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Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 8

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&,A.PRIL ;10 top That cough'! Cure. That ColdIa WILLIS' compound Syrup of White- Pine and Tar Cures C'tglColds, Bronchjtis, thî'o:i't '111( 1111) troub les. 25C per Bottie, J. E. ILUIS Druggist Optician Brock St. Whiitby. ~CO fltHappenilgs[ CieI(dlip Yc.r 1bol yard. BRoom M \oîîIdizigs anLd W lP.îper at O.N hmsolNrd~oid stand. R-p <s 141 lîu-'-ug "(> Ie- hu fronit of lb' l>t sbit'iiaa ci uîrufIi. Ifh4, chu r itii'of tretsla s lus ýstaff ()f Imlii ( leiilig ,t reets, triîni-' minîg ant u iij at îda t-rq ai iiî.king thie îtv. n look çN'anu nd g OFF vI.l.LNI-Y 'iM ' ell tie vue il %V110 h beeîi iin'! Jin tov.n for the two we-L, have to-nio)rrov.' for Bay. Wirr. Vn. i?ýtll and Smith acaniîixny thlu. POLICE COURT. l-iavvt u'ast L. i-' A 1u1iinbQr or youug lIadý werc be. fore Polie Magistraîte' lanîler 011 Friday ulgl.', chargur) ivithiauâault onauatitQr lad. Aft<'r gettlig the various storle.. -vI.i' ixiifstra te grive aIl ltp etougste. a frlendly warniicg aund soute goor)d toi, 1r-iêg t Il- nattil' rost fer tlu prescrit. Go to C1. KI-. Thoaîjson's ifor vq 11 Pa pecr. A LlD FALL Wl'ile rtLadl'10 si iiI' îîîaui ua'ry last vi.. .'- r C, Mr. Thuu ~'on the «toit - 'i It tlip- p~tI u la. ~un*ur. let hlm don-.L.aio1001- Mr. King reveiv'- eti c. sevrre shanmg usa, aund hns ts'euu laid ni, ever sicr. WA IT Efl) Telelhinî opeiator for night duty. J. -E Willlir', Çicniiit -and drtiggisit, Wiltby. DEMANi)'D tiEIPIJRE>S tP AÀ partv of trou' 3<50jla 640 in- migran1s, froî all îua r --' of lî<- Bol- tîshu Isies, 1 'd in j e ru-u ru Mci- day morning. Ali arc s:uid to lie of a venY flue t p.Tai t'mi.ind foâr f-arm h-Il,î im as great as ever. Go 1o Praîil" sê-, liai Mv.krecSorr aund get a Duuut-ss ('.îrîr-t ra', .- eaeh. Mn..Al<'x. lgit' mitt vi.th a:î accidernt titis %voeak by f:iling <"îth ut plate ini lier lin'. v 1b-îassiug froui Sc 0 oofli (o auota-r. TlrO' î lte broke cuttisg Itut- hand 4o srelr-y tbat the wouiid re.îcired si'vîral 'Tho -firemen IhcJ lI elr regîîbar, maeetIng oul Wedaet!.duy -4h.Tht usutal busineses- i taut-etd id a commiittee ilPpolrlit-àta lu mttthe band-îand try a.d iLraig for a monstcm dononstratlouioit Juis 2cr). W. C. 1. CONCERT. The aiual cciemt, of the Wiitby C wlehaeInsttut.- wîll be heldf ln 'tIi. Masie Ibliou Wednesduay <n'en- lüg, Aprit l Wth Au1sexcellenit pr*- VtTisimle Il b. rcudered by the pu- pils of _ttW, sehocl, asmiiteosiby - Mlm, - uay bu rewried wltbut extra char ge. IPlan open nt Alliais Drug 'stpute on ifend-IY uorong, A&pzul 13h. NEiiW 'PTICM1ILt Port Hope camne near belnig wlped diut by a tiocci Iast wcek. Amecrican Ysllow Corn, . quaiity, pxrLec condtion; cheapest feed ln the muarket. 