Weekly News Classified Ads Get Resui.ts 2-BARRISTERS TERENC M. M UR, ABr Brock St N., Wfiiby. Phone, Mfoawk 8-3M9. 21 JOHN M. GREER, .B.A.Sc,, Borrister, etc. Suite 3 Whltby Prafessional Buld.g 8-3051, Ont elehae Whtb hO.i-0L,' Onh RA 5.3368.21 7A-ARCHITECTS ARCHITECT-Herbert G. Colî, 1119 Green St. S. MOholwl 8-23M4. '17 8-mBUILDING TRAP9S BE MODERN - Uta Skeca Steel Kitchea Plxfares--TIme paymenta aivoilpble. Pompa, cnd 011 Hleatltg. Weathemal'a Plumblng & Ileotîna. Rt.R. 1 Whltby, MO. 8-3071,2 PLUMBING, fiqalîno. 011 Býumers neei,, 'rémd t sit ourçq yt"eur AIbeitRaà ndallà Soni, 102A Byraon St. Sau6tth,'Mhewk 8-2991. 18 RUSSELJL WILDE, electrical contract-ý lng, naw homes, valer heofers. flic- tures, rane cablea a apecioltl Phon MO. 8-3gV 4. 24 NEW hiI for théolad homne. Veut watts muat look thoîr bonI. Ouar peint and walîpoper stodks-ari comaplefe. Whllb Puint aid Waîîpaper. 123 Broci t N., MO. 8.3488. . 15 JACK QUILTYj Heatlhg anti Air Cote- dltionlneg, 'Sheet Mata I Work. N'Furno and Gà ri-Wood eqsîlpment. Station Rd., Pickerln., Phone Picker- ing. 317, nîglifs,3R 1 and reverse thecdires. . 121 EXCAVATING ami, BACI< PILLING. No lob tan large or lao umaîl.: Pree esîlanotes. A. J,. Horack Contractîng ca., a06 Euclief Ave., Whitby. MO. 8-2524. 24 1 0-HOUSEHOLD RiPAIRS, TOOLS FOR RENT, Paver SoCa Paver Sonder, Pauiter Drills, Flaur Sondera ami Edgera, Cerment. Mixer, Wfaeeibarraw, Hedge Clîpper, Lovai Rollers. 'Extensi L.addera, Stetc. Whitfby Hardware, 111 :Brock S.N. Mg . $3540. , 1 25 il -EPAIRS JEWELLERY and woIch repaina. Spécial core wlth crntiqués and helrkxooma Quiet, reaisanable service. Charles f. Meshaf, Jeveller ami Wa.tchrok. 12a Dundua St. W. Phohe MO. 8-2872. 23 l4-PýIERSONAL SERVICE MRS. MARCN Reeder sud Adylur ADVICI crn bausints. maýrriagil, un aflairs of ifi, no malter vhot your probiema, ahe con und yull help You salve Ihes,. Readinga dally 9 ana,. ta 9 p.m. Hao appointment necessary. 32V2i Kinig St. W.. second floor, front. Phone RA. 5-9954. Acrosa frona Dominion Store, Oshava.4 DRIVE OAILY la Taranlo-Roonae far pasaeaieer. Arrive Toronto 8.15 ana., Irave 5 p.m. Phane Mohawk 8-2236. 17 16-FARMER'S COLUMN H. R. MARE, consultant, foa buti- ness management. Seek incrrased returs frott farnaing by impraveri fisancing asd b usie s a planning. Assistance vith accosmnf s ami Income tas. Thirt yeara' profesalanol ex- perience n=Cd. Phane Mohawk 8-2281 or cli 213 Craydon Rd., Whitby. 30-ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE DAY PAINT SALE THURS., FRI., SAT. O.scontinued lises af Enanel, Interior Finish, f<ertose, etc. 'Values ta $2.95 quart. 99C Quart W. Soit MoOORE'S Poant No Phone Orders MINTYRE HARDWARE BROCK ST. S., WHITBY KELVINATOR Refrigetor. b r a ne di new, 1956 model. Prlced ta bout uiny, city priea. Full factory service. Budget ternes ta suit you. McInayre Hardvore, Bfock St. S,, WhltbY. MO. 8-3560. 28 FOR SALE, choit of drowers, dressing table ami coudi bed. Teiephorie MO. 8-3782. 30oRTCLs FOR SALE BABY 9I-OWER Gihas asd children'u Jolin F. tloughton, Infante' and ,Children's Wear, 102 Byron St. S., MO.,8-4032. 23 NOW la the, timie. -hen insulationt pays especiolly when yuus Pal-O.Pak, mode In Whitby. FÃr fre esîmole See H. H. Goode Ci Son imlted, MO, 8.2917. 23 THE MUNNS PRESS . . . ready ta sve you vllh û11 -types af lob .rntn. 4ý003 ýBeech St,, Whltoy. Phon O 8-3431. 23 WALTONI'S Wood Producs-Kitchen . niphoord unit,, windoaws, store f ix- turres. Ail types et plywoods and malded and plaie, orbort. eut ta 'meaurar. Volley Formn Rd. Phone Pickering 236-. 25 WHITE Kitchen Cabinet, orborite top, Ç las, do ara, reasonoble. MO. 8.230. 15 36-EMALE HELP wANTED CLERKS. WANTED-.Apply in persan l a th. Canadien Sot of Com- merce, Whitby. 