ýih way. ýd ease of hé Sunlight cil1 up each j. go aWaY. - I fwashed ýrubbing. IV3 1906 CtT. TWO OIR48 s.e -for t.bou s pvati faniIy; out.. Aidr« i utt, piudeuins i"rs bkg monfy Farster, OakVtlle. st-Oards o, 9: Mu. là : Me. W ne¶ tInout .10c albums. ail Pf»M rsyrup seuidSIl- vui to«eti Il th. gumgo -cure& rgmaiy for Diar- LEROY'S .E3 PI LLS 4rýbe sdulab'. nioittbly gr A 16 etiti .nitd nvaIuabIs fgie!. ind vcru gau. rmuEcîlose tmp, for r@IculUU.11 rbox 0< i Oa rl t (PMUa "aMilton, 0a> ~cEgypt. doubting tise ia- Governtuent ta 'ar a the Itint. ýeot Lord Crom- therè Id ta be~ ulrcd end vested a, modern Egypt ï-oenydoar prin. W iy he Unit- the far east gen. Swill rule, ehe ýt upon an>' mon. ýises, but, ou the açopportunlty te vilson' s F'LY ADS ýTHE ONLY 1IIING THÂT j IliEm Au irrATIONS, ILSON ld Out. rheeled bis chair ýuire about the openling 61 the~. K'ew YorkCu -1 ble. Passenoers Itudiion River andt New York, na, withaout ex- Dn Wrte Leulu cmr Agenrt, Neov Y'onge strect, g sixNil ay sud the iiratona ce Usa bightt4 r thLe Sabbatii ou. wsk luter. Tuer. is ne Intimation *4 te tiow the i.v.ulngweïk w.. speat. Peter &Bd John and James-t Vas the samne kîto the roons wbehis. bsed jairua' daugWp , ami-a ewventhi later iJiese saIeapost itn'eaa e .agny in the rddqi. :Es took "etheurea(1) because WO~IQIdWWitnesmes te prove Vthe f ot whera the ture camne to reveal Mgs gtory to tbe-worli. and (2) for tii. pusose of 40Or 1 ,esalwi t lu inthe tmtl . ndom.Intoa nountain -fis "pdgoe cf the. tramafgurationacene Is ukîowu, but it was probtably Mount Hr»u,'not fat from (amarea PUiIppi. la 1à the opinion of*nerly al modern e  oili.. To puay-It vus thé habit e&U& to po sl<m. ithe naght to Befoe 11. chose thie Twelve, an" 1-ýpraying l in lqt»t.. This tine kt W» pra.yer-meetiug.' HRe wvs.doubt- las. prayln for streng tot carry en Rits wrk aid f or the eulightemeat of Hi*s dIscIle..After-the announceuent of 1Mcoznlug sufferinge snd death, ami af- ter telling tiiems tatth"y meut ebre a em.. instead of a tiarone, th"y mal' ktar. ueeded enoour»gemnt. M. Jesus tran.figured (v. 29). 29. An B pmuyd-During Hi% prayer. ibe traxfîguratiQou vas the angver. (»Un- tommne wu& altered-The original word la elseviiere lu the New Testament ren- d.red "transforn.èd" (se. Rom. xli. 19; IL Cor. iil. 18>, Ms-nud laUBofeta opiritue 1 cheange. Mattb.ewlaYa,*i*lface titi alune as -the. un.» "'"h vould afpper that the. light shoue uot npon }lim froen '.4thout but that it ilion. out ofIlkîm from wtîiij ih vas oue blaze of tia- rlîng, celestial glory; it vau Himacif lorfîed.»-Ros. CoUn..Tb e ta" ci Noses laid. shone, but au the moon, wt*t.h a h.rrowed. re<Iected lighkt;, but MYat-V &hone as tue aurn, villa au lunate, iuber- cnt lIgt.-H.n-ry. Raiment became wliit. sud dszulng (R. V'.)-Miark asys, "Rxceedin«ly vihite usasnow.'" kils fae. @hoe wtlidivine majeaty, and aIl iis badiy vas a. lrraliated bhy it, tbat Ris clotJes cculd not concenl iii glory, btn beeme whit4 sud listening a« the ver>' figiat, with vMh H e covered imecf as -vill a garmet.1-WVesley. 'It was Ria inner spirit shâiniz through the veil JII. eav«dy 'vistanti (vu. 30, SI). 