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Whitby Keystone, 31 May 1906, p. 6

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~OFSECOND 14f ?4et t~tetI Leterto the Public and In~- etructiona to 4Coroner. Arthr. R eindeelared that, be oeuld nôttyCvè. more iu defence of tbe lae H udrwnîu- Itistrethere eMeaugh pro-1 ývisions and ammunfýmtiontoe bave las oeyenat lAs t--- . . tGem. ]Pronümizt YourW Conviet Sot to Dah hlezoes) ske '.vol.barted, oa Thene vere occasins nle otifamed. -ýM aking a D sh -for Liberty. .- tob6korden. Fasbionably Dressed Youngf Woman Found -onN~ AF OMD the Streçt With a Scalp Wound. TWENTY MILES SUTEOr WIF !f1c7 N. Yd, May 28.-ýAndrew U. to a houpital, eh.ovwa found to have re- âkMBt o f P Ppoet, UL"L, ot mmau csived Ia painful scalp woun'd, and the the 6ut hgeknéeing veraUm*lnCe phyuician said- Aere vas cri- ~u~htii hut yl. kealng VCfdeuce of chloral poisoning. In brief lutid !IW"'» -gravre lu Qskwood oem*tery lntervals te aie aaîd sx. bd ten robbed bar. *et.day. H. w». 79 yearw oid.- 01 jewelry and $47 in cash. s~he *as la a noate b friendu ho said ho feared he unable to make plain _her identity, but Md outgrewn ie. uefulueis, and wouid the police gatihered that cither abe or a relative wu Cônnocted wîth one of lienry te5ke l.tbe enter th. perlod of a5m- W. Savage's companiee. Early to-day e «& e huldhood.lise destisofti&s vafecondition was aaid to e pê. ius mialson &mie yueu ago are thought to Anotier SolMier Kiiled. &am pteyed *» ies mnd.Mîr. &Srt w4a Sayre, Ps., May 25.-The manirled 'vlslUug il.brother in this city, visere at corpse of a aoldier beloniging toth ie- it 0» tbi, e vmaslesding p&per manu- U. 6. In<diitry, whieii q*ssed over the fauwr, sud wealthy. ife vent to the Lehigui Valley Rallrcad, lust nigixt, an om~tery halert daybreak, and bis body route train Oaklamd, Cal., t~o G<vernora, waetokund by thse worknian. lu hi&. islnd, Neiw York, was found by a train po<ket*vas touud a pa thetie letter to the crew to-day St Oak's Corners, near le.. puMlo a&M Instructions to, the coroner, It -à thougist that the. soldier feU from ILR.XSnlth, Prosident of the Preeport theo rain and vas not nueed a7 his Bu&i, camne 10 Troy litM night to t.ake eonu'des. Ii. viole regimeint was on dmapg 91fthebody. asapecialtrain of six cars and 'woa r e- am Tyingto oupe turimafrom a lav e yars' trip lu the Croubo.Y.CLMa 2.-ret L hnpfim- Morey, knonaaon . iMUa, ymm 91d, m'oew»icoxvlcld l inais .117 dmforgmry gud .utened ho two years mpuimrnon-th. county toa"e, Wê te hodeasthsnear hie.yesierday 'hile klmlàngensatlonal dasb , n.ibarty. U.ryk vitis fmOuothw«e oonvct,go &"7maiomfrein b.<ards, wio opesaed tre m thésia, JdllIng Jffesse lbomna, a nçgro, batmtyan»d MOrta1lYw oundlsw«>Morey. Thea lattetr vastalci ehe h.spilal, vbw kd" eeal hours Iser. lia- IotaMh. duaih ho sdmitted tisaI hi. igt nua.wunet McaMdlIa,'under vhlé ohe bad bomom kev, 1btErent A. Mogrey, ,t togiaprominet mun of Llng- = YbspreI nnappsrqte amisngt~¶mnnrsvasadantted te ieekiu s freely min- ~,u a valconis gutwt at muty oôl& bornes o! tie f irat <au4illee of Nerths (brellas. Soclty raoved a eisook oiso lige I"auuab.d, obsrei vilhaving