'J. H. DOWN]9y & Co. The auditor of cilnal just1ceacn- cotints vilI meret it '.neCourt Uousc on Monday Uic tILlAsIast. Mr. Fred (2egg bas accepted the po,8itlon of giulcr it the county J buildýings, and iUt.dtexl)n311is duties A pril let. FA11M Tcý flENfP. On th-, 7th cun. of Piekerv'g, wecst of towri lune. About 100 acres;good la nd. Gcujd buildings. AÎ.ply to W. n}REAI, LSTArE fl'ANSFER. stores bilL j 'y hini oinflroek strep.t tn NIr. J im. J %%:rzer. of Toronto. 6OqO iýed±!ortbiw douitble store, nd$1,600) fu'r IliP iii N'r shop. Mr. Warren tolok ;.5sî on Ap ril' let. Go to G. Iù. Thornipaorîi for wall 11C ~LLH~NE RS. Yo ;r c.ýrpet.ý %;1! son be torn up for ther s;ring (Pfj~ We have o01(1 s~,ijer and '% rý:çpingpaiprj C.11 t l icW o: i chceaply for re- 1-îying Pic'xrp t. 10)c- per hund- drdfGT old esapri Son"h )y i-. dcovrvd that clhurhe u (it>,ai c full of mic- robe4, andl(ikeI, to spread diFeases. W! it ýs i lc-hody lias ever found any ilrcoW'ls h.gîgaround the door knob of .. saloonn? ALL i I N HEU EIGI-. 11csr . .< f vF.ro--. brouglit a1 rovv oui the ni kîtSq'are one d:îy lii tv-kti,.t tlrîjrd the beam at 1 - 14i) LI -1 id I nis has, ben the h'a viest Ih a', ', tvoughî'd tn tice town ;e.j le un-CfBeibshdcarge. Ailt hs"~'aho LACROSSEI lcrss %%hIo S'. i LAcROSSE i f iLcks, o-r 1hivu 'ver handled thle m, or ever intend to do .4(., ihould mneet rit the Iloy.lil jotefi on Friday night îvheri,'holîe:cscenthumisies <WiiI assemble to, organizc &',i the meason a nd ele-t lacru roi, lu, and on- courage the boys, w-ho are m.îking a laî u;ble cfi frt Lu kfylîl this fine old g;rni' hooxning lu the town. EA-sy MONEV. Vîe-Preuideni. Mcd iaî of the G. T. IR., .ays tiucy have sav ed a t loemt ý1Ü100 per day the *pa.-t winter on accatant of the ihctio)ntual mildne-Na af the - a çýtlier. Not on thlietn tira- tCariadizri sy~stciu lias thecre beeu i ny~ nc.,,tssity Lo hbig out iovsîîowilii. In tht'pal t-uty yc:îirs he blar) IICIIVII ANG I ,V'i NN)D 1LIO('IS-. :u(I 1 o' - ' tl1i 1 trjjf fer d) withi liver comuplaînut iii]and ia<is, t 'Uoald fuid !u'ihi.lir 10 help me anc i iI 1 im- usDr. Chas't, Ridi.a-y-LiVen PIlls. 1 havu c-ceotiit-ided thlse Pils toi nîany of îuîy frîctdiq, aur) thoy bave ;î11 bcen %wuil sati.;fied wlth te ne- suiltia."-Mist u< 1Ul.aLanglIcs, Manor, Assa. Ohi, fomr -uuitter tiect&r, £qoïng 12th, l71h April. tou -ftunî t single far". Set- Striiiaetl.oi, WbitL.y, fou ail tick-1 Frie ev lic~ r. White, Widlias for tix, î.iat 1w-j> or thre yvars t-en '1- car of Barrie, atinoutîa-ed ta is con-1 giega Lion onu.îLay hbas resignation o tt tice OUice. LEerU RER -CMN - H). uibury, o-f Eliîgiaad, arbo vws iled teCUniter) lStates ast yeiir, gî<-lng roellt.atiouas hii the great oi- Ics vl th iust m.arked -succcâa, la mak- lng a vlait Lu this Continent. -and ha. aiready aaieancd ln âNew York anid Bkoton, beî.