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Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 6

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WtFOR SASM«IIEWAN. NEWSAÉOUT »OGS. - They leafly 1>0 Eveytbbiag t Tbk TtI SWn from Tprooto to New Pro- SOM&s vi I egsitue Under certain cotiltiomui, a tiny fer- vincal egiiatre.ret ena do the work -of four mon.-Tii. the. thace for Saskatchewans legisia- animal ie beimg usedti t drmw helephone tIv. ehamber, sent reeently f romn Taranto cables through long cenduits. The. fer- te Regina, ia a remarka.bly beautiful ret runs through dragging a string to specirnen efthtie metal-worker's ar-t. 'The which is attReched copper vire, a cord rod witlx its surmountîng cr-own mess- and finally the cible itaclf. Formerly ursfour feLt in langtli and is af hea'y Lbe w-ork was donc by a laboriaus sys- bram, pae thgl.-h ihbn-tein af "rodding." The ferrets are em- brais, ppltedd ithegld.vTlreinicndihnad làhaaed and appliqued decorationa in- Ipoe xesvl nIdaa ludo such national and imperial sy- Mhile Harold Caodwin, the~ son cf aj bols as the maple leaf, beaver, wheat bider, was walking through a quiet pr shef, -OSr eamrok nd haLe. p-of bis father's worka near London leot onaf thep f he rowk nd is alge. 1)ocemnber a mnif lung a heavy piee cf en he opof-hecf wh ih aoldrge t alagged iran at him and stunned him. the, craftnmnqhipofwihcudntb Shot, the >-oung man's retriever, flew surpasscd for: tâacauracy and artistic ithe ruffiarr's throat and kcpt hlm .kll. 'h mae i a Caadilides ~prisaner until aid arrived.'Tbeogbe-1 andi wnrmanshin thrnirh andl thrss- #_-----*- *...-- 1------ _meue neoet- tr lcM.G eeming tram the- Insagnraa Departmentin' worknien subscribiurg for a sivr ai Ryrie Bras., iitcd. Toronto's lea- colar for him, while tLie yaung man' Ing jewelcre eand goldsmitias. fanrily made hinn guest ai hionor at a dia- Tire Truth About Life. Pennies, a tinv Neiv Yorki dog, ilai The mia with a wateba is always be- comparion oi Shot un the doginero mcd. hind ime. a] fund. Whern his mlister, Walter Browu Iligh wvords often mrenn iow lang:îage. ennpioyc-d l'n a iivery stable, %vas at- Who crer saw a Wollin ril' adi ailce Of tee h-1rer e a colored man, ber age? ,whûle u'sé rg froin thp place ho bac A tweotrle itwc r l Ciltcnrad, Pci:îîc5 w cvnt to tbf' n-scue. Rcid shees. <Iic: Dn' war drw a rfvoii-er and tLimcul it rit Browvn, Wlîcn aa I-r o i;)t 1-rhifohe but t hc d,,-qicklv -iniprù-se i s et tries Lu mnake ui fur il. -ito6toil Tran-. in the le" (-f the assailant and spoli&d script. jî anin. 'ilir' bot went wild and the nlan Ni, i vexpowvred Ilnd supprcssed. 4 Jhn f-nC)k.a t!'v 141, d ge:iîrs. bas f la ii r I f-)\ ter-ier, 1rin-c. tO fetcln CURES THE 1MGS0ilT I l i: d ngvo-ol f: ou tire cellar. Tho d-, arti'ut coimznorrnd and is skillful and BOBBY JONKS, HIS HAND AND PEN. So e teMKdeysga8ES1- aitaia btvtou <an Pcas- Ston in ho idnes Cane1 i!