y' SchooL BLCK BASS$ NvIuwtou, QUé., J U ne --Eeptn for thqe fortii»ite féw who eau ai ford te pay extravagat pies :for',salmnr- era, North America basne f liber sPort t6 ofer the fis)erman thand fighting the sianll mouthi4d black base.. From the fairllht.green lIttie Chapa 0 If a aPo)uud#, up to e b uddied black batlle scarred vetcyà u of . ight IoghtJst:(0686 lii are aU ' fui ot righ jus-sqlong sm' tbvy retain thoir 1tenmcious ho'fd upon 1f.. A cou ple of lads boe, Who ver. ne- tunnlbg from a succesîful day'a sport, lat dowlitheir string of hall a hundred liait for a'ýwtshina belote thait boat reached fbore. AÃŽ their last fiah had been cauglit tWÃŽty> minutes proviously, they -vere Ipetitled lu thlnking there vas not a ÃŽ t-dlof animation in the buneh. p*und fiaI aI on.c oncluded to make a C r stugglefor lit. aid made off The loatng msé, a eghted next eraintg, sud-alter a Chs. taken Up by th. boat llrery mien. The. two runavoys 4- lre loy and vigprous and- iivod, foi tmrnedaya In the . atsmen'a f liiibox, tubi! they woes anted by one ofthtei liotels. Just, by way of experinient s ficher- -mfati once ut In the how ot a-fouir oared skiil holding a steel rod te, which a four or lAve pound batsahad made' test Snd sllow.d thé. creature to do what Il 'Weuld. For lthevitol, of the. Jane aller- Donthe. boat vas pever utill. Tii. pvrful fiait withheh hook in hie low- ,azuJaw, t0oJ âit around and about., and vand bis performances by oessional- Iy1 ooming to, thý surface aud indulging lu erles of acrobatie leapa.j Aller ire heure etottis work the mail forOe lte tighting a&d brougit bis prey tb t4i aide. yo sooner ho*eVer, vas thé, 8traI9,rrlaed tban the. hoo> s lijpped out ,of thu-elongated holà in ls Jsv, and te .,"a juiped gayly oul t 1-he net, sud lvmsfgat alter aIL. ',Inte elot* cprhr« vater cf thêe =« - utaln lc b vgr -of the.veIl touriaed, haudmome liai almost passes belsI. TIi.lr usucular buUld and «reat insurface malte them superlor te Ithe m==er@e01 t liealoon fta6I n 1 presist. *1 power and their dashing, a:pisbing Mait cff fgtlngla vYery uni. dig- siitad, *t4ay strain sud gracetul leap. Iea h ânion, d.olýdeidly unfair, howeer te oateh ltent la, the native way, WIdIL trol- ixsg band bines or heuvy bait nois&, for 'lite basa seoina made te b. hooked and ylayed on-'. >methhng which viii bring *bout. an approximation- toe uual terme bstweeu hlm und lthe angler. If properlj, trled for, the. bana will- rise te 1h. atti iclal flics in the. early'fr et thq ieaeon. Xo doubt it is truc ha ,héc water msy 'b. covered with real fies itpn vhlch not a igu ean b. discovered ét a buts making an attack. It muet ho =iderstood that hoe h not alwaya fond ot dry Mies, but prefers tiat îhey b. -eubmerged and nioye with fair op.ed. .Juet now the. oFtfit requîred ls a lgbt siex ol egit ouncé ted, a good siued ree, s-hwidedaud fi! ty feet of a liaght oued .11k leoa arog'leader and, a brace e flis, on. on a large thte other ouin st-il book. There ile notldnog better in tiiee Wben Qb Ohb ubaye 3bee abetrÇck, &ey èkydo Dot tg, &Iie;*et, e. On4 (lat icrace to dhl4 & Zfr UnMP, gpowems tii. wllnuI dve. anu tu. loirther cames net 1. OUT 'OP "IMERIL"PUMPINO WINDMILL T0 i "Ilcb won t, cRAPO H 0? moetis' thorougi tra. t&adXe by cool^S MALIT it mml CO. LUSD. Ut FirSt MUe»s. An esteenied Per!tiibire minister vua recently visitlng a buÊly parishioner sut- fering froui the "Mullygrubu" or "Efile tLndsay." The. atrong mai wa.s 1lntemsly Irritated by being &ttaked b7 disme. and U. greeted the minister thug! "We1, Meis John, 1 thocht yq wid never coame. 