S-H WIUKLY NE" 22 SPMMBE, 1955 *SOCIAL ACTIVITIES PERSONALS H... Please phone MOhawk 8-3830. To B hv dMa.R. B. Collins Sr. service at St. Jiohn's Churdh was nW haeretursled fron a tip ta tse taken by the Rev. T. Floyd. Chap ý Wi * United Stettes. lain eat the Ontario Hospital24 ht MiiTina Dufibues was the Mr.adMo Ivan Law were e Ochool , guzet of her aiter in Stretford reent guests of Mr. and MËma tiveso of lest week-end. Ruesell Perins et their homne an trct froi *Gardon Connsso f Brooklin mas tise guet of:hie miser, Mn., Tho@. Sutherland of titce, lest week. 1 Mr. W. 1i. Dodd, 505 Athol t., maaffiong thoae mho acceofally pesoedi the firat year examinaiaoos of tise i;fs Underwriters' Associa-1 tiou of Canada. > Amogthoae from Whitby t- tending the Aohfofd - Noble wed- ding la Tronto lst eek, were. Mr. and Mc. Thomas Aahby and son George, Suras Bt. East, and Mr. and Mms. Harry Hlond, Dundas S. East. Mre. Stenl¶y Strowger, Croydon Road, Whitby, mih ber daughter Siephenie, visited Oakville lst week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. CoIwell1 epent their vacation Ydth tieir daughler and nsinlaw, Mr. and MMbcs C. G. L odfnaiCoswel, Miss Grâce Warema of Toronto was e receni guest f Mise GIais Clwill. Rev. J. S. illier, patWof the BrookEls Unied Churcia, Welcom- ed MAf. Doa eBeton of W)stby lotothe ehoarclaand lntrodssced ber te the congregation. Mmo. Betan fla thse sew ,orgsnisiad choir leader ln tise ehuercla Thse Caihlit Wame'a League are planning ta hold ja Turkey Supper in St Brnerds auditor- ium on satsrday, Ot. 1, fromn 6 pr. util T7pa..A dram iiiha ,made following ties upper. Mr. 'ÈreanliLawrence waa la Toronto for e few daye lest week visiting ber daughter Miss Marilyn Reeder, Corner- brook, NeimfouisdliLnd, was tn iows lest weekeod vimting friendo. Miss Reader, a graduais of thse Ontario Ladies' College and tise Royal Con- aervetecy of Music,>'IToroto, 50W bas ber own radio program, broaa- jcating from Crnesiscook. Misa PaulinseeBgley bas se- turned tu ber home on Centra St. South etter an enjoyebîs holiday in Panama. * The inrriage of Jacquln Thompeon, Rieg. N., daagtr of, Mir. suad Mrs. Garmet' Edgar Thoanpaon, taý Dr. Malcomt Caamp- 41s1!JohnoWain, son of Dr. aÊd-Mmà , Louis A.lohbstôs, Montagses, PJLL, wae solemnizes! la Si. An- ,arswàs ]?resbytrean Chuccis on a'Seati*psber l4ti, 19.M ïfs Tîme Cerruthers, Ieed $OT et tise, Onaro Ladies' College, &pont ibm weeksssd et tias home of ber parents il oroato. Mimaliens McDoweillas la Toronto for tise meekens! viaitlng liey. A. E. lfemp, ractor of Si. Joh nW Anglican Churcis, Port Whisthy, conduetedtho e om-ing oetvica et tise Backsiock Anglican Olure, let Suodgy. Tise ssrnsng, OKO The SRuropea Deicatoesen-Store 103 COLEO0RN» ST. W. speclal in, Meats an thle pa* Sle Mako-Your Choice Front 1.Deliejous SMOK.ED IIAMS COOKED HAMS SMOKED SAUSAGE in a iariety of styles. BACON, flavorful and * tssty. CHEESE For a&l those apecial Continental flavors. W. carr a varety of cheese i for you to choose from. HEY NIBBLEIS.. To introduce oureelvea - ta the. people of Whitby we iivite youte comtlto the store and taste otan deliclous coolted meato befbre M a k i ng your choice. We also carry a fui] stock té Etaropean bis- cits, cookies, patries "nd candY. PUTcII TOKO 101 COLBORNE W Mr. ans! M. A. C. Sitlsbave returned efier e vacation opet la lienfrew and Otawa where tbey visites! frienda. Tise staff