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Whitby Weekly News, 12 Apr 1956, p. 4

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WfEEKLY NEWS 0F BROOKLIN AND, DISTRICT Correspondent - Mms Arfhur Elllott, Phone 74 For, Sols At Varicti' Shop United. Church Woen's Association Groups HoId April Meetings FItIENDSHIP GROUP A.E.C. GROUP lire. J. F. Carnwitis kindly Nineteon mombora 'aere proient *pene br homo on Tuoiday at meeting ef A.B.C. Group if Pvei ig Aprild, for tisa meeting Womnen's Asociation, held at thue 91 tise FriendasiJp Group, aluteen home ef lim. Victor Parinh on mnembors and titres vîsaitorsà ot- ýTnosday evening, April 3rd. tended. lirs. D, E. Rfamer conducted tise ýAsoistina leader, Mrs. C. De worabip service. - aking as ber Jenge, proaided ,foc tise bâfins. medifation, "Confidence I God". lir. Cornwiti led instise Booter Chosen passages ef Scipture 'acre 'aorohip service 'aitis "Tise Lord's rond hi' lin, Win. liedand. Ryn Frayer". fr,. Jqisn Blair rad tise and prayec cioiod waolshlp, Leader Scripfure chosen. lira. McBain, lire. R. iteren presided for busi- ao reîding "Seveni Wonidreua ness period, and ilecision 'as Wordî",. Mns. Cornwitis reid a ade te place entry as a graup 'et group et pestas, relating te tise Brooklil Spring, Fair. Sîxteen Stori'e ot aîter frira. i'tb. Gardon colla 'acre reponted i. do ri et Geesenanel", mhe Road te mentis, lire, C. Dovies gAve on Calvary, tise Croaa, and the Cruci- amusing reading nte , 'Tse fixion. lie. ?4citain tala tise steri Village Taught M4e Ho'a te Drive a relating te tise Croie entltied ,Tise Car". 'Meeting cloood witb' Bone- Legend ef the Dogwood Tres"1. diction, lunnhisend social. haIt heur Tis ver inspiring aid impressive tolio'aed at close et meeting. service cloaed. withs iymnand LN.-AI proyer. Report et visiting, mhowod ToLn-.odmto oï ..clamoe n quilt brot been day evening April led, if fish sompietedi doringmenitis. liembera 11i are working on "lCaiendatr", and home et lira, George Boîake, 'aba décisin was, made te' e tt4endencoet 12 miembera and oee decision s mode te enter visite r. Mmra Fetteciïon, lira. "BoklnSptg or"a a grulli). Croxali aud lira . bicbardBon were John Carnwitis entertined -if group by sowing heatatitole coond in keeping witis tise0 'lidesg ethtp e at aummerp &I aster", lira. Richardson read plarous tise nln St a f a nd p cllsriptbre frein Remas. , pioea iaîed ncidln Batf n lra. Fatteraon gave an article t'ie Calgari' Stompede and, Marny hi' Dr. Walter Fidgeon. li. ra. other placea et Interest, keeping Gordon Cooke sang o lovel' sooo bis, ilstenera entronced 'aiti tise «I ieGro" lr.Pte n narrtionet tse tctues aoan vras In Nov York for Eettr. and descriptions, ef pIacea vlited. 'arb dvr laryadi On behait et gnoop, M .decldvr'lelyadipres., De~ ~ ~ ~ aogeprseiveI'ý tise churcb service abe Do.e ongr" xraad be ppJ!ecltln attendei thora and sermon- giveni fer"tiane te r , nd ,eauit forde hi' Dr. Vincent Pool on tise aubjeet, theotn aod e r6 rn iisfo "Datis and Lite Eternol", and ais tise eo e hor ome.gave description ef tise cisircis. Lunch was aervei iay hstes Lo"'der lira. A. L. leBrien pro. and ,oinnttee and social perlod ulded for business pei)od, roported onjoyed af close et meeting. qolxsrhederbefrKree SUNSHINE GROUP isirftar calendar wai disouss4d mhe Meeting ef the Susie and décisien ade ti maeca1 entry Group efthfie Womes' Asocition if BrobIl5 Spring Fair as.,-a raî iseid en Tu"sdy evening, 5i'ouP. April lrd, if tise homne eof lra, B. lire. E. Croatai condueteel an Nesbltt, 'aitis su attendance et 28 aSusalsg contest on "FIoaers'ý 1nembor, and th'ree viios Plans 'acre made fer saeisting At 1Mos. Weir bad charge et meet- meeting et Wemen's