1 ken y. aife buny wi thinkin' w1IatDB fresh notion y. can gle bus on thie Baw- bath, an 'd I ken ye matin dig ?'er brxina -a*S, 1jaloose-by *reading tebit bookies y. eau corne by to ba à crap o0 profitable notions for a body. Bit y@ doon, v%.r, in the. big chair, and, 3enet, gia Mr. Pottedheads whang o' gouda r êeee a souple icone, au' the grUnda o' the. greybeard.The, bits and sup wnl keep hie hoast; puir stock. Noo, air, it's bath lamentable and swtae, but thi ie the. tiret ilnesi have ever bail IDne my born daye. i tell ye, my firet ill- nesil" "Well," replied th. ministor, in a voice meant to b. pungent, «I ImOSt eunety qm t be yorIst. Wilson' PA,,S NO DDrUES LYilOABU E»I y 4(1lr gusa u G. ost8oe "ud blmail. "T81 CUnSpu RPAatrft ARCIDU3WILSON, 1iAifMIL.TONO- ONT. Bleep'S leepI Sleep "tibum Bleep le a beauty remcedy., Try t l'o eon oregular heurs. Don't ft offoU leeping 10e lat.e. Besuty slep le sald 10 erne, belo Wivu; mai mthe t n ..eaI duties *bon)&ts.atsnon much l~uI alIteo~ accuatomlug Oneseif fo r.gul4r Ibourgs Wbu e1rlg.esjW-1 1. 1 wAr lu theii.al Maîà Mausle ~touhilng de~ seition *1 1h. lait eenug0et-har t.t4h or'$ AIle, "ýH. bade me, etl vft h lm for a 11 île, as b. b.bd rnuch toa"y. H. wil client, hovevero, tor cetue minutes a8te, ti$mtis, tlg bis bead Upea .i bada then lehobegantaMkngci bis o naffair, teing me ÃŽe YIactly bo ,'ÃŽ4d u "'rild udet*king, &aongtir ig, ot 'Edia D oodI' aid lyl o tait Il Migiih~o.seo-f lm God, I lire e InLtA ai muetlsnv.tuned la him, startîsi ay M mve "ae fr .p ut h 1MrIf id ba've met been mif7t .>Agailu ho wu lent,"29hg lfuilltrouglitAie darkeDed windws, Manthonbsla à low, rToie sp*ol f lbi ovu 111%. a"d man things liaI lie b.d ccarcely orer-r me- tloried 10 me belote.I vas net urptbm., nor <id it @mseet ring. At tlb. ime, ltaI b. cteuld be speaklng thue; but vitlgr.slly weul.d mewva. lte mauner in whicit b. dwelt upon thoie years liat were gene by, aud nover, be- Ydteue mention of Edwin Droôd,' ?>ed to lbe future. H.oepoke " aoul bis lf. werçoever sud tien.ws eb 4n loft, And *o vé st on, bé 'talldng, amd I enly Interrupting him nov sud tIen te «ire hilm a word of sympathy, sud love. Tht.e oly summer dais use crepià n fate i onrvatorybelore ire vest uptans togattnd IdltI At bis bedroom dooag. - $1 OOPILE cmJ! A Tounmau Dar Otamstée eS utti V- suY bottie ôf Dr. Lsenburdt'a Rm-ROd. GogeC»IL.St. Thoma*. Ont.. vTttes- d'Dr. Lsubrdtî e m-Roif curai me Of a yery b"dcase of Pies set verton y709W' stndIng. 1 bad trted everytilag. bt s« au vermaneai eoursttil 1usa Itemi-Roti.- 1 bcd Blind and Bleedlg Pilcasnd suffered «eu-euy Lilas. Dr. Leoubai41e lm-Raid cefdMO. Hsm-lield retevtiMecaueoftPie&S. L NIagars Tla Ont. STOIRY Or SLZCEPYTOWN. (Detroit r..Prose) lm justat Utte sgl-It 4. But stiti1 bavs a beau; lie comm to ses me avery aigut Whouauailthe oblidra 4. - J. 1... Rie takes me on is hues cc &d el A lot of pretty sterls About the tails lath e uois, Wbo lire la morslng ttes.I ne tallà - me taiese 0f %hmga"sequesu Moe love aU il utri ifa "sd sart-thst l'ut s queu myult. WIth crewn of gfldec curie. oh taise fe ridiasn uhlm ie As fat a Lad" on .' Am&»4 toh v M Milaout goe etgk A" Mi bbé,est lut ie