\ d -t--t hn-ý f: oantheiret of tieni Stand I3eforc Dedd'a w heuit-i Lchâî ls hi- on.Ii-is ai îcw Kidcy uis4<az~ - ill ) hndthat the doctors KI.dny Pils. et out if t1w: gatt hall a cîraînve. My UAnlt' Lob hiàbaclaeior. A tachelor te a initai who sa n ibcd ad burne Ur,. S. A. Cassidy. cfOt tnwa, per- liiitI u ni na a while and inaageutly Curretd Afl-r Yrars o o ins t iiupc- ri- u iilc cmer- Saafrerlîag by iiere ns aumadian i body cise eayâ 1*Oh, shaw!' aad *Did Ridîiby IR-8îredy. vo e -vr" I dj OttÀaîva, Ont., .arn -'. -llinci chètta kout ar e ir btir Myli WV1iiie all Canada.kiiows [lai. 1odd's a l o nn Mxi Nf-hnr i 1mdney 1>111e aie t[ a tidard renncdy says lho i'vsli'd be i ('-ongreas for ail Ridarcy Conariplairats. it nrny sur- rigitnaow if itluwa.eWt for biq mndet- pile soute people t-o kaoî%v tiaey cure isrt. 1ît' at, lire, there i n uciet-tere cases as4 Statie Ian thîe .Kid- thitw hin neyver roulti fully nmke up hic a ceyaxiLthtiswi - l xhave doue - nind abo)ut, and t-hat is . wletier ciaan- ceigîtt hre i Qttawa thedigging li t isbîing or agriulure. A hog Mr. S. A. Ca8sidy, the mani cUred, i aP4 a quada-upi-d; tire lv f monev- le the weII-linoivir proprietor oi the Bi- thr-" ruof ai al evil--thus ive iee w-hy thnei jou Ilotel an M-etenlf str-c-t,, nd in an molloof ai --ricma so often 19 'Roit interview in a eys: "My fricîd-i ail kwail-)hnag or dic' A mann ell ier a biped thtIlitavebeeia nuit-tr to stone in the or a erippli'. a"rrding to whtter lis Kîdacys for yv'ars. Th ey ýiaovtiat )C,.ha% irne-ioni arotandinimia sawînill or uat. aides conieultitîg tihe best doclors in tIh ie dîffcrf'nce 1)t%--vn a biped aind c city and trviig cv-r y niedicirne I 1co 0d0qaisa-u to l"di o i-. tnr e'-hgd thinli of, I ivatîr unable o lu eL bel 1er. satl lA a tripod. an-J ad "Sonne liane ago a farend toId ne c"">' eltra -Lati riaq ud Dodd's Kidney l1>111e would cure me. As ruped, but he faun'L ciimnb a Ire a Ta elgt a lst osa-t tîic tlemaidui of~f a gond joke about making a noise bave cured me. la ho a nidt. N'i[iae-r CAMrsome pea pie. '1 could flot imagine ncrp e ere euE- Oitr xl-tîe euir~[ fortin g LIanneenrdures wlro hais Store in nattVa irkto-y a-he lire rut% aan- par-ieu- the Kid neye, and 1i el e ,ir.eateèt g- lar muitard Ire Le ealted it'-when hi titde o Ddd' KinevPîl.lat a baby, a bridegi-ootn aird a cor-)pi. titue taJ)od'u I dny i~" KmiAndu il Lbgt-reeoiawamios he isn id hy If tIra diRease ia of the Kidneys or is admirinm fricirds to look m-al aturaI tran tino Kidacys, DotI&as Kitiney Pille in -snadt-mnupbtVaeI-b- i'oi cure3L.8 tire dad-doggzed loch always thin.e j irecari geL out oai il bv nrrrningazaiin. Give the Pille Turne, A wotitan niav be as handsnme aie ýa AnciaiproUtioner [n tre We-t of Ire- crrs orihrwobit sh innbebar atinîêîo o lanSe Parlr a almeut alie warn aiàsa tdifforent altf)z".hier with a hog--he ile vio parttwe.r am CetIre a etbra lm erfa-etI- <ntî'nted le let evervbedy eoeie hir a dezen emai but powertui ptile. telhtgM><hogIZ if t 1e.v wanmt to. «Oh. .