e 1 Te of e la the elai 0oti1i st léîsthée,5 as se cuitaia, net thre bareut suggestion Of soeuery, uacl pstr.Théemusic hali Coty years ago wva aMucir smpler,, homo- Uer plaà o , as 4 st m ,;attçr;You-,sat &bout at' tables 'and drink mt yeur sas. frein @M ýo s a "lion thon dtded. 15 v« aa geat bonor to drink viLltirsh "chair- mas," ,the .presld4m oate isauml. bonor td vieîirOnly. a rnguliim grisa could sStrO ' ho eperlonaers 44 n u i or a Ogturu" aS a tilcicer et's&zurber dia>, but but vers announc.d vîtir soleain iiisjoty by -tta autocratie chalrman, aiter hoe bad rapped est silence vîtb illh, niallet. t vas Moue.of a triendly smoking 'em cocerst tia 1't-bW 55ni the t4ondou Dpaiiy Mliii. ,Our muie ihall, do bocoraninluovercltllsd, and loseslits gripi, At tb.,- ld Oentrbury tire pifXi i -Mod te l11s8rib ou thiphattorm andudksM, nx ngO~l*crau, wrl he dec ualuded w ipotrand sticks and boots «lhU urestlned aror. It vau tir Sam@l sort et Ulgs«ti rs CuisI îsrels, and b tiecomte mM&IIusd t te stire sie, juil asu thIi coer man" Mskeup .vUs screely ver attemptod. A «U stood or tell on fifs cvi Montilsuad the AM ot the singerai-The 'gret" Vaue Wvio tatroduced the. "hovwligsel" te lth halls, *m m t tengor about tihe plattorn, droppinS ',«W handkercirlsts te o ' hI tis lmlî.abl Wmilthr. Tire oao insuQVould wvea alittIO bijou bat on tii backi "t&i head. but tiret vi@&R. Tire iprsion et rechlin apredigal- *y tS',sot-ovor, la tire "îgreat" Va*ce "as sUther damped vhea hiis tî Page llov*d Mlm pleking up,ý the paiceaas8 handkerchletd. There vers ne drop curtanthon. naev many *casofhet islaut tonan cal% a « omrcil? Tire.aie ver,' ew, and tiiese am iperaps tht meut stupid. But the comie g a et tventy years mgo bave nîmoiS takeni a usae. la tirelanaguae. SomléOf et trof re Ieuueiold vends.. Who bras net heard et O*o.oe* D owYen'u: ?ber're a&Il ver,' fine and large, ?iiylrn fattirey1re uound sud prime, Ul vou fncueu ou boat hast , t viiit t9 Iog li your time. M by'e irsviat lu eneation. aSI Mke no «tm-a charge. 1<0, irol1 avs oane Cor a doe*e or tire. TIre, &Uailvery fins and largeT âIh encore v ers lthes old. old landlu.47 etetant. but tuany stihia ZK tbeuiht I'd go te Margateoco ýor rut, und chgangeoftair, lut. obi I lest nmre peunds ot flésu * lis 1ev à a& 1 vu tlirn. 1 apuda't gel a vU-k Oet lesP# 1 osirà 'ut forgeSt tret bed, I» ianlady uaïd: *'LIe Yeu 1.lite r0omo?" . 1pald mi' bill snd sald; -ucy-re ail very ring and largoe.e £AMgtiiul uale tiat ia ucarccly deadt 70t ,,,Up I Camne With X, Little Lot.- ind.od * U bs bera u ung quîte receutiy- vith greaLt oc&%L Whoua "the irandy MOn marcircd tiroir &mg Tom ri teLadimnitir and Sot it lare gesum , irAs ls viraltir.,'sans <C-pt. Scott WiiM ; odm,'tire tact). vp1a"mie viihny lttie lot, #4i ar turneS mi. for rmise. ffh. %cenut Je-a swearlng match et abeau- :*thast luos¶Iaoret- 11Ne troeess1#bck "a bobby hook bis -hook. AA doav caine ail tir. tUes. 1%es 4nkey ire begmu 40 brai' As il bis eout vould break, -Aeoyat Dick Duna went and teld orsi,' ent -%é mya a, lot took tire cake. 1 Dmt tire esny idy. etfmusic hall versuDoct em@»oeIIed b,' lie co=iU ens. Sentment MMe ird&atUrrw-CrUdg, simple usntiment per- *M.sbut qut. e, .psata-ble à a 2 manifie- dit9ly staged bijou nietodrana. tMr. l)evyoi's -1jStood ou tir. Bridigetah