole capital irascene. te Ifief-aud I' fear Me bam lst everytiring. "11ev do yeu n ev?' '8r 4Wbert Everard told me ail par- ticulars lest night-wheu tire ether men had left the smoking room. Ml. New- bnrgir'tsouiiitor l ise»hki%ireundden sbock h»abeentee mnucir for hae, ani brought on a feverisir attacir." "D ou sean t6 say tlisavs Shahl have ne mcney at ail?" 11I fear) yen vili notl Everard spekht te me, Lknow .nD thre iuterest, I taie U» , ctir lir *ope yen tee are awu&re." 1'IWe have ilways been very gced frieuda," tabs nid, shyly, vitaLiquivcriug rlips. "Yes, sud for tha.t friendsbip's aire arn about te break wy usuel habit cf net int.erfering witb what dees not *baolute-ý ly concerJ me-te risk tir snuubbinÇ£ yen are qnite capable cf '(dminsterleg. Iilspaused, sud gazed for a moment et, tire delicate, dowut. face opoits te hlm, bis browe. contracting in a sudden frown. "Why should I muniryoun"'ube aaked, "I'i -l a-e finished. WiI yen- believe me .;wheu I say tbat I vas as sleepiess as yourseif last uight? Miy fancy-no, 1 am not an imaginative man -niy experience. deplcted ail the irard- ships cf yeur lot; fer I have knewn diffi-z clties-meney dificnlt.ies; poverty, tee,ý is a hundred-fold worse for a %woman. a proud, delicately nurtured womau, 11ke yourself; aud for yeu there ià no escape sucb as a man can find iu a goed sp- pointmet-l hope for oesmysefin laIna dia before many weeka are over." "But wvin c au werk, tee." abosmai41, venderingiy. "&Wiy do yen try tc frgtnmet" frlabte 1 îvu ente seize tire only vay of eseape that oflers.» "f6es 11ewV" "Hearnmesouit 1 1am goiug terush i -obably 1k. a fol-virere angels piglt beitat. to, tread; but 1I mow bhat l.iî, aed 1 muât open your eyci Aiter Everard hed teld me &ai e as I vent te my reoin, sud Waring, wii mad beft dozlng over an ceeing paper "Was h. a coufidant et ens treubles, totee?" mi nterrupted, vitra a stglt cur] -of tre hp. 9 "'e16vasb-that need net"affect yer, Waring f olloed, sud asked for a feu verdai wth me, You knev virat a uirj Iavirvard tîhlow il. WeD, I vas a, âI e &zt hl»rislearueus andi ilueey--Ptsl r, hear me Oeut. no Maiireo ame ta onsu r ne., mno ' luf Il adbome n tele -li vs .serteWiyh M I mu et WM; mW iaad u medIf.tuai th tia1rnsteei tirouagbt it vonlib kr si'* y. oreuf.rt-4 oam o., hi *Poke o , utlM aL Ili s to t'each a.- * 'I. I ,kepig ber, eyes on ls inw 0 meo? nl on~sin,"ir e thrtd ,t k>okatb â; a stter oe-t9ste;1 de0 uQtgd»'eite - U re pr.c4hteer' style myeé 1,u4 Wris quit. six or'mv su -ar'de hn e re!, ssr yb 4is !à fleftO m y, sldathat 'su ope, me, for mddUug? fThat "-oüld'be abaretuinfryour diLterested Trieudirip. Il'do net trin.k meny people vould imagine yen capable of se. quxotr an effort te sucoer a dam- sel in diatress! Yen do net do yourslf Justice Captai. Lisle; Nov, do tel me somethlug of your owu plana; for 1 te- ciprocae your friendy îterest, 1 as- sure yen.» "XlIy lans," he repeated, ila ediffer-, cent and legss t.ady tene. *Tbley.are simple zenue. lMy unele, General For- rester, bas peomised me an eppontmnt on bis staff. It May keep me in Irid-if tire beat part cf my life; but 1 ubil have leave cf absence frein tâne te Ptnie and se keep in toueir výth clyllization." "Tiret wil - e deIightjýul1 and yen reaiiy have kprevn comÉaouplaee money troubles liD.e other peoplei ?» "Yea; very de<didedIy, yes." He vas feeling, enriously diaplaoed from bis position of superier i irmus and worldly knowledge. The unexp)eetad aceptnce of bis suggestion by thl#Is r gee ereture,' who vas barely lie- te., trwhlm off bis balance. "Then 1 hope they are over.,ferev«!. sire remarked, in a ktndli toue. '1(ou must ick up a Begumin l Indis.. Yet neo l sheuld npt like te be lesu bouaiti- tnl tan you are.