AssocatIonh ing and baaod tise tisemç of tise on Wednesday sfitoon iu Sulk-. wecsilp one "Maito" sud ho day'*cheel rooni et cisuovis Mef- Réesurrection» - itu geriptrs reaj teg closed.,vlth Benediction and *rm S. Johng'.gospel. li. lunch ond ýcap à et fo servd hi' Ple lioynard gave rýesing on coin iftee ond ,oila 1 penleel "s Tis Resurrectlon". Mc,. liorley Oiijtyed. P.oa led Ie priyer. APTERNOON AUXILIART miss Chriegieý Simpson gave an Tierglrmnhy etngt lnsplring and Impresalve talle on Th Ategrontl uieting oe f Maslter quoting tise. Sripture, "lie Women's liiaouary Societi' will that bath eyes te se, lot hlmt son," lýe held on Wednesdoy afferneeni, and "lie fisif bath eîra te bear 1ef Api, oi f23 i. fts hlmisor" r tise beglnning et home et lirs. Cisarles Wilson. tinte, womnen have al'aaye hoon Committee in chaorge: lira.*Loch. ~oking In the service ot theo Lord. yer lire. Dovies and lirs. W. Cncluding talk 'aitis reading and Stevenson. fao sannaus of mn 211, sing hiot fbree stanzie ai proyen. MISSION BAND Leader Mme. S . Lockyet preîuded Tise next Meeoting ot tise Mission foc business eession et' meeting. Band will le hoield in tise Sondai' liembere brougbt in mini' useful Scisool rooma et Broolin United and loveli' articles for "Tise Chuci on Siturdai' ateroon, Éanasr" ahicis vere sold af close Aprul 14tis, if 2.10 p.m. This 'aili af Meeting and tise aura et $13 hae tise annuel "Boiter Thino- reahized.tLeAder thanked ail 'abs efering" meeting. Vistora viii had confrlbuted te makIng tis ieh mont Weicome. Tise Leader, sucis a oucese, Meeting closed Mm l ra ilpi Weecett, in miking wîth bénédiction and lunch watt plans for guent aseer ta hot jn aecved anid social peniod enjoyed., ottendance. CLUBS AND GROUPS The Home and"Scheool ,Associ- ation vili meet on Tueay ove- pneg, April 17, it tise achal. Re- ports vilI ho given et tise Hoine and Sciseol AeaocialaOn Convention iseld ie Toronte on Tueiai, April $rd. Tisere wili stho o public apeaklng -content hi' pupila et Grade 5 aid up. RELIAJILE CROUP Beliahie Croup of tise Wonien'i Assoiaton met on Tueeday atter- nmon, April 8rd, nf tise home et lira. Don. Severa. Tise meeting tonk tise terni of a quiltina, visici ira& coinpiefed, toc haie for Korea. lim, Stevenson coilucled thc de- vrotional on "Bister", lira. Leu Éird basrd tise meditiation on fsenie "Because lie Rose*, lira Beckiy Sisarcdin *'The Porable ef g"KMru. Dowling ottered prayer, celng veraip, Thore wcre 11 monihora prenant, two colla vers reported. lie. Loi Bird reportod item for "Peure". Nexf meseting 'all hoe behl if tise baie et lira. Douglas Jarcson wif h lira. Llyod Frouse in charge of worahoip. VAITBFIJL WOBKBRS Faitistul Workera Groop et Uic Womee's Association met on Wed- nesami atterason, A pril dtis, with 12 ienihora in-affendunce. I lra. G. Hunter preîeuted the I aster Ster', lira. A. Cooper sa"a tise Inipressive solo "Tise O Id Mur- Cool, praaided foc business period. A isauaic vas ield sbnong niena- hors 'ahicis uettedl $13, mil s dem- onatrotion et WesS-Ever Bruis Praducte vis etl. Eigisteesi colis vere ceporfeul. Lunch and social penld foilowed clone et meeting. PERSONA4S David Iteron, son of lir. and lirs. John Heroni bas been con. tined to Oshawa General Hospital for eeveral weeks since receiig lot degrees. barns .sutfered when he upaot a kettie of bollng water. Little David in progresslng faor- ably, Itoberta Locleart apent' thse Boiter hoiidays witis bor grand- mother, lira. Irwin, Oshawa. S14 Lockyer ie progresing favorably frein his severe bout of pneumonia. We wiab him 'speedy recovery. Marie Neida of Little Current, Ontario, waa a goest during Maer bolidiya at tise home of Mr. and l4rs. Win. Me~dland. Alan Holliday who han