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Whitby Keystone, 20 Sep 1906, p. 3

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1DREN Fragdy et 'Port -rdlx Nova Skota. '10t Deat i k a àLomel Lake. or cf Party Tis ltow cident Occurred. THE DZAD. , aged 18. (G, aged 14. G, aged 12. -RE, aged in. GER£, aged 9. N. S., despatôh: One o! the. dr-ning accidents in the e Pruvince occurred fo-day .By it fivo Young peepie ia. ý1innie, ageai 15; John, Magge, aged 9, chilaIren e! iugere, postrniaeter and maIl at Port Feuix, lacompsuled -9 Cqusiyns, Clara, aged 18, 14, and Martha, agi« 12, -Mr. jorseph KIng,,I'crl eir -homes this moralng to Ie~About six mile& back SLhecy atternpted ho eros n oidleaky f lat kept tiiere se berry-pickers.. eO(ld in rettuhir a amal ilake by going two at a bont, but on returnlng the. ixd wheu about two-tirda crross the boat' filledi- a"a nup. Magg,,ie Fougerq\ snd gton top of tic boat, but ~k agnin, throwing hhem In finnfie Fougere thon caught axanaged to paddle asiore or renehing the uiioz* Xia- saw the two boys Ioied lu aripi&. 'lie two younger holU -o! each other, and the ~A ainiking. Johni. Fou- hi* siste-r to hel hifi mether Sto às>ini ashore. i.tened to lier home, where i abolitt Io ,apurs. S crie in the water cMa"Ing r hc, Ifrft the ia oe> A rty lâ!t *for the scenq,"but etwéhpd thelake wuêe a Sseen, and,--owlm- o 'te 0e heur, the searcii for the. be aba.ndonied until moru- AT TU E SOO.MA JhAIDS e u= THROAT. Ris tht Hoapital -Uni!.: Treat- rNerveus Trouble-Vislted 4mily Duning tiie Day said in Good Spirita& Narie,-Oït. deepatoh: WU- ]Iýon, sturekee per £or tihe r Corporation, xdieçiundis ixîg circuînnances hs af- ibad been in thae lioepihei tfor nervous tro>uble and et1yr nc4rly cured, lntemded couplle ef da.ye .- Thi t.h wasisted by ianenibers or id ppeaecd àin th e best c e- proect» of Jcaving the 1. ' In the afternoon tli o( h room audi found.,hlm lad cut hl& thrent wiii a i, (leed ivae doubtlse doue nt of derangenient ci thes Me was Tne motive. Mir. e -iI kn'own and populr. alVLS a wife (nd ne chila. 1-,',e taken to bis former Joî',Nild., for hurli. LPIRIZE wINNELRS. Europe Receiv1ng 1Medals. Lema packets on r I .3 Gol Sept- 17.-Ring Osqcar r.- 1R. ' Francis, Presideut oa aPîîrrcnse Expostion, ho- nis landed te, the Klsg a e~îvomkiom. - Mcent obf the 1ijqWsýâna Pur- ltion, jrijved bers, te-day. munied by L. D.' Dotuer, co ex*s of the deputation amu wstow upon varions Mois- opè the- gold medal mmd the. ce ExpoAition. They vill 1» udience by King Froedrlk IFpund No Joy fa Prospec ffl Belng Shob ~p.17-A movqE appllos' Wteat London -on bâbali i Lwaiting vitlI petu-' ýrvIN o! a- Masu nan Cansgdl..Tiers abs i rà rut., sud a friend ô t th eived a letter rom Xuas , ýlatter sald hoe iould4ýsbo#t ohn as soeua lelgii.r mwere dr*n GeV% a Trial P4cketToct i yM 4 o , o , s d o e t I'Tt i r o e s «» rri .,ter," h. aaid," if- tii.7 er heav.nly whîile they iasted."1 '"M tire does net beIong to tIeéven- rather le tth, other place. (ioo4 aighît.' "Moe , eexqlh nlua là* tone. niglît oxiIe. - caAeXER XIXI. A.thougb blona yielded to Lady Finis- tousà earnest request and remained ove: the fohlowing day, ah. was really anzl- eus te return home. This pasng con- tact with the Sochuta ta rom which ah dbeen diorce\ lawed her how deep was the gulf tha% yawmed between her presant and lier .