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Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 1

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'C É. t' < j quahitiee, the iity and ap -Wh( you *we the 1 b ave Wou] -good cari wha waal gmod ewher eas pticî& en we oeil a watch comnbine two mak- a perfect le. We e then, at es f roui 0 ap, but hU-ike to ,mmend a 1 one. We live yo*u t you thowev' and a& 1Value Litby. br S h E, Prtsp. dn thc leading ,da. EVES bout glans eye» I lrgeet stock n~W. are ex. IEFRACTIN )PTICIÂ&N. -Arl2nd bef are tii pord for work ved. it has îerds in ie at ites in posi. k. ~enter now ~odposition .4 Vol lle MWHxITBYOsTRO U RAILWAY Tilde TABL. .1 eg M m.et 4 .a Eu 4 20a. 0 40 tes p.m. an" " 6.19pM. mie LUS&..tmI doms Mo"go weat Monday WHiTET STATION. "ont Nerti 9.0i a.rn. Going Seuth Les Ia. U.15 ..1L.0 p.rn STAGES. Leav&s Wbuiby for OshamataI10. a.m.mdlP.M. 13001d«. proprieter. Leavia for Brougha.m at 10 &.m. J. Seote, Pro- MAI15 ÂI.UIVE. prom W. aBd E, 6.46a &. Frou W« 4546am ' et.9.30 oa. do HBst MO gàw Prom Brougham L&» p.., For Neti 7 dé a. - Fer OAsha &W 8.80 . gut LOO a.m. W. &m IL &.6.80 . Veut MIS2.11a. W.et 6.0p PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MEDUCAL PHY&CIA SURGEON AND, A4CCOUCHEUR. Gradnate cf University of Toronto. and Ucentiate of Royal Conne. of PII7Uicias. Edlnb*Mrg £,Tas Tmaaà<m,5 BTY»IO $T. Pb ont di. ______LESAL____ Solicito, for the. Western Bank. Notazy Publie, etc. Money tu Loan. Office nezt Pont Office, Wbitb,.Ont. Dow & moSiliIvralv B.rdst.rs. Solicitorie. etc. Money tu Loan. Office opposite Pont Office. Whltbv. Ont1 X. B. DOW, B.A. T. A. 34%TILLIVRÂY. LL2 B. Jamte RutIuIge Bariaor Ec.Mcney to Loan on ea.y Tenus. Offie imedltel u t fRoyui Kotel, Wbit.by, Ont. John E. FaroweiI K. 0., Barriater, County Crown Attorney, anxd County solicitor. Offic-Souýkth wing of court Rouse, Whilbv. DENTAL W. Adanu DentisI. Offie cicr J. Ferrtwon's, Dnndaa Rt. Beeldeuce--No. 4, The. Te..ce BymnSL, Wbitby., Op.iî Satnnlar evealuge. CHURCK DIRECTORY. Premyteaan C.woà PAMTR--RE9V. JOHN AB"RAM. Sabbath Serveew--11 a. m. andi 71. m. Runda7 Sehool and Bible Clan. at àSp. .paYw M.etA )n TbUJIdy .vening ns S oLoc ~t u It Tabomasit . REV. D. 0. CROSSEY, PAMIO. Babbatb 8.rvtcee--IO.80 a. M. ami 7-p. m. Sti. dey oeaoing Ka So'clek. Afl sainte' ChuNoAngiloa KECTOR-KKRV. A. a.Il WKIT. floura cf sSrce. 8n&rMtigPme. .ilc o'clock; Eveninc Prayer. 7 ocwk. oSwâoptbcoo at àSp. m. Wednay Hvin-Pmyet ."d ger. mon. 7.80 Ste Joho'e Ohuaoh LgUas 11k E1. C. KARP. BTUDENT IN.OUA0Et Rabti uSeo.Il- M . and? p. m.- sua schoo ut a P. i.Mds eeo.Wd~ at 7.80Op.M. DIX. T. M. FOTREROILL, PASTOR. llabhatb Setve.. 2Il A. M. ami 7 P. nM- Susdar Sebool at 10 a.