liaIme TaBieepytown @boum I go; h ise Mr sqMlteon bacuame. Tee ome, hoe14my beau. Altisoug It K,bos u t. mcni »eeM»e bes z wx* I fti TbUt l'Y. bossmegu boteu" POTIfi§MM T.TNOVPif SUY[ lu oit 4M îwe*la.eMad Salaz LTlOWMj LESSON NO 1V. JUL! 2Z 1900. i fer e' le m6 oi. ct**-e by5i ëi, Su~i~h So~isbotter thfma ,othw soapsbut la b.st wheri used lis the Sualight wary £quaIIv gjood wlth hir'd or softw 'Il WOODIUDA1E FIROX PUAT. ArAIa parmfte eI"hted * Oumoor Werk. FrqUs at tempta have heumadt us.w poat s»rau uteniel fer the meau- factueetofawkwf lslmou. The.ma- tai -mut., for Ibis purpoce, -b. f ully reduma,sd ea fIDEoU smcnition, 6se n te pnodtce & mésly mass. Titis mixture: la mixi lt mlb amulslo etplanter cd - " sud m a"arsudg sbj.ced for ceaildarlle ia.tà b.avyhyaul pressureilu mudathêu ..nSu =là lydlad, pelahd udOued, paint.d ativaull- Anothen proosa.blato e vA * e6pe"4 vitheut datroylng tuc »tordi tlbrous- !state, sud te mlx lh. rsultng moiat Ma ass lsmixtureet hydralsd I. sud sualumlnuan .mpoud -8" poM Il in molda fer a mhtitentiell te in"; iteto, afler viol 11. e tg plate ar' allem.d tohrden lu thl.tir. nei, nesullant produet uede only a ooeuaf -q llvely loir pressure, sa "1eforous chou- tlime; au"lla emut et odry la atI. Tiee fcr1 Icalood lina pr-T duSa l tlà grMM eoplo, su lam An de te une it -for open-sir, vontnm"ls96 pslatlngor urtber fmpr.gnatlen vwt"7 LWorm Cuura imr. P" b»s.moas Amenlmesuutea-, wS lk*ty o at PMU - towiiW lw un, Mà a tire arm »ckmie.,lia t teliie o Imm, sboïlt . Mb. bhoas o »4 ~<i14d eavebi thme o to1 TiE GAMIEN PARTY. It te an outdoor at-home. Tuusdsy to Friday et.*0 .bo«t4 mA0 mouday coglte wthi wok-iiud par- Saturdal» siom m ln lb. e*- Otuday le a«1e Ukoly te Intedetle V or bewho qdo nottlcir um"e~ osatsSturday linaa«go" dal. Ii. &louto pervide sS»n. ntoetati* alrtenolvoem "br.unl Mut asneceamty, asà foe-t4e ~usdvanna tpednmreP-*ohu à .# tothweti easd tus.o t-JOInsUW Xd.ruobmeutu Win! b. uml.0or lumoordlng to do.lred tornisItY*t < pat.At lemet tIe .esocU ot, UMM&sae u a" ty M i 1hs. Invltaioiu are sent out (nom olse v.ektothrm w«akln advno% lng to the xnportunoeof befouIn A. for drm"ugl tat dopoudiA u sI1 s,& chiFfons ad siq uisi e i n m 'a fecewtll 1.,dinipe muge Sr o ot ine couy rSmcuta. 1 Mu ,oisant ndt umte , Lhdt. t tsod1mii out à mo autaue et.- mm -Otff- ?gop~ >1OfGrand (cuwtst-1148 »rau 1~~~ A B.d Habit &Bd HOu it Was Stoppd tu Oge Cage. Thtis la a depierable habit Il a ltaI eldreil aboula. neyer b. allow<I t1. form Il May requin. walcbà l O 5 on te part et the motter - t correct 1t. An eld remedy le te tub lie fîngertipi wIhbitter sioei. Heire le a tmuet pieaan»tênr,,suiedly by aIlittI *grl mas cured, audy Titis 11111, girl lbad been scolded 4u"d punisbed imt ne fect; site dý. 8110 i coula no t elp -1l. Iit aped tliti eeretl ,r t , &be O pocacemt of_&gldý ugas ib1n stiggesled the Oume Site was proised ltat if te.~êul bite ber linger nails ton six mnin &M eiieuld. bav e iring. Il seoined ery bard ait iretsu ia disouiagig Tforgels, ruae il necesTy p4roved effective;,. o-I mu sue ebumd 14> Iting them; sud aeese becasue preudo etIfxproved spPesa.« &nce et ber banda. Where WUU You Go tu-v tieke "t ae Fr ihIuetrSlel gode, *"UGÂALTg EA"ad 025 geaIsla pesi astm la. -ioulr Chiaote, VostmfaP-q Are yois lumaa1Wwtt, Do.. pur dughierban 4muu or abeaut-- 1 - "Do Yen drm a ssaqW e' Do 701 kopaÃŽ MId4V Dom your »B ghea9a ame M iii» you n u cii yn <oi% laid. of? JDo, Tou msi lait lMaorm viu d w *ller ,bus lIreq bs,?.aohng HO o e ray- Luù U:111-u3. Oùietary-1. Christ teeiting lAis, te pray (vs. 1-4.)