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Whitby Keystone, 20 Sep 1906, p. 4

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)ITh. IldeA $ohool 1et Bra di Sa, atI00dLU1(' ut 821 ewbryo teaoh. firaifori ciwns helda mass gnet- Iig lst week 10 'disus» the advIlim - hted, octioers âsid working comi- milcte appcgated. j1!lw meeting oue- thuidestcafly voted la favor o( Sub- n~l¶ng~hequextion Woa voteat th* rh. -LaiGB Ad of-the Kldlaoei ààtbochst charcb .wy4li rua their i.a- nuil excuritu Pai.1~rt 1101.. GOl) tember 29, 9"u tu retarn to Octo.. ber 1. jà teuicber of inualo bas been 008ng-. &* e4or the OriIli&u PubieC uchools wit » salmrY of ;300 ayor fur. UeO. Vickers, the entLerpiing dr.y gooIl merchaot, of Barrie, bas rohgýased the dry gouda bualne8s of T.,A. mudn, UriBlia. * ast digue i~Teacherb' Association wDI old fl.ainziwi Conventionzlaj criaou kep»temoer 27 and 2f- lir. Franlk M. Ward, of the Aln. dgle restaulranlt, 4ýed reugut. liej tok a5ek un iunday and died au lirmJabha now ten nedical iow, tçrg ln active practice. Ur. T. H. LIu, #ticN*mro barr»alt w1ho was COMIutted to the, Central Irison sote athis ago, lIas iwen reljioýd. _%Ur. Lloyd sused trust faodoln i bands, and not oal.y lest 1sguwn ausas barrlatter, but vas @en- t*soW lu a JycAr lu tiie Centrald f d le la HailtbX u 00t UaUj# site, p loug illui UA . NÀ~VlLLE. Wdr. T. G. 'Brsgg, who for the( mtt tbree years has been 1'rimtpal ofth __Ugb $e~h" lat Ikw>oa. Y.T., bas bue aPPdntIed t*Iaperi tmndent ut k&ohOibl fort th Yukoo Tertxtoïry. Ufr. Bragg in s aatsve t of Detan ville, sud 4a3 hunor Igraduai. te t theclam of I896 of the Univeru.t1 ut Toronto. 1IOWIU?4VILLE FAIJL. 1BowzanvilelFair wMil hoheld on Sharpday tiad Friday, ept. 27 ,<a 38 hiAA *Xit4tlon la One of *111e km*o 3%mIioSà ot - tiiprovince ejtdttts vf hm ( s *S lu b o umy- vb.a*. Xntendlug xîbit«s , sbul. pend thek r emIales s t o tu t . rotary, M & JteBownanvils. S ingle rallw&Y tare. s&mosgtt « &t- *e 'rand you u w$l At' neli epaȔtî.l irusýj. D.e. a t». eo.au',ýItto urlasm Rubber C»; )A"nd. wlllturuai alpo,. -ofe 0 nu~iOe. #rao èococert Fnl-1 day tlbt.,Do' not, itu st. frite <eath uoursi ýbem ~oit mIon- day of r W~Fakt uawol am -oI> Dr. EdiSwtOé tt tWbiLby,,tuai a pralItli'g pbyuioL4t hene for y«er. àt otelime Dr. IEa.tlW od a slarge ablilty. anti but (or certaia n taoruw. -t hi ablilsInti Iwhièch 1e tilbh miglat bave rissu lu eminenoe. la ls< proelesoua, -*Fozsitae ars blis prao- Uâc.lhan beesa ste-êdily *ecreasnb, and< loir snme tinc» Slow m89V b. meid o boye OOte~d. 'be fumerai -vas hel*ý on ou i emeday atterncoai to let. .Volanq r-O - - - IOUi 3t * k 4patan ttlê eL& on unsa& t MW deyb s l tç'l t sb ,itasa V. p tIn u teIpiouM fur lb. MIk- 4 *rit da.u. but yeà4trdtty bat*I .upr. e.4 som#ba t M Aî .W. ir" 25o uta lmpuu4b.j 5M» a 1w, 406M nts bs. e > OSHfA W-A. U manflandi wOifl. i th rcet a,- rivalà trow the olti country.. gare an exhibition 01 Parental drunkeanftt un the ptreet her.i oua Weoptdal, and drew a large audience, oesr tem- garate Canitban peopk nver bav- lig aeen tais sort of thing. The wo.. mn wan qu.rrebumC u»td trenchr. (/05, becbg deterunned tu bave lier habandt ontad up. -Ib olioce made theni go home. Large CWirgegsitlOfl greOed Wil aon Aion in thI murusng anud Re.