=. WeeIY PraYer Service 00Tt#*re- day aenime 8 tS ek. Sabbatb servie-S &.m. andil au.. sltmrnately. Bs&ndavSebool ab 8 P.m. Lloyd Mfgo Co'*@ Torontsei ma.uacturezu ot Polish bu e X~iqw9 olishîn PuorW« C Jet pollebîag WItPu'a *Correspoudenîce. Dear Keystclae,-Under tbîe bea lng ot "A Ncted Author Dead," t] Toronto Globe quoteul lately au A noeiated Prea despatch relative the death on i3unday, Aprib lat, Rev. Cunnlngham Geikie. D.D,LLJ who dled at Bowmnemoutb, Englan on tbat date. From the Globela obi uary notice we learn somethlngq te history r>f t be emincnt authi viz., that bc was bora at Edinburg Oct. 26, 1824. anti wag a non of R kreýîlbald Gekc, andi a brother Dr. Walter. Geikie, dean Utf the Mett - cdist Faeuàty of Tnalty CoIlegý Toronto. The aoetd geologist, Geiki -was anotbpir brother. la .fach., ti wbole tamil>' have attainet ient in va-iouè waYS, .Aas me ci oiur Lowaepeaphs irna, nothave noticeti the late oetcreac in th e Globe ho suid demutse. 1 take th liber ty' et rereeabîn; <the nlemory o thte lt, ant intaon 1the young peopi oft the tact that salti Cuafllngham Geikie (or John Cunninghami Geiki4 Ia fuil), immodiately utten lis ordin *ation, became 1the paetcr ot the Con gergatioeaai church lu this ta'wn o Whitby, this being lis tiret chsarge Even at tbat early stage cil hi. cancer be gave eiltnce ot deCldcî abilit>', bis Permonas anti atdresses be ing ncit oui>' o! a bighly itàtel1eetuaý ordé4. ehawîinuch mental (tulture but wre aiea' Of that practical '-asi wblch lbaves au impre.so flot eaalij erase! or torgotten. Hlie pasturate practicali>' embrac,,-< the Whoie 'oWU, as at that early datt .-A. D. 1848 te 1851-the atiherents of the othcr deaominatlons hati fol gathereti strcagth enoughIn lamosi cages te start mcarets of their own. Bcsth churab andi Eunday secool werm iargeiy cuonductcti un union pril-. cîtjlet. ITht yoeang pastor iras ex. codInqly î.rogresie, anti took a froe hand inlaan>' echemne ton civie, eulucatlonal, mit31ai or rel.tglous ad-. v'anrient. Hc iras fuorne lime "dtcrof e th-et thtn towan papor, cali- eut tht Whitby Reporter, I Lhinki, anti ehortl.v urged tht formation ot a"d tok an actie i-art In 1the es- tabiiaMeat o!f1the Wbfitby Grammir -SehUol. He wausIO r. etrong ad- vocato (if the cause oft ûmpera.nce andi the prohibition of tht- trafflo lu iatoxlcating drinks, the ecrus of îvhicb tratt!c- ire cden ,asn nw, 'ver>' appamret. J-is pastorate la Whltby wrax onl, for thice yearx, but let t te eark toi gooti un the commuait>'. cntitlig bis rer> te0 xyelpcet un tihonor. He haît alace that tirn e wiome'ttacautisor Ot san>' valuable worki, ot which bis "Lite cf Christ" bas lJK!ui;i.js attracteti nm0t attention. andtias a rie!, mine oftsuc- gestive th#),Uht andi raliabie Intor- mation un [tlbllci.l subccta. lewàa- toi the lai a tervent aivcamte ot ChritAa' niiy. anti groater