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Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 5

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TE -WHITI3Y 'KEYSTONE THUILSDAY APRTT . 51906 4 î>p~f~Ç~~ ~If VI, 'I, J 'f 'i, NI, 'fI 'il, 'tIf 'Il, fi, "a, tItI 'ta, eb eof sof ds ~ur Spin CIothin When a man leaves off his Overcoat' he feels the needo a new Sack Suit. There are many littie points; of ditièrence titat,(iistmi- guishi tiis ýeaî-'s style f rom the ono in vogue last Auturnn. [t is by comparing thie 2Othi Cent.ury Br-and of men,s fie tailored garments with the ordinary kind oif ready to- weaî- clothing that you see just howv mucli these "lfittie poirit.s; of différence" mean. If you aim to be well dressed thev miean nuch to you. If You roalize thieir iyj)oiLt1(- v i i]be u 1ick tu appI)eciate the iîew single hî'easted suits Nvc ar-e oflèring at from* $7.50 to $13 At the Cash Store ~~su~sAi~i BOS BOS Ge NOTCETO FARMERS 1 The Undersîgned bave fur sale a full Une of sbelled Cor-n. ehop composed of! Oati and Coru; Chop -< <>iipose<d of equal partsof-Whoat, Barley, ai-d shorts. Heavy foedmr, buying ton lots eu.geL cdose prioS. It wiIl doubly pay evory feeder to use oneO of these Condiments, 6"Her4ageum" o*r "Mgyeon 'sOebPAtOd Hoseý and Qattie BSpIc." White Beans Wanted. Âho Fat Lainbs, CeIves, and B"OtchsCattlo;- W. . PING E &00 The Keystone THE NEW COUNTY PAPER [oued e«" tThtweday from Me .Ol$ce, T9w1a Hall BuiUditig, Broc Street, Whitbi, Ontario. Ontario County--"The Keystone Conntyot theb ,leyane Province o t,.EytoeColonu_..f the BrLlEt na zpfr"-J. e. FreK C., Whitby. TusRaitys'"Ro>ca lulande nde liPoliticz, and wilh advocat.e what it belr ves tb,. nthb tt in- terest. of the eommuninty. The~ Subscription Prie. la one bnndred ce -t. q for Oifty.two imues. "lien pald li advarce.--ît.2. 'haeu flot se pad. Thi e rtWsim Rates are reasonable ai-i wifl be quoted on application, If ycur visis to b. hcard, çay it throug TîiE KEsToritat ChangeofutAdvertlaements aboniti reach V- la of 11e. not lIter than Tuesday nou, to insure iaser Mion ln theceussent Issue. Agents Wanted ln ail parts ci the Count y. R. WINN, Edit-or and Mana<er Canada us gladti Lu welcome tire Gerniar settiers wlro, are comiîng to tbis catuntry in large mumbeis. rire Gerinan, ekaracut ii a ay lucalir.y is aluioet srrx te bc quiee, industrious, kîndly, and iuagrcssie - qua1iLica that tqpch1 surcess , ia an>' new coun- t ry. April ila cre, endi the ivarna wei- tIrer signa are iliJutj'ibying. Thre firit rolbin fias maide its JppcLrane-uoL1 a cituCialtio-i rouiu - outi a gonuine redbica:st, Lire .iing ro'pes have Ixcen biuungit rzîi Ui tc i tc, lie boyvs are raYitig bal laL the streets, bouse c leaming 1i1 us'ci:îiauguratedJ by the etzîr> n imatos, and the general, situa tà*cin ls ucli as toi ritaltC the desarte lu ant sweet peas anu t"-rite sriÀîg poetry irresist- zbl.___ ___ J Dowie Fired. Joha Alexandeor 1owwir as been de- ,î o.