%hy htm lie wudcIal aSalu kla a dey an tw-o, by ebolî!d [he spirit af mnrl.iel .proud?-' phidhi tUne bh o vuâdhave fiak tehe I-boa. Watton's Magazine. Zn due coira-e the doctes' lcoked ta ad muu ceI LFA ,u im M«,.Mc.u v uty wo1 ww mand ooanptalno dtihe nepusied e.* hin=ne bit-er-. "Am ,>eon quitesure ymu teck theno e bxa. Pt?' [uquired thbe mm qcfmnodrctaie. BDem-ah. Gooth'-r. 1lUI it ears m m% & ahéurie so1ilied a dJliiofta tome a.lloviec'IX. but abum-e octhe. eti et" 3a na oeD; pebas the Rd salut cern qw r 0et. .9 Coming cand Resîdent Iliterates. Ttm -AXvue natinsquution ef deaiLeg vith aUim U iL-racy dunned tapeo ur- Iborar s & Met prnIag. NIM Oth* Un uunvaete t-heu ame c f et.ockcYnuPahetlo wf[UncaurrlIn. q'b.q ve r Sa ilterateoran <ey took kliri ly ta con e ho6lsdic'îOn f kte ,îIî àibbs cliat"à~>. We ar-e m-t'eclvng tLi: brj.L CdtnmMLV*t'anfrouncounmrt alui chu-la tlltiasrey abouul araidIL Lm Cail osudt m ouy ht e obave la rmiitîlsuIlm-y s p-1- tom fuir jaen.a thau .air.-aa u~PPà:ý Tho courof et000th shee-el Lbat out 0 Wi #e824 Ver tone a [bth*L 'tel ttA Pte 10 yoars « &Ce Mgo.n aer 6.180.00 wv-» a aiecUeasc EASTER EXCURSIONS. S8peutciotr Liaster vacation ia Watts- lugl nsd Atiamnle CIL-y. Sreciei w4a. bton Bester excursion via Lelsiqh Val- trny Raiway F'riday, Apuil 13. reýkeî.c iey ton dallarâi-s rondtrip f rom Suts- Pescln BrilgNiagara Fîtlls. icket,% dayeà. t'overetio'ed et l*fr.lp i' ctrip, ?hilsdeiplia to teLlant-d î,oîy$1.73. Trainn lt4ve su..Prn- sien Bridg(e Aj'rl l:i3ti At 3.50o îsd 7.1à as, m.. mmd 7.1 " p. rt.For 'ticket#, Pull- imams andt urtirnign!anraten. rail on or ail Ireslcbt'. S. Letule P-aeurger Ageut IL V. R., 10 Kiag atreet oet, Tom-nto. aperal teil day oxcurunion toINew i or City, }7shany, April 27tl. 'Fikett 1$.00 rotinitp. Send 1fo r a1>a e fNew'York, ire.. Dectîme thie Offer. -(ohieame ChJoos.) Wbu ms r" e w rkf op**tforet W. leu tw:8* go w ue afdoeby BaIlL". et 301of a»Uburh. te imy eut a gMU »«» M et hbo a«$& I.**f Ml'eu t o $Ot'" nid " eba»la. rm tt « m-te l« oII Le yourlt," "Do yu myr?"'# qW Vr Cnkgw "Uif«vo « au6tes"M - Io Viii M"* ko voa aP met « wio P1rn Cm for 4*Di Iv. u mau.aueve per ma b"uTI. h. o a « euv Tise rip Microbe. (Wihitrontta QfA rrntre e ta I hW# -IR ery t$Md of me Cc. 91 MIGLEASUN OF UREEWOOD ' .FSr yeara ibs-v.boomj tronrbt-dwuth Plea. At timu 1 vaeuld bave tIot-r. dova mu.a 1 r»n iodetly queta:for IWC boum i-aechattack wu vereii or thelha t.1 I t-ld CY' J Liii" 1 tad nucsmRoi cend>. Thanke te nom- bu Rited. .1 am »W ff» froua *veysyplA»d et Pm itM. Gem evu .ee0"iPU MTmm" totei h* mmc tr fRmEl f! .00, or Tus WaMe.FA e, CÎ, sti Attemptjug tise xuosbe j ir urnil a x. P.. [u, M , vs oe0 i -I MISCELLANIEUS. Fo~shuh OAKVILitu FraUIT LANO-10 LOtIE IRST-OA.88 UIrY 8OCK o»'OP camen S7lva.the ecomplisho el no f F ewe Irns;1 --- fuulâItoumeniaL. han nme sparks tram. hor llter' "1«. PW17 tWtk NU- M10VI IntheJanury atinalReviov. Moedre F nuted, Ont - Thon. are ail toid 148 cf flics. mors or legs vyn ÂNrED, nezD!