of the Whisiby Dairy Mac enjoyes! a Weioec Boasi at the home of Mr. ans! M. J. Luke, 802 Brock St. Noth, Ist Wednieoday eveing. Among thoe praieni wesv Mr. ans! Mm. C. uribeci, Oshawa, Mr. ans! Mrs. A. Sytnyk, Mr. and MM. S. çhurcis, Mra. Clare Begga, Osha M, ro Bam, Mr. Towen, Mrs. C. MGuire'eod Mr. Hency Frire. Mc. D. S. (Warpy) Phillipa of Meaf ors!ba basa vxitiag isar moilser, Ms. . Hlaws, and brother, oraces Rames, during the puat meek. Mmo. A. C. Smith and Mr. R. McClaskeymre amossg thone who attendes!tise meeting of the Women'!s Asxiliary ta Catlsolic Chrcr Exteason hld la Tosronto lent Tueday. lira. C. liglsiholm and! ber sister, Mmr. T. Campbell. have acrived home suter a tares menth' vacation la, Ireland. Tbcy mare met la Montreal on Wsdnesday by Mir. C. Sleigtbolm and Mr. and Mm. James Watson. Mir. and! Ero. arry Ptter of Waterdomn. N.f., are viiting Mr. Poiter's iter, Mos. Tbompsaaa and Mrs. Fred Thompoon of Peter Street.i Judge ans! Mm. iferior McKay of Kenobe ta, Sask., mho have jut retumnes!f romt urope, visites! taie meek mita Mr. sud Mms. E. G. Jonsn and Mr. sud Mca. P. R. Mai- Leod, 207 Byron St. Norths. Mms. Doris Molliday iii attend the New Play Society Gardlen Party ta o ls! elnexl Saturday la Toronto. The proceieds of tise tee milI hae used tomard providing a srholarabip fans! sud for the pro- notion of Mental eltis pîsys. Tise Christi,&mbasadbrsof thee Pentecostel Church met on Mon-N day ayesing, September 12 to en tJ4ir offices. Thos eleetedi fer the coming year mare Davdi Bellsy, prasidet; Noreen Kiussa viceprea.dslt as! Marlon Kine,1 The meany eriendso cf Mms. . A. McUaod wili be plesoed ta know tisaiaise isà mal enougis talbe home9 fgea. Mr&. MLeod mesill re, eatly las the Oshawa Canerai Ho- Misses Gwes sud Marilyn Jones, daughters of M. sud Mms. Alun Jones, '701 Dundes St. West, are eitending Teaciers Cllege la To-1 tente. Mr. and MmMs. >Inaguiro iii b. aitending the Golden Wealding Annivemeary of Mr. pals! M. John1 Sevis, in Tranto *on Seiurdsy,1 Sepiember 24t. Me-a. Maguire sud1 Mrs. Serin are Mater». Miss Ano Cuddy. eldet daugis-1 ter of Dr. ana! Mc. F. A. Cuddy,1 lefi on Wednssday, la commence1 studies aitihe Univerity of To- rentao. Mie Cudaly lae graduate of the Wiitiay Ditrcrt Eigis Scisaol sud la flloing la ber fatlssr'sfootatepa la electing the Pre, Med. couco. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn> Is Local Speaer Mm. M. J. Temblyn, president of the Oshawa Psabytecy Womes Association mas the guest speaker et thse regularly monthly meeiing ai tise United Churcis Womefl'a 'Association held *os Sepienaber 1ttisMes. H.T. Fallaise intro- dures! the speaker. The devotionel mas canductes! by Mc. Jobs Smith. Plans are being made tu sponsor as exhibition ef Smlne handicraft an Schalf of the Inter- national Fellomabip and ta show a film Smitaerlasd. "A Paradise os Eai". A solo by Mer. Rosa Hall mas gcsatly sajoyes!. Tise nexi Imeeting wliiehaos October I. LeftlFor Cotege Maisa Randy Jacobsen, 19 yaar aid daughter sf Mr. andMa.J Jacosen, 1104 Centre St. South, left' lest Wedsesday ta casé. mence the Menace Course is. Arts, Modern Language» and Lilereture t Victoria ClIee, University af Tarants. Miss Jacobsen te a creduale of, thé Oshawa Clegisie ans! Vaca- lions! instituts. Bshe ,isaan auttasding ttudeat lsaving eh- taises! 