$St. She oouid mot retuin te Lady Flnistoun'a et, neither wouj they that belonged to it pags rom thene.; ahe bad thrown in ber lot witb UsaI. Sandy, and with Uneie Sandy sire muet abide. Mona had net the, faintest tinge o! snobbiâhneàin, but the waa really fond ef Lady Finistoun, anai thi.easy, p les mmmlianners, the tact, and tons o!re- JeYmDent ef those Who surroundeai ber, mad. a deigbtful viiole, os w" chmii was reluctant te turu her back. Sb* was however , hilosophie emOugh to do se with a gograce, aceeptlmg thi.a evitable 'vithout a murmur. t>uri ngthe. day and evenlng whlch sue- ceeddtirat hast recorded, Lii. b"d no "=*ci et peaking to Meusexeept ho- fore vitnesaes-and ho gr.w very iii- tempered as hlm. vent on. Mlont of the làd" were ouhte olunch viti tii. sports-ý Sen et a dibtans Mbu 3o»sse. =adew wu, Mm . intel b, Uanto* a ramit.w& er, tuhei nibis arseil AtdinerMiss Merton cIev.IerV el turid Liai., whose face, under ob Infile- tien, v4as ssource o! amsment te Meus viienevor mi. looked at his. Ther lm!» ait«Z et m~~$dsszelu-t*ae Germen, 6t"e Mt fl ft s vitla Momià; aad Miss Mortton, vhe hudai a uni, elee 00»nOmtcw - treahiai the compauy te one French icoio song-a &performance ohié se diaguste LàUl. tueS, vft su spOssMIvre #lamee ah34mu, lie dupp*t.ý ed aladwvu ieeno ort. - ~rne'orvaImg ,Mvs rey sud t* andi Liai., w! toïdLo aiPustoman, étai tarity t sahdér.Uis, vas *las vry had ion temper.E. vasenra8eaKah l mia. lug osui vI&b whu.fla o tbinata bay, , md mortffieLi ah belmgheu inh ohe* b y hie fair vusu 00 t on-, psoatvoysbrahm ee.lsi wiiooehaud hrenl>d vieujie t.ok 1h la - IZ~for bavlsg bot tihe ins oi bi. "y .Otto- 4sud Laf e m mck deeper laloéVot iéha h d bgg. A.teai vcaMPt gel ont lhgals--only h. MUa& mot-se u-or ho W"x Dont sUeV*Lt beady Flm no . t.4 kî jiseehs t. drive ber bacla o Crlg errb lae PMI «ie, sud s»Metrne star ~V«r ith M»Mn fdêY W ehs Wouli le be-*e Lu Varions Important- sohlla "4 tlle &%Y"od ibor »seiout & t. sud l as mua teA4b wbéa M ot nvqle p Ti.he ,ug pîullaW bd vluy bu W" oes tootaale 'vra vm o o!- tgetés .0.1w J~ sala iteOb *key, and se age-an illegitimate birhh- rate!'--iterrupted. Miss Merton,- v«bl 5t.(0fleWpbaaîs. UdUn ygaspea. Tiiat Mt vem- a, yotwng Wobiaar,&,wotnh~aviWehoaod as yonngr-ain Iaste*, 'Anlàê sold haeixe kiWttigly btted&u, a Word -aeiamltey Iuane bhii. - - "Aweel, âweel, tbat's enav snid. 'Crié a deg a bad name.' A' that is no proven," ho returnei,- feebly, for h. knev ittle o! statistica, mer wa* lie much givn te believe what be did not lake. "I don't. know if yoîî aven read the' graver magatines," séaid XMisa 3Morton, with an intôlerable air of mu p )Toity, seehasyeu have not seen 1>ro f e"v Merbr's- paper on the. comparative mnoraity et the C*Itic races. H-e brinigs -out some eurious <acta."- "Facts!" Angrly. "Are yen stire Lhey are tacts? I1'vouldus b. so keen te be- Iev. wiit s Mon sas y sagaint is min eountry-<I suppose by hda naine ie's Scoch>-'"san iii bird tirat fouls Its in met.' » "'Oh, ho leas perlectly nellabje scienti- fle ma, and beh.say$ the Wegitmate-" "lt's so beeoming ho argue suci a 1k. aubject wi' a youig lady.» lnterrupted Unl, Sandy, haitity and ;.Verely. "Ah 0117 rate, ve art ceevuilsd enougi te ken tuat." "Oh, dear nme!' exclalameaiMiss Morton, wihtmeneuconpt, "1h lae vudont -yen are more moral Ilu lau then lu action!" BeLon,3Mr. Crsig coulai gatier ils forces to reply, Mena ceeu»ho he ru.