à 1wWllgie y>u a pretty as. vol aa a waaltiry vue Mr. Warring is handsomc, or ratirer ie 'wili de'relop inte a handsome man.I thlik yen have chosen well." "I dîd net choose at &Hl. 1 uamply ilic my best te adise yeunont te throw a gedchance away. Are ryGu serions? 1 ôonot ' e u1 dert11d yen, Mena." She abed* w*nifgls«« pli7fully. "As, I am not, accordtng te Youp tu keep my naine mueir longer, pray let me hear it always. It i. for prettier thenl >Warlng-bIissJoscelyn, if yen pease.' Sire had grown quite aitimated e fent ,eolor replaeed irer extreme palier; a large eycs sparkled; sire. doiM=nted tbî conversation. Captein Lisle vatcired hel eloeely; -ber manner vas quit. neturil 'wbhiis lest tirs, curt decision vine e haracterized it at first. Sire uest4Bl i dhlmas te be op y hp içWip could keep, as te v'iere t4hey ilouid i -maid thers as <ladlin vas" net cncum beredwith lsnded estates, as mire *oulh àlike te ramble about, and mueir more 14 e the sme effect, half in jest. At lenot 4heIooked at hiswatch, ,/ "Inu teu minutes I1imust saygood-bye,' - ie said. "I get eut et tire ucat station and wait fer tire foiur-fifty train ti 1, Gainsford"- 0 "WVhàt a lotag. tfrésome watL Yb rea hbave sacrWzed yoursl toe riera! "h!ý av" hg retnrned, mphaticaUi. "I viruder il yen exactly apprecleate thr a sasrlflee.< 3 41 do tudeed.' - v "Ua y . ot, al An4tleam frmA Yom a. oWnelips ,bW yen Aae gelsg'o8 1"'. "Ynueit ideklittk? uiDOcTAlU wir até enMay finalus. 1I tsttbey doineta tr jgev viWtera, ut ýtira vork.héuse, vwé* may b. our destination, iflUt. Wari S. iras net, the goodoesato e hargess lvith r u prtY U. g th*p~kfveyhalA w î wo e «0ar. < ouknew 14 lu avful Yi, bard '4o uav »Z r.s*?y fls Dr. w-dau int to IVM tim i w»À tuumts. ti 7 j 10 moi lbom4iý, i wu ta a um wbel waume lý yen"l TEA has estabished the a tittie BE1TTER thaný ~priéeTY11 E watcired, sire *et Ioue ýtire reins of. ber s -fcnrL, and YI'lded toe .Storm ef sam ainud ?"spair viricir rent beuaot Sire lieded il"geafn» of LiaIs, citer. mentira, of requent Intercurse, during vbicir ie bail sougiri ler viihse mucir careiunly velled asdi-ad von_ ber confidence by a hrappyasnpte e! eider bretherly authonty, flecked viii gleama cf passionate admý!ation, vbieb seemed te flash out in spîte of hlms4ll snd were real enougr. loe md reused ber iuterest, aud, flattered ber yontirfut vanty-for St. John iàste vas e man of <ccd position, a-favorite with fine ladies, e, smart cevstry off iccu- cf virose sue- cesa liii. noeou hxadoubt. Toto.!l tirat sire, a simle debutante, exorcise an influence d attraction on mneh a meu-was infinitely exhilaratlng., Liai hsd been -tire cirui:n d favorite brother officer of Mma Newirurgir's favorite ne- phew, sud this vas au excuse for snun- îwaatdegres cf intimacy-wbicirl il-ý citased as tins rolled -ou, sud reehil dangerens puici during thiri stay at Ld Mary Everard's, tire lest irliasîni aYs enjcyed by liens. Ca.ptaiu Liais bail b to far t liche ws golng te, fidb era wsanet with hmmelf for iri rectance teLdav baeir, wbren tire newu of lira. Nevburglr'smislortunes-1 tire confession et younig Waring, came te reliee .hlm frein tir gatherlag diflieul-. tics of bis situation. Nov, c kind of mmlad 1gb ,ires 4h.heburning of Mena'. ixidig int ireïrt Bemed te bcbg eut tIre, bitter terutv ith stlngiu dlstlnctnus. Sire memed te ie promeut ut tIret Inter-' view between 'laie ' d"I.eslie Warin*. iTo ire eoutinnad. SLJ!YERING, WOMtN rlua Healtirm suStngzinluthéeUse of Dr. Wlhllams!Pink- Pilla Every çrovinz girl ud .every vo- r mmen earangmld&le i.uifers frffl alureuts pecllar teolier "X . At tisse tunestir iealtir aud lapplüui