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Whitby Keystone, 12 Jul 1906, p. 3

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Poéinnti lait nght minent at- ibt county. U orted te l ton uud *ker, aitila ed. F'ultoni Qme Of the tthe eut.h, ers onk- the ibsbûll and P EDO Irnet at the le drivu a deti on et. Eie iwhte ele anotusi ig bi about what fellor. anti 0 creek for entinucl. a&U L 4thls mou-- D o puY¶ioé* ýn fount. As Lae boy vis botight tliat ,ter a crstip DRAPS Y. <-tthe ne- ;tec th~e lu- sAlexandr'& '11 iuwene la- IL. _- Il the. xcep- uverv rest- S3-rtc11 of reccipt o ma, the cern- irepregenta. bnil, Ceni., ~kci tie ex. %-pro miaing 1usier ant ,w~ii, l'a., ha. ~ICK. rTACK or LFormer Pro. o in, iii at i*. id !rom him fO4t l that ho ,' or two.' w Yorki, Mn. il pelit lhe- Snid roturn- IlTi$. ded lqealy-by n sadto-day fioua ln Mn. lt w»As m whicCh wouId Unequalled Purity- Lad pack.ta ouly. 40ç, 800 a«d Won.,ài "I lexpoot some very distlnglslied com- Patriote o! yours," resuinet M. le Direc- teur; "the. Lord Fitza!lan aud à compa- ion arrive to-morrow, ani8r NVWim 'Arry-I %tbink h. bas been lord mayor, a man o! high position-ho sud miladi, bIsa wa!, they coin. to-monrow. It isa viii that th. tennis lswu look& bight;1 you energetlc English, you love gainest to "Fltzallan,' repeatet Mr. Crsig. "I knowi-he laerny tenant; h. aha. iatMy1 bouse lu the Hlghlands for a conseedor- able time. "1 "Iudeed 1" salti both heurers. And f rom that moment Uncle Baud>' vau& raisedt tethe tank of s milliouaire. 1 The set wus nov over, aud Mena'n side1 bati lest, Iu spite of- ber god play. Thei houri for Uncle Sanudy safternono walk1 lu the. udjoining wwasuKt baud, su buë boakoneti ber te hlm, net a Uittie de- liglitedtot exercise overtly a ftran lghts oven an elcgant-looking girl, wbo bore tbe unmistak:abie stamp o! "'tii Upper 'ten"'-aO.dIS&aginst vhicbh. navet theoultically. "Ahi1"»mid he, as lie lotdlet (a com- mon expression, but extnemely expres- alve o! VUnclc Sandy's peculiar gait> gait) ulongwlth the h lp o! s stick and un umbrelu, 4'boude hie nleS; "the d1rec- ton lias licou telling me thene are saine grand folk coming-to-mornoiv; thon you- viii te.eliow littie lime anti tentien hil b. uble te sare for îucb as you anti; "I have licou greatly mistuken lu Mon- sieur Delorme if their presence maltes sny differonce te him," she returneti. "WeeF, you'li sec; young thinge liko you think evernyoe e l an ange! thât speaks s kinti word. WMen mnuy ledtiy mayorees arrives, the roses anti posies ho bua heen handing you se, politely every nuorning vil! al go to hon ieddershîp." "W.!, penhapasno 1 1 don t suppose 1 have more penetraticil Nan nUV nelgb- boe; but 1 ain quit. fond o! Monsieur le Directour, !O 1 hope lie vil! net ash'ow an ya lsdyhipowever grand, toecut me ont t I shah b. deeply voundet iIf h. '<You am 9, foolish bairul Now, Mou, I dont 1k. any pon, meeserable cnest- tun-juil 