ý 1. Wss pray- -It ia lhe habit cf Christ bo pray.- ïMâ'intances are referred to iin, thc ,ripous besides the generai atatement lu ffi.Yi 7. If Christ ueeded to prsy, lkoi MUel more do vo. When H. ceà sed -Pethbaps H.evas prying sucit a power- ful ýprayer as te arouSe the. feeling libat th.y--knw noît how te pray, sud needed le b taughtw-Whed-on. Teacit us te pray-Tbey kaew that prayer vas .im- por ansd they lia desire for-ina- lty to pray arighl. "W. muet 'learn' to do venthebeat things if we w-ould do tem in the, beet way." Ai John also *gt'-Each new dispensalion inay not ouly have its new unfolding oh truths, but Ias new revelations~ may open uew mnodes et access, and new lopica of Pray- arnsd modes ot worship. A different ~rayer vas oh fered iu th. Mosaic ritual jfer th. paîriarchal form. John opened s new scope o! pra.yer; sud this new 4etPensation requires oh Jesus toc &et lhe I=age of prayer iu acoordauce with tbhe nov range of trutit, and the. prayer poui tAon ýof mnu'ithGod.-Whedon., 2. Say-Tiie besiity sud valut o! -thi lessoîs in the Lord'. prayer arise fromn .The- tonelof hol.y confidence. -.it leachci u» te approaci God ai our Fathèr (Rom vii. 16), in love as well as holy ýear. 2 Ile âbiolute self ihness-it i. of f ered ho ai l e brotherhood of man. 3. Ils entir apirftualiy-ot ils seven petitione, ou ouily<sn for an 4partily boon, sud lb. _on1'y te-tii. simplest. 4. Ite brovily an abrete of ail vain repelitions (Ecei. i -2.) 5 . IRe simplicity, whicit requires nc lesnnulng, but only holinessud sincerit lor its universal comprehienuion. fier. ai tie ýgrad Ideas :1. That tender sud ir cpscllul love. mmcii me ahould le.! fi thelr-'f'stben. 2. That strong- eonfideni in QWOd love to us, smciias fahhere ha, fer them cildren. This. relation, dictaI te"us reverenoe for hie person, zeal fý isý houer, obedience te bhis viii, aubmi -itoun d t 'hie dlpenation8 sund chastis menti, aid resembiance -to hie' nstui -Clarke. Whicb -art in beaven-In Vf, lormer clause we express hie nearnesse us$ lu thii hia distmSce Iem us. Iu t) vs contrast him with tue fathrs i -lave ber. below,, -nd se ratio our soi ,t ta iI"heavea" where lhe dvells, o. tb*týMejesty sud .giory 'whicb are the Ie tuheur preper home.-J., F. & Thb prae n h le scnpttures eemSa u to iÃ)eau 1.Hieotuipresence -( i (IL lion. x . ) 3.- Hie' pove-ra mlgb#t (Psat cxY. 3.) -4.,ie ,omnisciexi (PW mm'xili.13-1M) 5. Hie Inflite. puri and 'boliii"s (lsIvii. t.)-Carke H lowd bé ty name-The "name" sta ~b11ty, is osessions, ain e bas id se~ ~ c itnaee!God 'stands for alf God "ÃŽTo . aIlMvGod' nme -à ,$o gin, h ligit ionor aid veneration ahd render 1 Usme sacred; te met hlm highest lu ,o tbom bts; ,to-love sUd-trust j in bi-ar le v hlmhouer-aud' prsuéieer a ii v. 46-for iilmà ."-Witony h~kÃngdc eom--"The Icingdom of hie power, ] M 1 mbisre anddbie lor;y.» T gdý'mkeiiint lde ise. dominion his grsce-that provisioén o!hie Iifin merty by0ioithola aubduour à fui race îmb' ceeerul iobediéncti and a vie uto IebmseIfî-WIlfliams. Tby wM;: ,doà e-ll iic iiio! God ie ifiitley go( vise and holy. As--lun-heave-By f augel -aid Âailthe, boîts o! ieaen. is eartli-fly mortas. 3. Cverus-Tii.- good thiugs of-tf