ÂT~.y, TO onwsaxUo happy thoughts. Wb give a d'baont 2G 71M Ce amofor outi>n JCZOrnco lea vnérbledama tQ whcm as eook and housemawd la bpa-ivato famnu; &,alp rnMsae.vîtout pauslag te ask It sood Waffl ta reiabl WIS. AUifrc a A kier Past has beon irroproachabie. urn ttM. e.0oy. ' o*0C» 1-4 X-u h -Tour vulnérable spot, hâte the beel of omt euet mt AciIlles, vili bo more easiiy discovered or W ANTD. OMPZENTyen Infomioru than by your equis. ~ C~5~E~II' GORDON Whoun vo hav, a real antipathy te aayone. O*dnproelfooders; Vaife $7 te 1110- as- Wo couid almost repudiate Our Oua moit, o.,rd iton.liieun. Ro.Due cherlshe4 convictions for the simple pica- Ce.,~~Ur Of lo. e ontradicting hlm. 111Ordr t avld hedetecta vo dislike ln Souvenir Post Cards Ot o a ome:tm.estinzoursoives loto JttéoppositOe xtrem, a[tIlby 80dolag 18 ~10e S fr SC; 00, 1; 00,$2; es.vs ere certain of aequlrîng a vh-tue. 38; il ittrunt Leges an finet te J.70 le litesnnthrough a sunbeam. la Cent"a: M =ilx*d, $3; albums,&cUi rrnc. Ther. 18 no rarer place of happineassthan W. R. derneToront. Ont t indthé morrow contirm thée expériences bom.winlowl sothig syup boul l e ofthe bygono day; tocoOtton the norning wabe UWlnwovsfocthing 8n-tmnp ou4 i- 11gb: lu opening our eyes et the sanie tins vayeho Lae fe ~liun asting It It vould b. curions ta note dowa the ver- wozboitea eb hld'sotha3es oguflia, Ui on'uishoernetruthl we beer tram aur latinate ruta. ol &l 15thé bbit rum<siy tOr D1*r- frionda. and thon te compare their contr&' rh~. -~ictloa m enabl e pblsry [c thelru Who DR- L'ROYSunder the pretext or defending the Young DR. LROY'8vouMideprive thoe Of neir armour et in- À PEaIà aandfLIsm PIL pcLS rnuMst oxlst. but for It vould nover t- Te Pl bv *m .t ý%S have aecurred ta us ta lavent StL fur avor ftfty ,- ud rom in oa l Mer. simple trutb Il amost. mare complot l'y. up ades4i.ed. d ame guamuz. tnn onan herseif. .-ad b>- a. mae,,Tcio810 paboopf , The secret or good breediung le contatne.1 uzU mL *dcývunr1 'lse& ,Où ee bofGS '0< the Pre t; lba- CO Put Yourselt [U yaur LE RY -PL C.. neighbes piace. LE RY PIL CO. . Wbeo e ehen lived long years tla c golden BOX t-g Ua.nîti ,ra . eegI& f.oe edream e9 a prison COU as a vol- coarefuge. Thé suanover moue the venld excopt bath- Conundrums. ol ln wermtb andlIight. OÏ! fergîvos-Nature noyer. Wlny do L1thelgblendao-s du moat execu- Atter aIl, 1 pi-efer the old-feshiseed .guai-d- Lion la battle? ian angels te meet cf eur modern phiien- Beca&us'eevery man