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Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 4

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.4' 1' ~ 2 T H2 UI-YKEYStONE, TIUESDAY, APRL De 1906 t- 'r Y' - i 4 r 1l Sprlng ieh crea naît as soon das anvst people it would. lu8t, but thought càuite a nuruber siiiipsed their cat- tic Iast week, andi reoeived toçprinces. Mr. Sa ndy Mooire tiaded -horsés la te- 'Y. The Wrnnai's Institute he, inug at lira. J .W. liodd'a Mr. Walter Pryger6. vlaïtem G. Sa'.age'q recently. Mr. Chas. Macely htas rei Mfie scbooi ciildren hati titres takien ciii Friday lasi W'edding bles are stili r'1 lias, beemi a good thing foi- t ors aromnt iehoe. -id a meet- [ast week. 4 rit Mr., ,ceived lis thelr pic- lie preach- RepoSrt o! Jurlor LAvilon of the BrookiUnpsiblice ichool for March. Naines ar tin order of maer1t. Or. lI.-Jetsih Brl'gs, lironors, An- -nie Blifght, Mol-un Srinccr, Myrtie 'Aguatras, Frdnk Banner, James Lani- bort, Jù6eph Franau;, Oeorgo Bigg Inter. RINI!uioutley Bessie Mbilrien and JoihItn }iortop, honorts; Jesseo Colwili, Nora Kimberley, May Jr. II.-Dorotliy- Iiolliday, honors; T1re.giitiLaiwr-nce, -,tia ygla :v, John Pringlop, Dorothy VIrond, Loiiie Allaema, 11111e AÇ!Istubi. Sr. "f. . -late Ii o honors; Aima S1uc"a,,ce, ,î.iidHia, arold Manning.MrjîtAin. .r. Pt. Il.-Mtitni4" ColwIil, honor.q; Mijna Hall, Ma' Litt hariniwrt. I.-Will-eert Kn.upp andK-m t hieni jRiiiîbvrlvy, hoatîr' U;ruand'rr r- El nie fipp ce r n ,,-(;c~rgeIl egs,~i it tISJier'r .lT toi. l1ilissl,0M'linMy iaI<r l-olirni ng as tlanr-rr.f tr st,tniiig o! tir- .tr11is o!f tt', 1 %va dlij.)i ifons ! th'îrooukih n se ho (. T lhe ni nsVs r jjr nigft Oi n ut-dron !nirit, a nd a so rif, 1h1i41,! c' % iz., honor s, priiri,îum in7' i(r cu.ti. , piss, in -. 60Iv)j'r con t. i', lî , 1 F, i ie r (') per cent. 1. helbît>n ot! i h Tiirior Di v isuin f or the iionth ufMre. Rleport <if D~iiruHri)vision for thre morh of M.-rc i. PIu V - ý--- v I islop Blanchie tr4;îvag. l;i Uc i ija y. M'iner -'ituttr. S-r ]V. l'r-':?kPoii lt ti' '.'Ie",s Wh i lcadt. M'a r1e r , 11-l 1 ;rtopGeoge v. GLoa L" notic. Pel>'v i.tr;s-chaieiu ('lti, rir'iýi Ecr. nIl o 'îor- 'Lxila -TJr. 111. l as-daBurtcyn, <lira FiviFs, VlaIl.4 wv f.y nie n t. Below pass.--George, MeBnion, Frank lowIi lo't';rd Knapp. WV. E_ ltrarrev, Piaiu COLU -MBUlS. MUr. Ritubsel Langinaid, of Darlington, spent Stinda v nit Miss Viclet (>;,y, Mfr. F. E. Iiailitt, or Oahawa, fipenti a short tim rîLt Irs lhome -,near jlre,. Miss Alima P,*laui.i viited In t h! l'on i.-Ori "ti.daty, M. r-ch 25th, the %%i!(ýofo!Nr. WVrng Brouwn, o! a son. ilndrcw IL.r il !Oshawa, lai -ipenld- iuîir a ek ',%Ill' ieiC.nug>(riend. .1. A. liilb ts roturried froim Ho-- ululuan i r row it1, his famriiy in Noîvecastie. . niesla%*idiSoli andu farnily rire nrroving 0it thüE Pnsir farim, near Duni- i;arton, tItis i-I Mn. .IrAlti lr ig, .;sssur, o! Clre- this Init-aLty th's w-4k. Ira ik N. Levescîitor ardtI ro- pnit-tor o! Iie BLcIton Enterpi-ise, anîd foro-ely o! thir kvnIng New-_s. tff, spert a coupfle o! days with Pick-r-r irîg fr!-ýnds. G-Yçorre -:'î-ry, 1une tir the ergineers at Spiik «% M.;.v-ii WLdri-sd.y, liad ïa nrow escapît froîn gi;ýtan t dca tih. lic wam engagA d ilitig thc machinery ;troitund Uc ordeîarwhen It li sîîpudt1ic ilaf!t caught bis cloh - inr and thc t«s throwi xioently t o the- fluer. 'rhe firait tbing ie knev lie wissitt 11ug àil a Çar sotie dis- ta nc froîn N i'.