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Whitby Keystone, 20 Sep 1906, p. 2

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'~çe~wComdtoe~ Rièson Leuthein-of' Pisteri 1er.May à XM*a depmteb:s Tlii.questimo f Osb uniono-ls Dov b tefti.Matie- rdîst Glaerai Confierene »Dlushis a so f àroutine sdvai »Me »utUbe Mof et fte rnionbut tbsa ere mention -of dinreli-union uauMso d lepsites tW "ait up."0 or ii,.mmtte& on Oburci . Union le, gm4 eport," asId Roy. Dr. Pets, Qii.iuuanthereof, durlng onsetf lte pas. ALt us have h rmal se that W* eu nwardly digest StL" As Saer.ery ai tii. eommittée tavas tb. duty of . x«y. J. W. CýooIayof- Grimsby te readi th ii, lp M sr. OeY ' a gais ofthte impora" ofetis mis- sion aud bis alowly déliveredi and dis- tinet word. ilere abacniied. by 'aveY delegate as he read the. lollaWtug:. 1 îTii.commltt.èe organw 1 W" bBey. Dr.poteasCbalanad R«. John "W. Col ei.flertary. Mamorials er. jr.al dou the matter ef cburoh union ntal 'Alberta, New gfruusiwick sdPice' dward Islatd. 5ure <from the laymeni'aassociation -eOftth. Haalon ofaence, Walkortou sud "',WeUlnd districts, snd Westmiinster dis- trit, wep anl forwaided by tise Confer- approval. 'Your commtteé pihgrtleasurethee x - pnussons. 0i :'yJpatys& « ppreVai. ;a intsting the church'a gexieril i- tersainlu sdScoord viti thee moveinent Tii. amit.e re*port turtier ase fol- love, That, th ave hWdlier. uhas lb», report of thfaa utanding owmuttaete eWoter wth other.chee*, sudesape. d&R.ly w1th "' i>éblsr1anansd 'VCbstre ptiQtl humbs, he ubje*iof & odAmi oburels, viloisozmufttouvu land ti 6 êmbaNs by tJii. Geri Gii.b sud a oqmmtte. traiba-te Cour Iu fr i »trt OS mi ebcmmift- tft" UIi ueg i-0habêtea m"s là nwuow aplias1 of- unies tïos.The r lik W*w eau Wh"u the epoto commtut vsPres 9n mlnlstera to pi'. on til#IyMen tweuty-flve -efttie hei6dixig, meettings. Tiie Comrittee.on Temnpera1é n'e à ul3Lr. ai Refont decid.d t A t*ti$Pi pointnt et au Aïssoiate Seea$,a tiie work bas grown toc ag u'Rr Dr. Ciiovu, viseat prpext dosaithé vbole etfta. The.leugtii Mtic e pastoa tenu ws discuaeed by the Co'ximittfe on Jtinerancy sud Transfers, several pro- positions being befora them. Tiiere vas an- evidexit déaine to lengtben thise-. eut limit cf tour yeare, anda*de!eut esid te-nigit the. cemmitae o :14 pro'b- ably rue tilie limit 10 aIgbt yeara LANNGOVILIS TROOIPSna1NCUBA U. S. mmstlueves Nev -York, Sept. 17.-A X»ond*u des- 1*11te tiithSua aya ubat tii ev eto the Laudiug et Ainerla mariues st 1JvY sa cotnrustise opinion beld st the BBn- imi capital Qt iAmerîct usittecition inu CUba caRnet be long dcl&Yed Tii. standard edîtorially blames, the Uat.ed Stato for the present disorder. It "aY$ thlat Président McKiniey's % intervention ~as urled eut intth. laine o e pansd 'viizatieu, but tise net restait' fsine newed tumuit, barbanisin and aavagei'y. Lither the. Americans muat, toleratu au- anOby la Cuba or exercise su ef fetile protectorat.president Romevelveuld doubties aseLpromptly, andi vigorousl$ If b.. dld net bave te think o09 the elfe. iou mosmigi. Whatever tii. finluaiissue l- wii. be couftinned by the.Demcocrtà visa are standing -aside, .ready tW make 'pelitiéal Capital eut et thi e muit. Tb* erningPeats"Y$tbat Cub& Is pot stront euiugi ta werk ot bai'own salvýatie. 