idagirf' itan 255xt -afein sosprdsobiret a irltlng pace, holt .laiIed te gbraIer the beauci' et ho? TiossIMusud falmeirods fondu' sire bellevef. *ev hon dreà a 15ed.tersaken à sude4- *bdtteIlaven cieo elfert "p à a sen. -OUM &CS the river, theo uddeula dsopa-fr; O¶it88 sons1ovete a laer vithoed Là E u n appriton. os,'tic bau a"estands. "Wbr dld ire oruake me? si 1Ioved se**elli- r harki tire beil te toîlq - Biddlag eaërthr sevei. Trsmtically ber baudseitb la tire arsire@tirnovu, * gigir, a&lup. a£ rucnesm, is deuil As oen tire bridge se@geoe. menu' dAis. Wboâatic Dowev ateri wuv wtitrara,'ere-ffl Geop tLqbeurs 'déRoby, tir.e day, vu ettlend tire rin*s b aayet LMt&a t'eekAt tist tise the ýýw:t vb7 Ast te iM-hall la Ionien -,&nl thre leva travellud evcn fis *«te tmc te uballet, çm4 the OnmsS Vanu, AtursRi>.i MS,, -Xciii"power ai Pit' iii ogbto »«0vWhou secS 5,«1sU1hmavescusdage, tet I orts- te iqoali tiret Leubumse v« oSi4b tirehéSusiet of tire Ositérbffl 4esfa arnap par ontire aqeus m. fs e dverttceit» abuts la ae«q respect tire cessieuas et loft? rom 's iroir havebeau. tmgeeved u9o. 'The*q - - t éeuvus iiv&abl,' 'Tnm4s4. iww4 iifdidseff,»' rsme otirer shaits?4ga afllu a is tiseeorus1 le S.1riaiw tham ~e ca«MrsUAI dmIoum .OsI me tiret wu rs lftird>¶pop r mt > «-tits fammus nous vus Ise adcpsd tiîtg du to M vçro sUsmfs isisa 4 sd. ti WOXoUVr CuWOKE ar LIT" (deCaorai Iaffect.dby tlwpbyllewra -Put, a) IM uiscialemay meot b. u- MW 'icPt té a .kemI.t, si" tissumût Ita a ImacedIni ou nuce& NOif ,stinmg viii net reeiv Obiom 'or y4m pet m ravavi aio bo%t --?e"8thbI, flkertmh rosta « buobta; .,4iemialtloafý r e mams sud " saetebe ýo nUles sutoi ï --- the Glitteet.ig liack 1W that sec tion of iai Co1seuït wh4ethe.- Uingling cicus Pettormera hâve their ireseing reomsî, a group 'of thrce womeù werc seated the otber dy. Two «X t1em werè. sew;ing auil the tblld wsî9 idustYiousy-ýdarning a. varfed as- sortaient of hosieryý',-hA party of ladies aid'gentlemen on a tour of the. circus quarter4-patied ýthe trio. .1- "Tlioseo poor wardrobe women,» se- msarked one of tthe ladies as she glaucedl at tîtea, "have ail the drudgery of this lite, libave't they?1 1 cati understand tii.- fasolation of the çIttcr and tian'el ýo! te;rnbut I pity the unfortunate ereatures who -#o these commouplace tbiugs ln\ the obscure reglona of the "Theïr guide did not tell them that the three "wardrobe women" were be- spangled quqens of the à awdust during performances. He did not explain that the hoslery repairer %vas with the circus betdaute she was ene ef the bc-et bare- back ridera ia the world, that the othikr two' bailinternational TeputatiOUB a* a tiglit rope walker and a juggler re - spectively. Besidei bis gueets bad seen theso three women but a short ie be- fore in ahl the glory of pink and geld snd if they did net recognize their erst- while entertainers it was net the guide's fault. Ne womcn who werk for rooney are more simple in their tastes, more demnes. tic la their habits than thoqe who add th.» charai of feminine lovelluess te tke daring'featurea of a circu,; programme. Iu the crowded tènt thcy daâh about lu a blaze of color becaue "the act goei- better" that wav.