EE HrBYKEYroR DAY A!"SI1, 1906 U.C. Ob>lgerï M.P.P., luaaay, e tha elUitdttve excurulUa to North.- *ru Ont&rkIGe Mmh Petabitertam luhts o tho Churcb" bave deaUlud ta à lolda lawn social at Mr. D. WhltVu on hue Roth. IThe leture ii&wen undor the &un- piesi oitBt. Thumas' chrcb moinns cf Victoria Da~ s atteuded. Thom wbo we re, CUL Break hlghliy et mi.,Ben v 9 lire. hira. Maanglog hutre ffwon oto. TAie fbooball tea. went to bain Ob tii. Sth. Tjue losaInal. Hghland Creek, and on the poorly Pr"s. Olkil'a froui ver, lueiten, but haveno reason te te onhamed cUt the. abowing they made. With morg practies ths.yahouil b. ioi sucooauful tor the aezt t1se. Mr. and Ulin. Frameu alle>, rat- tendod the golden wedqla, anniver- sary *c it ra. Balley'a paient., )Ir. and lira. Thos. Sarage, at biyrtie, on Mlhe shootimg Patcb beld ber@ on F'riday bs*ween Brookls mad AgIn- éourt renulteil lu a win for the viait- ors. Eeveral ot the local marksmes bail an off day, as the acore show&. Each <Maun bail25 abuta, snaklsg 200 Io, a mails. The score fullowmï- i Aglncoort Robbe>........... 14 Jehastoh ....... ormero& .... 23 Ulliti.....14 Malcoles....18 ..t..........l .....r.... ...120 Trotai.... 137 8cbert ..........unô Alterna..........12 Siater ...........10 Melirien.......... il Tondît ........... 18 Hayorait.......... 22 Wat-son.........9l Pengel>.......... 17 T-1etai1......124 Ith lauasirat»Od tint the cegneawt walk ota tho front fatreetwUl'b.ex- 'I 'endeil to the, oornec b> Dr. Me- N.ely's esli. Miri- P. ltcutlex, or Poterbono, vin- It.d bis parents on the 24th. A Weil .itten4kd mting was bell on fTueuda> cvenlag to dIouas the niîatter 09 tire protection for the. vil- luage. IThons waa naturalr but cm. WipInton las regard ta the advantage Uclbg us ouething monoe efeott ro t-han a bachot brigade. A eotgmlt- tee via aplpoïsateil taaprocure o or- matlch seu ote probable coat of Installiez anuaapkbratua that would lie autalile fur t'ie putpoue, mol re-. piort at aoicther mentin lg os Thura- ga a i vns gJ-Uun Itii. lira. W. J. E4 rait and Misa jeu- Mr. and lira. Alexade j/ Blaok upasat .~Un<lsy vth tbe focr e'& pirents, Ur. and ira. Ne rBlack. A ouuher fro>. bore vent ta (Ji- bridge teo speeil theholiday. Ail re- port a largecrowd andi a Cood tise. Ur-. r. Ku&t taok a trip talion. -tg@*['Ltn seckr. Uir. id Mrs. JantesMotftt opoitt Bundal ut Ur. J. Dik..ana. meurs. George andl Oscar Duwney Wpent gju.iay calllng on friemâ bon.. * Many frIenls andl relatives gather- e at the home ef Mr. andl lira. 0. A. Imraggart en monday, May 28, te cetebrate tihe golden wedding <o1 Ur. and Mms.Tbov. Savage iam KoT&agart'a 'parmi4. The houas was aultiibly dCQtrateir for theococa. Ion Uu«e t nmbed about slxty. Mir. and.,Mr. L Bavage bave llved noatA of Myrtie for a nomber of yearsasnd ail jeflln wLiaag them inauy more -happy 7e1re. Igr. Leosarti, 0f tPort Plrry, wua 1racnt .aà d pbcgtograph- el th egvo.ià p. W. H I< nd r* lirIanks were ln tho City lust week. % cf Our reets tille4 aroiùnd to Vtew the. raia 'The SoUof Rer. Mr. Tot ten la homo' Ob 4 visit. îl sa adeihtlit, and lives ln LAnduay. Mr. EG. Evans 'vas hereilaat we. Re dd «Me work for John Qreggt and ather. 