5h, aptvthu e.i ousupport uuaintain a govu amsu soboteprog"$asof tiséobâniwyï Muek se thse Ameinesu Oosrumem &yn vii b. unpopulan vlth a 4up etO oft the outry'-ahe -vi11i uoté-,"téi ntnln mneot ftomi tamlgi r w e hiad ber 17ad urgos berls.tla~~ toe PM us $ tep l I'novr ma te j.' ~'~»4 \ '~ e" t" I Tbe gerýraI auperintendlacy oflbe Méthodîst Çburch k Smd a a t pet.Is ooccpant, Bey. r.Albert car. mani, who presides over the oonfssxio sitting lu Moutreal, -altiiougb bhé b» pasaed the &au Ot0* liteindte&î Stlé ,pwami$t, la oit. ot the Most for l01 tort of the. day. Te. General Stper6ntui& eut wau bortlu Jute, lm.3 ervrMentf- ihi'.. yeara ago. R- in M 'IU.E 1n$.lh stock on-botb aide*; sud waaboruýla 4. quis,4 where bit f&tblwu va&ma-& sulstno, uda.p"rounet fwguzw.41 publiq affaire. Dr. Carilpené& .arly. Re tekbu SIJRVIORSIW CAM. B. A. aM Victorit i& l8", Md li Lb. Sm ye5r, at Ïd4 age o'f twVO o d twenty, b.- came iiead master at 1)uxdas Graminr Sebeol. Tw y aralter b. wtt to viat-,,asnow kuvu asAlbert College, tiien Belleyille seninary, te ttèebmathe- matis. I1M8h&beameprincipal, and -hluidthet%ý tii1m4, vwhen àhalias ohse hop.of the Meéthodist Epideopa Chsaeb ,, apaa. iur tse union. f o4fsTrn1s C aa. Protestant tium io lime e,*r du*0 f -Wbit, preseu teli 1~fijp~tIi lur ya~r toservé., ~utsw i "v. 1,Àcadent.-e- tiem'- lu rows bealide the, tzïck. Iîth& lng'elSt e ould b. -doue, for uthe urne 611t l as raing heavily ait the thu, ýëf tic accidenit, and the. rails must ii~e bon ljper j I tlt the i-J' t lhe air' brakeiïl- aid le.~ lflah Evaii ad ~c4: avenue, Wvoia W5a it 0110 M tlis-e nOel o ' '"ullmans of tho eaatbOund flyer.'. We iad been OlIVi1ng very fait jut prior te tthe application eftii. ,brekes," lie cou- tinued.- "*N«ai'the. front ;Ii our*2 was a fiaitcar. Thbe railway men said this fish ear acted a* a sort of, buffer for the rest 0f the train, ProbablY Sar- 4»g many lives. Tliey wouldaVi lot us Icxiow ally more about the. wreck -tissu teY. could hciep. leeeeyti IôSA~Ible wQU' doxie, anid the. formera in the neiglîborhocd rendered IDucI> auit- ance. îvjle &orne ladieis enthe. train A Vancouver Lady*&, Story. AmOxigut the. pas*eugers arriving on1 tii. secnd sectioni cf the.train frein tis West v ae Mm. W. 3M. Carter, of Van- couver, wie vas a passefger eu the ImPerlal LÏited. Mrs. Carter was on bér, way to ]Brampton, and had anrang- eci te remain oaci' at Toronto, wiieri ber huasud bas been stayixig. iti Dr. MeLaugiiuin, of Colleue atreet. "#Firet of ail, I miv onie 'manxilylng dead, and tien' u notiier on@. dylng, but the, Most palnful soeiicoet au l va MOther. badfly lxjured, lying ausngst the. wreckage, wlth ber two liti]. girls dead on clher aside cf ber. Si. W", ryling pite6ustY for help, whilst' the. tather,- unable to render -much assist- aKne vas nearly ftrantie wlth grief at the. ]ose cf bis loyed- ones and uho saert. Oua condition of his wife It vas a ter-, rible lpea1, ire. Carter said aguain. '*ne crIes Of tiie lnjured wcere moist agoniziug. 