-thle accident 0cm- red. Ile, oriida cr t r. l)îvr- Iluis (,,r anîd was h.diy sh.!ken up. tA ' a 1<Suit e' (1we ccidlit lie 'ail) 1i>", <Li ttio li ay uIf!%voitk for :1 A. nu rnIs-rofoi~<ui- -.4rts ad ttid;î-d a sht j ltni! a.raatch j Fltrolîg lia ru 'fin Thursdi ti. 'fhc fCui w s hroug lit to aclos-e by ama ivstî- t s; per. Fr ank Everitt, o! Mitdlarad, baslht-t c-ng<ged 1V W M . 1. , g-a sbkr ,11(l critnni-d iipoti 1iî ' u u-o<n Tut- e'SîL;r. n..-ith, who lias '-n %with Mr jOls Intie liat fv ycars, l-avc iis iv cl-'r Toron-ot. nhebre his faniil i r- r Ont Satmraay cvetilig J..Il. ror'ai teaiu attruched to <r lo-ad-,d wag- gr), sitar tcd o" 'twhr-n sarnîditig iPrr G. Law's blickstuitriihop. Tnirniig -west cmt King strei-t they scaun lia ( gailwad a.1 900d b'd Ut werP Stop- Ibed wvthotit u~eîdaua.gr-Nteiv-q. réquired , y- sccttëe .47 OiL-.thea LI.I ceuse let. 'h ev1iooaoe _was talken bel ore Maglstrate M7COsh, and refer- red -to the ÂAttorusy-Lieeiril. OÙ Wedneridey DIght LIcenso In- spectot Dlack recelved a, telephome message froom 1r. ,Fsrgnston, of the Tcorouto Constructioa nriipan>', at Codwater. oaying ho b.ad Iocated an Ilicit dilpccser 01 1liuor. Inspector Black took the f1rât 'train on Thnrs.. day moening, andi BIbh te assist- ancen of Cortable Hardy, larrested ,John Vanstruiî, an tutqtrian, who was running L 'biind pig" on the construction Df the C.P.R., about 2 miles out of Colàwzator. The pri- er wvas fined $50 anti costs.-Times. ~~ 1. - '1 . l1-.r yCr- fr-cr. ~ r'a~Vr'au-.A WVru It is prùiidbie that Ijeforc long the l2th býtt-t1Oi York lZangers wvlll be addctl to thi Toront:> garrison aind hang up its Lulmux, in thle drill hait -tii-1mr'o. sicn ed' ).,. of "rstruc,Àn f or ('ooks" 'iiý.Lr t) tlic one issur'd in 1tJ03, vhrrKh 'v.1.4 w quickly ex- haustcd, is understcodà to bc' in lire- paratiom. In view of the cominig ('a înls cf inshtruction, ti~is1s a %vise move, as tlit .rdiniry camp cook ¶s generally 'ktrn," d the resuits ol tus lab'.ir '<e;îdly.' Amnci rca i soidir s a: r obUlged to fire -150 rtntds pe r year, aînd have lxesides 360) rounds a-lo-. cd free for nat1c hcs. 'a nadian so4dierg fire 200 iminds. and hav'e none frre. E-ich of o.îr it ;r: have oiily to fCre -12 r (-; iilds. Taking li.îto Considieralti'>ii t hat t ucr t Crt :ng i., above all t hings t henost importanut qualifi-i- tion of thje ioderi fightvr, weif distincLiy hehitu Oi )e*ight)ors to thP scontt. --- it is said 1flit Liver, tv&oStouffville hoteh- gnîd zan agreemeint ',,0 hotc-ls arnd prenaisrs andrî Complaint; L0Kout for these symptoms of L torpid liver and biiiousness; Coated tongue, Bitter taste in the mouth, Attacks of beadache, Fickte appetite and indigestion, Feelings of weight and oppression about the stomach, Pca rtuu-uy î.uttvio QItiLIX.Depressed spirits and irritable A yo-igg NWCuaD n ir.ed 'Sadie Woods, temper, Woa ;.;ricr'red, charrzed .vîthi Constipation and looseness of the v;àgrancy. -! îul wastt sc;ittiipd hO 'ix' bowels. iri'ontlisi n tlit: MeIrcer refornit .o'-ylTie Most satisfactory regulator of ty t1h police uxu.it s t naI < , the iver is Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Ont.1:S'iut daty (eoreWoods twas Pis. This well-knourn medicine liut iin the luckup f or tcaing -i bas a direct and specifie action on suIît o'f cehhs. kirly on% Monduiy the liver, enlivening it in its work nturning soeac e lm~te ring f r of filtering the blood and aiding th< îîr fC roui dît-outtid, anad ili-edigestion. pimîoner cscillcd. