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Whitby Keystone, 2 Aug 1906, p. 5

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FOR 30 BATS. .11W <JR 'If 4 "j, lé,, 'f "r, "f s 'a 4 v-v Also durlng this monith we wiU seil al Chambrays, -Zophyrs, Snowflako Chembrays- e nd ail wash goods, at tOper yd. vW atoh for Sp>eclal Sale -Announce- ments In the local colu mns of the Key- stone eaoh wee k. ThIs sale will PosItý- ively lest only 30 days atthe cash store Where Women dellght to Shop... Hurry-eUp Orders Quickly,- mandled, ' il NOTICE TO The UwI.rnigned bave for. CLop composed' of Oaso ndý par4m of Whet, Jarley, sud shoi'ta f0517 -fee>dersbuyigton: w It wiU doulb7y v#te .1 w e' PERSC#AL MENTION4 andt 34ês. N. IL ».t Mlpry w.ain Wtwu Tue*da n.t o k iet. Torronto, bas te- tornod honue atterVintin; atv, lu town. Mrs. miller la the mole sur- YlVwng slstèr'of the late !J ohn homag 4h11 Wiliamtw. fd%.. 148AJJl, Mr. Morph>', ol the Dôminlon > anr coeupanyl, Was lan own Bvr dy tha week lu- connection wtth tile store Propertjr witl whrch Mr .G Jalckson made the de-ai with thre it amer Erindale. Foefer Orr, ofethele ai -mnd Empire,1 Toronto, and fornit-rly of the Omit- vilo t~r 'asin towvn tbtl. week 1 thre lnter2s:s eOf 1113 J'açwr. lIP lua bcamlng the cireulaàtiozi of the bI1. -daily* and la cflerflux the liestprein- luims eer V,,t ares-fine Wall ChIrts anid -iîîc-'~e Star et ,tp- hein." Daily' Fi e lmý TU EKtrgo5 le ln&1udet n t lPltka, a&M wtiI adtoeab. 4*tt tb.et eIt U#t* best la- t«toeef the teomuidaty. 'Tbt8ub«xdptIon Pales19 0" buudr--t Mb.to1r Sfty.two hae., when Pald l ance-l.$wh6n mot e. uhM Th1e MvvtisiagRtaaog.sdw b. qurto «A p ucahltycu wtmhb . b. he&rd, tK"EY10, tSTO'<u. = angs f dv*glsUients boUI4 retwh tht. Of- Be sotlafthaUmmTueosy i:oeU-ýt t nsure jae?. tion la t IJ ett Lit bCoinity R. WINN, Ontario- County Farms. &There isu) dOubt ;animy xmnd but îthait the cxtelîve wigriaun frein this proevit" to the w.ost bas ;de2 ercamed fasrni ai i Wutn Ontao cou nt'y. It !,% due to the faeL that when farnwers S'oils arc uttracted to the went the~ ol<l folks are lef t' to .1struggle alung ivi best thlv'Y c.fD,j j sTaletîifes 'vithout biriug belp, whielî hi vt.ry cstiy. ýThe remult -is that farais are nat being au wel wvorked, aur aye as crood r*rsttlL4 belng pbtain- ed." Thiis wias tùc stateinent ta x Key.'tone correspnnidctit thki week byv Ma.yor Fonke, of0< Oa%,ka, who defiis exteniltety witt' the atricultur2l classes, and %% lcv;as prepared to i substatn'atehhI opinion by an àrray of actual tastano,,ý. lit 8Raid h L knew cr 1fYrrs ;urchased a fewyelirs twicore tbn western boorit at as Whgh - SLas $110 an acre, wuIIe todzay hardlyj <b7: an acre could lie obtitiie4for thelu Fiirii-atlat yeae i go. were * U gairdefls havc 11ow lalffthiCtr be- low the Stanàard once 3ct by the ovv ners. Iences are out of reppir, ~~eaandi thitIcs flourîsth, whl", e n-. 