denomn. InatIO-iat u11iofutwhlch nmre late lotteriu taLàe wiriter ot thlis seu bean ample teshiniony, But 1 have sali enough fui tht present. Mteetng of Town Cottcil. Itembers ailtsir«eet jeept Ct..0 A cowunlci "%Va#wo M~d tro UMr. J ohm Itic, otlerlns teo 0perte lIsp evapoe'tlng iriutoa cep.uty o Sm0 buifahelty1. ,pso'wInc tt twn- liesr.m itooe, J b i sd Rkbsrd. IFrom W. a. Wfw ioene fzelgh*W& et th idatiniway* vsizwMlJm b. sabve L t -*m'est t t tbeo traCifo If-, i. proposulIprv.e cgIbogh Ektre t. flue» hues at URYÏ40 Pab.. Buntts enulIte. snand the pasrk lux ut tht toll.wtog aSout rA R I 1 ,1 0 1, t lerge assortment of' Waehboards4 sald iy-law, ad SdoSbô ire irapljm4 Ibo nwrlt et Goud requested tcld IMMOa t317jtalce stejrs lmuat under (3o01teolew th t defr id- te mecure the necesary Wlegiltim OUonwta dsr hethe Keystone Sugar cm. Le par ait wben Cherlabed and fo6teedltb ýhehoart. Evere boly i~red lnWa» Co MSt8 o! di ndFaeel a.bye and -be a bealutiful fulfilmrnea o drme te aouc a ome l1gthiand 804Pofreloiolag. l strobig1y sîîpportlng the resolution. .Afl irk*.epuayl h Dr. Bogart just as strongly oppo e ening, the service ?OibOug was ver7 d, temteadM.Mtbl Cd effective a"4 intzirng, andi thor- ct d by Dr. }Iigart, muved ln amead-tihlarge oreatlbya. th u chir ofr ment that the cêmmunlation f lae treatbio.. LThe* steo bJas. Fcw 1r b.u fot ow deait Wthý d red L. e a clu et inbe dethyee but that ever.y effort bc madb te Set asl'ande1sri l han Cred film Mr. Flett or some otner iKeatteman aEP Fate -YbsCondjl Ofta' arpear before the couneil- andi fully K:iug," by Mlia PhillIpe, whoi-g- -ai- h- epWnthe oriing of he ey-eady -a rrcat t&aVmÂt.. Ut be Tab. e. eatn tht or m ao te Kt ernacle:-,a duetandi ohciroa by le-, atn ua ~~îs. Mesxra. Phia ~and &,yr«g andthe!, b rite amenament was cht.eor *,andi a quarfftette, 'at Man1 oeThe fo'rmer resolution was then put « fCalvary,99 by M'aao phlips îant andeairrieti. mvt htUca-RUs. andi Mesan. Stephenson a< tentiSon f the G.1%P. be calieti to Ayre&. lrs. Ayres at the organ, andi De te Aantgesof hiti brbo asthe chotr as a wbole deserve andi bave iea terminal poent for theln proposedtheCongrg arcation or the eeîen se- )f L a k e O n ta r tb fe rry . o g e a i D f r t i e c i n s - le Cciuacil adjourned.vie Easter ai the Tabernacle. The Oaptist« Cburch. f dEn'ter servic-i a thislq ch e ee C. The anniversary servies at the tg la bnight and joyouj&,eharaCter, the Tabernacle were o! apecial interest ~ dcrtcebb :etflat and imliort-ince. The pulpit 'plat-Lseul rage. l i aa forrn was hrightened b>' Easter hilesIig Dr. Febterilî .j'ne-acbed uPon -tho and other lotreti rlants aneloquent aubject of '*The 'aapirauoa Of lm. Sremnrder et tlhe newv-spinung i i Mortality." the text htlng foundti1 ;a of the ',pringtide of the