îg geetcd at cach pîlace wlth fuclil teuses.lie ail b lui Toronto the lutter part of Aprîl. ItIes have becs <ery (ortunate la me- curlvg hlm f ur Frldayq AprU t ?IU Judgleg (rom pîcusreporti, ho j@uose of the n mcif gt ed ol*eutlonigtethuat hait <'tte t own for many yea-rs ON l1E W iNG. fÉ-.L-aicun WhiLbY, b»sticket.. cd Ihbswek- Mr. lion. Couk tai ttu'crpouL MIsa Bla-ke to Myrtk. Mm . . s.Balla atym. Id Lauy Mn* GîIborianud &4.terWoet Mr. A. T iwott 10Win-uIpsg l» Warrea to <iuhwi. Uira.i. ts ii Itoua.II mi. ièu 1 tà cl<w-te.. Lln4.ayJabrd Oci râde ha. otjnety JJEÂVIEJ'. TiÂIÉS FOR G. T. u Tbe G.T R~. ln g<ttt-ig ready vo rip up 1 1'4iZ presen t ails Cie the -Ntar t i. et-ta ù~1OIC, tlic'~ir Unes 1i nn.,% the,~ frt#st 10 0aIL.Oi the Cround, .mnd- ii.- r.Lik aie nom- beig distri!;.te,l akbnq tuc Une. Mr. John Perrin of the Royal, has sold his driving mare to ex-Warden Gibbs, of Cannington, it a good fi-. gure. lrtl NIXOU, Of CookstolwEl.-~ '¶llgfrOm 'ttic buirn to his hotise lateiy. %wheiihebc ,breacing lis ahouikkr bone. IFls oij, th-inking the bone lo bc simply et of joint, took hold and &riç.d La lipull it ln,, when two rib., mûre brokt'n. PETERBORC CrET,- AX.FACTORY. The Enlish cdrpictLUolicern whleh Oriliansri( l cNiPltptd would Crame t ihat town, h.,% dcpcided to go to Pe- terbc>ro. The i"ontý-ssion mnade 'I, Ictecrboro wpre of a .uPrTior cbarae.. ter, large frce site, cilcal- power, and low assesqTr--nt for a tfrm of years-. ADDITIONAL SENTENCE. A prisonepr nanied Norton, who has tenat the couflty gaol fur some mon. Ils, ýw.j before MagstrateHar-1 p'r r n WedLie:7day to receive sen- tence. k eon%. ction tvas made ,igainst filin a ft-% wecks agro for as- wtultine a f plow.rison-r. 'Ihk- mag-- sltrilo gave h iià thirty days, Mluch ta the d sr s of the ii'r.,r Norton * 1>Icterbo'ro ('rne i hap rchased in iup-to-dato 10M 2ahon. Waterous fire engine for 95,0f). Fee the MWorld'fOnly Dustiess Car- rw't 1Broori7ua at Pritigle'. ll1ardwa rt Wîarden Ileîîy, vid 'essrs. N"ipond, McMillan. Pur . uegýe a nd CGlbh.3 i-crpin l tù--iith;s tv-eiz cpi': ing lin- (1--rs for r-nablic the hîirn a t A the Ioitîi, of iefug,, Lr.JuJtrlail farm. 1crs -Robert MrNhi.hon, Port Hope. tvas lŽeld up ou the strcet and robbed of . AUI'IDU.NT AT O-SHlAl.. IV sPRINO 4 EN E EN E EN E g, EN E A most cornplete range of ail goods for Spring and Summer wear riow in stock. Muslins, Vestings, Ladies' Suitings, Gloves, Frillings, Gentlemen's Suitings, Hats, Caps, Ties, Etc. White Muslins and Vestings froin 12jc per yd. Up. Dross Goods, ali kinds and priccs. Gloves all kinds and prices. I3laèk Sateen Skirts 81 and upwards. Ilosiery in Cashimere, wool and Cotton. Men' C llrire.qlirLfa 7 ,-, -AiU Ql Men's Gloves Unlincd and Silk liDed. Men's Hats -tnd, ail new Spring Shapes. ~ Pillow Cotton,ail widths. Factory and White Cpttous ail widths and prices. Linen and Victoria Lawns 10e to 35c per- yd Andrew M.,Rosso (AN YUOI SPELL TIIEM?, Lfelu <Lys ago 37)0 s.,hool teach. s of Plhis%.'3vai, l-wCresubjected a l"st in OEig 011> hirtren mids were give i. thein, ail coniîl rds li grneral use. On-ly one cher p thedUictest successfîîily. A sens iaeacident occurred at the The wordé; tvcre - .