140 he dh.ssi MTMN CURE 250. J. -sud liae. Allawtoy, of j WhIb S$VCjdm »l speUt Sond&Y irith their relative» gt la 4"~ duand Qum tsliagWe. MerAu £n cM me- ut Duah Oshawa, are vlaitlng ionda here thîs Wssk. MfK&M %Du LIdgo*tt bas teturaed fr«M theIn la Vednesday mozntng*s storm he oity, adil iI eulibere for tihe transformer at the cthCdlat elnrob pressai. andi anotho: afar .the skdting rlnk Andrew Maison and tamlly. ofot 0m- bd the fuse helted by au electrie awa, but tcrmeriy rea4iente of Pick- -ahock At thieaim .tlic neanly ail erillg village, have gos to Troron- the. attee", lamilsatan4 private lampe t%~ wbene tbey wiU r«Adle ln future. ir. the scuth rant of the towrà wen Mlma R. Doyle, aasaibtant teacber. put ont of buine&. à a,» aa ao the ba@' been on teUick lc'Uit. case swltb aeczýiLi Ofthe Bell Co.'& fii. nevereat rais and hall atorm phones. for a number of >ears occurred on An oki arnd highly. respecteil rest- ?bursclay afterTnoon u fiant week le dent ait à arkhom haii bees yemsoved thias ectionl, and <lAd eoal.ter able (la m- ed by the deatt of lira. David 4~ot- off%-New& N ton. She had bLeen aiing ait wlnter CLAREMO.,T.-fruni organie dinatae of the beart, ýit and ber uem.4 wad therefore acit un- Cbarles and Peter Macnab were In expected. the end coming on Thiîra. the clty takIng in the jraes. day mornienc!1.-ut. -The was Tbomas Wilou #.Pent Tuend3y "' beld on Saturday afttprnfoq, ai va. the c t 7. 1Iargely aten4ed. Rer. G. X. Thowjas Gregg h&3 returned (rosi Sharpe, ot the Ci'urob of Christian Montreai. wherc ho 1iaI lieeu witii a Workers. took: change of the servie. car loal of cattie. ah tliè realdence. lsterrmet took LesiAe kpof tord ba& heoured a sit- place at Uager&uan'â oemDOttry, the uatlon iau nigh't upcrý.tor at Arden-.ulisriabin edb ir f dlie on the C.P.R. Le. M lr&. Lutton leaves a buabanil Chantie *Wzgg¶la laid up wlth an and a f -mU> aof aevefl sons aujà two akttack o! typhoid fsetr. daugbtera. Rober t L.ynu, who lri. beon work- UBW ing for MaICum oIm10b> L, hbau hoa laid Li ek rn egig u off duty the [a'nt feve weeks wlth bat eek. anst vrai lag at an abcss Un bis enmoe udhvscatp<ai Charlie ljaClk5oy, Who bas been Ir. at he .Elatrie Light P'ond. The. big the eniplai> of iewrick Wlson, han fellow ha@ a bock wifth an pIeq of gone to work for Mir. Boyel. Oar Box 1i. I ln hi outhq wikb, by the- Grove, J wa. vldentiy caumdul* ad Fred Manabsias, rihu ban boss elp- 'n'asundoiabtedly the one that got log Ileury Whte wlth hie portable ôit wlth a- lad'b hook the week. ho- m w OIl afho m or-uaet. nir-fcte. lt't 8ses1l0M thut vo cauo Set il eut off bis usailtue rwith u 'are. Dr. Broidie sttnexled t10lit, putttng ln ev cr titohea. On Thuruday Of lient week a very serpre atorsi .paa»d or sthia ec- tion, doing BonUS dainage te culverta andl bridgea. Orbe.hall tbat a.cem- panid It vas as largca eggs, and If tt hat 1bueen Iarger we wouli amy - ,~s. Cage .1 uIf.iola ilaitiog bien mother, lins. H. Thomapson.1 Mmr. Neluon Wagg itends building a nov atable. l'areil Lowuwell has tihe J. C. Dund.y wbeeled cnren mos Stouft ville os Suaday