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Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 3

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and intelligent search. that thePublicet wecannot say the excellence and ,superiortty of Bue Rîbbon k CID[D. a Driven to nvitis snow andles Lthe tva trnIur i- i i. tise aLoi> Of !amily cf Lise Yuks- er and im -aof ber c f bungm e Lbâ<- giter omd a okpewo 0 ns, aad vlren tby rêtiser muwgered thea 1,1019noff, vise wwst furs, reported tise iniea aM Y*kutak, ta mv but et a île'tise latter wcr-e i. murded relative. 4 Toronto; Dr. Bay- Ine Grant, mr. Fer- él Mcnuel, Otta*a;, Courtuey, C. M. o., tive conaist o o 'uaci Province. Il n Ip&g, dxm uhLned ore beinig taio-ea lu Stise whte qiague. rd ot Remlýib hb.d W tow4irdi.qtise aec- Ln, and the-re oui r ot-ed by Mr. i). FB. Lnd enrriod, aettkng e' lifere"nt <ltrct cd , witia ieiwVO nJnoîîs woîll< be lt and c4Ot.. -Ce of thie work cfo "ROM COLLISION .PLEAU. 2pateLC: '.WO eae- ~r(d on thse eajet oud ryesterday, more- Puîtq and Lise other Lie piLssanger coaci, t rs esacapod with va ers, on Lis rnorn- t 0t, fÃŽlt oceurred (he-pleau, whe a Stlîrty rileîs nn vPlouýgh standin. re l'ePingr at tise ecn wero iIe u lvdIjuries froia vier. ocelirred ut sud- erd of Ibaggag(,e and utO at hiunsekors' h'retar end coacis, PohIccjthe vote April 2.- Robant W bauiiiîing firinucf ( v Il w ewre mIn caine ouit ven 9 %'Ote.q each, il Ji WitI the nimpor- POLme years ge thiulg but fmriends, mr, buit were Un- h ehOuid have bis s5 tkat the>' tien buldby th(, de- uilPPY one Le betb. N RECORD. Ir Honni. ru 2.-Tii. Afi Vinginiati arrived Sfrein Lîverpoow 1ailis. 5h. eft on Prida*r aflter- thse ýeYnRge acresse ' heurs, a reepnîl ýturbinai worke reatJer-wàvs- con-, Smiles wasýSy~.: "Ah!l my cild, don'L give va>' te se. dJd ase oppose tise 'alisescof hen relu- vhims. Sure you'Illhave te pass your tives. She bad f uiiy cornmitted benscif; vhole lite tete-a-tetewith hum; and h. perbapa tise sooner the question ef bei la g0cd. .%iake rnuecfrçýf hlm. Goe baèk. future vas f ixed beyoud recali, tiese acc Dow, snd l'il net fi teo be witi yen te- -or mise weuld throv off thse disturbing merov aL ten." pain vhich tise possibility cf escape Ina At the other aide of the door, Lisle vas eted,e long as she vas'stili unînarn-ied eengratulating Waning lu tise frankest More'over, se hated te rereive tise pre- sud mont. cordial manner. sents wvith wlîich Leslie Waring tried "I conaider a great dealisl due Le, me ite overviielie lier. It cost ber an ef- fer spiritiug you up, iny dear fellow. No- fort te thank hlm. and stili another tc thine venture, notiig ave -uc you von explain that IL svouid ho more pieasing a prizc any man nsight. Le proud cf." to ber te t.ake them f rom hear huaband's "Ha.ven't I, thougis! I w-eut to the baud$. niaht man for advice. 1 say, Liaie, won'tI you bc my beust man?"' She vas completel>' cured cf her love "I oi afraid l'il e half-wav te India1 for Lise ma St. John Liste had preved when the happy oyant coines off." hlmacîf to be; but botis heurt and fancy "Oh!1 vo are goiuig aliead et a great e lung utill te Lise beiug ber imagination rate. We er I ohould say I-hope to hsd depicted. IL wa.u toc soon te endure fix It for Tuçnday fortuigst." tise f*,eu<it cf another lover. Raid "Sharp voric, eh?"r' ime béen granted hen for Lthe efferves- [1er. Mena returned. cence cf ber spirit. to subside "I do net Liink mny grandinotiser ~jl -for bier cruel vounde to heai, ase comae dowa just yeL, (p.i