1ke ourelves--that's A' puit ed up wi' a hundie t er an sie; I dot hiko ýeor te show fluer feathers than=Il brethen's daugliter, se0I 11vunt a bnaw new govuti, you ret 11, My batxu; ou 1 toli me the cost b. orehanti! » 4Yoarue veny gooti anti geneous, u ce; but 1 do net noeod anYtblug. I bad some et my lait yean'. dries dson. Qp belore v. came .svaY, sud 1 actualy dÃ" not tsar compkisou, aven vlth 4s. liawu a pensonagseassldmarei"sd Mousn, laughl0g "Tliat'm a' uclt; ts. vlo !bbar. a p opw~apt. W. lae taUldth" iI v ýmuetne v nd .msr biart; but prop. ride Ma nu' Incldt Mnd 1havealvaYsb Ldu nystd totiibu as Pod as on y 1111e mon." Thiefollowng daP, .bontly buOtorw bour fou table -ai&:&ote tmtsgtwl ira o!lit.at Contrexeville ves atiret by the arrIi.?! rnmY ELrd FI i valet, bis tnieuu-a Yun.'iu V"a ;apueile o! iffm, a l.alggi ces, 4fis lgrodsai Àoù#e t of st lu0" l ents uvne i iis portant arrivi; Ant" .velosa t , asuembletMfr diner, talke&dac nthMgÊ craout _49io et'd lgwllh 1h.o 11dm6 pilt4ati aI extr iiiot1 ¶i' NTEA, .8etigth-Flavor t t Last w "Wb&'& that?" saketi the former, Indlg- l'Re la a sort çf' cousin o! Mineo ither o!fmypnoaeradrothen. 1ust » atay .tbi eZtlienbouse. She vas reiy kindti t me.» ,"Ay, tI! you began ta etru your ovn vlng, thos, are aye worthleas tub, top the vaiter, vil! ye? I cannot est ,bis fiah; it lias accu a dot! o! the waniti ýince It le! t the vatten." The. offeuding tub nemol i tn iaudâ "glo-wened," as lie would have sMid imsel!, et the new-corners, tI i tva regIaced by- a ialmis of pigeon. Just boues and gravy,' lie observe&i Lord Fitzallan sent aiway bis plate un- Duiheti more than once. Hof spoke lit-. le, but ho leoketi about witi coniden- ble lnterefit, f iting a glass lu hia cys, which frequently fol) eut anti gave hlmn &good des! o! oem~pation. E'verrd paid stcady attention tii his Unmer,. Once vheu about, to, drink &.gls f chamnpagne, lie raiseti the g1svlà a1 Loti ati &mile as if hoe drank It t. ou0a's, he~l This seemeti toasttract bie or- ania' notice; lie iunmedlately refixoti is glass, ant i dlected hi. glances tu ber vith ý'ittle lutermlssion turing tii. ne- otinder of the repart, levidentlyaklg Everard numerous questions, to ;wblcihé Wavethe shontest possible repies. At lengtl iIt was sHover. Vuclée Ba. 'y, rééiu hepvlly ou the. table su&, hls ralklug"Stick. got on hie feett anti talnxg bis nieces arm, rnovoil towart the doon, Intendlung t. !ollow bis nsutl habit, o! n.. Lirlng to a particular seat in whst vas termeti the Park, whene Mous, resdti t ui frein the uewspaper, which genoraly reacee thein Iu tbhi afternoon. Evenrard alioef itei seat anti came acrois ta untenccpt their retreat. "Weil, fair cousin la It gout onr ien- uatî.rn, or any oter fleelIil l, that brings you ta t. lvely hea th rmort?1 1 suspect you an e bre on f aise.o tenseO. Rie shook lbands wltli ler as lic spoke. ',No# 1 am u ntlier. on my aoeuut have corne wth uny uncle, Mn. -Crag. This t. Mn- Everard, und% of o! 1n have spokeu t. you." "'Gladti tae@..you, air,*" mliUncle Sandy, witb such anuamiable gi h Mous vas asurpnt. 