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Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 4

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were agala tlctorlous. Tht dar vus very pleasant, and the hcootlusg vas excellât~. ai; the avare be!aw aboya- '0. Sebert le. J. Afleuis 17.1 W. Bayerat t 17. L. 'Tordlff 17. G McBrien 13. Ap total of 112 oit of a posible of 20 targets each. The total score of the Brougham in as 95)Brookîiti' thils iwon by '17. lic.. il. Crozivr, of! Âhburn rfpeucb ed inth -e presbytertiaflchurclà on Sursday afteriio0l Mrti. lIaustt bas Inovcd IntO the iiouse whIch wils'itcly occnI)Ied bY Mfr. Noble. Dr. CamplJC11, of Or.,v*enhurst, Is ln tbwn for a few days. Mr. John Vliîond has liad a numn- ber of bis horseýs sick wltia dk4tpm- ver. Upiwards of .i huitdred relativeg and frIends assembleed &L the remldence at M.and lIrs. N.W. cecyfl nnWedneq- day afternaon of last week, to b. pîCaClJt at the nldrriagc o!(Ilseir eld. est daughter. Eva, tot Mr. AmoS Prçiu8C. Thtc crcînoly wnm per- forwed by lier. Chas. Adams. jur. and Mrs. l'couse Ici i ln the cvenlng foir a brie honeymioof trip, f romi which they luve 110W'returned. Mr. Prouse has reîiied thbe Maw farm on thbe 711iconesion, wlacrc la<'and bit bida wilil rsake their home ln a few days. The Keymtone wislse. theus ranuch happifl<ss and succeséi. Report o! the standing of puplis ln the junior. and senior divisions of th1e Brookliil Public Sehool for the xn'(nth of February. The namps are arranged ln cdrder o! merit, and also ln three standings, viz., honors, in- Imwn. 75 lir Cent.-. jmss, iit.. 60 lier cent. ; beIow 1-s îe.. undpr 60 .Tunivr JDivisio- -gi-. II.-Hrnors-AlflW Bliglit. .les- $le Blggs, -Myrtle Agistwi.. p:îs- Mlrlarn $pcie2r, Jotep1î Francis, Jas. Lambert, Frank Banner. Below paso-Berta Calby, George B4ggs. Jr. 11-fonora -Norrpan Iýotley, Bessie MeBiien, Nora Kirmberley. Pass -Chanlie Floayn, Jetisie ColwilJ, John Ilortup, May ts3later. Beiow pass- Gaygia ElvIibs. 1r. Pt. 1. -Honors-John Pringle. Doro'thy H1-oliday. I>îss - 'Tresgli LawCOàëe, Mille Aguat-us, Dorotby VI- pond, Latiledeis. Jr. Pt. 1.-Huinors-Ha7el Huseon, b.. were auuS.C.Âaboe O. a- Fred. Stmrrand L*ul Pmb h Ms. IlRuDs toe>o so 0180 of bis valunble bosOS lust weeg for a gcod round sum. )gr. Paul Pdirvis îa onathe îlck Uit. bias Lou E. Ja.unOs ' isitei wltb Mien Edma Orcat lait wettL Mfr. W. C. GuYIintends to leare 'In the nesr Cfuture tu set.kbhi* fortune 113. tbe fir west. rouneil ,apets n ertI.Monday 1fr. Levi Ellins bcmght a valuable marO troya JUS. Starit. Lufleli. Mho Board -of ilcalth met lait Tues- day afterfoofl ut Win. Purves'. Reeve etoekcs acted ras eolaarmarrv.. Mfr. Arthur Wilson had th~e ais! or- tune to optain his knee. Mr W. Rl. Smythe la visting hie sister, Mris. J. C Marc'n, ' Toron b. lirs. Hayes ii visiting with friends ln Brookhýii. y TiL UNS .'