- Spanfflee and tin- sel, rouge and powder forai the frame- work eof<'ewell dreszEing" both in ithe tra.dition% of the tent and in the minds efth tILhand-clapping, peaflut-atfl iai-l ftiudes wbo cctlF5y thé cvire-us raà But when the beautiful fairy descends fromn ber horse, trapeze or rvîre and re- turne to ber dressing-room. she puts her Ihoop-Ia" manner on the sheif with her tlghts aud the trappings ef ber profes- sion,.lBer ordlnary raimerat restores bur quiet womanliness and long before ber admirerg of the arena have -reaehed their hiomies ah is busy about the duties et that littie sertîon of the great csaaa wtîlch constitutes ber bousehold and la which she is as proud and4happy as Loy houxewhfe in the land. Most cirrus weomen are always la tbe midst et their families. If unnarried, she in with ber parents, whe sare also performers. Il married, her husband la sure te bc a niero er et the gigantie or- ganlzatin and if ber eidren are of proper agc tbey are deung uemetblug on the great programme. For cfreus per- formiers are a caste. Tbey lobenit theiîr eallinji. lotermarry ameug their klnd, and bring up, their ehiîdren te follow the sawdust lie. An ta noi-mous cireras such as fiait of the Ringhings, bas grewa te b.noetbiug #is than a vuoviug munictpalhty and the equipanent of the comusunlty lfe almost equa le that for tii..performance ltselt. There là a bospital, a large library, a school with a kindergarten aunez, a rCat nursery and s corps of malde who lokatrthe Uttie obaes when maramma and papa are buù lu the big tents. There l l q.11g. aly canvas hout. wbere Boew- ing, echattlug sud even goaeip eau eom- fort the femînlue nature. There la ev. erytblng that modrncilrifation bats made neesssry for a well rouuded wo- meî's 1f. and far more thau thes aver. age famlly eau obtain. $9,00 to New Vork and ReLui Leht&h Valley7 Jilroad f rom Oampan ~*~TRW8nMSIMEPED HMM QET ZAM-BtJK. à %!OMPLETECUBE WAS IÉUCTED -BY TaRISHJLAL BAL The far-reachung uuultue! o iml Injury, and the amaziug benetits te ho der.hiod from'applicati oetZà à m-Buk, are both illust.rated, by the. stery told te a' presmen,'ly hfr. J. Burett'e! 2 Lockwod Curtp Bur-on strettLea O.aytwenty years ago,'$sahd Msse. Burn.ttl "I was minding a neîgh-- bon'ailId who beameratiier nanghtY, and wiieu 1 took hum up te correct him' h. kicked me on the leg. 1 was se, se- verely bruissd that I bail te see a doe tor. Net only did the. skianet heal, but there wa.s veme deep-seated injury aid the torture of receut years has been incredible. I rubbed in ail sorts of em- brocations. lotions, salves, etc., as yen eau tell frem the tact that 1 had at one tiais as maîy as thirty-two empty bot- tMes or boxes ot oie kiwi et ordinary oîntaient iu the bouse! 1 was aiui.st willing te try anything te get my leg better, but it would nover haveý got better at aIl but for the wonderful et - feet o! Zarn-Buk." "Prom the Iîîtep toe i.kuesm-as swollen te twice ats natural uîze, and the pain and tenderness ir.ereased n- tii 1 vas ueariy dris'en wlld. It was a torture even te hobble about. I teit that senactbing serious vas gelng te happen. for my condition m-as beyoud description. A frieud et mine remark- et, <lVhy dou't yen try Zam-)3uk ? 