8h. tboith. woulti have beecs annoYoa et haiithetb youug s-itocrt horSoupon hm v mmad madls a aliglt boy, aïé gave hMm a"col scrtlnziag glane. 00o «you bave tiuuei urs;, Mona? a nobliecallg, ehtO?-" "It Mu tbat, sin," saut Uncle Saxati, e- nloully, '<Anti .1e m alt akiail, ouul erate one, 1 Oaassure youll" '<Won't yon présent me, 'Bertie 10amg Lord Fitsilan, vio hatipauseti bedds "Oh, értal lelt me pM e 107> I ts'~ _Opod Ir É1 -Oereeu-ôf, poal tea ogs oMme. B- a ayctto thestIes ca-,eCMal-r.urpsn V4 ,wilen YU _,ughf-ièýth tusi h ta reslte 5 the aat pameaoit, new -«Oan; becauseOS ~~èîtàÈ7o~~~~~ve 1~~~h trus~~~eslip upred in 1, washer, ziwsnt Ui>t,ë iýgii ý-iojte ', #1tn~t,4' tknga bt rent4ry melt.*s ~ ~ZI proy -t -ra&iar 'pk ie i~r~futat the timo. Thia suggeted buoroI Do~4 Oa$g4a~ê1~'. ' witb ber complete 1rdeipendene, whlektory ý tbr'alid 0 :nnaeatis osbiIs wJ u.er bJolveti ai7OiCi n etdp" otsatail revether rorn mirerIsh *6 faIdrcb? bs*d iot the e tlat #a uërfoa my'i Met ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt I ylnir iit ~hIi~ gent!. ýrespect. Thie Imanagerswhbiadpredicted diastpr «rMTe gtprgss agents of B hrdto, ide hou a id eî oQ!P>""e 9f Mos",exterlor bMt Iber «fÃŽarewùWlV" tour. 110w thai their labors àâre 6oer, Interiii. Te12~0t4' yI>IIJjM , i UIUO tres ensltlvïnessý-s deptÉ Witii avhîm ot tii.publicae su uh fYf olt, .b canu h n are you not 'some srtu ,d ~T? sadoe ! ôe hc h n aoi n.Asociation, witb -an. anrnuai ,din i ~ ~ ~ n ari auit.orelliW to iea' ÃŽeaety "th s ha t-- Theio are mauffes nr vryIrO"8 oýprî exclmrne&Uncl Band, 1,ti~ lood0 duerit- Williamaty P.. En oor M-i uwdubtedly, blM t noe 1 tensfled, alid-preserved BemkbW& ssuos o htour Wa ue W',m1F Coiior wh dy rehilal wan o!iwê' i' t 'w aton t ton. 'It's iliflm, 0 The o 4 maü'à peculiarltles eud con. ',Ploy.dto teliti.publie that Balerudt tsn ~ 7SPOO lang as Ihave bireathi but Iti "0 la traietions, *huhotn rthé,wi a ihJae 'oU .n n4-tl eld ane odtur e Wr lulià oertande ree, Iterest n, N b efore perhape wltb a .3lgmfJ&4yearnoe tlnduuh- "Badi; it -le love! MuSpotfr esynaht sa !te itmgitd aeatvr samanager. trbel0OeiPpri for a rnonth or o â seSPot MO&PU o hSMahtOsa Uh ia intd lAtr r but o curs I I lnpbulleluo<mpulonaip of Mme. Debrsay-the a mg 7d a o)tzk- Prt MZ7for "éeyer,'o eai Ubes»0f reut and comtort Ini their -, oY 'luta. way. It.1s aaitact thit ber tour ex- ~ lcm onaoiwt 4be winter, and apa~lng dull ta IPI'Ë* b«Iely home. 8hb.drpnd all iaaeqte nenluoe onty Ris Qcouuéetonwith LthbeP Crt~oud otui. h- acharacter and feeling freinthtiUre 1ts,& conyreMapîoyed on. af «WelthecmUve out o1 It IfehfUk"ber short spello! bnlfllanâcy POonti pl.a.seurepo den t-wa ntrey" a léi but not wI' me. I arn Juat veauf' to habson so rudoy e*ii. T relitby ber