han cone kilt beforo thropists. the battUe beg-tus. Clovernesa le the tbcugbt or an lqiidd Why la a baker eavon-y Innprovident mcm? Ual; viigon la the collective thougbt, et bu- Bocauffl ho [s clwa)a aoCing What ho Mailly. kneside (cods) m,%U A Man rebablîltatos his tionor en the fiold Winct [e th. dittan-ence batv een a min aun«Jetfbattis;e- &voman hoes by motherly love. acicken? lu love, vhilct the vemen fendly imagine Man la ies iitenty lu e-h. neit vorl4. it le lu ber poeor te bostov an- eternity Om chlckens bave their necki twinled ln et happînesa. tbe man [ssi.mply content to UÜ0.obtata c Paccîng pisasure. What' la the 4ltferemoe botvoon & ehicken IL Otton hapon that vomon wtl edvanCe w1l -a o n an d e chcka wvLbtue woQuit* daring tbeorles [ ovraia u winam? mw back the next minute lu alarm, [f ene OUiy a dlfence of a pliDIe (opinion.) roeul take thom et thoir word. IVin> did Adam bite the appi. Eve gave It la the solflsinus eto mon uhicn has hIim 2 framned fer vernn severer lave than thay BotawAe h - n r ni>e.voaISsubunît te be ludged by tbosclvec; but 't diI not ceur te thein that, la gse bing tbey Placevomeau on c biaber lovel. Fe'rgivenosa l3 almeet indiffersnco. Loe never fergives. Th* JealouUy cf a lever leaIoa uge;t. t Of a buabeard la aun[munît. IIUIDEMEN, RAD TiBIS. To tcvhe hleoeditc fIc e ia eretion Qed hà» gîvon but eue suppertlng columa: Lieve. I have ued MINARDS-LIIUMNT îm aw. sbould nover forge: that lave, thet rny stables for orer a year aid consider airouhloîta ai bersU-Outen aleOt ba Il; the VFRY BEST for hors, fleur 1 en a csigltitcrev. get, and would strongiy reSeonnd iLte owhean oe ebandeus un. she set forth te &H borsemen. 41C our grave. GEORE ll)UGI, nlendcliip decreacu eaoeven' thero tg oe GEORE HUGII Lbth e eaid. tee much bappîseasa andtoc Livery Stablesi, Quebec, 95 Le 103 j=. St. mueh misfortune on the otbe-. Despair Iloui ireai et 'Illiag em - cries et thc past The extrema et hernie hepplusa, ceoe buman misoery, consictcs la havtng neothtag ____________________________ loft te visb for. 11n th osbipvmeo to fsny lIt. theremlgt Already Engage, Perbapa. alClest clwcys be a est chance et safety loft. did Dot dishonor tak" hem place on the piaak **oy [Io"eyeu. Georem-. eWUàd 5hbooctl- te uhicn th. drevning va"le la gta hli 1 O t beàf.i- b"u t VU bave t q kanAdrag S9hlm dove loto the depths belew. t a ma mc ,nTho#*-nWho laek resAluese t reparte.s, re -No. IvILI. You cen. shes hamCrdgvlug effene. citaS frcmEurope. wbu,* ai.-. um ter la theno unse et concrostleor ne Muet ". lit t bree mote. "d ",è a w bavebCangé tho sollS aoiS ef one thougsitc Ado meegeM-2 toe cns cablemman ehilab* couatleas Places ef sncb s41,Maicltin t aa m Ilbom avarisbiy appearspeor. RHEUXATJSIK WTLL SUCCUx ta meut Ve bemc0tImces t neasease, je.: ce the dos harki vice ho la afrald. Îot A.amn'aw.aRb4enam&UtiaOur* bMue ThiaketubI@e cvoiE tbougb they mcy t &es rigUotab> ~ ot U - mmb e M h. umavar. ofth# tact. mnd these Whe art 'e=v th*cwl» Xs& »&<uâkdOum uPPOS14i te bhoitnrulers are lu r-alfty rui- ~ tIn <~.i*ê IaoyO-<iBol O~ b 4 J s 17 . aise quît* usconseîeusîy. "od« u antempora-r yociw. ta ha-va ire,.". t e eet.