îuxiiiary, Teuî- 'Maleable Iron Works in Oshawa last i c!zsee, be-fqtenk, precdo, succccd,- %%-cek. MWhilv Uic gaii iere rit 'vork suîpzrsede. pienick!ng, skfl'., 'ig, en thé- uight -s.ift aî car suuipended 'cylinder, sacutiîfi and dGsicc-îti'd. <i- a rail. anud tused for seuîvceyitig The szllenc-etu correct spelIliuîg is a o-,n a rail, and lised for con veying, gtft, like theL cif mto.i. No aunount lnijtirng a yoxig nman iiatned Roder- of educationui 'lal îu-Ikc a person a iek MieintyreP. 'ficwioie '.veght o)f good.spolier If he h-ýs lot a natur-al lit car, çvliich contia.red no-arly a aýptItudc for >1eliing. ton of metal, feul on the Younîg maiti' s4 leg D. Bllw.st.iejhoed or WND MILL FOR1 SALE. andi had hlm t tkeri to> lii boiîrdlingi Large size M'.ond<tock malte, gear- liouse on Solîtia st.-rrt, w-htrt', %wiu.hli il, lit first-ci-si order - graphitei the' irsistanctuf iDr. Ki.r, the - ca ring s. Apply to WM. NL"%N'POit-T. '.îounids 'vrp dnî'ssed. The e g tva. ENSSTAIG-T hrolien lu t "wa jîrces, thr borie pro- truding through tlt- fletuhi. and t lu: Pet-erbo, uugh hotel koe'pers tlire-,it- foot bâJily smii:i.ied. *Nt last acne n u bai, if they have to pay $.500) 'otitids ttho .Ybuii% niai, %vas doir.g 11îcetise In-stead of 2O the prlcis? of N<lil. The- tjetiking o-f the .qu.î'n. drinks --v1l' bo rali"ed ta 10 Cent~s. bs.0an book %vý-.s thecaeurue of the accl- There w-ll, thmev &s-y, 1>0 no more fire den t. cent wbitakev utod, whilh will sure- n.r Tho,.. MeCainus, lieensoe com- )y bc a blessang to the peuple %'ho missicmer for Eatit Durha'm. ha. re.-are In the habit of druakl!'g It. xlgned owîing to lll-hfealth. '-%r. llobt. B<'llo'iIlit Intelligeneer. Vance lI likely ta bc aifpointed to NOT LAWFUL. the vaeaney. The Prouvincltal Secretary's Depart- ";Pt~lALMLTNG-mnt bas reccuit'y rcaived sevcral A speelal meetinXg of the Coucou l ltter. fruin iî'sueris of nîarrlage ivili Ir, held on Frtday night le the Ilee's. ,Wh bkuk hether ile»enses couî'îe-il ciînien. ahould be îsiiued for ai man to mn ny Maice yolir caîipets cleon and fresah bis 4"brother's wlie," feur so the aitat- Iooklng by uslng D)ustleç Carpeýt. "tc detflong miarriages whieh are proy- Bruai. .A t Pringle-l Hardware hibltod un te groiunds of conun- Str gulnlty reuda. The detrtWecetla ans- BOY <ver In evcry c..