8 firsîs, 2 secaads and I creails in thse imelve sabjecîs mitten in tIse s-eent Grade XIII examinatians. Joint Meeting Planned ÀAt Uinited Church Mr. A. W. Richardson, King Street, mas boteas te the members of tise Evening Croup of tas United ChurchisWaaen'n Minioneiy s- cieiy ai hec home on Maaday even- ing. Tise opeing meeting ai tbe autaran neanon mas nonductes! hy Preaident Ma. Alun Jones, mho welronted tise nom "membeca ans! guenta. , "No Veniohing Race" ans!"Gant- ing Our Way", the thosagis-pra- roklng eiudy books for tIsecaming yeec,, mecs introduces!tethie gcaup by Mc. . C. Phillipeansd Mc. Rchaa-aýdso'.. Bth of tisasbooku ara concernes! mitI tIse niaionnry *ock.rf the United CIsurcIs 'la Canada, the firsi mtistise!Indiens misa lire mainly ais reservationés aceons our Iad and! tisesecond ilS tise immnigrants misa are cçm- îag te aur ontcy ila mch large numbera frots Europe. lire. Phillipa and lin. Rchardson awska>sed aur Inët n saboms sour respon- siSliiy fror molndei5a dayInadiaa as me!! nas tise Inemnmers ta our communities fram other lands. lira. T. Akey prells over the derational perios!iSicsopenes! mita s8reading by Me.D. Mun- dreit M. K. Clarke lad in pmayer snd the crptura mas givea hi Mmr., Akey. An latereating article on rNewcomers to Canada" mas presented hi Mms.Maundraît. porta mare rend by the scctary, Mca. D. Cetaermooai ans! the treesurer, Mms. Clarke. As invitation mas extenalai the group fronthtIs Woman's Mis- ionary Society ta attend the I npeciel Tisankegirlng thenb-offar-1 ing meeting in the churcb on Mos- day evaning, Octer lai. Rance tisa puul Oriaber meeting iii ha witbdrawn in feor ofaitis ims- portant joint meeting. Mc. E. Freek expreaaed tha appreciatios of the members te tise guent speakersansd ta tee hostes. At tise cluse ai tisa avoaing a noielisour mas sjsied misen re- isesimenta mare serrai by Mc,. T. Akey, lira. A. Arccisbald, Mr&, P. Mandrell, ans! M. Clarke, .Wallace à an ie ident milli et depl, a augis ha desscaimeence' ana sen eri, a uéSsimple langoaga at can, ha anjoyed S! ~parentpsud ahrisr alike. ;uest oarties .- re presenias! mus s beautifl oites, chair ans! other'-gluts. ' Mm., Eliner Papier mas hoatean, a ahomer gives in hec home. ifta ai PyraX WRegasus!Cupn sud lucera mena given isy bisanelis- eus ans! relatives who attendes!. e-s. Eli nor Poster muas aistas la. rvi2g lunchs by Mrs, Mleen GOs! sy*is4 Miss JanBrimimiaig. ita Ford Speaker t St. Andrews' Y.W., Tise Yaqung Woman's Croup ai. tAnaltem's. Yresbyterian Cisurcis ,e taoking inamarsi te Fclday, pi, lird. On tis evemsngihey oe anes a dinasr ans! s ip;ak bieflî et the afisi-eona8 alunns aI ël, will deliver his tan addresa, "Every ChlId hbs Pi Sets of Teechera". We aro v for.tunais la bavisg an apportas ta heur tiiseducetionel eatissa Ris açldreïs milI Se oai isoIresI parents sud ta teachera, li fact suyone intéraoted ila ildren. Isobel Dalby 1 AtPre-Nuptio Miseliaobel 1D or oty Daîbyi tise gusai of ionor t mveral nuptial parties and ahawera meels. Mims a DeSydiugiter of ans! Mm. Ciarlea De.lbya Kent miliib a mrried te Aifres! M Goodl, son of Mc. sud Mâ. fe'odlOshama, an Batus afismnoos, e bhome of tise 1 Gearge C. R.ILicpuae. Misa Joan Brinnt gentertal ai a iacellaneaus shoer ai hume,,114 Brock..SI. ote. W ding hlls sud streamers decans the ci:oans. Assisating lis Ê ning mre lira, Marat Mcg and n. hre 'Marsal Broolin. A -pairti as giveà , itlIse hç Of W.a~ nd lira. Alfred CoOd Oshama, hi their daughtero, h Junèloi an suai McB5tY I