1 eau almnt bear thein now,» &ho added, witii a shudder. A Wingam max's Story. 'Pcstma«stEiFiber, et1 Vlngbam, WAS, inahibi rth on Lthe wruedc4trsl. 'When I g1est out,»"lie aid, 4"crowas front boti tise trains stood around. A Ocae, vsi 'heou0talned thee dead »d Wouudedo, va.burel.dbuestia truck esi', wiic) preç.d.d tii. tnter- taud iii. -on..dtthe tellowed lug aire Witt tbthe débris 'et thâe etbft d:TIme work,,of Ws&$. asslow# , borrIk, >ly slOV-two .o~s ~.dad er' iilaid ou lthe wkle thse wëuand'e wa!e iâg eiL »I.Utiag waa4uM, »sd ou<er,,, sud #Wlugte ils. abms of etr.latIv the - vUî u ?I.bad rmtèo *et rm a. » c 'r h «","idthm Un Non s6ébhL West~ ô loWi ét, à LOWey Urn AcintOçcurred MÂGGIET RNG, aguM 24. MAGGIE POUGMRE, aqed. A aiaNz'&, deopatbhx onetfLte Moe, pitiful drowq i ac in s uthe. history ofithe PrcvÙMc ecurred t-"y At Port FaUx. By h fveo u;g pmcpe toi tJr'ie.Malag.d -415; John, _agd 1 1j sud Maftl q sed 9, oidren et Mr'. Frank Pomagereý pestinater s&bd mail drive aiBautPort oila, aooompauled la'le, age 14, and'-Marthia, a&"d 12, -bôùehràèwiqe bdàt. c'lu-Milesbaok of Port Poiux tbey att.mpted ta eros Lise lake la au ol-;p*qky fiai kep tithe. e0r tbospprpopWzypcke Tii.y aueeed sin rea4bhr a amai Ilaind In ti4 'gàe by geipg ivoSt tinte li the boat, but on r«Mturuntise six got* à% tiabm<pbi'e i vo-tiirds -turun bten"u.Mag. oge »sd MXaggue.iKng goi on top et 1s boat? but ît turued back agalu, -thuoviug tent lu tise boat muid manag.& to paddl ailier. vi tb -IL ' Aft4r resehlng tie-Ibo b rbtlu- hie says sihe sw tie t-vo boys l"idlà caci otiiers arme. '1%* Ï4 Yb70 girls a ees md -jam« irl - u 4*ng, Johaui vaswutryiug te bivmt alibom lsuthte4ehd ti serhoe : bS laens.M ý l. e2P o bodes bad tô' atdouta xicri- I -1 Lead packe **What imntt heavenly wbul ."hf iirédc rather te thé "Mont,» be' night Sir, roi AlhhoughM tou'a carnest the following ou& ho rcturn tact - ý!th thé site-ilad been' deep' was tie, ber present au ret ru te lad would they tih tho'eithe hi une Sandy, muai abîde. Mona haxi siobbiehnesa, o! lady Finia «mt_ montera, Ieyuýent 0oftIl mzadè a delig'l vas reluctani Wu however, go with a S evitable vithe amea-fi. spea W4, ewitueaam teussaredn hi t&d4W were oUI rantie. ýw la te ~ wurs Laj s i us,ý h lb tl*wîàga- th vork, abd liai va. **mo obusmb Iljsu i te ýbur ý f t ii 4,rt,î Im- Won 'ges Xt 4M t qa~i «7 lOaWoula e t 4a but=atb >bear i ça ~et a deciaon'yee»M ai a coulemse Ut4 OuD97,~ day bgtweu ei *ewiayWle, ' of ulie-a«. _J"ba., Kg umitat« aeDepartaimt . of S .l-ter'54et, r iars~~ ~~ ofopoBp % p Ilter M -I.' L 1Imm MJW f

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