1 realIy tbiuk it would do ytu good' I got nome sud the. resuit Itee vondertul for vends. Frem firat rubbing it in Itii could tee! the good cf feets ot the balai, fer the pain gradualiy died away. the heat Itnd swllng went down, and I seemed te have a fircsius.of My 1eg. Several Indies st- the chureh, including the minister'. vife, heanang what Zaru- Bisk was at hast curng me, helped me wîth a lUtile money, se that I Might con- tinue wlth it, aid the reenît of their khndnusa that, by persevertng with Zam-Buk, 1 amn nov quite cured. I do net suffer thre siightest inconveul- ence, aid ean get &bout~ te do my bouse- work vitheut diffieulty. This lasIm- ply the. result oet. ushug Zam-Buk, aid let &ny oe corne aid I wli soon eonine them ot the blessing It bas been t-i me." It lu by werkhng uuch cures as the aboie that Zam-Buk bas won fer itieif such a splendid neptatation. lu the Oid Country, i Australis, lu India, In South Africa and other eountnis, it In the. favorite honsehold baim and the co mont widely used. It cures outs, hurm., bruises, cema, pixoplus, runniog sores, upredlç scabs, scalp disées, poisoued wounds, festeriug sores, ples. uleers, bad leg%. abseasses, boita, ring- verms. erysipelau, uîcrofuta, barbers saab, bIackbea.4,,acue. stîffis, rheu- matiamaid ,alilujureA. llsae,&Wor lu. tlamed eoniîtions etfukin and tiasue, O! ail dnugglos n t 50 eents s I#ox, or peat- p aid frospý the Zam-Buk Cejnpany, Col. brue ut ,ee4t, Toronto, upen roelpt et prie.. "anIl ComiugtePhi. 'Do yoem know what*we're comlug te ?" aaked 'a ahoe manufacturer. "W.U brelm a forent a*long My lue. Wo'r. ghgback tetise bdays et GnoeS. In laeyears w. won't, b. wearhng anytlslu but mandais, ln aummer tisse, at Iest. Leather sandals ton chuldrn vere lutro. duced by mse eeeraI yeara ano. Tii.y soid 1:k_ .6 .o%,ek.a I..#saseMai t__J bfeci ?ials LeS. Tii. lady .1 Sic a-oeil lateatie. 1014 ~OAP ýM:m ck dan an Wipe lors- wiIl b. pmseved w - - -&M Cono»n soapS fk-e & u olrm at oldodis and Enmeum SunlightSSp washes doffis white vtwistkjui ti.ms tes fbticsom-to "harmit f'or it cotaà s nWmbklg shati-, Sunlight Soa-p is bettm ùujure~~~ c'terdoue orhat- cci on-tue Dami!s of 8.7per cent, fat. 1. Daisy Tarai 2ud (l»67), at loy. 3m.18 sil.328 -hb.~fat 1424 lbs.; butter 1724 ha. Ovuer, George is n. Bnae hete eBelle P, ut à Si'. im 4d.;'ik 0,'Ib. f1at1425 lb..; butter 18.61 Ibs. Ovier, Geô-. Rmcc 3. DslSY AI ino, Deé o(3,689), et Si'. 8w.M ~ 9IMùJ372.04 Ibew; fat 13.91 Ibo.; butter 1622 Ibm." Owner, Walburu Rivers, Feldcî's Corners, Ont. - 4. Beauly'n Buffalo Girl, (3,562), p.t 5y., 8Sm, 12 d.; milk 420.5 Ibm; fat 13.- 36 Ibo; butter 18.17 Ibs. Ovuer, P. D. Ede, Os fond Centre, Ont. 5. Ideal DeKel (3,134). at ôy. 9m. id.; mhIk 480.37 Iba.;- fat 13.81 tbs;- butter 16.11 iii. Owner, A. C. Halim&r4- Breslau, Ont. 6 Dadi' Guillemette (2,M4) Ibs, at Dy. 3 m. 17di; mulk 401.12 Ibm; fat 13.43 lbe; butter 15.86 Ibm. Owuer, A. C. Hailman. 7. Maud et Kent, 6th (2,905), ut 7y. 3w. 29d.; milk 340.3 Ib.; fat 13.34 1h.; butter 16.50 Ibe. Owner, P. D. Ede. 8 Fauit.less Quecu DeKol (5,7f4), at 6y 3m. 27d.- wilk 496.6 Iba.; fat 13.18 Iba.; -butter 15.35 Iii. Owner, G. Rioe. 9. PrI'ncess Calamialy Clay '(3»57>, at 4y. Dm. 22d.; milk 474.03 Ibe.; fat 16.02 Ibe.; butter 18.69 11m. Owner, Wahburn Rivra.-s' 10. Roseleim (3,357), at 4y. 8w. 29d.-, milk 332-37 Ibm'.; fat 11.82 Ibs.; butter 13.79 Ibo. Owner, W. W. Brown, Lyn, ont. Il. Lady Waldorf DeKol (4,408), at S'! mdw 25d.; mik 423.75 Ibi.;, fat 12.57 Ibbutter 14.66 lIra. Ovier, W. W. Brown. 