.L February las sirping -nrdund. Wî th the ex-ceptian o! une wTek, we have enjoyed the bulniy at-moiuhere of spirlng. IVe hear it said, «'Oh, We'il pay for it yet," but- xe shc>id. not eount trouble befort It comea meW j are pieaaed and 'iery grateful ti a klnd Providence for anlil and genlal winter. and ittlit hope for an eatly spring ais forecame rredlct. The boney beeta are out, and very busy buzzing arjluDd, birda are matlcïg, muskrats are eoeerging from Itheir homes. and wc have only to hear yet the ecaking ai the"Irog ta satlsty us that sprang la êlready here. We wvrteâsaçwhat surprise a week ugo to hear that our teacher, UMisa Sbarrard, bud sudclenly seld gcacx- Ibye ta aur 5chool for a marel Te- uîaneratlve position elsewbere; but- wlth 1he usual prumptnusfor vhicb our section la noted. net a day s'as lcet, the position belng able asatain- ed by Misa Lana a Rogers, who,' we have no doubt, w'il satlafacîortly f111 the vacancy caubed by Um Shar- rard's departulte. Weddiîag belis are ringil alain. Trwo have aiready takeis place, and mare are oua the wing. Mn. Amas P1ouse han set bled the malter ~itls- factllrily to, hinseiliand al consern- ed by unIinq wlth Miss Eva Repson ln th1e hdIly bonds of matrimony laist Wednesday. As we wer%Du notirt- cd to the wedditig, we a"e not ln a positlion tb zivû pa rtilctirs. Mn. Royal Rogers and Mr. R. k. Mawfr t)uy took in thp Laurier banquet laBt Wednesday, and report It auithe 'event" ci! theit il 'L. They also attendeci the GOId Ioadis Convention and were a ,art o! thbe deputation waitIng un 1the gao-ernnment re the 1ex pected changes ta' be msade in the present Coenty Couiit systeus. Our E~insale branch af Women's id 1- y r. La. t- in ras mt. *e- t tait bar rs r bil bat Dite me-1 '. at -Ur. Q À lubaso ,S&tur&ve. KW Kot, -j'O a car Ioa4 hopa on F"Sa.î Alossi orf idKelloW wt trou! bure ouniondax batstoWObawa. Al 1fr. Ira Brao là-bSm.ýàgaalooek- lug W'eilaCier lbas- longaviei- ,vet. Bir. Geoi. MoTaggaf thas. bec on the slck Ilet IateIy. 1We hoùue bu vii soon be I1lmalf agata. lira. Ward, of Greenbabk, bas boum ,isltlflg ber acut and oncle, lit. und bira. 1itTaggrt. lira. Bateanan h" gome to Osh- awa. What bas betme of the wndthat usei to b1ovc from the north ? TeU us, wbat #an bcome of IL 1 Misa .lennle Pile has been lrlsitlng ber aunt and oncle, Mr. anidlirs. F. L. Bro-I'wn. On ESuuitay evenling oI Isat wSek ao number of friends assembled at the u bousof Mt1r. auni lir. Roblert lUeron t to present Mfr. Laurence with a goli C beaded cane, anul Mra. Lanrnce with 1i a silk Paraosot M1r. LaumnSuo hans heen treasurer of Burits' chu.rh, àhA- t burD, for a grMat xauY Tearlso sud t this was doue la appreclation of 1 his serr4CS.1 MiBsLoin tTQUllo.oO ntFrtal4 1 number of ber friends on FrIdar ev-, à eniag tat. I- Mfr. Clayton WhIte leatrs this wýOk1 .for philadeiphia. uliere b. lntrids' to rousSin for 'the Sommer. lira. Thos.43 t.a aton hba teturned toi ber home ID tht U.8. Miss .J. lPriu, 19PrIACO a1b.d visited ut lMr&. $rasb's.1 lir&. F. C. lianiger and daughters, geO viMling her saster. ira. fB. Roi- mia n. ]Rer. J. IR. Borlandl occoPied the1 pulpIt here on Suud«-Y. History Of Port Perry. Continued f rou lait week. tlaou waq the competltion betwoun the stage Unes that pamsuiswere carrIed, b.Lween Port -Pfiii ansd Wbltby for tweutY-fITO qents. ln us 8jacob anS W. D. Bowerman utarted a woolien- tactory ai plan., lng mili where the ra.llway engin. lîed»w vare, o.Ucrwaritî pausug~ ta' Mr. flielow, who added the manu- facture of f lousr barai stoeS, car- ryig on t-he burlus%3 1or 'me yeara. Wnothe propetty WU.5 expropriated for railwal roius. Ibmtheml waO tabou dowu and remoxed to near tlb. Voundiy 'Of Madisou WlLiiams. The noxt MUSe atO8e lu Port Perry's prcourm ulvaà he bullGugCa the Sou- .rog bridgs by the County 4« Ontario lu the yeas ts1584. c*oaotng PÃ"rt t b m ie . 