- f t-ae .--- mr t ISSUE N On 149- 1906 A CILDS PATMETIC STOIMY Sven-year-od fBoy Tells of the Lurder of His Mother. Rochester, Murdi 22- pathetie acene tooli place esterday in te i- prenin Court. w±-ee Vincent Love is au trial,.clarged %vith murder in the fîrst de;ree for stabbin; bis young wi.e, w-en thieir seven-year-old sôn ias put on the wiitie-çs stand and told the otry of the trag-,edy. which occurre~d in i i3 rres-erce. le did not hav~e a clear ideai of the nature of an ath, so-was nflt sivorn. Hec gave a strai-gtforward tic- mint af the affair which the cross-ex- anination could not shake. It made a deep impressi -on on al i wh herd hi. It was on a Sturdnay n:glit that, the woman was killed. The chi:d Raid se went to the narket-after &tup. per to geLt the Sunciy meut. When &lie retitrned he went into the front rooiu to lighit the lamp. lus9 father came in from the kitch-en and blew out tlie amp and stabbed lier in the sid-e. JThe littie fellow took a dixagrarn of the house and showed where the stab- bitig took place. le said lie _put aozme ragg on lier side and covered ber up. M3i mother told humin ta go for a doc- tor. -1I Lad nry father,' he continued, 'ta lift, lier iup afid put her on thre bed, and be lii ted hier up and dragged ber into the dning-roo.m." The child got a quilt and pillow and coered bier up ani then went for the doct.or. -His niother was dead when the doctaoi ar- The Fruits of the.Roue. Among the fruits of the rose family Arm dppIe, pears, peaches. plums, cher- rims and quinces, as weIl as our atraw- bernies, raspberries and blackberries. The IA;>Ple ie a fruit of long descent. Among thre ruina cf the Swies lake dwellers art fmund remains of amail seed apples which whow the seed valves and t.he grain& of fle'eh. The rab apple is a native oi Britain, and was the stockc on which were grnfted Lb. choicest varieties whem brought f nom Europe, chiefly Fram APPlet Off mre sort wvcre abundant be. fore the Conquest, and had been lntr>- duced probably by the. Romans. yit often as Saxon manuscriptaspe»ak of appîceand cider, thé'e le no mention of named varied before the. thirt.enth century. Tiien we rend et tii. peem&in and thre costard, Chaucera «mellow coi In the roll of housthold ex Ofs . Eleanor, wif e of Simca de Montford, av. p les and pears are entered laTU»ie yr 19--96the royal frulterer 10 Edward I. presents abillI for aples, mp u tos mediars and auta. Ppin eirdt bc seedlings, hence calf from tii pipe or see4u, are «aMd ot t0 have bern known In Emgland before 15M .The. ex- act Drayton, wrltlng of the. orebadg of Kent at that parlod; cn me only the. apple, the. orange, thre russean, tire swu. ing. thée ome weater andtheii reinette-, John Wlatiroplis usually héla recpomý- 1 *N . for the. Introuction of lue appi. intoe ti.Now Wortld. Eut as a mat., Of facI, vixea Wlthrop anclmore4 off Cà eA»nath*. redue. Iiehtom'already had apple Ire.. govlmàg about Id.