'T'he Most Succsfd otPopru Distict in Canadaes .Wl wlth Whuic1tla Incooî ?ublshed uverThbrodoyi the offio Diuda St-, Whi mà etfte andCbrone baiaetii, a tthoe popnpays,0 Sbcjtish ptioS u ;es ou *1.5e if n ItrsdPJopiol -f 1er'Potto ýRot 'ê ~2 rtpint pu/gK the zsnr et ieP fqa er fr publie y abow& inor ii ~ #Uc~wthe Pl ~uhWu~ £ Ythai ýUMOii ,là keaý 1 oss0#. T-é bea> -d1n~h1 a Pob.ndor'Ps i eew to eM4hobrre, 2 A,ýb Zaiiouid b4î»about JuIy *-i5th and1 tfriuE -lc-kx evre4 ti xieuiti$:ar owoegooa epraylug just mpreAd4. and as ,w~e gain 1 n' praying oxpexioeue, t'he nuulber, uf.,ppUc4m- ~ne ~.nhpsbudecmrased &ut &t kari. I isbesth ne~ m w t4e.'cI he oniy erfe<çiÃŽe roew- .4dz jet 4evfleforrte-eont'ol uOf tluq pot~Ats blight. It W eASY- te ýý -ad-e"iy b apply, and whà uie i poiirI &pue and thorougbly ap- r c p104%vrtain tu,11e efeptive. 1?hýe r-~ ~~~~ý onytou1 3obs8terve' nzkm - l;gug .re to usee pure rrosn' mt'«ies i uI thouýe in correcproportions t. ndê îýttLe proper weir, and ln » s,ppjS hn kiW PU the WIXtar on, ti.el incq bAllrig the ieao ftha.tbllght I.R ilkly -to appear. Sparilieeft Buldingel, Torento, June ÃB1. 1907..%it no ware orof intmDênts for(CarrY t-,n&' rent ai» sercury ame -mercury WO-wrnmarely detroy l4e 8fl of A.- anuei and MUX"gtey raono 'the * vbl ysteIT vbia tetln9, .It atiiroiigh the muoou4, eurlasà Bach oe articimei hould uiover b. Umo4 proeA 1on pieacripti0ùfl roa rptt1 p siclansas ~the. damia<'êthq ivwlld: y Ios te« <old to tii. good yuucezijxa- 0 sibly deiriveo irantissun, HaWa Ca.- 0tarrii £cure, muu!acturedLby Fý . - -no umeroury ,and i1% taiken ti re&.I1y acting dlreiiY upon th~e 1iood« land- mumilOii urfk&Opf -tba ystem, Il [J pt~ . odfiep.botb* d%41Y brins fe ouïtlWstio reP Jargon an> ~ Suit fi nFe lglit4 epý.- j8,F wiuuuui .IWJW iraim ýeüéghlt.to r1ee f tieg&sone.wouId atI~oesim tiuiê~~*re 'Gnt 61, woody,Èbr or PU -Whi.Clwould upôsi Ut* stom- My Uag411 mphyslla dtuco rd Wey -te ' set, «round these elmcues lié ersa1 the. lai.f1m ~ pou r lngos i sand :Prune*-4ia-~thoir7ftâte- ~ fre~. of tho r ettrg. i ý e!l itra. t1S',eu~td ties tornued a ilew ç0mpound, é li 1 the euWatvo ffets uof fmhesh ft-.aa tbey could de11vee, Apd gQï htshi ,nhý. uis inst mus. Loule gweet 4d& thtwlu,ýiing for wlhitby anud, pltOhedý agreat' game. Hie ha,;ail kinds of eurvc.q and speed te buro. Uà rrove behind the. bat p1~yed a good gaine and canzht two very .d.filuit fou! illeq. floIpu i M47-Grifin were out or iii g&mne. ,owlog o5 b Ieiiii ,but wil bc la thelr p1Ip)s en S ýtuÈdaY' IInthe teaulu -play cOouirtiSea at Everybody siiou$ se. t4 ffsm oni DOhtnnIù D»y 'betwèn Curtpln And mezaf lu. lixy âgebis-cigoed - utd sportl, anffi peiitbIutercBt l elu taken lI hue coîwlfg game by!.tiie1 It iî reiportêd tijilt Ctirtpi1î b4t' prercislonal tramuer f roi»pJapon tuo round ilbIs» mbÇjhffl. I ~j, ln t-a1klutic te our orIbe. uteted bh.WL In thie, f#pInka. Of cndition, jand Coe.4 tyrow 'llD»ofl ba IWIail d. 'S& %'als ettID e ~~lS rna de to or«r,- alarcr e eAIligoses coul-d mot.-bc- Neill pird thko4 e tdtwn l. ed ùUy the, l4ard (oe tbtler Iipato tii. Park. tiUey sitUaw l taait lnK t ie bp'e nmbe do! out of cwn WAmeu to jqay~ (emoa~. tui, >Ufeo dUU "U11 su - 1 - - 1 J'cittro ta- lilghly 1la 1.4 dbr, f~ bbe-tontes adftMiiIiI» tres were aclded'o< iWlosp~s litb tablet.. ~1eare !",ta-lV'the, woni 4VtiLIver Tablet*s t»u beste.owMUOh &ot"Fruit-.a.4fy e ute th~e *rlut <Wti&te came f.m-clnfthe. iSWisnervbiunffl, kdiie tp6ubI ?h.y are the geta 1o vl7n ;edlclne ln the worl 'ilià théïr at- bu O» llthe tski», ln eleangand beà litt- tlgthe corpîlaroi obn h l'rilt-a-tives"Il ad -seu that .o o p6eipb4d, trom rWtuZt4a-tivi utMteà , -WANT!b Young Ladies, as ThLI3PIONE- o pE RATOR At Toronto. Expetience not ïnecessary. PJermanent Empiloyet. Good wage anipesant? surrounding. p BeU Telephone Cmp» t ud j3 Tuiuipence Stre*i, T«OtntO, Qat. wùtU be tie be1t iii.>'ver beid.. d dnss o i¾ a t$, abc, .; 'Oildxen- l c. 604 epyjp thie 1g tvU,-a. We have for sale tho choiceét "electican o! imp~ov~ am o foe Saskatohewan. Picked wild prairi*elande at temptin fgnres Special for Two Weeks. Au improved f section adjacent to junotion towu ail under cultivation, ail'iii crop, first class in every particular, at $25 per acre.- $1500 cash-. balance to suit purchaser; interest at 8 per cent. This land is easily worth- $80 per acre, at which price the adjacent lande. are held, and to whioh price:thie 8h aUl be raised on the iStil of July. The ýGeo. h N ] g N i W .Bewell Co. Limiteî (Successors to BeweIl & Bewell) Real Eià tate* Brokers and Financial Agents, ABERNETHY, SASKATCHEWAN. le fil fe i! liii 1 1 1- -ns, IEO@NOOI.AS* N@UNO.1'RIP exosmstogs t. JUST- THE TIME to M ake &LM For tbis week we are offering. Toilet Bete at very Iow prices. Regudar $2.75 Setts for $2.25 Regular 3.50 Setts for Reguiar 4.00. Setts for 3,00 guiar 5.00, Sctts for 4.50 pat :25 Stt fr?%4..75 'for t.hîs week ônly. Whby neýtb.auer .ti. article tUN Wi1th uwTt'ot bui 0%or, faellure erial and'labou JnfluentW & Bprayii r~1i. Ont 0tlttute ~ laPe ~ t4f~ X~*1 ta contqJ te beoa km t4'E l Reï have re$-tnrned Teepriesa lai, Julir 7ta-'