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Whitby Keystone, 1 Mar 1906, p. 5

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il oe*oe ?IflnTt-~!mBD Â?~NVM4 i~Ei'o11T or T~E -0F ~E-ê- __ satel ou rse l, rliat gtoas t wfthui adia. rth. o a mils. agrlvultiiial o*" et% la the paton. elevatlon of tl* feot -abovo Lau. dij 569 foot above ii, 40 1109lefrom U. -itby, and la lie most healtb.y lui onh Ai uch au a1,vayai t rash,puro 'rbvsh niaiesa he ant Oae lummor h0àde tises, whaob in wicter 04 #à at of ammraud il to the beauaty rt rr7 lot a ce to live. i, ar. y local a4van- n thie shore of a âne d mmgnlllout- f Scugm 1#t&qaý nitiug Baid boe- and hlia,9ât ol en tLis pnrm .7for years fail ru do whefl visit rangers express .d iind surptin* t>Z tt.e towrn, ti' elickept lawamtho rieat apparalios Cd ly, ILS <f8te ieOf O ts wnany atier ad- f.risS a municipal ,lrworke î'systoin. ommodation, gool e, one 8 bfethodlut .yterIin cburoh. a Stirat-clasu Pub- a0I, also telegrapb rvioa. Boate, dur- f navigation. 1eau v. Port Psrry, go. s lio)çttgo on: the 'uterborough. adis.. '0 IDhIb ln an oasit. 4 aoi h4otery to comitlon et tho to Lakge Simoce the te can enter that lia, U$rrle, Beaver- G Point summer rs- e elfiolcompiston ai veuils trou> hore qSt. Lawrence to to the Uppor Labo.. citiès « fthe lakes te la not the only lady who amiesMost - broadly on the mon Who a»e weil lp« In both business and social life the. importance of care- fuly dressed and properly worn attire is now thoroughly re- Don't Jet your realization of this fa.ct lead you into ex- travagance. IlExtravagan~ce" tom Tailor." here is o nly afiother word for '«Cus-1 Economy-true economy-lies in the wearing 2Qth Cen- tury . Brand Clothing, the kind of ready-to-wear garments that far eccel the produet of the average tailor. Careful dressers ail over Canada are IIow wearing this fue ready -to-wear clothing. You can only get this hl dlma elothing in Whitby at ]ROSS BROS. CASH STORE the. great emporium of fashion in, the County Tôwn.. 44 444148648 BOSS nRos E NOTICE TO FAIRME$ I, The UndlWnigxd bave -for«l, filn* cf sh.lhd cm] Cb~oopo e ~fOebti ad C=-, ;chop cuiomclofeqa anle, ud shorts. v a~yfmd«,%buyifg tonlots &sn gt cluS aimes Ih wii duubly psy every 1f-,d«,- W un oof, *1 bw.Oodum 0IIwrbageUm' op "Mdyems (oIbWft"e4 oi'l White Resu Wsuto&d'» MLw s Jb$s Oui., MdlEto.O# lW. B. PRINGLU ê 00. Co ears. This d employed ri*ve saWing Egine is ini Ontaio Ourve mnlaout u u I tig so ImaD%*eu Its aOssu tbefltithmie os. PinN. plutu« oinew nd od scne s iete rss la Jublm ee. Ome raPar trr- otem r Paera -ptoro Obs.rt a u n lasetw -the wtb a eanUuartile.utte tli*a coumenioriive ufItstarrf 1 gealdere ar, surciaSe lusta td w e gtereantîm h- plo t ut epAnovnd othucnes, latter prmla te enumort PPfex temom BD ecil of o th evohm Lakela dte Ur. &.-" Ie eyPr 'ot or to 7, pathe iprospeht, the lntomuctor bu artle. wrtt ~O ? IIIWtî UUUI -Mtig 0ftbia Vommpmy Vsébell st the 0f- ~ fn.0ftheUmalo W.lmmrs, Vpruri 2104b 1l06 The foilow- lmg bné~es ue plsa-1(suu.W. 7. CV#A5P lo0" VOyOU, P. U~Is WRIo.lwu,,F. W. -Cowss,'or. a. *M ànUs .JamOs &. OhiiomiW. F. Al a, oi.. Patteco, Jobs car tr mal Jo..pb Lubs. l!bï pien~ot con~ut 1*Oba Ire ami Ur. IT. la. lMoUai sotu"a mm, Tii.Anal rEepot fombraelg tii traasatioiiof the oop.for tâte, tla-put-~,or.W"s prmenlslby the Cbulrmam. botMctOm EEICRTe TE& R EKDIN DELC.Si 0. W. avelb.pleauw 0f laylmg betarrPOU t f b tr-tflrl InUal R*- pStCi t 0 l.Compsny, foç !Lt" ye«S enllug 81st Decmibici, 185. 'tebulmus 0< Lb.Coummtlias IJWD prOgOl%esud active. 