manager%:S, o r >optrierî -, ovever, wÏ09.tir.Iyas s Uen get back, and Ir have ttid ny agent undoryig te mlm ofsoea feUd Iga,,J succesioù,1ng ntohô_ýouthe t4o.H ith an e l ivriigpace growln too iliofom or. fthé. not t aeaoept tUT offer time you for fur. revaleti is lfmore matmore, &d Bs ad i pntherIvetvelg.uto fRebarib& 4". mpa omy and annoin ther oceupdmneancy.i netlebf*lyo 1éý -Co.ja "That là ton bati, Ml Ottlg. I should U&as faec Iearnlug hoh,à few anti slznjle tri are the Ingredients o! trebappines g1 gtO ra~ta lel awtroughvtZ t.tll 1k. ta have a third iie50ýtevIit! s At the. finit moumt 0f reogutlon, Biglit o! thé icoit liustling preas royer. a nug Uttle box, anidt as do not 1k. , a lpesdt. iidthat ~edaents ln the, business treated Mn.« o'tep= vr .mng u lanye parties, It luoit loutta iD.." and Lord Fitza11ab vo et. b. ti rBernhart texactlY AS.theY vould have other .theatrlcal-attraction,»" , aualus 1=11a'" repeàteti Mr. Cralg, indignant- a"<>nions o! the Bath.,,sh f«e treatestthe ï. r41eit shov on earth lu before Bernmrdt sIId. 'X have pIs7Sd ly. "There are sik large ie>lg at t he former would.i rritate lier uncle, alcon4ay ofP.T.-anUme WbUetbe aue su«tesfuiy s. ionigthat I1 fonbye tva Itiers - initO'v'teace0m bodueswhich ho.wua aformIdable Per.- "me otber theatricsi starsg d u m- oult be euer.té. tutn agaluat me..Lglt modation, a draw;Lug-rorand a dlima sont encoumter, and îaeh. ac always aODU tti.meitho4s;eOmpouo*nn ee tle ylqt Ing-roonu, a llbrary.and my museu t do a ittie reasonig vt eni >-i alao I i~rdtosaotplae-especlal ietietian¶a*vri cellars, etc."fore thé coulai face hlm uuMlnbiingly- betlgnty of a startiiey stadiY comp&ir. J "oh, vos, a. capital bouser salI eacourse Iwhieh a1ways brought Its own cdtb*titlb4n box, office r.eelpts wIUtii e'athe~g~ FitzaianwIth n luuz1 iaIilenti. rétSWand udlu vich the firitstep, ouly, caftera of the. lieruhartiaggn.gatlo4m Mous, as iftaklng hr« .liiCOiievèr cot auythlng. «lnea ý pa atnfslà Mté*a aeteto 5mt dence, '<ouïrnot exactly lare. IssBnlattcipsl atu, at ltir a u,"in t2 pt Crag vi l# carmilvît ~.ue isw, T. bu .ou4Iuu4.) ilMAlOw*to au itlmtetneà-Xnow May sse uoba&be'. tif.Col&,ec. Tha wil a i e doo t aefldy- . enut"thon tenta antibana houlti be dlsniom an&i éÃ"lela Indantan, car7 funuy notlai h ont Calrgdr- ALMOST Hoptu s. ooti enougli for the. test of us. If oh. oam off tluêuamUdsof Itýl-ornes during *t" know ite" ~stand for smcliadvuftls&sg theyc-on'do bl veather- mOnthuý Abox o-JaWy Bsnyteitllny. notio!tit Monsa 'OiUiiO f houiS i S, ris je unlm* f i.p of... ehlet an14ot# onvi! d't bl iWO nocli slould belong tço yoûr uncle, Mont," ha'the j1tu e ae 1 al ula O al ets, coa ut25 ets#,v saiti Everard. o ine f "ur. lImO-7 &à ami blt ls "Anti wbyshouidn't it 1" auked- Unele 1b 'h « That MW sMarlowe, 1» mot alonotiu v-nocaoi lê lie verkduto lied t.kmae MM..Sotiiern have i ut, .ugagd for auet and ti e e 11eii amm have t de.it