6tire tarins are bY no ,îî.ý±nq hatvic î.roix,: attention. There are cases jwhere the uid-tue enthîsiasu. la enrjtîrely twu-ntitig, sinu'ly bmciuse the 1 ack of hire4 hclr. is r nost ,liiscotrug- iIBg and the outlook lot such faris, meis dark. Ttiis .year beyoud aitiI ýdcubt: le one of geiîcral productlve.1 nesreg-rDtÇ c~Cops.and yet theae- itro)wCrly harvestcd bvcqîîsa of wît or me. Vi-'re sttidy aîîr ,o sIcr.kt Onl;.rîu for th~e grtm ter w~t e opportu*lty, iiiid the D tiLshlIn- i muigrant hba sufax' been qtit&qual to the tagk of iiliing thevaan>.'VI f act that the AIde of eniî;xr.citioias n a Ifm-ttd 15d ialuesis Wby 11au mpa-L' eonfined t.0-a tariu county, 'though, an.h atlqC naxs de~net 0%- 10 .ver$ r , 1.10< U ICtD50. I Um' thoue ist1.cUimo% It muà4bs u frred that ever xi u-ri la C>i. ty bals doereuaeod latalup. tor t*w.si, Iare mafly 4jtîaC# V11110?. thë son ie hav 'rcwatned ut bouie, and lw1w(rie tî1wir <4 mUti prditu h'48 m ot b fe 4t. 1fr AtIIW*' - -- ~ap*lttoitilit ~o.to- J lk* Fno ter heade eof your Mr- .ic011 n tario Perry, vtLh hî twa children, ut (rhliwer la oin -Metl-dy calling 0o1 old friends and re W k'ku lat vx.Ni. erry s a Oftý. fl ruuW late lîobrt P1crry, who-wae .1 bro Y ther of-John Hüm Perry, He fiîtnéoui many inprovements ilathe couily B uw topwn, but noneiniere interesting thar thoise ln h1a former twine, now t he beautiful residence and grcunda u ofd Dr. Warren. e Itevç. D 0. Cro.sley, p.istor of thc' Tabernacle. o<1ffl nîily tcf t o-iIVoti- .Ti U Ati needay fuorlFair Haven Island, Nl .tt,-tw! koëka. Ontar*o. where they wMllrp.. Imain dîîring Atngust ec-ujO.Ying a hcli. LUJUJIn ady se.uswa. Duirnj, r. Cro.,4lpy* .; absene bis lilpit wi li bt.Uetiplh.it h>b 1 Pev. T.W. .lciiffe. CfBonaî," rthc ami)ne geatiemuaw who suîp'plled .uBook actOutbly Lisct yenr. MIi-. ('rosat 3y 1'. aêdreswlll lie Beauia ris, Ont. 1 10- Singi MNrs. .1. H. lowri"y g-va % -"y tîleasilâ.t a .11t uuî .lturadrî.> rit .rflo i 1liiio onfulier &ùîug li tor, Mrs. EI ti>-- isn who lasj.en< u.g b rt at *olt- Mr. autI rs.V nuptial visit wlith ber p'arents. rçimuna Mr Jtin . Alirii. druurjzist, favor- jîbly kiolno'wa toîr oýs t i ofoto gr cf Whitb'a dri:g stvree, bas secur -4 I M.NI&% lara Fny, of To runtu, isi- et Whltby havt r ting beýr gr.iidtitler, Mme. IUaid - byMr1.ao Cs lara .eUfrvy ha.1 r-cturntw the tp f he f rein à vueâ-tiun sIO-4nt nt (flhvet pafes, éak « bàlalUthe 11 Ana:r U ua l cla e 1 ý To Stimul-late 1-.Sommer 9-eIIng w e will durig Augusit fiti our North Wi*ndowechweek wth, a special sale Ilene.