12. Daimy Aibino DeKol's Duches (4,239), at 3y. Smn. 15d.; mutk, 351,12 Ib.; fat. 12.15 Iba.; butter 14.17 ubs. Ovuer, Walburn Rivena. 13. Johanna Wayne DeKol (4,82), at Sy. 10w. 22d.; mutk, 32M12 Ibo.; fat. 10M8 Ibs.; butter 12.69 ibm. Ovaci, W. W. Brown. 14. Emma DeKol (4,196), aS Si'. 9w. 14<.; mutk 331.63 Ibm.; fat 10.27 %b9.; butter 11.98 ibs. Owuer, W. W. Brovu. 15. loiena Fairmont bosco(54M2), aS 2y. Sm. 22d.; mutk 323-59 Irs.; fat 9.44 lras.; butter 11.01 Is. Ovuser, Walbum Rivera. 16. Lady Robert& Rul (417m). aSty. lmi 91; mutk 304.71 Ibs.; fat 8.98 lbs.î butter 10.47 Ibs. Ovuer, P. C. Pettht Sou, Burgessvilte,_Ont. Use for WalUs of Seosa 1TiselViii bllsruine arouil Scout serves ne useful purpose viateven; lu tact, b>' restricdtlura! ti betveeu thse city aid uburbi te a fcv aarrov gasu It le a great nulsaica.Thoerare eou90 atones lu thie Vau! te Ilecousîmetl pester parthe b.drainage lathe. cIty. aul ttj vta111.levelliug tihe banka u"on vhicb& lhe val>l sbuilt vonald mate adl- nairbls buildingsidtes,suM tis$ m'ou>' ,obtalnsd trous tissus oui go a long va>' tovadtise coulet .5> Iprve s,ts.-coresuau allNea- ISSUE NOS'2~091909 MISCELLANEOUSý>. Mrftu. ImXDUTIÂTr. TO m ne oook asu ooaWosiM laalte 5111 Ufol waos to rMaiW & . k.&W 5 wTttngte#»Mis. * I. ku 14 IU8 0AKVULU FrauITLà mND-aOh Olot&, eomesntfor fruà t R6eD&mbO pOuka7; clo . ioIemsc am; bigmoos7 5 fruk. Wtmqui*k te a. S ao.Okl Souvenir Post Oards ul b5v 88e;S fO, MP; M0. Pa;Nm U: au! à bLuLwgut &mum muat t W. a. Marna, o-=te#Oi. Mfm,.Wluulows soootRhi S *udii ways bSMm for cdams.- eteou< f[ils mme Sté Lawvons Td?" O A A -0111 pde 45OtPtlVet Sire TirotusudIsln u ts.MSal, QUebsoMrr 090a,a S euo te «Y tmu or¶,'arr tm .. u slietioi, leea Ustte guide. "NI&G&E.ATO 1185sl'siA ~ p * Mom$tula POMsta uffsre u8TFL 0. IL ote caffe. _san I _ _ _ tm muid a l esbtrwflagEcises.avigallea df the lIlas 441t la possible te- makt cloea,slqunid ceusi EiSSain, tr o!mb, reports o *w architeot; M laladeée,, ese>,?te ir ovemeut Oet tis =aneH mat th tro>'tise. y.: t ime y.ars-ego »tic- vesunt «U tise p@4 pambult tir t p55tot- spnt alarge munof o! uosY lasbIdn Pls m-a i*cthebala wtb ne» tIio"lIa -Of 4etmdavo $tont!docks, aSStraabut- Ut acoustios, lbenoei vbc thse prea".-r en sount of tht huine MIMSbIMnalk pîeaced echees routelf l~anlb6able ,t iselght mets "à th# grohiPgu1! lie Mroof Itova e rovu s! yeur lbZu oiettise Iso. beomsLng eosipturedcélimmu*"sund I il-rouaid oxteissive lpping pelSoint w set'sa tise as". 1I ed.IL I. tapyoow ednetdeepeaith élWltii vires stmuug boea"d.4-ti ta.josa lo! Se i.ver se as te Perit.< pestrie uprealthe e 1mthi'e ieecisees siavigatio th ie e«tire' ycsr!îtise c'e OS etf tise Ou WoribuUtdingsbave been- st"as eoetributLn; «38,M00 au te -oblierat.4. TiiereareeImeexpert- siare of tise expouffl. buesý acqualaolVUthe liem eto! soutta, v«houe apeityi' as fti e . . 15W 57,OpUERO eruotlWsuSometlrnastiir la Thc tint saiss'aof -Pr. ' abir«Ni bsard..ii.lmpo cî h 741 au Vu 4velu'Pas se tradte 4Aiail boi*5ta thevlMg hawlu olu4hs Lt e. Rtorla seW Pisêtdwue sey t.viss las. Ihv Ie dt5 hoee a 11" -f -sè 11UohasII ?éela'"ork , gu .idTeld, ~ 5* S~deîu _ ______ *w o m rlupm i. S day SCho% JXYNE 10. 1»060 co m m entarY. -L D iff e nt.g OP llcMR Iin Jesa (v. 13, 14). 