-d from iris iead"ýrsbup in tlire Chrurcir of Zion City, being accused of ext r-i Vaga nce. hpt mi'j.sisrt'resen-1 ltlionis, exýýggCratioria, tymftnny, ln-1 jUst8o 1 ad tir teairutug of pol>'- garfil,) IL hastaketi nulle a lime fer thIe dupes 4 (ý!tlajs i:n Io fîad ont lias truec haracter, but i t is evi- dcnt thear blaqidnes.s li,.s ben rernoav- cd at Ls. ncideiat;.lly tire lezada;ag tieivspalwrqerott ire Contulrnt bave hserjustified in tire ttitud-i tbey have taken againàt Dowvie and l ls teactiiliga. 1W iren tiý,r" i,-n vent lu Newv Yoik leiC oled out reanas of i. ttqperatiomm ag.ainst Lire sewspap e r-s and the nmen wiru or-ike titen, andi made an exhbitirèn of htiw-.e4f ina var- acuS îvaY1S. Ht ilic a eta!n d tire confidce o f iis folowers, a taet that hiprssesone 1~titlthetrutli etf tire olH saw, t hat nuo r;.seal ea n las suc~'siti as rcigîo~~ rase.a.-TÃ"- ion t 0 NvWrr What We H-ave We'il Ibid. Lanada, Onitariouta learit, is help- les i the face of thre tbreatexred famine inaiâttàraclte coaLthe> supply of wbîch te uuder ioreïgn control. But thre Incirdenit shows trie tuB> et: alloniig that buppi>' to pass under tiarcstriated ljirate control. If a Giôveriiînient ti itraîid- ru retala co- regain thre owîaerahtp ot coal mines Il. crgt ut learit to arisert Q.e pow- er of C-OMPUlSOry etement ut strikes lna thrît buaures. The apec- tecle ot a ;reut ination sta.zudt*rg hlp- le" 'aand miLve, while Irnadreda *of >romucs are tlîa-e.temred w1tb mWary and bardahl>, ytlralekafts untd death. La an hupriltrlrt ab itlai.mt- Tire temcon for Cian.Aa lii to keep thre eoutre-of QItuiflOS .td witer powçms tu thre band* ot thre people. ýlu On-. ta-lo e ut ie #&0 kirowii 0pply <A athracite, and Ift ltir u-a" itber toem iipply tedut ta'sdlucoumld-. m d -.d. % 4ib a6 JLJ664 up d6w- M ~slO Oaoii rfu~~I ntO eventoohies ud 'lparôý, rrid b>' dlu. FIEE 0101 P PE - thali Onie of Many. WI - KAJ.ut~ The warm A2gust $un pours, dowç n wif......0 m to-e lt@ afterncon ,ims uron the mis-" spning ...... .. O 85 te' ù siiary as .ie fol1owa Lhi- windlag rB rley .................... 0 * t o 44 tral wlth Its ever-changing scaes Peas...................O 40 to& 1 70 Now the thick orer' anging poplar i % i Oê o tve ufrwt e.........0 0te, o i56 Fat, Eilesy1St.hutes Dance, or Falling BuickWheat. ..... 2t 05 hie la onit'agzim ln the open, wlero Sck Write ffora trial bçttle and valuable Gats ..................... 3 o » 32 1tetsonsuch discase to TH& LZarno Co., in- his rîght rise the ruggd foot-1 179 Ring Street, W., Toronto, rdaca. AUi SEEDs. hilla of thre Duck w.zoutains. On Lis dnzggistissellorcSn obtain furyon Alsike, No. 1i........... $500 o 8 6 50 left sretchmiles« warh andNo. 2...........4 00 t ii Iet trth iresoT nash~ LEIBIGOA'S-FITCURE *3. ....3 <00 to 4 00 slcvngh, thre licuit ofcoutitess - wild __________________ ed, No. 1 ............... 60<Wft>7 00 ducks. (.uckIy the pories speed R e dNo0 ) ............... 450 te 60OÃ" unward, and after a mile or two Cs rer time allow ine suas.hice otf riend-i Timothy Seed............. 90 to i 40 passed gain an clevaticoifrowf which ship to beamn froin i ir eyes. But if .