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PiUs, Ont Monday Insprctor flltck ch-irg- one pili a dose, 25 cents a box,. at al ci n'ie of tihe'Onili.-r hotel kicelçuri% dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & CO., wlth no-t dibl'iUying hit. ilceaâe, ai% Toronto. 101 Provide no acooniuodatIon to t' publie for the ue.it three Ieari4 durlng the tame local option la forS lu thut manicipality. rThis the or doue, of curse, to kit -b&ck lit the peM~le who voted for tho by -la w. The -hctel keepers mdy 8l1zCeed ln aruing a feelkDg of opposition to the measure becfae 0f te lack of accommodation - au that If yoteld on again the by-Law wiii be repealed. On the o'her band tbcy imay arouse thle temperance element to take actio.1 and pravide a good tempetance ho- tel. The traVeilling çubtic must havte accommodation, aind if Lb&P hotel mne.) 'nill nuft proide it the local opt!on.. ists shauld. lInfluuniclialitjs liriere this la nolt doue, local option ivlil bteco'me very un&-optlar. COPYRiGHTe &C Anvone ftae ga sketeh and de.crtlton Ma7 qulckly asMrti* IOnft Pti r«w ebe & invention là probab) niaeltable. Communlica- tions strictl oonfidetlaL aDor W on Patente sont f ree Oideat a9=07 r eorngptenta. patente t*keu n ro hMunit &WC. réoelve speim n iottec w:thont Cav, in the A hundsomer llar±dweky ~retar caiat4on of any saient0c oJournal. Terneta.1a Yeau: four montba. Si SoId b! a&U newad.aJems MUNN & O is d D N wYork TRAVEL IN COM FORT Liverpool, England PHorg Kug, China VIA CANADA On Canadian Paciflc Stcamshins ard Tralins Tire Ctinrpan7't r lT'r!iad <X"urlt Sieepers. W)ning Crr, uud ltt,1%r. Teiegnpb. Expreta itand Nl.ws 'Service wlil 5upp.y overy Lrnbpûrt noed luble en route. FOR ONTARIOY RlPS Canr'dùan Pac',tlc ra"ngor Cari 1cMad t others for .tufort. Cust-ru.r&on. iiie aid flntsh, also healug. . i1;ILng iaind ,2..:11t.ý,it ybiaem thre bout prucurable. TO ENGLA1MO FOR XMAS By Q;t. IlLake Chnn'plan **f.-am gt. Johrn, N.B.. D>oc. 9th. for LI verpoolk For pamnphlets anrd !urntaiIon cail on a=7 Ca.nadlan Pueilo Agent, orle l C. B- POSTER. D.P.À. C.I'.IL Toronto. Ont. ~U'a1'u ~,-1 FAAa -j e' --I 1 par it (IXî ls for ' î ýr lai Outoîrio ioti>t i».%, t For atîî. T140 H pi L for 1 .i<'a '. 41 of T«=t, h- . 1 &wr puti~t pet dzaei udrb.wv t-:. 4'4'~ 4' * 4' *4" * 4' 4' 4' *4" 4' 4' 4' *4" 4" 4' 4' 4' rICKEPUi NG 4 4 4 'r, w 4 *4' GASOLI NE ENSIME bas won highestu awards-.,at Toronto Ediiîbitions for the -put five years.Tis speaks well for the 'çagise. This make of gasolino engine is in t»Is lail parts--Of Outarie, .rftd empl<y.d to drive ail kinds of rnachinery. Farmers find IL immeusely w sefU to drive saW'iug machines, choppers, pulpers, cutting boes, etc. TlijS gSOliuOngula hm PEsssIng glus Pmasmp l'sotesl. Osa'pontr Sb@p. tisiat MISS. lufa<ét -alnost -every place wherei quired, îL is tho idéal, power., one- of theSe engues may b. sSeeu-, *4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' r, ni-,-- 'r jâ4'4' .4a .4m * 4' ~B4'4' 4 4' ~.A4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 'a!, 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 'il 4'4' *4' w *4' *4' 4'4' *4' 4'4'4'4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' 4'* 4'4'. *4' 4'. *4' 4'*. 4,4' *4' fromt At Made in Canada Tho '"PERFECT" Tho Undersigne4 I Spl *4 4' 4' * * * 4' * 4' When a Man ho t'eels-,the i The 1re are many guish this ýear's stylé kt is by compi fine tailoredý garment wear clothing that yo- of diffèrence" mean-. if you aim to be If -you realie th appreciate the new s -Roi

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