&oebIm ai Shawmut Ne&k.some ofhhboutof Our Amerian aPPlos vere brougbt oyer by the. Huguenots, wio cettieti la Piushl ing, L. T., la 166, smi plantedthotner anrong otiier, the. pomme royale or epW app. FARMS AND BLOCKS 0F LiAND MAMIOBA. SSMTCNLWAf AND> ALBERTA I - ~ f or Is t "0f tteir ntiIng $vau «Pkmes «msu tbo . mneet Ib bau' lStr, c tis es vV wffl ILaut .tae M - ,-7 e. MU[IR IMN le-ICI..-q -& -b . lt1ba "y0. q>ecaarsg Ort'laune cabboUmecet, t Ihé be rshems InUarrpt" sdaa leUn sbp SpMkigdose eût cremm lisue Ja mmn et ther. bcij e b e bot bo , t-botwettlag, TbAft e Pa gommsUtu"-l C ree vh Sirr esu.- b»&ý t at set. reueor si sw4&ho. ïî.1<.IL m mlm4o4 tO YOU Omi bIJ face tea»y matretab« eroeeiwboue iamke thea bair cYf~ Ilet 0* bcek e0$ - ut~WIbfi iSiitiO. te hall seuil on eu&'* Tihe-m%çat4bla »'m mi' huti writeber to-my if intorrucr wvas equaisto caromasee. for' hoICbUldmx t=obi@ youlaImis wY. 1imn j abCtod. *Wrvong "*tu!,* m 1rescaghim hiau Up t.hW ui;tebe.a.tc ma ptomy%, a bqsad a c ee o«arnws4bOlcnwW ..r baIl. mirint; [î tcraat le , ci" er m bop LuTI" ttut0e *à*&. and " spm tvbM 1I Uuuif- Value eofIlîis Ideala T1%o reputhre cf Oum <ac eVer abeee. q"16 êeri Tsa UtA obligmua t t rasa bigb & Meaawi O &r Robo-t 811. 1, les4uirI t rosUy oduration fur [aasu4tca tib a-*&ts OoiI 1k ietM aiways go hanSudt n ssO viti evem niffe nt. sQr 4 <Jiieerasom w er ib* h.Affi 16 4" OMM uIie rqprrhaie nurmprovîse toi ma» .um»mont bsrne. use sai«U e sIy «*l go heoand- %aire o tlbmepaM M a"h~ upeM tii. «ber 15, la thbe cfê-or*iffl .uoî L=u Ileh Mariua r,a* vgscoeil04 bl. w l. t * ter lt' a thwâI LotUe ai rsiaare«* oerte uw .Sae c gotb 0-bit t 1*M'U -h *M mbuy oetga pUWI<unoS the Yant t t C" ouum ssdi4»bey rn*belé@bm 4Wfm taat ttg fer besebât* b Ieai.te arnrny 000 wvtmse: "I bave bon a cUtoeer *em -Ilm sMd N&MÛ ÇWAV* br eu e7" obla Dme ie IW tmsgaMMt ymomm d»bbifm Ommt bI 5MM be quore ai Isw«w *m'a bo OIS - Immwmim __'oea..ýI ue aw M4 P*- qo t; malien. 1ne regarced Jeéss i bolug. 7.~ To core untor-tee--H though ho could mnot approach ii p ro' es o f ut o n . 8 g rée t a n ti zs ýTii. claer. wvis 1,truly peuitent hies bimmeif la just O1xi wmy, anc bis, as hoaproaches ifaote .p SJesu0' But sa>r la a word-I- lm M e»Dly beaid a iew raenthe befe '7lw- Cirist ad healed the, nobl 1L---& * A"offdq.frm. i: iiSoap js better dhan odher soaps, bSt is best when used in the Sunligh way. SunlghtSoap conm no mprtjwius hemicak =m: xkmfficaây mad. Eveystp in ismu. fac:tm lOa ached by an S* unk op~o labor, and the wear of ribbàbg whkh cSenm soapt require in wadshàg b lienH uNATIONM LEs APRIL j15, 1900 Jegte Powe r Oi-or Disea.e and Di 7:1.7 Cemmetary-J. e, centr L ofCrist (va.. 15) .1.End Tu oYings reearded in oed " hpter, and in the isem Ore ~Inlatue audiLence-..wn àsk 1316 spole Publicly. ln i Oak notiiiig (John xviii. 