Lai." might have beau won te regard "Bni' sahne hvetI. îcsueWarin vitis kindiy affection; as iL vas, et ueeiag lier. I @hall ho going te tudas ber M l nature revolted frein being ia about six veeks. sud I have te go t. forcibli piunged iste tise tremeudous in- Parla to ueo my sluLer, etc., etc." Tise timacy cf marnied 11f e vlti a strauger. talk flowed on Au erdinar>' cha.nnels for Ths peniod cf engagement vau b>' ne a few minutes, sud then Lislee o j meana as blissful au Waring anticipated. ta.ke leave. "Sbould t not oe. you agaîn Moni, thougis geutie and compaisant, s Mienseelyn," ho su.id aAh resdwîs cold-colder than she knew--aud hen hand," >'ou willree heressed j uWaring vas Lo e isics em ad on-k bave mn>' armest g m;d ih toiryu enrh1 iflbheacrsome trnehs e t'd tcoas- isappioess. t shall psy my respects t ete d astoc cruel. Then soe strain Mn. Newburgh on my neturu te Lon- cof compassion vould steal ever ber beant don;no god-be." nd thrillI lier voire or soften ber cyes, don; s <ced-ye."nd thse poor bey-for lie vas but a boy, Mena flnmhcd sud psied quickly. in spite cf bis years-would ho lifted Le *«And I lvus >'ou ail possible sucoess; thse seventi heaven cf joyena anticipa. 50 oed.bye;" she said eJowly. ion. Ric had thse moatunubounded faitis Wng, in his gratitude, vent witis lu Mona, sud hc had ber assurance tisat hlm dovustairs, and bld hlm an cf fuase did not love any one. Ris devetion, mlv. faneweil at tise hall door, retire- tiseu;ýust Win ibcr. 11ev formidable tise Lng lu isigis <le. e Mena, vise vas put- rivair> ot tisait finaL unfulfiiled dream. et ting orne more ceai on the tire. loe.wvash. could net kuow. Would b. "Oh let me do that. Why do you trou- learu iL hereatter? bie. a't. the. oore bot enough." "'Well, lira. Newburgis,' ssid Sir Rob- "Grannie vili b. dowu accu, sudse, ent Everaird, %bohe hd again corne up Le neyer finda L itwrus." tova on bis relative'a acceunt, "t arn l"Net just yet. 1I be. Sosnehow or jvery giiid that e'ierytin-iu lu sastis- othen I neyer seam te get as moment factoril>' settii'd. 1 must gay Meus is s sioe. itli ycu, Mena. I vas <lad Le capital, sensible girl, sud makee ne fuss se.tise bark of Liste, though h. i. a or botiser about elothes. Warngn's Idea *aptal feleow. I don't know Liat 1 jof doing their shopping tegetise n s Paris 11k.any fellev betten; but I vas dying la finit-rat e. le ill aigu a vîlIlu in i to tell yen bey happy yeu mode me vifes favor as acen as tii.> returu trous Suet novw iien1Icame lu; you reaUy eisurch. and' meantime tise peut-nuptial looked as If yen vee glad te see me. settlernent is being preared. Re&Jly, If I tiseugst yen ver. golusg Le b. touila Wnilamoat genereus.AVisait anc yen ef me as I arn cf you. why, 1 sbould b. <0111 to dôl" sîmoat off iny iead witi je>'." - UI -am geing to sti>' on bore. 1 tblnk "Yen are tee, good te me," se ne- mn>"poor hanse la toienabi>' ate for -a tuned, aadiy, fan Ida verdi sud toue tcw moutha. Mr.n.Vri.gtalicq cf nent- Louechem-be. Iig&apla~e li smeorn cd untlng eounty "I kuowi" ise vent ou, "tiat>'ou do -Andcod, 1 tbink hoh. la l trat>' for eue net- care mueRa ton me nov, but 1 beu* -sd be bas ver>' courteousli>nvlted me te hoe.yen viii. Clive lue your j=.. ;te make my>'hoe.wîuîhAn. For tise boy long and aleuder IL la.Yen could preetI 1have atecpted. Se old a vo- net do mucis vthIbRt, Mous. Wliy de ussu as-b -ave home..nluthse lait mentis, yoma dm-av ava>'?Halle, youn ring bam canuot b. muehin Lutise vs>', snaprobial> lipped off. 1 dontb 11k. but. Lt