spint tise paît few nonfis in Norando, or. rived et tise bonie of bis mother, 1frs, F. M. Holliday, laot iweek for a few dsys vacation, ai te vioi hii uilo, Anne, and soni, Rieky. Alan 1.ft on Monday for Montreal, tison toLabrador andils'aie, Anne, and soný Rleky, 1.1t for ber home In Winnipeg, aliere aise wili, romain 'aitis ber 'netier unti! bloi refurn. Sate jounosi to aIl of theni, and our boit wlishes. -Severil froni llrookcli attonded tise turlcey aupper ait Myrtie oO Wedneaday evening, April 4tis, boit! at-Myrtie United Church. Congrofualflons are In order for 8111 Dyer, son of Mr. and lira. W. C. Dyer, opon obtainlog an ap- polntmnent on tise staff of tise week- hyi' ue'apaper, Swift Curcent Sun, at Swift Cotrent, Sask. Bill leflt BrookUin on Good Frday to corn- 'meiso hi, jonrney ti Saiskatche. waii. lie wish it ail succais on bis aIew venture. Min. M. Lester (Dorotis,> and jons, Donaldi sud John, froin Mont- relare rspexlng a ew days hoi' duys t~ thelihome oif ber parents, lir. uad Bin. Arthur Boyes. M Br. itlcil Suthoerland ef Te- ronto, waa o eekend gesat of Mr. mnd lirs. Ed. VaoHforne, lirs. Victor Parkf n lias ceturned -home aftor apendlng o to'a days hoiida>e 'altis: Mr. and Mms.,N.:IL Stevieison>ad ciidren et'Burlif g- ton, lira. Wni. Mornison of Beaverf on la viiting for a tew days at the home of ber daugister, Mr. and! lira. George Boahe. Trip To Farmis TAen By Meinhers Approximateli' 70 niemberi (tao bus loads) et Pool Counfi' Hlstein Breeders Association comprlsed ef men trom Uxbridge, Brampton and district enjoyed a tnIp te Osawia, Brookie and York Counti' on Tuesday, April Srd, leaving arend 8 a.m. In tise torinoon a viait was mode ti Gearge MeLaughin tarai, Oshawa, and aite te "Boy Brook" tarin owned hi' Roy Ormia- ton, Brooki. At nion niombers eft tie Brookiin WomËens Instituts nerved tise turkey dinner in tise Sondai' Schogi rooni of tise United Churnh, Brookiin. A heaty vota of thanca 'as exfended te tise la- diea for the accommodation and a moigf enoyabie dinner. Tise parti boacded the buses anud Made their way te Yacht Connty, caiiing ait tise liaooey Marris -tari end Re- mendai. Paiu end.freoin thea., con- finued on fiseir hlomeard joornoy. BRIDGE SCORES Dupicate bridge baeld on Wed- na"daiY. Apri 4, bad tise tolhowing higis scores. Mma WS. Mediand, Mma Rb.ert Heron 36, Mr. ail Mrs. Jlack Patiterson, Mir. Wu. Heron and Sîd Leckyer,31%; John MWlar, Ted Héeron .35; Mir. and Mro. Wadeii 30%, lirm Wm. A. Heron, Jamei Cuvfei 30. FEWER DIVORCE Froni 1947 ti 1953 thue noinlir ef divorces in Canada dropped f rom 8,199 te 6,79&. -Quick Canadien Fadto IBrooklin. Juniors J lIn Saturday Gamne By LADDIE LYONB A anow-swept isigisvay taîleif te prevont on entisusiastic cravd et Broolalin faona treim witnessing the fourbis gaine ofthfes see-saw meries if Port Forci 14sf Thuradai' evenlng. A crQevd ef close te 800 jammed the orana ai fao evenly-mibched. squada bîtfled for aupremaci' in 'the race for tise Ai-Ontario Juior "1D" Champion- sii. Blrimn led flue îeriea 2 gaines.te 1 if tise sforf but 'the BroiklinitegaÉsowed fiseir undying wll-power to camne bock and 'aie 8-6 fi tio tiso socles et tise boit of Brooôlin , teok commrand' jfroin tise efart and led 3-1 aif tise end ot the liret period -ad 6-2 af tise oind et tise second. Itovever, tise, quIck- brealfina Elmîro foira rade tiso hoitf tr the, Juniorsanmd forced Brooklie. te pla' if, safe in tise lait. perid Us Zlmina proaaedl Opena sconig Cornisis e pened tise sroring 0f 7.41, Tiss vas followed fao minutesa liter 'ahen PerdtTni coin- blid on à 8-vu' pasait pla' te cotl inotboc Paul liek-put the Weafeert bock intise iruning if 11.19 onli' ta have Don Tran bang: one in freon Merri' Jones to givo tise Iscala a 2-goal 1usd. Gihoon Scores Elmio Gihoon breke througs if the 32 second mark et the second p1eclee te pop one te beWind Sisantz, hie wai aided hi' Cirnegie and IL Joues. Deug. Vipoed thon scored frein Gihoon and Carnegie if 2.41. molin Muri' Bruacicer scored af 6,89 te give the Elmni squad a iew hope. Fiay' 'ent hock CpI. Bil Elliott Noir In France Cpi. Bill EUitt, R.C.A.F., son et lir. and Mos. Arthsur Elliott, bai hoon frinsterred tram Bidon.