-O! -dry goods for Mon, and'.our South Window with a special sal e li*neofo dry goods for the Ladies.. e Capable t class Of of i.ty tt, impair ht ed .... 80 75 40$0 go white ........... 0 75 t 0 sô 'R -1 " ......g......0 851t0-A92 ............ 070,t4 o 0 76' ................ 040 tu 04411 1ea . ...... ... 040 t o0 .0.50 ta» 55 Bock -Whe&t........ 0,42 tue < Oatle... .,. .. > 0t jAlsnke, 8.1.....5 0O0 8 50 : : . N - 1 - . . ... . . . . . . . 4 _6 0 0 t a N .............. -6o40 for Copped FLOUR AND ÏEED. ..... ... . .2- 00ta "5 Shorts, Per ton .....> ... 0 e25, () To ronfto j 3ef , by quarter, per, cwt >41$6'25 ta 87 50 *Cattie, lite weighit, but. 5O0 'Sote 5.50 * MUttn, Perib ......... 0 0ç0te~ L a ,eah......00 tc 40b r>oixi t lHOgs, )ive ,weiga.- OOUt06f rom ~Ioga, light fat ..........000 Cýtr,-5 70 I kg, eaï-y fat. . 0,C0,1 < 5-75 Holgi, dressed p«er lOOlb ô-00tf. 8 00 Chieken, -Perib ........ 0te O01I Oshawa per lb ..pe ...........- OIl te -12J tee8o, dreessed per lb*.... QO' O teo 010 1rkeya;dressedper lb- 0 12 ieo 013- Butter, roll).......... . O 20 ýte0 2g L r............... io00 Co 014 manvill p~guerdozen ......... 025 ro 030 AIbliles. Pe 2-00 u e-3 - I U~nions, per bu0,.... 80 te i1 0 Vý, e tn....... 800 tu 0 ewca$ties tIRy per,,oa....... .....SOto 900 s 0Ai~Hdes, per cwt....... 00ooto Il 0 p . betsk n ..... 25 Tallo*, rendered pet 1b' O0(04 Wto 4L> j Ld Tripe' LWmt wajàe....... 014 te 1 W ;1'elu. ............... 0:0-te (>OQr Tickets SttiioftoDyso;Cus COU1STY «F ONTÂRIO, 1M&6.- le T IPS OP -Wwny D- C. m"cd1eelle 3Vhilby> e Trips for 01lrk, Jn.9,Feb. 11 mardi 1; April -5 2.0 ay 3,June 0, juyS Se6p.qýOct. 4 ý1OV. 5$ O. 9 1 07« - - i SRAWÀDA . Macdoei1I,$Whhby' Irtm. Priugle .în'd party eprk, Jan. 103-Feb. 2, Maith 2' April 6, t ~15l1Qr'y 4, u D 7"3 July 4, 8eët, 7f, Oct. O e0v. , D4m7, Jan.10 ou ýPh!lEOV0-lÂM M. Gleseii, qr..iwoddy sept. 0, I'or. 7, Ja1i. 11, 1907. lntereîqtIin< sîhotograpa '% Powr Pzaux J.3,W. Burnhahiu- Pert-1% -e berri seoured t- - Jana.lery lrk i. 13e Iar0h 8; Mày 9 Thre rlwa feinJuJ3y 7, ept. 11, geV.0t u. $1 VX uveI C Jose0pb - B. :G0U1ld, Ux" toîta'a sky»craper. thê , brdge, Clerlc, Jan. 12,; Match 10s ý ý ~tip~e, II~trteara.18, july 20, sept. 21, liov. 2$, Jan. 2e eNI that Whdtt.y 1;3 1907. ni. One oft tp geCA1iq?0 ttoii wlth thton) clef, Jan. it 5 I oe iththestovénr My19Sept. '20, 18ov. 22, Jin; 19 4%«< lUInUf ' soool nt-thé EVIO<O, ' r4la

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