ho nauke a few eallu. ne Moveil to Gre*nbaok on Timesday, wbere b.oistends tci rue general atone, anil tuecarry pu the tailUrlng buasnes as wei. V<a vsAi hlm aucoesa An hi.a tw venture. . M. Cbapman bas engaged iwtb A. B. D»oswell te learn the. trade, mnd toh e sierashhanily man. The. uliltrame mili autb Of tii. village, kaowa aà thse litheil Mil. coliapsoil on Sanday. Lt'..been. mnuae am the f loodln 19% vbn It was parti> wrrecked. A lirgeparty*l piles malle LUie Wretched' IT s agreat mz"tke tolusgb, thm he afect ofpiles me local, f«O, a satter Of fict, -th"y s=ithe. vitallty of mddsad body' d'1un t oSy rWiaetlon Of tihu balth Tubs la trme of itchlog and po»aof bledins piles, whîch, because of thi e m*Jlod, ure moret apd itbewdssr* effects. Dr. Chas'& Olotint briags-ý alaistt aam reliefrom tiIci and burmin. and (s a pWstive and thorough cure for every foraiof ts wretched ttriloa"d otlla td« uesstbm dhsesss Prequestly whesdoctors have (atled to cmr piles Mud tii. balte bus prouves futieDr 010tmetbssefeCted toog ue 60 cents a box# at 949erIesor Edmano=, Dates & Co.. TM*"to actual, prdot f ot tb. lý -o. tba t sot ae'ay," that Mbs event là worthy 01 limok. than paaxg notice, Just by wiy ai mhowing ýthataiU Mo-ftah. iermên at leasat, are not liais. The apple orchre arcand Orillità ' been deterlouaLtng for morne yturs in qant4t1 ac4 gual Ly cg crup, %,i-d reveral appeb au ve luea made to the Depaftment oL Agriclture for i elD<di. Bxpsrhà msts w.t th spray. log am e W be uod4 Laken, and will b. under thée charge of W. E.4 A. Peer. Melven orch-irds, prinoipall.y on the, 'shores of Labo Mumous and Like 'Cowuclblas. hdve beea melected, an portions only wil b. aprayâd so as to bave the. cootrulicd wtth the rortlina _un treatt. TRVL UN COMFORT Utorpooli, Englani log Kongchia VIA CANADA X uahi"" lm ls@m pu »flM jo Vn saS H " f.w SrIe t momc b u M 70le- isucum m ML FNAIOR tueSmainti - ~'r~té ih bu To N&n i d à FoieuttXM 3i. 145 CSSIIU " à t oBL U5M'y5. D...hmkP"eiineon- 1w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~V hoku e atim. e Oa.aslileses.oerli ilbls ppea -Macs., ~~ vers frou «W" fi M i . 14 OMaM feusi" lm e ohm.,- Mad* la oanu#da ~s.e site h. .~ s. FURI- Ibo : 444441 4? 41 4 t 4? 4? : 'J. 4? 4 4? 44444 4? 4 4 4? 41 41 4? 4 4 44444 4? 44 4? 44 4? 44 4? 44 4? 4 4 4 4 4 44 4? 4 444 4? 44 4 4? 44 4 : 44 Q t 444. 444444 4 I 4 4 I 2~. p Tapestry D0e, 60e, 75c, rugs and 90c, $1 ai Tapestry and Brus 90e per yd.. Paying mg Union rugs and ci square yd. Nèw right Wool carpets and- yd. Dainty and charm Velvet ruigs at $20 Floor où cloth and yard in ail widths to 8/' Stair carpets and per yd. You need theu Lace curtains aud i for graceful -designa anti season has a" 0 omaip are showing here now a $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.5 CAS ROS Tho-"P'ERET has von hlghost award84atToronto E ktSoa"M e <This make O flýa odrve 'au kindiof machmey. Prmr ldit isst* 4rIr. .a m~~~ohIe hoppers, pulpw,ex uWug boise, o "I à oh g. Masbg ~s ow~sr u~ .44. 4 p 4 I. '.!e .ndersiguédhavi oiu Whe-t Bae,-nd f t For the mi Genuine 1 replicas in ail bpi erpn ar't, Beauttil tate prices In oui