17 MARRIED ladies vith tomie selling e=erece,, full or part limie. ApyBO 339, Weekly Newa. 15 HOUSEKEEPER. wanted, live lI pre- ferred. core of ioddler and Iight h6ueri. Phone MO. 8-4032 or MO. 8-405. 16 44-FOR ,RENT Two tmodern bochelor apartnienta. 1 1/1storey hause at Port Whitby. BOWMAN & GIBSON Reail Estate und lInsurance Brokeai Eatobli"iaeOver 30 Yeoira In Whitby 4 Dotent West af Post Office Mai. P. R. MacLead Real EsIaleî Reprementtive Phone Whitby MO. 8-3521 Evertga MO. 8-3544 COUNTY 0F ONTARIO TENDERS For Equipmen.t Seold tenders will b. reeeivrd by the uodersigned until 5 p.m., Wed- nes-doy, April 18, for tht supply of the followiog equipmeflt: A. 3 Ton Truck-cab and choisis aonly. The Counly proposes ta affer In trode on. 3-ton Ford colb and choasais purchased'le 1946. B. Troctor - Looder-Moer---t proolmotely 40 hp. Thç Counly proposes ta offer le trode one Ford Troctor complet. wiali Ski- lise loodler ond power mower. Tenders must b. submitted on fanais whlch wlll b. provided by the underasCned. SLowest or ony tender not nece,- sarily acceptedt. R. E. SIMS, P. Engineer, County Etagiseer. County Buildings, Whitby, Ontaria. BOWMANVILE FRIDIG LO(KER'S SYSTE[M Announces a Plan foi Bettrçr Living!. The Amono Food Plan il b.ing extended ta Whitby ond Oshawa District. Bacous. of the aver incrouing interest in food pions it il of the greateat importance ta know why one food pion Il batteý thon anothor. 1-CHECK. THE QUALITY 0F FOOD FOOD is very important. WE 1have heurs in theý FOOD BUSINESS for aver ton.yeors and have been aossociotod with the Amena for two yeers. Our food sl gueronteed. 3-CHECK THE FREEZER A Quoi ity Freezer is absoiutely essentiel b.- couse the maney yau save with, e Food Pion con be lait if thase faads oren't properiy stored. For, this, reasan we have -chouans thse AMANA STOR-MOR FRÇEZER, the oeiy Freezer guoanteed ta out7perfarm ail athers. 2-CHECK THE SAVINGS A good Food Pion ahould seve you maney whiîo serving yau fine foads. Thot's, why w. continueîiy provida aur customers with the bout foods ot the biggest passible sovinga. 4-CHECKTHE FIRM DEHIND THE PLAN A Food Pion is os gaod os the campony b.- hind it. Be sure ta check the rep utotion of the compony. We ore onily tao giaota refer you te eny af agr cpstamprs as ta their latis- faction ond service, which will prove our reputation for integrity. Bowmanville Fridig 73 KING ST. E., BOWMANVILLE - MA, 3-5578 Lockers WHITSY - MO. 8-3235 On/ AMNA ffers4 'the A mazing STOR-MOR DOOR e Halde more food thon any freezer deor. ... ever 80 pounds . full nsanth of meela ot your linger tipi. a The enfle door with autamatic foa disPensera. Finet package stared is firat package aerved. eIn the Amena. every abolfisl a faat-freezing plate, with extra freeting colla in top and baften, ta freeze food fester. Mointaina aven zera fempera- CLIP THIS COUPON *OWMANVILLIE FRIDIG LOCK5ES. 73 King Se. E. sawaville. 1 ault i ke fuether information e, te bey 1 eau save menep and have berrer food. NAM E ...... ...... MODEL 15 AMANA Iacked by e centurY-aid tradition. WorlePa largeat manufacturera af Food Freezers. THIE WEERLY TIMES-liÃŽ 12 APRIL, 1956 Leaders' Council To Meet Tonight N.ow tbat the Easter iolidays are over the local Cub Packsa and Scout Troopa are back ta their regolar meeting achedulea. The warmn weath er has increooed thse interest in plans ami prepà ra- tiono for outdoor activities and ail are tlainking about laikesaond camping. Thse Ird Whitby Scout Troop vas hoat to memibers of thse 4th Troop on TueadaY evenlng and gamea anad contesa werO enjoyed. The Cub and Scout Leaders Counecil wlll meeli st Whitby United Clurcis l, Tauraday evening, April 12th, et 3.00 plro. The 4th Whitby Treop and Park held a very saiccessaul payer drive in teïr reatheNorth-Eoot