ÏLOUR AND FEED. adiffereît sene breaks upoe the! a church deveIops trouble among L I Flour, perewt ...........$82.4 0 $3 00_ ,tiw. ar cx LLenarhwad sreth mnibrstbee i, io Fom!Chapped Feed, Cwt .....1 10 to -1 25 Fa t tcnuthar trtcamnmbrs bîreî~ u 'tu.. rr)1 C('rnaieal.... ...... '> to 2 5<G thre waters of à I.îke w1th tiny w-ýave- Sunday Io Suuay ;afiamne of (lis-! Bran, per ton ...... ...... ()()0() to 20 9(0 lets shimmpring la tht. sun, andi mg- cord burrid brightiy, beang afforded Shorts, per ton.- ...........20 0W. to 25 00 ged his rk'on ripon the norcheraa fresh futl by the idli, gcxssi ruil MEAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE. share. About a miiiik. farthv'r, on e< to bot l i î ýax -i.t te regular ser. Bl3eef, by quarter lier cwt $6 25 to 87 50 epCattie, liv0 e ibt. 5 0() ho 5 5 amid the acrub on the nearer sliot-fl NICCS. .M50,pe b...... ut stands a bucc. T1his la his deàsln - ~obi ve tv ottnd a solii- Laitubq euehl............... 3 (0 to 4 00 ation. Sti to this irolîlet:. Churet, qu,-,r- 0 00to As ho drav.s W-arLr. ire takes ini the vls arc bo bitte'r bcaii, the n inhgtfa....... I-te57 scen mac u. b th lonel teecber hae no s1t-bl: f i oa bcavv fat ..... . 0 CO t< 5 75 scee radeu~.bytholoniy epe>,ber hae n> I 1ehîiy suîabID for 'lo. dressed per IUOlbs 0O0O- tc a OC a Redi River ecart, the shaggy ittIýi;s~e ci.air ~ho r!e 1 C h lie ken,,per1lb ........O 10)to (o j£ isuny, aînd târroe oc four - ladians deIîDy 0f church aaebr h; to 8>ik, per lb ............oIl to 12J .1ta-a-ýcWàsattitudes of de- i céz-,thaL rt -. ngag(wjeese, tdre.qseti îper l... o9 teO 0 1'ars auaeTuirkuy,%- dressed, per lb 0 12 fo 0 la Jecti0fl. £Untier Uic Crait% which forma. .is at tc. ie, c 9atetY valve of Butter, roll...............o 0 '29 lias been roilel. ba~iýLroni the tent 111e. If a uman lh<>ata f.iis collar but- Lard ...................... 0 o0 Co 014 joor ia a oibxrd -coffiL. Bosidc tmra undar the burvcu. or hits lus E lie pr dozezi.......... (J-2 û 30 it _q,ý til oa Latr an thepourglbug......... Utei~ -t ii hu ah. u teyugha hurnb wiIh a haimer, his wiiîTay Alllac, per harrel ........2 00 to 3)o~ bandi siler.tky sniukaug, while tire find IL neccssary to take anway tl,.e Onions, per buî ....... ...o 80 te0 1 o maotkier rocks b-ek au'i forth lra her Chidren, botL the nian 1.'.tself soo:î lttY, per ton............s8 o0 to 9 00 1 oiî1ow for her eidcât born. For here. c niezg,?s .ith à atin eleir ccqjnten-Srw e od.....0 e30 lics all ta.rna ,so n < -u1 1acad ahappy tile. But tel1ljIIIDES. th. eudîs ~ane pua, ac, n ~iyiIlides, per ciit ......... .89 0 C o Il 00 andi a bride cut unzanLl!s. ýhùis but [a ehurcll wardLii hat lie ls an in-. ShLelpkitis...... _i V i 25 auvothxer vjctitm ot -the whitl' fidel because he Ù% shy on Jonah andi Deacniq................. .0( 25 teo_0 V 1 diague," thre 1ndians' drt,.