'The. aU@UItloasiou motgagea, etc.bas boom *1Z4,140.0O dorlug lbhe 1year. aud tbe ispaimuouta un Iamahavoe'ceenutof rincpdl 2É&9-8. and of intereat, etc., $47M,20 or la aitf11548356. Orth MM'bo neriaed interest and principal onu mtlugcs bas beea pal wtth mk's unuanal promptitude. Durlug the year the Cumpan.y diaposed, of Soverl .Jprolertles which voie on tiiei bands. it at liter the paymenc ot ail aiscartained bases. the writ;ng off of ail O-replacemnts, iep.dr., I05mnoran<. d tax«es oaected wlth propertlpa ln Swhlo ithe Cdmpany ta lut#reStedlthoe ernlngti for the >ear bave. onableal » us pay two hait-yar difflenda at the rate 01 aix &er cent., to the. .tone "baroJderis, and f0 wrIte off a con aiderable souns on Aejrelation ao- the couxu f he-Coutingentatocunt nov omohanta f0 525O.ansd ftho Reat ftateý amSut to 115,000, and erm u asets Io 9998,57&38, bheing tu exesu of r for thei prenious Yeu,& atatmnt o1 the. Corpan" by SU.1Oê.9. For fartior detailed Information 1 wculd roter you lotbe alatemoats 'Sono luet îv'aSd la yoce bond, ter wblcb he .fnaal wpuâitioor the* Cou. >la pouy la ciearly exhtbitod. W. F. COWIN, luoaldomt. en by' oéa 21*1 Etbruazy, 19GB Sucb mRIC 'oe Au» IBRE ?fS th a1M. 1.-m. te of long moatel 'l K Sang aï me» are busy elaarla sway the. bekaami lobais fr«n the rotas of tii. collese. Mr. A. HC*wor of GroouRiver. vas lu toan u osWodnesday. asb ai boom lu Oran% whvere lbthe pnmt tel-. opboo e ins are in a flourlsblug! cu- Chas. Downng. wbo bas bosu lu thls locafity for Lb. pisat two weMk,* riturneli ta bis humnfla tmian Hoad. He takes vitRih WS ocaricohi 0f borses ta theo numbee of soienteca head. These are ait l e &ttmsaLlal. but two desons sapeci3l - netion. Ifteso are regittered illiesa dm 0f whloh wa* purchasol troue Mr. Oe. Long. and Mr. John Euieron, of Grewý met wltb a pemulbar >Ucldeut o w. ato Stro.me vas sltta»g la bis w«goe itrlag.lu ln i w %a, Young .0v. Wb.u gottlsg est OU the wagon, t ouai ftit bu bad suataimel anujurs W is bu, llNr1 wblcb prov"to bc k4érastute of one of ftbeboue*.. -%' eaniaolba atruck hlm wtb ber borna, but hoý tbougbt aott.lug pftlhiemtter us.t tui b. bsgou to.gel outaI0oftlb. te Mesura.PotMS« vastose obippol [o .il<i. 0 oroptroutlis staflo M--i lu nelIem» ami vo Wini publl thon. nTou bains tF'ltoroe. ,trou a lleAÇON If w e 000«ocualu yrosr melbbool. or. &selver.arle. art ceIebmt$a te4 'i U4kuêv,. Acointe clwomovi hange.oCpropeutt, A P040 qu*off Dec. 81-. Repagrments oui Laissa .-.....*..... - 15ietftt I4EO~V0f on Louas ....... ............4 &i4~i2.1S Revenais locouat ........ ...- ~ sssr.aa n D 34 ispSrita 1*oOWI .....m-- eêbentum ilase .... DISBSJEMEN11M. Debeufuripol. ..- ....... ......... LOuaOu On ouLgages, etc. . 0.......... Intercat re4 *..-....-*u... .... Divtled nda .So.6, ,at 6Sfpet ent. Onttarlo Bank, Bowmafl1w. ......... .. Western Bank, lTbltby ...- '.... Western Bank, Oshawa . .... 4.5U8.3 Lois cheques not PreWMDted...........26 c cash on, fl ..... . ............ ... lem5 S0,10.55 l'~,223.89 47,9M'14 19%S,.mO 2,8040 6.l4,450 PROFIT AND LOBS. -ceI. * Dâc. 81- ByIntemêt eoriK drlrg t»oya........ Revenue f....it............. Bonk intorot rroOe-~P *~ 140,58658 85~t.88 2,140.15 Wbo~ ti..~.. 40 ISto -0UM 'MM ... .. 100 laSM hl.........*lte s Ue..........#. l4 00te10 P2eu ........0 ...... . de7 T'IukImm..............* e e .I ..... 1 . *,fIla . ................... 2 90ter puO ReiN..r........ g MUT, OUS &AND P1115.I atl, live weght, but. Mutt>, per lb..,...... amk euch.......... Roga, kv. welght .... fop», hght fat$*..*s Hogo, hoavy fat..... i lIfiled girr iOOIbo Go ....t l... Tutkleys, dreed, p«t lb Btter, roîl ......... .. 3gg4 er . m............. Eg, otdo...... t................. 00 tt 010.k 300 to 400 0 00 t r 57« 0 00 et Soc 0 -le t. 01s 0 ilte 125 0 9 t 010 0 00 » 0 11 0 25te 0O » 200. 3* s h0t il 0 . 001e llu. ooum or OÇÂU,î WEmT D~. mKoasil.WblI 39 k~Js. 09 obJ* sob1 OUAWA J. 0. IEadouut uWiviP EouuèX . laxm, (Or.ouImwi OlokL a 11 Mroh . y July S, opt 0,N 7 a 1o197 Poui PEa J WBrmiaapet JUly Tt B opi. 1,N v. .13 i ,lem s, Uzuan>oJosoph E.Ooi dUx 18,JuI 28opýt21, Kovi. 3,Joa. 20, to,4O ok ei Jamul 11, Iý mal17, 19m5 nfR. &moIneU put' 00iejsNi 46,.16ptou...... 'Asam A" U 31LIT iOMMpume offile 'rliO .... .u. ~ ..... UabUl~hs. Dec. *1. ~ai Canital .&ge~4 - power is re-ý LcWhitby Co, 1 &W RNPWO

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