1m at- Wb*s a r "&tS t c»st r cian4, ~a4m~na~I li fnk~ il be lu bi in ci bi ai Io teyelI , eLb tw,* n& £ Ybe euor 10 bthubls Oou Ur. 'làS cf e"- o l àl l bIO.,8Iligc a ep cftb -upet oa! cf(Jik~q oftt sbOhurLin poeutmnager lu K?.à»b lu wmalO O'uthe ubllsmenl t Prias. 1toe1 alatiot 10 d*UIn' te, wluIn. Alberi t.v reoel *ort re VI Y. g ' ri t8 b. oin. uatiagtte T.i C.owu aro oue, org .e t-le ar i0r 7Wtetut b@ a»s hmur, Crout-clteo.oute&Otaceo. ThetoCOUis 40 amils. Mis'Lb, . Broch, anothem Lb. al- -luron0< by rUel agrlcullurand le -Godo VU tb Mansine mes of r n tck4au onedlt atela Lb. Pros.. Nobrt Ontaid o . afltoPort andvis. m. in'he bgDuointon of he uT. Ca.groain l. auros. erge town la mte h 700 fo t aoi e Labp Thftt ou dwrt±.c.lato ou la and Outaro tb.e ov .14à milest Jefry" W. tirec. aiotescAa oro*ntebyr.*ail vi Whilb uni l Got i ru- a an tl .1P o oe au 'eft o thibt out haW". nrth ota o caw to Po»t Lortua And b Dminon.a ltesOcha louayte TAuis rasaclvu t ecopl aea esLlateasual e smm tb. oensui. and th!. eoabflthLb.aid ver, stcrially to the bouty v1lla«' dam to e bo corporat& .of Lb. toua. port per7. tberef@t. OUIÃ"OO5I Who oa" MrPort teuuy blasole a bunsseou ber ovi aacomunth.s@ ost dOlghtfni Place te lise les: ha,- ilot cc JouaiI. A-lemwb.s tbsjtng.. t -bas. su scauf la&ava- j fksL toataull va obOeft, ef wbh$ le. Ulbstd on Lt hehresor a jues.tresaM Mf meU a ouls~C- panomisUo Vteof-:ogiIsland, Xercher, ocg"; COnUOU-A-à. formai n uencbatIier sud beau. 1 Osoton.caleb Craudeli. W. Tait aud ttiiS BèoBS. of tr ansd bIlaI. met aj e" s PhUIiap L e uv -e:toe& e a.iu dm ots ..0fu ta* iww 1h0> ov setasE., At arde mu" do êwia. Noît wva a Cosuls mgi. TU« wsas &.troPM bW Clou a*08 laa oem but ba' boM ueplai0 yaModecui autstial brick bullE. f n 1.port POMu tomw&7y. orned à& li. igolos' ndTh"s.Paxton. nid operated by Paxto.Tail f Co.. ýn lb. maufactue of acriulturaI impupleeandmmcl mil aoineri. This L At proftuL orneS iv Maison WIl- itams.vhoflt 6rders Cor turbine whaels nd miii iiery coome tro aill ver he Dominion -Folowng the opwari pogNu of h. Lova, vas bue openlug ol a bcasuh aftise Royal Cans4iaD Bank. 'of vbleb 1Mr. Bige- os' was Lb. manager for tire years, .atirimg 10 CiveU roater pUernonal at- tlon 10 II xtuddbI ess.& Mort. W attur. Iiii 180, the buildtng of the port WitIiy and Port Psrryrril- wai &se ommemo et < bb ictM. Blwelov s'a' p-0rldes daring lte con- etruetlo. re Paxtoas Ssextoos. asd IgdaiS major vone nomeu ofthe mioins &Puiin t luIIs Undtrtaklg. Wr.Ilelor. atter the OOuspletOi o!o tii. railvay. osout nt LSutsrel ani rithiies' rom the sompuai. ebernly utter tIbistle Ostealo Bank o~Me a abranci. <IrellU Uw offie at proeut ovumi by li. Car. ne. i nlil a better pnmise ould b. obtilne .subumqucull moRbugtlu La tb. prembse et promt oocopled ly the Western ab&. or vbiob 1fr. a. Gý. Utbsa là 11e aoMr. leTb Otario Bani .ubsoquoully ithdrew iLes agency. FoflovI1nqthis vaf't il opemlng of a braneli of the Centra ,Banlk. o! whlich Lthe ats WMm Ml vuR manager, .the mbrancb s'uI compeffl to10close through zmîsmaný ThearU Roi a m ui vu.n bolit operatef by wilsam i-0osu lu bïe ex-. tODIive grualin buies In the mmaIl er the Lewis hall