Lme 1sisalnet trouble tien loua. Tisoquuii.u ëUit on again. Nov, gir. me Ob kis Wtyrelier.!, and thsk<mtatlf k; ye baveneye give me pt leprovided for se happl>'.1Ido net matha. on. ks, nd Ibave nvemcd n e ut or ~strengti.Thes e tcrmlbie Okaltais ane s-juiL n e ore Mm of." suJlad faintuma acs te "Ï my>' j e;but Anil Mqt ne-.orke, Mo»r.e" m- 1 Iamnont uneas'; Mw ortisledou-1 t.,nd an-ele er ovu rolâneeMue- qut. doue!"1 tance , "ise mafbeo d<n er bis WCome, come!1I1 sope te drink your1 waisoe beanbopcneel ienbert t.bWthon your elgistiti birtiada ma> wlrpae fait faeU t e l ý tSýC d a14y W. mut bave ne dolofu h«pleapibr and lu fi>ob ii.oaIdfflaiet tat kind. 804Use appy day i. Wbanlng ber doaud ipremse dabis lips lifor tise f»lrALdy Mary siad Lb. Wuin bet dwn nd peffd hs Ips &Is îU ombup the day bito, s«d lungeringi> on boe. Ho macel7 dared fIL b au tue cmpma>'le to embruce HAMamue tremblea; is Y4 » aevm-'g.!Mynt e>'.. er. meuet. curts*lvur visit t te b. acr nceou' "Bsay, 'Lelie, 1t vi itry te loveyour,"' 00LF b. visisp0ed199Bcà la thicker bl asae.***' me- "I viii ry- i sli Indecd, lie," idm tureir t obert, sad altera lttie tut- re~d .'~Ibave becsseuw, s '~tbe set mii taiic &M gea1vlcis dl4M aot per Granule,& « sud i er. eu ee Le tereut M. e NIèburah as tr h oght t m rînis ma;dai " - nauc et IL use&,tLe barouet tocklesv& together t have been BlakenaM udDerOus "Yont nastmeusdea« lotplck upmes -san mua t tfongive usIf I »M 1fi auas secoold us," b sMa1- . We0I - ,,Won a Some pÃ"rtnt Discoveréies Are made only after a long Urne of patient I stimk dra from a ouboard bbsId. thé! Urepiaee "QUýit, a goo-aized zoom, toc; Ibut# Deb, dear, LtIflht b. tidlerl1' "80 t megt;- but, me belle, 1 bave no trne;, snd wb;do..thsepo slave of a girl' know cffidieabsi8, if ah. tried ber baud, lildnover find my bite cf thine.st" Mona's remark wu net unealled for.j Thse apartuneut was sudly littered. A eoottage'plsuo hW an aid IU"Ia shawl ar. ranged as a drapery at thse back, oee d cf whLeh was unfastened; Ë' les cf mugie lay ounLt, sud on a brokeu-bmcked affafr; a heap cf crunspled newapapers on another; a smmiii round table was trowded wlth plants, zna.ny cf them wlth- ered-, and sundry germent. iu proceua of mending or making were loiely rol ed toget.her ou thse ottoman. This, sud a generally undusted aspect, dld not nu. proveotthe appearance cf the. room. it Tea )pearance of stone laid in ceuriés. Lunatcly, howev'er, it does net look tone. Another metsod, used to, 1the Uine where one day'. work la and thse next began, was te plaster LCS ot joining. This ln neyer sat- )ry, as itleIaves a discolored streak iggests an attempt te bide a weak Mtr. Webster's xnothed cf overcom- de la ta make a sharp clear lmne entaticn between cecs day's work etemporary use cf a triangular )ftmekept for the purpose. result shows the cncrete laid in a, syrnmetrivally marked off, and at ttempting anythîng like an im- c f dresacd stonework. Au ex- example of this method la to b. ithe brndge, jiist about conspleted, carries t e oulevard over tise Railroad. This style ef building ther interesting as indicating a cf calculating approxirnately tise ,quired to, eonstruct tise bridge. Lher suceessiul experiment Ln tse int cf surfaces, especially those inga, baflusters and coluine, lba raabing, te reinove the. fine mater- 1Ilave a roughened exterior whlc)î tispe r o f thé. substance sm:d -er piceof wbich itla1 compoeed. rings eut at once a suggestion cf kat strength cf the. concrete snd er the. pieces cf rock ssowu