forged the ine=*'et lii. O.Peu Mtfg è dt s In Ourt a' b.d enl7 n Maouti Éûfrt.. methe. Xyuteriluf CaUL tery surrow 1 *8 ii.nlea1~hl and Bawy t stnlh.Imoveci R GNMD PILPIT. asoSeelg Wiaan lunE3404 Chutge. Quito Cleveland, Ohio, May 28-Beeause beh &Ppen.d te lokili rougis a wiudow Md "0. a Pretty velm ntaklng lier batlb. h -Rev. T. Boyd Gaz* pamor et a. "neb7tedau ( ý>ur at 'Ul, -OliIol'niust uek uoher pulpit. tia bMer lad bserned Nhaj told î ti-se Iueidaat a4sum6 of the churci bnou;îti. emalter Up, wisereupon a b.rosigned. Tise presby- tery exoneraled lii, buf' hb. v êii k SOCIDIÇPNDS STOESSEL »ec!rw 2pls 0OecrýJ COUI4 net F ~ ~ Ife. zIC London, May 28.-A despateis otei Telegrapis frein Tokio, sayli that in an Interview- vils Ge»., Nog', 'uréfernc' tisa report that Os. 4ase adbeen scntecdt» deatis yscoutmarial lt surrendenlng Port Anhur, the gneral declared Olat be doubted if lise-report wss Irisa, but Ma w*p 'convlnem-, -at I t*W qe 4.n *oesse 4 e e t t h e - s s t c u e e v t i s s o l d t îl a s c nitY. Ge. N0o9L wanmlY defendcd Gem. St~slagainst tise attock.a it bave bec -made upon bis çconduct il port 'IAJNIi B-ILiU CURRENT.- Story That a Baud ot Tndianas Were' Alarmed by a T rrific convulsion of Nature on W:NitOf thesu FrancaSCO Earthquake. Mfedicine lut, Mai SS.-Corp. Bottley, X. N. W. IL P., Who 4,g been out on patrol duty for se veral. :eeks, turned up ut Swift CuITent tise other day wits a strnge &tory, ismieking ai tise improb- able, but backed up by suck tacts t.hst put diabelief out of the. question. It seems frein th. story tisaI on thet fint nigist of tise SianFrnnciswo arthquake a baud ef Indians wa's encamped ait a point near Peltler's Lake, or Eagle W11l Lake, as il 18 more genenally kuovu sud tisat during the- nigist members of th. baud were aIl awakened by a violent sheck, ics migIt or migisî not huve bain as- soeiated witb tise arthquake in some way. aut tisaIt tsre bad been a terrifie convulsion of natureai o!sma Vst tuèe could b. no douit, as in the nsornlng it iras, tound that an Artelsian veli haâ broken out lu tise bottions otue coule. near by, and vas thnowing water fuIly tislrhy f..t iu thse air. Thecule vas napldly filleil sva $e -adjoiuing depression, and lat fuir-l. &&%0"a . sn *i..wl.*va 11*vcý - ---- -_ *a;terbefoe. Tise nev t.1-e la tweuty înPriete isdepnature Ring Alfonso 'IIsseuts et Swift Current. ise t i iralglunt I h __________ (Jurch et San Geronimo and expressad, - ARTIT XURDRED. imeti as biglsly p!eaaed. Tic Intenier ARM UMDERD.le ricisly deccrated Viti atspestriSe m- -- -broidered vith gold sud carp.ted witt eninson velvet, ftIged witiOld. Twenty- '*l h o iRave Interruptta Bank lèb- tAre isunared eîectr'lc ligta bavtjo nîpIL bens lb Work. stalled smid bbc icreif <if abiL6 l ordler ho give sa!.s.zliu.gbrlgisînus te London, '31&y 2&-.Arebibald Wakley, tise appointpxets. Tise Ring b»e chang au, arti su anaregular cu td he th ie progtammé ste htisItiie slgng et tise &I &ei&cdemy, vas tousid mUr.the xwddl*g centrait vi» oeur lu tisa fahW oom aI Bsyswatcr. te. ro _uas.n'intad oet .1lieiar-; day. Tii. front of lais skUll n-as bat- i - hened li. bat thie- vepon uset! was j I keQt woRuudrd