30. Mioses aud Elaa-Elias in the. Greek for= for BlIjiAh. This vas Dot a vMÎIs i ese pesna vere actually proet, andtithe asilsrecogniW dthein, as la entent tram Peter'. propoition, in verse 33. "This 'gives good ground for beiieving tkat vo ahaîl r<cognimc aur friends in he&,en.-liurlbut. 3à o.sm as a repre- seutative ni the Jaw; ite m sthe. ound- er of the. JOftibI idlsena.t4on4 wbdeh fer centurle, bad been preparing thMe va> lor Christ; he was4 a type 01 Chirist and bat and thirough hilm lad becnati ttuted the -mrflces whlch Chii*t f ulihiet and which explelned Ilis ini ng death, vbicb «* troukied the disc. p lms.Eliiah W»ust.he tepreseat4ie of the prophets. Whey bad taretold tii. ooning and tbe suifer- Ing a1 Christ, sud IL14ah was the ose who was te pSepare tas vay af Vue Lordi k> à b.~ttrsdsirirapan they uulysei n uis eso iluplies 'tliýt they fell *slep sud ver Îwakêdnedte o ie Biu gkr, wu> hei » origillu piathat tog e> iu * alep (Mev ykept f ullyawk-Aot Were, fully avae(R .)-Esa though e , M say' hav4emc. suieqaat tinst, yt vin~evs"rulgte before. tiens" tii.>' -er.fuli>' aval.. Saw-lats lory Asnthes vwo nm.-Tfl a.awtâi. bniliau.cy ofthti ouutt*- imansd thse dudnlg bigte- tustbe carments. ltwirsa a esfltI. W» ot e dosa.SSAstle i.y w Wei*d- y, t.bk cbikk.en.eof eabi (Exoê xiI.fx li;L a Moud that leok o of-b taberi. (£»xo i x.341;-a dosaithat fWled the. empie at the a edimt"on(L Khags VUii10, 11);- sud tIii. uket& Urne cda ,ià iS çmmrlts Pa.civ. 13)k Peter id=Mlet refers te thi e mi that "onceellent gior7"- (14 ,Pet. 1. 17). yi.> UV la var-y lisytsttetasluak tk place lu tii. nght, in tkih rA» ti.light of Clarit's couuteeuzsat, tEre daalg bvtneu of Bis<aumtdé; aid t. gtor-y of the. cloud, *euld baves marked effeot,, because of the. absence 0 thne solar Meglt. Entered loto-The. dont semai to descend over tuasi andi envelop tuba. 35. A yoic-T-7e voiet ýGod tis Paliher. 'lit revealed notbing new, but confirme the old for it vuis the saie volos wlich haît Leen heard saVHlisp. ttmuYý-Trenéb. This voushaowe to Peter sud thc apesties present thai the7 did not nee1 to detais Mos.. snd IMII>a lu order te add te tiacir liappfines. Thia lu my> beloved Son-1Mnttbew atd, "In wlaomn1i-am -veli plea*ad.Y hey Laid Jésus with them, snd lit vas more tban a" the hosts of heaven voîtitib. viLla- eut HRm. Hear Ram-H. as superlor "-en 4o Moss, the gTeat law-glver. Moses blinmeif ad masde uuch setate- usent (1eut. xviii. 15 - lie is superios te Elijsb sund the.prepiiets,am sudlathe One tO viio tue e>'pisw. Hw ls; at- tend te ni*. instructione and obe>' 11W word*. Tise va>' Wotmeàs teo it>' (wo id te barnstoensd houer tà e Son (John v. 23). To reject the Son is the. grumest ffult that oma be offe.red te (led, andi brIngs the. Mostdimatrosas reswua i. .36. Wiies thse roce vas pa@t--Ms4tsw tll» us t.hat vten Uhe disciples boead tise voiesUic>' kMUon their aeee, s* ver. smue afrad; tiacu, reeovenibg rIm the. shock, tse>' .wdenly gazai aMI aroundi tem &and w no erubut Jisu. Tii.