b. tise trp or tse rounded pebisies, eltiser ch may be used la the mixtures, lrl ighly sa.tlsfa.etory sud thé- ion that cf genuineneas. It does k 11k. rock of sny kLnd unies. It b. that known- te geologista -as menit., whics,- in tact, Lt le, kmade artificially. It basison-r Lisat tisis waahlug. off cf tihe sur- cls not destroy tise sisarpnuo f or corners and tise rougisneue pro- sà net se great as te permit cf tise Int cf mousture. at ail cf Lise nov bridges nov way or te be ?rovlded are to, b. àdecorated roïnforeed, concrete. f rom Liiis happy solution ottis. )n ot beauty tise materlal for ,work i. as strong as steel snd more endurlng. Espeolall>' vien Le t. thse aeid gases ci locomotive snd tise action et stean thé econ- rens unaffect.d, visereas thse à subject te corrosion. 0f course, Ithse maLter ofcOea, tise figue. at> la tavor of thse concret.. The. te bridge on Frakford aveue, mhe l'loquetg' Crwekfor Iï. more beï tissu t an an -steel are- eould b., c' t about -1,1. 4el tise ost wouId be sbut #25- In genonal, the.differemes lu ocit, crat. bridges la about -38 per cetot wa tcr et..il sud fuil>' 60 per cent ta for a yklnd ot iieM Mtoe. As m atone and conorete tusdlier. made uplargela uthse co f âetioa ratitban in thse m*terilL wAEE O? 8ChILET EEm 'osscsse4 cfieu- of aàwe YItaW 4,,-. 111E g' p .I OEYLjN- TEA on the sealed Iead packets. a guarantee of incomparable, quality.- REFUSE SUBSTITUTES Bl1ack, Mlxed or Green. At agi grecers. 40c, SOC eud 60c per Sb. BLACK. MIXED OR GIREEN.i Its it Lst J - e7 I b m p r Yet we cannot say -- %44 -vba -&- -4%1P--V AV n u rewureput ber amn uncier er thse ap, on a geueral garden, visicis at tsait se&- gisoulderito e ll ber in nislug, iih Untort, son vas anytising but ciseerfuL. wu alivays a litie difficuit. like ut 11I1bave su elegant bedroorn te the 'Tiauk yen, mn> love,'"ase aid, in tise oonoeal tront," resumed lime. Debrisa>'. "Ceme aime indistinct va>', amillng as §ise ended a *and look at i." Passing a glass door at spoke, and sitting on tise aide efthtie bcd; thse pin the top cf tise kitchen stair, she open- ber feet did net at firet touci tise floôr. isfact., ed iL, and cailed-"Arnciia, briag up tise A.ssisted by Mena, ase put tissu down and ani tea-kettle; Ilil boil it myseif. iLsa a resolutel>', but feul back immedita.ly, si-.po great conrenienco bclng ahle te cry lent and motienlesa. mg tLi down for visat you vent. Nov, there's ILtecok ail Mona'. strengtis te keep ber cf inde Imy bedroom. 1 amn afrald it là flot inert f orin fremn alipplng offtitse bed, b> tise usucis better in order tisa the otiser." visile ah. stretcised iser isand te Lise bell. atri oi "II can'L s>' tRiaL it is, leb, but it ÃŽs roe whiho isung beade IL. ile new ý nearl>' as large as tise otiser. I-wonder ladya-maid saine ruinning at tise sum- courses you do net make Lii your salon. Thse mons. yet not lookout is more ciseerful." "lIelp me te lay bier down!" wispered Itatien III ar nont muchisnub>' dayiight. £ben Mena. cet yen see the otiser rooxu bas a fine white 8h. teit t.errlfied; this vas somnehow seen in suarbie clsimney-piece. It waa intended different f rom Mrs. Newburgh'à usual wîiich 9for tise drawing-room. These Doutes faintlng fits. NP. used te bc expensive, but tii.