Atits., foi d& Tireisene eli'at h.n - Tieoffiriai prosgramme e sied to-day pefrterofhthe crime. - Tise oi giries lue detaUl, of the reeplion of tise thuory bla lt. the.murderen atasafl iras, Grad Dtkeansd tavoy lm My tise premises wishth.e cl 1g.20. cardinal So»ciso. resibptL- ing hebaseusent and tïeff. l gld.,ba'bes6f f Idi tldeigoatadt! l Sentmua nce bts ranlts ofe , b.perlorm thse marriage. Thse choIr -wll ~ko ulhuatedd ut doort ven athty 1on029# of 200 artie. These aet de OUre Inter«pXcd- by .Wskley. - cr Te , ar.belng coouspler-.-A sv>. Anetiar b4nk lun London vas rouWet rý> anti seigaxnetby a leading tatial lua alùîùar'ýnanner lait veek, iii. artW spametis -avenue leangtcýe s burgiaus getting off sait re,.lpalace, sud score.e trtihunce are goni up W thse ai nets, whicis are hei b Venetian mastu toppeci vitS fla M U ~su am sntine. snskIaXIM uatranseslong I~~~~~~1 APRApNNIie ?KG ALPONO A Uri.A sauLie ~uouKu lum DZarts for tbe owIer-Car in Wicb Prieaa Es U1 .Be- eivel wui Strewa 1WIth 1 WIMlt Rose% - ii.w A»U» au-rl abi: oth et la fat anyas the. day for thi oysa nuptial. approaches. Ring' Mfolwo'. departure_ for the frouitér 'to-day to meet is bride Waa tii. flint event of the elebor- ste offilca, pro grammne. TIo Pleertoý del of intense animation to-night wlt.b erowda of -provineials in pictureeque cos- tumes. Thrughout tise daythe streeta were file with arriving troops, uIlore anad marines, with bandaandi b«ners eomiing to greet thse royal couple. AM-Ong1 tie arrivais were 1,000 sailor from wnr- shipa at'Cartageis,- wbo were acoorded an enthusiostie reeeption as they swung througbteumain thorougMiar.s, which ahown thst the. Spattiands still glory uin their navy. Lug Broya to statieil. Th. Ring Ibis anoraing drore hothe rsilnoad station in an opeuncosehseeatedi bedthe Queen mnotiier sud .urrouud- eI by a retinue of court ohault«Ina, Hus M&jesty vore tise blue usuform ot a tield manihai <itb s bread red @ubainsd visita nilitary Csp topped by wsu-lng pkune. He amiled amiab'y as he slut- ed hi.e etiausastlo subjects Tise royal, train vAA sumptuoualy &aP- pointed. Tisecar-in vhieh Pnineetas 4a uil be rfcelved vas seevu vitlitell roses, li. sud ebrysanthemume..A larg number of Manisters sud a glit tsrngarray cf military offri esacoi e ed theroyal pevhy te tise trouler. ~track w&% l11ud uih oldiens aid tbe cno'wds et c ountry tolkc gabered ah the etations ani gave ovatîbua to thea Klu Th Spnierd9sesemtte haveon- e ' It te spirit efthteir Kinge ové IIARANGIJEDCROWD. y q5ht*~éPy I «r.am thle-out-a&" ak Ui I~ ~~~" Xw'~'hota aiat1 N -irn '; ý ira t I I ofth~ p~ i _UIWSI CANADIAN Por Wflj~.wifl apply for Incorpora- Cnrcafor ea! udswtchgen were awarde<l by the. Temiaiiu Officias of the Education Department ft to visit lb. Serpent mouB ndthe i towsi-,of Oeïabbea, Tte 4B"sk a tcbewan LeoIslature votud to retal the capital aI Regina by 21 VOtes to 2 in support of-Saskatoon. Tlpi..Relt. Atxicis'p, ret.r of YorrP HIdmn1 Cicuniy, bat beenu, ok fered -d as accepted the rectory of Georgeown and Otan Williai. 