>' eaed ééUacy estereti into thc cloud, but viies tht>' treard tise vola.etfGod, probablY as tond à as un der (oee John %ii. 29) %and f.ull eOf4Miue ausicaL>'sucla as mottai ars vere waOK- custoeed tO her, tiey 1.11 fiat te lime ground en thir rfaces, Iing soXe s*$MW; an., .fiect vhîch manifutib» ueOf Ual klrsd conunoni>' ad ou tii. prophetam4" other bol>' men te viiomu th@y *«0 glven"-Bà iae. it vas sew4l A/bran (Gui. xv. 12); s&d Ezeiel <Esek. L B) # sad Daniel (Dan. Vii. l-7; X. 8, 9); sam John (Rter. i. 17); a«I tpeope uswada7ys viien under the direct illumination of tihe Spirit, tometimes kl es.tair tresa4" ami fal t/o thse fpround. Tlatis oonition the thre. disciples la>' unttlJes touela- id, theansd raised tissu up, tiqspeliug tiair fears. lC.pt It ClOse-4ATIrk eys that Jesus c2arged thens tiat t/bey shisd "tell snonmwiat thingatise> bad sern, tit li tI> Bon of in u eretains frein flacdeadY Thepeoeple eouikL bot understand it, and even the tiieli themneivep coutl net uaxlertaud Il, utU ait er tbe..r«esrectioa. 1. Christ'r glot>'. Rel.teck Peter "ud John sud James. sud vent up Into a mountaîn» (V. -28.) Every100d hing bésins wltii Cod (Cen. 1 . sthse mountasin vIev transforise t Isepain, s0 ever llglooké dIttezUti>'sied trou therIeenly pîscês" ( ph.LI.8.) Alter ve bave 2Ieud the Sidnro ~y "ICere un osie.--. .. Ibokf om the tep (S. of 8S lv. 8). thse -viole landscap. cU lite vears a glory we neyer mcv w-s possible.. Thé- spirit'ot glor>' (L PIster, <test Ccd sud Savieut Jeas Christ (1I1; tus IL. 13, R. V.)- "Ilo pra>'» (v. 28.) The.14W of 307 called Abramapari te a lteof' , tuu- I suS» 1~e. 1 IL) Tbe. abri tt b$ e Crit a ospared 4tbe ofS.*&vt 10-, ev. xILL .)W.uI IViii, unveiwedfat. bilaoldixg es. in a lr- rot ais. glory o et .LOamu "und jite tUs. se .Iuaags fmmlv~ 8lo1> eNi ift toast, ai* tara setuam M t«O"e gl057 cres 01-Ulad l# h Scrta"y-Of Pru InLeaton at the Vatican aà d She le One of ýthe Richet Hefresse. mduntPruasia Jie.4.-Tii. eugsg.-- ment la anunauofert enaKrupp, owm oet hieKrup vnki, teo (utas vTois Bobles un& Haibaai, secrets-r>'of iii. PnmusLegation ai the Vatâcan. Flameis Krupp, Wvo e I 0 yeshs lt, la eue o!fithe niohesibeiresse la the., mirld. On tise dtctuiiof ber fatiier, Fred- erick Alfred Krupp, lun1002. h. isheriteti a fortune estimated ai frein 5125,00000 te $150P000000 la Germai>' uciaweauth mess fat more t/ban a tik. accumulation lu Amer- les, for h là tour fInes as <test as ibat TUE[ NEW 'fRISCO. WILL BE GREATER AND OI BEAUTIFUL TREN TRUE 0. <Sas Franciaco Bulletin.) Tne.leadiiag merclasuta visebave unit- .4 lu formlng a nev, uisoug4a temaporar',- reisil district on Van Ne». avenue, be- iveen Sactameute sud Post streets, have begun grsding sud building On tie «de- rassited lots. Tise. viebavé socured locations on thle veut aide eftht-e avenue art bus>' vftla plana for remodeliig the housesetrerttng temerat>' maria. se succeesful lbas becs their plans t-lai It- la nov assuradi tiVan Nes. avenue wâl b. a great retail business street- un- il the tovu assumes Iaé old appearmnoe lu thla faslsienable shopping district. Auto busses on Van Nets à thei lat- est uoaement te h. made lin ec- tues. wihtlie aubiious plansaeofithe en- terprtuang metchauts. - -la s letter trou lNe York, Frankilin K. LUne, vho la ibere lu confereuce viih IL IL Hanunma, 8cuator Newlands aud otiiera vso arc planning tise syndicale te taise 8100,00,» 0to sistainlutlb. e- building of Sau Fraucisco, tel et t-fbte vork liatislabeln.