- "I amsurMM tesmuëIt le ready. Shan1 vo g ntO Ithe t4iuirOom t 1I-M qutwl oglgfor s cap. "So amn L Ih la past m~y usua)tes- lime," erleai Miss Moton. -hat s love- iy vi.v you bave benr1- 1bav.ersr.Y vb îrnau gn-ore beautiuad1h 'l arnsm nie y* find au4 "'TerUcouu h , .rocks sud t. eaxýdjr tueaLa"4tM botté leave ber abusA "om arnmd me-va bave vand a busrnneri, b. t*u& , Pt. buge' d1it urWo. betlxIdiÎerse na«1o190 "lt useait. b., ere v#d MIss Motes; Unm& O)meansu. t aup«m. et teu b. bal:"uil twta lé i p-ie Iva umu IahJ -asha,a e-'et «Veéry' glad t6hosu r** ully vien food ta zady. ,Md eokles. W, ain nat.dm ,t.a rater a favorite viti lluide 2a.&yý bai ue wt b. um "l ltad4 bfU t 4 î O W la woulda'h ventai. .volI baveben sure h quarreLtiusple Jooks Unn. mffoinly ve goersemach betterti viien Fitashian bad 1h. That'.P"hy your buttd hhl hi.t «a01,~ y vo men eau b. o! use in makIiê tle inai4 of a bouse beArable If lin lligoisa £1' believe men woul4 do it jlettet'if tiiey put thelr minda 'o xl, 8*11 - laa Morton. i'You ougiit mot to Say 80se Vý 1* yvou->tbinkl 1," retaarud ivra&'t a good Lorm for a_'woinan to run, ov "Buht 1 dont t ue lw4 dovn'>trImai, 'MissMorton. Then inherrupting bersei, as Mary uras about te ta4c.the, set ho aide iir< nmol tuis la Ur.- Macals- .ter's *place." Poor NMary -fVel to Mena'. aide eof tho, -tabie. <'Oome by me, de*x.," snid lindtl £andy, "iiurtlimg" pearer tii. end t!4h. table te make room for lier. > Why, yen never 'do atiitlmg- *lie,* ,Everard eootimued, apeaklug ho- MiW. ,Morton. "You buliy aiH tii.omm, en ,t-te Lodge tono eud "%Whr do tii.y let me, th#%.- Theyane se wek, I eau mot bWl 10. "Tii. spoaleusays- bega Ucl Sandy vlah sme solemulty, lxteniig .10 comvey rs 4îgulfied ýsu a vord lunsasion.' WiY, you »eyerdo,-suythuge« , ly. <'The Aposle lPaul, wu A maeoft hi venld. Sl ie ghh have au Idea or tw@f on the exhremely coxndplîctMquesti«of o female ciiarstter, but hue »eat aret~ 'vihereom ý *Ué.Mh ubeet. Une!. Sandy r*etrin la lorable or- Lier on ti. apores, but,,md.e f ut"e *You are reaily t hi not .eaae. toi7 czeature i «ev et i~ lri, ~ t .- tahvoa'yoUrmel; but if 1oï aria aalat theMn,70 p lu Won aLs ~, t iL the #4k #* a : ess* t~tht "iai ém t ie tm the. kr ai"ai d Iauavle l, wr< ofte-~ maiettons . tu M, knowdge ,ba aur aydlatslàla -w , wer accuo &Ue bae it-etth ar rspmubl L~ otef Mes of*&-orna t. 'lb. "deg f vtO.4'4 iiandd &Il ciu tat t l ngct the ax4$t, bu,.. lve- wa -a M Nov, i ve. h e, ape,t e. h voes th ar t ' of the tloer, suad=o*fn "90ngabave -fluttered la tiielovers heart thau have tftr -app.ard on the poetli age. ftÇ4s ýtut the eciio of rorantie 1>ove that lilta in the. lyrWe.flove la hi the IOwer's heart viierever b. maz ho." The. attitude 01 xmanyery people toward- love fi siguIarly unftlr snd' un. limaginative; also 1h la frequemtly iun. grateful. The deeline of aý__pasion, even the ,loss o! il, does mnot Obiterate the Lad that It onee exiatod. Thank bearee we bean tIf.e as Ideal. lits, eren il wtî afteward gtme ynleal. AMd suptrde mong ide&4e isroimantie lov, wieh(I say la boldl y) 4 inIi 1* eemote