*ed to&. Thv t he Wha le, a nJ '", la t catii lie do? Ta]lloiw, rentlered,. per lb .O0 (4 teo 04j silent prc.!sure 01 tac ulânilsiarY*.; If lie were tb turn on Li acuer:îd toî, unwa'shett.......... 0 14 to 0O-20 L....Sin.... .........0 OQ te 0 80 iranti spcaks myore c'iuarlY than words let his re-,loriionts go ho inti t Pets...........2 5 to o0go the sympathy lie felb. rec-over, but he cua nv>t do that. fle _________________ Trhe simple sa"vriec u2der the Letei must needs s%%eti anîd fume a:id fret .s son vcr an th isPl-ic-.'tiLke a toUiler c-irrying a 300-pound Sittingos of the Division COUMts upon the cart Slowiy aMtisile;itiy he.îd utof a. When lu.îlf the i,nm- ti h le çrucessou t s il ay bcr-ship Sets in lhýs contioio t as i0 NAIO 9 dONi n nar -the j-, wh-ur*' aîniuag lie n%i i drr thprr ire Ihappeiiinrgs. - WîuITB D. C. Mlac-I1onoil, Wi' Clerk, Jan. 9, Pb1,!Idrch 1, April 5- ilplr erb ra.enis been d:.Toron to0 Nna.May 3, .lno , ul33,..p. - Oc.. Aýs the beautiful word3 of th' bNov.__5p_______6,__Jan.___)__1____ ýservie are bGine out ujion thre tqitv.5Dec. 0 a9,donel h.by Fe 0, Mai-ch 2, 6p4,ý moricrC5t li <UKLU tIUE OY iOSH anA. CoelWÃŽUy badu f lt nt Lthe grave as ML Ma; 4, Jun&e 7, July 4, Sept. 7,-Oct. 5 - t1 igl o <,tce ofaov-, tau. aig qreigu.ation 10 tire iNio! -F -, <J=10> 1907. v I"NtUMUNIA BROUGHAM> M. Gleesonrenod The eux thir replac-,eti and tue -dea#d Clerk, Jan. 11, Mharcir 0, Maýy 8, JuJy .5p as Icit t n lier narro%« hoint.e. At. oiwe SePt. 10, Nov. 7, Jan.; 11, 1907. the. telu is struck, and. in liait aan Newmarket Mother Is Ioud ln her PORT PERRY- J. W. Burnhani, Port hor e ig L iUiallie s CC,~ Iu f h Gea Cn Perry, Clejrh, Jan. 13, Mai-ch 8, may hou Dosigi i luma lfe s -WCL risu of heGftt Cn- July 7, Sept. il, iNov. 1$ Jar.13,90 for thre Ludian scekï t~a forget fl fnem m dnPvetb %Ja.1e97 seeth uîu ( 0 hie parst. 13ut" rtVlabC XBRTDOE joseph - B. Gould, UX that loaly grave auriti the povlars, bridge, Clerk, Jan. 12, Mai-oh 16, - May tir bigrtsu~hii, îc i~plngwa <Mtom Laurence was taken do'wn 181 JuIY 20, Sept.21, or90,J81 the r gh tie Sr U lath akgfî with fi8iimoflii5"says Mm s . F . Fher,19720 teri, ty jr 6 u itthema pictrefof Newmarket, Ont. "Two doctors ait-- CIOO~-~re~,Cun foru oly >r.e o ru-iy-pÃŽturfýtended him Ho lay for tir-ee nthe Gogemtcanrg wirchove yrnsioar caris vitii almorit 1ke a dead child. kils longsp >' 1 M c 5)IMay -17) %vhih ûvly ,,%sonay caric becanre so swollen, bis -heart was pressed JriIy 19, SÈept.20,NoV. 22, Jan. 19,1907. bina tircugi htie >'ars tlaat toilow. over to tire right aide. -Altogether 1 thînlc BL4VPêAo-George P. Bruce, Bea ___ ~ ~we Paid $140 tt iii.doctraOrd WaU tire vrtri k, JQn4O, - mai-oh 14, May Cause- of Churcli Qiartels. ti,î ho was gettint worsé. Tirt en ui, Jrrl>.18, S.ipt,;19, NoV 21, w-Jar. 1%, commenced the. Dr. Sioc tratatroset.19.. Thre e e wae woneetrua W. s"W e~ 't. ùUgsan, upte-r For îna . ier.% eminJîrt stridentb diffeeurin atwo daYs. OtboY W" MMn g UOie , L tek1 J' s Ae ~, p

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