svue boul ao the i'ubUo and i51gb ool bllflg. ' The lagh a8ooO bas an enviabe rep-f ctation aus a-t odicotI@ii8 Istutléu., Usi lamse sopacb la kOWB tbrousgb-t out the Dominion Tbe .Principal Ia Dr. _UeBride, who bas heif the pod- tiot for the psut8t jours. Wany oc his puplehoid proinent poi- tions ln Canada and tht ýUnlted states. Port Perry lias turned out oany able mon lui al--walke- or.life. i lu 1684 occurred the great fire, whieh burned down the wbole of thel bubinesa portion of the town, from ,water street i.o John qtreet, the only builing lIdt b.Ing Mi. trum- mondm gtiocery aud feed store. Pib. lire entale a loi. of betweefl two and tbrue bondred tboua&od dollars. Yot dWeoura<ed4 boweyer, her pe6ple "unt Q t It witb a wili, sud reboult their preuâties botter thau e««. Pi*t lbry, ab-preut coutaume about *lîte»D U mDtWdpeolb%, sd wlth tl$e Pitate Albert muburb ad& ed, atgrgaqtabout t tue uiOO. Tlhe to.wu lakateffloc the s'et 1 etof.ceOe Lako. appodt a«. gog istauti, Wblb foru#à mpBl'. >thousalt4acres. and la fully uttIaf wlth, pioqmPoTUS Carmais.The le j1Slandcôstailus an 1"" * oe t~ SM sns, ý wblsh 14 boteS 1 a' nu es it as nlnangeru do uheailgt. lac the Love. Bîraugies expreus .hemsielve' deilgbted aÙnd esrPt(1S witb thme beauty oZ tise lova, 1-e fine hoeee, Use well.kopL lavnutbs sd7'*reps, lme neat appoaranoe tb. town gensroly, ites tti i*Vet I-an tages.ý The lova poitbC.>e 'IN municPipa ightingmand -s'a teiwotki - syste.. good railway accommodatloli, god boteis fie stores, ans ,. Metbodist churcs, uo»Pro-byterinn-'oburoli, a Baptiqt. au, EPiseOOPal, a Roman Caîboio. -aud a Catholic. Apoitollo ehuÏeh. there la a jlrst-clauu Pnb- tee and mitWa hool, alsootelagrapb ani telepiiones erviesi. Boa. s. 0 lngth Im ae 01 O! iilU.leo aa u loore lie 4=»Ott hport Psr"', go. lutge afr esal.as umante gs thé Mivr Trent via POLerb«O«ugt,* la tance et about 1I0 O alla ~a au 8t. etly lIrgctio4. and SOI Lh.susterly Co Balsam Laimo. n aomgletioa ce-Lh. canal trou -there te La" o Glaces prusent year, btais55 001W liat tee and skoePitsme e sortit: and on tAie (911191oMtIo, a îUs. TP#UI 0"61 Vosn"s rom ber. pap go <lova the et. l4wieus- Le the sua, or, West 10 the t7ppSW LZa*00, tabis; à a ail- ti.c14les«<tlb.taxes trom Iidimi dto SuuleLl. -Chacag -Detroit or' Cleveland. 4 la not the- o' In bôth busines fuly dressed and pr ized. Don't let pour travagance. «IExtravagance tom <Jailor." Econémy-true tury Brand Clothii that far exc1-ý thé pi (Jar'eftl dresser fins. resdy-to-wear- Olasa lothing in W~ Nervou'a ExhaustIon-' T WITCHIN0ofeb.nerves,sd- den starting, tenderness of thie scalp or pinie, beadache at top or¶ back of head, nolises in the cars, sparks befor. the. eyes, slepless- nous, dysp.eisat paIainud cramps, neuralgia, tunidity, irritabilityq MOI. acholy, physical weakness "ud general deb"ty are smong thel symptOfset rvus exhaustion. Godfood, pure air, s"table ret and the awguiar and persisent use of Dr. Chaso's Nerve Food vin thora ougbiy Ov.rcom the -Most etrenie case of nroms exhaustion and Prostration. hwâ;DOtig o« rses. lu ingdht w us Dr. Cbasos NesveFoo you cmn prove that new, f ircu Seul and muscular tissu.are béng sddOd to the ood. 50e ts a.box -six boxes for ïk.5, St anil deeror Toronto. I r I I I I

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