1'ÂyINGLRG r Companly dolaiSs â ligtactIIl'Othe hlakl- ýowder@ in AnrICea ve ta »u'lx dollar@ & MUOnt. IR SALE lfr Pruit GroWiS asMeâw01, tm« ytarfl3 ne bouse and lb.nk lei'erly, noi, rond. 4 -buil4t'a'l aIoin Prloo $»,000. ;ftine buUdlfltS, *7. mile& Irom Im d, TownslitP ut Biu-l rxfl0s south et. 1!am- Li buLidings. Prias or NeLson, new liouse 15, acres-cekar, bal- et0 Willoughby. 12 ud, go0a buIldiagg, et QI Tarailpr, I goad buridiin,iblack 00M or wall tenu usttioue ml- wlth >oltuDly la ay Of w et the' abue sPro- :tu4il, HamiUton4 00f. ýNEOUSQ M~ENT GORDON' ,ages $7 toi $10,. U4- Du. -Rabt..Duncan IN A. 1<DE- ýrend Trunk FaoI 284dtff -lImwu-. wo are pa;to 'trainD yOung ttlng and ta supPlY, Lddrisu Contrtl Toi- rd streCttsait. Te- resideat. ost Qards 100. 12:00.put-s oit -&M tIaut t00t 8: album.s, mi &1es SOnt. - a e ad retura troU xiu. D. i- Lyous. RecGill atreet, Mail- r p&rtkculara. zlEFOIW ýBUTINO tr agent aisar to yaU, ae argeet stockCet 1lu Canda. We par bs, et Browua' 'Nur- *LE*ROY'S ýLIE PILLS cýrllible motbly rugad. laiv beeauad anoM Jrs, ad foud uvauall. *«rqd eadn go ILL. Col, ,1bmiton. anai asked Who me lua, HIL Tojp lou. Jeau oth e bili Louath out et -- ljma niait on tht e e IV.le jsoomm Lbabud; oi: boldo doffat, radie& ltws of the lawo, der BA" uiiek, tW9 itlois; gail wére si» ofu.,, g rti fproye hian. to he humblesi mîuai b. about1 stie74 nsd th a pog è4r t4p or E o t roewd followid vatt b@UfO ltuI~so er t -A doputat VaS â ---. Ise t nelne Aooli Mu mi SU l th - po i m ý % Iant* sMd Wuqnis 0-a1trwa« Ag bu*- to pYO"0 t4âmiRi ,l ti. Smsof (.o4 *y taaalg itou into broad; Jeauà dofot', lhîm 6 quoting 8olptue; lStan thon &do Mn to flt msell down ifroni thé! plsagis of the- temple; and*gden ho FOéimdO5m uS Ueklqgom. of the, worl ifHe "Id do«u and wotthip 'Idii. Jouim rsls Llitm'sd a&Dul$ Came. . Plitoi NoterCapornaum, on thè e4 .o -f ÜOUWn.;Jésus wà lkîing by thi. i&a et Gail.et lt a o~.pressod taon 11W; 04 at ired lito, oter>s boat and taughtI them Wbue- Vluy stood ~tii. and; comms4ed imosto lagneaout loto tt>*dpy W ardraU;ht; Simtont aid they.had ioiled AU rmght. Aid. eku»tf notltiug# but he oboyed QChrst'& worti; * gtutmul,~titude of tfisho. eulosed; I tAie net %-" breakloig, sud Peter bevk* oned to James and Jo4i, to con*e toi tieir aesstanc; ooh sIps herc 1111.4 until they bogau to sknk; tbo discipaes wr stoufmbod anIhe z oice. "beq lott al .and jollOwed 4J estis. Vil». Topf-. Joeuasthe.reât Vhysii.% PlmCOýi . Pýq=uM. >Jouais4,10n te syna' goglie ôas theSabhoa kday. Toaohes the at Rit dEc. =re;au unë*tà id; ait re4ot;lm .r4a.1aw be4édwhen t beo um Wusdown thetu4»dand thosý POsuessod tWJth devils werg brought to 111ai,-and t himad ibomal l and catt out the dells. ÊHo "au«oeo4 woit't>edevilsa Wspéalc.» Jesus A in "t4Q-dépndnt tapon the, . tsti 3tOpt I.e $OMI 01115*4*ot wiuaout zuut sug am ,inon. gregt efforit., of bit aailagulst.2The bot vistous, s oute b rosI transctin. "Oa ta distrusi lRis lat â»mîot ud toý worli urà a Wb* 4410 stat Ip &Ction 1-sa of til* to tf pt e Iit aftiw'l te tou 4m 1TION rUTE LAND Il CAl7~ I