1fr, Ri.McMéicking bas reslgned the nmn agement of tb, Traders' Bank at Stratford ho aceep a similar position with the. Union Baýnk in Maitoba. F, B. Tree, who failed to appear for trial at Woodetoek, forfeited bis bail. Ris father sud brother had ho psy f3$. Sir William, P. Ilowlaud, et Toroanto, Who vas operated on for au?-endicLig a few weekSiteàoseut dri <' iii ever>- day sud bu, almoat fully rccouted fromi bis, Floyer and Empire Day vas obaerved 'by tiseScheoel children e! Toronto by de- coratng thie statues snd monuments lu Quecu' Park, thse lirtieulturai Gardea snd Normal Sebool grounds. The. painters' strike ah Winipeg vas asicably settJed. yesterda. Tii.men macured suandrane. of tirecents per ,hour and a nine-hour day in aummner snd aigisI hours lu vinter. ]Liu Jean Wright, a patient aIt the Qucen strect asyluin, Tonenato, aetrangled iersel with a Portion o!1lier b.d elotis- rTiser, le' s mevement on foot la To- Tto le oppos tise appolntment et Po.S%bunnsn, et CorueUaishesd of lise Unlversity et TOronîn., U«sm s.Raysansd Davis, efthtie Grand Trunk, bave gone te New York to attend &,meeting et railway ne-mm udeaveflng ho ýavoid iàlite var. Thse distribution of aced* frei the, Ottawajeri M.tal Parin bas b comletm, Mo eason. aud ne» e tbis 0<>tous etfties. s"Plus an.givenj Mise. Lewis Staples, ef Betbany 4i- lige. vas struck by llghan nsd kllled. -ler n!ne-year-old daugister foun th ie I>wy lyng ii tise doorway on r twuns Reports trom tise nest Iidf tb"at *.inter viseat in Aiben-,tWa =bort <g. n- &'aiure. At smoin ober points tie viseal crop is eçtlmahed aI 25 te 80 Pr ent. TIe C'.RXerop repor intar teGndTnisnk Pacifie, thes* NLa. Nelsr i!be N sd -Four immigrant steamiers leava Glas. pow fer Quc&sec durlug the tirt etvof e sallng, vitis ouly seeoud.elasa eom A: atnay bullet firoed frein a 32-ealibte rltie t,-uek Edward R& Lewis, et 3u Smthstreet, Toronto, at ae,%"4g'and lodged in the back et bis lad._Tis* ýTwOWet ~ ui The' I Tii1 id i ý'thé O4s~ ub 1o.o Statua for April aggrqated Oym, Britlairevsews, refurlug té 3 m Day, comment on ciada'a rlll The. resignation of Admig raiRjeavetn- sky bas been acepted, &ud the. gWni AND nÀfieid, Mo, F-ORElON. hrcir ave, sed vas drowued. ToD.-morrw the. jury .wni deeide the M Ofet Josephine Terranovo, who klled ber aun Mu mcle ltu New'Yr-k. At -Des Moines, Ta., the. Preabyteriai Genera!Assmbly approv.d ol 1fedeatffls Of the evapUecacureh««es r ba4tWu heUnited Stabes oeae a on- flrmed tii. nominaton of Conal-en ersi-atý-large Fleming D. (lieshr, 'ew Amnesty ho, persena arrested lu Rus- &Ws on administrative onder viii bu gnancdbutno consideration wilba siivuaaid ns.ot o ,te otn Prident TutI, o! iee oston", Main. Raitheyrbas bee" chountefoer bu sessiet of lruk ns'dsptpo busf. ess cntyetChco.no -leeM rof. Badllvran a e o onea To Cree dei ered au addhencs As- Cmlset theCanit e Generai Asko SeMnat o!tis Uite F.ure.o 1%e- sd, telburg.ehentud-â Illeciillevaet, near Reveatoke, collapsad, a locomotive aMd tee ftelgt casMno Piug Into thse river. Firaman Corbatt, of MSfook ya*tay teonaIW Weber,- four miles vest ef Ogdcn, Utaii Buldings ent abaken, sud muc aise Wla ment prnaied, but thisea v a*'" a- Six men puipis vent exped Y«4«a. dayfon Phllp.AnoerAadayAu- dorer. Misa., uma!dug ilOof i et t v)ie have tsl