- J. J. Ladcvl,, a the .veszuia hý e.l- caif church lat $unday, andi resut pkesure w..s teit by the uigea tion te have another vsuit trons Rer. ind Mr. Llddy- M1s. LIddy sang nt tioth .ervleM o the ii. ret tliglit uf the coesgregation.l. he3 retu«rtr# hume on Monda$ri and could not but (fflt' asaure that niieer 11193 @!an mate It coavrnent to riait Oaîawt tbey wlit nIctve a Itearty weloguq The Keystone to Jan 1, 1907, for 15e. A.NXIOLVt3FOR l»VESTIOATlON. rruere are n a àfew remi.nts of lte town W au are ut tbé i olon thar, an Investigation shoaid have been held toto the. dtasJp4raso 0of Mrm CoeWtaotiae. the m"ssntcoeok -)f the borned steaum er LtsGala. Tii lire. oceurred, the coota dtnag'pearqs& mnd ne ont knows wbether &ho wa#' buraed, wu# druwnd, -or le£#,the WW. ,wel and, destrtflg te disappear fru", ber trie"t,*asd acqulatasoet, bais eomeed traces 0f ber isparture. ?1%e iboitpo b h. Ji s bs lura . hae out. If truwned, the droiging o the harbur nalgah tu ba r»iultq ed mont Pavement en 7 ~ mtroU centre trSt wt~â ~~~b. ~ A petmw datai 'one w, vol. au» jut t aii. pav a Ule tI.* te the etteot that tbe ts*àe. lotor e b ltrr3't «a O. OMPlthi* 1 roil, and rituru betore iezXt wa e o cDiR. ,&i&. Egart, rtpresantlng the T1own Profirty Comme&'tte% tu rPWg tO a quostion of i. Rosm. rePOrtei tuerb the furnae tu thoeOllflOil Oliaieber had been attendP' tcx andi wbuld 'be ready for unese ausoon asthe(Pilles were cooaeecud. 3fr. Mitcheil asked if Finance CuOeâ.. mttehad doue ti.hon o mad"e to them re au.enMd< 1Y.4 rorcoik. lStton of taxebs. 4air. Ross repflei that the ollcitor b.a4D ot yet beenà- M te et by-Iaw ready. .- ,-' T hee ,ùovtnj; -ofth e cattle shede -10' the up-tuýw5i tation waa a uatter about vbieh Ur. Mit0heUll Mo la- quired. $le %tas Loithat tuis bai brWen referrd te thecOummittel e O 1whiet' be wag a member-th trostre eornmittee. But evidentlY tlur.bail 1,us nothilla don-,. In referrias to the dirain, on Duc- atated hùià opinio* thit aWeh a dratit ohôniId br largeJhan 4Xbau emi If It were gade t.aca wev :ozs 1i thuught it woul 4Ld for a %ewetlu the futt,;Ye vues aàsMW*&* yteaý woold bi. needoi. Ur. Rhbaz4sS tolqulr.4 as to the righte 0. piilv-te oiwneraif 1draie, rime drain ftîVeSe eOoUiittailulâ the doiggmag Uk te isePer cownk drains. lie waiitei td know %tLow loomlkssuble trfereaO0e or *bst &:a' oaf draIc 1-v rersinug on Sit grouj ,%-I safftet tht toiin.. loîh tes de-' iat, 'vas uieteà ln repl. Pbalou wateto (0blrIIw Wonwbiat trffl Pet umwotd' WI~be sUowoS to top the drain n3w belni laid. : Po uuotjopn the tep ter tapptulg Ibls drtain, wMlh rumr weot on %a.Iqp strest froua ont lrock strept -C.% &atr sd . ttc lu Ibert att*i@ t oi th e sooi .stOt tbut ate .Prmotet4 >fr. Eruw~ morgi liai -, I.LI 5W ~ wir M owaI1~@t ~Wfor, ibe yèair -10 by- .