ç doue lu ihidirection 'aud ofthtie cordial feeling et Eastern timuciers tovard the people oet-thia City. Among otiiert Inlga, Mr. Lau. has liais te sy of tise situation in New York: *I find is to e b.la-e: No ose doubla for one moment t ti u a 1ev yeara ai mciii Sas Francisco ulîl ha gi-eter*&sud more beaulhful than ever. Ite ne <hosgt here et desertiug Sas. Francisco, or tista se viii <vezplace te an>' othe cli>'. But hIs in ard t-e more tise fin- anciers, beeause tisey tlsnk otan peopl capable o! deung se uauch thesiselves- mmlee.orkers, tii.>' ali us. ofe iii nai ePitailsiof tb.e mpire .3freover As aele evuet o!fithe <test Buses steel voulu1, be tas absolute cou- triot et a tovis ot20000 luabitant, sud tise fortumés of neati>' 50,00 emplo>'- les. Gustsv, von Behien und Haibaeh ias bein Aug. 7, 1870, sud vas a gentlEman. iu-waltlng at Uthe Court ot Baden. 1We then enteted ithe German, lIiplexnatlc set vice sud vas top! advisr et the Gerznas 'Embassy ai Washsiugton in 1899 s-ut 1900. Tic ucai 4iiree years be Is.id a sinsilar position ai. Pekin, sud aincest-leu bas becs .ecrtary tte a.rus"mIan ags tiion ai the Vaticas. a cousin, Arngus Oillea, be vasdriviug borne, sud vies prossagg tise Casadian Pacifie Raalwa>. ai vhat la kuevu as tise Blind Line ctosing the wagon vais simd kb>' a locomotive returniug te Oves Sound vits a frelght van frein Flesierton. Peler Gilltes vas brought ta tevu, but cxpired just as le' bail been removed te tise ambulance i. b. remevel te tthe bospital. _______ MICHAEL DAVITTS WILL. tmeasProperty te Wlfe-His lludylng Prayer te Irelani. A Loudon despalci maye.: Th. vil et1 lilcisel Datt, the Irishs leader, viie died yeslcrday, leaves al bis prepeni>' te bi. iswf.. hIteaneludes - "To al na>' friends h leaýve k.nd theugisteansd toi my enemies tue tullest possible for- givencsa.To Irelauti 1 leste au un- dying prayer for th#. abuolute freedm sund iudependence wvîh i wuvs ai lite'. ambition te oblats fer ber.» The, will alte providest tsisouid bis death coeur iu Irelanil the hurl vas te beuAI Stralde,sud IfluIntise Uniffldà èttalubis imot-bers grave at liansyuank u ,strPlaladeiphia. Il diaries meut-pet b. piablisheil as unoda, sud là ne Instance vithout bis vlies permission. "But - ounsno occasion imua anythlng lisais or eecusorlousaboid su>' perses, dead or asure, vie cnet vorked for Ireiand b. prinleil or publisbed, or uséd so as to give pain te triend or' relatives.» 31GB?? WIITS ISUM. Cobat Peope. 8*klsg DaMAgea fer the, Exploion. C*Gbat, Jus. 4.-Write te ibe nui-!j Iber et about. elisîr are being laseil 1 8TRU~K~ A ~ac3litthe O (ntario powtaer STRUC On caosine. LiMiteiL viiome head of lee lai-t Kigs- ton, aied tbe G#o. Tuaylor Hardware Sylubi Famie E:IIe Wl!.Cbm#à uy vii.o*e head.office la atïlNew Dnivbg nome. el5kd frdamag 4eUIfs5 caused by the .- Au OwecSBound despatch: -Peter 011-,mie reestl7. The. damae vas eausc4 ilée, soin pf Mr*, Anrcbald'UUlleala wWll. 1 ty both emu<usion and fine. ITh total 'kaows Sydenhasi farmer, waa 'klUedlita ouat'of the cI*imu wvil) on over $M8- * nIw~y tOiift8, ent about two0'10M 'Tuel. r i neete aeex- mules muth of tipn.