Eastertide, JUbrw-VII1. Tepuwen ef for that la Easter'm Ioudest message, nenia l1." i ÏUa hou' lite for evermore. Rer. Mr. Crumiey -J"pii- had a jupUjriV"wegtàcioto, exprensed ti askbeitig 113 dearest wigli t1Ïýxt ef the ancien t ÇLl-ests. One oharý. e a connectbon w'tb, thîs year's annl- acrnUetacPf that 8upeorloeity wi the tact tbhi t Jesu« ~sesda ai vercroy. that It shoulid mark t le c ~ ~ ~ th e an prent- casion when hs cu-ngregation al ould IB ie.wIete01 eil ret turn cheir face tow-.rds the Llgbt o01 êWa-~ yon~fi Lite, andi through ternnrciaJeMm 1édbu t, Re-rs gta of Jeans risce eery one to newneano e ref«(orelites tOret1r, afld Couse» In the mmo ing Mir. Croile>' spoke prtenthotQl. f ruai the words o! Tbcnias, *->'Lord oiteB4Iilt cf ls -the la' and My GoKt" ro.orded Ia John 20M nfiantfat l te is abl, e oac a The position tiaken b>' Tnsevr T«Relaabe oonta bearlag o! Jeas' resureotion, though Perpetual m<dwu >~e~O< n g'oaeraliy aireati>' coatiematti, .ha" str nf altat4%ql gervedti Lubrng lnto taller llïht the a t@dffl InIMtotl& fttit.. proot of the gloî tous ftact.- On that net"at j a o~vr po tiret Lanter day speculatioand c rron- epe uo~t ai.Te jorture were rifotu lacOnection withtato th e#d3le oR e thia event, anti Thomenau bans ,,p- Christian jwojile toa ober,.. lvlog, h ndpoite tu atirne Wben wnog, tical .eatjs tre-1te ts n t te. ta ani po grea t considera t tin, a ntithe>' Vere wIl be rWhted %' and wl twIItBIkbtis wouxn diapeileti, nd his inliîviaga qat- up the> lust dutk paamtge 0ft aul.- ilet. Yow alter ulueteea tentur- ion- eLuacher wonld. les thero ahouiti bu o nat In tue eventcig, the tex twato doubte or nmisivinga ne o tia mtfroin MaLt. 28: 9, 10, and the, bleet ej-ent, andi thcre la ne tiot thit i as 'xE&ater 'Utue&' lh.týwW aheould have greaLe-r efet upon' our W'OtmOnw0re tati! bot to b. afal4W- to i ie.It remaille ncverthelma a ver> eoi'.at hi ohUUi rt, j vmak.abi ~'d clIulit flxplc&leron the Iglad uwotm t Rcaurretioa. taet that tbia &tc%: 1tî.utb se ra.ught t ooti . ur ith i&aiflcaore l tht huma&n race1 he (bfftcue o lt. pa aws>."x srgb llghtlY UPOn the M0niu ndiTttate tsî.uretoul h cl<ly aad oosi. latik" to «166,b A sul tatIse aay hy ýbo tIi . ode pim la tht disciple "<oP0NIt~U uoli tshoditi gimo at Ibo tg PLY*sw- uw4yï T* tme ý c<ietaoc tf ute i 4dcfdI latl o j ft W tO tu*axlite LucoffN e. W* e roqpçaa m I Bdb1 8 5-D the $stocdltlm eat êlw fte la wtlh 'mi tIs 00,41M tadmeig i , ssi utOc os.a te end futgoS w.*shtII 1~ 'w. -p No. 47 Houseoleaning time la heme*nd'e-I ame prepaped for, the -trouble,,,Wltha s- I -I '-'---t = P ReBd Clover, -AIsike, Timiothy, Yinow 4 before Washtubs, Spe cial-A fine bambooý handieý, bvoom for,25 cents. A. T AL3 PI»ue 47 --WHITBY J qw M vuwa zu eu. L ý

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