gin"; ib honor- of tlsar fut nltraslm e bridaIlai Greenwood IQDE~ Pla=. Bursar? ~meeting mas- issîs! ruJ. Wardl, Mail e a#terlaoan, mus a& edne. M'r. Wsrd, iSe chair. lIce. D. etar rami ber re- îpy mas in charse of sivi.e wmus Mma.A. - sud lira. D.W. ýart. Polioming ibis tesk charge oai a -C "lpBSheet" ur- ace ?itas Nations. d ta have e guesi sé October. meetialg. sIc! ai the home af 1 'Quaitrlhlr Mary l invitation la ax- aé Attend tais rassi- d serrai ligi re- I e oisI Saur mas present, Study Year lu, Us'5. Genevieve du Glard Terrausaletise1 Frenchs nuise mbu became knoiaat as thes "Angel" ai Dien ien .Phu for ber banale nursing ai Fcench, ir o é -d , "n ' the siege f tIsai san hr ia f&micens as tbs arrives in lNew a~rkh ic front France. se e is begin a yeac'a course ini trainingi the pisysically bandi- cappes! et the taâtitute ai PhYical Medicine ans!-Réhabilitation ofsi Bllîirus médical. centre lan Nom yock At tIse.invitation ai the instittlte's d irectaC. Legion Ladi*es opien Fail-Season TIe<firat mneeting ai the fnl! sasosof ttIs eion Ladiea Auxi-1 lIen, mâ,bals! an Wednesay ove- nipg mita lian. B rama preaidisg. Tise meeting opunes! la the nus! mannier. TIsa'minutes ai tis a0mt ntee5ng mers read: hi Mm. A, Ashton. Tie tresuurar'o report mps given Syhi ro .. Murray. Tisank you lttera mZe read by Mca.. A. Ashton. A doastion me, senita tIse "Bave Tise Cbils!rea'i' Fund."ý Furiher plans mare made.fac tise Szasrtatu ba ls! nexi monts. Mca. A. Sienlick gare p repart On tise Centenalal ýCelebratIOn Wsek. Flans mare madle ta invite anteer auxiliecy la Ociotar, for a social evening. Mrs. P. Bartos mas tac sé-lanr ai tac-dram. Tise,.sext meetiang nf tise axiliary mi14 bè on'eptember StIs., BIR TIIDAYS nisaWeekly INems lis. mitIs *y9ur frlposds andaIrelatives ln it4ehlsg gol swx~I sappl rç-e jN tersa eot tise ,dsy.ý IFolloisg le a liat tftisis Pargase hont me bave hae tlis! illI clabrais tiser irth. daya tatore aur assat isse. Congratulatioans ans! beat ithea te Our ceadera mha are celebrating tsribdaye daring tIse weck ta comas Mcm A. R. Sandemson, Pridaya Sept. 93rd; Mrs. . C. Pilllps, Saturday, Sept. 24th; MmB. M. Prasketi, Sonday, Sept. 151h; Mes. Nargcove Clémence, Mens!ey, Sept. Iota; Dr. B. A. Mas!giaa, bMonday, Sept. lOtIs; Rosais! J. Killeas, Mos- day, Sept. lotis; Manier Gary Ferkin, Taess!sy, Sept. I7ib; Misa Margaret Cax, Wednes!ay, Sept. I8th, Mr. Frank Wells, TbutsdeY, Luxuriate iThese - AIISeasousWonders 11V1'8 COLORFUL FALL SPORTSHIRTS Rayon, gabarine and doeskin. Sizes amali, medlunx, large, X-large. Plce range $93to $6.95 NE" Ps LAID LWqED BLUE JEANS' Stasdy 9 oz. denimn Comîilet.ely waahable. Sires 30 ta 38--... r. . in< laùailr Cloth, Kme 8 ta 16 years ........ $3,50 wIUTEy su anactive le capeity or a diren- s mi!! mot Lt .liiornia- wmmn ai iter ta ta gor anr ten st dc laraeae lw dlise? Successfi Sale wy At Aii'-Saits WA. à The reglar devataunsi sas! busi- M#w nasse .metipg of AUi SaintesBile Womaa'a Auxllieny Nas ýed in tesý thes PaiaIs Mail on Tburpday Sep- ing. tentier , Sta. Sciptare reas!lng iros mas taken Si lira. Prics isilomes! asie hi thee ,Litany of- The Living Message" teken Sy the presîdent, " lira. . R. Blom. The ireasurer,I lira. R. R. Quilier reporti bIsehe praneeda frontm loSi saccessli5 Hiome Sakiu n eiuassaage Sale,I Sels! racently. The massalens imets.J seming meetings mil eh el!Ind Tharsa!y, Ottbr il.Chare calendara milI be oderes!