oeslatebuea t.tho finitprou agent onMm0 Be>-giareteao *eflilails viali yu voulti let Fittallaii e t-dslb.the condition 1 vag ln about & hartit' enttu.Itaoii Mtut hIedicine -ntii5 o for anotiien year. i cmionly b. wlth year -a0,,"stys Misé, mamie Ma»»ettý, <> nt»enaetu. . va el, a 01Olt s .I5i hlm for ton 'da." this soatitue .A. ý.s. "Xi' ue ~bing- WilimP snrMÙ.Brhrtsfx, S EL& gays; sliontiug $bout or. lale irt rate-" uAUly fvîng va>' nattair. iseti a «M-anagrpoeiLsi on bis-tour t. lotiare a a volue idul f "I au atraid yo a selfseek.ir, ditièUounIhen areti I vas Iulnlng ýJm 1b ej;.ts t a .ntlser a& it liDiiadbva rue~t rom an"sd nl andys soloma- éroïdeis lavaism I vas v"flt as &" the rabùrtttour k abil mauMené eale~rs o yU ý t shoot, ml bloond appareumh ilugtWr u:t1t b semruI ouatsa abox-0 rom T D M;Yesuo! rgne L. sun.So are yout Sta.O * ter. -I iiatd Or&p!e001e»,uné,n<00[1 an. we &U.L» t edcle ni tzleeIi e"%, gooIJ ometvsedu onBat..v I te. -p "<I have always trled to do niy dt, xion would leeve une. "eais, unrnnw btdtitar a utwtri 8, npt returuetiUncle Sa.ndystartled b tappearet tat 1 »S~~~4. ..b~d n ise u attae. dio. I ati een r. PinIk lamdfor oir dpru.foi <hago, p Pw LUMCI "I tiare say: It Is mucli the boit MI&blgbly rfoeoanudeti by tue a~.vin l.vst ~Misag plan; It does one no -baru if you man- ars, and *1aedd4ité gît. <e,, :6 Mn.. Vomer t rainoso.mCue-£a* au ag.~np.nIaidfp~s1lu~e uid. ~ t ~g afrti11AS.t titrOrIO - Mon aeghtee heur sob.tiule or UIE et, sad. on* ýq!ety» 11cmIii lun. vI.nîae ttta lolinatli.ilsa«ne Me rt*é agine your prormance o!ftiuty Dot have not only iotrt.uim ita.. tbtran mitii. enubnttthei tbSluéuto3 M Elh s$l tt, rektt éo& lS IÊ a .1bp ta ïr.m o*4h belng ispecialy -profitabl, -t. oYar 002have actual!v dqma, nnor ut cnuy Lmle n anti«o laun .ath Cent titl atist ployr.» vu'have a50041 WYis~h sldenlg wha It l at Ageent" bo. Pihtrgtbveyuýosytatsaippetlte Iu Plus bckl aeilo' -3fUSli . vriie enuony as ent. aritz aniss1Mam #,sIiib aueiu--" he U pbitees .>t inte b pà"Yn oun hinckwayoun viii e .tu ovihr. ae i tu% vlc enbla1 a 1*5< 1 ,' 1.1iî,a 14I , I rnaavePO cenesàhong, béganto Wnlts, 'O nln %rWit1%k PM*a.ti ekkly w" MLïZWA!, * Il î1 wbhaMU1i W" btter ta« alausûenuasmfaes r Jf,5 clgesete aric-y wvii aikair 1» theu yiase,ý oebhýbO.o & &oq ereom bS 'fto'ë ahl, tir ont * piatoles ru b h.IMTý seaeu' pause,9- û2el 't4 hka aer11rt hemt ttg uas oUe r us4SIm à&îba à wewtb uelt ls I le- 4 tn* M9 til "(>aIgaudhavesu a ors" "d talàli ba San e&am as e Ph ey pa f," Xai[ e, l u W14 "vnie b- 1 n. he &"ghé» 110 saà oom« ic '<I . mt k.v o an ir -e of, &m dde isandb&abk cou" mâl, wirmm m uaI ui le spescb, Mena. lake yen for i bm.1 aiketi L fiRE. KiCIED-TWO -Frwhick tMe mornin1, -storey buill kd by Derbar- loth fini. id ng us darnige ii 0 e000. At iLier naisoti on. ik fs w«k-; ukcri leg an&i csph Penteuy, Odder wli la Orei te 4C*l

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