> have Tise muid asîsted te place ber in bed. lu f urt corne dowa liko mysetf. corne a&ong, 5h. was rigid and very havy. meinsi and ll make Lis e t.n." an bier, Ellea," aaid Mena, as aise tine rn 6*1 think " saiMena, presently, as she turned awýaY te get scîme restorative. Anot] * alowiy sti/red ber cupý "iL would ho nice' "Lord bless us, ma ami" ecleaimed thse treatin, te dg; soine of the. bcuselvork ones seif." woin, in an awestruck toeue; "I do be.cf ruli III suspect a littie c6f t would geo5lae'e he's gene."j been vi long iv i vu. tà te d work 'Imposaier cried Mena, rushin teil ansd wo'1 hve At de. 'fhere's an easy lifber aide. 'Why, &sie bas ouI>' just g ea shows efore--" o csin u peaking tO me. Sise cf tan talute, »end tise ari mc'rostonav ho ndswUp a for Lthe docter.9 Tiss li sumad caL ripe. trawberries, sugar, &'Ah, no dector wili do ber anu goed, tise gre and cream' all day long, la net cxactly pa lady; lier heart i. quit. atiu," la'. visethe my idea cf a bliâsful existence," .4ad îng bier hand on.it, "sud ber eYe.--juat black tt bia Ilook at them, inis-pen sud giasy." of vie "Now mvc1alirg. amgoig tMena teck on. cf tis e lpiesa bauds ln tise colt 'Now, m darlin. I arngeing et both lber owu; tise teucis cisied ber, iprs vou a good scolding. You are lcoklng "Icno eiv t r u ive net pale and thin, wnd your eyeu are solenu, iser Liii.," isastily meaaurlug out, tise pre. might ks if you were geing te s funerai. l5a cribed quantit>' of Medicine.coge that thse way te treat thse deai, generous, elo ho e edan byd Ltos ahigue youn insu wlonmredyLeve- as lavain. Wehner vas despatchcd fouad t shp hegrun yu ul o? Vbat fer tise doctor, but befere be came, face do As t you want! 1 did flot tui you Mon&'s hopes were ôver. PaHr grand- aduLai were tise sort of girl who wouid cry forr motiser, ber one real fin, vas deau -ue i the 140on." 8h. could net doîzbt wisat iat dy a- redii -Nor arn 1," rcturned Mona, thought- 1rttedad>'siu ate sWfenc d Aben f uliy. Il know, i>eb, that Mr. . arling torm, meant-stili aise could not realixe under1 îs toc good for me-" tiat aise siould noyer isear ber spea.k, cf tRaI 'I don't say that. No oue on eartis neyer tura te ber fer guid.ance, neyer Aside1 la toc good for you, iu n y mid," in- attend Le ber littie vanta again. quetioe 1 terrupted Mme. »ebrisay. (Te b. eontlnued.) nd. I *But-Iet -nme con feus myscif te yeu. I1 _________ would gir. anything--an-3thing net t. ua j e obliged te rnarry hie. 1?.ià olois, IL Lm l~~a ioke *unreasonable. 1t -now t is. Yct 1 HE I H IN Si->ruINIG. subjeet bae uisa sion cf wearine!ts before crete ri me. i know 1 kha11 ho sicis te death eofa kisnelp bcbng vitîs lsîm. inever knew visat te Nature Needs Assistance b MakSg in' say te hlrm." hanw 1at~Gvn l . cretff III warrant leko wliat te sa>' te cr yo6. credmaam.Spriug is tise seasen visen qvour stance, NoI! indced hie dees not 1 H.e au only oysteli needs toniug up. In tise setcuý tell me that 1 amn perfection, sudLisaitsrig yn mshao ew bod FraI he does e. just "a Lie trees 'must have new "P. 000. i "IL's a style of conversation few yeung &aturte demanda IL Wltisout -»w for ton ladies vould ebjeet te." bleo o en iii tel veais snd Ian- lesutisao I Wall, tdo. YeL I arn son>' fer bhlm. guid; yen May' baveIvînges ot riseu- les.Utn Peor tellow, ise de.. love me.,*nsatisim or neuraigis, ceffatonal icd- botWee . Ais. veli you tee, soeeof thit viii aches, a. variable appetiteu piols or eCe le rub off wisen he is married. A lever le eruptions cf tise skUn, or a pale, pasty -COnatru eue thlng, sud a husband la quit. an- <Smpexien. Tises. are sure#signetâma otiser. Tisen oughtn't yeu to e b.gld tb. blood As out cf eider. A tonte le *3 to make a isuman being bïppy t?" needd t. gAve new energ. Dr. WllIanma' "$hall 1 make hlm hippyt 1 deubL 1Pink P'ils areLise but touA. u it thseGeu IL. Oh, Dois, Debi I wou!d give the venld. Tise>' make nev, riais, reti bl«oi ven)d for freedom sund *wcrk. I amn g- a # ecll pru.Tse' l tired et plesure snd simieex isence." icr tise sdlal ut iss.au "Dieu des Dieux? Does tuat iea make tlred, deprueaud mmsd oe nix >'ou are lu love vitRa Borne .ipe='e bnlgist,atir.'ansim trong. Mn. OÀl« scm "Neaison .Y5iiiSclos.Que., pro>Y 5 thethat soi "No, ean. At beast 1 am gulltlessWtstvalue of Dr. WllIam.' 