îx-e la the sanie, and It le .tg tbeo ed. ttbait under the st.at- Mr. Jtaubos ilallett ha$ a warrant ute« of Otario a wnab casuot la-w- ount for the îirrest of Matem' beit fnuly uarry bis brothcr'a widow :*r UCC ut, fr hc lieed he t f mu-bis brcther', dlvoroed iwîfiu, Most of, ey eclleeted bY hlm while drivins the juquInlers «uk thle questioaj)pax.J hii. ,nflk detivers w3gon. Th-0 lad entLy la, behalf 0( part¶és wbo 'waat had coUeted v'autous a-n'oua ta - for tg, wnrry brotbeW a' wido. It , fJ Mr,- iallett sud ci immesfy .Zinrn..J-idthat, n1 shmragabt ng tied the borne to a feueS la fleý lat- ta»ke pac.tcu ntiue- province. «Moth I arIa-rd resumabtl oft o o>fltab= e<ffls re bsdlg fit-. the. monslug-trainThe followh<jx doacuption Lt i as-lpto age; f air owp)oxlou, fair hlit, fl. eUmM dto be -ouly; sverage -helot: OmaIl featunm. es; de t a Dwn n > rw4 suit Iuoy's 4wNo. JG; km e pants. pleau# amwttia ca-r U&"; <lanneuet4o' thirt; -bitue >riouttie, amui whité $pot&, ý.%yowie anowtsag of, Al wftb -chier >3<11. wltb Mr. dsa oobao t êp4 0 rt157 tfti i wtllfor'- GrandIt rmak fLrOM NorthB Ey'to CHARLIE JOE First clasa hand la.uudry. lRegitdeîîî f Vhitly for two ycars. Ail worl; deliv ered aund guarantee. D3undas St., West. South Side. PERSONAL MENTION Coi. FarewoiI wv., <t ek- MisLulu Vlrydt-îl m ück. Mr.S. M'ebb ha'i visIt lu Toronîto. lu Toronto tLii isiai the cily this rcturned atter a Mrs. .1. F. P;àxtof, hais eturnd frora a visit to the it-ey. Miss Lauirie, of Morils, Mas., la a guést a t Mr. I ho., Deverel's, .Ar. Mn. Fiank Bioylock, of East To.. i oiito, liq iàiting at tht h-oyal Hotel. Mrs. MaaYiard, flrookl'i, was the guest of Mr n. af Mm.. Chns. Batemian this weck- Mr. Geu. "Posze entertained a num- ber of bis friend3 on Wedneaaday Miss Gmnistos was at homne toaa niumbor of heu' fuîends on Wednesa.y afterno. Mi-.. (Dr.) Mitchell, of Btôckvillie, ha% he-'n here v1fitlnq ber ater, Mrs. W. J. Davcy. Miss Darnes retursed houe- (froui the City tliis week, liaving enJowe~ eever-aI weeis among tnienda.- Ur.JTiciblso, %ho bas been c. r HALF WATOH' "a the tjie keeping qualitie other lia-If the durabiiity aui poarnce of it. - When we seil -you a wetch <vo combine thd two ma-k- ing a_ perfect - -~ whoie. We ba-ve them at p. pniees front 31 .00 up, but \.-.-,.w would like to good on@. We eMu give you wba uyou ara-nt owev- er, and ar good value, if nou botter than elisewhere.- Norm an -Basseft, Jeweller andi Optiolan. Brook St.,, South, Wbîtby ODOOS cupylng tUe ÀrC ibousee inor. ed Into the Bell hougs- wegt of Vofltre sti-cet, 'LiUS week. NEWS 0F -THEf CHURCHESI rTie BPTIBT CUUItCIL, A ~ ~ ~ ~~~o seEc isn oaoe !)ap.. tie zuak ivillIm be inoqi iEter- 8tumday êei'es, te emwh ob choIr t a- a wkluit prearatIonis, sudr- tii. ahi IoadWraip <of Z, W.:£a* ,op tht ii lud RAILWAY TIME 1 fo 8 9 m a. ndo.. aoi V.07 STAGES. luv.,WMby for Ombaws ail HROUlde, propuSer - Imm ..for 3mBàougaiu là I.3 Vrom VW. md, &M au.Pl "WM, - M9.m. te It u Bvou. u L PROFESSIONAL i 4CCOUCHBUM «'dusai.ofUniveruty 61Toronto et epu iCofl.ge or Phydd&ieiaau tTETmmoe,ý Bu 'Phm.ai. LESAL SoUidior for the Western 1Bit, @me. momy i. ouÀ. - o08w-m Wbiby. ont --Dw & UoSNUvý 1 Put u e Oak#, o Wbu. onti lm p a t4- -i - s) i lu v .ir 0 M, the id ap- I - - m au - UWOMWR*rtffl 1

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