love at first eligut. This i% mot ho ssy thut in tiiese MOre7 temnperate cotantries youth and malden surulate th. paùlb S outh, aud fly luto ,eacii otier's arma ou Lirst aequalutame.. But I do daim th:at thiq mont devout and ulne.mladed o pasion la ý tii.carier vWIi have been Its lnception. Dehibera. tieni ha. afo place lu the courts of! love. Our grandmohers vere tond of -adro. on ti .part of thioir daughtem ,s. It vau là their vleW immiodest ho b. la love vlth jour iane.,although 1h vas .r poepto love your husband. 01 cours 4 nd 't h aîtî v a s th e . l ov e tbii e à t a t . 1h -w a tooPstiSlol t l~~wi wesp.et and vas enoura eiby rtt Aude, adrntkouA"uai lb . e m th. 01i foe thAt màrartl0loveld.. pleedfor w,; la -th#aeuov0s1, abygos Mtllma l y afftont« 'âc etum.lsb utt -1 6Mvle ot ! *4 erow ooe ; le btv* do net. -We - v tU*t). ;ond ho ,o"er srt1v.am à1. T2mm.Diataîre. P-roid, the Case It ho Look Sal once1a cWubaiaeols, lo ar 4l*. lscv.e4 by-,the. dozqa emy c o u ld n o t a vè , e m a c h a i t û V " puMé~attentioas, tl* tTranuslval dis nom_ 1400Mi v nd, moe than s te earth, la vat-causs t-to look s#6iýmaU.- U rar s u s four m o s h o . ""Ive bewrd ln thoir, orbite- .'Iti Sto say, they î"volve. troin veu"t Il. oïst araud Uranus whilieUranlus go.s, 11k. aIl'tie.other'pfanet, 'h m *bât t* seat areuna tii. sum, lt ta- 'b.ev.d- that Uranus,rotates. baekwând -on 1aitsalso Moreovqar, the. amis o! thah pet, litag g l:b inF l suich a direction ths t.nt. courseo!Its year, wbi làl,.ul o eig hiiy-tour of tii. eart.hs ti u h u amapependieuly fit upon out pols su4 tiien upour the otiier., Measured*byithe torrestrial time stan- dard týere are fort&, yeers Of ostant daylih, followed. Ify forty- years of unbrokgn 0 nigl-i- around -the. pole$ of MaiAÂnd the1 sun vises in theo wt and sel lu tii. eut there. Ilut the #un look* very mati *hen- yiewedIfrora Uzanue-only1-400 sis large as it,' ap rare e otieartii's inabitlbts. pea o that planet 150 timeà'ua Inueh lilht au the ftilumoo-Semds t'ôtthe eartb, athat daylfgbt tpon, Uranius, ai autoompared witia the blaze cf a trrestrial noondasy, i.novertiieles aa respectable klnd of! llluminataon. 'SIJftiRING lWO'JMEN. N.d Juat t ueRicdaabd-i Elod Dr. WII- - Pru~ *rhioo homididle lite ta. haltà and happtu"sa o! every vo-0 bloedblo -Lpo su vIrymii*b. 80a10 elasieafromu headachea sud - b ec h c h u u d tb er 1- 1ak bl -dlsreméviilb 'nfr emeu Inw. 1"n Feu M ta 11>5 8.eld "waid.ln p "a mie !dang"er ï ma bUme, mx by prohwm Illly pedl « losa oma"ie Ifyou bave - zp)osrions pains, il thiers - 1M z& anam of Lynu, m H Rive = beradvIe ilyen vIiiwrltè er about = I~uL, 8h. lathe'dtughtar4no. kWI ofLYdià e. Pinuham anid for tventy- fiv,,ea a h labeen advlaln uck women tre. o!cf ro Dma Mmrs lnkham: 4" talc* the liberty to omurstulate rS on the suucoenI have ha«4 lth your vooderM MI<j~ It. tbnt b oyju"nd tor.8horUly aller 1 M aiai tt 8!Soumitted to athoroi e onby, and vOuld have to ULmeo au ops#4on.* mentsansd dSed t o ge"lirdia E.Pink. bfl eietable Cm rUrd-6,triaL .Aller 9r g i.boule.asrect4, t. lainr lh ontr1y o have 1 MU .s be a 1109t la motI4 ale"" gitmr 77-7 'VrY Wel, Mo" nimm, la al log )JO=Mena venthe .do-or ho am sss.Ialuxys tiemgl4 >oon t a 1001 ùba isoat voImu!'

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