<>~Frank BaIley on acoonut iCor ltý tonoa cri t lulIW totQ aise "locb ro1la lgis UiOnÃ";" à«x<a re nidia*titX"the saldr thariu . ý iumbr for rois #S*;John, D- Ojr-baw Ne M 64 10astiorlumthf-, ~ - ~ longbouomn*'à2-rode vwim celev aI ktW* io - tes, was t, .iiolu,-soeat for vom tamuaî!teeutt fl.vol ,o n un*" &* Mop . race bIdoe, P.»; P. R B. awripassait tat fe e at"lr s 't-fatuo 0ooàrnlto.. ofthe 4 aàaO ou~frsdW4alk , "he samesa d 'lb. .sl cdtliopr sound 9Y.Rv Mi ;Franc,$ Somt, amcant -,-. for 'atîou b. Atfixed' thereto. C'arbjed tb -ave M'tb MI wefrk.sud supmIAson roass ýaCcusnt, Mr. Uay f ,sooa4d iby 1fr. lIon ~ ~ ~ ~ ffe lpafx1rmro~SZ4C. 3'.8prome, proadang aj3 ro«n, Morud tiit tua COU700i> & V041 DIT. . S A; l 8. L *tu 'cow adjoure lu .Wt os onday, ~ o"s luv ~ pay for vorta on ruads, DIv.4,pf>.85; .Oct. -1a, at 1.80 o'olook P.M the rev. -gravit s ottl on~ii.V~srerfor ttoi o. Ilut aut.-i. r a, for ont- Uni «"e.belvees LOtS 18 end19. <o., au blghway opposte iirop. ry tUr. FI. ïmuas, -1;aile io, ~ W«d cîn.we opposte aroper t h ' h o er W K l e ~ y S t l u ' ebarxe on Collsmtora itoU t ti méte tie Persontberby. Ifetiosa- Ur. Iom tendwed by ait. liran mored 'thaït tii.treasurer grnt Wu ebe.-for lis tolloviaamounttin fqrOr ut the uWs a* b15 .18 ,-MIIII&M K«.r, 10Par or self md dûwr. o «jvoi sUdmaterial for WwkSlam art b»V Mslf A4 uthere tor repeaiug 0ldswalk amd pattillg 14 .ooed be 1Mr. Brao, ti. ie ,graist huaor. dprr -on lbe tg"»»rIeior tiefol-; lvuatii@O0ftt«fvor of thd pet.. tim - Ins, p$&4; Edward Brown. rqpalriag Otrertt% Pjekrlns cwn o$pe, p O.;FramiBratley. wifrk O* sis Div. 1t_#915; Rdbt. Heron, Tooêsorn Paclios - I "Have pw.thes legp,?" -aiked P&L. "IV coorse notPt au swered his friend Mike. "Thîn, bedad,. Oi've swallered a sthraddle-bug. The PEACIIES sold at LAWLER'S haven't but tfley bave every desirable feature. 1*i8i the peach, harvest time, and now 1 ime to buy. You can get but ail good-at A. T.ý Ep is the various varieties, at differing p ri( L<WLE. Phione 47 Whîtby r..appolstu recoxerug ber body. ltuMeluOt tble ICosarttusos Iplca0&e ut the ordlnsry ihat a- womrnte la. Ilu*rocted lho aditrlsefor s4ple Io1w<d ho <ilIm4i>pc.t ufler ' -auci, or ieosiloe eumtunce, wititioaparentty' :.tae s treela emumtt. mrut ut sdligltcst ea*<rt bet nudmati, .the-1tii ollowtgae0ont* coyer whst. becana. ut ber. 8 ' - 1. Ftt4 11 .... ..... tacth glyebgî srite te epusWserbie IJohnaue a ïarl, dineussiouo to many supposItiona., amifRobt. - P asisIt. work,.... te reu'estedly sipreedopignlons tbh It a ss... , ai Otiir totld ,hxve eborlid. JohsnurthIW. w*k ... Coming and Gela gofj 1 Mr -Cm . Cunsuici, r.. v m ue I.*pMeince Lollowst lb i f romTorunu ove Sund. - Tolg cao e l ve am"# bi 1 -im". uILAsnitts OtOCQhswa, a.beIen ï tut !Y.rI ttla ta'4tf *#OsiB, ti vba1îinqg ber sMatert* gr. itruante. Ali gsiboét urtvlala iea bi. as W ouokutwblîy ms of - baaFj WIIca I ahb. o . i btoe S Brantford on ootutar, tunlusg')o. *Ot$,IfraOhg* Ogi auff Mne., w jtwImm*4'anda4têm -M &*t Wek oessiMOt.v sO ~~ pt (s' ut on& a.get.o n 4t qq MmWk. ~M a it. 1>frar WOW o . # and INOW »414 tte Oab" tw 1. tti eodsoacy - de cOuk MpamWof tbesbi tr.tuwnt l t - cut are -aftac lie sud ibu.s - g tW d fora oto ta hg pair of, band nade Boottàaadahos lu a usai aew. W~ 'Tof ossa bellot llaaa i s SierU When 41 i w -1 a t- -Appearance,l DOn't overlook auy Clothing that &D desfrable- featur< by men of fine, habi miade goods mlGai Mon's Suits t 'Youth'a Suite?, Boy 8sSuite, $i R. thé Ibo IL - . à 1

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