13. < Phulipi-It ma stiat Jeffl 'N Amt enter this c it, but taught . iyIt vas a populous andI semuch undar the.influenco c - scrbes <ud-hroaste ww 'thft outh.Hurllyjt.Whm di my.u did io ask this <nesti( f r or i natio, or (2) b S s ch« thie &PPhIus5I!men, or (3) lx lm lutezsded fto fem hi s eourse a ig te the rephy, but (4j) becauî desireif te gneuuadhie disciples i deopest faith.» Sou e!ofmai-i a tithe ho frequently spplled to hi but it vaRs never applied ~to him> apoaties It erpreased 'bis humai %ide. Some day, .elo-_people held dif 'OPinlinmS ocanig- Christ. Some John thes Baptist- bailreturne tý Soin. thmOsgt thit be vas Elial --'Greek tersa or Elijah), vIse va ÃŽte6 forerUner -of the Meauiah;a - Wbelieved him -b be Jeremias, in a c-nos witIsthe *tradition that Jen vas te eaie and reveal the place, the ssored Y-eosela vere concealedý * other tald ho waa oeeof the pMe that -i, ue of the old prophets again (Likel-x. 19). IL.»The great confession (va. -1 15. Wbom say ye-Notiee the. pr( "ye,», plumi;. Jenua sapea.ks te ail lai eiles. '16. Peter aaswered-Bie swened «asapekeaman_ for al, as h in aiany other cases. ' Thon an Cbric-Tbe expeeted Mesesal, "anelnted eue." Messiah is tihe Hi 'sud Christ je the Greck for "anlii Je ia-à &the oee ho vae seinti ,thse Fathe.r as prophet, praest sd Son ofthte living God-"God la -styled the* living God, bcsaus e i autho r ef all lite and exiuicos; -! eIl-existent, elernal." "Pet.er oert ixoplos tiere esidence in e«». Pl *divine nature 'in a somme in i v c0oul4 bu iu noue cIme; Me .cuuîessi the suni and substance oItCi theologyY"-Morisou. 17. Iilesed &rt-ý-Peten and the apotl#.-wene 'h becaua e y had biokan a-urai' -JeWuahprejudice ansd led vSulIy aq ed Jesus as the Christ. Bar-joua- soncf' Jouah, Bsn mes scou. and blood-No huma. boiug 1W wolaS t, nt tee-S" udieon dos 'miginate fl tise humai UieSure Foundetion .(q.d8), aePetâr-Petros, the 'Gleck Ivoiý agtone or a phece of ro9k.- Jeans. hlm ,bis ý à &me w*h e 4 a, 'met (Jh .42. Ipoa tue rod-il greci, tlis peIna,or rock -n, -mass. veoli as ellcited atuh IÃ"kldson. gardizlg t, tiser. areicur .pr!ncipal,,i ail of. ïthem'-supporteSb414ood -au tics. ,- 1. That Peter a tbe roi whicla,flhrfrt vau te liiId laisetc i. Tat Peter sudaill trie 'bliever the _Joek. 3. Tb..t tis eostfc Ic hid jut ruade vWas the. rock. A-, christ -l*ad roereace te lbinoelf- deubtb lut tint tlh tie ViGW i. tu ilam 1 eardsu> mm& i for thc*bird he bûti Il vas s Butter in Korecco. Moors prepane butter lu an original vai'. Freah butter thcy. despise sud use onli' for cookhug. It muasIre old il it ia te Ire liked. Atter it bas hlanlnaa bote itegud -for some yeairus ad lias goS a certain appeanance 15 becomes a delicaci'. To mate butter a ea skia le turned outilde lu. IL la frilel with milk, bound tigrbt snd tisil toa troc. Thère la à reaten hackward and torward tliitbe butter ia made. Thal la viii' ee ca-ot get butter in Moroc- e vithoat hains ail threugh ItL Thes butter le tien laid on pleces etfveel .and tihe mater procceds te ssii t., Keep Khuar'. Liluatla tise houa Where Winl You Go This 1.mmr? 1 wua.u of B rovitb »a4dAstbme by MflAÂMM LINIKNT. . lm. A.LWZGTN uot 6, .?.LL 1 w" euuudofta atvm .ttaek of Mnsu=stlrnuby XMNAED' NLM. MabOua Bay. ,JOUN .U&DJML by XIKÂRDI NUM