&8as souel. PU cItan Ma efflariL ScLto0/./.2bancin % DEA. Ballet - Tap - Character - Toe -Baton - lce-Scboel Masonic Temple, Oshawa, Friday & ,Saturday - U.A.W.-C.I.O. Hall, Ajax, Thursday Information: shawa RA. 3-7253 RINGS WATCHrES SILVERWARE GIFTS FOR E VER Y OCCASION Whether îles a gifi for that spocial sonneone . . . a thanlc-you gift . ..-a pie ..or thet iuta item you wenstad for yourself. W. have a nam stock of aIl thesmsart itenp~ for Faîl . ,. Drap ila nd look ovar the beautifuil acr"> of matches, rings suddailvermara. HICKS JEWELLERY- OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 109 DUNDAS ST. W, WIIBY MO0. ".012 Misa Dmvy'a Crases Missa'elorèace Devy's Croap.of St. Andrelis PresibyteiaienChurcis .W.A. met lest Mondai evenisig et tise home (if Iho presidont, lira. W. Mcllwvaîie, Byron St. Sasis.' Tisece mas .a goos! turn .out af mnembera. Arrangemensts for mwis- tar csIlvXIies 0 f tisa gcoup mre maai. Refreshmeats Ware,#èrved by tise hostess assi"te! Y Me- Stoit. Tise assaimeet ing mili Mina, Onterlo MHopital and!wI take: ihe farm' fai e Hefleén Birthday. Party. WITBY ]BAPTISIÉ M.S. As s ager' gaeép of cblîdren raaglng in aes front 8 yearq 10 12 yeara net ~ifor Mission, Bad evsry- Bandai et 1il e..Ilathe Whitby. aptilaiChurcis. Leader aof ithia group. la Mm. A. S. Wilson. The cblîdrea participati lapart af tisa service iseîd létisaenisurcb, tissa adjoura ta the - Susday Scisnol. This yer e Mission Bindy aio Africa la beîsg cerclsouet. ing- iag of isymna ila greatly snjoyed ilS iss RuilaSinclair t tise pisa. -Any ciildrena isiag ta attend are inviied ta do an. Tise cagular snentbly meeting ai tise Wolnen's anailiacy i St. John's Anglican Church taIs! Place lent Thureday rentng. Miss Cliva Goldrsg presides! for' ths busisesà session. Flans are balng madls for a epeial meeting aext mentis mben tIse. W.A. ai St. John's mwi!! cela- brate'it'a Ota Asnlverssry. ise- bers -w"e lainas! by tise Claver Leai Club and thar frisada for a social tinte ai the inas of tise meeting. lit mRaitbilstirasthat lim. George Res! mas prasentes! mitIs a coffea table sud hasutila flomer raseIsns s. es!in leaviog ta tak e up ranîdece la Guelphs sud mill Sa misses! h ec maay friands bets, - T. ANDJ1EW'8 MA5 TIsa Womsu'e Misiocary Society of St. AaidresmPa'esbytrfeu Cbarcb blsl is fItirfail ns eeing on Tuasday, Oeptessber .1i, Mm ,D. Marshal Praùied.s, 'Passages ai Beripturo mare resd..by Mca. Roy la, prayer. IW-i.Sakpai thast s vistag tslo Wy-il Se able ta ,ta a s oe s~ ~t lssj n ia niisianutuy hok fc t1isyer, Face To ace W se n alims Hoir Styli'ng 135 Brook St. N. . 1WMITBY MOhowk 8-3679 Members from, the Womne's Auxiliaries. of Al Saint's .and St. John',s ICh atended tIsa Dean- eay ae Conference held in port Perry os Wednesay, Septera- ber 2iai. Mms. A. E. Kemp.qf St. John's Anglican Chiscj, .Port Wlitby, gave thé Mssionary address. FOURTH BAPTIST 31.S, TsWomjan'a Miseionlary Socrpety of Fa-its DBaptIat;Chureh millI hold us& t.irst, feu ,meeting Thuraday, September 22, et à 8 -n* nthe ,cbhi. &Il:members are aaked ta be pregéot au an electiln of officero ii take place et this S.pECL ýCItUE TRAIN & Special train MllILs erua for tIhe benefit of thos wlahlng.ta at. tend the Billy Graisare Cruà ede lan Tontô, .Thursdà Y, Sept. 29th. Open Fridey Evemlng COLLINS X RAY FITTlING 119 Brok st.S. NO. 83476 WHITBY COUMTMEPHAIMMCY 11lB-* U s.kSt.N. wi M. 8-t" f