e0 -every girl sund vomm ndepeft&..PO thes ricirneSu snd z guuiarty. o! bu e bloed. Look et th. youggirl vire. r- btood in vecir and watery. lier les. a la pals, lier lips sdann uisbloodies 0 lier_ heed ache&. sud lierbeck suis l M e as n» energy, " li te . ea poo a appetite andi ne desire for exiseu rSie cemplains that even te vaIr 'rip- stelr letves irer breetileu. AU&a tif vowman l.inMiddle life z--aie lnit vous, irritable and depresseà - Ilabni U te, sndden, atteeau of1pain sud dis- t. res that a, ws orna n kurv o siretutus fIrrom bcd; àcfftlbl digti. nes, iot uadcoti fla*mce, uun e PinkPhUis balh *11 ti - elacty,,be, ~. t ilbry On.,luone of thoe maq ~ ~j~o.a tira no Wonaasf B lfI STANA RDDI,.ýtsiuS people expectfor liebê,ý j opilè A- Plot*"j Cowles rega.rded tbe girl graveIy. Whe retunied bia glame wuth one cd IU.f- "Ried tenderneas. EWach uted the oti- orl expremion with momet*ii betwoam dispproval end réluctance. Ccwwlesaadto lilmsf: «It' a a ity, eontoenptlhle position to find oW& MUsi in. Sh.sO ely a cliid-.ad it doemut le=lanything»1 Tâst waas Scbeyent as h. would aI- 10w even bis tboughts 40 besme ou thit aihject - 4i.cotmscted fragmetat aite but uiforme4; aaun.thlag thamt made 'Co flei like e CSd, or, et leati 1U dangetcibeocing où*, if h. veto uot, unusi.lly crfl "I wondor wbt ho. tbiuks et me, v. %What, abe wua m t bhnruif fr thie buadftdth tiae Jmidgbt. "15von- der Mid can avermhmsà MtLel t tetI am wlhD 'Mot ,IIOI11R a ôly q2ig girl? Am 1 auything moàrei 1. n- Ing Covies .id alovly % <Dmermetamv amtt il. D ippoodté ve mkeNS pethat as,@ orclvra '<Yen or A t .èo'tef t, 'a tbe gîrl, wfth & Utt mb."bat ItJUa mûit. my mnood. Ifitel 4h ae 'Wq« 1 lnk lil" bee e a,*dd wed, b#Ât MlY. "'risbetxa n"4opS tIbo wutt"-e "Wondoie, gif Yeu, e w« sving r«M Smb of1eilo di Dfor 701W U« rstoT7. Ohj, it mUst b. wffld1 ai to, wrte I-to creati ItU.'Worms au Speopte tiiers wlth =ÎaSud, vomo ;t andtli.81< tboqgbt lato thu'a-Ma çLh.epreu what yoaul WbNVýyIt e'ike belna g d-tir. pove onve me tliko mua& poises.a 'UMMUs >_mmd.aud an& e . "te se«cielfr àà hum" n boe ta ud co la t. de 4"a Sb*Pumadto agid5Witàwic Sonwondering syme f;te t tihetiasw4adÎM dd 'r 4nrntim d *rfr euow»x .$M7et - you et.net cInri t baet ou ane 0 me te bely« I5m M làa ber eaaoiit fluP Mq~# Fi, *Aýe keenupa that mire mathaeI 1< uy ~rm 'hsaiate1 gt% &i1 st thes dock «it, la quite lots?"' 'b*d »Ot4*nAer. H.nearooe teo. At th& 4oir she gevo hlmbi and.-Xt vas ho'and éaalàse you et the Ârlingtow:rectoi X* doubt '*à"e ldà'cf leving town forli tà«n* <«'RoaIy," exelomed the gir1',I& pcdîte sur*priw."We sah ms8ou l «Iitakind cf yen>"au-id Ccvi', de- parting. «Good night.n most'leserted sre Utm -wti-a film of moisIure umder, tire arc Ia IM whlcb cast a great bla&ok fbado w Up , tire sky and made the. fone lag f iam trocs éclutilllte, ansisereaste i atirred it. At the corner a eabmaU set, bso~ is box, virils tn grui 9tý2rea' fomhie oi-etir ielÏiet down th front cfir is tightly buttoe" ot Cowies bailed hlm andbhe awokqs vith, 'a stert, splasbing and sang aee.Nw foundlaad dog alter-eba. ai vonder! Cowle ks a sd sho pulled the. cab> door shut wita e ap. aMd, ucttkl bacir on thre cushions, «I vonder if 1 made »euo fmye.-tO yJ Citizen. WORRIW IOTlItRS Mucir of thre vory vioi6v it~e, of young obildren underffoes ve* b ~~wlftie mtiorkept Beby' ot e ge il, th, su gnshuocaat.u do»e visa thre cidw rfI bIs or ýtimbiag. -Tor tbu tm>lÙbW »W mwed-iceu equa Baby's Ove Ta>: c =41 tebuwl by th LMna akfad Ont, sayi: .. by b re lu Tb irm tvie. q e u6d ?àý rS Vy e e ielu. 'dsà a»e »wI so b1ç ~ be~wllg & at 15Ila Meiino gerk l * _% . eoklli,-O-

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