ar.n,-oomsepniiet!r pkrtidpatlng lu tise asantit pon JomIL M a R uashin, gêvq -hl- fia s lI d i o 'sv e o ylrxn e u S t r i p ai l. bl &nlklermm a imi.'b vt*- ¶eetg thpigeuu.a b mitte. cf th isaely e of Un.nCrsv- Uv.e Association a resoluti,»*a :t*qpt. .8 intt$n& i !aZ Rd(Arke; -foSmeeiy ~Q~9~Or~naalteresgn asa Conua of bex.esouse of Coni,M- for tisaelteit OnOdoUn fl scqznOfe bissîitdaon t*4ftreer1 Tops'veld a vrock wvici did moôt oeur, 4btft *001-1pie, e ofmmnsat,,a iooomotlye engineer, mterday ump.d trois ii.b- SpRnotlveat aev2'awyen Mýe an ranclaco aunsuer vaction. aebàol opeaad yeabardy W (oldx Gait Park wlhh Albert M. -Armtrm es1 .pria- C-ipal, is neniiia ieqeasut et tiahe û e 0oU&hd h"e & o u .ll te &Meouunoatw heliaïi Il n itüà ;eZ s tuua s I e OCEVLONC NO ADULTERATION -NO OOI -ABSOLUTE PURITY- 5ad pack*ts onIyo 40c, SOC a "Then Pli corne. It's a pity I have to gang doonstairs, but it canna' be helpit." * "My dear Deb," said Mona, sitting down again ta some work whieh thp-,ar- vLalhad interrnpet.d, "I amn afraid Uncle- d-will be- something- like Sinbad'a Qld Mlan of t.he Sea. You have under- taken a ratheriieavy task; it seems to -rme that he expècts us ta do everything for, snd be everything to, -i. WelI, well, Mona, you would not be cold and -heaLrtles to yourpoor father'. enly surviving. brother. Tie poor old gentleman is worn ou£ wit1ý fatigue and sulfering; hie will be more mercif ul and more reasonable to-mofrow. You would otrefuse ta soothe the declining years of a poor, Ionelv mian?" "No, I will glndfly help him un any.w&3y I can; but h. may be rather a, worry. However. he seemns something of a char- acter, and may develop attractive quaI- ltIes. I amn quite sure nxy father mis tiever like hini 1 Could you ianýy a high- born, handsome gitl runninig a*sy -vîtis Unel. Sasady at any perlad cof bisflfet? Mme. Debrisay, laughed hcartily. 'Ahi1 Mona, you are a quare girl l'y When matdame was t.horoughly off lier, guad d peaking. Engliah, ber niltive accent madTe itacif beard occasionally.l Frenchs she was fluent, With Sapure Par- . Î Isun pronunciation, which was valuable teolier in ber prof essional captcitY. Preinthe. date of. Une Sanday's settieé- ment thse patuers f elt tisaItthe frcedom] of hehoi4day was over. Ho uisesitat- IgyclaImed -constant help and attsu. Uo.Moreover, ho cavill-ed aI the prie paîd for everyt ing ey outad many were th.eo ss iÏn le gaveC bots. 7 Stijl Madam Debrisa clung to. li ides tieh. as a mil o ç'rethougl #hco arefully kept ber mpresint e Il la only tise nicis wbo are se 5«V iug," aesad to ia. Pudditord, witl visons ah oioen condescended, ho talk a13àal*sys bas mneyeou - orvia *,verhwat. "Id4ixt tlslnk ho iil9selad as i su msmam,', retrarned tise landlad3 *be'nobody Jsiooking," bt'at «Oh ,ho Ji . fanrom atrong, 1 SU you. ndee a"tot thiuk, illongt sworld" don't know, I am 4sure.- Proin the beglnnlng, TXncle Sindy, a Ili ding tisat madame bail these 'ime .vrysn f ~lan bour, !psdt 'YouliI no cars te zea& muk -Of Il 1», sald,'sud -Il viii gisen- the ,to*- yen.-Tisai et e l l Soîmala a J ,WonE --I ~1r À Madrid- eable:' Tbh méty. la fut

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