îotyaltpue bi e.mn to .puas theli 0 o!ecek iit ee! lies mpau»Y viii aato Ut bb.etribunal Woà menin":Or 0IsMtW Thé an asea M a Tu at.8 or-ipta t-sar ves L4 ai 77eë a bushel lfe 100 bushels. flovers, ce. vere iarge. snd the. demuad, good., Butter bzld, ut 18 te 22c per lb.,, aMi eggs ai 19r-. Spring chickens, 20 te 25o per lb.' Ra là môderat-e supply, wlth demand tait; 15 loads sold ai $13 te 5$14.50 a ton for tiniotan sd ai $0 to $10 for mixcd. Strav as quoted et $10.50 te $11.50 a ton. Dresaed hog are unchanged, viii leglt zquoted at $10 te $10.5, sud hear>' at 9.75. Wlaeat, viie, buuiaci -$ 084 $085 Do. ted, bushe . ... ... 084 085 De., SPrlng. bushet...080 O SI Do., gouse, busiiel.. 075 000 Osis, bushel.... ...- ... 041 041% Barie>',-buahel---------.051 '052 Peut, busiiel.... ... ... 077 000 R>'., bushel ... .. ..:. 075, 000- Hayi tl.not.h>, ion ...1800 1450 De.. inixcd, tes.... ..000o 1000 St.raw, per ton-------- .1050 1150 Dressed iogu... ... ....975j 10loi Apples, per bbl... .... 300 400 E4g,newaid, dzen 019 *020 Butter. dairy .... ... ...01s 022 Do., ereamery ....023 028 Ciekens, spriug.....02.0 025 Fowl, per lb.......010 012 Tarrkey*, pet lb .... ... 014 017 OsMiege, per dores .. 040 0OW-, Cauliflever, per don . - 05 100- Potaioc, penbag......08 i10 Onle, per bag .......100 000o CeWey, petr<oen 0 O4G0 00 Bet, idquart.e*n . 800 923 DeO., torequarters Sm, le0 62 Do.,$ -=o easse. . -750 80 Do., imfedum, eqase . 00 -050 Muttou, percewt ... ....900 1001) [Veal, pet cvi. . . .. . . ..860 1000 ldumis, per ci.....1200 1300 Tereasto Lave 8tedk Baceipîs et lire stock ai ithe oit-y mxr- ket-a eeported-b>' th. luilwa>' - aiïee Taeà da>' vere 87 «ar loada, egnsposed et 961 cSttite 1,733, hep, 18 hil$- 3 calvm Msd t-vo herses. The, qaalit->0etfakt tile as fair. Irae vs b tter'tisuon Tucada>' snd prices lt rbulciiune'calile ver,10o pet it bigiier.'o - .tia I e Tecaus"of tic advancew»ta there wves'no mortecattle ou tis* aiaket tisa would suppi>' tise dssadserl outulde .bu"_ri beisgpuntise ma-ket# aiongat ulsom »i J. S. Ding). o ie u Mlon, vise was put aalue mt-I.for the Exprters-Thre vere few, if au>', About tbrt.or four loadt would repre- sent tise rcit fexporters. 1>icec *oe, . lIrml but- nýt aay bighrer, aund sort la»d-At 5800te $4 pet oint. B3utoisets-TIse deumitd ton butchére as "c, tanA Driom vess 1&,hheir <for Wheu, YouPlan Y=urPmcii.?0 mm *î~hnk of>u~do yet you nvy h ia the rt bung thst la miUaed. Ycu can lire without bread but. Yeu cm lvre-ýwithOut..a-ny.O, * . bnvea >tm.icn quaity 4culd bthe t-quaimt ol ;laieoi ta bau couvincd ed i ousbfCanada d tha- k latih st for pa : s el Try Ogilvw7. Roya1Houchol.'* Tourgrocr reommedi l, b0ana klrehaugvt rauw 0"e Bs ook AS, a OC"in $ome DneyePubue ow oe~u lis " isgstoL îl. S"c dTé* &Wos IIIdO byktr À King"tn n~ poa .ptk asfor sentlomtal tesnsdtbeljp a aliter parah, tmrned over tost. Luke's at a nominal- prie by a diocei rto0mln;t. tee. et. Luke's cougregat",on u is h main part -of the. oburcl as au addi- tinto t Pariih urc.ýIn aid ~4tl chacisudaantua~for use "a sbarn, wtth ii. at~r sd ohac loteSjke as ted text# and acrolla luful iveu, of thé paasra by. ,Tbusbas erated à - rnU dadthe ExeeutveEBoard ofthe die- cml dîacuaéed the. matter in warjn fauiah 10114 ýTbe Disbop iaid St. Luk a'd A