4P nbi Pl of marnying one mnuwhlle My heant FebuIlding ppol iebv ecn achs.fon sn9ther" vai c » psodlen d o b is aya: "lu btise r "Than tisere las otbtlug u3derneatis the vmnter oet 1wuvasv" -'muiNàr=u M n I do net understand. Il y ou dou't care devu ï u et f Was np>.!t y leoi ie for su>' one cisc, ail viii ome nlht vas Pmo. - t sffereti roïn e Yen talk te me a yesr heace, and you'l Wl srz iadaçiss sd <suerai ste Onela of 1t bave a different *tory. te tell. Novj* , ?I orn& doldn 1 <v D.lvi aeti net speak another werd o« tue subject Diam.'e l i'rM a tial sudtumakateoi sa 1 bats tslklng etfvisit 1 deu'1t, ulIdaÙ14 %vAlbie ediin I u1 gite.joy- sg stand. Ta"ce anotis et bamisaelbm For sU repi>', Mou s unet tt tars -Wolmvliis POIue oi, tisef ao s !loecutsur$t, but &s qutbt . U-'&a"Mta duete mmorbloodor abattz! .c, e-Ile, - Cevion IIncubators .. and OdesJ-- Prem bulletin fnmtise ontario e gi- Cultural Odilege, Guelphb, 0aWa, by V. IL Graâam Mm hetbtlg saamlue t ba thosè vWho contenl4,îte rmoi r .* bidrdka wfiîfidincubators %ad brooda more convenient tlien -the natur- eal nMettdand et thse ernetizuethoy Mn bha.tditeir chikene early Wh,.(hl mea.m a& botter ebance cf gettîng eggs noet wlnte. *Tberm are a few points that n'ee COU- sideraticU in artificial inubin aD br'ooding. . The. incubater ahould b. opervated whenete airlinpure.if theeair in the rcoom where thse machin. le run hwa. u ,offensive odor due to Mie umei of kero- '&en% O et deaying Wood or vegeta 1bles, the rom j e net a zood placete ru a ly weWlbut ta raie the chicku e .,notis. or queStion, - Ilcusand ofcf eie are ruizid by being hatched lil*v;eâtilated jrooràt% especkUly if very inclut. The machine, especially a bot air imks, IMUat not ho run in, a direct &na«Ught, su-- it Ma e>'iset uneveul>'. IL in wefl te have. four or more thermometors an.' place th=er in different parts cf tise eue tvy belote putting tise eggu i% W maresur. your macine bas ne "bot spots." RUe» or lower the endi cof tise maieunil it hesta at lemat «it-bm a depesud » Use-attau PRM& Il a.itspot je found lu tise ceulirsthlaS cn be scrse- ed by attachlng a coeth or a.pue of metal under the top et tis emLchaniber. lu» Wii uuall.y cau»!tse ttéi is- tribute better. It la wlee tto ov tise naUfactltror' dirtion. as to __cpera* tiem hie Dlfféerà im6es reliure fe*azt-treat. ment ad tise maker aisi>'kevaWhb* lit machine requfrea te o godwfk. Care -sbould Alyays be -ta 4 t.kcep,> thes lamp snd buruer dean. At Ummes thse wire at -the. bave cf thse burime' gete dirty or covered wlth durt; MAisia ud' b. weil eaed, otbervlse, tAie lamsnp i Uable bo flicker or imolmire.- Obleke, as a rut, aire mrt -mai11>' hatohed Vbau reaired. -Mortailty- M., >uunM bika ise mUty due te bad .ý ln2e;nperature, tisepalut stock hiè be -too-partiauler about ti"npoinkt u seletizgbregtock;1 or Lt may ' b. au 'to b"dbrodn dfel~ n ou m.tbod a feedlng l Isuallte. ftigYe tise cisiokfrSnmte Incubatir t. tii brooder.. vIdaisbus bmabudded, us Te

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