2o) (ltPernatm>-Wvherenhaet cof ]R daeds were performed. Yet ados failed to produce rý (Matt. xi. 2-3). 2. A centur iant-A centurion Waq a Raome ranklng with oui captain, charg'e'cf One hundred men. turion, though a Gentile, was to the Jewsi religiously incline o119 and kind. The servant -m ably a clave. Dear unto 8bc wu in rnuch esteem wi "By this stateinent Luk-eime uhswsmt Rn ordinary s18v faitlifui serva.nt, distinguished j excellences, and very higUhy bY hus master." Tins nrutuaî between master and slave la ver Iug, espetially wiu w consider talitY tia-t 80 often nnaxked tim ehould learn t-o exercise considE mnd kindliness to those wbo 1I thlelàn aod Lthe e-nPloyed shou to eaor' rerpct aed attaciin faithrfu Serv~ice. The employe, to regard bis worke~an as a U cehine, ta be -"e up and fosse Wu Sick-"Sie o-f the palsy, î 'y tonu'anted~ (Met. Viii. 6). 1 dl.-i'At thne point of death.".. 3. Heard af Jemus-On hIis a Capernaum. lie Must- have linois mairacles before this. Sent .. -The. leading nien-the magist Capcrn"Uam. "lie Sent these, 1 bocause Ire thouigit tbe-y would <reater influence with Christ. H Gontile, and evidently fearçd thl mlght not receive hlm, Matth ha ceSnturion camne to Jesus. 1 ably camne lateè,, for Jesus evident dietyte hum, and yet it in fzorm etspeech -te attribute ti the person by 'Whose authority ferformed.' lie sinawed great to Jocus. Hie chose th. mnoct hl PerSons ho approach bin. True 1 dme honor 'te a supenior; a fai ity sometirnes leads an. to b. resI rêspect."ý-Hom. Com.- Be _him-Earnestly entreating hlm. dlders f -thre Jews mnut have beer ] y attaehed tol the centrion. eeme-They evideitly thught i b. proper for im ta go to thi #yen thoughi the centurion was a 4. Carne ta Jesus-bîistress di Jas, aimd Jeauecames to thoue trse. lnstantly-That îs, earneE wltiicut a nnoment's delay. El worthy-ýThiâ-is winat the eiders thei centurion. His opinion cf vus very dit ferent. "l'hé * thought Ire Wàs not worthy cf- thene men thouglit b. was wortl cure; thuwhonor &hall uplèId tre' --li apirit. Let another praise .t1 mol tua. ewu lips.t-Henry. 5. Loveth aur nation-HoevWs P a proselyte of the. gate, tuat is, furc.. whe emirraced Judaism vý_i -&ebu itot-ecu m i To.'ur mmy refedb, du dule (notelim >be SuuSMX. Wifym àb MW Ouam m v en~t. <Itu a vos e o'unur a 0 teput cn R: *me u lapbeW 'fur-nu a m&'"e reU la ~eg 4*1 n , batI »W. ?tur Pem' & A w- Ibcwedl up ta C» IquuU7." 1 1 irwim d-1 lir mi à oqdmlp

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