- Seilingen, Gecinn, te hrei' quartera af liets., France. Word 'aa receiveel hi' tise ,faili tise veel. Cpi., Elliof t het _Canadaoýon April Atht 1955, 'aifh hle vite, Yvonne, aid ion, Bryon, te apenel' thrée, earm lu, Gemmani'. Tisoy are. tinding ,conditions quite different lin France. Accom- modation la diffacuît te find and cents.are higis aven 'ait pon con- ditions et lighf, vaInc and iséat. Tue one new ofofioneti nli' 120 mles- frein t1idir former homie in Germini' se 'il ie hoable te con- tine the frlendahips mode tisera during the pasf'year. WASBING CLASSES To keep glasavanoe iighly po- lished, 'aai glaises in bot 'ater confaining one fablospoon et naîit te each quart et voter. De nef use oey p or othar 'aihing compoonids. B rue in'edean bot 'ator and i'ouc glasavre yul shine hile cri'afal, oit Ehuira At Port Perry suid forth as hofis goalfenders wei-e toited. BobhCarnegie tinalli' tounul pay dirt if 11.04 te eood tise acening te tiseponiod. . * RuInra Diminetes Tise locale sbîctod the sconing in tise tisird os Don Tran pileked up bis second goal if 4.36, Emira dormnafed play in fthe third with Boa liruaocir, Ermer Goode, Wilkins and lIencici eachi counit- inig. Bcooitlin refaliatod 'aifhii lone goal hi' Naît P ascoe - troin Grant Jones and Paul Tran. Tise Westetnens poeased censtenti, but Jack Owens turned tisera away ifis fise belpi ot a sold doenoe. Tise, fift ,ame-at tise beot of 7 oiavspiayod Tuoaday ta EImmura 'awhIle theo sixh %viii be plai'eo gaterdai' nlght if 9 pra. in fise> lPont Penri,orèni. Brooklin Lacrosse Club P)reparos' Af tise aninusil meeting Pfthfie Breokîbe Lacrosso Ctub held re- rently, tise tollowlnt veno îp- pointed , te office for tise 195e mein. As president, Bort Ormia- tn; -sec ratai', ýAllan Rudiu; freisuren, John- Viponud; Manager, Allain 7ackoi'; and Glen Iteazon. Tise cap tain anti go-ciptoinî et tise teea are te ho alecteul liter. Bîrl Onnoiston WaIl hoe rernera- erod hi' mini' ef tise tecrosse.fans in Breolelin, ai a. player 'aits Brolilelin fIlusa before tise lent van, when 'lacroso vas playeti ootdeors Inb thé aiod bevl. Tisa other membere et the Lacrosse Club exe;ùtive requiro liff le introduc- tien te locol fans. 'Watcis the News toc future msenceluont$ e neoar nîin g fise Broolie Locrosse Club, who, vili play' agiuot Whitbi' Lacrosse Clubs tihs seumer. BROOILIN UNITMD Af Uic Sondai' nornlng service held. at Broodlin Ujnited Cburcb, Bey. S. J, Hillion occoieAflue puai- pi. 'Tise sermon vas baod en "Tise Steri'he Ré Bsurrection," frora tise gospel et St. Lu>e. j"Wes lb tise beginning or the osnd?" Tise end et suffeclng and hoginnn et nov lite 1tiscougissacrifice on tise Cross of Calvas'y of, our Seviour Jess Christ lire. BaRIlls Wescotf sang ver' exprosiveli', "Father Tui, Ifeaven," irceaiuioed hi' Doris Beston, organiat. Cisurc saervice waI ho as uîoai Ooexf Sundai' nioming et 1l ar. RobertG. Eckel Florist Greanisouses A Nurseri' a billes North o Birusi Phone Drooklin 190 SEED GRAIN, CLOVIER 'AND GRASS SSEDS W. woold caution formera t. pick up flace seed groin riglat owsy, es stocka ore becomhng lisafls Hli H. GOODE & SON# LIDO 601 BROCK ST. M.- Whitsy 8-Z2917 MYRTLE STATION Irooki 601R5

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